Homework III Partial

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1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences and


1. What are you doing right now?

2. Does he go there often?
3. They´re working late tonight.
4. I never read books.
5. I´m studying in my bedroom now.
6. Most people finish school at eighteen or nineteen years old.

2. Complete the sentences with the simple present or present

continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. I am reading right now.

2. He goes to New York three times a year.
3. They visit us every summer.
4. How is Erica getting to work today?
5. I don´t drink coffee very often.
6. We are watching a really good TV series right now.
7. I usually have juice for breakfast.
8. Please be quiet- the baby is sleeping.

3. Read the information. Then Complete the text about James.

James usually has tea and toast for breakfast. He wears a suit. He
works all day. This week, James is on vacation. He is having
coffee and croissants for breakfast. He is wearing shorts and a T-
shirt. He is having a great time!
can can´t

can´t can
can´t can

No, she can´t.

Yes, he can.
Yes, she can.
No, he can´t.
No, they can´t.
Yes, They can.
can park here for one hour.
can pay with a credit card.
can´t ride a bike on this street.
can´t walk on the grass.
There are
There´s a
There´s no there´s a

There are
There´s no
There are no
There are
There´s a

Is there a
there isn´t.
Are there any
there are
Is there a
there is
Is there a
there is
Are there any
There aren´t
Are there any
there are
in from of

next to
in from of


The beach is very busy today.

The stadium is not very full at the moment.

You can buy really beautiful presents at the market.

This is a pretty old apartment building.

This café is not expensive at all.

I´m reading a pretty interesting book right now.

There is a pretty bathroom.

I work in a very tall skyscraper.

I live on a pretty quiet street.

There are very expensive clothes.

My sister isn´t busy at all.

The food isn´t very good.

Very busy
not expensive at all
really good
are very crowded
very clean
a very good
really cheap

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