Status of 5G (March 2020)

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What’s the status 

of 5G globally?
By Catherine Sbeglia

JUNE 2016
MARCH 2020

Report Sponsors:

Introduction the world that offered it within the which will be in China.
5G has taken the world by storm. technology’s first year. By 2025, claims the report, there
While everything about a 5G deploy- “With 5G, though,” he continued, will be 2.6 billion 5G subscriptions
ment—from the rate, to the scale, to “[the U.S.] alone already has 24 live globally and 5G networks will car-
the success—depends on the specif- networks. The buildout of the net- ry nearly half of the world‘s mobile
ics of a country or an operator, it works is happening a lot earlier in data traffic.
can be argued that, without a doubt, the cycle than it did for 4G across VIAVI Solution’s report, The State
global deployments of the latest ad- the entire globe.” of 5G Deployments, now in its
vancement in cellular technology According to the most recent fourth year, looked at the aston-
are occurring at a much faster rate Ericsson Mobility Report, roughly ishing growth of 5G from a slightly
than the generations before it. 50 service providers around the different angle, showing that, as of
To demonstrate just how quickly world have already announced January 2020, commercial 5G net-
5G is becoming a reality worldwide, the availability of commercial works have been deployed in 378
Ericsson’s Peter Linder, head of 5G 5G networks, and that momen- cities across 34 countries.
marketing in North America, ex- tum is only expected to continue, Kashif Hussain, director of mar-
plained that when 4G was rolled producing 13 million 5G subscrip- keting at VIAVI Solutions, said he
out, there were four operators in tions by the end of 2020, many of is actually surprised by the amount

Mobile subscriptions by technology (billion)

Image courtesy of Ericsson


“There are a lot of different more small cells. That massive

circumstances that cause an op- amount of infrastructure involves
erator to pursue something faster policies and it is important to have
than another,” she offered. “But, those policies in place,” he said.
generally, 5G deployment is driv- U.S. operators are well aware of
en by either a need for additional this, and a statement from U.S. car-
capacity […] or an intense need to rier Sprint revealed that munici-
somehow drive down cost by virtu- palities in each state have “widely
alizing the network.” varying practices on approving
small cell installations.”
Policy “Local governments may prohibit
It is perhaps not much of surprise access to rights of way and right
that one of the most common factors of way structures (i.e. light poles),
that impacts a country’s rollout of have burdensome processes in-
“Generally, 5G deployment 5G are the policies and frameworks cluding zoning hearings and long
is driven by either a need for in which an operator must work. approval times and/or high appli-
additional capacity […] or an The government plays a critical cation fees and annual attachment
intense need to somehow drive role in providing a favorable envi- rates,” the statement read, adding
down cost” ronment for 5G growth within its re- that issues like these can lead to de-
Terry Young, Director of 5G spective country or state in a num- lays in network build outs.
Product Marketing, A10 ber of ways, including adding and According to Sprint, 20 U.S. states
updating infrastructure policies have passed small cell legislation,
of 5G deployment happening. and regulations and ensuring the al- to date, and at the federal level,
“We are seeing a huge momentum location of more licensed spectrum. proposed legislation and regulation
and especially as far as non-stand- Linder demonstrated the neces- has shown a varied approach.
alone 5G is concerned, a lot is al- sity of securing the policies and But policy is only a fraction of
ready happening,” he stated. frameworks designed to support what makes significant 5G growth
Of course, as Terry Young, direc- the buildout of the necessary infra- possible, and therefore, what deter-
tor of 5G product marketing at structure using the United States as mines how a particular country is
A10, pointed out, it is nearly impos- an example. faring in the global race to 5G.
sible to provide a true comparison “With small cells in the U.S.,
between how different countries you’re talking ballpark 300,000 Spectrum
and operators are approaching towers in the country […] and over For LitePoint’s Director of
their 5G rollouts. the next 10 years, we are adding Product Marketing Adam Smith,

