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Dian Asmi Setoningsih and Nur Mukminatien

Universitas Negeri Malang
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Abstract: This study investigates the implementation of extensive writing task

in the teaching writing recount text to tenth graders SMAN 7 Malang through
collaborative classroom action research in one cycle. Extensive writing task is
proposed in the teaching of writing to train students writing outside the
classroom so that they could practice more to write. The result shows that
extensive writing task could successfully improve students’ ability in writing
recount text.

Key Words: writing, extensive writing task, recount text

When learning English as Foreign Language (EFL), writing is one of the compulsory
skills that students have to master. The learning of writing is considered very essential since
the writing itself is a written communication tool that enables us to express our feelings and
thoughts to the reader across places and time using a written form (Cahyono, 2010). Chen
(2002) added that writing is not only a means of communication, but also means of learning,
organizing knowledge and thinking. In short, writing is a very crucial skill for the students to
learn. Despite this importance, writing is considered the most complicated skill to learn in
EFL classes because it involves many components; content, organization, vocabulary,
grammatical structures and writing mechanics.
To investigate the EFL learners’ proficiency in English composition, the researchers
conducted a preliminary study in to the 32 students of X MIA 1 at SMAN 7 Malang. Based
on the result of the initial test, most of the students got low scores under 67; which did not
attain the criterion score or standard minimum passing grade. The standard minimum passing
grade is 67. In addition, based on the analysis of the students’ English composition in the
preliminary study, the researchers found out that the students of X MIA at SMAN 7 Malang
faced some problems relating to their English composition; the students could not develop
their ideas well and they made many grammatical errors in their writing. These problems
were due to a number of factors including students’ lack of practice to write in English,
students’ low interest in learning English, limited time allotment for writing class, and the
monotonous teaching strategy. Among those factors, students’ lack of practice to write in
English was considered the most crucial problem since mastering writing in English needs a
lot of practice.
To address these problems, the researchers considered extensive writing task as an
appropriate strategy to train writing outside classroom so that the students could practice
more to write. Extensive writing helps EFL students to write freely to express their ideas,
feelings, experiences, activities, and events that have happened in their life. Extensive writing
offers many benefits for students. According to Lavin (2003), extensive writing is the way
suggested, as it has a number of advantages: it is easier for the teacher to monitor and assess
the students’ writing skill; students have more opportunity to reflect before performing
themselves to output; and if the time in class is largely committed to practice, writing outside
of class introduces a further element of balance into the curriculum. By giving the students
extensive writing tasks, the students would have a chance to write regularly outside the
classroom without being burdened by limited time allotment in writing class. As a result, the
students would be accustomed to write in English.
A number of researches on implementing extensive writing as teaching technique
have been done previously by some researchers. Sun (2010) conducted an experimental
research entitled Extensive Writing in Foreign-Language Classroom: A Blogging Approach.
The results of the study show that extensive writing on blogs could enhance participants'
overall writing performance, promote participants' autonomous monitoring of their own
writing, and promote positive attitudes toward foreign‐language writing. Herder and King
(2012) in their descriptive research entitled Extensive Writing: Another Fluency Approach for
EFL Leraners also shows the evidence that extensive writing task could give some good
impacts in learning process and improve students score in writing. This study was conducted
to three different writing classes (N= 75) at an all-girls Catholic high school in Osaka. This
result of the study showed immediate gains in the students writing speed and writing volume
as well as increased their self-confidence and improved motivation to study English.
Considering the significant contribution of extensive writing task in the teaching of
English writing and the need of the students of grade X at SMAN 7 Malang to practice more
to write, the researchers conducted a study on the implementation of extensive writing task to
improve students’ writing skill of the students of X MIA 1 at SMAN 7 Malang.
This study was carried out by using a Collaborative Classroom Action Research
design in class X MIA 1 of SMAN 7 Malang containing 32 students. The researchers
collaborated with the English teacher of the class in designing the lesson plan, determining
the criteria of success, observing the teaching and learning and learning process, and doing
the reflection. During the teaching and learning process, the researchers would be teacher
who implemented the action while the real teacher would be the observer who observed the
teaching and learning process. It was implemented in one cycle completing in six meetings.

The Cycle
The cycle consisted of four stages that were planning, implementation, observation,
and reflection.

