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Phan tich cau, djch nghla va giai thich chi




S6 Successful people never stop learnings

01 .When filling out the order form, Dich nqhTa:
please — your address clearly • Fix (v); sira chCfa
to prevent delays. • Write (v): viet
(A) fix • Send (v); gm
(B) write • Direct (v): huang dan, chi dan
(C) send
(D) direct Tam dich: Khi dien vao mau dan dat hanq, vui lonq VIET
dja chi cua ban rd rang de ngan ngCra su1 cham tre.
Dap an; B.
02.Ms. Morgan recruited the Giai thich; Can mot donq tur chia theo chu tup "the
individuals that the company company". Dong tup a menh de nay dupgc dung d tipang
for the next three lai do menh de co dau hieu tipang lai (for the next three
months. months).
(A) will employ Dap an: A.
(B) to employ
Tam dich: Ms. Morqan da tuven dunq nhdnq nqirdi ma
(C) has been employed
cong ty se thue trong ba thang tdi
(D) employ
> Phan biet "recruit" va "emplov":
• Recruit (v): tuyen dung => trai qua qua trmh tlm
nhCrng ngipdi phu hop, chira trd thanh nhan vien
chinh thupc.
• Employ (v): da dipgc ki hgp dong trd thanh nhan vien
chmh thde.

03.The contractor had a fifteen- Dich nqhTa;

percent in his business • Experience (n). kmh nghiem
after advertising in the local • Growth (n): slp tang trirdng, slp phat then
newspaper. • Formula (n): cdng thdc, each thdc
(A) experience • Incentive (n): nhdng thu de khuydn khich ngirai khac
(B) growth lam dieu gi do
(C) formula
(D) incentive Tam dich: Cdnq ty cua nha thau da co SU1 TANG
TRUING mirdi lam phan tram sau khi quang cao tren td
bao dia phirang.
Dap an; B.
04 The free clinic was founded by Giai thich; Can mot danh td lam tan nqd cua donq td
a group of doctors to give — "give".
for various medical conditions. Dap an: A.
(A) treatment
(B) treat Tam dich: Phdnq kham mien phi dirac thanh lap bdi mot
nhdm cac bac sT de cung cap sg dieu trj cho nhieu tinh
(C) treated
trang sdc khoe khac nhau.
(D) treating
05.Participants in the walking tour Dich nqhTa:
should gather 533 Bates • With (pre), vdi
Road on Saturday morning. • At (prep): d tai (dia diem hoac thai diem cu the)
(A) with • Like (prep)- giong vdi
(B) at • Among (prep): trong so
(C) like
(D) among Tam dich: Nhdnq nqirdi tham qia tour di bo can phai tap
trung TAI 533 Bates Road vao sang thd Bay.
Dap an; B.

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06.The artist sent best pieces Giai thi'ch: Can mot tinh tip sd hCru de bo nqhTa cho danh
to the gallery to be reviewed by tu "best pieces".
the owner. Dap an: C.
(A) him
(B) himself Tam dich: Hoa sT da gi>i cac tac pham tot nhat cua anh
ay den phong trirng bay de dirge chu phong trirng bay
(C) his
xem xet.
(D) he
07.The figures that accompany Giai thich; Can mot tinh tir theo sau sau dong tir "to be"
the financial statement should (should be) de mieu ta cho chu tir "the figures" ("that
be to the spending accompany the financial statement" la MDQH de bo nghla
category. cho "the figures", khdng anh hircmg den dong tir chinh).
(A) relevance Dap an; D.
(B) relevantly
Tam dich: Cac so lieu kern theo bao cao tai chmh can
(C) more relevantly
(D) relevant phai phu hgp vai danh muc chi tieu.
08.The building owner purchased Dich nghla:
the property three months • Yet (adv); van chira (dung trong thi hien tai hoan
ago, but she has already spent thanh)/ nhat tir trirac den nay (dung trong so sanh
a great deal of money on nhat)
renovations. • Just (adv): chi (chi m6i)
(A) yet • Few (adj): mot vai
(B) just • Still (adv). vln
(C) few
(D) still Tam dich; Chu sd hiru toa nha da mua toa nha nav CHI
MOI ba thang trirac, nhirng cd ay da chi rat nhieu tien cho
viec tu sda.
Dap an; B.
09.We would like to discuss this Dich nghla:
problem honestly and at • Rarely (adv): hiem khi, khdng thirdng xuyen
the next staff meeting. • Tiredly (adv); mdi met
(A) rarely • Openly (adv): thang than, khdng giau diem
(B) tiredly • Highly (adv): rat
(C) openly
(D) highly Tam dich: Chung tdi muon thao luan van de nav mot each
trung thgc va THANG THAN tai cudc hop nhan vien Idn
tiep theo.
Dap an: C.
10.The store's manager plans to Dich nghla:
put the new merchandise on • Soon (advj; sdm
display to promote the • Very (adv): rat
line of fall fashions. • That (conj): rdng
(A) soon • Still (adv); van
(B) very
(C) that Tam dich: Ngirdi quan lv cda hanq dir dmh SOM trirnq
(D) still bay hang hoa mdi de quang ba cho dong thai trang mua
Dap an: A.
11.During the peak season, it is Giai thich: Can mot tinh tir theo sau ddnq tir "to be" (is)
to hire additional workers theo cau true "It is Adj to do sth".
for the weekend shifts. Dap an: C.
(A) necessitate
(B) necessarily Tam dich: Tronq suot mua cao diem, thud them nhan vien
(C1 necessary cho nhdng ca lam cuoi tuan la vide can thidt.

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(D) necessity
12. that the insulation has Dich nqhTa:
been replaced, the building is • Now that + Menh de (conj); ben vi
much more energy-efficient. • For + Noun (prep): doi vai, danh cho
(A) Now For + Menh de (conj): bai vi => Chi dung "for" vai
(B) For nghia bai vi a menh de sau. Khong dung for that.
(C) As • As + Noun (prep); nhir la, vai vai trd la
(D) Though As + Menh de (conj): bai vi => Khong dung as that.
• Though + Menh de (conj). mac du => Khong dung
though that.

Tam dich: Bdl Vi vat lieu each nhiet da daac thay the,
nen toa nha tiet kiem nang lurgng han nhieu.
Dap an: A.
13.Mr. Sims needs a more Dich nqhTa:
vehicle for commuting from his • Expressive (adj): dien cam
suburban home to his office • Reliable (adj): dang tin cay/ tot, ben bi, cd the dung
downtown. trong mot khoang thai gian lau
(A) expressive • Partial (adj)" mot phan, khong dSy du
(B) reliable • Extreme (adj). rat, cgc ki
(C) partial
(D) extreme Tam dich: Mr. Sims can mot phaana tien di lai BEN han
de di lai ti> nha a ngoai 6 den van phdng a trung tam thanh
Dap an: B.
14.The company lowered its Giai thich: "Lower" phia sau vi tri can dien la donq ta,
prices to outsell its competitors khong phai tinh ta. Vi tri nay can mot trang tu de bo nghTa
and attract more customers. cho dpng ta "lower".
(A) strategy Meo: De thi cd danq "S + — + V" => Cho tronq dien Adv.
(B) strategically
(C) strategies Dap an: B.
(D) strategic Tam dich: Conq ty co chien lirac ha qia de ban chay han
doi thu va thu hut nhieu khach hang han.

15. Mr. Williams addressed the Dich nqhTa:

audience, he showed a brief • Then (adv). sau do, nhip vay thi
video about the engine he had • So that (conj): de ma
designed. • Before (prep, conj): trirac luc, traac khi
(A) Then • Whereas (conj): trai lai
(B) So that
(C) Before Tam dich: TRITQC KHI Mr. Williams trlnh bay vai khan
(D) Whereas gia, ong da cho xem mot doan video ng§n ve dong ca ma
ong thiet ke.
Dap an: C.
16.For optimal safety on the Giai thich;
road, avoid the view of Theo sau "avoid" co 2 cau true pho bien:
the rear window and side- • Avoid + Noun (avoid sth) => Noun lam tan ngu1 cua
view mirrors. "avoid" nen phia sau noun se khong co tan nga naa.
(A) obstructs • Avoid + V-ing + Object (avoid doing sth) => Theo sau
(B) obstructed "avoid" neu la V-ing thi sau V-ing nay can co mot tan
(C) obstruction nga khac (neu V-ing dang la ngoai dong ti>).
(D) obstructing
■=> Phia sau cho trong co cum danh ta "the view of..."

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■=> ChpnV-ing.

Dap an: D.
Tam dich: Vi sir an toan cao nhat khi di tren dipang, tranh
can tra tarn nhln cua cira a phia sau va gipcmg chieu hau.
1/.Having proper ventilation Dich nghla:
throughout the building is • Cooperative (adj). cong tac
for protecting the health and • Visible (adj). co the nhin th§y dirge
well-being of the workers. • Essential (adj): can thiet
(A) cooperative • Alternative (adj): mang tmh chat thay the
(B) visible Alternative (n)" vat/phircmg an thay the
(C) essential
(D) alternative Tam dich: Viec co he thong thong gio thich hap trong
toan bp toa nha la dieu can thiet de bao ve sire khoe va
hanh phuc cua ngirai lao dpng.
Dap an; C.
18. — sales of junk food have Dich nqhTa:
been steadily declining • In addition to + Noun/V-mg (prep): ben canh cai gl do
indicates that consumers are • The fact that + Menh de (phrase): thgc te la, sg viec
becoming more health- ma (dung de nhan manh)
conscious. • As long as (conj): mien la, dieu kien la
(A) In addition to • In keeping with + Noun/V-ing (prep): nhlm tuan thu
(B) The fact that vai, theo dung vai
(C) As long as
(D) In keeping with Tam dich; VIEC doanh so ban do an vat da giam dSn cho
thay ngirai tieu dung ngay cang co y thac ve sac khoe.
Dap an; B.
19 The sprinklers for the lawn's Giai thich; Can mot trang tir de bo nghTa cho dong tir
irrigation system are "control".
controlled. Meo: thi co dang "to be + — + V3-ed" => Cho trong
(A) mechanically chon Adv.
(B) mechanic
Dap an: A.
(C) mechanism
(D) mechanical Tam dich: Cac voi phun naac cho he thdng taai cua bai
co dagc dagc dieu khien ca.
20.The library staff posted signs Dich nqhla;
to — patrons of the • Notify (v). thong bao
upcoming closure for • Agree (v): dong y
renovations. • Generate (v): tao ra
(A) notify • Perform (v): trmh dien, the hien
(B) agree
(C) generate Tam dich: Nhan vien tha vien da dang cac bien bao de
(D) perform THONG BAO cho khach hang guen ve viec dong caa slip
tai cho viec tu saa.
Dap an; A.
21 .Mr. Ross, is repainting Giai thich: Can mot dai ta guan he thav the cho "Mr
the interior of the lobby, was Ross" va dong vai tro la chu tir trong menh de quan he.
recommended by a friend of the Dap an; C.
building manager.
(A) himself Tam dich: Mr. Ross, ngaai dang san lai noi thlt cua
sanh, dap'c mot ngaai ban cua ngaai quan ly toa nha giai
(B) he
(C) who

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(D) which
22.The guidelines for the monthly Dich nqhTa:
publication are — revised to • Courteously (advj: mot each Ncn su
adapt to the changing readers. • Initially (adv): ban dau
(A) courteously • Periodically (adv); dinh ki
(B) initially • Physically (adv); (thugc ve) the chat
(C) periodically
(D) physically Tam dich: Cac hirang dan cho viec xuat ban hang thang
dipgc sda doi DjNH KY de thich dng vai cac doc gia dang
thay ddi.
Dap an: C.
23. an ankle injury, the Dich nqhTa:
baseball player participated in • In spite ot + Noun/V-ing tprep): mac du
the last game of the season. • Even if + Menh de (conj): ngay ca khi, mac du
(A) In spite of • Whether + menh de/ whether + to Vo (conj): bat ke,
(B) Even if lieu rdng
(C) Whether • Given that + menh de (conj): xet den viec
(D) Given that
Tam dich: MAC DU chan thircmq mlt ca chan, nhunq cau
thu bong chay da tham gia vao tran dau cuoi cimg cua
mua giai
Dap an: A.
24.The governmental department Giai thich. Can mot tmh tu de bo nqhTa cho danh tu
used to provide financial aid, "services".
but now it offers — services Dap an: A.
(A) legal Tam dich: Ca quan nha nirac da tdnq cunq cap sir hd
tra tai chinh, nhirng bay gid ho chi cung cap dich vu phap
(B) legalize
(C) legally y
(D) legalizes
25.At the guest's , an extra set Dich nqhTa:
of towels and complimentary • Quote (n): bang gia/ tnch dan
soaps were brought to the • Graduation (n); sa tot nghiep
room. • Request (n); yeu cau
(A) quote • Dispute (n): tranh cai
(B) graduation
(C) request Tam dich: Theo YEU CAU cua khach, mot bo khan tam
(D) dispute va xa phong mien phi da dirge mang den phong.
Dap an: C.
26.The upscale boutique Jane's Giai thich; Can mot danh donq vai tro la danh tir qdc
Closet is known for selling the trong cum danh tir "the most stylish ".
most stylish for young Dap an: D.
Tam dich: CCra hanq cao cap Jane Jane Closet dirac biet
(A) accessorized
den vai viec ban cac phu kien thai trang nhat cho cac
(B) accessorize
chuyen gia tre tuoi.
(C) accessorizes
(D) accessories
27.The company started to Giai thich: Can mot danh donq vai tro la danh tir qoc
recognize the increasing of trong cum danh tir "the increasing ".
using resources responsibly. Dap an; C.
(A) more important
(B) importantly

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(C) importance Tam dich: Conq tv bat dau nhan ra tarn quan tronq nqav
(D) important cang tang cua viec sip dung tai nguyen mot each co trach
28. restructuring several Dich nqhTa;
departments within the • After (prep;: sau khi
company, the majority of the • Until (conj). cho den khi
problems with • Below (prep): ben drrai
miscommunication have • Like (prep): giong vai
(A) After Tam dich: SAU KHI tai cau true mot so phonq ban tronq
(B) Until cong ty, phan Ian cac van de ve thong tin sai lech da
khong con.
(C) Below
(D) Like Dap an: A.
29.The riskiest of the Dich nqhla;
development of new • Proceeds (n). tien ban ve => ludn co "s"
medications are the trials with Proceed (v): tiep tuc lam viec nao do
human subjects. • Perspective (n): quan diem
(A) proceeds • Installment (n); sy thanh toan tang phan
(B) perspectives • Stage (n): giai doan/ san khau
(C) installments
(D) stages Tam dich: CAC GIAI DOAN rui ro nhat cua sir phat then
cac loai thuoc mai la cac tha nghiem vai cac doi tirgng la
con ngirai.
Dap an; D.
30, seeking a position at Tulare Dich nqhTa:
Designs must submit a • Anyone (pronoun): bat clp ngirai nao
portfolio of previous work. • Whenever (conj): bSt clp khi nao
(A) Anyone • Other (adj): khac
(B) Whenever • Fewer (adj) it han
(C) Other
(D) Fewer Tam dich: BAT CU' Al tim kiem mot vi tn tai Tulare
Design deu phai gCri mot ho sa nang lye cua cong viec
tapac do.
Dap an; A.

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Questions 131-134 refer to the following e-mail.

Date: September 24
Subject: Business Contract

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am Sharron Biggs, CEO and founder of BiggsGraphics. I recently came across your
advertisement —131— the partnership of a graphic design company for a number of your
projects. BiggsGraphics has —132— experience working with various small businesses and
companies in designing advertising campaigns, logos, and websites. —133— Our website also has some information about our company.

I'm interested in working with your company on your projects and hope we can build a beneficial
partnership. I look forward —134— your reply.

Sincerely, Sharron Biggs

CEO, BiggsGraphics

131 (A) seek 133.(A) I would really appreciate the

(B) to seek opportunity to work with you.
(C) seeking (B) I heard that Digital IT is a great
(D) are seeking company.
(C) In fact, our designs are often
132.(A) extensive copied by other companies.
(B) restricted (D) I have attached a number of our
(C) generous past designs to illustrate what we
(D) limitless specialize in.

134. (A) at
(B) to
(C) with
(D) from

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Cau hoi 131 - 134 lien quan den email sau.

GCpi den:

GCpi tu.
Ngay: September 24
Ngi dung: Business Contract

Thira dng Smith,

Tdi la Sharron Biggie, Giam doc dieu hanh va ngirdi sang lap BiggieGraphics. Gan day toi tlnh
cd thay quang cao cua dng (131) TiM KIEM sir hgp tac vdi mot cdng ty thiet ke do hoa cho
mot so dg an cua dng. BiggieGraphics cd (132) NHIEU kinh nghiem lam vide vdi cac doanh
nghiep va cdng ty nhd khac nhau trong vide thiet ke cac chien djch quang cao, logo va trang
HOA NHO'NG Gi CHUNG TOI CHUYEN LAM. Trang web cua chung tdi www.biggs- cung cd mot so thong tin ve cdng ty cua chung tdi.

Tdi mong muon sue hgp tac vdi cdng ty cua dng trong cac dg an cua dng va hy vpng chung ta
cd the xay dgng moi quan he doi tac dem Igi nhdng dieu tot dep. Tdi mong chd phan hoi cua

Tran trong, Sharron Bigss

Giam doc dieu hanh, BigssGraphics

131. Ap dung hinh thdc rut gqn MDQH vi 133. Djch nghTa:
cau nay da cd ddng tip chinh (came (A) Tdi thgc sg danh gia cao ca hdi lam
across). vide vdi dng.
Khi chua rut qon MDQH: I recently (B) Tdi nghe ndi rdng Digital IT la mot
cdng ty tuyet vdi.
came across your advertisement
WHICH SOUGHT the partnership of a (C) Tren thgc te, cac thiet ke cua chung
graphic design company for a number tdi thirdng du-ac sao chep bdi cac
cdng ty khac.
of your projects (sought la hinh thdc
(D) Tdi da dmh kern mot so thiet ke
qua khd va qua khd phan td cua seek).
trong qua khd cua chung tdi de
Khi rut qon MDQH: I recently came mmh hoa nhdng gi chung tdi
across your advertisement SEEKING chuyen lam.
the partnership of a graphic design
company for a number of your projects. Dap an: D.
134. Ap dung cau true "look forward TO sth".
Dap an: C.
Dap an: B.

132. Djch nghTa:

• Extensive (adj): nhieu, rdng, Idn
• Restricted (adj); bi gich han, bi han
• Generous (adj): hao phdng
• Limitless (adj); khdng cd gidi han

Dap an: A.

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Questions 135-138 refer to the following announcement.

Thank you for shopping at Larson's China. Our products are known for their modern and unique
patterns and color combinations, as well as —135— and strength. —136— Please note,
however, that repeated drops and rough handling will —137— eventual breakage. We suggest
you store them carefully and that you don't use harsh chemicals, steel sponges, or —138—
scrubbing when cleaning them. Please visit our website at for
information about handling and care or call us at 555-1234 if you have any questions or

135. (A) durable 137.(A) result in

(B) durability (B) occur to
(C) durableness (C) ending at
(D) durable (D) stop with

136.(A) Larson's utensils and silverware go 138.(A) ambitious

great with the dmnerware. (B) combative
(B) Our most popular line, the Spring (C) aggressive
Flower China is sold out at most (D) complacent
(C) Visit our store to check out our
other beautiful products.
(D) They are dishwasher- and
microwave-safe and we're
confident that you'll be using them
for years to come.

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Cau hoi 135 - 138 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Cam an ban da mua sdm tai Larson's China. San pham cua chung tdi dagc biet den vai cac
mau doc dao va hien dai, cung nhu1 (135) Dp BEN va do cung. (136) CHUNG SU' DUNG AN
SU" DUNG CHUNG TRONG NHlEU NAM TOI. Tuy nhien, xin Ilpu y rdng viec thipdng xuyen
lam rat va sa dung manh tay se (137) DAN DEN viec bi vd. Chung tdi khuyen ban nen bao
quan chung can than va ban khdng nen sir dung cac hda chat manh, mieng rda chen bdng
thep hoac cha (138) MANH khi lam sach chung. Vui long truy cap trang web cua chung tdi tai de biet thong tin ve viec xlp ly va cham sdc hoac goi cho chung tdi theo
so 555-1234 neu ban cd bat ky cau hoi hoac thlc mdc nao.

135. Can mot danh td dirge chia song song 137. Djch nghla:
vai cac danh tir "patterns", "color • Result in (v): dan den
combinations", "strength". • Occur to (v): xay ra vai ai do
Dap an; B. • Ending at (v): ket thuc
• Stop with (v): dung lai

136. Dich nghfa: Dap an: A.

(A) Dung cu va bd dao ma an kern cua
Larson ket hgp rat hai hoa vai bd
chen dTa. 138. Djch nghTa:
(B) Dong pho bien nhat cua chung tdi, • Ambitious (adj): tham vgng
Hoa mua xuan Trung Quoc dirge • Combative (adj); hieu chien
ban het tai hau het cac dja diem. • Aggressive (adj); manh bao, hung
(C) Ghe tham cira hang cua chung tdi han
de kiem tra cac san pham dep
• Complacent (adj) tu man
khac cua chung tdi.
(D) Chung sd dung an toan vai may Dap an: C.
rira chen va Id vi song va chung tdi
tin chic ring ban se sir dung
chung trong nhieu nam tai.
Dap an: D.

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following notice.

Entry Position: Gold & Slide Accounting Firm

We are looking for enthusiastic candidates with an educational background in finance

or —139—. All candidates should have some computer experience. Job experience is
not —140— but preferred. Candidates with a bilingual language ability —141—
favored. Positions include jobs in accounting, statistics, and general office assistant. If
you are interested, please visit our website at
www.G& for more information. You can send your
cover letters and resumes to Karen Hill at khill@G& We will begin interviewing
candidates on Monday, November 5. —142—

139.(A) account 141.(A) is being

(B) accountant (B) will be
(C) accounting (C) has been
(D) accounted (D) were being

140.(A) basic 142.(A) We sincerely thank you for your

(B) decisive interest.
(C) additional (B) The positions begin the following
(D) necessary month.
(C) Please call us for more information.
(D) We apologize for any inconvenience.

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Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den thong bao sau

Vj tn lam viec tai: Gold & Slide Accounting Firm

Chung toi dang tim kiem nhOng img vien nhiet tmh vai nen tang giao duo ve tai chmh
hoac (139) K£ TOAN. Tat ca cac irng clp vien can co mot so kinh nghiem sir dung may
tinh. Kinh nghiem lam viec la (140) KHONG CAN THIET nhirng se dirge uu tien. Lfng
vien co kha nang song ngCr (141) SE cd Igi the. Vi tn' bao gom cac cong viec ke toan,
thong ke va trg ly van phdng. Neu ban quan tarn, vui long truy cap trang web cua chung
toi tai www.G& de biet them thong tin. Ban co the gui
thu xin viec va so yeu ly Ijch cua mlnh den Karen Hill tai khill@G& Chung toi se
bat dau phdng van cac irng vien vao thir Hai, ngay 5 thang 11. (142) CAC Vj TRI BAT

139. Can mot danh tir du-gc chia song song 141. Chia thi cua dpng til' theo chu tir
vai danh tu "finance". Dap an cd 3 danh "Candidates with a bilingual language
• Account (n): tai khoan/ khach hang • Is being V3-ed: dang dirge lam gl do
than quen => Danh td dem dirge so => khdng phu hgp.
ft can cd tir han djnh phia trirac • Will be V3-ed: se dirge lam gl do.
• Accountant (n): ke toan vien => • Has been V3-ed; da dirge lam gl do
Danh tir dem dirge so ft can cd tir trong mot khoang thcri gian =>
han djnh phfa trirac khdng phu hgp.
• Accounting (n): ke toan • Were being V3-ed: dang dirac lam
gl do tai mot thd"! diem cu the trong
Dap an: C.
qua khd => khdng phu hgp.

Dap an: B.
140. Djch nghTa:
• Basic (adj): can ban
• Decisive (adj): quyet doan 142. Djch nghTa:
• Additional (adj): bo sung, them vao (A) Chung toi chan thanh cam an
• Necessary (adj); can thiet ban da quan tam => Cach di§n
dat nay dirge sir dung khi da co
Dap an: D.
ngirdi bay to sir quan tam va
chung ta phan hdi lai.
(B) Cac vj tn bit dlu vao thang sau.
(C) Hay gpi cho chung toi de bilt
them thong tin.
(D) Chung toi xin loi vi sir bit tien
Dap an; B.

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Questions 143-146 refer to the following notice.

To: Kitchen staff, office employees

From. Manager, Larry Park
Date: March 23
Subject: Renovations

To all kitchen staff and Harmon employees,

From Sunday, March 23 to Thursday, March 27, the employee cafeteria kitchens will
undergo renovations as new appliances and equipment —143— in to replace the old ones.
—144— Instead, the convenience shops will carry more sandwiches, prepared lunch boxes,
and snacks for the employees during this time.

The renovations will increase the number of sinks, ovens, and stove tops so that a larger
volume of meals can be provided —145— the lunch and dinner rushes. We apologize for
the inconvenience but we hope that the changes will —146— the services in the cafeteria.

143.(A) are bringing

(B) have brought 145.(A) before
(C) bring (B) after
(D) are brought (C) during
(D) within
144.(A) This will take a lot of work.
(B) As a result, the convenience shops 146.(A) develop
will be closed. (B) improve
(C) Because of this, hot meals will not (C) rectify
be available for the patrons. (D)recover
(D) There will be noise and chaos as a

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a Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 143-146 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Kinh giji: Nhan vien bep, nhan vien van phong.

Tu': Quan ly, Larry Park
Ngay 23 thang 3
Chu de: Renovations

Danh cho tat ca nhan vien nha bep va nhan vien Harmon,

TCr Chu nhat, ngay 23 thang 3 den thir nam, ngay 27 thang 3, nha bep cua quan an danh
cho nhan vien se tien hanh tu sira khi cac do dung va thiet bj mai (143) DUO'C DLPA VAO
de thay the nhdng cai cu. (144) DO VAY, CAC THLfC AN NONG SE KHONG CO SAN
CHO KHACH HANG QUEN. Thay vao do, cac cira hang tien Igi se co nhieu banh sandwich,
hop cam traa va do an nhe cho nhan vien trong thai gian nay

Viec tu sira se tang so lirgng cac bon rira, 16 naang, va bep de nhieu bda an han co the
dirge cung cap (145) TRONG gio" cao diem bda tnra va bda toi. Chung toi xin loi vi sue bat
tien nay nhirng chung toi hy vpng ring nhdng thay doi nay se (146) CAI THIEN cac djch vu
trong quan an tg phuc vu.

143. Chia dgng tu1 theo chu td "new 145. Djch nghTa:
appliances and equipment". Dong td • Before (prep): trird'c luc, tnro'c khi
nay can dirge chia d the bj dong de • After (prep): sau khi
tirang tich ve y nghTa. • During (prep): trong, trong suot
Dap an. D. • Within (prep); trong vong

Dap an: C.
144. Djch nghTa:
(A) Viec nay se co nhieu viec can phai
lam. 146. Djch nghTa:
(B) Do do, cac cda hang tien Igi se bi • Develop (v): phat then
dong cda. • Improve (v): cai thien
(C) Do vay, cac thdc an nong se khong • Rectify (v): dieu chinh
co sin cho khach hang quen.
• Recover (v). khoi phuc
(D) Do do, se co tieng on va sue Ion
xgn. Dap an: B.
Dap an: C.

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a Successful people never stop learnings

01.With the help of one of the IT Giai thich: Donq tu1 6" vi tn nay can diro'c chia a the bi
technicians, the missing dong de phu hap vai chu tip "the missing accounting files".
accounting files have been —.
Meo: "recover" la ngoai dong td, neu chon dap an "have
(A) recover
been recovering" (chu dong) thi phia sau can co tan ngQ".
(B) recovers
(C) recovering Dap an: D.
(D) recovered
Tam dich; Vai sip giup da cua mot trong nhtrng kv thuat
vien IT, cac tap ho sa ke toan bj thieu da dipgc phuc hoi.
02.A private reception for gallery Dich nqhTa:
donors will be on March 5, • Hold-held-heid (v;: to chac/ gid, cdm, nlm
prior to the grand opening of the • Face (v): doi mat
exhibit. • Claim (v): khieu nai
(A) held
• Make (v): thyc hien
(B) faced
(C) claimed Tam dich; Mot buoi le tiep don rieng danh cho cac nha tai
(D) made trg phong trang bay se dipgc TO CHU'C vao ngay 5 thang
3, traac khi khai mac trien lam.
Dap an: A.
03.Aurora Furnishings is finding Giai thich: Can mot trang tip de bo nghTa cho tmh ta
it difficult to make a profit in "competitive" (tmh td "competitive" bo nghTa danh tip
its competitive market. "market" phia sau).
(A) increases
Dap an: C.
(B) increased
(C) increasingly Tam dich: Aurora Furnishings dang gap khd khan trong
(D) increase viec kiem Igi nhuan trong thj trirdng canh tranh ngay cang
canh tranh cua mmh.
04.A minor electrical malfunction Dich nqhTa:
was discovered by the pilot • Barely (adv). gan nha khong
before the plane took off. • Shortly (adv): khong lau, ngay (ngay trirac khi, ngay
(A) barely sau khi)
(B) shortly
• Absolutely (adv): hoan toan
(C) absolutely
• Exclusively (adv): doc guyen, rieng biet
(D) exclusively
Tam dich: Mot sip co dien nhd da daac phi cdng phat hien
NGAY traac khi may bay cat canh.
Dap an: B.
05.We will make a final decision Giai thich; Can mot tinh td de bo nghTa cho danh td "cost"
about changing the (danh td cung co the bo nghTa cho danh td, nhang trong
landscaping of the property tradng hgp nay chpn danh td bo nghTa cho danh ta phia
after reviewing the costs. sau se khong hgp nghTa).
(A) estimation
Dap an khong co tmh ta goc nen chung ta xet den phan
(B) estimate
td vi phan td co the dong vai tro nha mot tinh td.
(C) estimated
(D) estimating Cach dunq phan tiH:
• Phan td CHI CAM XUC, TINH CHAT nha
interesting(ed), exciting(ed), disappointing(ed),
confusing(ed), exhausting(ed)... khi mieu ta cho
VAT THI LUON DUNG V-ING, khi mieu ta cho ngadi
thi dung V3-ed neu cam xuc co dagc do tac dong
ben ngoai hoac mieu ta cam xuc cua doi tagng do
(that man looks excited => Anh ay trong co ve hao

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hire => anh ay cam thay hao hire), dung V-ing thi
dem lai cam xuc cho doi tirgng khac (trirdng hop nay
rat ft dupe sij dung. Vi du: that man is very
interesting => anh ay dem lai cam giac thu vj cho
ngirdi khac).

"Estimatedpng)" la mot phan td chi hanh dong nen chung
ta xet chu dong hoac bj dong.
Dap an; C.
Tam dich: Chung tdi se dura ra quvet dinh cuoi cunq ve
viec thay doi canh quan cua khu dat sau khi xem xet cac
chi phi dirge irac tmh.
06.MyHealth Co. has produced a Dich nghTa;
wide range of vitamin • Along (prep;, doc theo
supplements for two • During (prep); trong suot
decades. • Over (prep); han, qua
(A) along
• When (conj). khi
(B) during
(C) over Tam dich: MvHealth Co. da san xuat mot loat cac chat bo
(D) when sung vitamin trong HON hai thap ky.
Dap an; C.
07.The April edition of Fishing and Giai thich; Can mot tranq tip de bo nqhia cho tmh tip
More magazine looks "different" ("different" la tmh tip chia theo linking verb
different from previous issues "looks").
because of the new art editor.
Dap an; C.
(A) completed
(B) complete Tam dich: Tap chi Fishing and More an ban thang 4 trdnq
(C) completely hoan toan khac biet so vai cac so trirac nha ngipdi bien
(D) completing tap hmh anh mai.
08.The customer's oider will Giai thich: Can mot danh tip dong vai tro danh tip qoc
be sent by e-mail within twenty- trong cum danh tip "the customer's order ".
four hours.
Dap an: A.
(A) confirmation
(B) confirms Tam dich: Xac nhan dan dat hang cua khach hang se
(C) confirmed dipgc gdi qua e-mail trong vdng 24.
(D) confirm
09.The maintenance team's repair Giai thich: Can mot dong tip daac chia a the bi dong de
requests should be — in phu hap vai chu td "the maintenance team's repair
groups according to the requests".
Meo: "organize" la ngoai dong td, neu chon dap an
(A) organizing
"should be organizing" (chii dong) thi phia sau can co tan
(B) organize
(C) organized
(D) organizes Dap an; C.
Tam dich: Cac veu cau sira chda cua nhom bao dirdng
nen dipgc to chdc theo nhom tuy theo mipc do khan cap.
10.Following Ms. Rivera's Dich nqhTa;
statement, the official awards • Brief (adj); vdn tit, ngln gon
ceremony for Flex Industries • Straight (adj); thing
will commence. • Former (adj): trirac, xira, clpu
(A) brief

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(B) straight • Steep (adj): doc

(C) former
Tam dich: Sau tuven bo NGAN GON cua ba Rivera, buoi
(D) steep
le trao giai chmh thupc cho Plex Industries se bSt dau.
Dap an: A.
11.Due to the high volume of foot Giai thich: Can mot tranq tu dirac su dunq a hinh thirc
traffic, the shop must polish its so sanh hem de bo nghTa cho dgng tir "polish".
floors more than usual
Dap an: D.
during the peak season.
(A) frequent Tam dich: Do so lircmq khach nhieu, cua hanq phai danh
(B) frequented bong san thipcmg xuyen hem binh thipcmg trong mua cao
(C) frequency diem.
(D) frequently
12.The Master Gardeners Club Dich nghTa;
had to -— its monthly meeting • Prepare (v;; chuan bj
because the community • Oppose (v): chong doi, phan doi
center's conference room was • Postpone (v): hoan lai
• Extend (v). keo dai
(A) prepare
(B) oppose Tam dich: Master Gardeners Club da phai MOAN cudc
(C) postpone hop hang thang vi phong hoi nghj trung tam cong dong da
(D) extend dipgc nhieu dan vj khac dat truac.
Dap an: B.
13.Financial advisors report that Giai thich; Can mot tmh tu theo sau "to be", va tmh tu
older investors tend to be — nay dugc su dung a hinh thuc so sanh han (dau hieu
than their younger "than" phia sau).
Dap an: C.
(A) cautious
(B) cautioned Tam dich: Cac co van tai chmh bao cao rlnq cac nha ddu
(C) more cautious tu Ian tuoi cd xu huang than trong han so vai cac ddi tac
(D) caution tre.
14.Mr. Albrecht's in replying to Giai thich; Can mot danh tip ddnq vai tro danh tu qoc
the HR director's e-mail trong cum danh tip "Mr. Albrecht's ".
demonstrated that he was
Dap an; A.
highly interested in the position.
(A) promptness Tam dich: Su nhanh chonq tronq viec phan hoi email
(B) prompted giam doc nhan su cua Mr. Albrecht da chimg minh rang
(C) prompt dng rat quan tam den vi tn' nay.
(D) oromptlv
15.The soccer players usually Dich nghTa:
practice on the main field at • Everybody (pronoun;: moi ngudi
Waterbury Park, but they • Twice (adv): hai Ian, gap ddi
sometimes practice —. • Yet (adv); tuy nhien
(A) everybody
• Elsewhere (adv); d mot nai khac
(B) twice
(C) yet Tam dich: Cac cau thii bdnq da thudnq tap luven tren
(D) elsewhere san chmh tai Cong vien Waterbury, nhung ddi khi ho tap
luyen 0 NOI KHAC.
Dap an: D.
16.The accountants were unable Giai thich: Can mot dai tip nhan xunq chu nqu ddnq vai
to produce a full report by the trd chu ngu trong menh de sau "that".
deadline but promised that —
Dap an: C.
would give a summary of the
important points.

