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87 Henry Street
Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago.
Tel: (868) 612-0163
Fax: (868) 625-0341
Agricultural Development Bank Request for Proposals
Core Banking Solution (CBS)

Request for Proposals .................................................................................................... 4
About the Bank .............................................................................................................. 5
1. CBS Project Introduction ........................................................................................... 6
1.1. CBS Project Overview.......................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Project Aim ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3. Project Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4. CBS Solution Requirements ................................................................................................................ 7
1.5. Snapshot of Main CBS Core Components ....................................................................................... 9
1.6. CBS Brief Overview ...........................................................................................................................10
1.7. CBS Project Support...........................................................................................................................11
1.8. Warranty ...............................................................................................................................................11
1.9. Connectivity .........................................................................................................................................12
1.10. Connectivity Architecture ................................................................................................................12
2. The Bank Facilities Details ....................................................................................... 13
2.1. Orientation/Tour Layout Plan..........................................................................................................13
3. CBS Detailed Scope of Works (SOW) ....................................................................... 14
3.1. CBS (SOW) Functional Requirements.............................................................................................14
3.2. CBS Data Migration............................................................................................................................14
3.3. CBS Data Archival ..............................................................................................................................15
3.4. CBS Provision of Test Environment ...............................................................................................15
3.5. Audit Tools ..........................................................................................................................................16
3.6. Performance Metrics / Services Level Parameters ........................................................................16
3.7. CBS Training / Knowledge Transfer...............................................................................................16
3.8. CBS Benchmark Reports ...................................................................................................................17
4. CBS SOW Bidder Responsibilities ........................................................................... 17
4.1. Gap Analysis & Resolution ...............................................................................................................17
4.2. Test Data ..............................................................................................................................................18
4.3. Project Initiation to Implementation ...............................................................................................18
4.4. Timeline ................................................................................................................................................20
4.5. Component Hardware Function Requirements .............................................................................20
4.6. WAN Connectivity .............................................................................................................................20

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Core Banking Solution (CBS)

4.7. Facility Management ...........................................................................................................................20

4.8. CBS Warranty ......................................................................................................................................21
4.9. CBS Technical Support ......................................................................................................................22
4.9.1. Implementation Support ...........................................................................................................22
4.9.2. On-Going Post Implementation Support...............................................................................23
4.9.3. Escalation Mechanism ...............................................................................................................24
4.9.4. Project Management ..................................................................................................................24
4.9.5. CBS Key Implementation Activities ........................................................................................25
5. Bank Responsibilities............................................................................................... 27
5.1. Responsibility of the Bank .................................................................................................................27
5.2. Inspection / Testing of Items/ Equipment ....................................................................................27
5.3. Condition of the Item Supplied ........................................................................................................27
6. Acceptance Test for CBS Components.................................................................... 28
6.1. Acceptance & Components Test ......................................................................................................28
6.2. Acceptance & CBS..............................................................................................................................29
6.3. Insurance of Items ..............................................................................................................................29
6.4. Escrow Mechanism.............................................................................................................................29
7. Property / Payment Rights ...................................................................................... 30
8. Eligibility Criteria for Bids ....................................................................................... 30
8.1. Minimum Eligibility Criteria ..............................................................................................................30
9. Procedures for Submission of Bids .......................................................................... 32
10. Instruction on the Format of Bids .......................................................................... 32
10.1. Technical Bids (1st Envelope) .....................................................................................................32
11. CBS Evaluation Criteria .......................................................................................... 34
11.1. Evaluation Criteria ............................................................................................................................34
12. Tender Information ................................................................................................ 35
12.1. Amendment of the Tender Document..........................................................................................35
12.2. Cancellation of Tenders ...................................................................................................................35
12.3. Agreement ..........................................................................................................................................35
12.4. Performance Bond ............................................................................................................................35
13. Terms & Conditions ............................................................................................... 36
General Abbreviations .................................................................................................. 37
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Agricultural Development Bank Request for Proposals
Core Banking Solution (CBS)

Appendix 1 .................................................................................................................... 39
1. Service Levels Indicators – A ...........................................................................................................39
2. Service Levels Indicators – B ...........................................................................................................39
3. Service Levels Indicators – C ...........................................................................................................40
Appendix 2 .................................................................................................................... 41
1. Technical Criteria - A.........................................................................................................................41
2. Technical Criteria – B ........................................................................................................................43
3. Format of Technical Compliance Statement..................................................................................45
4. Format of detailed Bill of Material (BOM).....................................................................................46
Appendix 3 ................................................................................................................... 46
Format of OEM Letter ..............................................................................................................................46

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Agricultural Development Bank Request for Proposals
Core Banking Solution (CBS)

Request for Proposals

The Agricultural Development Bank (referred to as the “Bank”) intends to implement a centralized
Core Banking Solution (referred as “CBS”) at its Head Office (HO) to be decentralised to its five (5)
branches located at the following addresses in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T):

1) North Branch(HO) - #87 Henry Street Port of Spain;

2) Central Branch - #29 Ramsaran Street Chaguanas;
3) South Branch - #8-10 Gordon Street (North) San Fernando;
4) East Branch - #148 Eastern Main Road, Sangre Grande 450725;
5) Tobago Branch - #13 Young Street Scarborough 901018.

Bidders are required to submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of their proposals by depositing
same into the tender boxes located at the Bank’s Head Office at No. 87 Henry Street, Port-of-Spain
addressed to the following:

The Secretary
Tenders Committee
Agricultural Development Bank of
Trinidad & Tobago
87 Henry Street

Please direct all questions or requests for additional information to Secretary Tenders
Committee, at (868) 623-6261 Extension 273 or email

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Agricultural Development Bank Request for Proposals
Core Banking Solution (CBS)

About the Bank

The Agricultural Development Bank (referred as “Bank”) specializes in development financing to

the agricultural sector. Its approach is to provide the best financial solution that nurtures investment
and entrepreneurship across the entire agricultural food chain of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T).
Thus, it utilizes its knowledge and over fifty-years’ (50) experience, in creating a financial portfolio of
innovative, comprehensive products and services, uniquely tailored to support and respond to the
diverse needs along the agricultural value chain.

The bank’s portfolio harnesses agricultural and related activities that enhances food production and
sustainability, through (a) Supervised credit, (b) Amortized lending, (c) Attractive interest rates, (d)
Moratorium periods, (e) Flexible repayment terms ,

Its strategic collaborative partnerships and alliances create a framework that focuses on areas of
national and economic importance, which contribute to: (a) Increased employment, (b) Improved
Standard of living, (c) Competitiveness, (d) Sustainability, (e) Food production (f) Nutrition security,
and (g) Rural development.

The bank’s strategic focus includes the use of technology to improve customer service while
providing relevant information to guide decision-making that stimulates growth through the
fulfilment of the bank’s development mandate while facilitating improved financial performance.
Hence, it will continue to assist in the advancement of the agriculture sector through the provision
of quality loans and the provision of saving facilities.

Its vision is “To be the lead financial provider for agri-business and rural development.” Its mission
is “To facilitate food security, sustained agricultural growth, and socio-economic development
through the provision of focused financial products, customer-centric services, and robust strategic
alliances.” Finally, its core values are the guiding principles, which steer its direction that ensures
value, accountability, and transparency.

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Agricultural Development Bank Request for Proposals
Core Banking Solution (CBS)

1. CBS Project Introduction

1.1. CBS Project Overview

To achieve the Bank’s future goals inclusive of (a) Increasing its loans portfolio, (b) Enhancing its
productivity & performance, (c) Improving operational efficiency, (d) fulfilling the development
mandate and improving financial performance. It has become critical for the Bank to review its
integrated CBS in an effort to support its present and future requirements throughout its network
located at the following:

1) Head Office (HO) - #87 Henry Street Port of Spain

2) North Branch - #87 Henry Street Port of Spain
3) Central Branch - #29 Ramsaran Street Chaguanas
4) South Branch - #8-10 Gordon Street (North) San Fernando
5) East Branch - #148 Eastern Main Road, Sangre Grande 450725
6) Tobago Branch - #13 Young Street Scarborough 901018, Tobago

1.2. Project Aim

The aim of the project is the initiation to implementation of anew Core Banking Solution (CBS).”

