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➢ Chief Executive Rodriguez vs Macapagal-Arroyo

o He is the head of all the different heads of
different department, bureaus and agencies or Former president cannot use the presidential immunity from suit
instrumentalities of the Government to shield himself/herself from judicial scrutiny that would assess
o Represents the Republic of the Philippines whether, without the context of Amparo Proceedings, she was
responsible or accountable for the abduction.
➢ Administer the laws of the land
Balao vs Macapagal-Arroyo
o Faithful Execution Clause- ensures that
laws are faithfully executed Amparo Proceedings Determine:
Residual Power ➢ Responsibility- or the extend the actors have been
established by substantial evidence to have participated
➢ When there is no express provision in the constitution
in whatever way, by action or omission, in an enforced
giving to a particular branch to exercise the power
Example: ➢ Accountability- or the measurement of remedies that
should be addressed to those:
Who is supposed to Deport the Undesirable Aliens? a. Who exhibited involvement in the enforced
disappearance without bringing the level of
→ In as much as it was not assigned to any department. The their complicity to the level of responsibility
President, being the Chief Executive is understood to be defined above; or
exercising such power. b. Who are imputed with knowledge relating to
the enforced disappearance and who carry the
Immunity from Suit
burden of disclosure; o
➢ The president cannot be sued, for as long as he is the c. Those who carry, but have failed to discharge
Incumbent President (sitting President, during his the burden of extraordinary diligence in the
tenure), even for personal actions investigation of the enforced disappearance.
➢ BUT, he can be sued if he is no longer the president, ➢ Thus, although there is no determination of criminal,
even if his term has not expired yet. civil, or administrative liabilities, the Doctrine of
Command Responsibility may nevertheless be
Example: applied to ascertain responsibility and
accountability within these foregoing definitions.
President Estrada was sued with Plunder. Remember his term
was not expired yet because he was considered to have Question: What is this Doctrine of Command Responsibility?
resigned, he has 3 more years.
Answer: The Doctrine of Command Responsibility is applicable
➢ That is why he asked for the dismissal of his plunder in Amparo Proceedings.
case in the Sandiganbayan.
➢ According to the Supreme Court, the immunity from suit ➢ The president, as the Commander-in-chief of the
is only available during the tenure of the president, in as military, can be held responsible or accountable for
much as he has already considered a resigned → extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances.
therefore, he is no longer the president, then he is not ➢ To hold someone liable under the Doctrine of Command
suable. Responsibility, the following elements must obtain:

Question: Is this immunity from suit absolute? (Meaning in every 1. The existence of a superior-subordinate relationship
action, he is not suable? between the accused superior and the perpetrator of the
crime as his subordinate
Answer: This is not absolute. He may be held accountable under
2. The superior knows or had reason to know that the
the concept of COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY. Being the
crime was about to be or had to be committed
commander-in-chief of the AFP, in the context of Amparo
3. The superior failed to take the necessary and
reasonable measures to prevent the criminal acts to
Amparo Proceedings/ Writ of Amparo punish the perpetrators thereof.

Question: When do you apply for a Writ of Amparo? Commanders may therefore be impleaded- not actually on the
basis of Command Responsibility- but rather on the ground of
Answer: When there is a violation of a person’s right to life, their responsibility, or at least accountability.
liberty, or security.
Take note, this immunity from suit of the President is personal to
him, this is non-delegable, his alter-ego cannot use the same
immunity from suit, because this is only exclusively enjoyed by
Example: the President. Also, it cannot be invoked by anyone whom the
President filed a case against.
In relation to enforced disappearance of extrajudicial killings-
afraid that anytime you will be abducted. According to one Supreme Court, that the matter of invocation of
immunity from suit is personal to the President. It is the
➢ Remedy- apply for Writ of Amparo
prerogative of the President to invoked or to waived it anyway.
➢ Consequence- filed against the military- case/ petition/
complaint. How the President is Elected
Question: Who will you include then? Qualifications:
Answer: The president is the Commander-in-Chief of the AFP, 1. He must be a natural-born citizen
therefore all of these members of the AFP including the officials 2. At least 40 years of age at the day of election
are under the President. 3. Registered voter
4. Able to read and write