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(A) their Tam dich: Cac ke toan vien da khona the dura ra mot bao
(B) themselves cao day du trurac han nhirng cam ket rdng ho se cung cap
(C) they mot ban torn tit ve cac diem quan trgng.
fD) theirs
1/.Despite having some problems Giai thich: Can mot tinh tip de bo nghTa cho danh tCp
with the sound system during "experience" (danh tip cung cd the bo nghTa cho danh tu,
the performance, the concert nhirng trong trirdng hgp nay chpn danh ti> bo nghTa cho
was an — experience for danh tir phia sau se khong hgp nghTa).
Dap an: A.
(A) enjoyable
(B) enjoyment Tam dich: Mac du co mot so van de vai he thonq am
(C) enjoys thanh trong buoi bieu dien, nhung buoi hda nhac van la
(D) enjoyably mot trai nghiem thu vj cho moi ngirdi.
18. the building has an Dich nqhTa:
excellent location and a modern • In view of + Noun/V-ing (prep), xet thay, do bdi
interior, it is popular among • Provided that (conj). mien la, dieu kien la, neu
visitors. • Other than (prep). ngoai...ra
(A) In view of
• Seeing that + Menh de (conj); bdi vl
(B) Provided that
(C) Other than Tam dich: Bdi vi toa nha co mot vi tri tuvet vdi va ndi that
(D) Seeing that hien dai, nen no dirge nhieu du khach yeu thich.
Dap an: D.
19.The Parks and Recreation Giai thich; Can mot tinh tir de bo nqhTa cho danh tir
Department offers "opportunities" (danh tir cung co the bo nghTa cho danh
opportunities for volunteers to tir, nhirng trong trirdng hgp nay chpn danh tir bo nghTa
improve the community. cho danh tir phla sau se khong hgp nghTa).
(A) reward
Dap an: D.
(B) rewards
(C) rewarded Lu'u v: "rewardinq" la mot tinh tir, cd nqhTa la bo ich hoac
(D) rewarding dang (dang lam, dang xem, dang theo duoi,...)
Tam dich: Sd Cdnq vien va Giai tri cunq cap cac ca hoi
bo ich cho cac tinh nguyen vien de cai thien cpng dong.
20.The vacant rooms on the inn's Dich nqhTa;
second floor have — been • Most + Noun (pronoun): hau het/ nhieu nhat
cleaned. Most (adv): nhieu nhat
(A) most • Every (adj)- moi, mot
(B) every • Some + Noun (pronoun); mot so
(C) some • All + Noun (pronoun): tit ca
(D) all All (adv): hoan toan, het ca, toan bp
Tam dich: Cac phdnq trdnq tren tanq hai quan tro da
dirge don sach HOAN TOAN.
Dap an: D.
21.The short story cannot be Dich nqhTa:
reprinted — explicit permission • Without (prep); ma khong cd
from the writer. • Regarding (prep): lien quan den
(A) without • Among (prep): d gida, trong so (3 doi tirgng trd len)
(B) regarding
• Unlike (prep): khong giong vdi, khac vdi
(C) among
(D) unlike Tam dich: Truven nqln khdnq the dirac tai ban MA
KHONG CO sg cho phep trgc tiep tir ngirdi viet.
Dap an: A.

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22.The restaurant has a Giai thfch: Can mot tranq tu- de bo nqhTa cho qua khir
decorated room that is perfect phan tir "decorated" ("decorated" dong vai tro nhir mot
for hosting children's parties. tmh tir de bo nghla cho danh tCr "room").
(A) cheerful
Dap an: B.
(B) cheerfully
(C) cheerfulness Tam dich: Nha hanq co mot phonq dipac tranq tri tirai
(D) cheer sang, hoan toan phu hop de to chirc tiec cho tre em.
23.A wildlife expert is scheduled to Dich nghTa;
give a talk on the — that the • Component (n): thann phan
factory has had on the • Degree (n). blng cap
surrounding forest. • Requirement (n). yeu cau
(A) components
• Impact (n): so anh hocmg, so tac dong
(B) degree
(C) requirements Tam dich: Mot chuyen qia ve donq vat hoanq da do ki§n
(D) impact se trlnh bay ve ANH HU'O'NG cua nha may doi vai khu
rong xung quanh.
Dap an; D.
24.The landlord raised the monthly Giai thfch; Nqay sau vi tn can dien la tranq to "so". Khi
rent for the first time in several chung ta dung trang to "so" a cuoi mot menh de, tach biet
years, and — so. vai phan phfa troac thi trang to "so" se co y nghTa la "viec
(A) reasonable do" (thay the cho ca hanh dong doge de cap den a phfa
(B) reasonably troac).
(C) reason
■=> Dong trw&c mot trang tCr dS bd nghTa cho no, chung ta
(D) reasons
dung mot trang tCr khac.
Dap an: B.
Tam dich: Chu nha da tanq tien thue hanq thanq Ian ddu
tien sau vai nam, va viec nay thi hgp ly.
Mot so vf do ve troanq ho'p "so" donq cuoi menh de.

• Food waste has become a hot topic today, and

reasonably so (Lang phi thgc pham da tra thanh mot
chu de nong bong trong thai gian nay, va viec nay thi
hap ly)-
• Dioxin is one of those words that people find very
scary - and reasonably so (Dioxin la mot trong nhdng
ta ma mpi ngirdi sg hai - va viec nay thi hgp ly).
• Everything was there for us and perfectly so (Moi thir
da cO mat a do cho chung tdi va viec nay thi that tot)

25.As long as there are no further Giai thich: Can mot tinh ta theo sau "to be" (will be) de
delays, the factory will be fully mieu ta cho chu ta "the factory" (trang td "fully" bo nghTa
by June 18. cho tmh td d vj tn can dien).
(A) operational
Dap an; A.
(B) operate
(C) operates Tam dich: Chi can khdnq co sa cham tre nao nda, nha
(D) operation may se hoat dong day du vao ngay 18 thang Sau.
26.Thanks to his experience, Mr. Gidi thfch: Can mot tranq ta de bo nqhTa cho tmh ta
Warren is capable of "capable".
completing the job on his own.
Meo: De thi co danq "to be + — + Adi" => cho trdnq chon
(A) certainly
(B) certain
(C) certainty Dap an: A.
(D) certify

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Tam dich: Nho kinh nghiem cua mlnh, Mr. Warren ch§c
ch§n cd kha nang ty minh hoan thanh cong viec.
27.Because of fuel costs, Dich nghTa:
some people are choosing to • Rise (v). gia tang
stay home for the summer • Above (prep), ben tren
vacation rather than drive to • Dependable (adj). dang tin cay
tourist sites.
• Lengthy (adj). dai dong
(A) rising
(B) above Tam dich: Do chi phi nhien lieu TANG, nen mot so ngirai
(C) dependable chon 6 nha cho ky nghi he thay vl lai xe den cac dja diem
(D) lengthy du lich.
Dap an: A.
28.The green light on the side of Dich nghTa:
the water purifier lights up • Likewise (adv;. tirang tu nhir vay
the filter needs to be replaced. • Whenever (conj): bat clp khi nao
(A) likewise • Therefore (adv): vl the, do do
(B) whenever
• Whereas (conj): trai lai
(C) therefore
(D) whereas Tam dich: Den xanh a ben honq mav loc nipac se sanq
len bat clp khi nao bp loc can diro'c thay.
Dap an; B.
29.Two items in Ms. Burke's order Dich nghTa:
were out of stock, so her • Continuously (adv): lien tuc, khong ngi>ng
invoice was adjusted —. • Accordingly (adv). cho phu hgp, mot each phu hgp
(A) continuously • Immeasurably (adv): qua nhieu, vo lipgng
(B) accordingly
• Recognizably (adv): de nhan biet
(C) immeasurably
(D) recognizably Tam dich; Hai mat hang trong dom dat hang cua co Burke
da het hang, vi vay hoa dan cua co da dipgc dieu chmh
cho phu hgp.
Dap an: B.
30.The notice indicated that a first- Giai thich.
aid training course will be
Can mot danh tip theo sau giai tup "to" de lam tan ngup cua
provided free of charge to
giai tip nay:
next month.
• Resident (n): ngaai dan
(A) residents
(B) residence • Residence (n): sg clp tru
(C) residential Tam dich: Thong bao cho thay ring mot khda dao tao sa
(D) resides clpu se dLpgc cung cap mien phi' cho CU' DAN vao thang
Dap an: A.

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Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.

Employee Spring Training

Lawrence Paper is dedicated to helping all of its employees fulfill their potential. That is why
we have once again organized 2 days of spring training. Human Resources has put together
a wide range of topics for this year's workshops, —131— sales techniques, computer skills,
communication strategies, and goal setting. We still have two workshop time slots available,
so if there is something you've been dying to learn about, please let us know. It's quite
possible we —132— it into this year's spring training. —133— Feel free to —134— any
ideas you might have to Nancy Kensington in the human resources department.

131.(A) distributing 133. (A) If we get many suggestions, we

(B) locating could also hold a workshop on the
(C) including following weekend, December
(D) advancing 4th.
(B) We'll be finalizing our choices by
the end of the week.
132.(A) were incorporating (C) A large amount of time and
(B) should incorporate energy has gone into organizing
(C) are incorporating this conference.
(D) could incorporate (D) Inviting friends and family to these
events is always encouraged.

134. (A) create

(B) request
(C) submit
(D) transfer

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Cau hoi 131-134 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Dao tao nhan vien mua xuan

Lawrence Paper tan tam vai viec giup tat ca cac nhan vien cua mmh dat dirge tiem nang
cua hp nhieu nhat co the. 06 la ly do tai sao chung toi lai mot Ian nCra to chirc 2 ngay dao
tao vao mua xuan. Bp phan Nhan sir da chuan bj nhieu chu de cho cac hpi thao nam nay,
(131) BAO GOM cac ky thuat ban hang, ky nang may tmh, chien lirgc giao tiep va thiet lap
muc tieu. Chung toi vin con hai khung thoi gian hpi thao, do vay neu co dieu gl do ma ban
that sg muon tlm hieu, xin vui long cho chung toi biet. Chung toi (132) CO THE KET HOP
no vao khoa dao tao mua xuan nam nay. (133) CHUNG TOI SB CHOT LAI CAC LLfA
CHON CUA MlNH VAO CUOl TUAN. Vui long (134) GUM bat ky y tirang nao ban co the co
cho Nancy Kensington trong bp phan nhan sg.

131. Dich nghTa: 133. Djch nghTa;

• Distribute (v): phan phoi (A) Neu chung toi nhan dirge nhieu de
• Locate (v); toa lac, djnh vj xuat, chung toi cung co the to chirc
• Include (v): bao gom mot hpi thao vao cuoi tuan sau,
ngay 4 thang 12.
• Advance (v): cai thien
(B) Chung toi se chot lai cac Iga chpn
Dap an. B. cua mlnh vao cuoi tuan.
(C) Nhieu thai gian va nang lirgng da
bo ra cho viec to chirc hpi nghj nay.
132. Chia thi sao cho phu hop. (D) Mom ban be va gia dinh tham gia
• Were incorporating => Thi qua khir cac sg kien nay luon dirge khuyen
tiep dien, dirge dung khi dien ta mot khi'ch.
hanh dpng didn ra tai mot thdi diem Dap an; B.
cu the d qua khir.
• Should incorporate => Nen ket hgp 134. Djch nghTa:
• => Khong hgp nghTa. • Create (v): tao ra
• Are incorporating => Dang/se ket • Request (v): yeu cdu
hgp => Khong hgp nghTa. • Submit (v): giri, nop
• Could incorporate => Co the ket • Transfer (v); chuyen di
Dap an: C.
Dap an: D.

Nguy£n Dire - Luyen Thi TOEIC TP EICM - 0973 141 104

IHJONd dAn giAi cm ti£t toeic new EORMAT - NGLYEN DLC ENGLISH
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Questions 135-138 refer to the following advertisement.

Vander Properties

Vander Properties has been serving Houston for over 29 years. It is through our commitment
to providing the highest degree of expertise, market knowledge and —135— service that
we are recognized as an industry leader.

We specialize in —136—and corporate real estate here in the Denver area. —137— you
are looking to buy a new home or start a new business, we are the people you should be
talking with. With our office centrally located downtown, we have our eyes on the whole city.
Browse our site for listing, or give us a call today. —138—
Phone: (313) 782-9919
Address: 834 Walton St.

135. (A) personalize 137. (A) Whether

(B) personalizes (B) Even if
(C) personalizing (C) Even though
(D) personalized (D; Whenever

136. (A) productive 138. (A) Take a drive out of town and come
(B) promoted see us today.
(C) relevant (B) We appreciate your assistance.
(D) residential (C) Of course, drop-ins are always
(D) Our kitchen is open from eight to
five daily.

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Cau hoi 135-138 lien quan den quang cao sau.

Vander Properties

Vander Properties da phuc vu Houston trong han 29 nam. Nha vao cam ket cua chung toi
voi viec cung cap mire do cao nhat ve chuyen mon, kien thirc thj tarang va djch vu (135)
Dime THIET KE RiENG CHO TIJNG DOl TU'P'NG ma chung toi du-ac cong nhan la doanh
nghiep dan dau nganh

Chung toi chuyen ve bat dgng san (136) NHA O" va doanh nghiep a khu virc Denver. (137)
CHO DU ban dang tim mua mot ngoi nha moi hoac bit dau mot doanh nghiep moi, chung
toi la nhCrng nguoi ban nen trao doi. Voi van phdng nam a trung tarn thanh pho, chung toi
co the nam bit dirge toan thanh pho. Hay len website cua chung toi de xem nhCrng thir da
dirge Net ke sin, hole gpi cho chung toi horn nay. (138) TAT NHlEN, VIEC GHE QUA
Dien thoai: (313) 782-9919
Dia chi; 834 Walton St.

135. Can mot tmh tir de bo nghTa cho danh 137. Djch nghTa:
tir "service". • Whether (conj). bit ke, cho du/ lieu
Dap an; D. ring
• Even if (conj): ngay ca khi
Liru y: "personalized" la tinh tir, co
• Even though (conj): m|c du
nghTa la dirge thiet ke rieng cho tirng
doi tirgng. • Whenever (conj); bat cir khi nlo

Trong trirang hgp dap an khong co tmh Dap an: A.

tir goc, chung ta se xet chpn phan tir
(V-ing la hien tai phan tir, V3-ed la qua
khir phan tir) Vai cac phan tir chi hanh 138. Djch nghTa:
dpng, chung ta se xet chpn V-ing neu (A) Hay Hi xe ra khoi thi tran va den
mang nghTa chu dpng, chpn V3-ed neu g|p chung toi horn nay.
mang nghTa bj dpng. => Khong hgp nghTa vi van phong da
a trung tarn thanh ph6.
(B) Chung toi cam an sg giup da cua
136. Djch nghTa: ban.
• Productive (adj); hiru ich, dem lai (C) Tit nhien, viec ghe qua trgc tiep
nang suit luon dirac chlo don.
(D) Nhl bep cua chung toi ma cira tir
• Promote (v): xuc tien, thing chirc
8h den 5h moi ngay.
• Relevant (adj); phu hgp, co lien
quan Dap an: C.
• Residential (adj): (thupc ve) nha a,
(thupc ve) cir tru

Dap an: D.

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following notice.

Pizza Chef Wanted

Papa Gino's is hiring, and all —139— applicants will be considered. —140— Even if you
have no experience, training will be provided if you meet our requirements. To meet our
requirements, you must have a —141— health card, reliable transportation, and be able
to work evenings and weekends. Please apply in person at Papa Gino's on State and Pine.
—142— look forward to meeting you.

139. (A) qualify 141. (A) valid

(B) qualifying (B) working
(C) qualified (C) effective
(D) to qualify (D) strong

140.(A) We are looking for candidates 142. (A) She

that have some experience in (B) They
Italian food. (C) We
(B) We are looking for candidates (D1 He
that have experience fishing.
(C) We are looking for people who
can fish.
(D) We are looking for people who
want to practice.

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Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Tuyen dung dau bep pizza

Papa Gino hien dang tuyen dung, va tat ca cac img vien (139) CO DU NANG LIJC se
KINH NGHIEM TRONG THITC PHAM Y. Ngay ca khl ban khong co kinh nghiem, viec dao
tao se dipgc cung cap neu ban dap i>ng cac yeu cau cua chung toi. De dap ipng yeu cau
cua chung toi, ban phai co the y te (141) HOP LE, phipang tien di chuyen tot va co the
lam viec buoi toi va cuoi tuan. Vui long dang ky trgc tiep tai Papa Gino's on State and
Pine. (142) CHUNG TOI mong dipgc gap ban.

139. Can mot tinh tCr de bo nghTa cho danh 141. Djch nghTa:
tu' "applicants". • Valid (adjj: hop le, co gia trj so dung
Dap an; C. • Working (adj): du tot, co the dung
Llpu y: "qualified" co nghTa la co du
• Effective (adj). hieu qua
nang Igc, kha nang cho mot cong viec
• Strong (adj): manh, tot
nao do.
Trong tripang hop dap an khong co tmh Dap an: A.
to goc, chung ta se xet chgn phan to
(V-ing la hien tai phan to, V3-ed la qua 142. Can mot dai to nhan xong chu ngo
khu phan to). V6i cac phan to chi hanh mang nghTa thay the cho ca cong ty.
dpng, chung ta se xet chgn V-ing neu
Dap an; C.
mang nghTa chu dgng, chqn V3-ed neu
mang nghTa bj dgng.

140. Djch nghTa:

(A) Chung toi dang tim kiem nhong
ong co vien co mot so kinh nghiem
ve thoc pham Y.
(B) Chung toi dang tim kiem nhimg
ong vien co kinh nghiem cau ca.
(C) Chung toi dang tim kiem nhimg
ngooi co the cau ca.
(D) Chung toi dang tim kiem nhong
ngooi muon thoc hanh.
Dap an: A.

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Questions 143-146 refer to the following letter.

November 11
John Adams
Tri-State, Apt 408
New York, NY

Dear Mr. Adams,

I am pleased to inform you that you —143— as one of the finalists for the position of sales
director at Goldie Saks. Over 100 applicants applied for the —144— but we have narrowed
down our list to 8 candidates. You will be called in for an interview on November 15 from
1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. —145— The location will be the company headquarters. Our
assistant, Miss Lane, will meet you at the main lobby and take you to the interview room.

For the candidates that do well in these interviews, there will be a second interview. We
will let you know as soon as possible whether you —146—.

Please call us at 555-1234 if you have any further questions.

We hope to see you soon.
Jennifer Law
Executive Manager

143. (A) were choosing 145. (A) The building is easy to locate.
(B) had chosen (Bj We would like you to come in at
(C) have been chosen 1.00 P.M.
(D)chose (C) Our interviewers will ask you
several questions.
(D) You will be given a specific
144. (A) position schedule.
(B) location
(C) career
(D) appointment 146. (A) enable
(B) approve
(C) refuse
(D) qualify

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Cau hoi 143-146 lien quan den la thu' sau.

November 11
John Adams
Tri-State, Apt 408
New York, NY

Thira ong Adams,

Toi vui mirng thong bao cho ong r§ng ong (143) DA DUQC CHQN la mot trong nhCrng
ngirai vao chung ket cho vi tn giam doc ban hang tai Goldie Saks. Han 100 ang vien dng
tuyen cho (144) Vj TRI NAY nhang chung toi da chon dagc 8 dng vien ti> danh sach cua
chung toi. Ong se dirge mdi tham gia phdng van vao ngay 15 thang 11, tir 1:00 P.M. den
6.00 P.M. (145) CHUNG TOI MUON ONG DEN VAO LUC 1:00 P.M. Dja diem se la tru
sa cdng ty. Trg ly cua chung toi, cd Lane, se gap ong tai sanh chinh va dira ong den
phOng phdng van.

Doi vdi cac dng vien thgc hien tot trong cac cuoc phdng van, se cd mot cudc phdng van
thd hai. Chung toi se cho ong biet cang sam nhat cd the neu ong (146) CO DU NANG

Vui long goi cho chung toi theo so 555-1234 neu ong cd them bat ky cau hdi nao.
Chung toi hy vong sdm dirge gap ong.
Tran trong,
Jennifer Law
Giam doc dieu hanh

143. Chia thl cua ddng tir "choose" theo chu (A) Tda nha rat de tim.
tir "you". Dong tir nay can dirge chia a (B) Chung toi muon ong den vao luc
the bj ddng de phu hgp vd y nghTa. 1:00 P.M
(C) Ngircri phdng vdn cua chung toi se
Dap an. C.
hdi ong mot so cau hdi.
(D) Ong se dirge cung cap mot Ijch
trmh cu the.
144. Djch nghTa:
Dap an: B.
• Position (n): vj tn'
• Location (n): dja diem 146. Djch nghTa:
• Career (n): nghe nghiep • Enable (n): cho phep
• Appointment (n); cuoc hen • Approve (v): ddng y, tan thanh
Dap an: A. • Refuse (v): tir chdi
• Qualify (v): du nang Igc, du tieu
chuan cho cdng vide nao do

145. Djch nghTa: Dap an: D.

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01 .Not far the train station lies Dich nghTa:
Starlight Park, which is a • From (prep): tu1, each to
popular destination for tourists • With (prep): vai
and locals alike. • Next (adj): ke tiep
(A) from
• Until (prep): cho den khi
(B) with
(C) next Tam dich: CACH ga xe lira khong xa la Starlight Park,
(D) until mot diem den pho bien cho khach du Ijch va ngipcn dan dja
Dap an: A.
02.The sales director will give a Dich nghTa:
brief talk — the keynote • Before (conj); tripac, trirac luc, trirac khi
speaker is introduced. • Opposite (prep): doi dien
(A) before • About (prep): ve/ khoang
(B) opposite
• Between (prep): giCra
(C) about
(D) between Tam dich: Giam doc ban hang se co mot bai phat bieu
ng§n TRITQC KHI dien gia chinh dirge giai thieu.
Dap an: A.
03.The charity's new reading Giai thich: Chia dong tir theo chu tir "The charity s new
program is to increase reading program". Dong tir nay can dirge chia a the bj
literacy rates in developing dong de phu hgp ve mat y nghTa.
countries over the next ten
Dap an: C.
(A) project Tam dich: Chircrng trlnh doc sach mai cua to chirc tir
(B) projecting thien dirge dg ki§n se tang ty le biet chtr a cac nirac dang
(C) projected phat then trong mircri nam tcri.
(D) projects
04.Engaging in social , Ms. Giai thich: Can mot danh tir lam danh tir goc trong cum
Mason quickly expanded her danh tir "social —" (cum danh tir nay lam tan ngCr cua giai
network after moving to a new tir "in").
Dap an: B.
(A) active
(B) activities Tam dich: Tham gia vao cac hoat dong xa hoi, Ms. Mason
(C) activates da nhanh chong ma rong mang lirai cua mmh sau khi
(D) activated chuyen den mot thanh ph6 mai.
05.Artists wanting to participate in Dich nghTa:
the contest should submit their • Admission (n): tien vao cira
work by the of June 30. • Possibility (n); kha nang, ca hpi
(A) admission • Deadline (n); han cuoi, thai han
(B) possibility
• Output (n): dau ra
(C) deadline
(D) output Tam dich: Cac nghe sT muon tham gia cugc thi can nop
tac pham cua ho trirac HAN CHOT vao ngay 30 thang
Dap an: C.
06.Drake Pharmaceuticals is Dich nghTa:
to have world-renowned • Absent (adj): khong co mat
chemist Jonas Lund as its • Fortunate (adj): may mln
senior lab technician. • Approximate (adj); xap xi, khoang chirng
(A) absent
• Respective (adj); tirang irng
(B) fortunate

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(C) approximate Tam dich: Drake Pharmaceuticals MAY MAN co nha hoa
(D) respective hoc noi tieng the giai Jonas Lund la ky thuat vien phong
thi nghiem cao cap cua no.
Dap an: B.
07.The Zans Corporation Giai thich: Chia dong tCr theo chu tip "The Zans
manufacturing all of its luxury Corporation". Dong tCr nay dirge chia d tirang lai do sir
wallets and footwear viec nay xay ra vao nam sau (next year).
domestically next year.
Dap an: C.
(A) was starting
(B) started Tam dich: Tap doan Zans se bdt dau san xuat tat ca cac
(C) will start vi va giay cao cap trong nirac vao nam tdi.
(D) has started
08. Some voters have a clear Dich nghTa:
for candidates who have • Selection (n): sir chpn lira
practiced law. • Reflection (n): sir phan anh
(A) selection • Component (n); thanh phan
(B) reflection
• Preference (n): sir iru ai, sir ira thich
(C) component
(D) preference Tam dich: Mot so ngirdi bd phieu cd SIT ITU AI rd rang
danh cho nhdng dng vien da hanh nghe luat.
Dap an: D.
09.The clerk said that fifteen Giai thich: Cac so dem trong Tieng Anh la cac tinh tir, do
customers had been waiting do vj tri nay can mot trang td ddng trirdc tinh td "fifteen"
outside the store for it to open. de bo nghTa cho tinh tir nay.
(A) rougher
Dap an: B.
(B) roughly
(C) rough Tam dich: Nhan vien ban hang ndi rdng khoang mirdi lam
(D) roughness khach hang da dirng ben ngoai cda hang dgi md cda.
10.The leaky faucet has been Dich nghTa:
repaired, so visitors may • However (adv): tuy nhien
use the first-floor restroom. However adv): du...the nao di nda
(A) however • Once (adv). mot Ian/ trirdc day da tirng
(B) once Once (conj): mot khi
(C) now
• Now (adv): bay gid
(D) quite
• Quite (adv): kha kha, hoan toan
Tam dich: Voi bi rd n da dirge sda chCra, vi vay BAY Gld"
khach cd the sd dung phdng ve sinh d tang mot.
Dap an: C.
11 .The of the disease can be Giai thich: Can mot danh tir theo sao mao tir "the", trirdc
significantly slowed by taking gidi tir "of", danh tir nay ddng vai trd chu tir trong cau.
the medicine developed by Dr.
Dap an: B.
Toft's team.
(A) progressed Tam dich: Sg tien then cua benh cd the cham lai dang ke
(B) progression bang each dung thuoc dirge phat then bdi nhom cua bac
(C) progressive sTToft.
(D) progressively
12.Unfortunately, when the Dich nghTa:
hurricane hit the area, • Subsequently (adv). rdl thi, sau do
residents as well as public • Totally (adv): hoan toan
officials were — unprepared. • Beneficially (adv): cd Igi
(A) subsequently
• Currently (adv): hien tai, hien dang
(B) totally
(C) beneficiallv

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(D) currently Tam dich: That khong may, khi can bao do bp vao khu
vuc, ngaai dan cung nhu cac cong chi>c deu HOAN
TOAN khong co sa chuan bj.
Dap an: B.
13.The company plans on the Giai thfch:
salespeople for the expenses
Theo sau giai ta co 2 traang hcyp.
they incurred while attending
• Giai tu + noun.
the conference.
(A) reimbursement • Giai ta + V-ing => Neu la npi dong ta thl phia sau
(B) reimbursed khong can tan ngQ" (kha nang nay chi khoang 12%-
(C) reimburse 15%), neu la ngoai dpng ta se co tan ngQ" phia sau
(D) reimbursing V-ing (kha nang nay khoang 85%-87%).
O Phia sau cho trong la cum danh ta "the salespeople"
dong vai tro tan ngu1.
Pap an: D.
Tam dich: Cong ty co da djnh hoan lai cho nhan vien ban
hang cac chi phi hp da chi tra khi tham dy hpi nghj.
14.Ms. Carlton felt comfortable Giai thich: Can mot danh tu theo sau tmh tip sa htru "her".
crossing the road because
Dap an: B.
there were no vehicles coming
in her . Tam dich: Ms.Carlton cam thay thoai mai khi bang qua
(A) directly dirang vl khong co xe nao di theo hirang cua co.
(B) direction
(C) direct
(D) directs
15. the television coverage of Dich nghia:
the general election, a number • During (prep); trong suot
of high-profile candidates were • About (prep): ve
interviewed live on air. • While (conj); trong luc, trong khi
(A) During
• Since (prep, conj): ke tip khi/ bai vi
(B) About
(C) While Tam dich: TRONG SUOT ban tin truyen hlnh v§ cupc
(D) Since tong tuyen clp, mot so urng clp vien cao cap da dipp'c phong
van tryc tiep.
Dap an: A.
16.Mr. Hicks seating near the Dich nghia:
stage in the concert hall for • Cooperate (v): hgp tac
important clients. • Entertain (v); giai tn
(A) cooperated • Loosen (v)- nai long ra
(B) entertained
• Reserve (v): dat traac
(C) loosened
(D) reserved Tam dich: Mr. Hicks DA DAT TRITOC cho ngoi gan san
khau trong phong hoa nhac cho cac khach hang quan
Pap an: D.
17.Fritz Center, the venue Giai thich: Can mot dai tip quan he thay cho "the venue"
hosts the film industry's awards va dong vai tro chu ti> trong menh de quan he.
banquet, is undergoing an
Dap an: A.
ambitious expansion project.
(A) that Luu y: "Venue" co nghia la nai chon, nhang chung ta
(B) where khong dipgc chpn "where" vi "where" la trang tip quan he,
(C) what khong dong vai tro chu ti> hoac tan nga trong menh de.

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(D; even Tam dich: Fritz Center, dia diem to chirc bira tiec trao qiai
cua nganh cdng nghiep dien anh, dang thirc hien mot dy
an ma rong rat Ian.
18.The monthly staff dinners give Dich nqhTa:
employees from different • Other (adj): khac
departments the chance to • Neither (adv): khong co cai nao trong 2 doi dirang
interact with on a personal • Every (adj); moi, mgi
• Each other (pronoun): (Ian) nhau
(A) other
(B) neither Tam dich; BLra toi nhan vien hanq thanq cunq cap cho
(C) every nhan vien td cac phong ban khac nhau ca hoi taang tac
(D) each other vai NHAU a cap dp ca nhan.
Dap an: D.
19.Landlords are required to Dich nqhfa:
with the regulations set by the • Reinforce (v): cung co
Regional Department of Safe • Comply with (v): tuan thu
Housing. • Fulfill (v): thuc hien, hoan thanh
(A) reinforce
• Interfere (v): can thiep
(B) comply
(C) fulfill Tam dich: Chu nha dirac veu cau TUAN THU cac quv
(D) interfere djnh daac de ra bdi Regional Department of Safe
Dap an; B.
20.A sturdy support beam was Giai thich: Can mot tmh tu de bo nghTa cho danh tip
added to the first story of the "reasons" (danh td cung co the bo nghTa cho danh ta,
building for reasons. nhirng trong trirdng hgp nay chpn danh tir bo nghTa cho
(A) structures danh td phia sau se khong hap nghTa).
(B) structurally
Dap an; D.
(C) structure
(D) structural Tam dich: Mot thanh xa da nha cdnq cap da dirac them
vao tdng mot cua toa nha vl nhdng ly do lien quan den ket
clu ha tang.
21.Eco Unite is a non-profit Dich nqhTa:
organization to educating • Propose (v;: de xuat, de ngh
the public about environmental • Defer (v). hoan lai
issues. • Dedicated (adj): tan tam, tan tuy/ chuyen ve
(A) proposed
• Observe (v): quan sat/ tuan thu
(B) deferred
(C) dedicated Tam dich: Eco Unite la mot to chdc phi lai nhuan
(D) observed CHUYEN VE viec giao due cpng dong ve cac van de moi
Dap an; D. is essential that the logo for Giai thich; Ap dunq cau true "interqrate INTO/WITH" (ket
Prime Vitamins be integrated hgp vai, them vao).
— all of catalogs and
Dap an: A.
(A) into Tam dich: Dieu can thiet la loqo cho Prime Vitamins can
(B) of durac them vao tat ca cac danh muc hang hoa va thup dipgc
(C) as gdi di.
(Dl than
23.Despite receiving rejections Dich nqhTa:
from several major • Give up (v); tip bo
publishers, Ian Wright to • Figure out (v): tlm ra, phat hien ra

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become a world-famous • Bring down (v): lam giam

novelist. • Go on (v): tiep tuc, khong ngCrng
(A) gave up
(B) figured out Tam dich: Mac du nhan dirac sir tCr choi tu mot so nba
(C) brought down xuat ban Ian, Ian Wright KHONG NGCfNG tra thanh mot
(D) went on tieu thuyet gia noi tieng the giai.
Dap an: D.
24.Mr. Burrows was praised for Giai thich: Can mot tmh tir de bo nghTa cho danh td "user
creating user manuals manuals".
which can be easily
Dap an: D.
(A) inform Tam dich; Mr. Burrows dirac khen ngai vi viec tao ra cac
(B) informant haang dan hdu ich cho ngirdi dung rat de hieu.
(C) informs
(Dt informative
25.Even though Ms, Garcia had a Dich nqhla:
small account at the financial • Rather than (prep): thay vi
institution, the employee • In spite of (prep): mac du
treated her — she were a • As if (conj); nhir the
major investor.
• Provided that (conj): mien la, dieu kien la
(A) rather than
(B) in spite of Tam dich; Mac du Ms. Garcia cd mot tai khoan nhd tai to
(C) as if chdc tai chi'nh, nhirng nhan vien cd xd vdi co ay NHU1
(D) provided that THE co ay la mot nha dau tir Idn.
Dap an: C.
26 When you return an item by Giai thich; Chia donq td theo chu tir "the receipt". Dong
mail, be sure the receipt is — td "attach" can dirac chia a the bj dong de phu hap ve mat
to the request form to expedite y nghTa.
Dap an; B.
(A) attachment
(B) attached Tam dich: Khi ban tra hang qua biru cue, hay chac chin
(C) attaching ring bien lai dirge kern theo vai phieu yeu cau de xuc tien
(D) attach cho viec xd ly.
27.The witness saw only a Dich nghTa:
figure standing near the lamp • Solitary (adj). dan doc, mot mmh
post shortly before the crime • Spare (adj): du phong/ con trong
was committed. • Previous (adj): truac, trudc do
(A) solitary
• Random (adj): ngau nhien
(B) spare
(C) previous Tam dich; Nhan chung chi nhm thav mot ngudi DLFNG
(D) random MOT MiNH gan cot denngay trudc khi vu an xay ra.
Dap an; A.
28.Ben Sanders designed the Giai thich; Cam mot trang tu de bo nghTa cho dong tu
suitcase to fold up easily for design".^
compact storage.
Meo; De thi co dang "S + — + V" => Cho trong dien Adv.
(A) innovatively
(B) innovate Dap an; A.
(C) innovative
Tam dich: Ben Sanders da thiet kl sang tao loai vali gap
(D) innovation
lai mot each de dang cho viec luu tru do nhd gon.
29.Because the weather was Giai thich. Chia dong tu theo chu tir "the crops". Dong tu
warmer than usual this "harvest" d vj Iri nay can dugc chia d the bj dong de phu
summer, the crops a few hop ve mat y nghTa.
weeks early.

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(A) have been harvesting Dap an: D (ca 3 dap an con lai deu danq dLPcrc dung a the
(B) will have harvested chu dong.
(C) are harvesting
Tarn dich; Vl thai tiet am han bmh thadng vao mua he
(D) will be harvested
nam nay, nen cac vu mua se dipgc thu hoach sam vai
30. auditing the financial Dich nqhTa:
records of Rockford • In addition, menh de (adv); ngoai ra
Consulting, the accountant will In addtition to + Noun (prep): ben canh cai gl do
submit an official report. • Given (prep), xet den viec
(A) In addition
• For example (adv): vf du nhir
(B) Given
• Upon + Noun (prep), khi
(C) For example
(D) Upon Tam dich: KHI kiem toan ho sa tai chinh cua Rockford
Consulting, ke toan vien se nop bao cao chmh thipc.
Dap an: D.

Nguy£n Dire - Luyen Thi TOEIC TP EICM - 0973 141 104

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Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.

Urgent! Journeyman Plumber Needed

Ace Plumbing is looking for an experienced plumber to join our —131— business here in
Columbia. —132— We have always been a family-owned-and-run business, but with the
—133— increase in Columbia's population over the last three years, we have an
opportunity to welcome in a new journeyman plumber. The candidate should have
experience with all —134— of plumbing, both commercial and residential. Please send
your resume to and we will schedule an interview

131. (A) expanding 133. (A) monstrous

(B) expecting (B) dramatic
(C) contracting (C) impossible
(D) controlling (D) insane

132. (A) Ace Plumbing has been servicing 134. (A) pieces
the Columbia area since 1954. (B) flows
(B) We have little connection to the (C) installations
community. (D) types
(C) We have been struggling to pay our
(D) Ace Plumbing is in financial trouble.