1.3. Project Objectives

The Bank runs its five (5) branches currently utilising a solution with modules that supports varying
types of Credit, Deposit, Loans, and Collection. It also provides support at the HO through
RTGS/CBLO. The main project objectives are, (1) the initiation to implementation of a CBS at its
HO, decentralized to Branches, and (2) Utilization of the CBS in the Banks transformation process
by facilitating, and offering a service portfolio utilising a simplified rollout of innovative& customer
centric products as well as:

1. Enhanced Digital & Online Banking Utilisation through the use of the following modalities:
a. Digital banking;
b. Online & offline internet banking;
c. Mobile banking;
d. Kiosk banking;
e. UPI;
f. Add-on channels;
g. Strategic, tactical, operational data analytics & business intelligence;&
h. Cash management& any other emerging delivery channels

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Core Banking Solution (CBS)

i. Financial and support reporting designed to drive strategic decision making on areal
time basis

2. Efficient & state of the art MIS which support ALM/CFT, regulations, Risk Management,
Collection Management, all other statutory, & non-statutory statements;
3. Uniformity of solutions, parameters & version at its HO, across its departments & branches;
4. Rationalization& elimination of repetitive & manual drudgery of work at HO, branches,
departments, which shall result in increased productivity & performance at all levels;&
5. Image & brand building.

Thus, with the new CBS the existing delivery channels shall experience seamlessly integration during
migration and thereafter for uninterrupted services to the Bank clients and stakeholders. Moreover,
the proposed CBS shall be scalable, highly available, facilitating the transformation process of the
Bank to effectively, and efficiently manage its HO, branches, and proposed future sub-offices
businesses of the Bank.

1.4. CBS Solution Requirements

Technologically enable functionalities & solutions:

1. Credit Management (Monitoring & Evaluation compatible with IFRS 9;

2. Collections;
3. Deposits accounts (Savings and Fixed);
4. Integrated Accounting\Financial Management ( Preparation of branch and consolidated
5. Investment & Treasury Management;
6. Inventory and Asset Management;
7. Product reporting;
8. Sub sector reporting;
9. Customer Relationship Management;
10. Anti-Money laundering/ Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) reporting
11. MIS & Dashboard reports to monitor real time performance;
12. Procurement Management; &
13. Provision for HO, HR & Payroll module, Treasury, /CBLO etc. with MIS.

A robust, highly available, secure, & current (Updated) version of a CBS to meet the current as well
as future requirements of the Bank such as:

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Agricultural Development Bank Request for Proposals
Core Banking Solution (CBS)

1. Support all required modules by the Bank viz. various (a) Customer Information
Management, (b) Deposit & advances schemes including savings, (c) Current plus, term /
flexi deposits, (d) Overdraft, (e) Cash credit, (f) Bills, (g) Guarantee remittances, (h) Demand
/ term loans, (i) Clearing & settlement, (j) Transfer, (k) Locker, (l) TDS, (m) Signature
capture, (n) Inventory & Asset management, (o) Trade finance& treasury modules, (p)
Collection, & (q) Monitoring & Evaluation;
2. Support Online registration module as per the Bank requirement;
3. Support accounting & MIS needs of the Bank;
The core functionalities of the Key Modules should enable:
1. Support physical & electronic delivery channels viz. (1) ATMs, (2) Mobile banking, (3) Tele
banking, (4) Internet banking, (5)Kiosk banking, (6) Agent banking, & (7) Bill payment
integrations etc.;
2. Provide state of the art service to the customers viz.(a) Any branch banking, (b) Any time
banking, (c) Online & offline banking etc.;
3. Support comprehensive MIS for the Bank as a whole, which shall inter alia include, ALM,
Risk management inspection tools besides generating all statutory & non statutory
statements required to be generated at daily/ weekly/monthly/quarterly/ semi-annually/
annually as per the requirements of the Bank;
4. Provide the interface for NEFT, ECS, SFMS, RTGS, CFMS etc. &shall support accounting
procedures pertaining to various interbank schemes;
5. SWIFT ready & other interfaces required by Bank;
6. Able to integrate with existing 3rd party applications as per the Bank requirements;
7. Shall integrate & support any 3rd party applications even beyond the scope of this RFP as &
when required by the Bank in the future viz. Data warehousing, Data mining & CRM
8. Shall be able to be customised as well as parameterised to meet the specific
requirements/processes of the Bank;
9. High level inbuilt security as well as sufficient audit logs, data analytics, business intelligence,
& data tracking to maintain historical footprint of transactions performed by various users;
10. User friendly & flexible, moreover, it shall support strategic, tactical, operational business
process functionalities as well as business data analysis & intelligence concepts at all levels;
11. The Bidder shall be responsible for identifying the detailed requirements for integrating the
CBS into the Bank proposed UEA & all other functionalities as mentioned in this RFP. The
Bidder shall be responsible for documenting, mapping, training & also providing all the
training material for the same (hardcopies & softcopies);

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12. Installation of the same CBS & its related components at the DR site setup shall be the
responsibility of the Bidder. Arranging for the appropriate resource for active participation
in the DR drills / disaster scenario shall be the responsibility of the Bidder.

Furthermore, the Bidder shall provide a complete solution keeping in mind the current requirements
and regulation and guideline, while adhering provision for integration /interface with other systems
like RTGS/NEFT and the following:

1. The CBS shall be customer centric (single view of all accounts of a customer) & follow the
KYC (Know Your Customer) guidelines;
2. Interface with the CBS with delivery channels like (1) ATM, (2) Internet Banking, (3) Phone
Banking, & (4) SMS Banking as &when they may be introduced;

3. The Bank may introduce new products/services by building interfaces where required,
through various delivery channels, for which the CBS shall provide interface;

4. The Bidder shall prepare their data migration methodology, tools & the data shall be
migrated to the proposed solution from all the branches converted to CBS. The Bidder has
to migrate the existing data with all transaction history of all accounts (available at Bank) into
their proposed solution;&

5. The Bidder/Bidder’s CBS front-end solution shall be web browser based, viewed on current
or future technological modalities, utilising Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise as the back-end
RDBMS solution. Furthermore, the Bidder shall ensure that the CBS pays attention to
current virtualisation and Unified Computing Systems (UCS) technologies. Finally, the
Bidder/Bidder’s shall ensure that the CBS adheres to the situated components, standards,
frameworks, and methods embedded in UEAs.

1.5. Snapshot of Main CBS Core Components

The CBS shall support the following:
1. Any time & anywhere banking;
2. Online & offline banking;
3. Data analytics / Business intelligence;
4. Tracking;
5. Internet banking;
6. Tele banking;

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7. ATM connectivity;
8. SMS banking;
9. Mobile banking;
10. Asset liability management;
11. Treasury / fund & investment management;
12. NPA management;
13. HR management;
14. Business Continuity & Disaster recovery management.

1.6. CBS Brief Overview

A brief description of the envisaged CBS is documented below which includes:

1. Initiation, implementation, integration, & maintenance of (1) SQL Servers, (2) Storage, and
the (3) Network & security components as required for the CBS successful
operationalization at the HO DC, branches, & DRC. Please note: The Bank shall float a
separate tender for its Infrastructure Architecture Upgrade at its HO& branches as well as its
DC Architecture;
2. Strategic, tactical, operational analysis & mapping of business processes & workflow;
3. Strategic, tactical, operational customization & parameterization;
4. Documentation of methodology, model language, frameworks, & standards utilise;
5. Complete integration into the Bank UEA;
6. Recommend the primary network bandwidth for CBS as well as the required redundant
network bandwidth links between the branches, HO, DC & DRC;
7. Mapping & migration of data from the branches from the legacy system to the required
platform of CBS; for the branches which are still running on manual basis either fully or
partly required data to be cleaned, validated& entered on sample basis so as to facilitate a
smooth computerization of branches under the CBS;
8. Recommend CBS facility management for the primary HO DC, DRC as part of the tender
for a period of three (3) years;&

9. Training, knowledge transfer, & handholding support for branches, HO DC & DR.

The detailed requirements are given separately on each area under section 3: Detailed Scope of Work
(SOW) below. However, the Bank reserves the right to change the scope of this RFP considering

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the size and variety of requirements and changing business conditions or for any other purpose
which the Bank may deem fit.