JGS, 11-29-18
5. He must be a resident for 10 years immediately Rule 14. Election Protest. – Only the registered candidate for President or for Vice-
preceding the election President of the Philippines who received the second or third highest number of
votes may contest the election of the President or the Vice-President, as the case
How? may be, by filing a verified petition with the Clerk of the Presidential Electoral
Tribunal within thirty (30) days after the proclamation of the winner
Together with the Vice President, they are elected by the people
Matter of Succession
Term: 6 years without re-election
➢ Vacancy may happen before the president-elect
Question: Can a president hold office as a President for more assumes office or it may happen during his
than a term? incumbency—temporary or permanent.
Answer: Yes. For Example, GMA. She was the Vice President Before President Assumes Office:
then she became the President. Therefore, when the term was
finished, she rand and she won. This is only applicable when the ➢ Reason: There was a tie or a question on qualification
President (successor-former VP) had served not more than 4
Question: Who would then become the President?
years, because if she/he had served for more than 4 years of the
terms of his/her predecessor, then he/she is disqualified. Answer:
In the case of GMA, she only assumed the 3 years unexpired o The VP-elect shall act as the President
term of Estrada. That is, less than 4 years, so she is qualified. o If no VP → President of the Senate
She served 2 terms (As a successor and as an elected president) o If no senate Pres. → Speaker of the House
Question: Who canvass election returns of the President and the Question: If the President-elect dies before assumption of
Vice President? Office, who would then be the New President?
Answer: It is the Congress. In case of a tie, it is going to b decided Answer:
by the congress in a joint session, majority votes, voting
separately. o The VP will become the President
o If no VP → The Senate President
If there is any contest relating to election returns and qualification o If no Senate Pres → the Speaker of the House
of a President or Vice President. will act as President
Question: Where do you file your election protest or your petition Question: If there is no President or Vice-President?
for quo warranto?
Answer: The Congress will call for a Special Election
Answer: Remedy: when you going to filed an Election Protest on
the ground of Fraud and Anomalies on the conduct of election or President/ Vice-President Assume Office
in the preparation of the returns, it would be in an Ordinary or
Regular Election Protest but if the question is on the ➢ Vacancy can either be permanent or temporary
qualifications of the President or Vice President, the petition will
Permanent Vacancy
be on a Quo Warranto Procedures. All this will be filed at the
Presidential Electoral Tribunal (Supreme Court, at the same time ➢ Permanent vacancy may be caused by:
the PET) 1. Death
2. Resignation
Question: Is it unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to
3. Impeachment
Supreme Court to act as the same time as the PET?
4. Permanent Disability
Answer: Macalintal vs PET ➢ The VP will become the New President → If not, the
Senate President will Act only or the Speaker of the
…The Supreme Court’s method of deciding presidential and vice- House
presidential election contests, through PET, is actually a ➢ The VP- Permanent Vacancy → the President will
derivative of the exercise of the prerogative conferred by the afore nominate from Congress to be chosen by Majority votes
quoted constitutional convention. → Congress → Voting Separately

It is also beyond the cavil that when the SC, as PET, Temporary Disability
resolves a presidential or vice-presidential election contest, it
performs what is essentially a judicial power. ➢ Will happen during the incumbency of the President. (e.
g. Vacation) → Automatically, the VP will sit as
TN: The Supreme Court performs Judicial Functions not Quasi- president.
Question: Who can declare a Temporary Disability?
Question: What would be the effect if the electoral protest is
pending in PET, then she came back to job as senator? Answer: Congress only. How?

Answer: It has to be initiated by Majority of the Cabinet Members,

then they will report to the Congress. Upon reporting, the VP
Santiago v. Ramos, 253 SCRA 559 immediately act as the President.

In assuming the Office of Senator protestant Santiago If Disputed by the President → Contrary to the claim of
has effectively abandoned or withdrawn her protest to the majority of his Cabinet Member → Reassumes his functions.
election protestee Ramos as President. (Santiago v. Ramos, 253
SCRA 559). **There is only a declaration of Temporary Disability when
majority of the cabinet members insist for the 2 nd Time into
Legarda v. De Castro, February 12, 2008 the Congress. Congress not has to decide in a joint session.
2/3 votes, voting separately → declaring the President under
Citing Defensor Santiago v. Ramos, the PET stressed Temporary Disability
that Legarda effectively abandoned or withdrawn her protest
when she ran in the Senate, which term coincides with the term
of the Vice