Attaining Right-sized, Reliable Fiber Fronthaul

Deploying a 5G network is complex—it is not simply upgrading the 5. It must have perfect timing and synchronization. Latency and
RAN and the core, rather 5G deployment brings layers of complexity, jitter cannot be present, especially for mobility and URLLC applications.
each intertwined with the next. To overcome the myriad challenges a
6. It must be easy to manage and maintain. Network failures in
successful 5G deployment encompasses, it is essential to understand
fiber fronthaul have to be quickly resolved and high reliability for
the cause and effect implications of every decision. Each choice can
time sensitive applications must be achieved.
impact the cost and the strength of a service provider’s business case.
And, for SPs with multiple service offerings, a scalable access fiber
5G has three core use cases: enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB),
architecture that can easily support residential, business, enterprise,
ultra-reliable low latency communication (URLLC), and massive
and 5G midhaul/fronthaul on the same platform is essential.
machine type communications (mMTC). And, initially not all use cases
will be implemented. For example, URLLC applications require certain
network enhancements that early 5G deployments may not be able to Testing the 5G Network
deliver, but from the SP perspective, planning for those requirements 5G’s massively larger bandwidth demands a much denser fiber
is essential for a future-proof 5G network. Building the best network fronthaul, midhaul and backhaul network. This means not only more
infrastructure to support 5G use cases is the top priority for all major fiber cables and end points, but also a higher order of multiplexing
SPs and to achieve that goal upgrading the underlying fiber network which in turn increases the complexity and scale of fiber testing.
that connects the radios to the core is the critical first step to success. Previously we had a pair of fiber cable connected to a radio. Now, this
While deploying fiber is costly, the benefits undeniably outweigh the has evolved to upwards of twelve or more fiber pairs per radios. As a
deployment challenges. Fiber offers higher bandwidths (required for result, a visual fault location tool will not suffice to validate fiber signal
eMBB) with less attenuation, resists electromagnetic interference, integrity. Technicians may see light at the other end but will have no
offers lower latency (URLLC), and with improving multiplexing way to validate a specific wavelength path is correct.
technologies, can accommodate capacity growth on the same fiber Further, in a WDM system, testing for correct power levels will
infrastructure. require different set of instruments. Many fibers will drive more MPO
connector deployments, which will require an MPO light source and an
MPO tester. Ultimately, fiber field installations will be more complex

HOW MUCH FIBER with significantly more MPO and xWDM deployments.
This increase in the number of fibers and the types of connections will

drive the need for SPs and their contractors to have easy-to-use fiber
test instruments with integrated test process automation to scale 5G

Still, SPs grapple with fundamental questions: How much fiber is

enough? How can fiber infrastructure investments today be leveraged The optical infrastructure serving fronthaul, mid-haul and backhaul
for success as 5G matures? and they face the reality that without must be flexible, agile and futureproof to meet 5G high bandwidth
high capacity backhaul, mid-haul and fronthaul, their customers’ 5G demands and significantly higher cell-site density. Topology of the
experiences will not be any better than 4G. Moreover, unaddressed fiber infrastructure chosen must be considered to maximize return
latency issues introduce the same risk to the 5G business case. on investment from short-term deployment to long-term network
Applications including virtual reality and connected cars demand a growth models. Managing and maintaining fiber infrastructure will be
delay-proof fronthaul. a constant operational expense that must be considered at the time
of deployment. Having the right test solutions for maintaining fiber
The Balancing Act networks will be key in delivering high quality of service at low OPEX.

Identifying the right fiber topology for deploying a 5G network is the

key to making the business case pay off. A variety of fiber fronthaul
VIAVI Solutions is the industry leader in fiber test and delivers the
network topologies and technologies can be planned and implemented
most comprehensive end-to-end network test solution. With a fully
based on correct understanding of the requirements and goals of the
integrated portfolio of cloud-enabled instruments and systems,
network and getting fronthaul right. What does that mean?
software test automation, and services for network testing,
1. It must be cost efficient. Deploying fiber is expensive. If dark (unlit) performance optimization, and service assurance, VIAVI is positioned
fiber is available, it should be used initially and as capacity demand to assure operators and their partners a smooth 5G network roll-out
increases deployment of a next level of multiplexing (WDM) system and sustainable network lifecycle.
and future planning can increase network capacity.
For more information, visit
2. It must be flexible. Fronthaul must allow different applications
with different latency and jitter budgets to work on the same fiber
3. It must be transparent. Fronthaul should allow multiple services By Kashif Hussain
with varying quality of service (QoS) to be implemented.
Kashif is the Director of Solutions Marketing
4. It must be agile. Agility will enable quick delivery of new services, with VIAVI Solutions and has more than 20
allowing for dynamic allocation and release of network resources years of experience in mobile networking and
required by different services. The ability to dynamically optimize wireless technology.
network connectivity also will be a key component of 5G fronthaul.