1.7. CBS Project Support

The Bank requires following supports from the Bidder.

1. CBS Project Management: The Bidder who shall be awarded the contract shall carry
complete responsibility of managing the project including, (a) Managing initiation,
implementation, integration & maintenance process & lifecycle of the CBS software, along
with the,(b) Data Migration till the clearance of the acceptance test of the project as defined
under the various phases by the Technical Committee of the Bank with effect from the date
on which acceptance certificate for successful commission of system is issued by the Bank,
the manual data entry work shall be supervised by the Bidder in conjunction with the Bank;

2. CBS Software Support: The Bidder shall provide free onsite support that includes
incorporation of requisite changes in the CBS & documentation for a period of three (3)
years after successful implementation / first (1st) “live run” of the respective module duly
certified by the Bank. This support includes, providing solutions to the day-to-day
challenges that may be encountered due to any of the components of the (a) Web-based
front-end solution, (b) RDBMS backend database solutions or (d) Queries, (e) Modules etc.
It may also include minor changes in the CBS &customization required for report

3. CBS Facility Management: The Bidder shall operate &maintain the CBS infrastructure
(referred to as all software/hardware components isolated to CBS) for all the components
provided as part of this RFP. The Bidder shall set up a help desk for providing support to
the Bank branches& HO DC & DR on 24 x 7 basis. The Bank shall provide support to the
Bidder for creating and setting up the Help Desk. The detailed SOW is provided in section
3: Detailed Scope of Works.

1.8. Warranty

The Bidder is required to provide satisfactory services during the warranty period as specified in
section 13: Terms & Conditions. The warranty shall commence from the date of the issue of the
acceptance certificate of the (a) CBS, and (b) UEA integration after successful completion of the

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final acceptance test. The Bidder must have satisfactory arrangement implemented to receive,
attend, and respond to complaints, which includes online receiving system of complaints from the
Bank branches, HO DC & DR by creating a web-enabled helpdesk facility.

The Bidder shall also record each and every complaint received verbally, telephonically, through
web-enabled services, or e-mail etc., and action taken thereof shall be recorded in a logbook to be
maintained at the HO of the Bank.

1.9. Connectivity

The CBS connectivity is to be recommended in a redundant configuration i.e., all the branches shall
be connected to the HO DC primarily through redundant dedicated Fibre Lines (in a fibre network
configuration) which shall act as the primary connectivity medium and DC to DR back-up (fail over)
to be provided over dedicated Fibre connectivity. The following is the Bank proposed bandwidth
for the CBS WAN connectivity:
1. HO to DC 10GB or higher;
2. North Branch 5GB or higher;
3. Central branch 5GB or higher;
4. South branch 5GB or higher;
5. East branch 5GB or higher;
6. Tobago branch 5GB or higher.

1.10. Connectivity Architecture

All five (5) branches and offices shall terminate at the DC at the HO. The connectivity between the
various Devices/Branches /HO DC / DR shall be as per the following.

` Devices

Devices DC

North South Central East Tobago

Branch Branch Branch Branch Branch

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Core Banking Solution (CBS)

2. The Bank Facilities Details

Agricultural Development Bank

Head Office 87 Henry Street Port of Spain 4

East Branch Office 148 Eastern Main Road, Sangre Grande 450725 2

Central Branch Office 29 Ramsaran Street Chaguanas 1

South Branch Office 8- 10 Gordon Street (First Floor), San Fernando 1

Tobago Branch Office No. 13 Young Street, Scarborough 901018, Tobago 1

2.1. Orientation/Tour Layout Plan

The Bank will arrange a site tour/pre tender meeting, accommodating no more than three (3)
representatives per organization to which Tenderers shall be invited. The dates of the tours have
been fixed for the following:


Head Office December 2nd 2019 9am - noon Mr. Gleason Garraway

Head Office December 2nd 2019 9am - noon Mr. Marcus Shaffie

Under no circumstances will any other tour be arranged.

Proposed Timeline

Deadline for submission is 3:00 p.m. on December 30th, 2019

Expected start date: March 2nd, 2020

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3. CBS Detailed Scope of Works (SOW)

Based on the contents of this RFP, the Bidder shall provide a CBS adhere to BC/DR procedures,
governance, and controls alluded to in this detail SOW. However, the Bank reserves the right to
change the scope of this RFP considering the variety of requirements and changing business
conditions. Furthermore, the Bank expressly stipulates that the Bidder’s selection under this RFP
depend on the express understanding that this RFP contains only the principal provisions for the
entire assignment and that delivery of the deliverables and the services in connection therewith are
only a part of the assignment.

3.1. CBS (SOW) Functional Requirements

The CBS shall technologically enable all Banking functionalities/products like (1) Deposits, (2)
Advances, (3) Loans & Loans Security Management, (4) Loan & Credits monitoring, (5) NPA
management, (6) Clearing & Collection (Recoveries) functions, (7) Term lending, (8) Customer
Information System, (9) General Ledger, (10) MIS & Reports, (11) Monitoring & Evaluation.

The CBS shall support a 24X7 processing environment across all the business departments of the
Bank. The CBS solution shall be highly available, maintainable, reliable, secure, scalable,
interoperable, portable, and easily understandable. The Bank expects the Bidder to provide a
complete solution keeping in mind the current requirements and regulations. Furthermore, the
Bidder shall advise the Bank about channel integration and interfaces with other solutions, and
render all possible assistance to the Bank, including training, initiation, implementation, integration,
and maintenance.

Moreover, the Bidder shall ensure that the interface of the CBS to delivery channels like ATM,
RTGS, and NEFT are standard etc., thus, enabling the introduction of new product/services by
building interfaces where required, through various channels.

3.2. CBS Data Migration

The Bidder shall perform/enable migration of the Bank data pertaining to live accounts (from the
time of the account opening or from the time the data is available) for accounts like term deposits,
recurring deposits, loans, advance etc. to the proposed CBS solution RDBMS for all the branches
and its HO being converted to CBS.

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Historic (Archive) data shall fulfil the objectives of printing back dated customer statements (for all
products, accounts, and schemes supported by the legacy application). Examples are:

1. Passbook;
2. General ledger;
3. Profit & loss statement;
4. Trial balance;
5. Account master information;
6. Standing instruction & transaction history such as ;
a. GL,P&L heads & other office accounts;&
b. Office accounts, statements & returns.

The CBS shall also supports printing MIS reports as desired by the Bank for the legacy data
migrated. The Bank shall require a CBS standard centralized input engine so that it may perform the
migration job itself or appoint the chosen Bidder or any third party for data migration and data

3.3. CBS Data Archival

In the CBS environment, the Bank shall keep a minimum of one (1) year of data before archiving
the data. Whenever necessary the Bank shall be able to extract required statements from the
archived data from data committed to archives of data reservoirs.

3.4. CBS Provision of Test Environment

The Bidder shall provide a test environment that facilitates one-hundred (100) concurrent users
accessing the CBS. The Bidder shall provide a separate test environments for other delivery
channels and other solutions being a part of the CBS to be provided by the Bidder. The Bidder is
shall provide source code /test scripts/algorithms and model test (performance tests results) cases
for a complete acceptance testing of the CBS solution including all customizations, workflows, and
documentation. The aforementioned shall be perused and separately verified by the Bank using its
own or third party tools/services. The Bidder must allow complete testing by the Bank, the
Bidder’s, or third party methods.

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3.5. Audit Tools

The Bidder is required to develop and provide automated audit tools for the Bank’s internal and
concurrent auditors for auditing all the components of the CBS solution provided. The Bank shall
also create and deploy such tools it may deem necessary for cross verification. The Bidder is
required to assist in this by providing relevant documentation.

3.6. Performance Metrics / Services Level Parameters

The Performance Metrics / Service Level Parameters in respect of the CBS Solution have been
indicated in Appendix-1 (1A, 2B, & 3C). The responses are to be indicated in the last column of the
respective items.