JGS, 11-29-18
Estrada vs Desierto: especially since what are involved are natural
The question whether the claimed temporary disability
of Estrada is a Political Question beyond the SC’s power of Appointing Power
review. The decision that President Arroyo is the De Jure
President made by a co-equal branch of government cannot be ➢ The president appoints personnel to the key positions in
reviewed by SC. the Government and by nature it is executive.
➢ Take note that there are certain appointments that must
Powers of the President be confirmed by the Commission on Appointments, that
is provided in Sec. 16, Art. VII. Otherwise, the
Alter-Ego Doctrine (Political Qualified Agency) nomination of the President is ineffective. These are:
1. Heads of the Executive Department
➢ You have the president as a head-of-state, he has his
(Cabinet Secretaries), except, when it was
cabinet members
the Vice-Pres. who was appointed to a cabinet
1. With portfolio- regular
2. Without portfolio- not regular
2. Officers of the AFP from the rank of colonel
➢ This means that the act of the subordinate like a cabinet
to general or naval captain to admiral and
secretary is the act of the President, because the
all other positions equivalent to those
cabinet secretary is the alter-ego of the president.
ranks mentioned in other branches of the
➢ Unless the act of that cabinet secretary is set-aside,
AFP. Remember that the PNP is not a member
nullified, modified or reprobated by the President.
of AFP. So, the promotions in PNP to General
➢ Example: The Secretary of the Department of Tourism
does not need a confirmation from the CA.
or DENR will decide to close Boracay or El Nido,
Also, the coastguard, before they are under in
whatever their decisions are, is considered to be the
the navy but they are now under in the
decisions of the President himself. This is because they
Department of Transportation and there is no
are considered as agent (department secretary) of the
need for such confirmation
principal (President). So, it would be as if it was the
3. Ambassadors, other public ministers and
decision of the President, unless the President will
reverse or nullify it.
4. Any other appointments that the
➢ This is very relevant such as in the case of Trillanes,
Constitution vests in the President
upon the papers shown to the media so far, the one who
✓ Regular members of JBC (Judicial
signed the pardon (amnesty) was the Secretary of the
and Bar Council)
Department National Defense (DND). Accordingly, the
1. Member representing the private
being the Secretary of DND, he became an alter-ego of
the President, since he was the one who signed the
2. Member representing the IBP
pardon, it would be as if it was the President who signed
3. Member representing the academe
the grant of pardon.
4. Retired Justice of the SC
➢ The general rule is the act of a cabinet Secretary is the
act of the President. However, there are powers of the
✓ The Commissioners – COA,
President that are non-delegable.
Question: What are the powers even if the President
** these appointments cannot be
approves it, it is still invalid if it was exercised by a delegate?
increased by ordinary legislation neither
Answer: the enumeration can be reduced by
1. The declaration of martial law
2. The suspension of the privilege of the writ of REGULAR and AD INTERIM APPOINTMENT
habeas corpus
1. Regular Appointment
3. The grant of pardon, amnesty, commutation
➢ An appointment made by the President while
and reprieve, that is, the exercise executive
the Congress is in session.
➢ When the appointment is permanent and it is
Constantino vs. Cuisia, G.R. No. 106064, October 13, 2005 done in a regular session, the President has to
submit the nomination to CA.
There are certain constitutional powers and prerogatives of the ➢ The CA will immediately act on it within 30
Chief Executive of the Nation which must be exercised by him in days. If the CA cannot act on it within 30 days,
person and no amount of approval or ratification will validate the the nomination of the President is considered
exercise of any of those powers by any other person. Such, for by-passed.
instance, in his power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus and ➢ If confirmed by the CA, then the appointment
proclaim martial law (PAR. 3, SEC. 11, Art. VII) and the exercise of the President becomes permanent.
by him of the benign prerogative of mercy (par. 6, sec. 11, idem]. ➢ If disapproved, the she is considered to have
been removed or just her term was already
** benign prerogative of mercy – that is the pardoning
power – exclusive to the President. So, the grant

therefore of pardon by the President through the
Question: Can she be re-nominated?
Secretary of DND is questionable.
Disapproved? By-passed?
➢ Recently, in the case of Resident Marine Mammals v.
Reyes. SC said that the contract was invalid because
If it was disapproved by the CA, she cannot
the Constitution is clear that the power to enter into
be re-nominated on the same position but
contracts in connection with exploration, development
she can be nominated to other position.
and utilization of natural resources is exclusive to the
If by- passed, she can be re-nominated.
President, it is non-delegable. The doctrine of political
qualified agency may not be validly invoked if it is
➢ Question: Remember that Congress is in
the Constitution itself that provides the act that
session but the nomination of the President is
should be performed by the President, no less