Planning the Action

In the planning stage, the researcher prepared the teaching instruments and research
instruments. The teaching instruments consisted of teaching schedule, lesson plans and
materials and media. The research instruments consisted of two interview guides, two
questionnaires, observation checklists and a scoring rubric.

Implementing the Action

The extensive writing task was implemented in teaching and learning process based
on the lesson plan designed previously. They gave the students writing test in the
preliminary study to know their ability in writing before the implementation of the strategy.
Extensive writing task was then implemented in teaching and learning process by the
researchers. In this implementation of action, the students would produce three writing tasks
based on the topics provided. Then, they gave writing test after implementation of action to
the students to know students’ improvement.
The teaching procedure was implemented in class X MIA 1 at SMAN 7 Malang in
six meetings; November 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, and December 10th, 13th 2014. The procedure in
implementing extensive writing task is limited to Modeling, Outlining, Drafting,
Proofreading Activity, and Writing Final Product.
Observing the Action

The observation was done during the teaching and learning process when the
researchers implemented extensive writing task. The aim of this stage was collecting the data
that could be used as the indicator of success. The observer used the observation checklist
and researcher’s reflection notes in this stage to see students’ attitude and participation
during the teaching and learning process. By looking into those students’ attitude and
participation, it could be seen if the students were enthusiastic toward the teaching and
learning activity. The students’ writing ability improvement could also be seen during the

Reflecting the Action

In this stage, the researchers analyzed the data from the observation stage. The results
were checked whether or not it met the criteria of success set at the beginning of the study.
The analysis showed that the criteria of success had been achieved in a single cycle so the
researchers ended after the sixth meetings and stopped the action since their study was


The Result of Observation during Teaching and Learning Process

During teaching and learning process, the two observers were appointed; they were X
MIA 1’s English teacher and the researcher’s colleague. The tasks of these observers were
observing the teaching and learning process and to observe the students’ attitude and
participation using observation checklist. The analysis of the teaching and learning process
was done based on the data gained from these observation checklists and researcher reflection
In the first meeting, after receiving the handouts, all students read the model of a
recount text. Then, they discussed the questions related to the text with friends next to them.
In the class discussion, more than 80% of students gave their participation; they discussed the
answers of the questions in the handout and responded the researcher’s question about the
characteristic of recount text and its generic structure. Then, she explained how to make an
outline based on WH-Question. All students paid attention to the researcher’s explanation
about how to make an outline. By the end of the class, all students were able to finish their
outlines. The researcher asked them to develop those outlines into recount text 1 (first writing
task) and submit them in the following meeting.
In the second meeting, all students had finished in making their recount text 1 at
home. But before they submitted those texts, the researcher leaded them to do proofreading
activity in pairs first. All students paid attention to the proofreading guidance that was shown
by the researcher on the LCD. Then, after reading their partners’ feedback, the students re-
wrote their writing into final recount text1 and submitted to the researcher. Before the
researcher ended the class, she provided some topics to be chosen by the students to write
their recount text 2 (second writing task) at home. They were so excited with the topic.
In the third meeting, before they did proofreading activity in second assignment, the
researcher leaded them to pay attention first to grammatical mistake they made in recount text
1. All students asked friends and looked at the dictionary to check the correct form of the
words that were underlined by the researcher. After revising their recount text 1, all students
did proofreading activity to their partners’ draft recount text 2. By the end of the class, all
students submitted their recount text 2 and chose a topic from some topics provided to write
their recount text 3 (third writing task) at home.
The activity in the fourth meeting was just the same as that in the previous meeting.
Because the students’ recount text 2 that were given back by the researcher didn’t have many
grammatical mistakes, the students didn’t take a long time to revise them. Then, the students
did proofreading activity to their partners’ recount text 3. By the end of the class, all students
could submit their final recount text 3 that had been revised based on their partners’ feedback.
In the fifth meeting, the researcher gave the recount text 3 back to the students. They
were also so happy because there were just a few words that were underlined by the
researcher. It meant that they just made a little grammatical mistake in their writing. After all
students made a few corrections in their writing, the researcher showed a recount text on the
LCD. The researcher reviewed the lesson about recount text that they had learned in the first
In the sixth meeting or the last meeting, a writing test was given. The researcher asked
the students to write a recount text on a topic “The Most Exciting Experience”. With no
question, the students were so excited to make a recount text. It seemed they had accustomed
to make a recount text. By the end of the class, all students submitted their works.
Based on the analysis of each meeting, the researcher could conclude that all students
showed positive attitude toward the implementation of extensive writing task. Since the
beginning of the implementation of action, the students attention and participation in class
activity was mostly on the high scale in the observation checklist; it was on the highest scale
4 in the meeting I, II, IV, V, VI and on the scale 3 in the meeting III. It indicated that all
students actively paid attention to the researcher’s explanation or involved in the teaching and
learning process. In conclusion, the students’ attitude during the teaching and learning
process showed positive attitudes; the students were quite active and cooperative. It was
shown by their enthusiasm to pay attention, ask and answer questions.
In relation to extensive writing task as strategy to improve the students writing
recount skill, the students gradually liked to write recount text. It seemed that they have
accustomed to write recount text now. In addition, the topics provided by researcher seemed
interesting for them since the topics were related with events that happened around them so
that they could develop their ideas enjoyably with those topics. They also seemed so excited
to read their friends’ draft of recount text in the proofreading activity; this made the students
have encouragement to make a better and interesting recount text. All students could always
collect their tasks on time.