3.7. CBS Training / Knowledge Transfer

The Bidder shall be responsible for training the Bank’s employees in the areas of implementation,
operations, management, error handling, and system administration of the customized solution. The
training shall at least cover the following areas for various segments of users / personnel:

1. CBS concepts;
2. Functionality available in the solution & ‘hands-on’ session on the same;
3. Parameterization;
4. Audit techniques;
5. Techniques of generating various MIS / EIS reports from the solution provided;
6. Development & deployment of new products using the solution;
7. Security, system administrations & management of the solution;
8. First level troubleshooting &diagnosis;
9. Financial Statement & support report generation; &
10. Ad hoc report generation through parameter settings.

For training of general users, the Bank shall provide the physical infrastructure at its branches& HO.
However, in case of special training is to be imparted to the core team outside of HO, the same is to
be mentioned with details.

The Bidder shall provide training to the employees of the Bank in the following manner:

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1. Core team comprising of 10 persons in 1 batch for 2 weeks

2. End-users comprising of 150 persons in 15 batches for 1 week
3. Executives comprising of 10 persons in 1 batch for 4 days

The duration of a day shall be of 7 hours. The Bank shall provide the physical infrastructure at HO.
However, installation of CBS components i.e., (a) Hardware, (b) Connectivity, and (c) Loading of
various solutions (OS / RDBMS / Application Software etc.) shall be the responsibility of the
The training methodology, materials (both in Hard copy and Soft copy) to be provided to the
various categories (mentioned above) are to be mentioned. The cost of Traveling / Boarding etc.
for the trainers shall be borne by the CBSP

3.8. CBS Benchmark Reports

The Bank shall ask at an appropriate time (during the process of evaluation) for benchmark reports
in respect of the specification of the CBS components (hardware / performance) of the hardware
from a suitable third party acceptable to the Bank. The report shall include all factors as
maintainability, reliability, security, scalability, portability, and safety.

4. CBS SOW Bidder Responsibilities

4.1. Gap Analysis & Resolution

The Bidder shall be responsible for gap identification and resolution and provide all functionalities
as mentioned in this RFP. The Bidder shall responsible for the following:

a) Provide the Bank with the a gap analysis & resolution report along with necessary CBS
solutions to overcome the gap & the time frames;
b) Ensure that gaps pointed out by the audit & inspection team, statutory & regulatory bodies,
or any third (3rd) party agency engaged by the Bank shall be resolved immediately;
c) Ensure that all gaps identified at the time of the CBS testing are immediately resolved;
d) Resolve gaps by proposing a suitable work around or customizing the proposed solution by
way of modification/ enhancement as necessary, to the proposed solution. The Bidder shall
provide statutory, regulatory, & MIS & EIS reports as required by the Bank in the desired
format during the initial phase of customization process;&

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e) Provide for all subsequent changes to reports as suggested by the statutory &regulatory
bodies from time to time immediately to the Bank at no additional cost to the Bank.

4.2. Test Data

The Bidder shall provide the Bank real time data in standard SQL format along with the field
description. The Bidder shall provide the table / data structure to the Bank for retrieval of the data
as and when necessary by the Bank. If the Bidder is not willing to share the table details, the
provision of the transaction engine from the tables to another set of tables for dumping the
necessary data and shall provide the Bank with details of such tables.

4.3. Project Initiation to Implementation

The Bank HO and its branches currently accesses a legacy CBS with SQL as the back-end
(database). The Bank is not the owner of the source code of legacy CBS solution. The solutions
currently supports all types of deposit modules, (a) Remittance, (b) Clearing, (c) Locker, (c) Bills, (d)
Loans, (e) Recoveries etc. (Loans to PAC which are maintained manually, thus, the Bidder is
responsible for:

1. Studying the ledger heads, sub-heads, codes & sub-codes at the HO & its branches &
prepare an appropriate & scalable migration tool for smooth & hassle free migration of data
from the existing legacy solution to the CBS ensuring uniformity of Ledger heads, sub-
heads, codes & sub-codes;
2. Providing a suitable module for PAC related data as required by the Bank for meeting its
various functional / statutory requirements;
3. Incorporating all data relating to loans a/c, shares, inter-branch / inter-bank accounts,
investments maintained manually at the HO to an electronic platform into the CBS &ensure
smooth output of the integrated data of all the branches, HO, & generation of MIS reports
&financial statements as required by the Bank;
4. Providing a suitable module for processing of centralized staff salary (payroll)-& to upload
the existing data relating to salary from the present legacy solution running in the CBS;
5. Ensuring an interface with existing treasury operations with the proposed CBS solutions;
6. Noting that the Bank is in the process of implementing a DC, thus, the Bank shall provide
the necessary site, complete with AC, Power Supply, UPS, & Generator Backup for which a

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separate tender shall be floated. The chosen CBS SI of this tender shall be required to
integrate into the Bank UEA, supply, install, & commission the CBS components. The
Bidder shall provide in the bid document the number &types of components in its CBS
Topology points needed for commissioning. These shall preferably be accompanied with a
proposed CBS topology. The Bidder shall clearly specify the necessary justification of the
UPS power requirement;
7. Note that the Bank is in the process of implementing a DRC. The entire hardware (e.g.
Servers / Racks / Network equipment etc.), other infrastructure (e.g. AC / UPS / Power
supply / Security) shall be deployed by the Bank. However, the Bidder shall provide facility
management of the CBS equipment. The Bidder shall offer comprehensive arrangement;
8. For preparation of the CBS at the DC at HO, all work shall be done under the supervision
of Service Integrator (SI);
9. The Bidder shall recommend a primary network bandwidth (noting the Bank
recommendation: Section 1.9 Connectivity), & robust redundant links between the branches,
DC& DRC through a fibre network. However, recommendations shall be based on the
Bank current ISP provider (s);
10. It shall be the responsibility of the Bank to recommend and communicate with the ISP for
upgrading the WAN. Wherever required, the Bank shall sign the documents & papers as the
Bandwidth shall be negotiated in the name of the Bank & the cost of the Bandwidth shall be
borne by the Bank. It may however be noted that, for the Commercial Evaluation of the
project, the cost for the usage of bandwidth shall be taken as TCO for a period of three (3)
years based on the projected bandwidth requirement of the CBS solution to be provided by
the Bank. For the upgrade of the Bank branches, requiring greater data bandwidth shall be
upgraded on the first instance on sample basis to facilitate a smooth operationalization of
branches under CBS.
11. The Bidder is to provide the facility management for the CBS at the DC & the components
provided as part of the tender for a period of three (3) years.

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4.4. Timeline

WAN Connectivity &

Name of Time
Phase Purpose supply & installation of
Branches Schedule
2 months Supply & installation of IT
1 At HO / DC
* Resources at HO
4 East Branch

Note: * For Phase I / Phase II: from date of work order for subsequent Phases-, the time-period is
for successive phases.

4.5. Component Hardware Function Requirements

The Bidder shall have to make the optimum use of the laptops, desktops, servers, UPS and printers
already in use by the Bank, its branches, and HO without making them redundant. The minimum
CBS functional requirement of the hardware and other peripherals, which shall be required by the
CBS DC at the HO, is mentioned inAppendix-2.

The Bidder shall ensure that the proposed functional specification (Hardware, SQL, RDBMS) sited
shall deliver the requirements necessitated for a high performing, highly available CBS. However, to
ensure delivery of the complete performance requirement the Bidder may suggest or recommend
higher specifications, if required, compatible with their proposed CBS. If selected, the Bidder shall
have the obligation under the contract to deliver the performance promised.

4.6. WAN Connectivity

All the branches shall be directly connected to the DC situated at HO of the Bank through fibre
lines, which shall also act as the primary connectivity medium for the CBS DRCS (failover).

4.7. Facility Management

While bidding for providing CBSFM services to the Bank, the Bidder needs to consider that all the
solutions provided by the Bidder by way of this RFP shall come with three (3) years free product

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warranty, three (3) year onsite free service warranty, and are expected to be on AMC thereafter for
three (3) years which shall be included under CBS FM.