JGS, 11-29-18
only temporary acting capacity, does he apply to the appointments to the Judiciary, which
need to submit the nominations in the CA? confirmation Valenzuela even expressly mentioned,
Answer: NO should prevail.“ Had the framers intended to extend the
prohibition contained in Section 15, Article VII to the
Pimentel, Jr. v. Office of the Executive Secretary, 462 SCRA appointment of members of the Supreme Court, they
622, July 6, 2005 could have explicitly done so.”
The law allows the President to make such acting
appointment. The President may even appoint in acting capacity • Another point, if you are a President you cannot appoint
a person not yet in the government service, as long as the your relatives in certain key positions in the
President deems that person competent. Government. Like, you cannot appoint your spouse or
your relative collateral or by affinity within the 4 th civil
Acting appointment - It is temporary in nature. It is a degree - (Cabinet Secretary, Ombudsman, Deputy
stopgap measure intended to fill an office for a limited time until Ombudsman or in Government owned and controlled
the appointment of a permanent occupant to the office. In case of corporations)
vacancy in an office occupied by an alter ego of her choice as
acting secretary before the permanent appointee of her choice • Removal from office: If the President has the power
could assume office. It may be extended any time there is to appoint, he can also remove that Government official.
vacancy, given while Congress is in session. It was emphasized on those cases of Gonzales v.
Ochoa and Sulit v. Ochoa). If the President is the one
2. Ad Interim Appointment who appoints you, there is no reason why he cannot
remove you from office. However, in the case of
➢ these are the appointment made by the president while Gonzales, he is a Deputy Ombudsman, so the removal
Congress in recess or not in session. will undermine the independence of Ombudsman. So,
➢ Also known as recess appointment according to the Supreme Court, a Deputy Ombudsman
➢ It is not temporary, in fact it is permanent but its cannot be removed from office by the President.
effectivity is limited if not confirmed by the CA upon the
resumption of session • Judges cannot be removed by the President in order to
➢ It is only temporary in the sense that it is only effective maintain the independence of the Judiciary, it is only the
until it is disapproved by the CA upon resumption of its SC who can dismiss a judge. The Justices of the SC
session. are removable only by impeachment, although it was the
➢ If it was by-passed by the CA upon its resumption, then President who make the appointment.
it is understood that the appointment is only effective
until the next adjournment of session of Congress (at
most). After, he can be re-nominated by the President. Power of Control and Supervision
➢ Always remember that the Ad Interim or Recess
Appointment is a permanent appointment but its ➢ Because the President is the head of the Government
effectivity is limited and he is the Chief Executive, he has control and
➢ An acting president can make an appointment, but that supervision over all government officials under his
it is also limited unless it was revoked within 90 days office and all government offices under the
upon assumption if a regular President, otherwise it executive branch.
becomes final. It is subject to revocation. ➢ This power of control of the President includes the
power to reorganize the national government, on the
grounds of efficiency, economy and simplicity.
➢ It is prohibited.
➢ When the President makes and appointment within 60 Presidential Decree No. 1772 which amended Presidential
days immediately before the regular presidential Decree No. 1416
elections or until his term expires, like CJ Corona.
These decrees expressly grant the President of the
Philippines the continuing authority to reorganize the national
Q: Was Pres. Arroyo wrong in appointing Corona as the
government, which includes the power to group, consolidate
CJ given the prohibition against midnight appointment?
bureaus and agencies, to abolish offices, to transfer functions,
to create and classify functions, services and activities and to
A: According to the SC, in the case of (De Castro v.
standardize salaries and materials.
JBC; GR No. 191032, Soriano v. JBC; GR No. 191057,
PHILCONSA v. JBC), the prohibition under Article VII, Domingo vs. Zamora, GR No. 142283, February 6, 2003
Section 15 of the Constitution against presidential
appointments immediately before the next presidential The President’s power to reorganize offices outside of
elections and up to the end of the term of the outgoing the Office of the President Proper is limited merely transferring
President does not apply to vacancies in the High functions or agencies from the Office of the President to
Tribunal. Departments or Agencies and vice-versa.