the most critical aspect of the assessment, referring to mid-band

conversation is spectrum. as the ideal band.
“Spectrum is the number one “In general, that’s where you want
thing that differentiates 5G rollout to see a lot of deployment because
from country to country,” he stat- there’s large chunks of the spec-
ed. “There are some countries that trum available and at the same
have been very aggressive at open- time, the coverage is relatively de-
ing spectrum for 5G.” cent,” said Hussain. “The coverage is
He also explained that 5G, con- not as good as the 600 MHz, but it’s
ceptually and literally, is a bit not as poor as 28 GHz and mmWave.”
more challenging than previous “In the U.S., in particular, we have
generations of cellular technology low- and high-band, but we don’t
because while it is simply referred have any mid-band currently allo-
“North America is leading
to as ‘5G,’ there are actually three cated,” said Smith. “The plan is to
with 5G”
discrete deployments. have that spectrum opened in 2021.”
Kashif Hussain, Director of
“There is low-band spectrum, China, on the other hand, has
Marketing, VIAVI Solutions Inc.
mid-band spectrum and millime- been proactive about opening up
ter wave/high-band spectrum,” he mid-band spectrum, and according
elaborated. “The goldilocks of them to Smith, those deployments should Further, with the U.S. CBRS auc-
is the mid-band.” ramp up rapidly in 2020. tion, which will address the 3550 to
What makes mid-band—the 2.5 3700 MHz spectrum, slotted to take
to less than sub-6 GHz space—the 5G in North America and China place in June of 2020, as well as
sweet spot, or the goldilocks, of The two markets that always plans to make spectrum available
spectrum, is that, while you can seem to be on everybody’s mind in the 3100 to 3550 MHz and the
only get the speed with the high- when discussing 5G are, of course, C-Band in 3700 to 4200 MHz blocks
band and only the coverage with North America and China. on the horizon, North America is
the low-band, the mid-band is al- And according to Hussain, there is preparing for a strong next few
most like a combination of the two. a clear winner. years of 5G development.
In other words, you get much bet- “North America is leading with However, while it is true that in
ter coverage than the mmWave, 5G,” Hussain claimed, adding that 2019, 5G became a commercial real-
while also getting enough allocated the different flavors of 5G and the ity for all four of the major U.S. car-
spectrum to achieve some of the varying and innovative technolo- riers, Hussain and Smith both point-
speeds promised by 5G. gies being deployed in the country ed to critical areas in which North
Hussain agreed with this is a testament to that lead. America is lacking, especially when


Images courtesy of Ookla

Speed testing authority Ookla tracks various categories of 5G deployments—pre-release, limited The number of 5G networks in China.
availability and commercial availability. This image shows the number of 5G networks North America.