CBS FM for all purposes means all maintenance, technical support for all CBS components
provided by the Bidder, warranties, etc. which are quoted by the Bidder and all other costs necessary
and incidental to the maintenance and support of those components .The CBS FM is to be provided
the HO and five (5) branches.

The CBS FM shall at least include:

1. Component Management;
2. Software distribution, maintenance,& support;
3. Software license management / Version management;
4. SQL Server administration / Operations management;
5. Warranty / Security;
6. CBS application management including day-begin, day-end, month-end, yearend, periodic &
daily backups;
7. Software updates, patch management, security updates, data updates from one application to
another application in the centralized-banking environment;
8. Integrated System monitoring on a 24x7 basis;
9. Training / Integrated Customer Support &Help Desk Management.

4.8. CBS Warranty

The Bidder shall also be responsible to provide comprehensive onsite, warranty for the CBS &
components for a minimum period of three (3) years (enclosed format as Appendix-3) & the

1. The CBS warranty shall be deemed to commence from the date of successful completion &
acceptance of the final acceptance test by the technical committee of the Bank;
2. During the warranty period the Bidder shall provide full technical support in
configuration/setup, problem solution etc.;
3. After the warranty period is over successfully, the Bidder shall provide annual maintenance
of the CBS at the price quoted separately in the Financial Bid. A separate AMC agreement
for the CBS between the Bidder & the Bank shall have to be made by the Bidder;
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4. Bidders shall have satisfactory arrangements to receive complaints during the period of
warranty as well as the AMC, as the case may be, which includes on-line complaint receiving
system by creating a web-enabled system running on the Banks WAN. The Bidder shall
record each & every complaint received verbally, telephonically, through e-mail, web-enabled
system, & action taken thereof in a logbook / soft form to be maintained at a location to be
decided in consultation with the Bank. The Bank can verify the said register at any point of
time / interval.
5. The Bidder shall do preventive maintenance of all CBS components supplied under this RFP
and its RDBMS etc., once in every quarter to ensure smooth functioning. The Bidder shall
have to strictly adhere to the schedule submitted;
6. During the period of warranty / AMC, as the case may be, the Bidder shall attend / rectify
the defects at all the Branches within 30 minutes from the time / date the complaints are
reported to the Bidder or its representatives. If the Bidder does not attend / rectify the
defects / problems, the Bank at its own discretion shall have the right to arrange repairs /
replacement at the cost & risk of the Bidder. At the end of the warranty period, the
warranty shall be extended for duration equivalent to the total time during which the system
remains out of order.

4.9. CBS Technical Support

The Bidder shall provide the details of support activities available to the Bank from its site
during the implementation & customization phase & later on for ongoing post implementation
support as well. The support framework must comprise back-to-back support services from
the principal’s end.

4.9.1. Implementation Support

The Bidder shall define the degree of responsibility, level of support in the following area:

Table 1: Degree & Level of Support

Description CBS Support

Installation Onsite loading of the CBS, testing of database& initial file sizing

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Functional & technical training to business & IT staff/contractors in

operating & using the database & CBS

Documentation Systems, operation & user manuals for each application license

Modifications &
interfaces with Provide, design, development, & testing of custom modifications as
other software needed. Also support custom modifications in all future releases
Provide onsite functional & technical support for acceptance testing
(acceptance &
&performance testing under load conditions

Loading tables, developing conversion programmers & interfacing with

Conversion the existing &proposed banking solution, data conversion, data entry &
technical support
Enhance onsite support for at least seven (7) days per week & website,
Initial operations
&telephonic support

4.9.2. On-Going Post Implementation Support

The Table 8 presented below is indicative of the level of support expected. It may be used as a
base and be fine-tuned to describe the kind of support, the Bidder can offer for each of the
Banks locations. The Bidder must have the capability to provide single and multipoint support
at the Bank branches, if required. The Bidders, in their proposal, must state their ability for
compliance with the following levels of support desired by the Bank or propose comparable
alternatives, if any

Table 2: Post Implementation Support

Support stage CBS support

Full support: 24x7/Monday-Sunday, depending on the working days at

the different branches

Immediate telephonic response & support for usage related &other

minor problems. Dial-in-support for corruptions, handling, minor bug
Initial response
fix etc. Onsite support within 12 hours for major problems
&immediate support in case of emergency

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Immediate onsite support for data base recovery & data synchronization
Major repair after crash, performance tuning etc., Bug fix or update within 36 hours
for all critical functions

Guaranteed Bidder shall provide all technical support necessary to meet all critical
operations processing cycles

Training Follow up training for major changes in system releases

As part of ongoing support, automatically upgrade the CBS on any new

CBS & documentation
releases & provide any updates of technical & Functional Manuals

Indicate the type of post implementation support that shall be provided.

Post [Does the Bidder provide any onsite Bidder personnel support (full
implementation time)? If so, for what period? Please provide the cost for this as a
separate section in the Commercial Bid

4.9.3. Escalation Mechanism

In case of system related problems, an effective technical support shall be available with problem
escalation mechanisms to resolve the same at the earliest.

4.9.4. Project Management

The Bidder is required to adhere to the following criteria for programme management:
1. Team Formation
A project management team shall be established to take complete charge of the CBS
implementation &customization. A team for addressing all escalations shall also be
2. Implementation engineers &the Bank officers shall be trained on the required CBS &
methodologies to obtain an operational expertise on the products recommended by the
design document
3. Project Plan Review

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The project plan shall be reviewed with the Bank team. Revisions, if any, shall be
incorporated & a sign off shall be obtained. Review mechanism schedules shall be
discussed &finalized
4. Pre-execution
A comprehensive architectural design of the solution shall be made with detail
diagrams. The diagram shall clearly detail the process of each components of the
system to others. Configuration sheets shall be made for each component of the
system. They shall contain detail of each &every requirement for the sites. Checklist
shall be prepared for each site. The implementation team shall strictly follow the
checklist & install/configure the CBS components accordingly
5. Installation
The software related to the CBS shall be unpacked & all the items shall be physically
verified as per the purchase order. An inventory list of all the software shall be made &
any discrepancy shall be brought to the immediate notice of the Bidder for replacement
or take appropriate action. The procedure as to how the implementation of the CBS
shall be carried out has to be detailed
6. Training
Training to be imparted to the concerned CBS officers &the concerned support staff
who shall be assisting the implementation at the sites &responsible for the day-to-day
7. Review Mechanism
A co-ordination committee shall be formed with the project executive of the Bidder, the
PM of the Bidder and the project implementation team of the Bank to monitor the
progress of the project on a monthly basis. The said co-ordination committee shall give
strategic direction & take decisions during implementation. A working committee
comprising the PM of the Bidder and PM of the Bank shall review the project on
weekly basis to sort out issues in the implementation. This is in addition to regular
meetings between the various teams involved in the project execution

4.9.5. CBS Key Implementation Activities

The selected Bidder shall be responsible for successful implementation of the solution. This
shall include the following key activities:

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a. Installation of the proposed CBS solution components;

b. Design &development of the CBS solution modifications as indicated in the response
parameterization & customization (including interfaces with the CBS);
c. Initial testing of the CBS;
d. Migration/ creation of master & transaction files;
e. Manual data entry & conversion of data to the proposed CBS & migration;
f. Training of users /Administrative Officers (AOs);
g. Supporting to the CBS to correct errors;
h. Implementation of future CBS enhancements including updates to documentations &
follow up training;
i. Minor modifications/addition/alternation to the CBS, which may emerge during
implementation / roll out, shall be carried out at no extra cost to the Bank;
j. The documentation shall be handed over to the Bank on installation of each CBS
modules & after any change in them. The intellectual property right shall vest to the
k. The Bidder shall maintain the CBS infrastructure for implementation &operation of the
project & allied services except for the already existing components already installed;
l. The Bidder shall commission and certify the Fibre& allied equipment at both ends that
is at the Bank & at the site of the provider;
m. The Bidder shall handle all the technical & implementation matters associated with the
CBS connection on behalf and in conjunction with the Bank & with ISP service
n. The Bidder shall design & deliver to the Bank the panel diagram & blue print of CBS
Topology for each site;
o. Installation, configuration, maintenance & up certification of all required CBS
associated software like OS, database, Internet systems software, Domain application
software, firewall etc., till the warranty period or the period of project management,
whichever is later. All the upgrades to the CBS shall be supplied to the Bank along with
the compact disc media containing the same during this period;
p. To provide certification from OEM of all active & passive components of equipment
that they shall not become obsolete within at least five (5) years (mentioned in
Appendix 3).