(Q: As a matter or rule, who will create office? A: It is Congress

(There is this requirement in the Constitution that it must
because they are the one who will appropriate funds for the
filled-up within 90 days immediately from the
occurrence of vacancy because it may prejudice the operation of office. However, in Biraogo v. Philippine Truth
judiciary.) Commission, for as long as it does not involve appropriation,
the President has the power to create an office such as the
“Although Valenzuela came to hold that the prohibition Philippine Truth Commission, the budget will be taken in the
covered even judicial appointments, it cannot be appropriation from the office of the President. There is no
disputed that the Valenzuela dictum did not firmly rest violation on the separations of power.)
on the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission. Buklod ng Kawaning EIIB vs. Zamora, July 10, 2001
Thereby, the confirmation made to the JBC by then
Senior Associate Justice Florenz D. Regalado of this The general rule has always been that the power to
Court, a former member of the Constitutional abolish a public office is lodged with the legislature. The
Commission, about the prohibition not being intended to exception, however, is that as far as bureaus, agencies or offices

JGS, 11-29-18
in the executive department are concerned, the President’s On Declaration of Martial Law in Mindanao
power of control may justify him to inactivate the functions of a
particular office, or certain laws may grant him broad authority to Lagman v. Medialdea
carry out reorganization measures. The chief executive, under
Q: Should there be first a calling out of the military before a
our laws, has the continuing authority to reorganize the
President makes a declaration of martial law or suspends the
administrative structure of the Office of the President.
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus?
(** If it is Congress that creates an office, then, it is
A: This was the idea of the 1973 Constitution, that there is
understood that it is only Congress that can abolish it. However,
graduation of the exercise of power from the benign to the most
in the case of Buklod ng Kawaning EIIB, the President as part of
potent (Calling out → suspension of the writ of habeas corpus
his power of control can reorganize or enact debate or in effect
→ declaration of martial law).
abolish an office.)
In the Lagman case, the SC held that it is discretionary
to the President. In other words, the President need not first call
Q: What is the difference of control from supervision? the military to assist and then suspend, he can directly declare
martial law. It is now the discretion of the President by
A: Control – the President can change the decision of a determining the circumstances.
subordinate and discipline. Supervision – the President only
oversees the officer to make sure that he performs his functions Q: What are the parameters of the President’s declaration of
in accordance with the law and ensures that the laws are faithfully martial law or suspension of the privilege of writ of habeas
executed by the subordinate. corpus? (You all know that the calling out of military all that is
needed is whenever it becomes necessary, in order to prevent
On Local Government Units or suppress lawless violence, invasion or rebellion. This calling
out of power is not subject to revocation by Congress and
➢ The power on the President is only general judicial review by Judiciary)
supervision, he has no control over LGUs
A: Requisites:
1) there is sufficient factual basis of rebellion or invasion
➢ The President is also the highest military authority but 2) there is sufficient factual basis to believe that public
remains a civilian authority, that is in his capacity as the safety requires either the declaration of martial law and
Commander-in Chief of the AFP. the suspension of the privilege of writ of habeas corpus
or both
Powers of the President:
3) Probable Cause
1. Declare martial law
2. Suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus ➢ Once the President finds probable cause (sufficiency
3. Calling-out power – to call the AFP whenever it becomes of factual basis test from the POV of the President),
necessary to suppress or prevent violence, lawless that probably there was rebellion or invasion at that
rebellion or invasion time, he has to declare it or probably public safety
4. Reviews the decisions of court-martials requires
➢ Probable Cause- facts and circumstances that would
Lacson vs. Perez, May 10, 2001 lead a prudent man to believe that there is probably a
rebellion or invasion and probably public safety
The declaration by the President of “state of rebellion”
requires → he can declare martial law and suspend the
during or in the aftermath of the May 1, 2001 seige of Malacanang
privilege of writ of habeas corpus.
is not violative of the separation of powers doctrine. The
➢ BUT he must report within 48 hours to Congress, and
President, as Commander in chief of Armed Forces of the
immediately Congress must convene if they are not in
Philippines, may call upon such armed forces to prevent or
session, in a joint session to revoke and not to
suppress lawless violence, invasion or rebellion
confirm. In order to revoke the declaration of martial law
Sanlakas vs. Executive Committee, 421 SCRA 656, February and the suspension of the privilege of writ of habeas
3, 2004 corpus, it only requires majority votes of the members
of Congress, voting jointly.
The President’s authority to declare a state of rebellion
springs in the main from her powers as chief executive and, at Q: Is there a need to wait for the decision of the Congress
the same time draws strength from her Commander-in-Chief whether to revoke it or not? While waiting, is it allowed to file
powers pursuant to her calling out power a petition to question the sufficiency of factual basis to the
SC? (meaning, can the SC exercise judicial review even if
Kulayan v. Tan, G.R. No. 187298 there is a pending deliberation on the factual basis of the
declaration of martial law and the suspension of the privilege
The calling out powers contemplated under the of writ of habeas corpus in the Congress?)
Constitution is exclusive to the President of the Philippines as
Commander-in-Chief and that a provincial governor is not A: YES. It will not depend on the outcome of the deliberation
endowed with the power to call upon the Armed Forces at its own of Congress. Unlike before, in the case of Ampatuan vs.
bidding. It ruled that only the President is authorized to exercise Puno, SC said that in fairness to the co-equal branch of the
emergency powers as provided under Section 23, Article VI government, there is a need to wait for the outcome. NOW,
and the calling out powers under Section 7, Article VII of the it can be done simultaneously, because this power to
1987 Constitution. While the President exercises full declare martial law and suspend the privilege of writ of
supervision and control over the police, a local chief executive, habeas corpus is subject to revocation by Congress OR
such as a provincial governor, only exercises operational subject to judicial review by the SC, and they can act
supervision over the police, and may exercise control only in day- independently from each other.
to-day operations. As discussed in the deliberation of the
Constitutional Commission, only the President has “full ** any concerned citizen of the country can go to the SC,
discretion to call the military when in his judgment it is even if he is not directly injured
necessary to do so in order to prevent or suppress lawless
Bar question: What is the difference of the determination of
violence, invasion or rebellion,” the Court stressed
sufficiency of factual basis in declaration of martial law and