The Result of Analysis of the students’ Recount text Entries

The students’ progress in writing recount text was observed and analyzed. Based on
the observation, it was found that the students’ confidence in writing recount text in the
preliminary study was still poor. It could be seen by the numbers of the sentences they
produced. The students’ recount text entries showed that most students wrote about six
sentences. It was also found that the students’ theme was not various.
During the implementation of action, the researcher provided many topics that could
be selected by the students to write their recount text. In writing task 1, the topics provided by
the researcher were “Going to Car Free Day”, “Visiting Jawa Timur Park”, and “Visiting
Museum Angkut”. In writing task 2, the topics provided were “Celebrating Sabhatansa
(SMAN 7 Malang) Anniversary”, ”Celebrating Idul Adha”, and “Celebrating Birthday”. In
writing task 3, the topics provided were “Watching Movie”, “Watching Concert”, and
“Meeting Artist”. When providing those topics, the researcher considered events that
happened lately around the students. Those topics were expected could make the students
more easily composed a recount text because they had experienced those lately.
After the implementation of extensive writing task, it was found that the students’
confidence in writing recount text was significantly improved. Based on the result of writing
test, it was found that the students could compose recount text for about 100 words or 15
sentences or more. The researcher also found that the students’ theme was more various than
in the preliminary study.

Table 3.1 List and Frequency Distribution of Entries in the Students’ Recount Text

No Entries
Preliminary Study Writing test
1 Birthday 10 2
2 Friendship 7 1
3 Holiday 12 3
4 Love 2 2
5 Pet 1 0
6 Watching Movie 0 13
7 Watching Concert 0 3
8 Celebrating Idul Adha 0 1
9 Computer 0 1
10 Competition 0 1
11 Meeting Artist 0 2
12 Watching accident 0 1
13 Attending Wedding Party 0 1
14 Math Test 0 1

Total students 32 32

The Result of Students’ Writing

Students’ improvement on writing performance was the main target of this research.
There were four aspects of writing that were assessed by the researcher. They were Content,
Grammar, Organization, and Vocabulary.

The Result of Students’ Recount text 1

Table 3.3 Students’ Mean Score in recount text 1

Writing Aspects Mean Score Category

Content 19.53 Good
Grammar 14.83 Fair
Organization 16.86 Good
Vocabulary 14.96 Good

In the first assignment, the students score in term of content, organization, and
vocabulary was in “Good” level and in the term of grammar was in “Fair” level.
The Result of Students’ Recount text 2

Table 3.5 Students’ Mean Score in Recount text 2

Writing Aspects Mean Score Category

Content 21.06 Good
Grammar 16.13 Good
Organization 18.3 Good
Vocabulary 14.83 Good

In the second assignment, the students score were improve from the first assignment.
Their score in all aspects were in “Good” level.

The Result of Students’ Recount text 3

Table 3.7 Students’ Mean Score in Recount text 3

Writing Aspects Mean Score Category

Content 25.1 Very Good
Grammar 18.86 Good
Organization 19.76 Good
Vocabulary 17.26 Very Good

In the third assignment, the students score were improve significantly. In the term of
content and vocabulary, their score were in “very good” level and in the term of grammar and
organization, their score were in “good” level.