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Cau hoi 131-134 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Khan cap! Can tim thp" siia ong nicac

Ace Plumbing dang tim kiem mot thp' sipa ong niFac co kinh nghiem de tham gia vao boat
dong kinh doanh (131) DANG MO" RpNG cua chung toi tai Columbia. (132) ACE
PLUMBING DA PHUC VU KHU VLfC COLUMBIA TIJ NAM 1954. Chung toi la mot doanh
nghiep do gia dinh sd hdu va dieu hanh, nhimg vai su gia tang dan so (133) MANH ME
cua Columbia trong ba nam qua, chung toi co ca hoi chao don mot thg sda ong nipdc
mdi. IJng vien can co kinh nghiem vai tat ca cac (134) LOAI he thong naac, ca thaang
mai Ian dan clp. Vui long gdi sa yeu ly Ijch cua ban den va chung
toi se sdp xep mot cuoc phdng van.

131. Djch nghTa: 133. Djch nghfa:

• Expand (v): ma rong • Monstrous (adj): dj thirdng
• Expect (v): mong dgi • Dramatic (adj): nhanh chdng, dot
• Contract (v): ki ket hap dong ngpt, manh me (gia tang)
• Control (v); dieu khien, kiem soat • Impossible (adj): khong the, khong
kha thi
Dap an: A. • Insane (adj): dien loan

132. Djch nghTa: Dap an: B.

(A) Ace Blumbing da phuc vu khu vgc
Columbia ta nam 1954. 134. Djch nghTa;
(B) Chung toi co it ket noi vai cong • Piece (n); manh
ddng. • Flow (n); Ilpu lurgng, dong chay
(C) Chung toi da phai xoay xd de thanh
• Installation (n): sa lip dat
toan hoa dan cua chung toi.
(D) Ace Plumbing dang gap rdc roi ve tai • Type (n): loai
chmh. Dap an. D.
Dap an. A.

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Questions 135-138 refer to the following web page.

Learn social media marketing tactics only at Genius Marketing's Power Conference

Are you ready to take your social media marketing to the next level? Then —135—
Genius Marketing's Power Conference and learn cutting-edge social media marketing
tactics. —136— This could be the most educational two days of your year.

Genius Marketing will give you real-world tactics to boost your paid and organic social
media marketing efforts. —137— you buy social media advertising or focus on organic
social media engagement, Genius Marketing's Power Conference is the conference you
need to attend this year. You'll be inspired by experts, meet others with your challenges,
and get actionable tactics to drive traffic, increase sales and —138— customer

To apply, just click the link below


135. (A) attend 137. (A) Either

(B) attends (Bj Whether
(C) attended (C) Rather
(D) attending (D) Not only

136. (A) Guide people in the industry to 138. (A) devide

greatness by joining today. (B)engage
(B) The conference will be in Houston (C) devalue
on May 3 and 4. (D)endure
(C) Registration for this two-week
course will be on November 20.
(D) Classes will be held throughout the
month of March.

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Cau hoi 135-138 lien quan den trang tren web sau.

Tim hieu chien thuat marketing truyen thong xa hoi chi co tai Genius Marketing's Power

Ban da sin sang de dira marketing truyen thong xa hoi cua ban len mot tarn cao mdi?
Vay (135) HAY THAM Dy Genius Marketing's Power Conference va tlm hieu cac chien
thuat marketing truyen thong xa hoi hien dai. (136) Hpl NGHj SB DlEN RA TAI
HOUSTON VAO NGAY 3 VA NGAY 4 THANG 5. Day cd the la hai ngay hoc tap dipgc
nhieu nhat trong nam cua ban.

Genius Marketing se cung cap cho ban cac chien thuat thgc tien de tang cirdng cac n6
Igc marketing truyen thong xa hoi dirge tiep can hCru cc va co tra tien cua ban. (137)
BAT KB ban mua quang cao tren mang xa hoi hay tap trung vao phirang tien truyen
thong xa hoi tiep can hCru ca, Genius Marketing's Power Conference la hoi nghj ban can
tham dg trong nam nay. Ban se dirge truyen cam hirng tir cac chuyen gia, gap gd nhCfng
ngirdi khac vai nhirng thach thirc cua ban va co dirge cac chien thuat hanh dong de
thuc day lirgng truy cap, tang doanh so va (138) CAM KET sg hai long cua khach hang.

De nop dan, chi can nhap vao lien ket dirai day.


(**Tiep can hifu ca la so lirgng khach hang da xem cac bai viet quang cao thong qua sg
tirang tac tot tg nhien cua cac bai viet nay ma khdng can chi tra tien cho cac lirgt tiep

135. Chia dong tir. Dong tir d vj tn nay can 137. Djch nghTa
dirge dung d dang nguyen mdu vl day • Either A or B (pronoun): hoac la A
dang cau yeu cau, dd nghj. hoac la B
Dap an: A. • Whether (conj): bat ke, cho du/ lieu
136. Djch nghTa: • Rather (adv): kha kha
(A) Hirdng dan nhdng ngirdi trong • Not only (adv): khdng chi, khdng
nganh den sg vl dai bang each tham nhdng
gia ngay horn nay.
(B) Hoi nghj se dien ra tai Houston vao Dap an: B.
ngay 3 va 4 thang 5.
(C) Viec dang ky khoa hoc hai tuan nay 138. Djch nghTa;
se dien ra vao ngay 20 thang 11. • Devide (v); phan chia
(D) Cac lap hoc se dirge to chirc trong • Engage (v); cam ket
sudt thang 3.
• Devalue (v) lam mat gia
Dap an. B. • Endure (v): cfnu dgng

Dap an: B.

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Nancy Craft

From: Omar Patel
Date: January 16
Subject: Pre-shipping Procedures

At the manufacturing team meeting, —139— was raised that inventory wasn't always
being properly stored before being shipped. —140— that concern, the team decided to
review the written procedure to determine if additional steps should be added. —141—
Please try to arrange the schedules of the team in the packaging and storage wing so a
majority of the managers can attend this meeting.

I am confident that the packaging and storage team management —142— that the written
procedure leaves no room for any inventory to accidentally be improperly stored. Any
suggestions made by the packaging and storage team will only enhance a superior

139. (A) understanding 141. (A) A meeting of the packaging and

(B) concern storage team has been set for
(C) challenges Tuesday, January 23.
(D) patience (Bj All employees should be asked to
review the procedure before
starting work on Tuesday.
140. (A) So (C) The meeting will investigate the
(B) Due to possibility of redundancies in the
(C) Regardless of packaging process.
(D) Provided (D) Additional training sessions plan to
be added sometime at the end of

142. (A) is discovering

(B) have been discovered
(C) will discover
(D) has discovered

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Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den email sau.

Gm den: Nancy Craft

GCri tCr: Omar Patel
Ngay. 16 thang 1
Chu de: Thu tuc trurd'c khi giao hang

Tai cuoc hop nhom san xuat, (139) SU5 LO NGAI da dirac tnnh bay rdng khong phai luc
nao hang hoa trong cira hang cung dirac Ilpu trCr dung each trirac khi dirge giao. (140)
DO sir lo ngai do, nhom da quyet djnh xem xet thu tuc bdng van ban de xac dinh xem co
nen them cac birac bo sung hay khong. (141) CUOC HOP DANH CHO NHOM DONG
gdng sap xep lich trinh cua nhom cr bo phan ddng gdi va liru kho de da so nhirng ngirai
quan ly co the tham dg cupc hop nay.

Toi tin tirang rdng quan ly nhom dong gdi va liru kho (142) SB NHAN THAY ra ring quy
tnnh blng van ban khong co bat cir thieu sot nao de hang trong cira hang dirge liru trCr
khong dung each. Bat ky de xuat nao dirge dira ra bdi dpi ngu dong gdi va liru trCr se cai
thien danh sach kiem tra dirge tot hern.

139. Djch nghTa: 141. Djch nghTa:

• Understanding (n); kien thirc, sg am (A) Mot cupc hop danh cho nhom ddng
hieu gdi va liru kho da dirge thiet lap
• Concern (n): sg lo ngai vao thir ba, ngay 23 thang 1.
(B) Tat ca nhan vien can dirge yeu cau
• Challenge (n): thach thirc => Hgp
xem xet thu tuc trirac khi bSt dau
nghTa nhirng "challenge" trong de
lam viec vao thir ba.
dang cr dang so nhieu, trong khi
(C) Cupc hop se kiem tra kha nang
phia sau can dien dang dirge chia nhCrng phan dir thira trong quy
theo chu tir so it (was raised) trinh ddng gdi.
• Patience (n): sg kien nhan (D) Cac khda dao tao bo sung cd kd
hoach dirac bd sung vao cuoi
Dap am B.
thang 12.
Dap an; A.
140. Djch nghTa:
• So (conj): de ma
• Due to (prep): do, bcri 142. Chia ddng tir theo chu tir "the packaging
and storage team management", ddng
• Regardless of (prep): bat ke, khong
tir nay can dirge chia a the chu ddng de
ke den
phu hgp ve y nghTa:
• Provided (conj): mien la, dieu kien la
• is discovering => thl hien tai tiep
Dap an; B. dien de dien ra mot sg viec dang
dien ra a hien tai => loai.
• have been discovered => bj ddng =>
• will discover => hanh ddng se dien
ra trong tirang lai.
• has discovered => thi qua khir hoan
thanh, dien ta mot sg viec dien ra
trirac mot sg viec hope thai diem
khac trong qua khd => loai.

Dap an: C.

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Questions 143-146 refer to the following letter.

June 3
Yui Minakuchi
143 Dean St. Apt. 3
Brooklyn, NY 10787

Dear Ms. Minakuchi,

It is my pleasure to inform you that Hannover Design would like —143— you to interview
for our summer intern program. We are only interviewing fifteen candidates this year for
the six positions we have available. You will be pleased to know that you were selected
out of a group of over 200 people —144— applied for an interview.

We will be holding interviews on March 6 and 7 from 1:00 to 6:00 P.M. We would like for
you to come on the 6th at 1:30 P.M. if you are able to. If not, we can —145— for you to
come on the 7th. —146— If you have any questions, feel free to call our office (212-347-
9919) and the human resources department will be able to assist you. We look forward to
hearing from you soon.

Max Wright
Office Manager
Hannover Design

143. (A) to invite 145. (A) order

(B) will invite (B) arrange
(C) has invited (C) oblige
(D) will be inviting (D) attend

144. (A) whom 146. (A; You will need to bring a completed
(B) that application and some type of
(C) whose identification card.
(D) which (B) Please let us know as soon as
possible if you will be able to
(C) We wish we were able to accept
your offer, but we must decline it.
(D) Please RSVP and indicate if you
plan on bringing a guest.

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a Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 143-146 lien quan den la thu' sau.

June 3
Yui Minakuchi
143 Dean St. Apt. 3
Brooklyn, NY 10787

Kmh gm Ms. Minakuchi,

Rat han hanh dirge thong bao vai co ring Hannover Design muon (143) MOI co phong
van cho chucmg trlnh thgc tap mua he cua chung tdi. Chung toi chi phong van mirdi lam
irng vien trong nam nay cho sau vj tri chung tdi co sin. Co se rat vui khi biet ring cd da
dirge chon trong so han 200 ngacn (144 - NHU'NG NGU'O'I MA) nop dan xin phong van.

Chung tdi se to chdc cac cudc phong van vao ngay 6 va ngay 7 thang 3, td 1 ;00 den 6:00
P.M. Chung tdi muon cd den vao ngay 6 luc 1:30 P.M neu cd cd the. Neu khdng, chung
tdi cd the (145) SAP XEP de cd den vao ngay 7. (146) XIN VUI LONG CHO CHUNG TOI
hoi nao, vui long goi cho van phong cua chung tdi (212-347-9919) va bd phan nhan sg se
cd the hd trg cd. Chung tdi mong muon dirge nghe tir cd sam.
Tran trong,

Max Wright
Office Manager
Hannover Design

143. Ap dung clu true "would like TO DO 146. Djch nghla:

sth". (A) Cd se can mang theo mot dan xin
vide da hoan thanh va mot so giay
Dap an: A.
to1 tuy than.
(B) Xin vui long cho chung tdi biet cang
sam cang tot neu cd cd the tham
144. Can mot dai tir quan he thay the cho
"200 people" va ddng vai trd chu tir
(C) Chung tdi mong muon chung tdi cd
trong menh de quan he.
the chap nhan de nghj cua ban,
Dap an: B. nhirng chung tdi phai tir choi no.
(D) Vui long phan hoi va cho bidt neu
ban dg djnh dan theo mot vj khach
(RSVP: viet tit tir cum tieng Phap
145. Djch nghla:
"repondez s'il vous plait", nghTa la
• Order (v): goi mon
vui long phan hdi).
• Arrange (v): sip xep
• Oblige (v): dp budc Dap an: B.
• Attend (v). tham gia

Dap an; B.

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01.All of the trees on the property Dich nqhla:
were damaged in the storm — • Except (prep): ngoai tor
- the one near the rear • Considering (prep): xet den
entrance. • Still (adv): van
(A) except
• Along (prep): doc theo
(B) considering
(C) still Tam dich: Tat ca cav coi a khu dat da bi hu hai trong can
(D) along bao, NGOAI TRU1 cay gan loi vao phia sau.
Dap an: A.
02.Mr. Hotei had to undergo Giai thich: Can mot tinh ta sa hau thav cho "Mr. Hotei",
several medical tests before bo nghTa cho danh ta "diagnosis".
receiving diagnosis from
Dap an: D.
the physician.
(A) he Tam dich; Mr.Hotei da phai trai qua mot so xet nghiem y
(B) him te traac khi nhan dirac chan doan ti> bac si.
(C) himself
(D) his
03.Entrepreneur James Mosby is Dich nqhTa:
featured in the most — issue • Final (adj): sau cung
of the magazine. • Former (adj): tnrac, xaa, cu, cau
(A) final • Recent (adj): gan day
(B) former
• Later (adj): muon han
(C) recent
(Dj later Tam dich: Doanh nhan James Mosbv dirac dang tren §n
pham GAN DAY nhat cua tap chi.
Dap an: C.
04.The official decision made by Dich nqhTa:
the judge must be based — • Cooperatively (adv): cung nhau, hop tac
on the evidence presented. • Strictly (adv): hoan toan, tuyet doi
(A) cooperatively • Tensely (adv): cang thang
(B) strictly
• Remarkably (adv): dang chu y, dang ke
(C) tensely
(Dj remarkably Tam dich: Quyet dinh chinh thirc cua tham phan can phai
HOAN TOAN dya tren cac bang chirng daac dira ra.
Dap an; B.
05.Due to his decades of Giai thich; Can mot danh ta dang sau mao ti> "the", traac
experience, Mr. Finley was giai ta "for".
responsible for the training of
Dap an: A.
the for the new gym.
(A) instructors Tam dich; Do co mav mirai nam kinh nghiem, nen Mr.
(B) instructive Finley da chiu trach nhiem dao tao nhang ngirai haang
(C) instructively dan cho phong tap mai.
(Dl instructed
06.Customers at Blaze Restaurant Phan tich cau:
may use the valet parking
[Customers] [at Blaze Restaurant] [may use] [the valet
service or park the vehicles —
parking service] or [park] [the vehicles] .
(A) their O Cau hoi de bai da cd chu tCr, tan nga day du nen vj tri
(B) themselves nay co the dien mot dai tir phan than nh§m dien ta ta
(C) they ai lam gl do ma khong co sa giup da cua ngaai khac.
(D) theirs
Dap an: B.

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a Successful people never stop learning 99

Tam dich; Khach hanq tai Blaze Restaurant co the sir

dung djch vu do xe cho khach hoac tu do xe.
07.Last year, the young chemists Giai thich:
contributed to the
Dong tCr "contribute" co 2 each dung pho bien;
development of a new
adhesive. • Contribute sth to sth (dong gop cai gi tcri dau doj
(A) construction ■=> Theo sau "contribue" can co mot tan ngCr
(B) constructively
(C) constructive • Contribute to sth (dong gop cho hoat dong nao do)
(D) constructed ■=> Neu cho trong chen giCra "contribute" va giai ta "to"
trong trirang hap nay se la trang tir.
Tam dich: Nam nqoai, cac nha hoa hoc tre da donq qop
MOT CACH TICH CITC cho sy phat tnen mot chat dmh
■=> Cho trong nay can mot trang tCr.
Dap an; B.
08.The experts at Prime Giai thich. Ap dunq cau true "restore sth TO sth" (khoi
Carpentry can handle any phuc cai gi tra lai trang thai, vi trL-traac do cua no).
piece of wooden furniture,
Dap an; A.
restoring it its original
condition. Tam dich: Cac chuven qia tai Prime Carpentry co the xa
(A) to ly bat ky do noi that bang go nao, khoi phuc lai tinh trang
(B) by ban dau cua no.
(C) at
(Dt with
09.The library has requested Dich nqhTa;
funding for doors for the • Underway (adj): da bit dau
convenience of patrons. • Automatic (adj): ty dong
(A) underway • Frequent (adj): thuang xuyen
(B) automatic
• Energetic (adj); nhilu nang lirang, co nhiet huyet
(C) frequent
(D) energetic Tam dich: Thir vien da veu cau tien cho caa TU5 DONG
vl sy thuan tien cua khach hang.
Dap an: B.
10.After noticing the wardrobe s Giai thich. Can mot tmh ta de bo nqhia cho danh tip
condition, the owner of "condition" (danh ti> cung co the bo nghla cho danh tCr,
the antique shop lowered its nhirng trong trirang hap nay chon danh tip bo nghTa cho
price. danh tfp phia sau se khong hap nghTa).
(A) deteriorates
Trong word forms cua ti> "deteriorate" khong co tinh tip
(B) deteriorating
nen chung ta co the chqn phan tip de dong vai tro nhip mot
(C) deterioration
tinh tip. "Deteriorate" la mot noi dong tip nen khong dipgc
(D) deteriorate
chia hmh thac bj dong nen khi chuyen ve phan ti> dong
vai tro la mot tinh tip, chung ta ludn chon hien tai phan ty
Dap an: B.
Tam dich: Sau khi nhan thay tinh trang tu quan ao xau di,
chu cira hang do co da ha gia cua no.
11.For the past decade, Henley Giai thich: Chia dOnq tip theo chu tip "Henlev Vivian".
Vivian —- to be a talented and Dong ta a vj tri nay can dipgc chia theo thi hien tai toan
motivated journalist. thanh de dien ta sy viec da dien ra dipgc mot khoang thai
(A) is proving gian (dau hieu; for the past decade).
(B) proving

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(C) prove Dap an: D.

(D) has proven
Tam dich: Tronq mirai nam qua, Henlev Vivian da chimq
to la mot nha bao tai nang va co long nhiet huyet.
12. who suffers from sleep Dich nqhTa:
problems could benefit from • Ourselves (pronoun): chinh chung toi
drinking this herbal tea. • Whichever (pronoun); bat clp cai nao
(A) Ourselves • Anyone (pronoun); bat clp ai
(B) Whichever
• Others (pronoun)- nhdng ngipdi khac
(C) Anyone
(D) Others Tam dich: BAT CU' AI qap cac van de ve qiac nqu co the
cai thien td viec uong tra thao dipgc nay.
Dap an: C.
13.An additional route was added Dich nqhTa;
to the rail line to reduce travel • Accent (n): giong dieu
times in the southern . • Function (n): chCrc nang
(A) accent • Distance (n); khoang each
(B) function
• Region (n): khu vlpc
(C) distance
(D) region Tam dich: Mot tuven durdnq bo sunq da dLPac them vao
tuyen dudng sit de giam thai gian di lai a KHU VITC phia
Dap an: D.
14.During the holiday season, Dich nqhTa:
Schwartz Department Store will • Solve (v): giai quyet
— special make-up gift sets. • Cany (v): co ban/ mang, vac
(A) solve • Impress (v): gay an tipgng
(B) carry
• Occupy (v); lap day
(C) impress
(D) occupy Tam dich: Tronq mua le, CCra hanq Schwartz se CO BAN
cac bo qua tang trang diem dac biet.
Dap an: B.
15.Buying a home for the first Dich nqhTa:
time can be complicated and • Nervous (adj); lo ling
even without help from a • Risky (adj): rui ro
licensed real estate agent. • Decrease (v): giam
(A) nervous
• Initial (adj): ban dau
(B) risky
(C) decreased Tam dich: Viec mua nha Ian dau tien co the phupc tap va
(D) initial tham chi RUI RO neu khdng co slp giup dd ti> mot dai ly
bat dong san dirge cap phep.
Dap an: B.
16.The Brownsville Homeless Giai thich: Can mot danh tir theo sau tmh tip sd hdu "its".
Shelter has helped thousands
Dap an; D.
of people since its — last
year. Tam dich: Brownsville Homeless Shelter da giup hang
(A) creative ngan ngurdi ke tCr khi thanh lap nam ngoai.
(B) created
(C) create
(D) creation
17.The semi-finalists for the Dich nqhTa:
community art contest will be • Select (v): chon lira
• Ignore (v): phdt Id, khdng quan tam

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nuoNci dAn qiAi cm tiet toeic new eormat - nglyen dljc English
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— by a panel of judges • Prevent (vj: ngan cnan

tomorrow. • Complement (v): bo sung
(A) selected
(B) ignored Tam dich; Cac thf sinh vong ban ket cho cuoc thi nghe
(C) prevented thuat cong dong se dirge LLFA CHON boi ban giam khao
(Dj complemented vao ngay mai.
Dap an: A.
18.The penalties for canceling the Giai thich; Can mo trang tir de bo nghTa cho dong tir
cell phone contract early were "state".
stated in the agreement.
Meo: De thi co dang "to be + — + V3-ed" => Cho trong
(A) express
chgn Adv.
(B) expression
(C) expressly Dap an: C.
(D) expressed
Tam dich; Cac hlnh phat doi vai viec huv bo hap dong
dien thoai di dong trirac thai han da dirge neu rd trong
thoa thuan.
Dap an: C.
19. the researcher's report, Dich nghTa;
eating fresh fruits and • Even though (conjj: mac dii
vegetables more often is a • Rather than (prep): khac vai
better health goal than • According to (prep), theo nhu, can ca theo
avoiding fast food.
• Because of (prep), bdi vl
(A) Even though
(B) Rather than Tam dich: THEO bao cao cua nha nghien clpu, an trai cav
(C) According to va rau gua tirai thaang xuyen han la muc tieu tot cho slpc
(Dj Because of khoe han la tranh cac loai an nhanh
Dap an; C.
20.To make the tour accessible to Giai thich. Can mot danh tir goc trong cum danh tu "the
Spanish speakers, the language ". Cum danh tir nay dong vai tro chu tir trong
language — plans to provide cau.
translation services.
Dap an: D.
(A) interpreted
(B) to interpret Tam dich; De giup cho nhang ngirai ndi tidng Tav Ban
(C) interpreting Nha cung co the tham gia chuyen du lich, phien djch vien
(D) interpreter dg dinh cung cap cac djch vu phien djch.
21 Joggers are asked to keep to Dich nghTa;
the right side of the path, as — • Many + Danh tip dem dagc so nbieu (adjj: nhieu
cyclists will need space to pass • Each + Danh tg dem dagc so it (adj): moi, mot
on the left • Much + Danh tg khong dem dggc (adj): nhieu
(A) many
• Either + Danh tg dem dggc so it (pronoun): mot trong
(B) each
(C) much
(D) either Tam dich: Nggai chay bo dgac yeu cau di sang phia ben
phai cua con dgang, vi NHIEU nggai di xe dap se can
cho trong de vggt len phia ben trai.
Dap an: A.
22.Prior to a viewing by potential Giai thich. Can mot tinh tg theo sau "to be" (is) de mieu
buyers, the real estate agent ta cho chu tg "the home".
makes sure the home is .
Dap an; C.
(A) presentation
(B) presenting
(C) presentable
(D) present

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nuoNci dAn giAi cm tiet toeic new eokmat - nglyen dlc English
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Tam dich; Trirac khi cho nhirna ngirai mua tiem nanq
xem nha, dai ly bat dong san dam bao rdng ngoi nha phai
sach dep.

23.For the payment last Giai thfeh.

week, the necessary state and
"For" cd the la giai tip (theo sau giai tip la Noun/V-ingj hoac
federal taxes must be paid by
cd the la lien td (theo sau lien td la menh de).
the recipient.
(A) was remitted • Khi "for" la giai td, "for" se cd nghfa la doi vai, danh
(B) remitted cho, de cho, vi
(C) remitting • Khi "for" la lien tip, "for" se cd nghTa la bai vi. Tuy
(D) to remit nhien, trong tripcrng hap nay, bit bupc "for" phai ddng
a menh de thir hai trong cau, khdng dirge dang dau
■=> "For" trong cau hdi de bai dang dang dau cau nen se
la giai td.
■=> Theo sau "for" trong tracing hap nay chung ta can mot
danh td. Chung ta da cd sin danh ta "the payment".
Tuy nhien vj tri can dien dang can chia dpng td theo
danh ta "payment".
De chia mot dpng td theo mot danh td nhang van gid
nguyen la mot cum danh td thi dpng td nay can dagc
daa ve menh de quan he (M0QH).
Traac vj tn trPng khdng cd dai td quan he nen tracrng hap
nay chung ta sd dung hmh thdc rut gpn MDQH.
Khi chaa rut qon MDQH: For the payment WHICH IS
REMITTED last week, the necessary state and federal
taxes must be paid by the recipient.
Khi rut qon MDQH: For the payment REMITTED last
week, the necessary state and federal taxes must be paid
by the recipient.
Dap an: B.
Lim v: Khdng chon daac dap an A. VI neu chon dap an
A thi "payment was remitted" se trcr thanh menh de. Tuy
nhien, nha da trlnh bay ben tren, theo sau "for" trong
tracrng hap nay khdng dagc phep la mot menh de.
Tam dich: Doi vai khoan thanh toan daac chuven di vao
tuan trade, ngadi nhan phai nop cac loai thue lien bang
va thue nha nadc theo quy djnh.
24.Everyone is in favor of Dich nqhTa:
shortening working hours, • Without (prep); ma khdng cd
but — the president • Until (conj); cho den khi
approves the change, • Yet (adv); tuy nhien
nothing will happen.
• Because (conj): bdi vi
(A) without
(B) until Tam dich: Moi ngadi deu ung hd vide rut ngln thai gian
(C) yet lam vide, nhang se khdng cd gl xay ra CHO DEN KHI chu
(D) because tjch chap nhan thay doi nay.

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Dap an: B.
25.The manufacturing company's Djch nghTa:
recent — to reduce on-site • Attempt (nj: sy no lye, su1 co gSng
accidents was appreciated by • Industry (n): nganh, ITnh vyc
the staff. • Value (n): gia trj
(A) attempt
• Faculty (n): nang lyc dac biet
(B) industry
(C) value Tam dich: NO LLCC aan day cua conq ty san xuat nh§m
(D) faculty giam thieu tai nan nai lam viec da dipyc nhan vien danh
gia cao.
Dap an: A.
26.The dining room furniture was Giai thich:
left — in the house because
Hai cau true d§ nham Ian ven "leave":
the new owner bought it.
(A) intended • Leave sth/sb Adj: lam cho cai gl/ai do a mot no1! hoac
(B) intention mot trang thai nhir the nao do.
(C) intentional Khi chuyen ve bj dong se la "be left + Adj".
(D) intentionally Vi du; He leaves the door open.
• Leave sth/sb + Adv/Prep: rai bo, de lai
Khi chuyen ve bi dpng se la "be left + Adv/Prep".
Vi du: 1 leave the class auicklvio avoid him,
I've left mv baa on the bus.
Cau hoi de bai dang dang a dang thu1 hai, "leave sth +
Prep", khi dupac chuyen ve bi dpng se la "be left + Prep"
(was left + in the house).
Vj tri can dien dang dirng truac mot cum gidi tu de bo
nghTa cho cum giai ta do, chung ta can mot trang tir
(trang tip co chipc nang bo nghTa cum gidi tip).
Dap an: D.
Tam dich: Ndi that cua phonq an dirac co tmh de lai tronq
can nha vi ngirdi chu mdi da mua lai do npi that do.
27.The Garrison Theater will Dich nqhTa:
allow student groups to view • Vaguely (adv): md ao, khdng rd rang
rehearsals during the day. • Substantially (adv): dang ke, dang chu y
(A) vaguely • Occasionally (adv): thinh thoang
(B) substantially
• Previously (adv): trade, trade do, trade day
(C) occasionally
(D) previously Tam dich: Garrison Theater THINH THOANG se cho
phep cac nhdm sinh vien xem cac buoi tap trong ngay.
Dap an; C.
28.Pro Sports magazine made a Dich nghTa;
name for itself — the • Like (prep); giong vdi
publication of a series of • Both A and B (det): ca A va B
exclusive interviews with top • So (conj): de ma
• With (prep): vdi
(A) like
(B) both Tam dich; Tap chi Pro Sports da tao nen ten tuoi VOI
(C) so viec xuat ban mot loat cac cupc phdng van dpc quyen vdi
(D) with cac van dpng vien hang dau.
Dap an: D.

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S6 Successful people never stop learnings

Cau true Ilhu v: "make a name for vourself nqh'ia la tra

nen noi tieng, dipgc nhieu ngirai kinh trgng.
29.Only delegates wearing Cach dunq pho bien cua 4 dap an:
their ID badges will be allowed
> Those: "Those + Danh tir dem dupgc so nnieu". nnurng
into the conference venue.
ngirai nao/ nhOng thur nao do Vi du: Can 1 help you
(A) those
(B) who with those bags?
(C) each > Who. ngipai ma => Thay the cho nguai va lam chu trp
(D) that trong MDQH, theo sau "who" la mot dpng tip ("delegate"
phia sau cho trong la danh tip, khong phai dong tup)
> Each + danh tip dem dipgc so it. moi, mot
> That; "That + Danh tip dem dipgc so it" hoac "That +
Danh tip khong dem dupgc": ngipai/thip nao do. Vi du: 1
don't know that man.
Tam dich: Chi nhipng dai bieu co deo bang ten mai dipac
phep vao dja diem hoi nghi.
Dap an: A.
30. the candidate's official Dich nghTa:
announcement that he will run • In advance of sb/sth (prep;: triPCPC ai do/sg viec nao
for office, he met privately with do
his advisors. • As long as (conj): mien la, dieu kien la
(A) In advance of
• On behalf of (prep): thay mat cho
(B) As long as
• So as to Vo. de lam gl do
(C) On behalf of
(D) So as to Tam dich: TRU'O'C KHI cd thong bao chinh thdc cua gng
clp vien rdng dng se tranh clp, ong da gap rieng vai cac co
van cua minh.
Dap an: A.

Nguyfen Dire - Luyen Thi TOEIC TP EICM - 0973 141 104

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Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.

Employee Workshop

T&R Group strives to help employees reach their potential by offering leadership retreats,
employee training, and various workshops. This month, we —131— workshops for those
interested in —132— their computer skills with several classes on how to use Professional
Office, create a personal website, and run the message app. We have a couple of other
slots that are currently —133— and will accept suggestions from employees. —134—
Please email Jonas if you are interested in attending any of the

We hope you take advantage of the programs offered.

131. (A) offers

(B) were offering 133. (A) dependent
(C) are offering (B) independent
(D) have offered (C) free
(Dj obtainable

132. (A) correcting

(B) diminishing 134. (A) Suggestions related to gaming
(C) elaborating and entertainment will not be
(D) improving accepted.
(B) The most popular requests will
be considered for the workshops.
(C) We ask all managers to make
a suggestion.
(Dt We hope the workshop is a
success and wish you the very

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Cau hoi 131-134 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Hoi thao danh cho nhan vien

T&R Group co g§ng giup nhan vien dat dipgc tiem nang cua hp b§ng each cung cap cac
khoa hoc ve lanh dao, dao tao nhan vien va cac hoi thao khac nhau. Trong thang nay,
chung toi (131) SE CUNG CAP cac hoi thao cho nhimg ngirai quan tarn den viec (132)
CAI THIEN ky nang may tmh cua ho vai mot vai lap hoc ve each sir dung Professional
Office, tao trang web ca nhan va chay img dung tin nh§n. Chung toi co mot vai khung gia
thai gian hien dang (133) CON TRONG va se chap nhan de xuat ta nhan vien. (134) CAC
email cho Jonas tai jsmith@TRgroup com neu ban muon tham dg bat ky hoi thao nao.

Chung toi hy vpng ban tan dung cac chaang trinh dagc cung cap.

131. Chia dpng ta theo chu ta "we". 133. Djch nghTa:

• Offers => "We" la chu ta so nhieu => • Dependent (adj); phu thupc
Loai. • Independent (adj): dpc lap
• Were offering => Thi qua khir tiep • Free (adj): con trong/ mien phi
dien dung de dien ta mot hanh dong • Obtainable (adj): co the dat dagc
dien ra tai mot thai diem cu the trong
qua kha => Loai. Dap an: C.
• Are offering => Dien ta mot hanh
dpng dang dien ra hoac mot hanh
134. Djch nghTa:
dpng chic chin se dien ra trong mot (A) Cac de xuat lien quan den viec
thai diem rat gan a taang lai. chai game va giai tn se khong
• Have offered => Da cung cap => De dagc chip nhan.
bai dang giai thieu cac hoi thao se (B) Cac yeu cau pho bien nhat se
dien ra trong thang nay => Loai. dagc xem xet cho cac hpi thao.
(C) Chung toi yeu cau tat ca cac nha
Dap an: C. quan ly dura ra mot de nghj.
(D) Chung toi hy vpng hpi thao la mot
thanh cong va chuc mpi ngirai
132. Djch nghTa: nhang dieu tot dep nhat.
• Correct (v); chinh saa
• Diminish (v): lam giam Dap an- B.
• Elaborate (v). trlnh bay chi tiet
• Improve (v): cai thien

Dap an: D.

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Questions 135-138 refer to the following advertisement.

Citrusine: Total Flu for Night-time

Get ready for cold and flu season with Citrusine. Citrusine is a —135— medicated night-
time tea that can treat symptoms of the flu including fever, aches and pains, nasal
congestion, cough, and sore throat. Wake up feeling —136— and ready to conquer
another day. Citrusine should not be taken if you're planning to operate machinery or drive
a vehicle. Keep out of the reach of children. —137—

Citrusine is the number-one-selling medication —138— the flu and is guaranteed to

provide results if taken as directed. Visit our website for more information.

135. (A) easing 137. (A) The medication may cause serious
(B) stimulating side effects if not taken properly
(C) soothing (B) Children should take Citrusine for
(D) consoling Kids instead.
(C) The packets look like candy and
may pose problems.
136. (A) refreshing (D) And if symptoms persist for more
(B) refreshed than ten days, consult a physician.
(C) refreshes
(D) refresh
138. (A) for
(B) during
(C) with
(D) after

Nguy£n Dire - Luyen Thi TOEIC TP EICM - 0973 141 104

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Cau hoi 135-138 lien quan den quang cao sau.

Citrusine: Total Flu for Night-time

Hay sin sang cho mua lanh va cam cum vai Citrusine. Citrusine la mot loai tra dem co tac
dung nhu thuoc (135) LAM DjU co the dieu trj cac trieu chirng cam cum bao gom sot, dau
nhirc, nghet mui, ho va dau hong. Thirc day cam thay (136) SANG KHOAI va sin sang
chinh phuc mot ngay mai. Citrusine khdng dirge dung neu ban len dg djnh se van hanh
may mdc hoic lai xe. Tranh xa tarn tay tre em. (137) VA NEU CAC TRIEU CHU'NG KEO

Citrusine la thuoc ban chay so mot (138) CHO benh cam cum va dirge dam bao cung cap
ket qua neu dung theo chi dan. Ghe qua trang web cua chung toi de biet them thong tin.

