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The pilot sits behind the gunner in the cockpit. Each seat position has redundant
systems allowing the gunner to fly the aircraft if necessary or allowing the pilot to
fire the weapons. The Apache has a digital stabilization system that fine-tunes
the angles and pitch of the rotors for a smooth flight. It can also make the
helicopter hover automatically for short periods. Three digital display panels
provide the crew with most navigation and flight information.
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The apache has two wings each with two pylons. These pylons can carry any
combination of fuel tanks, Hellfire missiles, or Hydra rocket launchers. Each
rocket launcher can carry 19 folding-fin 2.75-inch aerial rockets, secured in
launching tubes. One rocket can be fired at a time or they can be fired in groups.
The rockets can be armed with various warheads. For example, they might be
armed with high-power explosives, smoke producing materials, or sub-munitions
(small bombs that separate from the rocket in the air and fall on targets below).

The lightweight (only weights 127 lbs) M230 30-mm automatic cannon is
attached under the helicopter's nose. It too can be controlled from the gunner's
helmets. The automatic cannon is a chain gun design which differs from a
machine gun in that an electric motor rotates a chain, which slides the bolt to
load, fire, extract and eject the cartridges. A machine gun uses the force of the
cartridge explosion or flying bullets to move the bolt. The cartridges travel from a
magazine above the gun to a feed chute down to the chamber. It can hold a
maximum of 1,200 rounds and can fire up to 650 rounds per minute. It fires high-
explosive rounds designed to pierce light armor.

The Apache's primary weapon is the Hellfire missile. Each missile is like a
miniature aircraft, complete with its own guidance computer, steering control, and
propulsion system. The warhead is highly explosive and powerful enough to burn
through the heaviest tank armor in existence. Four missiles can be attached to
each pylon; an Apache can carry up to sixteen missiles each time. Before the
launch, each missile receives instruction from the Apache computer. The original
used a laser guidance system. The Apache gunner aims a high-intensity laser at
the target. When the missile is launched, it searches for this laser and follows it
to the target. This system has some drawbacks; weather conditions can affect
the laser beam's effectiveness. The missile can lose site of the target and never
reach it and the helicopter has to stay fixed on the target in order for the missile
to reach it, thus leaving the apache vulnerable to attack. The Hellfire II, used in
Apache Longbow helicopters circumvents these deficiencies. The helicopter's
radar locates the target, and the missiles zero in on it. Since radio waves are not
obscured by clouds or obstacles, then the missile is more likely to find its target.
In addition, since it does not have to keep the laser focused on the target, the
helicopter can fire the missile and immediately find cover.

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M230 30mm automatic cannon
The Boeing Company (McDonnell Douglas) (formerly Hughes) M230 30mm automatic cannon is the
heart of the AH-64A Apache/AH-64D Apache Longbow multi-role, multi-target Area Weapon
Subsystem (AWS). The M230 fires U.S. and NATO Standard ADEN/DEFA 30mm ammunition.

The first line of defense the Apache helicopter has is keeping out of range. It is
specifically designed at flying low to the ground and hiding behind cover. The
Apache also has a radar jammer to confuse the enemy's radar. To hide itself form
heat-seeking missiles it reduces its infrared signature. The Black Hold infrared
suppression system dissipates the heat of the engine exhaust by missing it with
air flowing around the helicopter. The cooled exhaust then passes through a
special filter, which absorbs more heat. The Apache Longbow is also equipped
with an infrared jammer, which generates infrared energy of varying frequencies
to confuse heat-seeking missiles. The Apache is heavily armored on all sides.
Some areas are also surrounded by Kevlar. The cockpit is surrounded by
bulletproof glass. According to Boeing, every section of the Helicopter can
survive 12.7-mm rounds and vital engine and rotor components can withstand
23-mm fire. The cockpit uses crumple zones, like in a car to protect the crew if
there is a crash.

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