The Result of Students’ Writing Test

Table 3.9 Students’ Mean Score in Writing Test

Writing Aspects Mean Score Category

Content 24.15 Good
Grammar 18.34 Good
Organization 18.83 Good
Vocabulary 17 Very Good

Looking at the result of the students’ writing test, there were 9% of the students
whose score below 67 and 91% of the students achieved score above standard minimum
score that was 67. There were 27 students whose scores were increased up to 10 points and
29 students got scores ≥ 65 and met the criteria of the predetermined value. In addition, based
on the result of the analysis of students’ writing score, it could be seen the students’ writing
performance improved significantly. The students’ mean score could be seen in table 3.10.

Table 3.10 Students’ Mean Score

Students’ Mean Score

Writing Aspects Implementation of Action

Writing Test
Recount Recount Recount
text 1 text 2 text 3
Content 19.53 21.06 25.1 24.15
Grammar 14.83 16.13 18.86 18.34
Organization 16.86 18.3 19.76 18.83
Vocabulary 14.96 14.83 17.26 17
Total Score 67.5 65.93 76 78.33

The improvement that the students achieved indicated that the students’ writing got
better since the students could produce and organize their ideas into written form well. In
addition, the students didn’t make many grammatical mistakes anymore. They could
compose recount composition by using correct past tenses. They also enriched their
vocabulary since they had written recount texts with different topics and theme in each
recount text.

The Students’ Attitudes toward the Implementation of Extensive Writing Task in the
Teaching and Learning Writing Recount Text.
Based on the result of the questionnaire, the researcher could conclude that the
students in this study showed positive attitude toward the implementation of recount text in
writing class. The data showed the evidence that the implementation of action in this study
could attract students’ attention to encourage them to learn English. Most students responded
positively and admitted that this strategy could improve their skill to write English
composition especially recount text.

Looking at the students’ writing performance, the students’ score were significantly
improved. According to the students’ writing product in term of content, grammar,
organization, and vocabulary, the result of implementation of action had met the criteria of
success; the students’ scores could increase up to 10 points from the initial scores and the
final scores were ≥ 67. In the writing test, there were 9% of the students whose score below
67 and 91% of the students achieved score above standard minimum score that was 67. In
addition, there were 27 out of 32 students whose scores were increased up to 10 points and 29
out of 32 students got scores ≥ 65 and met the criteria of the predetermined value.
During the teaching and learning process, the students showed positive attitude
toward the strategy that had been implemented by the researcher. They paid attention to
researcher’s explanations, enthusiastically answer to the researcher’s questions, and asked the
question about their confusion in writing process. The students’ activeness or involvement in
the teaching and learning process also could be seen in the observation checklists. In these
checklists, it could be seen the students’ participation in the class was mostly in the highest
scale (scale 4). It indicated that most students actively participate in the learning process. It
could be concluded that the students’ attitude toward the implementation of action was good
and had met one criteria of success that was at least 80% of the students participated actively
in the learning process.
In conclusion, the implementation of this study had met the criteria of success. First,
the students’ scores could increase up to 10 points from the initial scores and the final scores
were ≥ 67. Second, the students showed positive attitudes toward the implementation of
extensive writing task in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the researcher decided
to stop this Classroom Action Research in a single cycle.


The Discussion on the Improvement of Students’ Writing Score

After implementation of action, the researcher found out that the implementation of
extensive writing task could bring significance improvement in students’ ability in writing
recount text. The students’ improvement in writing recount text was proven by the increasing
class mean score of their writing performance. During the implementation of extensive
writing task in teaching writing, the students were asked to compose three recount texts;
recount text 1, recount text 2, and recount text 3. The students’ mean score in each task was
67.5 in recount text 1, 65.93 in recount text 2, and 76 in recount text 3. After implementation
of action there was a writing test. The class mean score in term of total score increased in
writing test was 78.33. From the description above, we could see that the students could
achieve significant improvement in their writing. Figure 4.1 showed the improvement of the
class mean score from implementation of action to writing test.