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5. Bank Responsibilities
5.1. Responsibility of the Bank

1. To prepare the site for the installation of the CBS components which includes the
provision for required furniture & AC, UPS, DC, DRC (if required);
2. To provide adequate electricity point at the site;
3. To provide appropriate environment condition, necessary power facilities for the
systems, access to premises, a secure equipment storage area & suitable condition for
the Bidders / workers.

5.2. Inspection / Testing of Items/ Equipment

1. An Officer from the Bank or person duly authorized in writing by the Bank shall have the
power to inspect the items including the CBS components etc., before / during or after
installation to reject the same or any part /portion if he / they are not satisfied that the same
is not at par or according to the specification submitted by the Bidder. The CBS
components shall be put into operational condition as well as burning test for minimum
period seventy (72) hours to be conducted with satisfaction;
2. The Bidder shall neither claim nor shall be entitled to payment for any damage or harm that
it may suffer due to rejection of supplies;
3. The Bank shall have no liability whatsoever for rejected items &the same shall be at the
Bidder’s risk;
4. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the Bidder at its own expanses within ten (10) days
after notice has been issued of such rejection &failing such removal of rejected goods it shall
be of Bidder’s risk & the Bidder may be charged the market rent for the space occupied by
such rejected goods.

5.3. Condition of the Item Supplied

1. This is subject to the condition that the materials are securely packed by the Bidders in
sound containers & the carriers accept the consignment without any adverse remarks as to
the packing or the condition of the containers etc.,& that the materials reach respective sites
in sound &sealed conditions of the container with original packing visually discernible by the
receiving branch manager & the said officer shall sign the document with the legend

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“Received in sealed / unsealed container with original/ broken packing. Contents not
verified.” [The words not applicable shall be clearly stricken off with initial of the receiving
officer]. In case of any adverse remarks the responsibility for the losses in transit shall rest
with the Bidder;
2. The Bidder shall not be entitled to charge or be paid for the supplies, which are broken /
lost or damaged in transit. The Bidder at his own expenses shall remove such supplies. The
decision in this regard taken by the Bank shall be binding &final.

6. Acceptance Test for CBS Components

6.1. Acceptance & Components Test

A testing committee of officials from the Bank as constituted or to be constituted by the Bank and
duly authorized by the Bank shall perform acceptance test for components at each site after the
containers of the materials are opened by the Bidder’s representative(s) in the presence of the Bank
officials receiving the container and only the materials received in good condition are installed by the

In any case, if the quality and the quantity of the items supplied by the Bidder at one or all the
locations are found un-acceptable, the Bidder shall be held responsible for covering up the loss in
terms of both quantity as well as quality. All the components related payments to the Bidder as per
the payment schedule mentioned shall be made after successful clearance of the following
acceptance test.

1. All components items must be installed at the particular site as per the instruction;
2. All the required CBS solutions must be installed in the respective system/s properly;
3. The Brand, model number, specification & the quantity of all the supplied & installed
component items must match with respect to the list & particulars of the items to be
supplied for that unit;
4. The Bidder can be asked to demonstrate all the features / facilities mentioned offered by the
Bidder &specified in the work-order;
5. All the installed components shall be working properly;

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6.2. Acceptance & CBS

All the CBS software related payments to the Bidder as per the payment schedule mentioned at
Section 6.14 shall be made after successful conduction of the following tests:

1. All the required reports in the approved format of the CBS software requirement
specifications & further discussed changes must be working properly;
2. Data in all packages from all the locations must be updated in the centralized SQL
Enterprise Server database as per the requirements;
3. The Bidder shall conduct the test & provide the test reports of all the CBS software
modules. The test shall include unit testing, system testing & pressure/stress testing of
each module of the CBS software, the Bank reserves the right to conduct the test /
verify the results by a third party/ agency at the cost of the Bidder;
4. Documentations including user manuals of all the modules shall be handed over to the
Bank & the same shall be the property of the Bank.

6.3. Insurance of Items

The Bidder shall be solely responsible for arranging the safe & delivery of the components to the
destination of the client as mentioned in detailed score of work. The Bidder shall arrange fire &
allied risk insurance including earthquake risk, flood damage, riot and arson and theft in the name of
Bank. For safety of the hardware stored, the Bidder shall also arrange insurance of the same against
the risks of burglary, house break-in, and theft in the name of the Bank. All the insurances shall be
for one (1) year and shall start from the date of first delivery at respective sites.

6.4. Escrow Mechanism

The Bank and the Bidder shall agree for an escrow mechanism, at any point of time, for the deposit
of the source code for the CBS product supplied by the Bidder to the Bank in order to protect its
interests in an eventual situation. As a part of the escrow arrangement, the finally selected Bidder is
also expected to provide a detailed code documentation of the CBS solution, which has been duly
reviewed by an external independent organisation. Cost of escrow arrangement shall be considered
separately during the award of contract

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7. Property / Payment Rights

The Bidder/ supplier shall indemnify the Bank against all third party claims of infringement of
patent, copyright, trademark, license or industrial design rights and other intellectual property rights,
software piracy arising from the use of goods or any part thereof in T&T.

8. Eligibility Criteria for Bids

This RFP is open to all firms / companies both from within and outside of Trinidad & Tobago that
are eligible to do business in T&T under relevant laws as in force at the time of bidding. The CBSP
can also be a consortium of two (2) or more companies. The CBSP must have an office in Trinidad
& Tobago. The bid shall be signed by the CBSP for providing the CBS solution and shall be
countersigned by other members of the consortium and shall be legally binding on all consortium
partners. Bidders shall not submit more than one (1) tender.

1. In case of consortium, there shall be a valid agreement between the front-ender/leader of

the consortium with the respective members who shall authorize the prime Bidder/
consortium leader to represent on their / his behalf. The date of such agreement / MOU
shall be prior to the date of submission of bid. The agreement/ MOU shall clearly specify
the role and responsibility of each member of the consortium and this agreement / MOU
shall be exclusively for this project.

2. In case of consortium, the lead partner shall be the single point of contact between the Bank
and the Bidder, and shall be responsible for all liabilities and issues relating to this contract
and address / execute / resolve issues relating to this contract;

3. The bidding firm / company shall have been in existence for a minimum period of ten (10)
years and must be involved in providing a CBS to scheduled banks / nationalized banks /
cooperative banks / commercial banks / development banks for a period of no less than ten
(10) years.

8.1. Minimum Eligibility Criteria

1. The Bidder firm / company shall have at least over one-hundred (100) qualified &
experienced manpower on its pay roll;
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2. The Bidder & each member of the consortium (in case of consortium) shall be an IT
company & shall have expertise in the field of IT, especially in initiation to integration of a
CBS into EA/UEA solutions. Knowledge about EAUEA technology trends & experience
in large project initiation to implementation & monitoring, programme management &
operations control is mandatory;
3. The IT resource OEM firm must be ISO Certified. The consortium member must be an
authorized dealer / distributor / authorized service provider & shall be authorized by the
resource OEM firm. Please attach valid supporting documents;
4. The CBS design / solution provided by the Bidder for the project, must be in accordance
with the policies / regulations applicable to such networks as established by the government
of T&T;
5. Details & proof of service facilities for support of a CBS, technical support on services, &
maintenance of components to be attached with consumer list to whom the services are to
be provided;
6. The Bidder shall facilitate a site-visit wherein the CBS is functionally utilised for over a
period of five (5) years in a similar enterprise-banking environment. The Bidder shall bear
all costs for site visit.
7. Technical design / implementation criteria proposed must be indicated by the Bidder in their
bid covering / conforming inter-alia to the following:
a) The methodology to be followed for initiation, implementation, integration &
maintenance of the CBS along with other components;
b) Methodology to be followed in the Strategic, tactical, operational analysis & mapping
of business processes & workflow
c) Methodology to be followed in the Strategic, tactical, operational customization &
d) Documentation of methodology, model language, frameworks, & standards to be
e) Proposed integration into the UEA along with proposed bandwidth requirement per
branch, HO DC & DR for common activities;
f) The structure of the development/implementation team with roles & responsibilities
(Portfolio) of each level proposed to be deployed for the project;

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g) Proposed CBS hardware/software components (must be from renowned

h) All products must have OEM guarantee against obsolescence for at least for the next
five (5) years from the date of acceptance of the CBS by the Bank;

i) The CBS shall have been audited by an independent audit body with requisite CISA
certification & the certificate is to be submitted.