135. Djch nghTa: • Phan tu- CHI HANH DONG thi xem
• Ease (v); lam giam, xoa dju XET CHU DONG (V-ING) HAY B\
• Stimulate (v): khuyen khich, kich DONG (V3-ED).
"Refreshed(ing") la mot phan tir chi
• Soothe (v): lam dju, giam dau
cam xuc. O" day chiing ta hieu doi
• Console (v): an ui tirgng xem quang cao sau khi dung
Dap an; C. thuoc se cam thay sang khoai.
Dung qua khd phan tir de mieu ta cam
xuc cua doi tirgng.
136. "Feel + Adj". Trong word forms cua
refresh khdng co ti'nh tir goc nen chung Dap an; B.
ta xet dung phan tir.
Cach dung phan tip: 137. Djch nghTa:
(A) Thuoc co the gay ra tac dung phu
• Phan tir CHI CAM XUC, TINH
nghiem trong neu khdng dung dung
CHAT nhir interesting(ed), each.
exciting(ed), disappointing(ed), (B) Tre em nen dung Citrusine cho tre
confusing(ed), exhausting(ed). . em.
khi mieu ta cho VAT THi LUON (C) Cac gdi trong giong nhir keo va co
DUNG V-ING, khi mieu ta cho ngirdi the gay ra vin dd.
thi dung V3-ed neu cam xuc co (D) Va neu cac trieu chirng keo dai hern
dirge do tac ddng ben ngoai hoic mirdi ngay, hay tham khao y kien
mieu ta cam xuc cua doi tggng do bac sT.
(that man looks excited => Anh iy Dap an. D.
trong co ve hao hire => anh ay cam
thay hao hire), dung V-ing thi dem
lai cam xuc cho doi tirgng khac 138. Djch nghTa;
(trirdng hgp nay rit it dggc sir • For (prep): danh cho
dung. Vi du: that man is very • During (prep); trong suot
interesting => anh ay dem lai cam • With (prep); vai
giac thu vi cho ngirdi khac). • After (prep): sau khi

Dap an: A.

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Janet Doe

From. Greenscape
Date: June 28
Subject: Inquiry

Ms. Doe,

We thank you for your inquiry. Greenscape has been the leading landscaper for
businesses in the greater downtown area for over 10 years. —139— we specialize in
gardens and Japanese-style landscape art, we also maintain lawns and fields. But to
answer your question, yes, we even clear away thick shrubbery and trees. We can send
a person to —140— the amount of time it will take and the approximate costs.
Furthermore, if you —141— to replace the dense shrubs with a lawn or garden, you can
work with one of our designers to come up with a landscape you can be happy with.

—142— We are more than happy to serve you.

139. (A) Although 141. (A) wishing

(B) Because (B) wish
(C) Therefore (C) wished
(D) However (Dt wishes

140. (A) conclude 142. (A) We welcome any business

(B) calculate opportunity with you.
(C) estimate (B) Please don't hesitate to email
(D)guess any questions you have.
(C) Please call us at 555-1245 if
you are interested in a
(D) Visit our website for more

Nguy£n Difc - Luyen Thi TOEIC TP EICM - 0973 141 104

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Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den email sau.

To: Janet Doe

From. Greenscape
Date: June 28
Subject: Inquiry

Chao Ms. Doe,

Chung toi cam an cau hoi cua co. Greenscape la nha thiet ke canh quan hang dau cho
cac doanh nghiep trong khu vac trung tarn thanh pho han 10 nam. (139) MAC DU chUng
toi chuyen ve cac khu virdn va nghe thuat canh quan theo phong each Nhat Ban, nhang
chung toi cung bao daang cac bai cd va virdn canh. Nhirng de tra Idi cau hoi cua co,
vang, chung toi cung don cay bui va cay coi ram rap. Chung toi cd the gdi mot ngadM den
de (140) ITOC TINH thcri gian can thiet cho cdng viec va da kien chi phi. Ngoai ra, neu cd
(141) MUON thay the cay bui ram rap bdng cd hoac vacrn canh, cd cd the lam viec vcri
mot trong nhdng nha thiet ke cua chung toi de de ra mot canh quan ma cd cd the hai long.

VAN. Chung tdi rat vui dagc phuc vu cd.

139. Djch nghTa: 141. Chia ddng td "wish" theo chu td "you".
• Although (conj). mac du O" day chung ta sd dung if loai 1 vi
• Because (conj): bch vi ddng ta menh de chmh dang dagc sd
• Therefore (adv): do do dung la "can work".
• However (adv); tuy nhien Dap an: B.

Dap an; A.
142. Djch nghTa:
(A) Chung tdi hoan nghenh bat ky ca hdi
140. Djch nghTa: kinh doanh vcri ban.
• Conclude (v): ket luan (B) Xin ddng ngai gdi email cho bat ky
cau hoi nao ban cd.
• Calculate (v). tmh toan bdng cac so
(C) Vui long gpi cho chung tdi theo so
lieu cu the
555-1245 ndu ban mudn dagc ta
• Estimate (v): acre tlnh van.
• Guess (v); doan (D) Truy cap trang web cua chung tdi de
biet them thong tin.
Dap an; C.
Dap an; C.

Nguy£n Dire - Luyen Thi TOEIC TP EICM - 0973 141 104

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Questions 143-146 refer to the following advertisement.

Black Hill Beans

Black Hill Beans is a Louisianan coffee company and the pioneer of the Louisiana coffee
fruit. We oversee a vertically —143— supply chain that starts with the highest quality
coffee and coffee fruit from Black Hill, Louisiana. We —144— three award-winning beans,
Summer Harvest, Dark Southern, and Black Earth. All can be shipped to you —145— 24
hours anywhere in the continental U.S. Black Hill Beans' coffee is also sold at every
Launders Superstore in the U.S.

Whether you're looking for excellent coffee or a bit of southern comfort, Black Hill Beans
is the right choice for your coffee. —146— It's nice to feel patriotic while you drink. Visit us
online today to hear more about our story,

143. (A) integrates 145. (A) within

(B) to integrate (B) by
(C) integrated (C) until
(D) integration (D) at

144. (A) locate 146. (A) Try the best-selling frozen

(B) select beverage around.
(C) evaluate (B) It's American-made and organic.
(D) produce (C) Let us help you find the right
(D) This discount is only available
through October 1.

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a Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 143-146 lien quan den quang cao sau.

Black Hill Beans

Black Hill Beans la mot cong ty ca phe Louisianan va la ngipai tien phong ve trai ca phe
co nguon goc tu' Louisiana. Chung toi giam sat chuoi cung img (143) DU'Q'C LIEN KET
doc b§t dau vai qua ca phe va ca phe chat lipgng cao nhat tu' Black Hill, Louisiana. Chung
toi (144) SAN XUAT ba loai hat timg doat giai thipang, Summer Harvest, Dark Southern
va Black Earth. Tat ca co the dirge giao cho ban (145) TRONG VONG 24h cr bat cir noi
nao trong luc dja US. Ca phe cua Black Hill Beans ciing dirge ban tai mpi Sieu thi Launders
6 US.

Bat ke ban dang tlm kiem mot loai ca phe tuyet vai hay mot chut thoai mai mang dir vj
mien Nam, Black Hill Beans la Iga chon phu hgp cho ca phe cua ban. (146) CA PHE CUA
vira nham nhap ca phe vira cam nhan tmh yeu danh cho dat nirac. Ghe qua website cua
chung toi ngay horn nay de nghe them ve cau chuyen cua chung toi.

Giai thich them ve noi dung bai:

> Louisiana la mot tieu bang a mien Nam nirac My.
> A vertically intergrated supply chain la chuoi cira hang lien ket doc. Lien ket hoc la
mot thuat ngCr chuyen nganh kinh te. Do la khi doanh nghiep Iga chgn ma rong bing
each mua lai hoac dam nhan nhieu giai doan trong chuoi cung irng.

143. Can mot tmh tir de bo nghTa cho 145. Djch nghTa:
danh tir "supply chain". • Within (prep;: trong vong
Dap an- C. • By (prep): b§ng each, bai
Liru y; "intergrated" la mot tmh tir, • Until (prep): cho den khi
nghTa la dirge tich hgp, dirge lien • At (prep), a tai
Dap an: A.
Trong trirang hgp dap an khong cd
tmh tir goc, chung ta se xet chon phan
tg (V-ing la hien tai phan tir, V3-ed la 146. Djch nghfa:
qua khir phan tir). Vai cac phan tir chi (A) Hay thir do uong dong lanh ban
hanh dong, chung ta se xet chon V- chay nhat a xung quanh.
ing neu mang nghTa chu dpng, chgn (B) No dirge san xuSt a My va dirge
V3-ed neu mang nghia bj dgng. trong hCru ca.
(C) Hay de chung toi giup ban nha cung
cap phu hgp.
144. Djch nghTa: (D) Giam gia nay chi co cho den ngay 1
• Locate (v): toa lac, djnh vj thang 10.
• Select (v): chgn Iga
Dap an: B.
• Evaluate (v): danh gia
• Produce (v): san xuat

Dap an; D.

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01.Should the customer believe Giai thich: Can mot tinh to theo sau donq to "to be" (is
that the proposed color not) de bo nghTa cho danh to "the proposed color
scheme is not , the interior scheme".
designer can make
Dap an; B.
(A) attract Tam djch: Neu khach hang nghT ring bang mau doge de
(B) attractive xuat khdng thu hut, nha thidt ke noi that cd the tien hanh
(C) attracted dieu chi'nh.
(D) attractively
02.For Friday's dinner Dich nqhTa:
reservation, please — the • Increase (v); gia tang
number of seats from eight to • Reflect (v): phan anh
ten guests. • Merge (v): sap nhap
(A) increase
• Invite (v): mdi
(B) reflect
(C) merge Tam dich; Ve viec dat boa toi cho thd sau, vui lonq TANG
(D) invite so logng ghe to tam len modi khach.
Dap an: A.
03.Mr. Brandt asked for the Dich nqhTa:
banner to be hung the • Up (prep); len cao
exterior wall of the building. • Next (adj); ke tiep
(A) up • On (prep): tren
(B) next
• With (prep1); vdi
(C) on
(D) with Tam dich: Mr. Brandt yeu cau treo banner TREN bde
todng ben ngoai toa nha.
Dap an: C.
04.In case you have problems Dich nqhTa:
with the device in the future, • Express (v). bay to
you should retain your newly ~ • Predict (v): do doan
— receipt. • Issue (v); phat hanh, clp, doa ra
(A) expressed
• Approach (v): tien ddn
(B) predicted
(C) issued Tam dich: Phong khi ban gap so co vdi thiet bi trong
(Dj approached tocmg lai, ban nen gid lai bien lai mdi doge CAP.
Dap an: C.
05.If the patient's nasal problem Dich nqhla:
does not show signs of • Because of (prep): do, bdi
improvement two days, he • Regarding (prep): lien quan den
should visit the clinic again. • Apart from sbsth (prep): ngoai ai do/ viec nao do ra
(A) because of
• Within (prep): trong vong
(B) regarding
(C) apart from Tam dich: Neu van de ve mui cua benh nhan khdnq co
(D) within dau hieu cai thien TRONG VONG hai ngay, anh ta nen
den phdng kham mot Ian nda.
Dap an; D.
06.Those giving demonstrations Giai thich:
at the department store —
Phan tich cau; (Thosel Iqivinq demonstrations at the
explained the product's
department store] — [explained] [the product's features
features and benefits.
and benefits].
(A) enthusiasm
(B) enthusiast

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(C) enthusiastically ■=> "Giving demonstrations at the department store" la

(D) enthusiastic hlnh thipc rut gpn cua MDQH de bo nghia cho "those"
(Khi chira rut gpn: Those who gave
■=> Can mot trang tir de bo nghTa cho dpng tCr "explain".
Dap an; C.
Tam dich: NhCrng ngirai trlnh bav san pham tai cira hang
da nhiet tlnh giai thich ve cac tinh nang va Iom ich cua san
07.Because its latest exhibit is Dich nghTa:
highly valuable, the Gabe • Ever (adv): da tirng, tCrng
Gallery took more precautions • Yet (adv): chura
than it did in the past. • Such (adv): qua
(A) ever
• Much (adj): nhieu
(B) yet
(C) such Tam dich; Vi buoi then lam mai nhat clpc ki quan tronq,
(D) much nen Gabe Gallery da thyc hien nhieu bien phap phdng
ngCra han so vai nhCrng gi hp DA TLfNG thyc hien trirac
Dap an: A.
08. making structural Dich nghTa;
changes to a house must first • Our + Noun (adj): cua chung toi
apply for a building permit. • Who (pronoun): ngirai ma
(A) Our • Them (pronoun): hp
(B) Who
• Anyone (pronoun): bat cir ai
(C) Them
(D) Anyone Tam dich: BAT CU' AI thirc hien thav doi cau true cho
mot ngoi nha trirac tien phai xin giay phep xay dang.
Dap an: D.
09.Employees who attend the Giai thich;
workshop on improving
Theo sau giai ta co 2 traang hap:
communication skills will be
• Giai td + noun.
given a certificate of— by the
instructor. • Giai td + V-ing => Neu la noi dong td thi phia sau
(A) achieved khong can tan ngd (kha nang nay chi khoang 12%-
(B) achieving 15%), neu la ngoai dpng td se co tan ngd phia sau
(C) achieve V-ing (kha nang nay khoang 85%-87%).
(D) achievement
■=> Phia sau cho trong la gidi td "by", khong phai tan
■=> Can mot danh ta lam tan ngd.
Dap an: D.
Tam dich: Nhan vien tham da hoi thao ve cai thien kv
nang giao tiep se dap's ngadi haang dan cap giay chang
10. its distinguished faculty in Dich nghTa:
the science department, the • In addition to (prep): ben canh cai gi do
university has state-of-the-art • Otherwise (adv): n§u khong thi/ khac
laboratory facilities. • As well (adv): cung
(A) In addition to
• Hardly ever (adv); hau nha chaa tdng
(B) Otherwise
(C) As well

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(Dj Hardly ever Tarn dich: BEN CANH cac qiang vien noi tienq trong
khoa khoa hoc, trirang dai hoc con co cac phong thi
nghiem hien dai.
Dap an: A.
11.The donations received from Giai thfch:
the fundraiser among the
Phan tfch cau: fThe donationsl [received from the
charity's three locations
fundraiser] [ ] [among the charity's three locations
(A) have divided
(B) is being divided ■=> "Received" la dpng td dirge sip dung a hlnh thdc rut
(C) are dividing ggn MDQH. MDQH nay bo nghTa cho "the donations"
(D) will be divided (Khi chira rut gon MDQH: The donations which are
received from the fundraiser among the charity's
three locations equally).
■=> Cau hoi de bai chira co dong tir chmh
■=> Vi tn can dien chmh la dong td chmh chia theo chu tir
"the donations" (so nhieu). Dong td nay can dirge chia
a the bj dong de phu hgp ve y nghTa.
Dap an: D.
Tarn dich: Cac khoan quven qop nhan dirac td viec gay
quy se dirge chia deu trong ba dja diem cua to chdc tir
12. the building's age, the Dich nghTa;
ventilation system must be up- • Instead of (prep): thay vi
to-date with all safety codes. • Toward (prep): hirdng den
(A) Instead of • Regardless of (prep): bat chap, bat cir
(B) Toward
• Since (prep): ke td khi
(C) Regardless of
(D) Since Tarn dich: BAT KE tuoi cua tda nha, he thong thong gib
can phai dirge cap nhat theo dung cac quy djnh ve an
Dap an; C.
13.The train delays on the Trenton Giai thich. Can mot tmh tir de bo nghia cho danh tir
line were caused by a — "error".
error at one of the stations.
Dap an: C.
(A) proceed
(B) proceeded Tarn dich: Sir cham tre cua tau tren tuven Trenton la do
(C) procedural loi thu tuc tai mot trong cac nha ga.
(D) procedurally
14.As we expect to receive Dich nghTa:
hundreds of applications for • Limit (v): gigi han
the position, please your • Follow (v); lam theo, tuan thu
resume to two pages. • Refrain (v): ngumg, ddng lam viec do
(A) limit
• Unfold (v): gap lai
(B) follow
(C) refrain Tam dich: VI chung tdi dir kien se nhan hang tram don
(D) unfold xin viec cho vj tn nay, ban hay GIOI HAN ban so yeu ly
lich cua mlnh trong do dai hai trang giay.
Dap an: A.
15.The lecturer on the Giai thich; Can chia dong tir theo chu tir "the lecturer".
country's struggle for "Focus" la noi dong tir nen khdng diroc chia bi dong. Dong

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Independence when he gives tCr a vj trl nay dirge dung o tirang lai vl dong tip d menh
his talk. de trang ngCr dang dirge sir dung d thi hien tai dan (menh
(A) has focused de trang ngCf la menh de bdt dau blng cac lien tir nhir
(B) is focused when, because, if,...).
(C) will focus
■=> When + hien tai dan, menh de con lai dung d tirang lal
(D) focusing
Dap an: C.
Tam dich: Didn qia se tap trung vao cudc dau tranh gianh
doc lap cho to quoc khi anh ay trinh bay dien thuyet.
16.The welcome activity is an Dich nqhTa:
opportunity to improve • Among (prep): gida, trong so
communication volunteers • Like (prep): giong vdi
before the project begins. • Above (prep); ben tren
(A) among
• Under (prep): ben dirdi
(B) like
(C) above Tam dich; Hoat dong chao ddn la ca hoi de cai thien sir
(D) under giao tiep GIU'A cac tinh nguyen vien trade khi dg an bat
Dap an: A.
17.The balconies connected to Giai thich. Can mot tinh td de bo nghfa cho danh ta
the rooms at the Orwell Hotel "view".
provide a — view of a private
Dap an: C.
(A) stunningly Tam dich: Cac ban cdng daac noi vdi cac phong tai
(B) stuns Orwell Hotel dem ddn mot hadng nhin tuyet dep ra mot
(C) stunning bai bien rieng ta.
(D) stunned
18.The travel agent's of the Dich nqhTa:
ticket purchase was sent to the • Extent (n); mac dp, guy md
customer by e-mail as soon as • Confirmation (n): sg xac nhan
the payment was made. • Awareness (n): sg nhan thdc
(A) extent
• Proposal (n): ke hoach de xuat
(B) confirmation
(C) awareness Tam dich: XAC NHAN cua dai lv du lich ve viec mua ve
(D) proposal da dagc gdi cho khach hang qua e-mail ngay khi thanh
toan dagc thgc hien.
Dap an: B.
19.After examining the vehicle, Giai thich; Can mot trang ta de bo nqhTa cho dong ta
the mechanic had — "identified".
identified the reason why the
Meo: De thi cd dang "have/has/had + — + V3-ed" => Cho
engine lost power.
trong chpn Adv.
(A) corrections
(B) correctly Dap an; B.
(C) correct
Tam dich: Sau khi kiem tra xe, tha mav da xac dinh chmh
(Dj corrects
xac ly do tai sao dong ca bj mat dien.
20.Because of her hearing Dich nqhTa;
disability, Ms. Frasierwill be • Convince (v); thuyet phuc
by a sign language • Anticipate (v); dg bao, mong dgi
expert so she can • Accompany (v): di cung, di kern
participate in the meeting.
• Caution (v): canh bao
(A) convinced
(B) anticipated
(C) accompanied

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(D; cautioned Tam dich: Do khiem thinh, Ms. Frasier se Dl CUNG vai
mot chuyen gia ngon ngCr ky hieu de co co the tham gia
cuoc hop.
Dap an: C.
21 .The pioject development team Giai thfch: Can mot danh tip dirac chia sonq sonq vai
is partially responsible for the danh ti> "selection".
selection and — of potential
Dap an: A.
building sites.
(A) appraisal Tam dich: Nhom phat trien dip an chiu trach nhiem mot
(B) appraises phan cho viec lya chpn va tham djnh cac vj tri xay dung
(C) appraise tiem nang.
(D) appraised
Luu v: 0" dav, chunq ta khonq chon donq tu chia theo chu
tu "the project development team" (chia song song vom "is"
nhd lien tu "and") vi "appraise" co cau true la "appraise
sb/sth", "appraise" khong di kern gidi tu "of".
22.The easy-to-prepare meal Dich nqhTa:
packets come with all the • Except (prep): ngoai tru
ingredients necessary for an • Despite (prep): mac du
individual dinner — boiling • Elsewhere (adv)- mot nci nao khac
• Past (prep): qua
(A) except
(B) despite Tam dich: Cac qoi thuc an de chuan bj di kern vdi tat ca
(C) elsewhere cac thanh phan can thiet cho bua an danh cho mot ngudi
(D) past NGOAI TRU' nude soi.
Dap an: A.
23.The education center Dich nqhTa:
provides training classes in • So that (conj): de (ma)
key skills that the • Ever (adv): da tung
unemployed can find jobs • Only (adv). chl
more easily
• As (conj). vi
(A) so
(B) ever Tam dich: Trunq tam qiao due cunq cap cac Idp dao tao
(C) only ve cac ky nang quan trong DE ngudi that nghiep co the
(D) as tim dugc viec lam de dang han.
Dap an: A.
24.The terms of the licensing Dich nqhTa.
agreement are quite — and • Energetic (adv). co nhieu nang luc, nhiet huyet
do not require legal experience • Frequent (adj): thudng xuyen
to be understood. • Straightforward (adj). dan gian, de hieu, rd rang
(A) energetic
• Accomplished (adj); rat tot, xuat sac
(B) frequent
(C) straightforward Tam dich: Cac dieu khoan cua hap donq cap phep kha
(D) accomplished DON GIAN va khong can phai co kinh nghiem phap ly mdi
hieu dugc.
Dap an: C.
25.The informational materials Dich nqhTa;
sent to conference attendees • Expand (v). md rpng
— the presentation • Solicit (v): nai xin
schedule and social events. • Allow (v): cho phep
(A) expand
• Outline (v): md ta, torn luge, trlnh bay cac diem chinh
(B) solicit
(C) allow
(D1 outline

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Tam dich: NhCrna tai lieu thdnq tin durac qm den cho
ngirdi tham gia hoi nghj TOM LlfOC lich thuyet trinh va
cac sy kien xa hoi
Dap an: D.
26.You may have the Dich nqhia:
merchandise sent directly to • Both A and B (det): ca A Ian B
your home or pick it up in • Whichever (pronoun): bat cur cai nao
person at the store, — you • Everybody (pronoun): moi ngirdi
• Another (pronoun): mot ai khac, mot cai gi knac
(A) both
(B) whichever Tam dich: Ban cd the chon hanq hda dirac qm true tiep
(C) everybody den nha hoac ty minh den nhan tai cua hang, BAT CIJ
(D) another SU LLfA CHON NAO tuy ban muon
Dap an: B.
27. occurring substances are Giai thich: "Occumnq" la mot hien tai phan tir donq vai
used in the vitamin supplement tro nhir mot tmh tir de bo nghfa cho danh ti> "substances".
instead of chemicals. Vj tri nay can mot trang td de bo nghTa cho "occrurring".
(A) Naturally
Dap an: A.
(B) Natural
(C) Naturalize Tam dich: Cac chat ton tai trong tir nhien dirac su dung
(D) Nature trong viec bo sung vitamin thay cho hoa chat.

28.The bus driver used a side Dich nqhTa;

street rather than the main • Such as (prepj: vi du nhir
highway, avoiding rush • Than (prep), so vdi
hour traffic. • Unless (conj). trd khi, neu nbir khong
(A) such as
• Thereby (adv): nhd vay
(B) than
(C) unless Tam dich: Tai xe xe buvt da di dirdnq tdt thav cho dirdnq
(D) thereby cao toe, NHO VAY da tranh dirac giao thong vao gia cao
Dap an: D.
29.The crew members the Giai thich; Chia donq tir theo chu tir "the crew members".
main section of the building by Dong tir d vj tri nay can dirac dung a thi tirang lai hoan
the time the waste removal thanh de di§n ta mot hanh dpng ket thuc dirp'c mot hanh
trucks arrive at 3:30. dpng khac trong tirang lai.
(A) demolish
Dap an; B.
(B) will have demolished
(C) demolished Meo:
(D) had demolished • By the time/ Before + menh de dung QKD, menh de
con lai dung QKHT (hoac QKD neu co already, just,
• By the time/ Before + menh de dung HT0, menh de
con lai dung TLHT.
Tam dich: Cac thanh vien cua nhom se hoan thanh xonq
viec pha huy phan chmh cua toa nha vao luc nhCrng chiec
xe tai den luc 3 gid rirdi.
30.Should you find any Dich nqhTa:
manufacturing in your • Premises (n). dinh ca, nha cua
ultra-high-definition television, • Defect (n): loi
contact the place of purchase • Impact (n): su tac dpng, su anh hudng
as soon as possible.
• Distraction (n). su xao lang
(A) premises

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(B) defects Tam dich: Neu ban tim thay bat ky LOl san xuat nao trong
(C) impacts tivi co do phan giai rat cao cua minh, hay lien he vai nai
(D) distractions mua cang sorn cang tot.
Dap an: B.

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IHJONd dAn giAi cm ti£t toeic new EORMAT - NGLYEN DUG ENGLISH
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Questions 131-134 refer to the following advertisement.

Come visit Wild Water Parks, your summer destination for family and friends of all ages.
We have kiddie pools, we have outdoor pools, we have indoor pools, we have waves, and
we have —131— water slides, including our Death Fall, the largest slide in the state. We
have everything for everyone in —132— group. Don't forget our delicious snack stands
and restaurants. We also have gift shops and playgrounds. —133— You can get tickets
by calling 123-5555 or a season's pass for a —134— of the price. Call now and experience
the fun!

131. (A) excite 133. (A) The pools are the best place to
(B) excited stay.
(C) exciting (B) We even have a dog park for that
(D) excitement furry companion of yours.
(C) The chefs are top notch and the
food is second to none.
132. (A) their (D) Hurry before the season is over
(B) his and the promotion is finished.
(C) our
134. (A) fraction
(B) section
(C) division
(D) total

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Cau hoi 131-134 lien quan den quang cao sau.

Hay den tham quan Wild Water Parks, diem den mua he danh cho gia dinh va ban be a
mgi lira tuoi. Chung tdi co be bai tre em, chung tdi co be boi ngoai trdi, chung tdi cd be
boi trong nha, chung tdi cd song va chung tdi cd nhLrng dipcrng trirgt nirac (131) THU Vj,
bao gom ca Death Fall, cau trirgt Ian nhat trong tieu bang. Chung tdi cd mpi thd cho moi
ngipcri trong nhdm (132) CUA BAN. DCrng quen gian hang ban thirc an nhe va nha hang
cua chung tdi. Chung tdi cung cd cira hang qua tang va khu vui chai. (133) CHUNG TOI
DONG HANH CUA BAN. Ban cd the nhan dirge ve bang each ggi 123-5555 hoac cd
dirge ve theo mua vd"! (134) MOT PHAN gia. Hay ggi ngay va trai nghiem sg thu vj!

131. Can mot tmh tir de bo nghTa cho danh 132. Can mot tmh tir sd hCru bd nghTa cho
tir "water slides". Dap an B (qua khd danh tir "group". Tinh tir sa hCru a day
phan tir) va dap an C (hien tai phan tir) chinh la doi tirgng dgc bai quang cao
cd the ddng vai trd nhir mot tmh tir. nay (you).
Cach dung phan tip: Dap an: D.


133. Djch nghTa:
nhir interesting(ed), exciting(ed), (A) Cac ho bai la nai tot nhat cho ki
disappointing(ed), confusing(ed), nghi.
exhausting(ed).. khi mieu ta cho (B) Chung tdi tham chi con cd mot
VAT THi LUON DUNG V-ING, khi cdng vien danh cho nhCrng chir cho
mieu ta cho ngircri thi dung V3-ed neu - ngucri ban dong hanh cua ban.
cam xuc cd dirge do tac ddng ben (C) Cac dau bep deu rat xuat sic va
ngoai hoac mieu ta cam xuc cua doi thirc an thi rat ngon.
tirgng do (that man looks excited => (D) Nhanh len trirac khi ki nghi va
Anh ay trong cd ve hao hire => anh chirang trinh khuyen mai ket thuc.
ay cam thdy hao hire), dung V-ing thi Dap an: B.
dem lai cam xuc cho doi tirgng khac
(trircrng hgp nay rat it dirge sir dung. 134. Djch nghTa;
Vi du. that man is very interesting => • Fraction (n)" phan nhd
anh ay dem lai cam giac thu vj cho • Section (n): khu, chuyen muc
ngircri khac). • Division (n): sg phan chia
• Total (n); tong so
• Phan tir CHI HANH DONG thi xem
"Exciting" la mot phan tir chi cam xuc,
"water slides" la vat.
Dap an; C.

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Questions 135-138 refer to the following e-mail.

Date: June 21
To: Mike Harris
From; Rhonda Cross
Subject: RE: Landscaping and Maintenance

Thank you for your —135— about our services. Arbor Care is a green lawn care and
landscaping business. We only use environmentally friendly techniques and products
when caring for the grounds of any business. We've been working in the Portland area for
—136— 20 years. Currently, we are serving more than 150 businesses in the downtown

As to your specific request, yes, we can easily remove dead trees and replace them with
something that fits the —137— landscaping. To give you an exact quote, we would need
to stop by and access the situation in person. To have one of our garden technicians stop
by, please call us at (713) 678-9916. —138—

135. (A) submission 137. (A) exist

(B) placement (B) existed
(C) review (C) existing
(D) inquiry (D) exists

136. (A)over 138. (A) It is a pleasure doing business

(B) around with you
(C) until (B) We hope to hear from you soon.
(D) through (C) Please send us an email.
(D) Best wishes for your continued

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Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 135-138 lien quan den email sau.

Date: June 21
To: Mike Harris
From; Rhonda Cross
Subject: RE: Landscaping and Maintenance

Cam an (135) CAU HOI cua ban ve dich vu cua chung toi. Arbor Care la mot doanh nghiep
cham soc co va canh quan xanh. Chung tdi chi sCr dung cac ky thuat va san pham than
thien vai moi trirang khi cham soc cac viran canh cua bat ky doanh nghiep nao. Chung
toi da lam viec tai khu vyc Portland trong (136) HON 20 nam. Hien tai, chung toi dang
phuc vu han 150 doanh nghiep trong khu vyc trung tarn thanh ph6.

Ve cau hoi cu the cua ban, vang, chung toi co the de dang loai bo cay chet va thay the
chung b§ng thir gi do phu hap vai canh quan (137) HIEN CO. De cung cap cho ban bang
gia chinh xac, chung toi se can phai ghe qua va tryc tiep danh gia. De mot trong nhang
ky thuat vien lam viran cua chung toi ghe qua, xin vui long goi cho chung toi theo so (713)

135. Dich nghTa: 137. Can mot tinh tCr de bo nghTa cho danh
• Submission (n): ban nop tCr "landscaping".
• Placement (n): vj tn Dap an; C.
• Review (n): sy danh gia, syxem xet
Llpu y: "existing" la tinh tCr, co nghia la
• Inquiry (n): cau hoi
hien co, hien dang ton tai.
Dap am D. Trong trirang hap dap an khong co tmh
tCr goc, chung ta se xet chgn phan tir (V-
ing la hien tai phan tir, V3-ed la qua khir
136. Djch nghTa: phan tir). Vai cac phan tir chi hanh dong,
• Over (prep)- han, qua chung ta se xet chgn V-ing neu mang
• Around (prep)- xung quanh nghTa chu dong, chgn V3-ed neu mang
• Until (prep): cho den khi nghTa bi dong.
• Through (prep): thong qua

Dap an: A. 138. Djch nghTa;

(A) That vinh dy khi diryc lam kinh
doanh vai ban => Cau nay diryc
dung khi 2 ben dang co dy an kinh
doanh chung. NgCr canh trong bai
chi mai hoi tham djch vu, chira thue
djch vu.
(B) Chung toi hy vong sam dirge nghe
tir ban.
(C) Vui long gai email cho chung toi.
(D) Lai chuc tot nhat cho sy thanh cong
khong ngirng cua ban.
Dap an: B.

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following notice.

Outbound Sales Lead Specialist/Telemarketer

Location. Atlanta, GA
Job Code: 3766
# of openings: 4

The Sales Lead Specialist will place outbound calls to —139— customers seeking to
purchase various services such as insurance, tax help, financial help, telecommunications,
or transportation. They will also call on leads from our existing customer base. Cold calls
are required.

You will work directly with customers via the telephone and e-mail to describe products
and services in order to persuade potential and current customers to purchase new
products and services. The job will also require you to educate customers on product and
service offerings. —140— There is also a minimum requirement for monthly sales that is
set at $7,500 in net revenue. —141—, the job calls for all employees to continually be
taking product education course that will help you better serve our customers.

To be eligible for the position, you must have one or more years in telesales, strong
customer service skills, and superior closing skills.

If you feel you —142— these requirements and are looking for a lucrative exciting
experience, please click below.

139. (A) substantial 141. (A) Actually

(B) potential (B) However
(C) optimal (C) Additionally
(D) logical ^D) Therefore

142. (A) meet

140. (A) The more you purchase, the more (B) to meet
opportunity you'll have for (C) meeting
advancement. (D) met
(B) This managerial position will
require an organized and highly
motivated individual.
(C) If you could help find your
replacement, it would be much
(D) It will be crucial for you to place a
minimum of 150 outbound calls
each day.

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a Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Outbound Sales Lead Specialist/Telemarketer

Location: Atlanta, GA
Job Code: 3766
# of openings: 4

Chuyen gia ban hang se thyc hien cac cuoc goi outbound tai cac khach hang (139) TlEM
NANG dang tim mua cac djch vu khac nhau nhu1 bao hiem, trg giup ve thue, trg giup tai
chinh, vien thong hoac van chuyen. Hp cung se goi cho khach hang tiem nang tCf khach
hang hien tai cua chung toi. Goi dien thoai ban hang la viec bit buoc thgc hien.

Ban se lam viec trgc tiep vai khach hang qua dien thoai va e-mail de mo ta cac san pham
va djch vu nhlm thuyet phuc khach hang tiem nang va khach hang hien tai mua san pham
va djch vu mai. Cong viec cung se yeu cau ban hipong dan khach hang ve cac san pham
GOI Dl MOl NGAY. Con co mot yeu cau toi thieu doi vai doanh so hang thang dagc dat
a mipc $7,500 doanh thu thuan. (141) NGOAI RA, cong viec yeu cau tat ca nhan vien hen
tuc tham gia khoa hoc giao due san pham, cac khoa hoc nay se giup ban phuc vu khach
hang tot han.

De du dieu kien cho vj tn nay, ban phai co toi thieu mot nam kinh nghiem telesales, ky
nang djch vu khach hang tot va ky nang ban hang vipp't trpi.

Neu ban cam thay ban (142) DAP LTNG cac yeu cau nay va dang tim kiem mot trai nghiem
thu vj hap dan, xin vui long bam vao ben daai.

139. Djch nghTa: 141. Djch nghTa:

• Substantial (adj): dang ke, dang chu • Actually (adv): that ra
y • However (adv): tuy nhien
• Potential (adj): co tiem nang • Additionally (adv): ngoai ra
• Optimal (adj): toi au • Therefore (adv): do do
• Logical (adj); hap li
Dap an; C.
Dap an; B.

142. Chia dpng td theo chu td "you". Dong td

140. Djch nghTa: nay can dap'c chia d thi hien tai dan de
(A) Ban cang mua nhieu, ban cang co hoa hgp vdi dpng ta phia trade (feel).
nhieu ca hoi de thang tien. Dap an: A.
(B) Vj tri quan ly nay se doi hoi mot
ngadi co to chac va nhiet huydt.
(C) That tot neu ban tim dap's ngadi
thay the.
(D) Dieu quan trpng la ban phai thac
hien toi thieu 150 cupc goi di moi
Dap an: D.

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Questions 143-146 refer to the following notice.

From: James Jones, Executive Manager

To: Sales Agents
Date: July 15
Subject: Policy Change

Dear Sales Agents,

There has been a recent change to our reimbursement policy. In the past, you simply
had to pay out of pocket first then provide your receipts after renting vehicles, taking
business trips, or —143— other business expenses. —144— ,now you will be required
to fill out an application which will need to be approved by the accounting department
first. —145— If you spend beyond the amount given in the card, you will have to pay
out of your own pocket and will not be reimbursed for that.

Please read the attachment to get further details on what expenses can and cannot be
—146— by the company.

143. (A) incur 145. (A) They will not approve any card
(B) incurred not authorized by a bank.
(C) incurring (B) You will have to spend from your
(D)to incur own credit card.
(C) Then you will be provided with a
company card which holds limited
144. (A) However funds.
(B) Therefore (D) They must decide whether our
(C) Furthermore budget allows for our expenses.
(D) Since

146. (A) certain

(B) acknowledged
(C) established
(D) approved

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Cau hoi 143-146 lien quan den thong bao sau.

