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Kenya Isller

Ellisor John

Block 1

February 25, 2020

Youngs, Chapter 6

The Continental Congress declared independence from Britain on July 4, 1776. This was
a year after the Battle of Lexington and Concord, where Patriots successfully defeated the British
army. To continue this success, the Continental Congress believed it would be in their best
interested to form a continental army. The Continental Congress appointed George Washington
the commander in chief. Congress believed George Washington was a logical choice because of
his military and political background, body structure, faith in the declaration of independence,
and confidence. George Washington’s 43 years of military experience allowed him to put
together a vigorous army. His military tactics would allow the colonies to have the bloodiest
battle at Lexington and Concord. After this battle, he proved to the Continental Congress he was
capable of leading an army to war against the British. George Washington was a strong believer
in the declaration of independence. To prove how committed he was to the cause, he declined the
offer of being paid and said his form of payment will come after they won the war. He knew that
gaining independence from Britain would be the only way to leave her strict control. The
Continental Congress believed it would be in their best interest to form an official Revolutionary
army. Many of the troops that enlisted were farmers and men from a military background. He
was able to inspire confidence in his troops during their lowest times. His Virginia background
and political background allowed him to focus more on the role he had to play in the Revolution
and lead the army to a victory. Another reason George Washington was picked as commander in
chief was because of his appearance. He was able to impress Congress with his “easy
soldierlike” aroma. He talked to British representatives with massive dignity and a direct
penetrating stare. His aroma would demand the British representatives to respect him and refer to
him as “ Your Excellency”. All of these characteristics assisted the Continential Congress on
choosing George Washington as commander in chief. In return, this well-rounded individual
shaped the Revolutionary army to be successful and defeat the British.

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