The Dark Side of Halloween

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You are on page 1of 3 , EE The dark side of Halloween lesson code: XXXXXKKX UPPERANTERMEDIATE Warm-up Do you lke Halloween? Why/why not? HE] Key words ‘Match the words on the left to thelr definitions on the right. 1. devour a atficial relating to body parts) 2 aton b.asmal area thats ctferent from what s eround it 3. a prank ©. atviok the is supposed to be funny but doesn't cause hain 4. horrendous avery large amount 5. prosthetio @. extremely unpleasant 6. patch f. good enough for a particular purpose 7. adequate g. not completly cartain cbout something or someone 8. way h. toeatall ot someting quioky Reading You are going to read an article about the dangers of Halloween. Match the headings to the paragraphs inthe article on the next page Cleaning up Commercialsation Tertiying television Overdesing-on sugar Scary experiences Cosmetic catastrophes Risks to our four-legged frends Fancy dress feats Hiddan dangors Vandalism www inguahouse.convex sh your emery Q ‘You can review this worksheet onlin ev os @ The dark side of Halloween ed The dark side of Halloween 1 Its Halloweon again, Ate you looking forward to dressing-up and eating your body weight in sees or ave you shaking behind the sofa” Is the latter, prepare to be even more scared when you've fished racing about the dangers and downsides ot Haloween, 1 2 everything about Hallowoon can be truly temitying for young children, and even the most fearless aduils canbe scared by reaistc decorations. Paychologists advise parents to watch their cilldran closay during Hallowaan, and to remind them of what is real and whatisn’t Overdosing on sugar 43 The avorage young trok-or-rectr will consume about 3 cups of sugar on Halloween, and devour around 7,000 calories, which isthe equivalent to 19 Big Macs. As a grown-up. you're also just as likay 1 consume too much sugar, asit's very tempting to steal sweets from kd and snack on treats peopl bring tothe oie 4 Inthe past few decades, the Halloween industry has grown dramatically. Temporary Helloween stores have opened up. Bars, nghtolubs and restaurants have theme nights, and people even send Halloween cards Then there isthe pressure to buy costumes, decorate your house and buy @ ton of sweets for rick or treats, 5 Children can trp over their Haloween costuines and some are fammadle. Masks can obstruct people's vislon. Chien should ais be caretul about wnat they accept fram strangers. In 1954, a woman gave dog biscuits and ant poison to a aroun of teenagers she thought were too old for tick-or treating, However, the biggest Hal owoan danger is car accidents. At night, t's diicut for drivers to see people wearing dark clothes, 4 66 Halloween can unleash violent behaviour in people. Children get hyped up on sugar and adits gc drunk, so property gets easly damaged. Gars, hhomas and malboxas are oan targated on Halloweon, but poople have also stolen things iika ketchen utensis. In some states in the US, ringing the doorbell and running away isa criminal offence. 5 7 On Halloween in he US, peop e throw eggs at houses, which splatter on impact. The mess this creates is horrendous 10 get rd of. Tollet paper in trees and sily string are also common Halloween franks which take a lot of time to take down In Calfoma, you can be fned $1000 dollars for Using sily sting 8 Zombie face paint, fake blood and prosthetic skin can all cause sn imitation, intlammation and allrgic teactons. Test any make-up you plan 10 wear ona small patch of your skin fist. Coloured Contact lenses have aiso become popule but ‘axers say tat t's wise to wear only prasorfation lenses 8 It seems its not acceptable to leave the house on Halloween dressed a3 yourset. Some people stat thinking about their ccstume months in advance, to avoid the stress of tying to put together an adequats outt athe last mute. Then thare’s he pressure of tying to top the costume you wore last year a 10 “t you hate horter fms, then Hallowaen ist a good time for you. Scary movies take over our soreens and there are countless previews for those in cinamas. A lat ofthesa tims are algo deliberately terible. Many horor fans truly wantto 5 amovie ‘so baits good.” ‘ Halloween can also be frightening tor pets. Owners should be wary that they re not eating ery reefs of chocolate that are lying around the house. Many Halloween costumes also have plastic accessories which a dog might went to Chew on and possibly swallow, so these should be kept away from anima. 1 cope tera est n you macy The dark side of Halloween linguahouse. ees iss] HEE] Find the words Find the words and phrases Inthe text which mean. ‘he second ofa group of two things mentionad before (singular nour, P.): something tt has the samme value as somthing olsa (singular nown, P.2) likely to burn easily (ad, .5) Diock someone's abilty to s8¢(nfrase, P.5); —__ causa something that nas a harmful ettect (verb, P.6) break gpert and cover a surfave with aliquid (verb, P.7)s very many, espetially more than you think is azcepiable (adj. P10) HE Verb + preposition Choose the correct word to complete the phrases below. around away sown n ower logetner up 1. The chilcren were so hyped about going othe 200 they didn’ eat their breakfast 2 Bacarefull You're going fo ip ___ your shoslaces. 3, Den'tleave your glasses lying Putthem somewhere sate. 4, don't have much food inthe fridge, but'm sure | can put a meal 5. [think we need to take that posier_ It's really offensive. 6. You can snack _— some nuts before dinner. They are beter for you han crisps. 7. Keap anything hat is flammable ‘rom the fre, HR] Talking point Discuss any of the questions below in pairs or small groups. 1. Have you experienced ary ofthe things mentioned in the aricle? Wihich ona)? 2. Do you fee! any pressure o celebrate Halloween? Why! why rot? 3. Do you think that Helloween has become too commercial? WhyAwhy not? Homework Write a short piece and give your opinion about Halloween.

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