From: James Jones, Executive Manager

To: Sales Agents
Date: July 15
Subject: Policy Change

Kmh gm nhan vien ban hang,

Co mot sy thay doi gan day doi vai chmh sach hoan phi cua chung ta. Trirac day, ban
chi can tra tien trLPdc sau do cung cap bien lai sau khi thue xe, di cdng tac hoac (143)
CHI TRA cac chi phi cdng tac khac. (144) TUY NHIEN, bay gid" ban se diroc yeu cau
dien vao dan dang ky dirac bp phan ke toan phe duyet trirac. (145) SAU DO, BAN SE
tieu virat qua so tien dirge cung cap trong the, ban se phai thanh toan bdng tien cua
mlnh va se khdng dirge hoan tra cho so tien do.

Vui long doc tep dmh kern de biet them chi tiet ve nhirng chi phi cd the va khdng the
dirge cdng ty (146) CHAP THUAN.

143. Chia ddng tir. Dong tir a vi tn nay 145. Djch nghTa:
dirge chia song song vai cac ddng tir (A) Hp se khdng phe duyet bat ky the
"renting" va "taking". Cac ddng tir nay nao khdng dirge ngan hang uy
dirac dung a dang V-ing do dirng sau quyen.
giai tir "after". (B) Ban se phai chi tieu tir the tin dung
cua rieng ban.
Dap an; C.
(C) Sau do, ban se dugc cung cdp the
cua cdng ty vai so tien cd gidl han.
(D) Ho phai quyet dinh xem ngan sach
144. Djch nghTa:
cua chung ta cd cho phep chi phi
• However (adv): tuy nhien
cua chung ta hay khdng.
• Therefore (adv): do do
• Furthermore (adv): han the nCra Dap an: C
• Since (prep): ke tir khi
146. Djch nghTa;
Dap an: A. • Certain (adj): chic chin, nhlt djnh
• Acknowledge (v): thira nhan
• Establish (v); thanh lap, thiet lap
• Approve (v): chap thuan

Dap an. D.

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S6 Successful people never stop learnings

01.Pet owners are encouraged to Giai thfeh. Ap dung cau true "reqister for sth" (dang ki
register the workshop on cai gl do).
pet training and health offered
Dap an: D.
by the community center.
(A) of Tam djch: Nhdng ngipdi chu thu nudi dipgc khuyen khich
(B) from dang ky buoi hoi thao ve dao tao va sure khde thu nudi
(C) in dipgc to chipc ben trung tarn cdng dong.
(D) for
02.The CEO held a press Giai thich: Can mot ddng to nguven mau theo sau "to"
conference to — for the (chi muc dich).
negative health effects
Dap an: B.
caused by her company's
products. Tam dich: CEO da to chipc mot cudc hop bao de xin loi
(A) apologized ve nhdng anh hipcmg tieu eye den slpc khde do cac san
(B) apologize pham cua cdng ty cd gay ra.
(C) apologizes
(D1 apologizing
03.There is a difference Dich nghTa;
between the business's • Prosperous (adj). thjnh vipgng
revenues during the peak • Rural (adj): (thudc) ndng thdn
season compared to the off- • Significant (adj): dang ke, dang chu y
peak season.
• Preparatory (adj): dung de chuan bj
(A) prosperous
(B) rural Tam dich: Cd mot sir khac biet dang ke gida doanh thu
(C) significant cua doanh nghiep trong mua cao diem so v6i mua thap
(D; preparatory diem.
Dap an; C.
04.The path through Morrison Giai thich: Ap dung cau true "not only., but also".
Park was constructed not only
Dap an; A.
for cyclists — joggers.
(A) but also Tam dich: Con du'dng xuyen qua Cdng vien Morrison
(B) though dime xay dung khdng chi cho ngucri di xe dap ma ca
(C) in addition to nguai chay bp.
(D) neither
05.One of the supervisors Dich nghTa:
questioned Ms. Marshall • Unless (conj). tru khi
her role in the misuse of the • Among (prep): a giua, trong so
investment funds. • About (prep); ve
(A) unless
• Into (prep); ben trong/ (chuyen) thanh
(B) among
(C) about Tam dich: Mot trong nhung ngucri qiam sat da hdi Ms.
(D) into Marshall VE vai trd cua ba trong viec su dung khdng dung
muc dich cac guy dau tu.
Dap an: C.
06.The occupancy rate at Dich nghTa;
Starburst Hotel has by • Rely on (v); phu thudc vao
24% due to increased • Fall - fell - fallen (v): rat, giam
competition. • Expire (v): het han
(A) relied
• Coincide (v): trung hgp
(B) fallen
(C) expired Tam dich: Ty le phdng cd ngudl thud tai Starburst Hotel
(D) coincided da giam 24% do canh tranh gia tang.
Dap an: B.

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07.A certificate of was given Giai thfch:

to the participants in the public
Theo sau giai tip co 2 trirang hgp:
speaking skills course.
• Giai ta + noun.
(A) accomplishment
(B) accomplish • Giai ta + V-ing => Neu la npi dpng tu thi phia sau
(C) accomplished khong can tan ngCr fkha nang nay chi khoang 12%-
(D) accomplishing 15%), neu la ngoai dong ta se cd tan ngd phia sau
V-ing (kha nang nay khoang 85%-87%).
Phia sau cho trong khong co tan ngQ".
Dap an: A.
Tam dich: Giav chirna nhan hoan thanh khoa hoc da
dirge trao cho nhdng ngirdi tham gia khoa hoc ky nang
noi trirdc cong chung.
08.The chef prepares the Giai thich; Can mot dai tip quan he thav cho "the chef va
entree for a restaurant critic dong vai trd chu tip trong MOQH.
often comes out to greet him or
Dap an; D.
her in person.
(A) whose Tarn dich; Dau bep chuan bj mon khai vi cho nha phe binh
(B) what nha hang thipdng dich than ra de chao dOn anh ay hoac
(C) either cd ay.
(D) who
09.The negotiators made a few Giai thich: Ap dunq cau true "make sth Adi".
minor changes to the contract
Dap an: A.
to make the terms to both
parties. Tam dich: Cac nha dam phan da thac hien mot vai thay
(A) agreeable doi nhd trong hgp dong de lam cho cac dieu khoan dirge
(B) agreement ca hai ben dong y.
(C) agree
(D) agreeing
10.The allocation of funds to local Dich nghTa:
schools is on the number • See (v). nhin, xem
of children living in the district. • Base (v); dga tren
(A) seen • Place (v). dat, de
(B) based
• Take (v): lay di
(C) placed
(D) taken Tam dich: Viec phan bo ngan sach cho cac traanq hoc
dja phirang dirge DITA TREN so tre em song trong
Dap an; B.
11.This palace was — used for Giai thich: Can mot tranq ti> de bo nqhTa cho ddnq ta
public ceremonies and "use".
Meo: Dd thi cd danq "to be + — + V3-ed" => Cho tronq
(A) traditionally
chon Adv.
(B) traditional
(C) tradition Dap an: A.
(D) traditions
Tam dich; Cunq dien nay theo truyen thdnq daac sd
dung cho cac nghi le va le ky niem cdng cdng.
12.The successful candidate will Dich nqhTa;
be contacted by an HR • Disposable (adj). dung mot Ian roi bd di
representative once the hiring • Numerous (adj): nhieu
committee makes its — • Final (adj): sau cimg
• Portable (adj): cd the mang di dagc
(A) disposable

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(B) numerous Tam dich; Lfng vien thanh cong se duac hen lac bai mot
(C) final dai dien bo phan nhan su sau khi uy ban tuyen dung dira
(D) portable ra guyet djnh cuoi cung.
Dap an: C.
13.The chairperson by an Giai thfch; Chia dong tip theo chu tLP "the chairperson".
anonymous vote involving all Dong tCr a vj tri nay can dirge chia d the bj dong de phu
members. hop ve y nghTa.
(A) has been selecting
Dap an; D.
(B) had to select
(C) is selecting Tam dich: Chu tich se dirac lira chon bai mot cuoc bo
(D) will be selected phieu an danh lien guan den tat ca cac thanh vien.
14.Providing low-interest loans to Dich nghTa:
small businesses is a key — • Vacancy (n): chd trong
of the recovery plan. • Status (n): trang thai
(A) vacancy • Component (n); phan, thann pnin
(B) status
• Rate (n): ty le/ gia ca
(C) component
(D) rate Tam dich: Cung cap cac khoan vav lai suat thap cho cac
doanh nghiep nho la PHAN chmh cua ke hoach phuc hoi.
Dap an: C.
15.The project would not have Giai thich; Can mot danh tip goc trong cum danh tup "Mr.
been a success without Mr. Ratcliffe's complete —".
Ratcliffe's complete , which
Dap an: D.
was demonstrated on several
occasions. Tam dich: Dip an da khong the thanh cong neu khong co
(A) dedicated sg cong hien het long cua Mr. Ratcliffe, viec nay da nhieu
(B) dedicate Ian dirge chipng minh.
(C) dedicates
(D) dedication
16.City politicians will debate the - Dich nghTa:
-— issue at the town hall • Competent (adj): co tai nang
meeting so that voters can • Observant (adj): hay chii y, doi mSt tmh te
have a better understanding of • Complicated (adj): phipc tap
• Indecisive (adj): thieu guyet doan
(A) competent
(B) observant Tam dich; Cac chmh tri gia thanh pho se tranh luan ve
(C) complicated van de PHU'C TAP tai cupc hop toa thj chmh de clp tri co
(D) indecisive the hieu ro han ve no.
Dap an; C.
17. — the hospital experiences Dich nghTa:
a power outage, power • If (conj). neu
generators will turn on • Until (conj). cho den khi
automatically to supply the • What (pronoun); dieu
necessary electricity.
• So (conj). de ma
(A) If
(B) Until Tam dich: Neu benh vien bi mat dien, mav pnat dien se
(C) What tg dong bat de cung cap lipgng dien can thiet.
(D) So
Dap an: A.
18.After the tellers at Stewart Giai thich: Can mot trang ti> de bo nghTa cho dong tip
Bank underwent extensive "treated". Trang tip nay dipgc slp dung a hmh thipc so sanh
training, they treated the han de phii hap ve mat y nghTa.
customers .
Dap an; A.
(A) more courteously

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(B) courteous Tam dich: Sau khi cac qiao dich vien tai Nqan hanq
(C) most courteous Stewart trai qua khoa dao tao ma rpng, ho ca xi> vai
(D) courtesy khach hang Ijch sy han.
19.A gate agent at the airport Giai thich. Can mot danh to qoc tronq cum danh ta "a
announced a flight — caused flight -—".
by severe weather at the
Dap an: C.
(A) canceling Tam djch; Mot nhan vien a cdng ra may bay tai san bay
(B) cancels da thong bao huy chuyen bay do thai tiet kh§c nghiet tai
(C) cancellation diem d§n.
(D) cancel
Lim v: 06nq ta "caused" phia sau vi tn can dien danq
dirge sur dung a hlnh thac rut gon MDQH. Khi chaa rut
gon MDQH: Agate agent at the airport announced a flight
cancellation which is caused by severe weather at the
20. the outdated equipment is Dich nqhTa:
replaced with state-of-the-art • Whether (conj): bat ke, cho du/ lieu rdng
machinery, productivity will • Later (adv): muon han
more than double. • When (conj); khi
(A) Whether
• Momentarily (adv): trong giay lat, tam thai
(B) Later
(C) When Tam dich; KHI cac thiet bi loi thai daac thav the blnq
(D) Momentarily may moc hien dai, nang suat se tang gap doi.
Dap an: C.
21.In order to be eligible for this Dich nqhTa:
position, you must have at • Preservation (n): sy giCr gin, sy bao ton
least five years of experience • Figure (n): so lieu, nhan vat noi bat
in the insurance . • Industry (n); nganh, ITnh vyc
(A) preservation
• Description (n); sy mo ta
(B; figure
(C) industry Tam dich: De du dieu kien cho vi tn nav, ban phai cO it
(D) description nhat nam nam kinh nghiem trong NGANH bao hiem.
Dap an; C.
22.Through his extensive Giai thich: Can mot dai tip donq vai tro tan nqip cua donq
research into acquiring ti> "has proven". Tan ngQ" nay cung chinh la chu tur "Dr.
language skills, Dr. Harvey Harvey Ward" nen chung ta dung dai ta phan than.
Ward has proven — to be a
Dap an; C.
leader in the field.
(A) he Tam dich: Thonq qua nqhien tren pham vi ronq ve viec
(B) his tiep thu cac ky nang ngon ngy, Tien sT Harvey Ward da
(C) himself chung to mmh la mot nha lanh dao trong ITnh vyc nay.
(D) him
23.The seafood sold by Pacific Dich nqhTa:
Plus is and therefore must • Suitable (adj); phu hyp
be transported in a • Widespread (adj): pho bien rpng rai, pho thong
temperature-controlled vehicle. • Cautious (adj): can trong
(A) suitable
• Perishable (adj): de bi hu hong
(B) widespread
(C) cautious Tam dich; Hai san duac ban bai Pacific Plus RAT DE
(D) perishable HONG va do do phai dygc van chuyen trong mot chiec
xe co dieu hoa nhiet dp.
Dap an; D.

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24.The novelist said that his Dich nqhTa:

writing was influenced by • Manually (adv): hang nam, thupang nien
the late writer Edward Truitt • Insecurely (adv): khong an toan
(A) manually • Regretfully (adv): mot each tiec nuoi
(B) insecurely
• Profoundly (adv): sau s§c
(C) regretfully
(D) profoundly Tam dich; Tieu thuvet qia noi r§nq tac pham cua ong chiu
anh hipcmg SAU SAC bai nha van qua co Edward Truitt.
Dap an: D.
25.As by the researchers, Giai thich;
the new environmentally
"As" co the la giai tu hoac lien tip.
friendly laundry detergent
• Khi la giai tip, "As + Noun" co nghTa la "vai vai tro la",
performed as well as its
"nhip la".
(A) observing Vi du: She works as a courier.
(B) observed • Khi la lien ti>, "As + Menh de" hoac "As + V-ingA/3-
(C) observation ed" (dirge rut gpn) co nghla la "theo nhip".
(D) observe Vf du: As requested, 1 have attached the file for your
Trong trupdng hgp nay, "as" la lien ti> vai nghTa "theo" nhip
de phu hap ve mat y nghTa, va chung ta dung dang "As +
V3-ed" (rut gon dang bj dpng).
Dap an: B.
Tam dich: Theo nhip cac nha nqhien clpu nhan thav, chat
tay rira mai than thien vai mdi trirdng slp dung tot ngang
vai chat tay raa cua doi thu canh tranh.
26.The Green Society is dedicated Dich nghTa;
to — public parks and other • Preserve (v): bao ton, giCr gin
natural areas for future • Consult (v); tham khao, hoi y kien
generations. • Escort (v): hp tong
(A) preserving
• Inquire about (v)" hoi ve cai gi do
(B) consulting
(C) escorting Tam dich; To chirc Green Society rat tan tam vai viec
(D) inquiring BAO TON cac cong vien cong cpng va cac khu vgc tg
nhien khac cho cac the he tgang lai.
Dap an; A.
27.The manufacturing plant that Giai thich: Chia donq tip theo chu tg "the manufacturmq
was damaged in the typhoon plant" ("that was damaged in the typhoon" la MDQH bo
should its operations later nghTa cho "the manufacturing plant"). Dpng tip nay dang
this month. dipng sau "should" nen chpn a dang nguyen mau.
(A) resumed
Dap an: B.
(B) be resuming
(C) had resumed Lu'u v: Cau true "should be V-inq" la hlnh thipc nhan manh
(D) resuming cua "should Vo".
Tam dich; Nha mav san xuat bi anh hipanq tronq can bao
se hoat dpng tra lai vao cuoi thang nay.
28.Because the team was already Dich nghTa:
behind schedule, the manager • Accept (v): chap nhan
did not to Ms. Norton's (Accept sth, accept khong di kern giai tip "to")
vacation request. • Ensure (v); dam bao
(A) accept
• Consent to (v): cho phep, dong y
(B) ensure
(consent to = agree)

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(C) consent • Finalize (v): chot lai

(D) finalize
Tam dich: Vl nhom da cham tien do, nen quan lv khong
DONG Y vdi yeu cau nghi phep cua co Norton Norton.
Dap an: C.
29.The nasal spray allowed Bert Giai thfch: Ap dung cau true "under control" (cd the xlp
to keep his seasonal allergies ly dipgc, cd the kiem soat dirge).
control without having to
Dap an; B.
get a prescription.
(A) against Tam dich: Thuoc xjt mui giup Bert co the kiem soat dirac
(B) under chirng dj irng thai tiet cua minh ma khong can den dan
(C) around thuoc.
(D) unto
30.Sales — unavailable to take Giai thich: Can mot danh tir goc trong cum danh tir "sales
your call at the moment will call
you back as soon as possible.
Dap an: C.
(A) representation
(B) represents Tam dich: Dai dien ban hang nao khong the nhan cuoc
(C) representatives goi cua ban tai thai diem hien tai se goi lai cho ban sam
(D) representative nhat co the.
Liru v: Tmh tir "unavailable" ngav sau cum danh tir
"sales representatives" dang dirge sir dung theo hmh
thirc rut gpn M0QH. Khi chira rut gpn MOQH: Sales
representatives who are unavailable to take your call at
the moment will call you back as soon as possible.

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Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.

To: Olivia Paulson

From. Jonathan Hicks
Date: July 19
Subject: Procedural Review

An issue was brought up at the executives meeting last Thursday. Complaints of damaged
goods after being shipped —131— dramatically in the last month. This may be a result of
more fragile items being added to the products we now ship. —132— We are reviewing
the packaging procedures for our products and are looking to add more steps to —133—
that the products are packaged securely and delivered without damage.

Please inform the managers on the manufacturing team to attend an —134— meeting at
7:00 P.M. We hope to address this problem and come up with a sound solution as quickly
as possible so that normal business can resume.

131. (A) increasing 133. (A) secure

(B) have increased (B) affect
(C) were increased (C) ensure
(D) increases (D) warrant

132. (A) We are thinking of dropping such 134. (A) emergency

items from our product list. (B) necessity
(B) We may need to increase the (C) decisive
shipping and handling cost. (D) extensive
(C) An added insurance cost for such
items has been suggested.
(D) Because of this, we have
temporarily suspended the
shipping of accessories and other
fragile items.

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Cau hoi 131-134 lien quan den thong bao sau.

To: Olivia Paulson

From. Jonathan Hicks
Date: July 19
Subject: Procedural Review

Mot van de da dipgc dira ra tai cupc hop giam doc dieu hanh vao thir Nam tuan trirac.
Cac khieu nai ve hang hoa co van de sau khi dirge van chuyen da (131) TANG dang ke
trong thang trirac. Day co the la ket qua cua cac mat hang de va han dirge them vao cac
san pham chung ta hien dang van chuyen. (132) Vi DIEU NAY, CHUNG TOI DA TAM
KHAC. Chung toi se xem xet cac quy trinh dong goi san pham cua mmh va se tim each
bo sung them cac birac de (133) DAM bAO ring cac san pham dirge dong goi an toan
va dirge giao hang ma khong bj hir hai.

Vui long thong bao cho cac quan ly trong nhom san xuat de tham gia cuoc hop (134)
KHAN CAP luc 7:00 P.M. Chung toi hy vong se giai quyet van de nay va dira ra giai phap
hgp ly nhanh nhat co the de quay lai viec hoat dong kinh doanh blnh thirang.

131. Chia dong tir theo chu tir "complaints". 133. Djch nghTa:
Dong tir "increase" a vj tn nay can • Secure (v): thlt chat lai
dirge chia a the chu dong de phu hgp • Affect (v): anh hirang
ve mat y nghTa. • Ensure (v): dam bao
Dap an. B. • Warrant (v): chirng minh

Dap an: C.

132. Dich nghTa:

(A) Chung toi dang nghT den viec loai bo 134. Djch nghTa:
nhCrng mat hang nhu vay khoi danh • Emergency (n): tinh huong khan
sach san pham cua chung toi cap
(B) Chung toi co the can tang chi phi van • Necessity (n): sg can thiet, dieu can
chuyen va xir ly. thiet
(C) Chi phi bao hiem bo sung cho cac • Decisive (adj). qua quydt, quyet
mat hang nhir vay da dirge de xuat. doan
(D) Vi dieu nay, chung toi da tarn thai • Extensive (adj)' nhieu, rang, Ian
dinh chi viec van chuyen cac phu
kien va cac mat hang de va khac. Dap an: A.

Dap an. D.

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Questions 135-138 refer to the following advertisement.

Green Clean Services

Call us: 347-281-7834

—135— 2005, Green Clean has been providing professional and environmentally friendly
cleaning services of consistent high quality to all types of commercial and industrial facilities.
—136— We understand the contributions a good employee makes toward our—137—, and
we commit to selecting the best available people to work for you.

Green Clean's mission is to satisfy our customers needs on a daily basis while providing
the best combination of quality, price, and delivery. We accomplish this by continually
improving our systems of —138—. Our goal is to make your facility extremely clean in the
greenest way possible. Visit our website today at

135. (A) Until 137. (A) success

(B) Around (B) drive
(C) Since (C) support
(D) Through (D) determination

136. (A) Drop in today to schedule a tour 138. (A) to operate

of one of our twenty facilities. (B) operates
(B) We are the biggest manufacture (C) operated
of environmentally cleaning (D) operation
supplies in the Northwest.
(C) As a service company, we
consider our employees to be our
most important asset.
(D) Allow us to work for you by calling
us today to take care of all of your
accounting needs.

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S6 Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 135-138 lien quan den quang cao sau.

Green Clean Services

Call us: 347-281-7834

(135) KE TU' nam 2005, Green Clean da cung cap cac djch vu ve sinh chuyen nghiep
va than thien vdi moi trirang vai chat lirgng cao phu hop cho tat ca cac loai co so thoong
mai va cong nghiep. (136) LA MOT CONG TY DjCH VU, CHUNG TOI XEM NHAN VIEN
dong gop ma mot nhan vien gidi tao ra cho (137) THANH CONG cua chung toi va chung
toi cam ket Iga chon nhong ngipdi sin co tot nhat de lam viec cho ban.

Nhiem vu cua Green Clean la dap irng nhu cau cua khach hang moi ngay trong khi van
cung cap so ket hop tot nhat gioa chat logng, gia ca va giao hang. Chung toi dat doge
dieu nay bSng each lien tuc cai thien he thong (138) HOAT DONG cua chung toi. Muc
tieu cua chung toi la lam cho co so cua ban cgc ky sach se theo each xanh nhat co the.
Ghe qua trang web cua chung toi horn nay tai

135. Djch nghTa: 137. Djch nghTa;

• Success (n): thanh cong
• Until (prep), cho den khi
• Drive (n): chuyen di
• Around (prep), xung quanh
• Support (n): so ung ho
• Since (prep): ke to
• Determination (n): so quyet djnh, so
• Through (prep): thong qua
xac djnh
Dap an: C.
Dap an: A.

136. Dich nghTa:

138. Can mot danh to theo sau gioi to "of.
(A) Ghe qua horn nay de len Ijch tham
quan mot trong hai mooi co so cua Dap an. D.
chung toi.
(Bj Chung toi la nha san xuat cac vat lieu
ve sinh moi troong Ion nhat o Tay
(C) La mot cong ty djch vu, chung toi
xem nhan vien cua mmh la tai san
quan trong nhat cua chung toi.
(D) De chung toi lam viec cho ban bdng
each goi cho chung toi ngay horn
nay de dam nhan tat ca cac nhu cau
ke toan cua ban.
Dap an; C.

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following notice.

Florist Wanted

Do you love making people smile? Does the idea of —139— your day being creative and
working with nature appeal to you? If so, we would like to encourage you to apply to join
our team at Wild Flowers Florists. —140— We are looking for someone who is customer-
—141— first. Creativity is important, but it is secondary to the vision of the client. If you
think —142— have what it takes to make people smile, please fill out our online
application form on our website,

139. (A)spend 141. (A) oriented

(B) to spend (B) prime
(C) spending (C) located
(D)spent (D) sourced

140 (A) You must be good with animals. 142. (A) you
(B) Our company is committed to (B) I
providing the best floral (C) they
arrangements for our clients, no (D) we
matter what their needs.
(Cj We use the best fabrics in our
(D) All people love our commitment to

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Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Tuyen nhan vien ban hoa

Ban co thich lam cho moi ngipai mim cipai? Y tirong (139) DANH ca ngay cho viec sang
tao va lam viec vai thien nhien co hap dan ban khong? Neu vay, chung toi khuyen khich
ban tham gia nhom cua chung toi tai Wild Flowers Florists. (140) CONG TY CHUNG TOI
CAU CUA HQ LA Gi. Chung toi dang tlm kiem mot ngu-ai (141) LUON NGHTdEn NHU
CAU KHACH HANG dau tien. Sang tao la dieu quan trang, nhirng viec nay khong quan
trong bdng y kien cua khach hang. Neu ban nghT rdng (142) BAN sa hiru nhdng thir can
co de lam moi ngirdi mim cirdi, vui long dien vao mau dan trac tuyen tren trang web cua
chung toi,

139. Theo sau gioi tir co 2 trirang hap: 141. Djch nghTa:
• Giai ta + noun. • Customer-oriented (adj); ludn nghT
• Giai tir + V-ing => Neu la noi dong tir den nhu cau khach hang
thl phia sau khong can tan ngCr (kha • Prime (v): chuan bi
nang nay chlkhoang 12%-15%), neu la • Locate (v); toa lac, djnh vi
ngoai dgng td se co tan ngd phia sau • Source (v): co dirac td dau do
V-ing (kha nang nay khoang 85%-
87%). Dap an: A.

Phia sau cho trong la cum danh td

"your day" dong vai trd tan ngd. 142. Can mot chu tir. Chu tip nay chinh la doi
taang doc thong bao.
Dap an: C.
Dap an. A.

140. Djch ngma:

(A) Ban phai co kha nang cham soc
dong vat.
(B) Cong ty chung toi cam ket cung
cap cac bo hoa tot nhat cho khach
hang, bat ke nhu cau cua hp la gl.
(C) Chung toi sd dung cac loai vai tot
nhat cho thiet ke cua chung toi.
(D) Tat ca moi ngirdi deu yeu thich su
cam ket cua chung toi ve sa an
Dap an: B.

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Questions 143-146 refer to the following letter.

October 21
Larry Mills
226 Highland Rivers
Fairbank, WA 20037

Dear Mr. Mills,

I am writing in reply to your complaint about the noise levels coming from the surrounding
businesses around the apartment complex. —143—, a few people living on the west wing
of the building —144— concern over the noise levels. The building committee has
conducted meetings over this issue and we have talked to the businesses. —145—
Because of this, we are also looking to fortify the windows with noise-proof glass for
residences living on the west wing. Once we have agreed upon the proposals, we will post
the announcement on our bulletin board and you may receive a call. Until then, we ask for
your —146— patience.

143. (A) As a result 145. (A) However, some of the noises are
(B) Moreover inevitable due to the nature of the
(C) On the other hand businesses.
(D) Unfortunately (B) They will fully cooperate with our
144. (A) is expressing (C) They have responded to our
(B) have expressed concerns and will work to keep
(C) expression noise levels low.
(D) be expressive (D) However, they are losing money
over this matter.

146. (A) continue

(B) continues
(C) continued
(D) be continuing

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Cau hoi hoi 143-146 lien quan den la thu' sau.

October 21
Larry Mills
226 Highland Rivers
Fairbank, WA 20037

Kinh gm Mr. Miller

Toi viet thu nay de phan hoi khieu nai cua ong ve tieng on den tip cac doanh nghiep xung
quanh khu chung cir. (143) THAT KHONG MAY, mot vai ngirai song 6" canh phia tay cua
toa nha (144) DA BAY t6 su lo ngai ve tieng on. Uy ban xay dung da tien hanh cac cupc
hop ve van de nay va chung toi da ndi chuyen vai cac doanh nghiep. (145) TUY NHIEN,
NGHIEP. Do vay, chung toi cung dang tlrn each cung co cac cua so blng kinh chOng on
cho cac khu dan cu song a canh phia tay. Mot khi chung toi dong y vai cac de xuat, chung
toi se dang thong bao tren bang tin va co the chung toi se goi cho ong. Tu gia cho den luc
do, chung toi mong su kien nhan (146) TIER TUC cua ong.

143. Djch nghTa: looking to fortify the windows with

• As a result (adv); do do, ket qua la noise-proof glass for residences
• Moreover (adv); ngoai ra, han the living on the west wing" (Neu ben
nua cac doanh nghiep xu ly tieng on thi
• On the other hand (adv): trai lai phia ban quan ly chung cu khong
• Unfortunately (adv). khong may phai lap kinh mai nua).
(Dj Tuy nhien, hp dang mat tien vi van
Dap an: D. de nay.
Dap an: A.
144. Chia dgng tu "express" theo chu tu "a
few people" (chu tu so nhieu).
146. Can mot tinh tu de bo nghTa cho danh
Dap an: B. tu "patience".
Dap an; C.
145. Djch nghTa: Luu y: "continued" la tinh tu, co nghTa
(A) Tuy nhien, mot s6 tieng on la khong la tiep tuc, khong thay doi, khong
the tranh khoi do ban chat cua cac ngung.
doanh nghiep.
Trong truang hgp dap an khong co
(B) Ho se hgp tac vai uy ban cua chung
tinh tu goc, chung ta se xet chpn phan
tu (V-ing la hien tai phan tu, V3-ed la
(C) Hp da phan hoi su lo ngai cua
qua khu phan tu). Vai cac phan tu chi
chung toi va se tien hanh giu tieng
hanh dpng, chung ta se xet chqn V-
on a muc dp thap => Cau nay
ing neu mang nghTa chu dpng, chon
khong hap nghTa vai cau phi'a sau
V3-ed neu mang nghTa bj dpng.
"Because of this, we are also

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01 .Recyclable materials such as Dich nqhTa:
glass and plastic are collected • Twice (adv): hai Ian
weekly on Mondays and • Much (adv)" nhieu
Thursdays. • Yet (adv): chira
(A) twice
• Far (adv): xa
(B) much
(C) yet Tam dich; Cac vat lieu co the tai che nhu thuv tmh va
(D) far nhya dugc thu gom HAI LAN moi tuan vao thu Hai va thir
Dap an: A.
02.Due to congestion on the Dich nqhTa:
roads, an increasing number • Either A or B pronoun); hoac la A hoac la B
of manufacturers • Very (adv): rlt
transport their goods by train. • Now (adv): bay gia
(A) either
• Rather (adv): kha kha, hai hai
(B) very
(C) now Tam dich; Do tac nghen daang, nen BAY GIO" ngay cang
(D) rather nhieu nha san xuat van chuyen hang hda cua ho b§ng tau
Dap an; C.
03.When customers have a Gial thich: Ap dung cau true "be instructed to do sth"
complaint, employees have (dirge hirang dan lam gl do) Trong trurang hap nay, dong
been instructed — the td "inform" dirge chia a the chu dong de phu hgp ve y
supervisor on duty. nghTa.
(A) to inform
Dap an: A.
(B) to have informed
(Cj to informing Tam dich: Khi khach hang co khieu nai, nhan vien da
(D) to be informed dirge hirdng thong bao cho ngirdi giam sat dang trong ca
04.Old furniture, vintage jewelry, Dich nqhTa;
and other — are available for • Quantity (n): so lirgng
sale at this market. • Antique (n): do co
(A) quantities • Compartment (n): gian, ngan (tau)
(B) antiques
• Statement (n): ban ke (ngan hang)
(C) compartments
(D) statements Tam dich: D6 cu, do trang sire co dien, va CAC DO CO
khac co ban tai cha nay.
Dap an; B.
05. the necessary safety Dich nqhTa;
precautions are not taken, • Just (adv): chi
there could be a higher risk of • If (conj): neu
injury. • That (conj): rdng, ma
(A) Just
• From (prep): tir
(B) If
(C) That Tam dich: NEU cac bien phap phong ngira an toan can
(D) From thiet khong dirge thgc hien, co the co nguy ca chan
thirang cao han.
Dap an: B.
06.Dissatisfied customers of Dich nqhTa;
Maple housekeeping may • As (prep;, nhir la, vdi vai trb la
terminate the contract • By (prep): bang, boll trirac khi

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three days of the first cleaning • Within (prep), trong vong

session. • Unless (conj); trO khi
(A) as
(B) by Tam dich; Khach hang khong hai long vai dich vu don
(C) within phdng cua Maple co the cham dirt hop dong TRONG
(Dj unless VONG ba ngay ke to buoi lam sach dau tien.
Dap an: C.
07.The free clinic on Warren Street Dich nghTa:
is — by volunteer doctors and • Retain (v): gio lai
nurses. • Staff (v): co dpi ngu nhan vien, cung cap nhan vien
(A) retained • Found-founded-founded (v): thanh lap
(B) staffed
(Phan biet voi find-found-found voi nghTa la tlm kiem)
(C) founded
• Produce (v): san xuat
(D) produced
Tam dich; Phong kham mien phi tren Pho Warren CO
Dpi NGO bac si va y ta lam viec tmh nguyen.
Dap an; B.
Lou v: Khi dich nghTa, dap an C hoan toan phu hop (dooc
thanh lap). Tuy nhien, phong kham hien dang hoat dong
nen so viec thanh lap nay da phai dien ra trooc. Do vay,
neu diing "found" thi dong to nay can doge dung 6 gua
kho (was founded).
08.Ms. Fox extended the operating Giai thfch;
hours of the store because she
Dong to "agree" co 2 cau true chmh:
agreed Mr. Arbor that they
• Agree to sth
were not long enough.
(A) for • Agree with sb
(B) against ■=> Phia sau cho trong la "Mr. Arbor".
(C) to
(D) with Dap an: D.
Tam dich; Ms. Fox da keo dai thoi gian hoat dong cua
coa hang vl co dong y voi Mr. Arbor ring thoi gian hoat
dong cua coa hang khong du dai.
09.Investigators visited the site to Giai thich: Can mot tmh to de bo nghia cho danh to
ensure that it complied with the "regulation" (danh to cung co the bo nghTa cho danh to,
— regulations in the field. nhong trong troong hgp nay chpn danh to bo nghTa cho
(A) applicability danh to phia sau se khong hop nghTa).
(B) apply
Dap an: D.
(C) applies
(D) applicable Tam dich: Cac nha dieu tra da truv cap trang web de dam
bao ring no tuan thu cac guy djnh doge ap dung trong
ITnh vgc nay.
10.The majority of occupants Giai thich; Can mot dai to guan he thav the cho danh to
live in Regal Towers are upset "occupant" va dong vai tro chu to trong MDQH.
about the ongoing problems
Dap an: D.
with their air conditioning
systems. Tam dich: Phan Ion co dan song o Regal Towers khong
(A) what vui ve cac van de dang dien ra voi he thong dieu hoa
(B) where khong khi cua hp.
(C) they
(D) who

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11.Mr. Hughes broke up the Giai thfch: Can mot danh tu dong vai tro tan ngQ" cua
staff into small discussion dpng ti> "improve".
groups to improve in
Dap an co 2 danh ti>;
• Participation (n); sy tham gia
(A) participation
(B) participates • Participant (n); ngirai tham gia => Danh tCr dem dirge
(C) participant so it cSn co tir han djnh phia trirac.
(D) participated Dap an: A.
Tam dich: Mr. Hughes da chia nhan vien thanh cac nhom
thao luan nho de cai thien sg tham gia vao cac cuoc hop
12.The exchange rate has Dich nqhTa:
increased by 3.2% compared • Only (adj): chi
to the month of the • Same (adj): cung, giong, nhir nhau
previous year. • Later (adj): muon han, sau
(A) only
• True (adj): dung
(Bj same
(C) later Tam dich: TV gia h6i doai da tang 3,2% so vai CUNG
(D) true thang cua nam trirac.
Dap an; B.
13.Brenda Tipton is to win the Giai thich: Chia ddnq tir "predict" theo chu tir "Brenda
race for mayor because she Tipton". Dong tir nay can dirge chia a the bj dpng de phii
has the most experience of all hgp ve y nghTa.
the candidates.
Dap an: D.
(A) predictable
(B) predict Tam dich: Brenda Tipton dirac dir doan se gianh chien
(C) predicts thing trong cupc dua gianh chirc thi traang vl co co nhilu
(D; predicted kinh nghiem nhlt trong tat ca cac irng cir vien.
14.Those who attend the creative Dich nghTa:
writing workshop will learn a • Above (prep), ben tren
variety of useful methods • At (prep): a tai
the next two days. • Toward (prep): hirang den
(A) above
• Over (prep): trong suot khoang thai gian nao do
(B) at
(C) toward Tam dich: Nhirnq ngirai tham dir hoi thao viet sang tao
(D) over se hoc dirge nhieu phirang phap hifu ich TRONG hai
ngay tai.
Dap an: D.
15.By planning the relocation Giai thich: Can mot tranq tir de bo nghTa cho dong tir
in advance, we can minimize "plan".
unexpected expenses and
Meo: De thi co dang "giai tir + — + V-inq" => Cho trong
increase efficiency.
chpn Adv.
(A) carefully
(B) cares Dap an; A.
(C) to care
Tam dich: Blng each can than lap ke hoach trirac cho
(D) cared
viec di dai, chung toi co the giam thieu cac chi phi ngoai
dg tinh va gia tang hieu qua.
16.According to company policy, Dich nghTa;
requests for • Since (conj): bai vi/ ke tir khi
reimbursement of business • Every + danh tir dem dirge s it (adj). moi, mot
expenses must be • All + danh tir dem dirge so nhieu (adj): tat ca
accompanied by a receipt.
• Much (adj): nhieu
(A) since
(B) every

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a Successful people never stop learnings

(C) all Tam dich: Theo chinh sach cua cong tv, TAT CA cac veu
(D) much cau hoan tra chi phi cong tac phai kern theo bien lai.
Dap an: C.
17.Safe-Co has home Dich nqhTa:
security products since its • Correspond (v): giong nhau
founding in 2008. • Function (v): boat dpng on djnh
(A) corresponded • Manufacture (v): san xuat
(B) functioned
• Enroll (v): ghi danh, dang k(
(C) manufactured
(D) enrolled Tam dich: Safe-Co da SAN XUAT cac san pham bao ve
gia dlnh ke tCr khi thanh lap nam 2008.
Dap an: C.
18. of an error on the order Dich nghla;
form, some of the construction • Because of (prep): bai vl, do bai
materials were never shipped. • Even if (conj): ngay ca khi
(A) Because • In spite of (prep): mac du
(B) Even if
• Instead (adv); thay vi
(C) In spite
(D) Instead Tam dich: Vl mot loi trong miu don dat hang, nen mot so
vat lieu xay dyng choa dirge giao.
Dap an: A.
19.The new policies were Giai thich.
implemented in an effort to
Can mot danh tir lam tan ngCr cua dong tir "encourage".
encourage better — among
Danh tir nay cd tinh to "better" bo nghTa.
the corporation's departments.
(A) communication Dap an co 2 danh tir:
(B) communicative • Communication (n): giao tiep
(C) communicate • Communicator (n): ngirdi truyen tai thong tin =>
(D) communicator Danh tir dem dirge so it can co tir han djnh phia
Dap an: A.
Tam dich: Cac chmh sach moi da diroc then khai nham
khuyen khich sir giao tiep tot hon giCra cac bo phan cua
tap doan.
20.The size of private tours of the Giai thich: Ap dung cau true "limit TO" (gioi han trong
old castle will be limited — pham vi bao nhieu do).
ten people.
Dap an: A.
(A) to
(B) during Tam dich: Quv mo cua cac tour du lich tir nhan den toa
(C) than lau dai co se gioi han trong pham vi miroi ngirdi.
(D) of
21.Please do not use metal Dich nghTa:
utensils when cooking with the • Since (conj); boi vl/ ke tir khi
pan — its surface doesn't get • In order to Vo: de lam gl do
scratched. • While (conj); trong khi/ mac du
(A) since
• So that + menh de (conj); de (ma)
(B) in order to
(C) while Tam dich: Vui long khong so dung do dung blng kirn loai
(D) so that khi nau b§ng chao nau an nay DE be mat cua no khong
bj trly xooc.
Dap an; D.