9. Procedures for Submission of Bids

Bidders will submit their bids according to a Two-Stage procurement method. The Technical
and Financial Bids are submitted in separate Envelopes but at the same time. The Envelopes
should be clearly labelled “Technical Bid” and “Financial Bid” respectively. The Envelopes
shall indicate the Name, Address and contact information of the Bidder.

10. Instruction on the Format of Bids

Proposals must follow this format.

10.1. Technical Bids (1st Envelope)


1. Letter of Transmittal
SECTION 1 2. Company Profile, Organizational Structure & listing of Directors of bidding

1. Statutory Requirements
a. Company Registration Documents
SECTION 2 b. NIS Clearance Certificate
c. VAT Certificate & VAT Clearance
d. Income TAX Clearance

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1. Public Liability and Workmen’s Compensation Insurance

2. HSSE Policy
SECTION 3 3. Statement advising whether the Company and/or any of its Principals have
had any litigation matters or been involved in bankruptcy proceedings in the
past 7 years (All consortium members)

1. Audited Financial Accounts for the last three (3) years

SECTION 4 2. Management Accounts for the last three (3) years signed by the Managing
Director accompanied by Bank Statements where accounts are unaudited

1. Technical Proposal
2. Respond to the Detailed Scope of Works on a point-by-point basis & in the
SECTION 5 order in which they appear.
3. Address the Bidder Responsibilities on a point-by-point basis & in the order
in which they appear.
Work Experience and References
1. Provide details of similar work done specifically within the last three (3) years.
2. Provide reference letters from previous clients giving details of service
3. Provide details of record of accomplishment in this field – contract value,
duration, & scope of services.
Statement of Integrity
1. I being the person authorized to prepare & /or sign this proposal on
behalf on my company, do hereby state that I have not corruptly given,
promised, offered & gift, loan, fee, reward or advantage whatsoever, to
any person as an inducement to, or reward for or otherwise on account of
an employee or agent of the ADB doing or forbearing to do anything in
respect of the Tendering process for the contract for which this proposal
is made related to
2. Tenderers must state in writing that they have no conflict of interest and
have not accepted or given a bribe to win the Tender.
Tenderers must provide the following in their tender:-
1. The full name and business address of the Tenderer; Signature of the
person making the offer, or in the case of a company, partnership or
business firm, by duly authorized officer or employee of such company,
partnership or business firm.
2. The initials of the person authorizing the offer must be inserted next to
any alterations made, or in the case of a company, partnership or business

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11. CBS Evaluation Criteria

11.1. Evaluation Criteria


1. Completeness of the proposal

a. Technical Specifications (15)
TECHNICAL b. Functional Requirements (15) 80
PROPOSAL 2. Qualifications of personnel and Teams (20) Points
3. Service, warranty & guarantee (20)
4. Plan & Methodology (10)

EXPERIENCE Demonstrated experience in providing similar service as evidenced
by a list of work done & references from clients.

Please note that in order to pass the Technical Evaluation; proponents must have attained
at least a 75% score with no less than a 60% mark in each sub criteria.

Financial Bids (2nd Envelope)

 A total price on a “single responsibility” basis, such that the total tender cost covers all the
obligations mentioned in or to be reasonably inferred from the tender documents in respect
of the products & services required including procurement & subcontracting (if any),
commissioning, testing & certification. This also includes the acquisition of all permits,
approvals, & licenses the operation, maintenance, & training services & any other items or
services as stated in the tender documents, all in accordance with the General Conditions of
contract. Itemize all costs according to the Detailed Scope of Works and Bidder
Responsibility. Items for which no cost is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for by
the Bank when executed & shall be deemed to be covered by the costs of the other
 Provide costing for the Annual Maintenance Contract.

 Prices to be quoted in Trinidad & Tobago Dollars

 Quote for Value Added Tax (VAT) separately
 S = Min X 100

S = Score
Min = Lowest Priced Proposal
P = Price on this Proposal
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 Evaluation of Firms Selection Proposals: The lowest evaluated Financial Proposal will be
given the maximum financial score of 100 points. The financial scores of the other Financial
Proposals will be computed as follows: S = Min X 100/ P. Proposals will be ranked
according to their combined technical and financial scores using the weights. The firm
achieving the highest combined technical and financial score will be invited for negotiations.
The weights given to the Technical and Financial Proposals are: T = 0.6; F= 0.4

12. Tender Information

12.1. Amendment of the Tender Document

At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Bank may, for any reason whether at
his own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the
bidding documents by the issuance of an Addendum.

The Addendum will be sent in writing or by letter or facsimile to all prospective Tenderers who have
been issued the tender documents and will be binding upon them. Prospective Tenderers shall
promptly acknowledge receipt thereof by letter or facsimile to the Bank.

In order to afford prospective Tenderers reasonable time in which to take an Addendum into
account in preparing their bids, the Bank may, at his discretion, extend the deadline for the
submission of bids.

12.2. Cancellation of Tenders

The ADB reserves the right to cancel the bidding process in its entirety or even partially
without defraying any costs incurred by any firm.

12.3. Agreement

The successful Tenderer will be required to enter into a formal agreement with the ADB.

12.4. Performance Bond

The Contractor will be required to make a Cash Performance Deposit or provide a

Performance Bond of ten percent (10%) of the contract sum, in the form of a Bank’s
Guarantee, to cover damages or losses which may be incurred during the period of contract and
to remedy poor performance. Such bond or portion thereof will be refundable at the end of
the Contract.

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13. Terms & Conditions

1. The ADB reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.

2. The ADB does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any of these proposals.

3. The ADB reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted & to request
additional information if required.

4. The ADB shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the firm in preparing submitting
or presenting its response to this Request for Proposal (RFP).

5. The ADB requests that all submitted RFPs state “the proposal shall remain open & valid for
a period of at least ninety (90) days from the designated closing date indicated for receipt of
proposals in this RFP. The price quoted in the chosen proposal must remain unchanged for
the entire period of the contract unless otherwise specified in this RFP.

6. Costs incurred developing bid proposals are to be entirely borne by the respondents & will
not be reimbursed under any circumstances. Insurance; adherence to the laws of Trinidad &
Tobago regarding worker’s compensation insurance & possession of comprehensive general
liability insurance.

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General Abbreviations

Abbreviation Explanation
AC Air Conditioning
ADB Agricultural Development Bank
Agriprenuer Agricultural Entrepreneurs
AgrTech Agricultural Technology
ALM Appropriate Level Management
AMC Annual Maintenance Contract
ASPM Application Service Provider Model
ATM Automated Teller Machine
BC Business Continuity
BG Bank Guarantee
BOM Bill of Materials
CBS Core Banking Solution
CBLO Collateralized Borrowing & Lending Obligation
CBSP Core Banking Solution Provider
CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor
CFMS Central Financial Management System
CMC Comprehensive Maintenance Contract
CRM Customer relationship management
DB Database
DC Data Centre
DR Disaster Recovery
DRC Disaster Recovery Centre
EA Enterprise Architecture
ECS Electronic Clearing Service
EIS Executive Information System
EMD Earnest Money Deposit

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E2E End to End

FM Facility Management
GL General Ledger
HO Head Office
ICT Information & Communications Technology
IP Implementation Partner
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
IT Information Technology
ISO International Organization for Standardization
KYC Know Your Customer
LAN Local Area Network
MIS Management Information Systems
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NEFT National Electronic Fund Transfer
NPA Non-Performing Asset
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
OPLM On Premise License Model
OS Operating Systems
PACS Planned Amortization Class
P&L Profit & Loss
PAN Permanent Account Number
PIC Project Implementation Committee
PM Project Manager
PMS Preventive Maintenance Services
PSLA Pro-Active Service Level Agreement
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RFP Request for Proposals
RO Remote Offices
RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement

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SEI-CMM Software Engineering Institute-Capability Maturity Model

SFMS Structured Financial Messaging System
SI System Integrator
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMS Short Message System
SOW Scope of Works
SQL Structured Query Language
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
SSP Suitable Service Provider
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TDS Tax Deducted at Source
TTD Trinidad & Tobago Dollars
TPS Transaction Per Second
UAT User Acceptance Testing
UCS Unified Computing Systems
UEA Unified Enterprise Architecture
UPI Unified Payment Interface
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
WAN Wide Area Network

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Appendix 1
Service Levels Indicators

1. Service Levels Indicators – A

Whether If not complied,

Si No. Activities / Functions Benchmark complied indicate level of
(yes / no) compliance
1 Transaction per second Minimum 25 tps
2 Transaction completion time Maximum 3 seconds
3 Retrieval of last 10 entries Maximum 5 seconds
4 Day –end Maximum 1 hour
5 Month end Maximum 2 hours
6 Quarter / Half year Maximum 2 hours
7 Year end Maximum 4 hours

2. Service Levels Indicators – B

If not
Normal Required Whether complied,
Service Required Down
Si No. Measurements Hours of Response complied indicate level
Category Uptime time Permitted
Operation Time (yes / no) of
per instance
1 Networking
Networking Equipment (at DC)
Equipment 24x7 99.90% 30 Minutes 2 Hours
shall be up and running at DC
(at DC)
Networking Networking Equipment (at
Equipment Branches/other offices) shall be 24x7 99.50% 2 Hours 5 Hours
2 Branches/other up & running at Branches/other
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offices) offices

Application Sever/Database Server

Maximum Memory / CPU
3 Sever/Databas 24x7 99.99% 30 Minutes 2 Hours
Utilization levels shall be less than
e Server
70% during business hours

Storage Components Maximum

Storage Memory /CPU Utilization levels 24x7 99.90% 30 Minutes 2 Hours
Components shall be less than 70%during
business hour
LAN LAN connectivity at Branches / 24x7 99.90% 30 Minutes 2 Hours
Connectivity Offices shall be up and running

3. Service Levels Indicators – C

Si Service If not complied, indicate level
Requirement complied
No. Category Of compliance
(yes / no)

WAN Bandwidth Utilisation
1 Bandwidth
levels shall be less than 75%
Backup Backup success rate for CBS
Success Rate Solution shall be 99.99%
Downtime Permitted downtime for CBS, RDBMS, & operating system servicing

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for Servicing for upgradation, patch uploads, fixing of bugs or other maintenances
shall not be more than 1 hour. These activities cannot be carried
during business hours. The activities that may require more than 1 hour
or required to be carried out during business hours must be scheduled
in consultation with the Bank.

Permitted downtime for servicing of components for upgradation, patch

Downtime uploads, fixing of bugs or other maintenances shall not be more than 1
3 for Servicing- hour. These activities cannot be carried during business hours. The
components activities that may require more than 1 hour or required to be carried out
during business hours must be scheduled in consultation with the bank.

Appendix 2
Technical Criteria

1. Technical Criteria - A

Major Quantity /
Sub head 1 Sub head 2 Maximum Evaluation Criteria
Head Availability
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)* (f)

Bid quality & Neatness /

completeness Completeness

Turn over

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No of

Dedicated team
Sub Total for Organisation
Solution CBS

CBS Server

Security Basic security policy formulation / CBS Server Security

System Design
architecture Hardening/ CBS Security deployment / Encryption
Sub Total for
Adherence to minimum spec and/or exceeding the
same gets maximum marks (75). 10 point deduction for
each non-compliant point**
To set up the Architecture to have the ability to increase
CBS Functionalities
the number of concurrent instances to keep the
application server parameters below 70% utilisation
(CPU, Memory etc.,)
Storage If any disruption occurs, max response time 30 Min
Functionalities The Backup success rate shall be 99.99%

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Shall support online replication to DR

Equipment Shall allow integration in the Bank UEA. For Non-
compliance of specs, 10 marks each to be deducted.

Sub Total for Hardware

Supply of OEM NMS

2. Technical Criteria – B

Total Quantity /
Major Head Sub head 1 Sub head 2 Maximum Availability Evaluation Criteria
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)* (f)
Availability of detailed network management integration
methodology description in the bid/presentation
Components shall be available for 24 *7 (99.99%
Management Network
features & Management Ability to integrate & Support data commit at DC
Solution offered
methodology Integration location & the respective Branch location in real time
proposed mode

Plan and provisioning for Bandwidth availability &

liaison with the Bank service provider
CBS Server Provision for Load monitoring / CPU utilisation

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Core Banking Solution (CBS)

Ability to integrate the CBS to process a minimum of
25000 transactions/ day with a peak load of
25transactions per second

Fail over DC to DR plan

IO utilisation

Provision for OS process monitoring & event

Security Policy definition
CBS shall not to allow concurrent session for the same
The CB shall automatically log out in case of session
management Plan in case of security breach
Audit Trail maintenance
Alert generation and handling procedure
Data migration and integration plan
Application CBS bug fixing and version control
Training and hand holding
Sub Total for Management
features &
Sub Total for Solution offered
All calls (including electronic mail & faxes ) shall be
Help Desk Helpdesk application shall issue docket numbers for
each logged call & track the issue resolution time
Helpdesk application shall intimate callers of

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estimated time of resolution automatically

Helpdesk application shall support definition of
identified issues and their remedy for quick resolution
of similar problems.
SLA Tools for monitoring various performance parameters
Management and Report generation
Total for the

* Please put the figures in terms of Quantity for the Major head Organisation strength
* Please explain / provide details separately in respect of CBS Offered / Help Desk / SLA Management methodology in the form of
**The bid is liable to be cancelled in the event of any major non-compliance as deemed by the committee. Also, the Bidder shall have
to subsequently supply the CBS component compliant to minimum spec without any price escalation.

Technical Compliance Statement

3. Format of Technical Compliance Statement

Description Specifications Compliance Remarks

Bill of Material (BOM)

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4. Format of detailed Bill of Material (BOM)

Sl. Part No
Make Description Line item qty Total Qty
No (whenever applicable )

Supporting Technical Documentations to be submitted by the SI Bidder:-

Note 1:-The compliance statement shall be prepared in accordance with the minimum recommended specifications of the CBS
components mentioned in this RFP document .Please note that for the compliance statement words like “Noted/Agreed” shall
not be acceptable & shall be treated as Non-compliance.

Note 2:- Bidders are to quote recommended CBS function-wise relative to server & other component compliance, clearly
mentioning details, i.e., Model, & Qty for each category. For example recommended SQL Enterprise Server RDBMS etc.

Appendix 3

Format of OEM Letter

(To be submitted with Technical Bid) Format of Original Equipment Manufacturers' Authorization Form (In original letterhead of the

Letter Ref. No._____________dated ____________

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Corporate Secretary
The Agricultural Development Bank,
#87 Henry Street, Port of Spain,
Trinidad and Tobago

Ref.: Tender Ref. (Reference Number & Date)

Dear Sir:

We who are the established and reputable manufacturer of _______________________ (name and description of goods offered) do
hereby authorize M/s___________________________________ (Name and address of System Integrator) to submit a bid against your
Tender Call Notice under reference above and execute the contract for the supply of the above goods manufactured by us. We also extend
our full warranty for the goods quoted by M/s. ____________________ as per the Tender clause of the Tender Reference (Reference
Number & Date). We, also undertake that the spares of every equipment to be supplied by us hereunder through said M/S -----------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------shall be made available to the Bank for a period of minimum five (5) years from the
date of Installation.

Yours faithfully,

Authorized Signatory [In full and initials]

Name and Title of Signatory:
Seal of the Company

Note: This letter of authority shall be on the letterhead of the OEM and shall be signed by a person competent and having the power of
attorney to bind the manufacturer.

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