JGS, 11-29-18
the suspension of the privilege of writ of habeas corpus exercises police power, with the military’s assistance, to ensure
among the President, Congress or SC? public safety and in place of government agencies which for the
time being are unable to cope with the condition in a locality,
A: President, on the day of declaration, the probable cause which remains under the control of the State.
of sufficiency of the factual basis is only needed
This so-called “graduation of powers” does not dictate or restrict
Congress, they may not rely on the report President they the manner by which the President decides which power to
may go beyond and may even call witnesses, in order to choose. It is thus beyond doubt that the power of judicial review
ascertain whether there is sufficient factual basis of the does not extend to calibrating the President’s decision pertaining
President declaring martial law and the suspending he to which extraordinary power to avail given a set of facts or
privilege of writ of habeas corpus. conditions.
Supreme Court, it cannot go beyond to the pleadings filed Extension
in the courts in determining the sufficient factual basis,
because it is a court of law and it is based on pleadings filed ➢ Martial law is only good for 60 days, upon expiration of
and report submitted by the President or any opposition. the 60 days without extension, automatically it is lifted.
➢ If there is an extension¸ it has to be initiated by the
** The SC cannot go beyond the documents submitted to the President, meaning the President must request an
Court unlike Congress extension and immediately Congress must act, and
there are indefinite days thereafter.
Lagman v. Medialdea
➢ In the case of Lagman, SC ruled that they cannot
The Court may strike down the presidential proclamation in an review the rules promulgated by Congress on manner
appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen on the ground of lack of President’s request of extension for the absence of
of sufficient factual basis. On the other hand, Congress may any Constitutional violation.
revoke the proclamation or suspension, which revocation shall ➢ What is clear is that on limitations in the exercise of
not be set aside by the President. congressional authority to extend such proclamations or
suspension are:
In reviewing the sufficiency of the factual basis of the 1) Suspension should be upon the President’s initiative
proclamation or suspension, the Court considers only the 2) It should be grounded on the persistence of invasion or
information and data available to the President prior to or at the rebellion and the demands for public safety
time of the declaration; it is not allowed to “undertake an 3) Subject to the Supreme Court review of the sufficiency
independent investigation beyond the pleadings.” Congress, for of its factual basis upon petition of any citizen
its part, may take into consideration not only data available prior
to, but likewise events supervening the declaration. ➢ Congress has the authority to decide on each duration,
thus the provisions state that the extension shall be for
Unlike the Court which does not look into the absolute
a period to be determined by Congress
correctness of the factual basis, Congress could probe deeper
and further. It can delve into the accuracy of the facts presented
➢ On limitations: (1) subject to revocation on Congress,
before it. majority votes in a joint session or (2) subject to
In addition, the Court’s review power is passive. It is only initiated nullification by the SC exercising its judicial review
by the filing of a petition “in an appropriate proceeding” by a
citizen. On the part of Congress, its review mechanism is ➢ Other safeguards: (a) only for 60 days unless extended
automatic in the sense that it may be activated by Congress itself
Q: When there is suspension on the privilege of writ of habeas
at any time after the proclamation or suspension was made. corpus, can a person be imprisoned indefinitely?
“The Court can simultaneously exercise its power of review with, A: NO, because the Constitution is clear that the suspension of
and independently from, the power to revoke by Congress. the privilege of writ of habeas corpus shall apply only to persons
Corollary, any perceived inaction or default on the part of judicially charged for or offenses inherent in or directly
Congress does not deprive or deny the Court of its power to connected with invasion. During the suspension, any person
review. thus arrested or detained shall be judicially charged within 3
days or 72 hours, otherwise he shall be released. In effect, it
Among the three extraordinary powers, the calling out power is extends the period of custodial investigation
the most benign and involves ordinary police action. The
President may resort to this extraordinary power whenever it Suspension of the Privilege of Writ of Habeas Corpus (What
becomes necessary to prevent or suppress lawless violence, is being suspended?)
invasion or rebellion.
➢ the court has no jurisdiction to inquire into the legality of
Thus, the power to review by the Court and the power to revoke detention
by Congress are not only totally different but likewise ➢ (So, kung madakpan gani ka sa militar without a
independent from each other although concededly, they have the warrant, pwede ka mapriso, unya ang Court dili ka
same trajectory, which is the nullification of the presidential inquire ug legality, dili ka kapangayo ug habeas corpus)
Bar Question: When is this lifted?
The powers to declare martial law and suspend the privilege of
A: Upon expiration within sixty days, automatically it is lifted if
the writ of habeas corpus involve curtailment and suppression of
there is no extension.
civil rights and individual freedom. Thus, the declaration of martial
law serves as a warning to the citizens that the Executive • When the President himself lifts it before expiration of
Department has called upon the military to assist in the the 60 days period.
maintenance of law and order, and while the emergency remains, • When it is revoked by Congress by a majority votes
the citizens must, under pain of arrest and punishment, not act in • When it is declared null and void by the SC exercising
a manner that will render it more difficult to restore order and judicial review
enforce the law. As such, their exercise requires more stringent
safeguards by the Congress and review by the Court. Pardoning Power