compared to its closest rival. to get to market quicker.” in the spectrum that makes sense
In China, explained Hussain, there “But that being said,” he contin- for 5G is probably something that
is more going on in the areas of net- ued, “a lot of the fancy features we China has done better than the U.S.”
work convergence, network slicing talk about with 5G, like low latency North America, which has made
and network virtualization. and so on, will not be achievable great use of both low- and high-
Smith added that, unlike a lot of with a non-standalone network.” band, continues to have a hole in its
other countries, the U.S. included, The motivation behind China’s mid-band coverage, while in China,
China has made the decision to decision to include standalone as securing mid-band—previously re-
deploy standalone 5G “right out of part of its initial deployment may ferred to in this report as the goldi-
the shoot.” be due to the advantage of building locks of spectrum—for 5G has been
“For other areas around the out a native 5G network from the a priority.
world,” Smith offered, “the ground up, rather than spending
thought is around protecting in- the time to evolve a 4G network Highlights from other parts of
vestments in 4G and non-stand- into a 5G one. the world
alone is a simpler way of doing In summary, Smith stated, “North South Korea
that. There are pros and cons to America has some great technolo- According to the Ericsson
both. I can see it being less expen- gy, but from a readiness to deploy Mobility Report, South Korea has
sive to deploy the non-standalone and scale, I think China is probably experienced a big uptick in 5G sub-
first, and that it would be easier ahead. Deploying infrastructure scriptions, with around 3 million


subscribers recorded in just a few A10 Networks has been working

months. Further, according to VIAVI closely with SK Telecom, the largest
Solutions’ latest The State of 5G mobile operator of the three, sup-
Deployments report, South Korea plying the operator’s 5G network
is leading the rest of the world in with a number of hardware and
terms of the number of cities with software solutions, including its
a 5G network. Thunder Convergent Firewall and

Image courtesy of Ookla

As of January 2020, 85 cities in an application delivery solution.
South Korea have 5G availability, Because of this close working rela-
followed by China with 57, the tionship, Young has seen first-hand
United States at 50, and the U.K. how SK Telecom is approaching the
with 31 cities. rollout of 5G, and according to her,
While those numbers are impres- the operator is leading the industry The number of 5G networks in South Korea.
sive, South Korea has shown itself in a number of ways, and not just in
to be an early leader in 5G. South Korea, but across the globe. ($3.3 billion) for the spectrum.
By August of last year, data “They are leading in terms of the In April, SK Telecom rolled out
showed that only four months state of deployment, the rapid- its nation-wide 5G networks on 3.5
after local carriers commercial- ness in which they’ve acquired 5G GHz mid-band in data-traffic-con-
ly launched the technology, the subscribers, as well as the general centrated areas, focusing on major
number of 5G subscribers in South strategy and approach towards the cities and highly populated areas
Korea hit the 2 million mark, and 5G business models,” she stated. “I like universities, high-speed trains,
according to the GSM Association, believe they are going to push into highways and metropolitan sub-
South Korean 5G users accounted standalone 5G sometime in 2020.” ways with plans to expand that
for 77% of the global population of In the summer of 2019, South coverage to nationwide subways,
5G users by the end of June 2019. Korea completed a tender process national parks and festival sites as
The three South Korean carri- through which it awarded spec- 2019 concludes. The initial launch
ers, SK telecom, KT and LG Uplus, trum in both the 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz included a total of 34,000 5G base
launched limited 5G commercial bands, making available a total of stations in 85 cities.
services in December 2018. The si- 280 megahertz in the 3.5 GHz spec- KT launched its 5G network in
multaneous launch, which spanned trum band and 2,400 megahertz in April with help from Ericsson,
limited areas in Seoul and some oth- the 28 GHz band. which provided 3GPP stan-
er major Korean cities, was part of SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus had dards-based 5G New Radio (NR)
an agreement with the ICT minis- a 10-block cap per spectrum band, hardware and software for KT’s
try to avoid excessive competition. paying a total of 3.6183 trillion won 3.5 GHz non-standalone (NSA)


network, and in August, LG Uplus Dense Air Australia won 29 lots its commercial offers were not
reported 540,000 5G subscribers for AUD 18.49 million; Mobile JV, announced until May 2019.
on its 5G network, which includes the joint venture of TPG Telecom According to Ookla’s 5G map,
around 50,000 5G base stations in and Vodafone Hutchison Australia, Australia has 39 5G sites with com-
Seoul and surrounding areas, as won 131 lots for AUD 263.2 million; mercial availability. Telstra oper-
well as some metropolitan cities. Optus, the country’s second-largest ates 26 of those sites, while Optus
telecom, won 47 lots for AUD 185 operates the remaining 13.
Australia: million; and Telstra won 143 lots for OpenSignal’s analysis of de-
At the end of 2018, Australia’s AUD 386 million. vice-based data collected between
communications agency allocated Telstra, the country’s largest tele- April 1 and June 30, 2019 from eight
5G spectrum to four major tele- com, has been operating 5G-enabled countries, concluded that 5G speeds
coms, raising nearly AUD 853 mil- sites across Australia since August overall were “dramatically high-
lion ($615.6 million) after selling 2018, making it the country’s er” than currently available peak
350 available spectrum lots. first 5G-ready carrier. However, download speeds on 4G networks.

