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moori sh 1i.1 t101i.

1l rrpnllhc frb r rn l go\J rrnm rnt

':9- ~ sonrtas rr ra al maunkan os ~ '9'
moorish btlnnr anb 11.iltonJI 1110\Jrmrnt of tl1r r,uth
nortliwrsr amrxrm / sonllJ amrxcm / crnlrnl amcxrm / norl(J gatr
,111 abJommg 1sl,111bs
the trnr .inb br 1urr 11.1tm·.11 proplr - hrm, to tbc lanb
~ - 1.s.l..1.111 . ~ '9-
unh·ersal sovereign appellation and proclamation affidavit

i. chaucne, edward peteet. in capilis nolo, in propria persona sui juri~, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes,
hcing. duly affirm1xl. sranding square I~ . declare. and proc laim. upon divine law: nature's law: universa l law,
moorish binhrights; inlcmational law; and const11u1ional law; declare and stale:

1. chaunCC) cdward petcct. m capills nolo, m propria persona sui juri~, m propno solo and in proprio heredes.
being previously unla\\ fully idenlilicd by the Union Stales Society OfNonh America - U.S.A. under lhe
colorable wardship name ofChaunCC) Ed\\ard Peteet, and the CORPORATE NOM DE GUERRE WAR
1he fraud and proclaim m) true S0\cre1gn Matus; i declare and affirm m) true status and that i, chauncey
cd\,ard pctceL am ali\e and in eapitas nolo. in propria persona sui juris.. in proprio solo and in proprio
heredcs; and i proclaim my rightful life and m) sovereign moor american nation; in accord with my moorish
nation of oorth"e;.1 21'11flem north america.. e"m:ising a.II of m) birthrighb h;n ing law full) consented to
and proclaimed my moorish amcriean nationality and binhright appellation and noble living title; in
harmon) and in acconl nith dnine la". me uni-\ersal smereign custom;, and the Im~,. rules, and usages of
the moorish divine and national movement; being original and indigenous. and pan and parcel of the north
american land b) blood line, by primogeniture, by binhright, b) natural binh, by uni\ersal divine la" and
by inheritance. i hereby proclaim for the record, i have returned the presumed FOREIGN, Foreign
CORPORA TION,Corporntion cognomcn and fictitious misnomer bad. to the colonial possessors of its
pedigree. i am now rightfully declaring. publishing. and proclaiming m)' o,,n free nat ional status.
appellation and estate; affirming my actual, rightfull, and so,ereign status as decedcns spiritum returned
ali,e·. m} moorish american consanguine blood line and national and uni\crsal honor. let it be declared.
known, published, and resolved that i am chauncC) Ed\,ard pctcet, in capitis nolo, in propria persona su
juri,._ in proprio ~lo and in proprio '1m:des ~ birtlvight and inheriun..-c \\ithoot the United States. the
UNITED STATES, nor tl1c foreign. imposed color of law, or assumed due process of the Un ion States
Societ} . all la"" made~ the stale to me contral) oime constitution and ir"s treaties is not \\ith standing.
the supreme laws of the land are the governing principals on our land to inc lude but not limited to:

I. free moon~h amcncan zodiac constitution: (zodiac constitution and binhrights of the moorish
amcricans) being ali. bey. cl. dey. and an. artic le t\\0 (2). paragraph t\vo (2).

2. united states territori~ department of justice: moorish american credentials: aa22214I tru th

3. united stne. supreme court: supreme l,m - acts of state.

4. united state:. constitution: aniclc iii (3), ;,ect1on t\\0 (2), amendment, (5) (liberty clause) and
amendment ix (9) (reservation oftl1c rights of the people).

5. universal declaration or human rights; united nations human right 5 (article fifteen ( 15)).

6. rights ofmdigenou;. peoples; united nation,. general assembl) - part I, artic le 4.

wherefore, i, pauline denisc ritchic, being ·pan and pan:cl' named herein, and by birthright, primogeniture.

moonsh nauonal republic~ gcM!f1'1fflenl and tho, moonsh a ~ n consulate

mailing location c/o po box 48034 14200 west eight mile
r,par oak parlt michigan lerntory
313 574 9183
page l ol 2
moonsh 1i.111011al rrpubhc frbrrnl no\Jrrnmrnt
'&'- - sonrtas rrpubhc.u r,1 ,1I milunhanos ~ ~
uu10risl1 b1\J11lt .mb nalion.ll mollrmrnl of 1hr r,utt,
norlhwrst ,1111rxc111 / soutb amrxrm / crntrnl amrxrm / north {titlc
.111 abJommg tslanbs
thr I rnr anb br 1m·r people IJrt rs to tl}l' lanb
~ - 1.s.t..1. 111 . ~ '-£>-

inheritance. make a la" rull command of affidavit and public 1101ifica1ion of nalionality proclamalion;
appellation notification command; declaration. affinnation, and application; here\, ith published for lhc
public record.

northwest amexem/northwest africa/north ame

~~ts exercised at• aTI points m lime.

"itness: ~ 1 QC ~ _,_-=<'=,,__-,------,-----,----
a/free and sovereign moorish american national, in capit
perwna sui _JUris. in pmpno solo. and in proprio
northwest amexcm 1northwest africa/north amcrica
all righlS exercised al all points in Ii

witness: ~~ -e
a free and sovereign oorish am
persona wi JOfb. m propno >OnJ.
northwest amexem, northwest africalnorth america
all rights exercised at all points in time.

moonsh llilboNI , _ _ h!denl gow,nwneill and I.he moonsh am,encan consulate

mailing location c/o po box 48034 14200 west eight mile
near oak parlc mteh1gan terntory
313 574 9183
page 1 of 2

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