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Speaker notes for SCG Volunteer Recruitment Powerpoint

Slide 1
 Service saturdays
 Intern program
o 6 teams
 Garden Team
 Food Systems
 Green Certification
 Marketing
 K-12 Outreach
 Special Events
 Graduation with leadership distinction, coaching program

Slide 2
 We choose to focus our mission around the 3 pillars of sustainability
o Social 
o Environmental 
o Economic
 Through the garden, we can meet all three of these requirements
o The garden provides a safe place where people can engage
socially and grow together
o The garden provides an environmental benefit by producing food
using less fossil fuels than the massive agriculture industry and
also takes carbon out of the atmosphere
o The garden promotes economic sustainability through the sale of
goods at the farmers market, the profit of which goes back into
maintaining the garden
Slide 3
 Started in 2007 as student plots and has now grown into a fully
functional student-run community garden
 In 2012 the Greenhouse was established allowing us to plant ahead of
seasons and do transplant seedlings rather than direct seeds
 All organic methods, GAP certified
 Hope to be able to sell to the school soon via McCutchen House &
Aramark partnerships
Slide 4
 Mimicking nature and the way plants naturally grow
 Agroforestry (forest garden), plum, pear, mull
 Hugelkülture, hill culture ; layers of rotting wood, sod, compost,
compost, topsil, and mulch, the wood acts a sponge to retain moisture
and it slowly releases nitrogen.  The compost provides nutrients for the
plants and mulch also retains moisture and prevents weeds from
 Pollinator/ Butterfly garden
 One form of Sustainable Agriculture we practice in the garden in
Polycropping. Polycropping involves planting more than one crop in the
same area or, in our case, bed. The planting of multiple crops in one
area is beneficial because it promotes more biodiversity. With more
diversity, our soil is stronger and healthier (more nutrients) and our
plants are better protected from pests and diseases.
 Example of this is the three sisters:
o beans , squash, corn

o Corn grows tall and needs lots of nitrogen in the soil. Beans grow
up the corn and transfer nitrogen from the atmosphere into the
soil. Corn takes up that nitrogen. Squash has spiky stems that
pests avoid climbing and is also a ground cover that protects the
roots of corn.
Slide 5
 A system of growing plants without soil
 Constant flow of water and nutrients
 Located in greenhouse
 Maintain certain alkalinity, electrical conductivity
 Goal to provide lettice to dining halls on campus
Slide 6

 We are a vendor at the Healthy Carolina Farmers Market on Greene

Street, every Tuesday morning during the summer and school year

 Make sure to check us out!

Slide 7
 All of that being said, once again, our garden is run by the work of
students and student volunteers so please stop by the garden
sometime this semester!
 These are our weekly garden shifts, feel free to show up, you can sign
up on our website or just stop by!
 Garden guides, who are interns in the office of sustainability and have
weekly shifts in the garden, will be there to help guide you and work
with you in the garden!

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