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22.To the monthly payment Dich nqhTa:

for the mortgage, Mr. Tyler • Admit (v); thira nhan
would need a substantial • Suppose (v): cho ring
salary increase. • Convene (v); trieu tap
(A) admit
• Afford (v): co du kha nang chi tra
(B) suppose
(C) convene Tam dich: De DU KHA NANG thanh toan hang thang cho
(D) afford khoan the chap, ong Tyler se can tang lipcmg dang ke.
Dap an: D.
23.Environmentalists were Dich nqhTa:
pleased with the community's • Indifference (n): si/ thd cr
in increasing recycling in • Cooperation (nj: si/ hap tac
the area. • Allocation (n): si/ phan bo
(A) indifference
• Separation (n): si/ ngan each
(B) cooperation
(C) allocation Tam dich: Cac nha mdi trirdng hai long vOm SU" HOP TAC
(D) separation tu phia cgng dong trong viec gia tang tai che trong khu
Dap an: B.
24.The National Health Giai thich; Can mot tinh to de bo nghfa cho danh tip
Organization reported on the "case" (danh tip cung co the bo nghTa cho danh ti/, nhipng
— cases of the disease. trong trirdng hgp nay chon danh td bo nghTa cho danh tip
(A) confirmation phia sau se khong hgp nghTa).
(B) confirms
Trong word forms cua "confirm" khong co tinh tu1 goc nen
(C) confirm
chung ta xet ddn phan tip, vl phan tip co the dong vai tro
(D) confirmed
nhi/ mot tinh tip.
Cach dunq phan tir:
• Phan ti> CHI CAM XUC, TINH CHAT nhu-
interesting(ed), exciting(ed), disappointing(ed),
confusing(ed), exhausting(ed). . khi mieu ta cho
VAT THl LUON DUNG V-ING, khi mieu ta cho ngu-di
thi dung V3-ed neu cam xuc co dipgc do tac dong
ben ngoai hoac mieu ta cam xuc cua doi tipgng do
(that man looks excited => Anh ay trong co ve hao
hire => anh ay cam thay hao hire), dung V-ing thi
dem lai cam xuc cho doi tipgng khac (trirdng hgp nay
rat it dipgc slp dung. Vi du: that man is very
interesting => anh ay dem lai cam giac thu vj cho
ngipdi khac).
• Phan tip CHI HANH DONG thi xem XET CHU DONG
"Confirm" la mot dong ti/ chi hanh dong. 0" day chung ta
hieu nhipng tripdng hgp bj benh dipgc xac nhan nen dap
an D la dap an phu hgp
Tam dich: To chipc Y te Quoc qia da bao cao ve cac
tn/dng hgp benh da dipgc xac nhan.
25.Due to a in his political Dich nqhTa:
position, the senator no longer • Shift (n): sg thay doi
supported the proposed law on • Compliment (n); Idi khen
immigration • Shortage (n): sg thieu hut
(A) shift

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(B) compliment • Description (nj; sir mo ta

(C) shortage
Tam dich: Do SU5 THAY DOl vi tri chinh tn cua mlnh,
(D) description
thirgng nghj sT da khong con ung ho luat nhap clp dirge
de xuat nCra.
Dap an: A.
26. buildings in a Dich nqhTa:
neighborhood can lead to a net • Fertile (adj): mau ma, phi nhieu
loss of property values for • Mandatory (adj): b§t buoc
nearby homeowners. • Vacant (adj): con trong
(A) Fertile
• Compliant (adj): de dai, hay chieu y ngirai khac
(B) Mandatory
(C) Vacant Tam dich: Cac toa nha B6 TRONG tronq mot khu pho co
(D) Compliant the dan den viec mat gia trj tai san cho chu nha gan do.
Dap an: C.
27 Rather than decorating each Giai thich: Can mot tranq tir de bo nqhia cho donq tir
conference room , the "decorate".
owner of Norris Hall bought
Dap an; C.
furnishings in bulk and gave
the spaces the same Tam dich; Thav vi tranq tri moi phonq hop khac nhau, chu
appearance. sa hCru cua Norris Hall da mua d6 npi that vai so lirgng
(A) differing Ian va bay tri cac khong gian giong nhau.
(B) difference
(C) differently
(Dt differs
28.The director attributed the Dich nghTa:
success of the film — to the • Punctually (adv). dung gia
experience and talent of the • Attentively (adv): cham chii, co sir chu tam
actor in the lead role. • Primarily (adv): chu yeu
(A) punctually
• Importantly (adv): quan trong
(B) attentively
(C) primarily Tam dich; Dao diSn cho ranq thanh conq cua bo phim
(D) importantly CHU YEU la nha kinh nghiem va tai nang cua nam dien
vien trong vai chmh.
Dap an: C.
Cau true liru v: "attribute A to B" (cho rSnq A la do B,
cho rang A la nha vao B).
29.The company's new software Dich nqhTa:
for online banking is with • Tangible (adj): hCru hinh
most smartphone models. • Extensive (adj): nhieu, rong, Ian
(A) tangible • Mechanical (adj): ca khi, dirge van hanh bdng may
(B) extensive
• Compatible (adj): tirang thich
(C) mechanical
(D) compatible Tam dich: Phan mem mai cua conq tv danh cho nqan
hang trgc tuyen TUONG THICH vai hau het cac mau dien
thoai thong minh.
Dap an: D.
30.Employees are allowed to use Dich nqhTa:
vacation time whenever they • Except for (prep): ngoai trir
want it does not disrupt • As well as (prep): cung nhir
their assignments. • Depending on (prep): phu thuoc vao, tuy vao
(A) except for
• So long as (conj): mien la, dieu kien la
(B) as well as

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(C) depending on Tarn dich: Nhan vien dipgc phep slp dung thai gian nghi
(D) so long as bat ci> khi nao hp muon CHI CAN dieu do khong lam gian
doan nhiem vu ma hp dLpgc giao.
Dap an: D.

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Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.

From: Vice President Donna Johnson

To: Helio Tech Employees
Date: July 5th
Subject: Lobby Renovation

Receiving the federal grant money last month —131— us to invest in upgrading a few areas
of our building. —132— We will be remodeling the lobby starting July 12th. It should take
approximately two weeks. —133— that time, if you have a meeting with anyone from outside
of the company, please schedule to have it at the Rose Street Cafe on the corner. We have
set up a special account that anyone from the company can use over those two weeks.
Please, just sign and date your check and return it to your server. We are —134— that this
is a bit of an inconvenience, and we thank you for your cooperation.

131. (A) did allow 133. (A) Upon

(B) has allowed (B) During
(C) allows (C) Around
tD) are allowing (D) Until

132. (A) Construction will begin when the 134. (A) aware
building permits are received. (B) disciplined
(B) This celebration will last for most (C) reluctant
of the month of July. (D) content
(C) Considering the cost, the
renovation might be postponed.
(D) The first area that will benefit from
this is the lobby.

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Cau hoi 131-134 lien quan den thong bao sau.

From: Vice President Donna Johnson

To: Helio Tech Employees
Date: July 5th
Subject: Lobby Renovation

Viec nhan tien trg cap lien bang vao thang trirac (131) DA CHO PHEP chung toi dau tip
nang cap mot so khu vlpc trong toa nha cua chung toi. (132) KHU VITC DAU TIEN NHAN
Dirge sy ITU DAI TO' KHOAn TRg CAP NAY LA TIEN SANH. Chung toi se tu sira lai
sanh bit dau tCr ngay 12 thang 7. Viec nay se mat khoang hai tuan. (133) TRONG thai gian
do, neu ban co buoi gap ga vai bat ky ai tip ben ngoai cong ty, vui long sip xep buoi gap
ga tai quan ca phe Rose Street a goc pho. Chung toi da thiet lap mot tai khoan dac biet ma
bat ky ai trong cong ty cung co the sir dung trong hai tuan do. Chi can ky va ghi ngay cho
phieu thanh toan va gai lai cho ngirai phuc vu cua ban. Chung toi (134) DIET ring viec nay
co chut bit tien va chung toi cam an sa hap tac cua ban.

131. Chia dong tu1 theo chu tCr "receiving 133. Djch nghTa;
the federal grant money last month". • Upon (prep); khi
Nhieu ban nham Ian, khi nhln thay • During (prep): trong suot
"last month" thi nghT ngay den qua • Around (prep): xung quanh
khir va chon dap an dirge chia qua • Until (prep): cho den khi
khir dan (did allow - dung "did" de
nhln manh cho mot hanh dong a qua Dap an: B.
khir). Tuy nhien, sir viec dien ra aqua
khu la viec nhan tien trg cap (do do,
neu dong tu can chia la "receive" thi 134. Djch nghTa:
chung ta mai chia qua khu dan). O" • Aware (adj): biet, nhan thuc dugc
day, dong tu dugc chia la "allow" (cho • Disciplined (adj): co ky luat
phep). NghTa la hanh dong nhan tien • Reluctant (adj): do du, khong san
a qua khu dan den viec cho phep long, miln cuang
chung ta co the tu sua mot so khu vuc • Content (adj); hai long, hanh phuc
toa nha, va bay gia viec tu sua mai
dien ra. Dap an; A.

Vai su viec dien ra a qua khu, din

den ket qua a hien tai, chung ta dung
thi hien tai hoan thanh.
Dap an. B.

132. Djch nghTa:

(A) Viec xay dung se bit dau khi nhan
dugc gily phep xay dung.
(B) Le ky niem nay se keo dai trong
gan het thang bay.
(C) Xet den chi phi, viec tu sua co the
bj hoan lai.
(D) Khu vuc dau tien nhan dugc su uu
dai tu khoan trg cap nay la tien
Dap an: D.

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Questions 135-138 refer to the following notice.

Part-time Cook Needed

Paradise Cafe is looking —135— a part-time line cook. Applicants must be able to work in
a fast-paced environment and be familiar with all standard breakfast fare. —136— This
weekend schedule could change in the future. Ideally we are looking for an applicant that
has —137— one year of experience working as a short-order cook. Paradise Cafe is
located right next to the post office in downtown Millstown. Please apply in person with a
resume and be prepared to cook an egg dish to order. We —138— forward to welcoming
you to our team!

135. (A) hiring 137. (A) at most

(B) hire (B) below
(C) to hire (C) at least
(D) to hiring (D) the least

136. (A) Applicants should know how to 138. (A) look

make scrambled eggs. (B) looking
(B) People applying should know how (C) looked
to wash dishes. (D) looks
(C) Anyone applying should be able
to work nights.
(D) Currently, we can only offer
weekday shifts but the applicant
must be willing to work weekends
if required.

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Cau hoi 135-138 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Tuyen dau bep lam viec part-time

Paradise Cafe dang (135) MUON thue mot dau bep part-time. Lfng vien phai co kha nang
lam viec trong moi trirdng co nhjp do nhanh va quen thuoc vai gia ca cac bda sang dat
DU'OC YEU CAU. Ljch cuoi tuan co the thay doi trong tirang lai. Theo mong muon, chung
toi dang tlm kiem mot dng vien co (137) IT NHAT mot nam kinh nghiem dau bep xu cac
dan hang nhanh. Paradise Cafe ndm ngay canh bau dien a trung tarn thanh ph6 Millstown.
Vui long nop dan tare tiep cung vai sa yeu ly lich va chuan hi nau mot mdn trung theo
yeu cau. Chung toi (138) MONG dirge chao don ban den vai dpi ngu cua chung toil

135. Ap dung cau true "be looking TO DO 137. Djch nghTa;

sth" (mong muon, co ke hoach lam gj • At most (adv); toi da, nhieu nhat
do). • Below (prep): ben dirai
Dap an: C. • At least (adv): it nhat
• The least + Noun (adj): it nhat

Dap an: C.
136. Djch nghTa:
(A) Lfng vien can phai biet each lam
torng chien.
138. Chia dpng tir theo chu tir "we". Dang
(B) Ngirdi dung can phai biet each rira
trinh bay mong muon a hien tai nen
chung ta dung thi hien tai dan.
(C) Bat cir ai nop dan se co the lam viec
dem Dap an. A.
(D) Hien tai, chung toi chi co the cung
cap ca lam viec trong tuan nhirng
dng vien phai sdn sang lam viec vao
cuoi tuan neu dirge yeu cau.
Dap an: D.

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following advertisement.

City Realty

City Realty is Washington's number one real estate company, serving the state for over
50 years. We —139— recognized as the state's leading experts in the industry and many
of our agents have been awarded for their excellence in service by Forbes Property
Magazine. Our agents are —140— to bringing their best knowledge and expertise to the
table, and they have extensive know-how about the housing market dos and don'ts. Our
agents specialize in different areas of the industry including corporate real estate,
residential real estate, and rental properties. —141 —

Our headquarters is located in the central downtown area where you can meet with one
of our agents —142— a free consultation. You can also visit our website for property listings and further information

139. (A) been 141. (A) You can be confident that they
(B) had been serve your specific needs.
(C) are being (B) You can rent hundreds of
(D) have been properties from our listings.
(C) The agents in corporate real
estate make the most earnings.
140. (A) attached (D) The residential agents are very
(B) faithful busy with the rising housing
(C) committed market.
(D) loyal

142. (A) with

(C) to
(D) from

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Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den quang cao sau.

City Realty

City Realty la cong ty bat dong san so mot cua Washington, phuc vu tieu bang trong horn
50 nam. Chung toi (139) DUQC CONG NHAN la nhCmg chuyen gia hang dau cua bang
trong ITnh vu'C nay va nhieu dai ly cua chung toi da dipac trao thipcmg vl sy xuat sdc ve sy
phuc vu bai Tap chi Forbes. Cac dai ly cua chung toi (140) CAM KET dem den kien thirc
va chuyen mdn tot nhat, va ho co am hieu sau rgng ve nhdng gl nen va khong nen lam
doi vai thj trirdng nha a. Cac dai ly cua chung toi chuyen ve cac ITnh vyc khac nhau trong
nganh bao gom bat dong san doanh nghiep, bat dong san nha a va tai san cho thue. (141)

Tru sd chinh cua chung toi ndm a khu vyc trung tarn thanh pho, nai ban co the gap mot
trong nhdng dai ly cua chung toi (142) D£ CO buoi ty van mien phi. Ban cung co the truy
cap trang web cua chung toi de xem danh sach tai san va biet them
thong tin.

139. Chia dong tir "regconize" theo chu 141. Djch nghTa:
ti> "we". Dong td nay can dyyc chia (A) Ban co the an tarn ring hg co the
d the bj dong de phu hap ve y nghTa. phuc vu cac nhu cau cu the cua ban.
Sy viec nay da dien ra ty qua khu (B) Ban cd the thue hang tram tai san tip
danh sach cua chung toi.
va keo dai den hien tai nen chung ta
(C) Cac dai ly bat dong san doanh
dung thi hien tai hoan thanh.
nghiep kiem dyac thu nhap nhieu
Dap an. D. nhat.
(D) Cac dai ly dan cu1 rat ban rgn vdi thi
trirang nha dlt dang len.

140. Djch nghTa: Dap an: A.

• Attach (v): dmh kern
• Faithful (adj): chung thuy, trung
thanh 142. Djch nghTa:
• Commit (v); cam ket • With (prep)' vdi
• Loyal (adj): trung thanh • For (prep); danh cho, de cd, doi vdi
• To (prep), den
Dap an; C. • From (prep): ta

Dap an; B

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Questions 143-146 refer to the following posting on a website.

Employee Message Board

Holiday Office Party's Success and Appreciation
Posted by Julie Norton

I want to thank everyone who —143— make this party a success. —144— We had some
ups and downs as we started preparing for this but the final result has been extraordinary
In fact, the —145— consensus seems to be that this year's party was the best yet. We
had the highest turnout ever and many seem to agree that this year's activities contributed
to the party's success. It was a joy to see everyone get along so well and participate in all
the events. We even —146— our children's charity fundraising goals by over $1000. Once
again, I would like to thank everyone.

143. (A) helps 145. (A) regular

(B) helped (B) familiar
(C) helping (C) different
(D) had help (D) general

144. (A) I really enjoyed all the food and 146. (A) overstepped
chatting with everyone. (B) surrendered
(B) I worked really hard to plan this (C)exceeded
event. (D) overwhelmed
(C) Special thanks to Keith, Grant,
Vanessa, and Melissa, who spent
many hours outside of work to
help plan everything.
(D) I'm glad to see that everyone
made it to work today.

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Cau 143-146 lien quan den bai dang tren website.

Employee Message Board

Holiday Office Party's Success and Appreciation
Posted by Julie Norton

Toi muon cam an tat ca nhang ngirai (143) DA GIUP thyc hien thanh cong bira tiec nay.
Chung ta da co mot so thuan Igi kern theo kho khan khi bat dau chuan bj cho bira tiec nay
nhimg ket qua cuoi cung that tuyet vai. Tren thgc te, y kien (145) CHUNG co ve nha la
baa tiec nam nay la baa tiec tot nhat ta traac den nay. Chung ta dat dagc doanh thu cao
nhat va nhieu ngaai daang nha dong y ring cac hoat dong nam nay da gop phan cho sg
thanh cong cua baa tiec. That vui khi thay moi ngaai hoa dong va tham gia vao tat ca cac
sg kien. Chung ta tham chi con (146) VITOT muc tieu gay quy ta thien cho tre em den
han 1000 do la. Mot Ian naa, toi xin cam an tat ca mgi ngaai.

143. Chia dong ta theo chu ta "who" 145. Djch nghTa;

("who" a day thay cho "everyone"). • Regular (adj): thaang xuyen, thong
Dong ta nay didn ta mot sg viec da thaang
dien ra va ket thuc a qua khg nen • Familiar (adj); hieu rd, quen vai
chung ta dung thi qua kha dan. • Different (adj): khac biet
Dap an: B. • General (adj): chung, pho bidn

Dap an. D.
144. Djch nghTa:
(A) Toi thgc sg thich tat ca cac mon an
146. Djch nghTa:
va trd chuyen vai moi nggai.
• Overstep (v): baac qua
(B) Toi da lam viec rat cham chi de len
• Surrender (v): dau hang, chju thua
ke hoach cho sg kien nay.
• Exceeded (v): vagt qua, vagt mac
(C) Cam an dac biet den Keith, Grant,
Vanessa va Melissa, ngaai da danh • Overwhelm (v): tran ngap, qua
nhieu thai gian ngoai gia lam viec nhieu tha phai lam
de giup chuan bj moi tha. Dap an; C.
(D) Toi rat vui khi thay moi ngaai den
lam viec ngay horn nay.
Dap an: C.

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01.Our spokesperson will explain Giai thfch; Can mot tmh tir de bo nghTa cho danh tir
an opportunity for property "opportunity" (danh tir cung co the bo nghTa cho danh tir,
investors. nhirng trong trirang hgp nay chon danh tu1 bo nghTa cho
(A) excitedly danh tir phia sau se khong hgp nghTa).
(B) excitement
Dap an C (qua khir phan tCr) va dap an an D (hien tai phan
(C) excited
tg) cO the dong vai tro nhip mot tinh tg.
(D) exciting
Cach dung phan tCn:
• Phan tg CHI CAM XUC, TINH CHAT nhu-
interesting(ed), exciting(ed), disappointing(ed),
confusing(ed), exhausting(ed)... khi mieu ta cho
VAT THi LUON DUNG V-ING, khi mieu ta cho ngirai
thl dung V3-ed neu cam xuc co dirge do tac dong ben
ngoai hoac mieu ta cam xuc cua doi tirgng do (that
man looks excited => Anh §y trong co ve hao hgc =>
anh ay cam thay hao hgc), dung V-ing thi dem \a\ cam
xuc cho doi tggng khac (trgang hgp nay rat it dggc
so dung. Vi du: that man is very interesting => anh ay
dem lai cam giac thu vi cho ngggi khac).

• Phan tir CHI HANH DONG thl xem XET CHU DONG
■=> Exicing(ed) la mot phan tir chi cam xuc, tmh chat;
opportunity la mot danh tg chi sg vat, sg viec.
Dap an; D.
Tam dich: Nqggi phat nqon cua chunq toi se trlnh bay
mot ca hoi thu vi cho cac nha dau tg bat dong san.
02.Some of the leather used in this Giai thich. Chia donq tg "import" theo chu tg "some of the
handbag must from Italy. leather" ("Used in this handbag" la hinh thgc rut gpn cua
(A) will import MDQH. MDQH nay bo nghTa cho danh tg dgng trggc).
(B) be imported Dong tg g vj tri nay can dggc chia g the bj dong de phu
(C) to import hgp y nghTa.
(D) have imported
Dap an: B.
Tam dich: Mot so da dggc sg dung trong tui xach nay
chdc la dggc nhap khau tg Y.
Cau true Igu v: "Must Vo" thonq thggnq dggc dung de
chi quy djnh, vgi nghTa la can phai. Nhgng cau true nay
con dggc dung de didn ta sg suy doan g hien tai (chic la,
han la).
Vi du:
• He has an apartment in New York City. He must be
• He must be living/must live nearly.

03.Rockwell Bank's automated Dich nqhTa:

teller macnines are — located • Abruptly (advj: dot ngot, bat ngg
in various sections of the city. • Conveniently (adv): thuan thien
(A) abruptly • Fluently (adv): troi chay
(B) conveniently
• Periodically (adv): theo djnh ki
(C) fluently
fDI periodically

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Tam dich: Cac mav ATM cua Rockwell Bank duac dat
THUAN TIEN a cac khu vyc khac nhau trong thanh ph6.
Dap an: B.
04.As soon as both sides reach Giai thfch: Can mot tinh tup de bo nghTa danh tir "term".
terms, the licensing Cum danh tCr" terms" ddng vai tro tan ngCr cua dpng tir
contract will be signed. "reach" (danh tCr cung co the bo nghTa cho danh tCr, nhimg
(A) agreeable trong tru'O'ng hgp nay chon danh tir bo nghTa cho danh tu1
(B) agree phia sau se khong hgp nghTa).
(C) agreement
Dap an: A.
(D) agreed
Tam dich: Ngav khi ca hai ben dat dLrcrc cac dieu khoan
thong nhat, hgp dong cap phep se drrgc ky ket.
05.Anyone who cannot one of Dich nghTa:
the safety training workshops • Impress (v): gay an tirgng
before September 1 should • Employ (v): thue
inform a manager. • Attend (v). tham gia, tham dg
(A) impress
• Reply TO (v): tra loi, phan h6i
(B) employ
(C) attend Tam dich: Bat clp ai khong the THAM DU5 mot trong cac
(D) reply hoi thao huan luyen an toan trirac ngay 1 thang 9 can phai
thong bao cho quan ly.
Dap an: C.
06. for using the hotel's spa Giai thich: Can mot danh tip dong vai tro chu tip trong cau.
and dining services have Chu y dpng tCp phia sau dang dirge chia thanh "have
appeared on the final invoice. appeared". Vai trg dpng tip "have", chung ta can sip dung
(A) Charge mot danh tCp dem dipgc so nhieu lam chu tCp.
(B) Charges
Dap an; B.
(C) Charging
(D) Charged Tam dich: Phi slp dung dich vu spa va an uong cua khach
san da xuat hien tren hoa dan cuoi cung.
07.Members of the security team Dich nghTa:
have been instructed to report • Any (adv); bat clp
— unattended bag to the • Much + Danh tu1 khong dem dipgc (adj)
local police department. • Most (adj): hau het
(A) any
• All + Danh tip dem dipgc so nhieu (adj); tat ca
(B) much
(C) most Tam dich: Cac thanh vien cua doi an ninh da dirac haang
(D) all dan bao cao BAT KY tui xach nao khong co ngipai trong
coi cho sa canh sat dja phurang.
Dap an; A.
08.The head chef has the Giai thich; Ap dung cau true "have sb DO sth" (bao ai do
restaurant manager — the hoac sip xep ai do lam gi do cho ban).
order for the ingredients every
Dap an: D.
(A) authoritative Tam dich; Bep trurang bao guan ly nha hang cho phep
(B) authority dat cho cac nguyen lieu moi toi.
(C) authorities
(D) authorize
09.The automotive company Giai thich: Can mot trang tu de bo nghTa cho danh tu
pursued technologies that "pursue".
would improve the efficiency of
Meo; De thi co dang: "S + -— + V" => Cho trong chon Adv.
its engines.
(A) aggressive Dap an: C.
(B) aggressiveness

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(C) aggressively Tam dich: Conq tv 6 to tich clpc theo duoi cac conq nqhe,
(D) aggression (nhumg cong nghe ma) se cai thien hieu qua cua dong ca.
10.On the first day of the painting Dich nqhTa:
course, students should • Registration (n). s\i dang ki
provide the teacher with proof • Proposal (n): de xuat
of —. • Accumulation (n). su" tich luy
(A) registration
• Copyright (n): ban quyen
(B) proposal
(C) accumulation Tam dich: Vao ngay dau tien cua khoa hoc ve, hoc vien
(D) copyright can cung cap cho giao vien phieu DANG KI khoa hoc.
Dap an: A.
11.The furniture in this Giai thich: Vi tn nay can mot cum danh tip "our funiture"
apartment is not but de phu hgp ve y nghla (do noi that trong can ho nay khdng
belongs to the landlord and phai do npi that cua chung tdi). Tuy nhien, danh tir
must be returned at the end "funiture" da dirac sd dung d phia trirac. Vai cdu true "tinh
of the lease. td sd hdu + danh td da dirge sd dung d phia trirdc",
(A) ours chung ta cd the thay the cum nay bdng dai td sd hdu.
(B) we
Dap an: A (ours = our funiture).
(C) our
(D) US Tam dich: Do noi that tronq can ho nav khdnq phai do cua
chung tdi ma thugc vd chu nha va phai dirge tra lai khi ket
thuc hgp dong thue.
12.The driver Mr. Dwight is Dich nqhTa:
expected to arrive at the • Until (prep), cho den khi
conference venue 20 minutes • In (prep): d trong
prior to the ending time. • For (prep): danh cho, ddi vdi
(A) until
• Among (prep): d gida, trong so
(B) in
(C) for Tam dich: Nqirdi lai xe cho Mr. Dwiqht dir kien se den
(D) among dja diem hoi nghi 20 phut trirdc thai gian ket thuc.
Dap an: C.
13.Three of the new chemists, Giai thich: Can mot tranq tir de bo nqhia cho ddnq tir
who developed the "develop".
material, will be recognized by
Dap an; C.
the CEO at Saturday's
ceremony. Tam dich: Ba trong so cac nha hoa hoc mdi, nhdng ngirdi
(A) collaborating cung phat then vat lieu nay, se dirge Giam doc didu hanh
(B) collaborate khen thirdng tai buoi le vao thd bay.
(C) collaboratively
(D) collaborative
14.The goal of the program is to Dich nqhTa:
make health services readily • Purpose (n): muc dich
available to those in both rural • Setting (n): nai chon, khu vgc, boi canh
and urban . • Monument (n): tirgng dai
(A) purposes
• Standard (n): tieu chuan
(B) settings
(C) monuments Tam dich; Muc tieu cua chiranq trinh la lam cho cac dich
(D) standards vu y te ludn sin sang cho nhdng ngirdi d ca KHU VLfC
nong thon va thanh thj.
Dap an; B.
15.Please send a check in the Dich nqhTa:
amount of £550 the • Despite (prep), mac du
• While (conj). trong khi

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document that needs to be • With (prep), vai, cung vai

checked by our agency. • Through (prep); thong qua
(A) despite
(B) while Tam dich: Vui long gm sec vai so tien £550 CUNG VOI
(C) with tai lieu can dirge kiem tra bai ca quan cua chung toi.
(D) through Dap an; C.
16.Using a fingerprint system is Giai thich; Chia donq tir theo chu tir "using a fingerprint
generally as the primary system". Dong tir "accpet" can dirge chia a the bj dgng de
means of security at phu hgp ve y nghTa.
laboratories in this country.
Dap an: D.
(A) to accept
(B) accept Tam dich: Sir dung he thong van tav thirdng dircrc chap
(C) accepting nhan la phircrng tien bao mat chinh tai cac phong thi
(D) accepted nghiem a qudc gia nay.
1/.Living further from the city Dich nghla:
center will your rental • Shorten (v) rut ngan lai
costs, but it affects your • Misplace (v): dat cho nham
commute. • Lower (v): lam giam
(A) shorten
• Collapse (v): sup do
(B) misplace
(C) lower Tam dich: Song xa trung tam thanh phd se GIAM chi phi
(D) collapse thue nha cua ban, nhirng no anh hircrng den viec di lai cua
Dap an; C.
iS.FryMate brand cookware can Dich nghTa:
be purchased directly from the • Against (prep) chong lai
company's website or at a • To (prep); den
retailer you. • Along (prep): doc theo
(A) against
• Near (prep): gan
(B) to
(C) along Tam dich: Co the mua dung cu nau an thircrng hieu
(D) near FryMate trgc tiep tir trang web cua cdng ty hoac tai mot
nha ban le GAN ban.
Dap an: D.
19.Weekly of the facility help Giai thich: Cdn mot danh tir dong vai tro chu tir trong cau
to ensure that minor ("of the facility" la cum giai tir bo nghTa cho danh tir nay).
maintenance issues are
Dap an; A.
discovered and resolved early.
(A) investigations Tam dich: Cac cudc kiem tra ca sd hang tuan giup dam
(B) investigated bao rdng cac van de bao trl nhd dirge phat hien va giai
(C) investigative quyet sam.
(D) investigates
20.Patients should call the Dich nghTa:
emergency line immediately if • Sudden (adj): dot ngot, bat ngd
they experience changes • Contemporary (adj): dirang thai
in temperature. • Ideal (adj): ly tirang
(A) sudden
• Reasonable (adj): hgp ly
(B) contemporary
(C) ideal Tam dich: Benh nhan nen goi dirdng day cap ciru ngav
(D) reasonable lap tdc neu ho gap phai sg thay doi nhiet do DOT NGOT.
Dap an: A.
21 .Participants who are taking Dich nghTa:
part in the halfday historical • As for (conj): ve viec

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tour should be at the meeting • Particularly (adv): dac biet

point than 7:45 A.M. • Whenever (conj): bat clp khi nao
(A) as for • No later than (prep); khong tre hem, trirac, tre nhat la
(B) particularly
vao luc
(C) whenever
(D) no later Tam dich; Nhirnq nqtrai tham qia chuven tham quan lich
su" nira ngay can co mat tai diem hen TRU'O'C 7:45 A.M.
Dap an: D.
22.The supervisor allowed Mr Dich nphTa:
Martin to take three additional • Unlimited (adj): khong giai han
vacation days because of his • Noteworthy (adj): dang chu y
— achievement. • Identical (adj): giong nhau, dong nhat
(A) unlimited
• Satisfied (adj): cam thay hai long
(B) noteworthy
(C) identical Tam dich; Nquai qiam sat cho phep onq Martin dirac nqhi
(D) satisfied them ba ngay vi thanh tich DANG CHU Y cua ong.
Dap an: B.
23.Ms. Stevens Giai thich: Can mot tranq tu1 de bo nqhTa cho donq tir
acknowledged that she was "acknowledge".
unable to complete the task in
Meo; De thi cd danq "S + — + V" => Ch6 tronq chon Adv.
the specified time frame.
(A) regretfully Dap an: A.
(B) regret
Tam dich: Ms. Stevens tiec nuoi thCra nhan rdnq co av
(C) regrets
khong the hoan thanh nhiem vu trong khung thai gian quy
(D) regretful
24.The customer's steak was Dich nqhTa:
undercooked, so he requested • Rather (adv). kha kha, hai
that it be sent back to the • Such (adv): kieu vay
kitchen. Such + cum danh ta (adv): qua mac
(A) rather
• Many (adj); nhieu
(B) such
• Rarely (adv): hiem khi
(C) many
(Dj rarely Tam dich; Mon bit tet cua khach hang KHA LA chua
dagc chin, vl vay anh ta yeu cau no dagc gai tra lai nha
Dap an; A.
25.The contact details provided on Dich nqhTa:
this survey are for in-house • Suspend (v): dmh chi, hoan lai
purposes and will not be — to • Respond (v): tra lai, phan hoi
a third party. • Equipp (v): trang bi
(A) suspended
• Release (v): tung ra, dang, phat hanh, tiet lo
(B) responded
(C) equipped Tam dich; Cac thonq tin lien lac daac cunq cap tronq
(D) released khao sat nay danh cho muc dich noi bp va se khong dagc
TIET Lp cho ben tha ba.
Dap an: D.
26.Mr. Brannon can assemble the Giai thich;
shelves for the booth as
Cau hoi de bai da co chu ta (Mr. Brannonj va tan nga
long as he has a set of tools.
(the shelves) nen chung ta khong chon dap an C.
(A) his
(B) himself Dap an A (his) co the la tmh ta sa hau (luon co noun
(C) him theo sau) hoac dai ta sa hau (ham chua mot danh ta
(D) his own da dagc sa dung) va lam chu ta hoac tan nga Nhang

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cau hoi de bai da co chu tir va tan ngCr nen khong chgn
dap an A.
O day chung ta dien ta Mr. Brannon cd the ty mmh Idp
rap cac ke cho gian han nen chung ta co the dung "(by)
himself (cd the lirgc bd "by") hoac "on his own" (bit
buoc giCr lai "on").
Dap an: B.
Tam dich: Mr. Brannon co the tip lip rap cac ke cho gian
hang mien la ong cd mot bo cdng cu.
27.Ms. Stevenson contacted the Giai thich: Can mot dai tir quan he manq tmh chat sa hdu
real estate agent — name thay the cho "the real estate agent" va bo nghTa cho "name
and phone number appeared and phone number".
on the advertisement.
Dap an: C.
(A) what
(B) which Tam djch: Ms. Stevenson da lien lac vai dai ly bat ddng
(C) whose san cd ten va so dien thoai xuat hien tren quang cao.
(D) who
28.The home's sale becomes Giai thich; Can mot tinh tur theo sau ddnq td "become"
when the official document is (do "become" la linking verb).
recorded at the county office.
Dap an: D.
(A) finally
(B) finalize Tam dich: Viec ban nha se duac chot lai khi tai lieu chinh
(C) finals thdc dirge ghi nhan tai van phdng quan.
(Dt final
29.The main activity performed Dich nqhTa:
at the workshop required • Cooperate (v): hgp tac
team members to with • Oversee (v); giam sat
each other. • Shrink (v): co lai
(A) cooperate
• Encounter (v): doi mat
(Bj oversee
(C) shrink Tam dich: Cac hoat ddnq chmh dirac thirc hien tai hoi
(D) encounter thao yeu cau cac thanh vien trong nhom HOP TAC vai
Dap an; A.
30.According to the physician, Ms. Giai thich: Chia ddnq td theo chu tu "Mr. Oliver's pain".
Oliver's pain within two Ddng td "alleviate" can dirge chia a the bj ddng de phu
hours of taking the medication. hgp ve y nghTa.
(A) alleviated
Dap an: B.
(B) will be alleviated
(C) is alleviating Tam dich: Theo bac sT, can dau cua Ms. Oliver se dirac
(D) should alleviate giam bdt trong vdng hai gid" sau khi uong thudc.