The class mean score

65 The class
Writing Writing Writing Writing Test
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Figure 4.1 The Improvement of the Class Mean Score

In term of content, the students could write recount texts in various themes in the
writing test. The themes in their writing were mostly about their personal experience. The
improvement was also shown in term of grammar. Grammar needs a longer time since it
deals with memorization (Yang & Dai, 2011:61). During the implementation of extensive
writing task, the students practiced a lot to use a correct grammatical structure in their writing
process. The students gradually were able to use a correct grammatical structure in their
In term of organization, the students have also improved a lot. They were not
confused as the researcher explaining them on how to arrange the sentences into a good text
in a well-structured generic structure. Good modeling is the best guidance for the students
(Kay in Saida, 2014). In term of vocabulary, the students learnt many new words as they have
many practices to write recount texts in different themes. The students will associate the
words with a certain context, then recall and apply the words better than just learning the
meaning of a single word (Csabay, 2006).

The Strength of Extensive Writing Task

Extensive writing task offers many advantages for the students. It can train the
students writing outside the classroom so that they can write freely at home. By writing
outside classroom, it was expected the students could have a better writing experience since
they would have a chance to express themselves in their writing enjoyably. Extensive writing
task provide more positive and more useful writing experience for the students (Lavin, 2003).
It also could create the habit of writing for the students so that their writing skill will
improve over time. These extensive writing tasks were used as training to improve the
students writing skill. Because writing is a skill, it makes sense that the more you practise
writing, the better you will write (Tuan, 2010). In addition, the writing processes in this study
were meaningfully could help the students to improve their writing skill. Having experienced
the stage in process writing, the students became more confident in writing because they had
opportunities to revise and edit their texts (Megawati & Anugerahwati, 2012). Sun and Feng
(2009) added that process writing allows a writer to get closer to perfection. One important
point to agree in teaching EFL/ESL writing is that good product depends on good process.
In the writing process the students were given a chance to proofread their friends’
writing. This stimulated them to compete with each other to make another better interesting
recount text in each task given by the researcher. Competition has been clearly a stimulus for
the students to learn more and be more careful (Burguillo, 2010:10). Another advantage of
this strategy was having the teacher’s role that supported the teaching and learning process.
The researcher gave modeling and clear explanation to the students and be a consultant for
the students who had confusion of the material and a partner to discuss their writing.


The implementation of extensive writing task as a strategy to improve students’ skill in
writing recount text in class X MIA 1 of SMA Negeri 7 Malang has been considered
successful. The results of the study fulfilled the criterion and have met the criteria of success
which is set by the researcher.
The phase in implementation of extensive writing task was based on according to the
curriculum 2013; the students did five phases in teaching and learning process. They were
observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. At first, the researcher
showed a recount text to be observed by the students. Second, they question any information
in the text. Third, they explored the text and had explanation from the researcher the generic
structure, the function, the characteristics of the text. Fourth, they associated what they have
learned at home. The students were given task to make a draft of recount text based on the
topic that they chose at home. Last, they students write the final product of recount text.
In the writing test, there were 9% of the students whose score below 67 and 91% of
the students achieved score above standard minimum score that was 67. There were 27
students whose scores was increased up to 10 points and 29 students got scores ≥ 65 and met
the criteria of the predetermined value. Thus, the researcher conducted her study in one cycle
since the criteria of success (the students’ scores could increase up to 10 points from the
initial scores and the final scores were ≥ 67) of this study had been achieved within a single
In conclusion, extensive writing task can be implemented to improve the students'
ability in writing recount text. This strategy could help the students to write better since it
allows them to write enjoyably at home. It also could make the students accustomed to write
since they trained to write English composition by using large amount of writing task. This
strategy is also able to motivate the students to be active in the teaching and learning process.
Most students participate actively during the learning activity. The students didn’t feel that
writing task was burdening anymore since they could write freely at home without time

The researchers suggest that the implementation of extensive writing task has to
follow the process of writing; modeling, outlining, drafting, proofreading, and writing final
composition. It also suggested that extensive writing task should be continued in order to
make the students more accustomed to write. The teacher can use extensive writing task to
teach not only recount text, but also other kinds of text types, such as descriptive and
narrative. The teacher is suggested to give a special attention to the students’ problem. If the
students face difficulty in writing, the teacher has to re-explain the material or step of writing
that they don’t understand or even give them more models of the text taught. The teacher also
needs to give the students whose score below standard minimum score a remedial task. This
task will be a chance for those students to review their mistake in the previous task and
achieve a better score.
For the future researchers, they are recommended to explore the implementation of
extensive writing task to teach not only recount text, but also other kinds of text types, such
as descriptive and narrative. In addition, this study can be a reference for future researchers
who want to implement extensive writing task to teach writing in different level of education.


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