Image courtesy of Opensignal

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The U.S. proved to have the fasted 800 MHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz subscriptions increase and whether
speeds, with users experiencing and 3.4-3.6 GHz ranges. the country can effectively build
peak 5G download speeds of 1.8 Despite these challenges, the coun- out an affordable 5G that encour-
Gbps, followed by Switzerland, try’s largest operators, Vodafone ages a dramatic uptick in user sub-
with 5G peak speeds of 1.14 Gbps. Idea, Reliance Jo and Bharti Airtel, scriptions remains to be seen.
Australia’s 5G speeds, however, are preparing their networks for a
produced an interesting result. 5G future, and according Ericsson’s South Africa:
Of the countries measured, it is Mobility Report, 5G subscriptions According to a GSMA trade asso-
the only one where the maximum are expected to become available ciation survey report, the increase
speed experienced by 4G users was in 2022 and will represent 11% of in 5G activity expected in sub-Sa-
so fast—close to the theoretical mobile subscriptions at the end of haran Africa will be led by South
best performance of 4G—that the 2025. LTE, however, is predicted to Africa, “the most advanced mar-
maximum 5G speed was actually remain the majority of mobile sub- ket in the region.” The report also
slightly slower than the maximum scriptions, at 80% by the end of that states, however, that mass deploy-
4G speed. same year. ment and adoption of 5G in Sub-
However, there still remains some Saharan Africa are still several
India uncertainly around which, if any, years away,” mostly due to the cost
For some time, it was looking as of the operators will turnout for of 5G infrastructure, which must
if India’s 5G spectrum auctions the scheduled auction. be denser to allow transmission on
would take place by the end of In fact, as recently as February higher frequencies, exacerbating
2019. However, high spectrum pric- 2020, Bharti Airtel has suggested the challenge of funding and build-
es continue to throw a wrench in that it may not participate in the ing enough base stations to provide
India’s 5G timeline. Rakesh Bharti country’s upcoming spectrum auc- adequate coverage.
Mittal, vice-chairman of Bharti tion if the telecom regulator fails to Ericsson’s Mobility Report pre-
Enterprises, had stated that the re- lower current prices. dicts that discernible volumes of 5G
serve price of 5G airwaves suggest- Smith weighed in on the uncer- subscriptions in Sub-Sahara Africa
ed by the telecom regulator “is sev- tain cellular situation in India, will not be expected until 2022, and
en times higher than global peers.” commenting, “The number of peo- that approximately 120 million 5G
India expects to award spectrum ple that have a data plan in India subscriptions are forecast for the
worth about $74 billion in an auc- today is still a small percentage of end of 2025.
tion scheduled in the first quarter the mobile users. Most of what you Further, not only are operators in
of the next fiscal year that begins see in India is heavy Wi-Fi usage.” the region facing high implementa-
in April. The auction process will Because of this, he believes it will tion prices, they also do not expect
include frequencies in the 700 MHz, take some time before those cellular to be able to pass along those price


increases to their price-conscious dense information. so much momentum on the device