A state of martial law is peculiar because the President, at such ➢ Sometimes called as executive clemency or power of
a time exercises police power. In particular, the President mercy of the President.

JGS, 11-29-18
➢ The President can grant pardon, amnesty, ➢ If granted, unlike pardon, the criminal records are
commutations, reprieve and remission of fines and erased, it would be as if no crime was committed, on the
forfeitures condition that he must admit to his guilt
➢ It is granted to persons or a class of individuals charged
Difference of Pardon and Amnesty with offenses political in nature
➢ In the case of TRILLANES, it was amnesty, it was
granted supposedly by the President with the
concurrence of majority of the members of Congress.
(There are questions on the validity of the grant of
➢ Only granted to persons who are convicted by final amnesty because according to the Malacañang it was
judgement for ordinary offenses first and foremost not applied for and there is no showing
➢ When pardon was granted to you by the President, that he admitted to his guilt, because he only admitted
criminal records will stay but only if you are still in service that he violated to a certain laws or rules but not
of your sentence, you can be discharged. admission of guilt. Also, it was only the Secretary of
➢ can be applied in a criminal case or administrative case DND who issued amnesty, not the President.
• when you dismissed from service in one of the On the other hand, they question if the President can
departments of the government but granted pardon, unilaterally revoked amnesty considering that it requires
you can be reinstated concurrence of Congress in order to grant it)
➢ Limitations: sole discretionary of the President
• Not subject to appeal Commutation
• Absolute to the President ➢ Simply reduction of the penalty one degree lower from
Drilon vs. CA, 202 SCRA 370- death to life imprisonment or reclusion perpetua, RP to
RT, RT to PM ….
The pardoning power of the President is final and unappealable.
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and JOSEPH EJERCITO ➢ Postponement of the execution of death penalty
ESTRADA, G.R. No. 206666, January 21, 2015
Former President Estrada was granted an absolute
➢ Cancellation if fine that is imposed or the forfeiture of a
pardon that fully restored all his civil and political rights, which
privilege that you are enjoying
naturally includes the right to seek public elective office, the focal
point of this controversy. The wording of the pardon extended Foreign Relation Power of the President
to former President Estrada is complete unambiguous, and
unqualified. It is likewise unfettered by Articles 36 and 41 of the Sec. 21, Article VII of the Constitution states that:
Revised Penal Code. The only reasonable, objective, and
“No treaty or international agreement shall be valid and
constitutional interpretation of the language of the pardon is
effective unless concurred in by at least 2/3 of all the
that the same in fact conforms to Articles 36 and 41 of the
members of Senate.”
Revised Penal Code. Recall that the petition for disqualification
filed by Risos-Vidal against former President Estrada, docketed ➢ The President is the sole organ of Foreign Relations, he
as SPA No. 13-211 (DC), was anchored on Section 40 of can enter into treaties, International Agreements, or
the LGC, in relation to Section 12 of the OEC, that is, Executive Agreements
having been convicted of a crime punishable by
imprisonment of one year or more, and involving moral On Treaty-Making Power
turpitude, former President Estrada must be disqualified to
run for and hold public elective office notwithstanding the ➢ The power to enter into treaties and international
fact that he is a grantee of a pardon that includes a agreements and negotiate
statement expressing "ʺhe is hereby restored to his civil and ➢ But such treaty or international agreements need to
political rights."ʺ Risos-Vidal theorizes that former President pass to the senate w/ the following options:
Estrada is disqualified from running for Mayor of Manila in 1. Approved with 2/3 votes
the May 13, 2013 Elections, and remains disqualified to 2. Disapprove outright or Approved conditionally
hold any local elective post despite the presidential pardon with suggested amendments which a pre-
extended to him in 2007 by former President Arroyo for negotiated and the senate suggestions are
the reason that it (pardon) did not expressly provide for the incorporated. The treaty will go into effect
remission of the penalty of perpetual absolute disqualification, without the need of senate approval
particularly the restoration of his (former President Estrada) 3. Renegotiated- No Treaty
right to vote and be voted upon for public office. She 4. Conflict between Municipal Law and Treaties
invokes Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code as the ▪ If it’s PH Courts that decides the
foundations of her theory. case- Municipal Law will prevail
▪ If it’s the International Tribunal- treaty
➢ Cannot be granted to an impeachable officials will prevail
convicted in an impeachment proceedings. ➢ Ultimately, it is the president that has an exclusive
➢ Cannot be granted to court personnel and judges who power to ratify or sign, with or without the concurrence
had disciplined by the SC of the Senate. To bind, however, the republic, if it is a
➢ Cannot be granted to those convicted with election treaty or an international agreement, it has to be
offenses without favorable recommendation by the concurred by 2/3 votes of the members of the Senate.
Executive Agreement (Exchange of Notes)
➢ Provides details of what has already been agreed under
➢ Granted by the president with the concurrence of a treaty
majority of members of Congress. ➢ Providing for details that are not permanent but merely
➢ It can be granted before or after the finality of conviction transitory that will implement an existing treaty or an
International Agreement. Therefore, they did not require
concurrence of the senate.

JGS, 11-29-18
➢ Take note in the case of Akbayan vs. Ermita, the
Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) was an executive
agreement but it requires the concurrence of the Senate
because the Constitution no less requires than any
initial entry of foreign troops into the country must
have the concurrence of the Senate and that is the
reason why although it was just an executive
agreement, it was concurred by the Senate.
➢ The effects of an international agreement or treaty on
one hand and on executive agreement on the other
hand are the same – it binds the country in the
international sphere. The only difference is an
executive agreement does not require concurrence of
the Senate.
➢ In the case of Saguisag v. Ochoa, Enhanced Defense
Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) was an executive
agreement and therefore, it was not concurred by the

Question: What is the difference of VFA and EDCA?

Answer: In VFA, there was an initial entry of US
troops into the country while in EDCA, it was no
longer initial entry because the US troops are already
in the country, all that was needed is to identify places
where they can stay and have some leisure. Therefore,
since it is no longer an initial entry and being an
executive agreement, it requires only the signature of
the president without the need of concurrence by the
➢ Also, as the sole organ of international relations, the
President has the power to appoint ambassadors and
other public ministers and consuls. He has also the
power to receive ambassadors and other public
ministers accredited to the Philippines.
➢ Also, the power to contract and guarantee foreign loans
on behalf of the Republic and only requires the
concurrence of the Central Bank or Bangko Sentral
ng Pilipinas

✓ Likewise, the President has the power to deport aliens

who are undesirable
✓ The President has also he power to classify public
lands and sell the same
✓ Power of supervision over Local Government

JGS, 11-29-18

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