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Questions 131-134 refer to the following advertisement.

International Goods Fair

If you want —131— your packaged goods to an international audience, join the 8th annual
International Goods Fair. The fair runs from March 5 to March 7 at the Galaxy Convention
in downtown New York. With over 200 booths —132— by companies form all over the
world, you can make business connections while promoting your own products to
interested customers and businesses. The products should be mainly packaged foods
ranging —133— desserts and snacks to canned meats and dried jerky. —134— Spots are
limited and going fast.

131. (A) promotion 133. (A) to

(B) promoting (B) for
(C) to promote (C) from
(D) have promoted (D) with

132. (A) represented

(B) expressed 134. (A) Ice creams will not be allowed on
(C) delivered the premises.
(D) revealed (B) You can sample items as you
(C) You'll have a chance to promote
your food of choice.
(D) Apply for a booth now before
they're all taken.

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Cau hoi 131-134 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Hoi chg hang hoa quoc te

Neu ban muon (131) QUANG BA hang hoa dong goi cua mlnh den cac doi tugng tren
khdp the gidi, hay tham gia Hoi chg hang hoa quoc te thu'dng nien Ian thip 8. Hoi chg dien
ra tu- ngay 5 thang 3 den ngay 7 thang 3 tai Galaxy Convention d trung tarn thanh pho
New York. Vdi hern 200 gian hang (132) DU'Q'C DAI DIEN bdi cac cdng ty tren khSp the
gidi, ban cd the cd dirge cac moi quan he kinh doanh trong khi quang ba san pham cua
rieng minh den cac khach hang va doanh nghiep tiem nang. Cac san pham chu yeu se la
thgc pham dong goi bao gom (133) TU" mon trang mieng va do an nhe den thjt dong hop
GIAN HANG DEU DU'Q'C DANG KL Cac cho trong thi cd han va se dirge dang ki rat

131. Ap dung cau true "want to do sth" 133. Ap dung cau true "range from A to B"
(muon lam gl do). (xep tir A cho den B).
Dap an: C. Dap an: C.

132. Djch nghTa: 134. Djch nghTa:

• Represent (v): dai dien (A) Kern se khdng dirge phep trong
• Express (v): bay to khuon vien.
• Deliver (v): giao hang (B) Ban cd the dung thd cac mat hang
• Reveal (v): tiet lo trong luc chon Iga.
(C) Ban se cd ca hoi quang ba thgc
Dap an: A. pham ban chpn.
(D) Hay dang ki gian hang ngay bay
gid tnrac khi tat ca cac gian hang
ddu dirge dang ki.
Dap an: D.

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Questions 135-138 refer to the following notice.

From" Vice President Jordan Smith

To: K Group Employees
Subject: Company Renovations
Date: February 26

To all employees,
This weekend the renovations to our second-floor offices —135—. We ask that you take
home all important documents and file away any loose materials on your desks. All electronic
devices should be turned off and unplugged. —136—, all cabinets and drawers should be
The renovations will take approximately 5 days. —137— If you have any meetings scheduled
with clients next week, please schedule to meet them outside the company premises due to
the noise. We apologize for the inconvenience but we ask for your —138—. Thank you.

135. (A) has began 137. (A) If it takes longer, we will notify
(B) will begin you
(C) beginning (B) All business will be suspended
(Dj begun until the renovations end.
(C) During this time, your temporary
workspace will be the first-floor
136. (A) Furthermore conference room.
(B) As a consequence (D) Your office space will look new
(C) Because and improved after the
(D) Therefore renovations.

138. (A) service

(B) association
(C) connection
(D) cooperation

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Cau hoi 135-138 lien quan den thong bao sau.

From: Vice President Jordan Smith

To: K Group Employees
Subject: Company Renovations
Date: February 26

GCri den tat ca nhan vien,

Cuoi tuan nay, viec tu sira cac van phong tren tang hai cua chung ta (135) SE BAT DAU.
Chung toi yeu cau moi ngirai mang ve nha tat ca cac tai lieu quan trong va goi lai nhirng do
dac khong kieng co tren ban lam viec. Tat ca cac thiet bj dien tip can dirge tdt va rut khdi 6
cdm dien. (136) NGOAl RA, tat ca cac tu va ngan keo can dirge khda lai.

Viec tu sira se mat khoang 5 ngay. (137) TRONG THOI GIAN NAY, KHONG GIAN LAM
ky cuoc hop nao dirge len lich vai khach hang vao tuan tai, vui long slip xep gap hp ben
ngoai khudn vien cdng ty de tranh sg on ao. Chung toi xin loi vi sg bat tien nay nhirng chung
toi yeu cau (138) Sy HOP TAG cua moi ngirdi. Cam an.

135. Chia dpng tir theo chu tir "the 137. Djch nghTa:
renovations". Vi sg viec nay se dien (A) Neu mat nhieu thai gian han,
ra vao cuoi tuan nen chung ta chia chung toi se thong bao cho ban.
dpng tir d tirang lai. (B) Tat ca cac boat dpng kinh doanh se
bj dlnh chi cho den khi viec tu sira
Dap an; B.
ket thuc.
(C) Trong thai gian nay, khong gian
lam viec tarn thai cua ban se la
136. Djch nghTa:
phong hpi nghj d tang mot.
• Furthermore (adv): ngoai ra
(D) Khong gian van phong cua ban se
• As a consequence (adv). ket qua la
trong mdi va dirge cai thien sau
• Because (conj): bdi vi khi tu sda.
• Therefore (adv): do do
Dap an. C.
Dap an; A.

138. Djch nghTa;

• Service (n): djch vu
• Association (n): hiep hpi
• Connection (n): sg ket ndi
• Cooperation (n): sg hgp tac

Dap an. D.

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following notice.

Attorney Opening

Johnson, Johnson, and Kindness PLC have an immediate position available for a contract
attorney. The ideal candidate would have at least three years of experience —139— with
complex business transactions. —140— The types of contract work that we —141— at
Johnson, Johnson, and Kindness deal exclusively with business relationships between
private companies and the government. If—142— feel that you would be qualified to join
our team, please e-mail our HR manager at

139. (A) working 141. (A) perform

(B) work (B) achieve
(C) to work (C) allow
(D) worked (D) transform

140. (A) Government experience would 142. (A) you

also be a plus. (B) I
(B) Working with children would help (C) us
your resume. (D) they
(C) Experience with animals is
(D) Working with disabled people is a

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Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Tuyen dung luat su'

Johnson, Johnson and Kindness PLC co mot vj tn can tuyen gap cho mot luat su lam viec
theo hap dong. IJng vien ly tuang se co it nhat ba nam kinh nghiem (139) LAM VIEC vai
cac giao dich kinh doanh phuc tap. (140) KINH NGHIEM LAM VIEC NHA NU'aC SE LA
MOT LOI THE. Cac loai cong viec theo hgp dong ma chung tdi (141) THITC HIEN tai
Johnson, Johnson and Kindness chi co viec xu ly quan he kinh doanh giua cac cong ty tu
nhan va chinh phu. Neu (142) BAN cam thay rang ban se du dieu kien tham gia dpi ngu
cua chung tdi, vui long gui email cho ngucn quan ly nhan su cua chung tdi tai

139. Chia dong tu'work" theo cau true 141. Djch nghla:
"experience (of) doing sth". • Perform (v): thuc hien, thi hanh
Dap an: A. • Achieve (v): dat dugc
• Allow (v): cho phep
• Transform (v). chuyen doi
140. Djch nghTa:
Dap an: A.
(A) Kinh nghiem lam viec nha nude se
la mot Igi the.
(B) Lam viec vdi tre em se co ich cho
142. Can mot dai tu dong vai trd chu tu. Chu
ho sa cua ban.
tu d day chinh la ngudi xem bang
(C) Kinh nghiem vdi dong vat la dieu thong bao nay.
can thiet.
(D) Lam viec vdi ngudi khuyet tat la Dap an: A.
mot phan thudng.
Dap an: A.

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Questions 143-146 refer to the following e-mail.

To: bobsaget@Bob'sJob'

Date: September 20
Subject: Business Proposal

Dear Mr. Saget,

My name is Harrison Goodbody. I am —143— in response to the advertisement you
placed in the Times about a new human resources manager. I have five year's —144—
working in a fast-paced corporate environment. I understand that your firm employs
upwards of 300 employees and many of them are Spanish speaking. —145— I have
attached my resume and would be happy —146— provide excellent references should
you request them. Thank you for your time.
Harrison Goodbody

143. (A) message 145. (A) I am a certified level-5 speaker of

(B) to write Spanish.
(C) writing (B) Spanish people can be hard to
(D) looking work with.
(C) I don't know any Spanish, but I
could study.
144. (A) experience (D) Spanish speakers are good
(B) knowledge workers.
(C) working
(D) knowing
146. (A) in
(C) for
(D) will

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Cau 143-146 lien quan den email sau.

To: bobsaget@Bob'sJob'
Date: September 20
Subject: Business Proposal

Kmh gm Mr. Saget,

Ten toi la Harrison Goodbody. Toi (143) VIET email nay de phan hoi lai quang cao ma ong
da dang tren tap chi Times ve mot vj tri quan ly nhan su1 mai. Toi cd nam nam (144) KINH
NGHIEM lam viec trong moi trirdng doanh nghiep phat trien nhanh. Toi biet rdng cdng ty
cua ong cd ban 300 nhan vien va nhieu ngirdi trong so ho nol tieng Tay Ban Nha. (145)
LEVEL 5. Toi co dinh kern sa yeu ly Nch cua toi va sin long (146) CUNG CAP cac thir
giai thieu vai nhdng danh gia xuat sdc neu ong can. Cam an ong da danh thai gian.

Tran trong,

Harrison Goodbody

143. Dich nghTa: 145. Djch nghTa;

(A) Toi la ngurdi ndi dirge tieng Tay Ban
• Message (v): gai tin nhan
Nha dirge chdng nhan level 5.
• Write (v). viet (B) Kho cd the lam viec cung ngirdi Tay
• Look (v); nhin Ban Nha.
Daa vao nghTa, cO the chqn dap an B (C) Toi khdng biet tieng Tay Ban Nha,
hoac C. Nhimg theo ngQ" canh trong nhirng toi cd the hpc.
bai, ngadi gdi thir dang viet mot email, (D) Ngirdi noi tieng Tay Ban Nha la
do do dap an C la dap an phu hgp. nhdng ngirdi nhan lam viec tot.
Dap an; A.

144. Dich nghTa:

• Experience (n); kinh nghiem 146. Ap dung cdu true "be happy TO do sth".
• Knowledge (n): kien thdc
Dap an: B.
• Working (n); phirang thdc hoat
• Know (v): biet

Dap an. A.

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01.The projector borrowed by Ms. Dich nghia:
Reid is back to the IT • Due (adj): dirac slip xep
department by five o'clock. • Set (v): thiet lap
(A) due • Pay - paid - paid (v): thanh toan
(B) set
• Prompt (adj): dung luc, nhanh chong
(C) paid
(D) prompt Tam dich: May chieu ma Ms. Reid mipcm Dl/CyC SAP
XEP se tra lai bp phan IT tru'ac 5h.
Dap an: A.
02.Now that the annual Dich nghia:
conference is finished, the • Below (prep): ben dirai
planning committee will hold • Less (adv): it horn
meetings often. • Decrease (v): giam
(A) below
• Lower (v); ha thap
(B) less
(C) decreased Tam dich: Do hoi nghi thipdng nien da ket thuc, uv ban ke
(Dj lower hoach se to chirc cac cupc hop IT THU'O'NG XUYEN
Dap an: B.
03.Before you distribute the report, Giai thich: Can mot dai ti> nhan xirng chu td ddng vai trd
ask Ms. Burns to check that — chd ngd, thay the cho "the report".
has all the necessary
Dap an; D.
(A) them Tam dich: Trirac khi ban gdi bao cao, hav veu cau Ms.
(B) our Burns kiem tra xem no cd tat ca cac thong tin can thiet hay
(C) her khong.
(D) it
04 According to consumers, using Giai thich: Td can dien theo sau "to be" (is) va co "than"
the new website is no than phia sau nen can mot tinh td du'p'c sd dung d dang so
calling the help center directly. sanh hem.
(A) easily
Dap an: D.
(B) easy
(C) easiest Tam dich: Theo ngirdi tieu dung, viec sd dung trang web
(D) easier mdi khong de dang horn so vai viec goi dien thoai trac tiep
cho trung tam.
Luhj v: Thong thirang theo sau "no" se la danh td, vi "no"
dong vai trd nhir mot tmh td. Nhirng trong cac trirdng hop
nhan manh, "no" dupe sd dung nhir mot trang td (giong
nhir "not"), theo sau "no" trong cac trircmg hgp nay se la
tmh td.
05.Anyone who participates Giai thich: Ap dung cau true "participate in sth" (tham
the city's Annual Baking gia vao viec nao do).
Competition will receive a
Dap an: C.
coupon from Fresh
Supermarket. Tam dich: Bat cd ai tham gia Cudc thi lam banh thircmg
(A) to nien cua thanh pho se nhan dirge phieu giam gia td Fresh
(B) beside Supermarket.
(C) in
(D) among
06.City officials are still debating Giai thich. Ap dung cau true "request TO DO sth".
Irving Enterprises' request
Dap an: C.
the outdated building.
(A) demolishes

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(B) have demolished Tam dich: Cac quan churc thanh pho van danq tranh luan
(C) to demolish yeu cau den tCr Irving Enterprises ve viec pha huy toa nha
(D) demolished loi thai.
07.Heron Glassworks student Dich nqhTa:
groups of all ages for weekday • Convey (v): chuyen loi, truyen lai
tours of its warehouse and • Preserve (v): bao ton, giCr gin
production floor. • Enclose (v): dinh kern
(A) conveys
• Welcome (v): chao don
(B) preserves
(C) encloses Tam dich: Heron Glassworks CHAO DON cac nhom sinh
(D) welcomes vien a mpi lira tuoi cho cac tour du Ijch trong tuan den nha
kho va tang san xuat.
Dap an: D.
08.To combat mental illness, the Giai thich: Can mot danh tu qoc trong cum danh ta "a
clinic will take a more more comprehensive ".
comprehensive than it did
Dap an: C.
in the past.
(A) approachably Tam dich: De chong lai benh tam than, phong kham se
(B) approached thac hien mot phaang phap toan dien han so vai traac
(C) approach day.
(D) approachable
09.Brandy can make withdrawals Giai thich. Can mot tmh tu dirac si> dung a dang so sanh
from any Salis Bank branch, nhat de bo nghTa cho dai ta "one" (dai ta "one" dang dirac
but she usually visits the — sir dung thay the cho danh tir "branch").
Dap an: D.
(A) closing
(B) closely Tam dich: Brandy co the rut tien tCr bat ky chi nhanh nao
(C) closure cua Salis Bank, nhang co ay thadng den chi nhanh gdn
(D) closest nhat.
10.As a for making contracts Dich nqhTa:
with a lot of new clients, Mr. • Reward (n); phan thacmg
Skinner was given additional • Progress (n): tien trmh, sy tien then
vacation days. • Solution (n): giai phap
(A) reward
• Routine (n): cdng viec thirdng ngay
(B) progress
(C) solution Tam dich: Nhy mot PHAN THITONG cho viec thirc hien
(D) routine hap dong vai rat nhieu khach hang mai, Mr. Skinner da
dirge nghi them ngay.
Dap an: A.
11.Please be seated according to Giai thich: Can mot tinh tip de bo nghTa cho danh ti>
the — name cards that have "name card".
been placed on each table.
Dap an; D.
(A) personalizes
(B) personalizing Luhj v: "personalized" la tmh tir, co nghTa la dirac thiet ke
(C) personalize rieng cho tirng ddi tagng.
(D) personalized
Trong trirgng hgp dap an khdng co tinh tir goc, chung ta
se xet chon phan tir (V-ing la hien tai phan tir, V3-ed la
qua khir phan tir). Vai cac phan tir chi hanh dong, chung
ta se xet chpn V-ing neu mang nghTa chu dong, chpn V3-
ed neu mang nghTa bj dong.
Tam dich: Vui long ngoi theo the ten tfrng ngirdi dirac dat
tren moi ban.

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12.The memo sent by Mr. Lee Giai thich: Can mot danh tCr lam tan ngQ' cua dong tu*
addressed a few — that were "address". Do dirng sau "a few" nen can mot danh tu1 dem
discovered during the quarterly dipgc so nhieu.
Dap an: C.
(A) issuing
(B) issue Tam dich: Ban ghi nho dirac giri bai Mr. Lee da de cap
(C) issues den mot so van de dirge phat hien trong cuoc kiem tra
(D) issued hang guy.
13.Many voters in this city are Giai thich; Can mot trang tu de bo nqh'ia cho tmh tip
uninterested, and only about "active".
15% of them are — active.
Meo; De thi co dang "To be + + Adi" => Cho trong
(A) politically
chgn Adv.
(B) political
(C) politics Dap an: A.
(D) politician
Tam dich; Nhieu clp tri a thanh pho nav khdng quan tarn,
va chi khoang 15% trong so hp co tham gia hoat dong
chmh tn.
14.This year's award winner, Dich nghTa:
Cheryl Garner, taugnt basic • Between (prep): giira
first-aid skills to students and • Throughout (prep): khlp, suot, nguyen ca
adults — the region. • During (prep): trong suot (khoang thoi gian)
(A) between
• Toward (prep): hirang den
(B) throughout
(C) during Tam dich: Chervl Garner, ngirai chien thing giai thipcmci
(D) toward nam nay, da day cac ky nang sa clpu ca ban cho hoc sinh
va ngirai lan TRONG CA khu vgc.
Dap an: B.
15. , the cabin will be rented Dich nghTa:
out for the entire month, but the • Reluctantly (adv). do dir, mien cirang, khong sin
owner would agree to four long
weekly rentals instead. • Absolutely (adv); hoan toan
(A) Reluctantly
• Ideally (adv); theo nhir mong muon
(B) Absolutely
• Mutually (adv): chung, Ian nhau
(C) Ideally
(D) Mutually Tam dich: THEO NHIT MONG MUON, cabin se dirac cho
thue ca thang, nhirng ngirai chu chi dong y cho thue 4
Dap an; C.
16.The non-profit organization Giai thich; Can chia dong tir "detail" theo danh tir "several
released to the press several documents". Tuy nhien, cau hoi de bai da co dong tir chinh
documents the largest la "release" nen dong tir "detail" can dirge MDQH.
donors and how much they
Khi chira rut gon MDQH: The non-profit organization
released to the press several documents WHICH
(A) detailed
DETAILED the largest donors and how much they
(B) detail
(C) details
(D) detailing Khi rut gon MDQH: The non-profit organization released
to the press several documents DETAILING the largest
donors and how much they contributed.
Dap an; D.
Tam dich: To chirc phi lai nhuan da giri cho bao chi mot
so tai lieu trmh bay chi tiet ve nhCrng nha tai trg Ian nhat
va so tien ho da dong gop.

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17.No passengers are allowed Dich nqhTa:

on board — the aircraft's • That (pronoun, conj). ring/ ma
door has been closed. • Despite (prep): mac du
(A) that • Once (conj): khi, mot khi
(B) despite
• Rather (adv): kha kha, hai hai
(C) once
(D) rather Tam dich: Khonq cd hanh khach nao duac phep len mav
bay KHI cCra may bay da dLpgc dong.
Dap an: C.
18.A government will visit the Giai thich; Can mot danh tip qoc tronq cum danh tip "a
site to talk with protesters government ". Do bat dau cum danh tip la mao tip "a"
directly and seek a resolution. nen danh tip goc phai la danh tip dem dipgc so it.
(A) representative
Dap an: A.
(B) representation
(C) represent Tam dich: Mot nqipai dai dien cua chmh phu se qhe qua
(D) represented nol do dd noi chuyen true tiep vai nguai bieu tmh va tim
each giai quyet.
19.An extensive conducted by Dich nqhTa:
Ivanex Communications • Inventory (nj; hang hoa co trong cua hang
revealed that Internet speed • Strategy (n); chien luge
was one of the most important • Coverage (n): ban tin
factors to customers.
• Survey (n): cuoc khao sat
(A) inventory
(B) strategy Tam dich: Mot CUOC KHAO SAT ronq rai duac thuc
(C) coverage hien bai Ivanex Communications cho thay toe do Internet
(Dj survey la mot trong nhung yeu to quan trong nhat doi vai khach
Dap an: D.
20.Mr. Denson wanted to Dich nqhia:
purchase a special edition
• None (pronoun); khdng co cai nao/nguai nao trong
gold-plated watch from Utica
mot nhom cu the dugc d§ cap.
Watches, but there were —
left Vi du: "I'd like some more cheese." "I'm sorry there's
(A) none none left" (dung "none" vai y nghTa khong con ti
(B) nothing cheese nao ca).
(C) something
(D) some • Nothing (pronoun): khong co gi ca => Chi chung
chung, khong nlm trong mot nhom doi tuang cu the.
Vi du: There was nothing in her bag (khong co mot
nhom doi tugng cu the nao ca, nen chung ta dung

• Something (pronoun); mot thip nao do

• Some (pronoun): mot so

Tam dich; Mr. Denson muon mua mot chiec donq ho ma
vang phien ban dac biet tu hang Utica Watch, nhung
Q day, chung ta hieu ring, hang Utica Watched khdng con
cai nao trong nhung cai dong hd ma vang => Dien ta
khdng cd cai nao trong mot nhom cu the.
Dap an: A.

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21.Ms. May reminded us that the Dich nqhTa:

agreement was only • Perishable (adj): de bj hip
because it had not been • Imperative (adj): cap bach
approved yet. • Accustomed (adj): quen ro
(A) perishable
• Tentative (adj): chira chi'nh thirc, dy kien, tarn thai
(B) imperative
(C) accustomed Tarn dich; Ms. May nhlic nha chung toi ring hap dong
(D) tentative nay chi la Dy KIEN vl no chira daac phe duyet.
Dap an: D.
22. Following the restoration Giai thich: Nhieu ban nhln thav "look" se chon Adi theo
project, the lobby of the sau vl "look" la mot linking verb. Nhung phia sau cho trong
historical Kirkwood Hotel da co giai ta "like" (giai ta "like" co nghTa la giong nha).
looked like its original Giai ta nay tao nen cum giai ta "like its original state". Cum
state. giai ta nay dong vai trd nha mot tmh ta theo sau dgng ta
(A) remarkably "look". Do do, cho trong nay can mot Adv de bo nghTa cho
(B) remarking cum giai ta theo sau (taang ta nha Adv bo nghTa cho Adj).
(C) remark
Dap an; A.
(D) remarked
Tam dich; Sau da an tu sura, hanh lang cua khach san
Ijch sa Kirkwood trong giong mot each dang ke vai trang
thai ban dau cua no.
23. — the right environmental Dich nghTa:
conditions, this tree will yield • With (prep), vai
fresh fruit for most of the year. • About (prep), ve
(A) With • On (prep), tren
(B) About
• As (prep), nha la, vai ta each la
(C) On
(D) As Tam dich: Vai dieu kien moi traang phu hap, cay nay se
cho trai taai gan nha suot nam.
Dap an: A.
24.One of the interns that the Dich nghTa:
logo on the second page of the • Look after (v). cham soc
sales report was upside down. • Account for (v): chiem (ti le bao nhieu)/ giai thich
(A) looked after • Point out (v): chi ra, cho thay
(B) accounted for
• Come across (v): tinh ca gap
(C) pointed out
(D) came across Tam dich; Mot trong nhanq thac tap sinh da CHl RA rlnq
logo tren trang tha hai cua bao cao ban hang bi ngagc.
Dap an: C.
25. the parking lot is closed, Dich nghTa:
both employees and customers • As if (conj): nha the, daang nha
will have to make use of street • Until (conj): cho den khi
parking. • So that (conj); de, de ma
(A) As if
• While (conj): trong luc, trong khi
(B) Until
(C) So that Tam dich; TRONG KHI bai dau xe dong caa, ca nhan
(D) While vien va khach hang se phai sir dung bai dau xe tren
Dap an: D.
26. If the new athletic shoes do well Dich nghTa:
in the smaller test markets, • Convince (v). thuyet phuc
their nationwide launch could • Accelerate (v). thuc day, xuc tien
be —. • Direct (v): haang din

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(A) convinced • Circulate (v): luu hanh

(B) accelerated
Tam dich: Neu qiay the thao mai ban chav a cac thi
(C) directed
tarang thu' nghiem nho horn, viec ra m§t tren toan quoc
(D) circulated
cua chung se dirge xuc tien.
Dap an: B.
27.The city hosted a display of — Giai thich: Can mot tinh tir de bo nqhTa cho danh tir
fireworks to celebrate the 100th "firework".
anniversary of its founding.
Dap an: A.
(A) impressive
(B) impress Tam dich: Thanh pho da to chirc mot man bin phao hoa
(C) impression an tirgng de ky niem 100 nam thanh lap.
(Dt impressively
28.After investing heavily in Giai thich: Vcri cac donq tir chi sir tanq qiam thiranq se
Internet marketing campaigns, di kern ven hai giai tir:
Bailey Coffee increased its • By: tang/giam mot khoang bao nhieu do
annual profits fifteen • To: tang/giam den mire bao nhieu do
(A) by Dap an; A.
(B) among Tam dich: Sau khi dau tir manh vao cac chien dich tiep
(C) between thi tren Internet, Bailey Coffee da tang Igi nhuan hang nam
(D) on len mirai lam phan tram.
29.The receptionists change the Dich nqhTa:
artwork in the clinic's waiting • Periodically (adv): dmh ki, thirang xuyen
room and rearrange the • Relatively (adv): tirang doi
layout of the furniture. • Tightly (adv): chat, khit, km
(A) periodically
• Narrowly (adv): ti mi
(B) relatively
(C) tightly Tam dich; Nhan vien le tan thay doi anh nghe thuat trong
(D) narrowly phdng cha cua phOng kham DjNH KY va sip xep lai each
bo tri do noi that.
Dap an: A.
30.The policy that requires Giai thich:
businesses to provide medical
Phan tich cau: (The pohcvl Ithat requires Pusinesses to
insurance applies only to those
provide medical insurance] [applies] [only to those] [
more than twenty-five
more than twenty-five people].
(A) employs Vi tri nay can mot dpng tir chia theo dai tir "those". Tuy
(B) employ nhien cau hoi de bai da co dong tir chinh la "apply" nen
(C) employed dong tir a vi tri nay can dirge sir dung theo hlnh thirc
(D) employing M0QH ("that requires businesses to provide medical
insurance" la mot MDQH khac bo nghla cho "the policy").
Khi chira rut qon MDQH: The policy that requires
businesses to provide medical insurance applies only to
those WHO EMPLOY more than twenty-five people.
Khi rut qon MDQH. The policy that requires businesses to
provide medical insurance applies only to those
EMPLOYING more than twenty-five people.
Dap an: D.
Tam dich: Chinh sach yeu cau cac doanh nqhiep cunq
cap bao hiem y te chi ap dung cho nhifng doanh nghiep
nao thue han hai mirai lam nhan vien.

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Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.

Beverly Boutique: Sales Assistant Position

Our boutique is looking for enthusiastic candidates for our sales assistant position. —131 —
Previous experience in a similar position is preferred, but not necessary. Organizational skills
is also a must, as well as some experience with computer use Most of all, we need someone
who is personable, someone who can make customers feel —132—, and someone who is
passionate about fashion. Duties will include serving customers, taking inventory, and minor
jobs around the boutique such as sweeping and locking the doors at closing time. Payment
will be by sales commission which gives employees more —133— to serve their customers
as best they can. Hours will be flexible. For more information, please visit our website.

If you —134— in the position, please send your resume to Rita at

131. (A) Our boutique is the leader in 133. (A) influence

trendy fashions. (B) incentives
(B) Hurry before the promotion ends. (C) insistence
(C) Candidates need to be friendly (D) consideration
and able to communicate with
customers in all kinds of
situations. 134. (A) be interesting
(D) Come visit our store to see what (B) were interesting
our business is about. (C) interest
(D) are interested

132. (A) comfortable

(B) appropriate
(C) neglected
(D) convenient

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Cau hoi 131-134 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Beverly Boutique: Vj tri tro' ly ban hang

CCpa hang cua chung toi dang tim kiem cac img vien nhiet tmh cho vj tn trg ly ban hang cua
KHACH HANG TRONG MOI TiNH HUONG. Kinh nghiem tapac day a mot vj tn tupcmg tg
dipgc lpu tien, nhimg khong khdng nhat thiet phai co. Ky nang to chipc cung la mot dieu b§t
buoc, cung nhip mot so kinh nghiem slp dung may tinh. Tren het, chung toi can mot ngirdi ca
tinh, mot ngirai co the lam cho khach hang cam thay (132) THOAl MAl va mot ngipdi dam
me thdi trang. Nhiem vu se bao gom phuc vu khach hang lay hang trong kho va cac cdng
viec lat vat xung quanh cira hang nhip quet don va khoa cira vao gia ddng cipa. Tien lipcmg
tmh theo hoa hong ban hang, viec nay se dem lai cho nhan vien nhieu (133) DONG LITC
han de phuc vu khach hang tot nhat co the. Gid lam viec se linh hoat. De biet them thong tin,
vui long truy cap trang web cua chung toi.

Neu ban (134) QUAN TAM den vj tn' nay, xin vui long gdi ho so cua ban den Rita tai

131. Djch nghTa: 133. Djch nghTa:

(A) CCra hang cua chung toi la ngirdi di • Influence (n)" sg anh hirang
dau trong thai trang hap mot. • Incentive (n): ddng Igc, sg khuyen
(B) Hay nhanh chan tripdc khi chirang khich
trlnh khuyen mai ket thuc. • Insistence (n): sg nai ni
(C) LFng vien can phai than thien va co • Consideration (n); sg can nhdc
kha nang giao tiep vai khach hang
trong moi tmh huong. Dap an: B.
(D) Hay den cda hang cua chung toi dd
xem cira hang cua chung toi co
nhdng gi. 134. Chia ddng tu theo chu tip "you". O" day
chung ta dung thl hien tai dan ap dung
Dap an: C. cho cau dieu kien loai 1.
Dap an. D.
132. Djch nghTa:
• Comfortable (adj): thoai mai
• Appropriate (adj): phu hgp, thich
• Neglected (adj) bj thd a, khdng
dirge quan tarn
• Convenient (adj)" tien Igi

Dap an; A.

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Questions 135-138 refer to the following advertisement.

Handy Maids Home Service

Call us at 555-1244
Handy Maids Home Service —135— professional cleaning services for your business or
home. We steam vacuum carpeted areas, polish hard-wood flooring, wipe away all traces
of dust and dirt in hard-to-find areas, and clean out clutter. Our —136— service is second
to none in the tri-state area. We provide a one-day service after estimations are calculated.
—137—, we provide weekly and monthly services for customers who request it.

The cleaning products we use are environmentally friendly and pet and child safe. —138—
Please visit our website at or call us for more information

135. (A) provide 137. (A) In addition

(B) provides (B) Because
(C) provided (C) On the other hand
(D) providing (D) As a result

136. (A) unusual 138. (A) We make sure that your pets and
(B) peculiar children don't go near the
(C) best chemicals.
(D) exceptional (B) In fact, we aim to make the home
and business a safe and clean
place without the use of harsh
(C) The all-natural cleaning agents
may not be as effective, but they
are safe.
(D) Pets and children will be asked to
leave the premises during

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Cau hoi 135-138 lien quan den quang cao sau.

Handy Maids Home Service

Goi cho chung toi theo so 555-1244

Handy Maids Home Service (135) CUNG CAP djch vu ve sinh chuyen nghiep cho doanh
nghiep hoac nha cua ban. Chung toi hap chan khong cac khu vyc dipgc trai tham, danh
bong san go cung, quet sach mgi vet bui ban a nhumg khu vgc kho tim va don dep do vat
bda bon Djch vu (136) DAC BIET cua chung toi dirng dau trong khu vu-c ba tieu bang.
Chung toi cung cap djch vu tmh theo tumg ngay sau khi cac Lrdc tmh dirge tmh toan. (137)
NGOAI RA, chung toi con cung cap djch vu hang tuan va hang thang cho nhirng khach
hang yeu cau.

Cac san pham lam sach chung toi su dung than thien vai mdi trirdng va an toan cho vat
DUNG CAC HOA CHAT KHONG TOT. Vui long truy cap trang web cua chung toi tai hoac gpi cho chung toi de biet them thong tin.

135. Chia ddng tir "provide" theo chu tir 137. Djch nghTa:
"Handy Maids Home Service" (so it). O • In addition (adv): ngoai ra
day la mot bai quang cao, doanh • Because (conj): bai vi
nghiep dang trinh bay sg viec a hien • On the other hand (adv). trai lai
tai nen chung ta dung thl hien tai dan. • As a result (adv): do do
Dap an; B. Dap an; A.

136. Djch nghTa: 138. Djch nghTa:

• Unusual (adj): khac biet, bdt thirang (A) Chung toi dam bao rang thu cirng va
• Peculiar tadj;: lap dj tre nhd cua ban se khong den gan
• Best (adj): tot nhat cac hoa chat.
• Exceptional (adj); noi bat, rat tot, (B) Thgc te, chung toi hirang den viec
dac biet lam cho nha va doanh nghiep thanh
mot nai an toan va sach se ma
Dap an; D.
khong can sa dung cac hoa chat
khdng tot.
(C) Cac chat lam sach hoan toan tg
nhien co the khong hieu qua, nhirng
chung an toan.
(D) Thii cirng va tre em se dirge yeu
cau rdi khdi khuon vien trong khi
don dep.
Dap an: B.

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following letter.

October 09
Bob Prosser
342 Winkler Ave
Fairbanks, AK 20037

Dear Mr. Prosser,

The information that you —139— about changes to the hunting permit scheme has been
enclosed. Please note that each permit must be filled out and applied for separately. When
filling out your application, you must mark all answers clearly and with a black or blue pen.
Please do not use cursive script, print only. Each application —140— enclosed in its own
envelope and received before the applicable deadline. —141— Because of this, you must
plan your submissions in a timely fashion to make sure that you receive your permit while
the applicable season is still open. I hope that the information —142— answers all of your
questions. Take care and happy hunting.
Shirley Horn
Executive Secretary
Department of Wildlife
Fairbanks, Alaska 31009

139. (A) provided 141. (A) Received applications can take up

(B) supply to 5 weeks to process.
(C) request (B) Applications are never approved
(D) requested before the season is over.
(C) Sometimes applications get lost.
(D) Never make an application in
140. (A) won't be person.
(B) would be
(C) must be
(D) couldn't be 142. (A) enclose
(B) enclosing
(C) inclose
(D) enclosed

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S6 Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den la thu1 sau.