consumers. Because of this, enter- Liquid Telecom, which supplies and terminal side, so things are
prise and public institutions are wholesale coverage, has been some- coming to market in more variants
expected to be the first adopters of what less impacted by the ICASA’s on the device side.”
emerging 5G networks. auction delays because it already He added that the supply side of
Adoption will most likely take the has access to 56-megahertz worth the cellular ecosystem is “gearing
form of 5G fixed wireless access of spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band. up in a much bigger way” than the
(FWA) points acting as hotspots, Liquid has been able to move for- industry has experience with pre-
and in a region with very low fixed ward with the addition of a 5G vious generations of connectivity.
broadband penetration, 5G has the wholesale wireless network to its More available equipment means
potential to fill a critical infra- existing fiber offering, even has that 5G will scale much quicker
structure need. most of the country’s domestic than the G’s before it and has al-
One of the country’s operators, operators continue to wait for the ready outpaced LTE in the number
Rain, saw the potential for provid- opportunity to bid for their own 5G of devices launched during initial
ing FWA points, and in September spectrum licenses. rollout period.
2019, became the first to deliv- And recently, Vodacom South
er a commercial 5G network in Africa, which had previously cited
South Africa in the form of its the lack of available spectrum as
fixed service, “5G at Home.” The the reason its 5G network will not
network is currently available in be commercially viable any time
Johannesburg and Tshwane and soon, signed an agreement with
uses a Huawei 5G home router and Liquid, allowing Vodacom to roam
transmits on Rain’s licensed spec- on Liquid’s network. Vodacom is
trum in the 3600 MHz band. now looking to launch a commer-
Services providers are still wait- cial 5G network in the country
ing for the South African regula- sometime this year.
tor, ICASA, to assign 5G spectrum
according to what is available in The state of 5G devices
the 3.5GHz band. The 3.5GHz spec- VIAVI’s Hussain highlighted the
“By the end of this year, it is
trum band, often described as the importance of 5G device devel- going to be hard to buy a non-
“killer band” for 5G, is particularly opment by stating that adoption 5G modem”
useful for high-throughput data won’t happen without the right de- Adam Smith, Director of Product
services because of its ability to vices in place. Marketing, LitePoint
penetrate walls transmit highly Linder agreed, offering, “There is


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Device output is picking up so deployed it and put the band and India’s 5G future remains rocky
quickly, in fact, that according to other support around [the modem] due to ongoing controversy around
The Ericsson Mobility Report, 2020 is a different story. But for the the price of spectrum, so it seems
device volumes are projected to guts of the phone, by the end of Realme might be jumping the gun
reach 160 million units as China this year, it is going to be hard to a bit on delivering a 5G phone to
continues its massive deployment buy a non-5G modem.” that market. Of course, a 5G phone
of 5G coverage, and additional Even users in India, which does will work perfectly fine on ex-
sources expect that by the begin- not have a single functioning 5G isting 4G networks, but it can be
ning of 2021, it is very likely that all network, already have the option assumed that the next-generation
handset devices will support 5G. to purchase a 5G phone, if they so device will cost more than a phone
“At some point,” Smith explained, choose. In February, Chinese device not future-proofed for 5G, causing
“you’re not going to be able to buy manufacturer Realme released the one to wonder if Indian consumers
a modem that doesn’t support 5G. X50 Pro 5G, powered by Qualcomm’s will be interested in purchasing a
Of course, whether the OEM has Snapdragon 865 processor. phone at a higher price without

