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Meeting Your Lady Love - First Experience

The real thrill of dating comes to you when you are nervous and a chill runs down your spine, but later
after the date you realize your partner also had the same feeling as you did. This is quite natural for
everyone who does not want to feel embarrassed for any reason, particularly in front of an opposite sex.
Many friends would tell you what to wear, how to sit, look into her eyes etc, but these are the small
things that would make up the difference. One thing I would like to concentrate here is the very core of
every relationship. It is nothing, but to accept people the way they are and be yourself and be what you
are. One cannot fake up things, but being natural or being the way you are helps you a great deal.

The second part is the communication. Starting a conversation is very important in dating and you can
may start with something in general as how their work went, about the drive, how they get home etc.
The goal of communication is to create a positive line conversation, so when you talk you must try to
avoid using words like "NO", "I HATE IT" because these are the words that create a negatiave impact to
the listener. When we talk about communication during a dating, body language plays a vital role and
non-verbal communication speaks a whole lot in the dating arena than the real talking does. It is highly
important to look into their eyes and be appreciate of their attire, may be their earrings, or necklace, or
whatever you see first, but make sure you do this to break the silence when both of you are quiet and
keep the conversation moving.

Thirdly, before you talk, you must listen to what your partner says, then respond to it in an affirmative
way, and give an impression that you are keenly listening. When you are not able to understand
something that your partner talks, feel free to ask for repetitions, this gives an impression to the listener
that you are listening to them, and not simply hearing what they say. Even if you have no prior idea of
what your partner speaks, try to listen to your partner and catch it on the go. This would be very much
reassuring and would help you analyze things that both of you have in common, whether you share the
same holiday experience, or what they would like to eat, their favorite movie stars, etc. Once you have
established this ground it would be easier for you to carry on with the conversation and have a delightful
dating experience.

Try your level best to switch off your mobile phone AFTER you partner has sat across you as this shows
that you value the person and you value their time and patience. Do not look at your mobile phone or
clench your fist or keep your fingers crossed, as this would covey a sense of lack of confidence. You
must rely just on yourself and your own instincts and keep the basics, because at the end of the day it is
your date and the outcomes are entirely yours. Have a pleasant dating experience.

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