October 09
Bob Prosser
342 Winkler Ave
Fairbanks, AK 20037

Dear Mr. Prosser,

Thong tin ma ong (139) YEU CAU ve cac thay doi doi vai chLPcrng trinh cap phep san bin
da dirge dmh kem. Xin luu y rang mdi giay phep phai dirge dien va nop rieng. Khi dienvao
dcrn, ong phai danh dau rd rang tat ca cac cau tra Idi va blng but mau den hoac mau
xanh. Vui long khong sir dung ban viet tay, chi sir dung ban in. Moi dan (140) CAN PHAI
DUOC DINH KEM trong phong bi rieng cua no va dirge nhan trirac thai han ap dung.
(141) CAC DON DOOC NHAN CO TH' MAT TOI 5 TUAN DE XU' LY. Do vay, ong can
phai lap ke hoach giri dan kjp thai de dam bao ring ong nhan dirge giay phep trong khi
mua san ban van md. Tdi hy vong ring cac thong tin (142) DOOC DINH KEM NAY tra Idi
tat ca cac cau hoi cua ong. Hay giCr gin sdc khoe va cd mot chuyen san bin vui ve.

Shirley Horn
Executive Secretary
Department of Wildlife
Fairbanks, Alaska 31009

139. Djch nghTa: 141. Djch nghTa:

• Provide (v): cung clp (A) Cac dan dirge nhan cd the mat tdi
• Supply (v): cung clp 5 tuan de xd ly.
• Request (v). yeu cau (B) Cac dan khong bao gid dirge phe
duyet trirdc khi mua giai ket thuc.
Dga vao nghTa, chung ta chon dap an (C) Ddi khi nhCrng dan xin bj thlt lac.
mang nghTa "yeu cau". Tuy nhien, theo (D) Dirng bao gid trgc tiep nop dan.
nhir noi dung bai, chung ta hieu rang
Mr. Professor (ngirdi nhan thir) da yeu Dap an; A.
cau cac thong tin ve chirang trinh clp
giay phep (sg viec da dien ra) va
Shirley Horn (ngirdi gdi thir) cung cap 142. Phan tich cau: [I hope] (that) [the
cac thong tin nay trong la thir nay. Do information] [answers] [all of your
sg viec da dien ra nen chung ta dung questions].
thl qua khd dan. Can chia mot dong tir de bo nghTa cho
Dap an; D. "the information". Tuy nhien menh de
"that the information answers all
of your questions" da cd dong tir chmh
140. Khi hirang dan thong tin va yeu cau la "answer" nen dong tir d vj tri nay
ngirdi khac thgc hien theo dung hirdng dirge sd dung d hmh thdc MDQH.
dan do, chung ta dung "must". O" day Khi chira rut ggn MDQH. I hope that
chu tg la "each application" nen dong the information WHICH IS ENCLOSED
tir "enlosed" dirge dung d the bi dong answers all of your questions.
de phu hop ve y nghTa (must be
Khi rut ggn MDQH: I hope that the
information ENCLOSED answers all of
Dap an: C. your questions.
Dap an; D.

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Questions 143-146 refer to the following notice.

Date: August 22
To: All Sales Team Members
From; Melinda Lackey, Sales Manager
Subject: Rental Policy

For some —143—, we allowed sales reps to pay for their car rentals up front with their
personal cards or cash and then be reimbursed later. This is no longer the policy. It has
not been the policy for over two months now. As of June 15, all payments for rentals were
supposed to have —144— with the company card that was assigned to each of you. Larry
in accounting has informed me that he has received 6 different reimbursement forms since
then. I have gone ahead and allowed Larry to process those 6 forms. —145— I'm sorry
for the —146— tone, but everyone was asked to do this in July. If you have any questions,
please contact me directly.

(A) distances 145. (A) Only Fonitna Rental should be

(B) place used to book cars in the future.
(C)event (B) But, as of tomorrow, no one will
(D) time be reimbursed.
(C) Fie will redesign the form by the
(A) making beginning of next week.
(B) to be made (D) Everyone is required to turn in
(C) makes their cards as soon as possible.
(D) been made

146. (A) overreaching

(B) gracious
(C) benevolent
(D) harsh

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a Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 143-146 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Date: August 22
To: All Sales Team Members
From; Melinda Lackey, Sales Manager
Subject: Rental Policy

(143) TU1 LAU ROl, chung toi da cho phep dai dien ban hang thanh toan tien thue xe cua
ho trirac bdng the ca nhan hoac tien mat va dipgc hoan tra sau Day khdng con la chinh
sach nda. Viec nay da khdng con ndm trong chinh sach hem hai thang nay. Ke td ngay
15 thang 6, tat ca cac khoan thanh toan cho viec thue xa dirge yeu cau (144) THITC HIEN
blng the cua cdng ty dirge chi djnh cho tirng ngircri. Larry a bo phan ke toan da thong
bao cho toi rdng anh ta da nhan dirge 6 mau dcrn khac nhau yeu cau hoan phi tir thai
diem do. Toi da chap nhan va cho phep Larry xir ly 6 mau dan do. (145) NHLFNG, KE TU5
NGAY MAI, SE KHONG CO Al DUOC HOAN PHI CA. Toi xin loi vl giong dieu (145) GAY
GAT the nay, nhirng moi ngircri deu da dirge yeu cau thgc hien dieu nay hoi thang Bay.
Neu ban co bat ky cau hoi nao, vui long lien he trgc tiep vai toi.

143. Djch nghTa:

145. Djch nghTa:
• Distance (n): khoang each
(A) Chi nen dat xe tir cdng ty Fonitna
• Place (n): nai chdn Rental trong tirang lai.
• Event (n): sg kien (B) Nhirng, ke tg ngay mai, se khdng
• Time (n): khoang thai gian cd ai dirge hoan phi ca.
■=> For some time: trong mot khoang (C) Anh ay se thiet ke lai mau vao
thcri gian lau rdi (for a long period of dau tuan tai.
(D) Moi ngircri ddu dirge yeu cau
ndpt the cang sam cang tot.
Dap an; D.
Dap an; B.

144. Giai thich

• Theo sau "have" khdng dirac sir 146. Djch nghTa:
dung ddng tir them -ing hoac ddng • Overreach (v): khdng dat dirge
tir them -s/es nen khdng chpn dap • Gracious (adj): lich sg, nha nhan
an A va dap an C. • Benevolent (adj): tir te, de chju
• Neu chpn dap an B => be supposed (thircmg chi nhirng ngircri lam nha
to have to be made" => dirge cho la mrac)
can phai (dirge) thgc hien => Dien • Harsh (adj): gay gat, thd lo
ta mot y djnh, mot suy doan. Dap an: D.
• Neu chpn dap an: C => "be
suppposed to have been made" =>
dirge yeu cau phai dirge thgc hien
trong mot giai doan keo dai tir qua
khir cho den hien tai.

Dap an: C.

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01.— the difference between the Dich nqhTa:
two brands is small, most • Until (conj); cho den khi
consumers purchase the • Because (conj): bed vi
cheaper one. • Before (conj); trirac khi
(A) Until
• So (conj); de, de ma
(B) Because
(C) Before Tam dich: Bd Vi sir khac biet giCra hai thirang hieu
(D) So khong Ian, hau het ngaai tieu dung mua loai re han.
Dap an: B.
02.Audience members were Giai thich: Can mot trang tip de bo nqhTa cho donq ta
impressed that the question "answer".
asked of the candidate was
Dap an: A.
answered —.
(A) clearly Tam dich: Khan qia da rat an tiranq khi cau hoi cua irng
(Bj clear vien da dagc tra lai rd rang.
(C) cleared
(D) clearing
03.In an attempt — sustainable Giai thich; Ap dung cau true "in an attempt TO DO sth"
energy, city officials have had (no lye/ co g§ng lam gi do).
solar panels affixed to some
Dap an: D.
public buildings.
(A) generates Tam dich: No lire tao ra nanq laanq ben vCrnq, cac quan
(B) generated chac thanh pho da l§p dat cac tam pin mat trai cho mot
(C) generating so toa nha cong cgng.
(D) to generate
04.The slow of the fire Dich nqhTa:
department resulted in severe • Duration (n): thai lagng
damage to the building. • Response (n); sa phan hoi/ sy phan ang
(A) duration • Treatment (n). sy dieu trj/ sy cir xu*
(B) response
• Maintenance (n): sy bao daang
(C) treatment
(D) maintenance Tam dich: Phan ynq cham chap cua bo phan clpu hoa
dan den thiet hai nghiem trpng cho toa nha.
Dap an; B.
05.After hours of searching, the Dich nqhTa:
source of the water leak was • Routinely (adv): theo thirang le
identified by the plumber. • Finally (adv): sau cung, cuoi cung
(A) routinely • Rarely (adv): hiem khi
(B) finally
• Strongly (adv): nhieu, manh me
(C) rarely
(D) strongly Tam dich; Sau nhidu qia tim kiem, nquven nhan rd n
nirac CUOI CUNG da dirge xac djnh bai thg saa ong
Dap an: B.
06.Please tell — that the Dich nqhTa:
workshop has been moved to • Whatever (pronoun), bat cir dieu gi
Conference Room 402. • Themselves (pronoun): chinh hp
(A) whatever • Everyone (pronoun): mpi ngyai
(B) themselves
• Something (pronoun): mot tha nao do
(C) everyone
(D) something Tam dich: Vui long thong bao MOI NGlfOI r§ng buoi hoi
thao da dagc chuyen sang phong hpi nghj 402.

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Dap an: C.
07.Highway 16 was widened over Dich nqhTa:
the summer to — the heavier • Duplicate (v;; sao lai
traffic that is using the roadway. • Extend (y): md rong, keo dai
(A) duplicate • Accommodate (v): dap irng, slip xep
(B) extend
• Propose (v): de nghj, de xuat
(C) accommodate
(D) propose Tam dich: Dai Id 16 da ducrc md rong trong suot mua he
de DAP LfNG lurgng giao thong ddng hem tham gia liru
thong tren dirdng.
Dap an: C.
08.Meal vouchers were given to Giai thich; Can mot dai td guan he thav cho "Beta
Beta Airways passengers Airways passengers" va ddng vai trd chu td trong MDQH.
were not able to depart on time
Dap an: D.
because of a booking error.
(A) when Tam dich: Phieu an uong da dirac trao cho nhdng hanh
(B) because khach Beta Airways khdng the khdi hanh dung gio vi Idi
(C) recently dat cho.
(D) who
09.The catalog for the gallery Giai thich: Can mot danh td gdc trong cum danh tur "an
contains an accurate — of accurate —Tj|
each piece of artwork that is
Dap an: B.
offered for sale.
(A) described Tam dich: Danh muc cho phdng trumg bav chda mot md
(B) description ta chinh xac cua tdng tac pham nghe thuat dirge chao
(C) descriptive ban.
(D) describes
10.To ensure that old appliances Giai thich: Ap dung cau true "between A and B" (gida A
are disposed of properly, the va B).
city will offer free removal of
Dap an: D.
these devices April 2 and
April 5. Tam dich: De dam bao rdng cac thiet bi cu dirac vdt bd
(A) into dung each, thanh pho se cung cap vide thu gom mien phi
(B) from cac thidt bj nay trong khoang thdi gian td ngay 2 den ngay
(C) until 5 thang 4.
(D) between
11.A buffet dinner is available to Dich nqhTa:
the guests, so they may eat — • Anyway (adv): ngoai ra
looks appetizing to them • Whatever (pronoun): bdt cd thu gi
without having to place an • Wherever (conj): bat cd nal nao
• Anything (pronoun): bat cd thu gi
(A) anyway
(B) whatever Tam dich: Mot bua toi tu chon cd sin cho khach, vi vav
(C) wherever ho cd the an BAT Clj THU5 GI trong ngon midng vcri hp
(D) anything ma khdng phai dat hang.
Dua vao nghTa cd the chon dap an B hoac dap an D.
Phan biet "anvthinq" va "whatever":
■=> "Anything which" bao gom "anything" va "which".
Anything which + V chia theo chu td so it =>
[Which + V] la mot MDQH bat dau bang "which" bo
nghTa cho "anything" => Mdnh de nay cd ddng td chia

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theo "anything" (anything la chu tip so it). Vi' du:

Anything which IS PURCHASED ...
Ma "Whatever" = "Anything which" nen theo sau
"whatever" cung se la mot dong tin chia theo chu
tu- so it. Vi du: Whatever IS PURCHASED ...
Tuy nhien, neu "anything which" lirac bo "which" di thi
luc do MDQH b§t dau bdng "which" se dirge rut gpn
=> Anything + rut gon MDQH. Vi du: Anything

Tom lai;
• Whatever + V chia theo chu tip so it
• Anything + Rut gon MDQH.
Cau hoi de bai dang co dang: — looks appetizing to them
^ Phia sau cho trong la mot dgng tip chia theo chu tip
so it
■=> Chon "whatever".
Dap an: B.
12.During the music festival, Dich nqhia:
goods will be sold only by • Controversial (adj): gay tranh cai
vendors who have registered • Increase (v): gia tang
with the planners. • Confident (adj); tg tin
(A) controversial
• Approve (v): chap thuan, tan thanh, ouyet
(B) increased
(C) confident Tam dich: Trong le hoi am nhac, hang hoa se chl dirac
(Dj approved ban bdi nhipng ngipdi ban hang DUQC CHAP THUAN da
dang ky vai nhCpng ngipdi to chipc.
Dap an: D.
13.The grocery store chain Dich nqhTa:
Refresh Foods has in • Participate in (v). tham gia
organic products since it • Certify (v): xac nhan, chirng nnan
opened in 2001. • Specialy in tv): chuyen vd, tap trung vao
(A) participated
• Admire (v): ngirang mg
(B) certified
(C) specialized Tam dich: Chudi sieu thi Refresh Foods da TAP TRUNG
(D) admired vAO cac san pham hipu ca ke tip khi ra mdt nam 2001.
Dap an; C.
14.The malfunction of the printer Dich nqhTa:
was — a component that had • Due to (prep): do, Pdi
been inserted incorrectly during • Whereas (conj): trai lai
the assembly process. • As though (conj): nhip the
(A) due to
• Instead of (prep): thay vi
(B) whereas
(C) as though Tam dich: Sip co cua may in la DO mot bo phan dipac lip
(D) instead of khong dung trong qua trlnh lap rap.
Dap an: A.
15.The proposed holiday schedule Giai thich: Can mot tinh tip theo sau "is" de mieu ta cho
is — to most workers because chu tip "the proposed holiday schedule".
they feel it is fair. Dap an; C.
(A) acceptablv

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(B) accept Tam dich; Lich nqhi phep dirac de xuat durac hau het
(C) acceptable nhan vien chap nhan vi ho nghT dieu do la cong bang.
(D) accepting
16.The test will prove whether Giai thfch: Can mot tranq tCr de bd nqhTa cho donq tu
or not the patient has the "prove".
Meo: De thi cd danq "will/ can/ should + — + Vn" => Cho
(A) like
trong chgn Adv.
(B) liking
(C) likable Dap an: D.
(D) likely
Tam dich: Xet nqhiem co kha nanq se chumq minh lieu
benh nhan cd mdc benh hay khdng.
17.With over two hundred unique Dich nqhTa:
stores, the Plainview Mall • Attract (v); thu hut
millions of shoppers on an • Implement (v): thi hanh, thyc hien
annual basis. • Postpone (v): hoan lai
(A) attracts
• Contribute (v): dong gop
(B) implements
(C) postpones Tam dich: Vai hem hai tram cua hanq doc dao, Plainview
(D) contributes Mall THU HUT hang trieu ngipdi mua sam moi nam.
Dap an; A.
18.The participants will be judged Giai thich. Can mot tinh tu de bo nqhia cho danh tip
on performance, and the "performance".
winners will be announced later
Dap an: B.
in the awards ceremony.
(A) athletically Tam dich Nhumg ngipdi tham gia se dirac danh gia dira
(Bj athletic tren thanh tich the due the thao, va nhumg ngirai chidn
(C) athletes thing se dipcc thong bao sau tai le trao giai.
(D) athlete
19.The York Foundation is an Giai thich; Can mot danh tip lam tan nqCp cua donq tip
organization that has been "suport" (has been supporting).
supporting in medical
Dap an; C.
technology for the past decade.
(A) to advance Tam dich; York Foundation la mot to chipc da ho tra
(B) advanced nhumg tien bo trong cong nghe y te trong thap ky qua.
(C) advances
(D) advancing
20. the volleyball tournament Dich nqhTa:
is held indoors or outdoors • Because (conj): bdi vi
depends heavily on the weather • Although (conj): mac du
forecast for that day. • Whether (conj): bat ke, cho du/ lieu rang (chi su1 chon
(A) Because
lu-a giipa 2 phiromg an)
(B) Although
• Whereas (conj): trai lai
(C) Whether
(D) Whereas Tam dich: Viec qiai dau bonq chuven dipac to chipc tronq
nha hay ngoai trai phu thuqc rat nhieu vao da bao thai tiet
cho ngay horn do.
Dap an; C.
21.The company was under Dich nqhTa:
investigation after several • Composition (n): sa soan thao
former employees made • Assurance (n): sy cam doan, sy cam ket
allegations of unfair —. • Momentum (n); da, dong lyc
(A) compositions
• Practice (n): hanh dong, hanh vi
(B) assurances
(C) momentums

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(D; practices Tam dich: Cong tv da bi dieu tra sau khi mot so nhan vien
cu dira ra cao buoc ve NHUNG HANH VI khong cong
Dap an: D.
22. joined Vmce's Gym, Mr. Giai thfch: Vai cac menh de trang ngu1 chi lv do (cac
Pinter could attend group menh de bit dau bing because, as, since...) chung ta cd
classes and health counseling the thay the cac menh de nay blng cac cum phan tu1 (V-
sessions for free. ing hoac V3-ed). Day la mot hlnh thirc rut gon menh de
(A) Being trang ngu1.
(B) Having
• Neu mang nghTa bi dpng, chung ta se dung V-ed
(C) To have
(D) To be hoac being V3-ed (neu dien ta hanh dong dang dipgc
didn ra).
Vi du: Located in the heart of the town, LK Legend
Hotel is close to a number of tourist attractions.

• N§u mang nghia chu dong, chung ta se dung V-ing

(neu dien ta hanh dong didn ra d hien tai) hoac
having V3-ed (neu didn ta mot hanh dong da tirng
dien ra hoac keo dai den hien tai).
Vi du: Knowing that his mother was coming, he
cleaned the flat.
V6i cau hoi de bai, viec Mr. Pinter tham gia phOng tap
Vince' Gym mang nghTa chu dpng va sue viec nay da tirng
dien ra.
Khi chira rut gon menh de trang ngCr: BECAUSE HE HAS
JOINED Vince's Gym, Mr. Pinter could attend group
classes and health counseling sessions for free.
Khi dirac rut gon menh de trang ngCr: HAVING JOINED
Vince's Gym, Mr. Pinter could attend group classes and
health counseling sessions for free.
Dap an: B.
Tam dich: Bai vi Mr. Pinter cd tham gia phong tap the
hinh Vince's Gym, nen anh ay co the tham gia cac lap hoc
nhdm va cac buoi tip van slpc khoe mien phi.
23.The best method for improving Dich nghla:
the of your home at little • Privacy (n). sa rieng tu
cost is giving the exterior a • Appearance (n): dien mao, ve ngoai
fresh coat of paint. • Control (n): su kiem soat
(A) privacy
• Location (n); dja diem
(B) appearance
(C) control Tam dich: Cach tot nhat de cai thien VE NGOAI ngdi nna
(D) location cua ban vai chi thap la thay san mdi cho tudng phia ngoai
cua can nha.
Dap an: B.
24.Marketers believed that if the Giai thich. Can mot trang tu de bo nghTa cho dong tu
packaging were more "color".
colored, consumers might pay
Luu v: Color phia sau cho trong la mot dong tu duac chia
more attention to the product.
d the bi dpng (were colored), nghTa la co mau, dup'c to
(A) variously
(B) vary
(C) various Dap an; A.
(D) variety

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Tam dich: Cac marketers tin ranq neu bao bi co mau sac
da dang horn, ngirdi tieu dung co the chu y nhieu horn den
san pham
25.The police officer directed the Dich nqhTa;
traffic — the detour ramp so • Toward (prep): hirang den, ve phfa
that drivers could find the • Like (prep), giong vai
route easily. • Of (prep) cua
(A) toward
• During (prep): trong suot
(B) like
(C) of Tam dich: Nhan vien canh sat himng qiao thong VE
(D) during PHIA doc cua durdng vong de cac tai xe co the tim thay
tuyen dirdng de dang.
Dap an: A.
26.Employees are asked to pair up Dich nghla:
with another and check • Reliance (n). sir phu thuoc
each other at the • Supervision (n): sy giam sat
predetermined meeting place • Colleague (n): dong nghiep
during fire drills.
• Calculator (n): may tinh
(A) reliance
(B) supervision Tam dich: Nhan vien dirac yeu cau bdt cap vdi mot
(C) colleague DONG NGHIEP khac va kiem tra Ian nhau tai dja diem
(D) calculator hop dirge xac djnh trirac trong cuoc tap tran clpu hda.
Dap an: C.
27.The car owner submitted Giai thich: Can mot tinh tu de bo nghTa cho danh tip
evidence of the damage along "evidence" va tao thanh cum danh tir lam tan ngCr cua
with a mechanic's report to his dong tCr "submit".
insurance company.
Dap an co 2 tinh tip:
(A) photographer
• Photographic (adj): bang hlnh anh
(B) photographically
(C) photographic • Photogenic (adj): an anh
(D) photogenic Tam dich: Chu xe da giri bdng chipng BANG HINH ANH
ve thiet hai cung v6i bao cao cua tha may cho cdng ty bao
hiem cua minh.
Dap an: C.
28.The restrooms on the second Dich nghTa;
floor are — unavailable • Temporarily (advj; tam thai
because one of the sinks is • Previously (adv): tripac day
being replaced. • Respectively (adv): tirang ung
(A) temporarily
• Vitally (adv): clpc ki
(B) previously
(C) respectively Tam dich; Cac phong ve sinh tren tang hai TAM THO1!
(D) vitally khdng dung daac vi mot trong nhdng bon raa dang daac
thay the.
Dap an: A.
29.Because our sales Dich nghTa:
representatives meet with high- • Only (adv): chi, duy nhat
level clients in the industry, • Moreover (adv): han the nda
those with a professional • Except (prep): ngoai trip
manner will be considered for
• However (adv): tuy nhien
the position.
(Aj only Tam dich: Bdi vi dai dien ban hang cua chung tdi gap ga
(B) moreover cac khach hang cao cap trong nganh, nen CHI nhung
(C) except

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(D) however ngirai co tac phong chuyen nghiep mai dirge xem xet cho
vj tn nay.
Dap an: A.
30.On next week's radio program, Giai thfch: Can mot danh tu dem dirac so it theo sau mao
our host will interview Kristen tir "an".
Dabney about her time working
Dap an: D.
as an — for a UN official.
(A) interpretation Tam dich: Trong chirang trinh phat thanh vao tuan tai,
(B) interpret ngirai dan chirang trmh cua chung toi se phong van
(C) interpreting Kristen Dabney ve thai gian co lam phien djch cho mot
(D) interpreter quan chirc Lien Hgp Quoc.

Nguy£n Dire - Luyen Thi TOEIC TP EICM - 0973 141 104

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Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.

To: All Staff

From. Michael Davis, Head Technician
Subject: Network Upgrade

We regret to inform the staff that as of next week, from Monday the 13th of November to
sometime midweek, the employee key card system will not be active. In order to get into
and out of the building, you will need to buzz security. In order to unlock, or lock, any door,
you will —131— assistance from the security team.
The old system was reviewed and many vulnerabilities were discovered. —132—, the
company has decided to replace the old system. This process should take three to four
As part of the process, new key cards will be issued to each member of the staff. Key cards
will be available for you to pick up from Wednesday, the 15th of November, in the security
office. Please, feel free to stop by any time —133— the day to collect yours. —134—
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

131. (A) is requesting 133. (A) upon

(B) has requested (B) during
(C) have to request (C) before
(D) had to request (D) at

132. (A) Unfortunately 134. (A) The move from keys to keyless
(B) Therefore entry should make the facility
(C) Regardless more secure.
(D) Finally (B) We will be looking forward to
seeing you sometime next week.
(C) The security office is open 24
hours a day.
(D) This is for product security.

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S6 Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 131-134 lien quan den thong bao sau.

To: All Staff

From Michael Davis, Head Technician
Subject: Network Upgrade

Chung toi rat tiec phai thong bao cho nhan vien r§ng vao tuan tai, tip thir Hai ngay 13 thang
11 den khoang giOa tuan, he thong the chia khoa danh cho nhan vien se khong hoat dong.
De vao va ra khoi toa nha, ban se can phai goi nhan vien an ninh. Oe ma khoa, hoac khoa
bat ky canh caa nao, ban (131) SE PHAI YEU CAU trg giup ta doi an ninh.

He thong cu da dirge xem xet va nhieu lo hong da dirge phat hien, (132) DO DO, cong ty
da quyet djnh thay the he thong cu. Qua tnnh nay se mat ba den bon ngay.

La mot phan cua quy trinh, the chia khoa mai se dirge cap cho moi nhan vien. The chia
khoa se co sin de ban nhan tir Thir Tir, ngay 15 thang 11, a van phong an ninh. Hay ghe
qua bat cir luc nao (133) TRONG ngay de nhan the cua ban. (134) VAN PHONG AN NINH

Chung toi xin loi vi sg bat tien do viec nay gay ra.

131. Chia dong tir theo chu tir "you". Dong 133. Djch nghTa:
tir sau "will" luon dung a dang nguyen • Upon (prep); khi/a tre
miu. • During (prep); trong, trong suot
Dap an; C. • Before (prep): trirac, trirac khi
• At (prep): a tai

Dap an; B.
132. Djch nghTa:
• Unfortunately (adv); khong may
• Therefore (adv): do do 134. Djch nghTa;
• Regardless of (prep): bat chap, bat (A) Viec chuyen doi tir chia khoa caa
ke vao khong can chia khoa se giup ca
• Finally (adv): sau cung, cuoi cung sa an toan han.
(B) Chung toi mong dirge gap ban vao
Dap an: B.
tuan tai.
(C) Van phOng an ninh ma cira 24 gia
mot ngay.
(D) Day la de bao ve san pham.
Dap an: C.

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Questions 135-138 refer to the following notice.

Music Teacher Needed

Mike's Music School is —135— seeking a new piano instructor for weekend and
evening classes. Mike's Music School has been operating in the Central district since
1992. —136— Because of this, we hope to hire a long-time resident of Central to join
our team. Applicants should be well versed in —137— teaching techniques. If you are
interested in —138— for the position, we will be holding interviews and auditions this
Saturday at 12:00 at our main studio on Elm Street and Dupont Ave.

135. (A) active 137. (A) contemporary

(B) actived (B) unknown
(C) actively (C) strange
(D) activated (D) boring

138. (A) apply

136. (A) Our company tries to work with (B) applied
outside communities. (C) applying
(B) Our commitment to the (D) to apply
community is as important as our
commitment to our students.
(C) Our company is unique and uses
strange instruments.
(D) Our company is in a special
location, next to the auto service

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a Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 135-138 lien quan den thong bao sau.

Tuyen giao vien day nhac

Mike Music Music School dang (135) TICH CyC tim kiem mot ngipai hipang dan piano
mai cho cac lap hoc cuoi tuan va buoi toi. Mike Music Music School da hoat dpng a
quan trung tam ta nam 1992. (136) Sy TAN TAM CUA CHUNG TOI VOI CONG DONG
Vi dieu nay, chung toi hy vong se thue mot ngaai dan lau nam cua quan trung tarn
tham gia dpi ngu cua chung toi. ling vien can phai thanh thao cac ky thuat giang day
(137) MOT Neu ban (138) QUAN TAm den viec img tuyen vao vj tn nay, chung toi se
to chirc cac cupc phong van va tha gipng vao tha Bay nay luc 12:00 tai studio chmh
cua chung toi tren Elm Street va Dupont Ave.

135. Can mot trang tir de bo nghTa cho 137. Djch nghTa:
dpng ta "seek". • Contemporary (adj). mai me, hien
Meo: DP thi co dang "to be + +
V-ing" => ChP trong chpn Adv. • Unknown (adj): khong ai biet den
• Strange (adj). la
Dap an: C. • Boring (adj): buon chan

Dap an; A
136. Djch nghTa:
(A) Cong ty chung toi co gPng lam
138. Dpng ta theo sau cac giai ta se dirp'c
viec vai cac cpng dong ben
them -ing.
(B) Su tan tarn cua chung toi vai Dap an: C.
cpng dong cung quan trpng
nhir sy tan tarn danh cho cac
hoc vien cua chung toi.
(C) Cong ty chung toi rat dac biet
va sir dung cac nhac cu la.
(D) Cong ty chung toi nPm a mot
vj tn dac biet, ke ben canh
trung tarn djch vu xe 6 to.
Dap an: B.

Nguy£n Difc - Luyen Thi TOEIC TP EICM - 0973 141 104

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Questions 139-142 refer to the following advertisement.

Rest Your Mind and Body

It's what you've been dreaming of. Peaceful sleep without a struggle is what you need.
That's what Saldesta —139—. Saldesta helps people fall asleep quickly and stay asleep
the entire night. It's the only non-narcotic sleeping aid, and it's —140— for long-term use.
—141— Talk to your doctor first before using sleeping aids for extended periods. Tonight,
just close your eyes, and leave everything else to Saldesta.

Find out how to improve your sleep at Or call 1-800-Saldesta.

Important Safety Information: Saldesta works quickly and should be taken right —142—
bed. Be sure you have at least eight hours to devote to sleep before coming active. Do not
use alcohol while taking Saldesta Most sleep medication carries some risk of dependency.

139. (A) offers 141. (A) So you can feel comfortable

(B) sustains taking it night after night.
(C) mitigates (B) Talk to your doctor today to see if
(D) maintains it's right for you.
(C) This is the only stimulant
approved for prolonged use that
140. (A) to approve is approved by the FDA.
(B) approves (D) Enter this code for a free sample
(C) approving and discounts.
(D) approved

142. (A) during

(B) around
(C) before
(D) after

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a Successful people never stop learnings

Cau hoi 139-142 lien quan den quang cao sau.

Hay de dau 6c va cc the duo'c thu' gian

Day chinh la dieu ma ban mong muon. Giac ngu yen blnh ma khong phai co gSng de co
the ngu du-gc la dieu ma ban can. 06 la nhimg gi ma Saldesta (139) DEM DEN. Saldesta
giup mpi ngiPOM ngu nhanh va ngu suot dem. No la thuoc ho trg giac ngu duy nhat khong
gay nghien, va no da (40) DUO'C PHE DUYET cho viec slp dung ve lau dai. (141) Vi VAY,
trao doi vai bac sT cua ban tripac khi sij dung thuoc ho trg giac ngu trong thoi gian dai.
Toi nay, hay nhdrn mdt lai va nhimg thir khac hay de cho Saldesta lo lieu.

Tim hieu each cai thien giac ngu cua ban tai Hoac goi so 1-800-

Thong tin an toan quan trong: Saldesta co tac dung nhanh chong va nen dirge uong ngay
(142) TRUOC KHI di ngu. Hay chac chin ring ban co it nhlt tarn gid" de danh cho gilc
ngu trirac khi boat dpng. Khong sir dung nrgu trong khi dung Saldesta. Hau het cac loai
thuoc ngu mang mot so nguy ca dan den sg phu thuoc vao chung

139. Djch nghTa: 141. Djch nghTa;

• Offer (v): cung clp (A) Vi vay, ban co the cam thay thoai
• Sustain (v): duy tn mai khi diing no dem nay qua dem
• Mitigate (v); lam diu khac.
• Maintain (v); bao dirang, bao tn (B) Hay trao doi vai bac sT cua ban
ngay horn nay de xem no co phu
Dap an: A. hap vai ban khong.
(C) Day la chat kich thich duy nhat
dirge chip thuan cho viec sir dung
140. Chia dpng tir "approve" theo chu tir "it'j keo dai dirge FDA chip thuan.
("it" 6" day chmh la thuoc Saldesta). (D) Nhap ma nay dl lly hang mau
Dpng tir can dirge chia a the hi dpng de mien phi va giam gia.
phii hgp ve y nghTa.
Dap an; A.
Dap an: D.

142. Djch nghTa;

• During (prep); trong, trong suot
• Around (prep): xung quanh
• Before (prep): trirac khi
• After (prep); sau khi

Dap an: C.

Nguy£n Dire - Luyen Thi TOEIC TP EICM - 0973 141 104

Successful people never stop learnings

Questions 143-146 refer to the following posting on a website.

Employee Message Board

Request for Feedback
Posted by James Frohm, Human Resources Director
Hello colleagues,
The holiday season is fast approaching and we need to —143— our office party! There
have been several —144— for locations and themes made to me directly, but I wanted to
invite everyone in the office to give me their feedback. All ideas are welcome, but I must
remind everyone that our office —145—. Our party can include all forms of secular
celebration, but out of respect for everyone, there may be no religious themes. Please
respond to me directly by e-mail at jamesfrohm@ccn net, so I can get started making plans.

143. (A) make 145. (A) is a safe space for all customs
(B) plan and cultures
(C) conceive (B) stays open late on Tuesday
(D) deliver (C) needs a new janitor
(D) will move next week

144. (A) comments

(B) suggestions 146. (A) I look forward to your ideas and
(C) spots enthusiasm.
(D) suggested (B) I'm look forward to your ideas and
(C) I look forward to your undivided
(D) I hope you reply before its too

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Cau hoi 143-146 lien quan den bai dang tren website.

Employee Message Board

Request for Feedback
Posted by James Frohm, Human Resources Director

Xin chao cac dong nghiep,

Mua le dang den rat nhanh va chung ta can (143) LEN K£ HOACH oho bda tiec ca quan
cua mmh! Da co mot so (144) D£ XUAT ve dja diem va chu de dirge thgc hien trgc tiep vdi
tdi, nhirng tdi muon mdi tat ca moi ngirdi trong co" quan cho tdi phan hoi cua ban. Tat ca
cac y tirang deu dirge chao don, nhirng tdi phai nhlc nhd moi ngirdi rdng van phdng cua
HOA. Buoi tide cua chung ta cd the bao gom tat ca cac hlnh thirc le ky niem thong thirdng,
nhu'ng vl ton trong moi ngirdi, cd le se khdng cd cac chu de ve ton giao. Vui long tra Idi tdi
trgc tiep bdng e-mail tai dja chi jamesfrohm@ccn,net, de tdi cd the bdt dau len ke hoach.
Tran trong,

143. Djch nghTa: 145. Dich nghTa (ket hgp vdi chu tir "our
office" phia tnrdc):
• Make (v): lam, thgc hien
(A) van phdng cua chung ta la mot nai
• Plan (v): len ke hoach an toan doi vdi tat ca cac phong tuc
• Conceive (v): tirdng tirgng va van hoa.
• Deliver (v); giao (B) van phdng cua chung ta dong cda
Dap an: B. mudn vao toi thu ba.
(C) van phdng cua chung ta can mot
ngirdi trong coi mdi
(D) van phdng cua chung ta se chuydn
144. Giai thich: Can mot danh tir theo sau di vao tuan sau.
"several". Dap an: A.
• Comment (n); bmh luan
• Suggestion (n): de xuat
• Spot (n): noi chon 146. Djch nghTa;
(A) Tdi mong dgi cac y kien dong gdp
Dap an. B. va sg nhidt tlnh cua moi ngirdi.
(B) Loai dap an nay vl sai cau true
look forward".
(C) Tdi mong dgi sg tap trung tuydt doi
cua moi ngirdi.
(D) Tdi hi vong moi ngirdi phan hdi
tnrdc khi qua mudn.
Dap an; A.

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