5G device availability

Courtesy of Ericsson

Featured Companies

being able to access the very fea-

Available 5G Handsets:
ture that drives up the costs.
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 5G Moto Z4, when used with 5G Moto Mod
And the consumer price of 5G Samsung Galaxy S10 5G Moto Z3, when used with 5G Moto Mod
phones is not something to be tak- Samsung Galaxy Fold 5G Moto Z2 Force, when used with 5G Moto Mod
Samsung Galaxy A90 5G OnePlus 7 Pro 5G
en lightly. The availability of mul-
Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus Oppo Reno 5G
tiple 5G handsets at multiple price Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G
points will spur network growth LG V50 Thin Axon 10 Pro 5G
Huawei Mate X Nubia X 5G
because it has a direct impact on Huawei Mate 20 X 5G Realme X50 Pro 5G
subscriptions. While the Ericsson
report predicts that the U.S. will had a 5G radio added to it. Conclusion
have more 5G subscriptions than “In 2020,” he continued, “we’re start- The expectations for 5G are mas-
4G subscriptions in 2022, that shift ing to see the second generations sive, evident in Hussain’s humor-
undoubtably depends on as many chips rolling out and it’s a much more ous, but accurate assessment that
user’s as possible getting their integrated solution. These products everyone is under the impression
hands on 5G devices. will scale much better to deliver the that 5G will solve world hunger.
Further, while China is gener- [5G] user experience that the indus- The reality is that 4G and 5G will
ating a notable push to make an try is trying to achieve.” coexist for a long time, and 5G will
affordable 5G phone, there hasn’t There’s more to 5G devices than only be as good as the business use
been much evidence that the U.S. is smartphones, of course. 2020 will cases that are established for it.
doing the same, according to Smith. also see growth in 5G-compatible In this way, Linder believes that
“In the U.S., it’s really the premium customer-premise equipment (CPE), 5G is proving to be much more
smart phone that’s driving 5G,” he fixed wireless terminals (FWT) learning intensive than previous
elaborated, adding that he doesn’t and pocket routers, marking the generations of cellular technol-
expect to see a low-price point 5G beginning of the trend towards ogy, saying it requires a certain
phone in the U.S. any time during 5G-enabled homes, which will dra- amount of rethinking the role
this calendar year. matically increase adoption. that cellular plays in our lives and
5G device development, as stated A closer look at the chart provided across the world.
above, has been fairly rapid. In 2019, by Ericsson reveals that low-band “You can’t really go and read
said Smith, manufacturers were spectrum is not expected to have about the perfect business plan for
producing the first generation of compatible devices in all three list- 5G and then execute it. You have to
5G-enabled smartphones, and while ed categories until the second half dip your toes into it quite a bit,” he
he is hesitant to call them “technol- of this year, while mmWave spec- said. “If you’re not aware of that,
ogy demonstrations,” he described trum is already well-stocked with you can end upwith the wrong
them as 3G or 4G phones that simply available devices. kind of expectations.”

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LitePoint creates wireless test solutions for the world’s leading device makers.
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including, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5, and 5G.

VIAVI Solutions
With the deep expertise necessary to deliver unparalleled physical and virtual
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Rel. 16: Enhancing and expanding the reach of 5G

Incremental content 
marketing opportunities? M AY / J U N E 2 0 2 0
Digital Industry Solutions REPORT & WEBINAR
Sponsor an RCR Wireless News’ multi-platform, editorial program and receive (New Series)
the following benefits:
Low-power + short-range IoT – when and why to
Editorial Webinar – sponsorship includes 250 guaranteed leads, participa- combine LPWA tech like LoRaWAN and NB-IoT with
tion as sponsored guest and recognition as sponsor in all promotional materials. short-range tech like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Sponsors will receive webinar registration and attendee list, responses to pre and
post surveys and polling responses gathered during webinar.

Editorial Feature Report – in addition to recognition as sponsor in program M AY 2 0 2 0

promotion, sponsorship includes 250 guaranteed leads, distinct from webinar Network densification: Providing a consistent 5G
leads, one-page ad spread or advertorial in feature report, and responses to lead experience
capture survey questions.

Closing the Digital Divide: Policy, projects and

For information contact 25% discount progress in rural broadband When you sponsor 2 or more programs
AI, 5G and IoT: Smart buildings in 2020 and beyond

Fast facts about RCR Wireless News digital network (May 2017) JUNE 2020
Can fixed wireless 5G disrupt the broadband
382,000 monthly page views paradigm?
170,000 unique monthly visitors to websites
CBRS spotlight: Early learnings from
81,000+ opt in newsletter subscribers
commercialization of the Citizens Broadband
220,526 monthly video minutes viewed on RCR Wireless News Youtube channel Radio Service
45,000 leads generated annually
Industry leading demand generation programs and results Getting to standalone 5G

J U LY 2 0 2 0
Mobile broadband and the first responder: Use cases
in the station and the field

Defining the future of 5G with 3GPP Rel. 17

From smartphones to smart cars (standalone) – the

role of cellular, and the opportunity for cellular
operators, as the market gears up for driverless cars Each program is limited to three (3) sponsors

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