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Name : Muh.

NIM : H071191049
Prodi : Komputer

Listing and Sequence

A. Tes-1 (Exercise 2)
No.1 :
a. Topic : programs in computer
b. Main Idea : Today, computer companies sell many
different programs for computers
c. Pattern Signal : many different

Signals Details
First programs doing math problems
Second programs for Scientific studies
Other programs made for courses in school and
And finally universities
programs for fun

No.2 :
a. Topic : computer language
b. Main Idea : Computer language can be funny at times
c. Pattern Signal : for Example

Signals Details
For example computers have a “memory”
There is there is a menu
Another “mouse” in some computers

B. Tes-2 (Excercise 3)
No.1 :
a. Topic : Computer Size
b. Main Idea : Now computers come in all shapes and sizes
c. Pattern Signal : Listing (come in all shapes and sizes)
Signals Details
There are Still big computers for companies or universities
There are also Small personal computers to use at home or in an office
Finally Programs for fun

No.2 :
a. Topic : Computer Problems
b. Main Idea : Computers are very useful, but they also can
cause problems
c. Pattern Signal : Listing (kind)
Signals Details
One kind Problem is with the computer’s memory.
Another problem Computers are machines, and machines can break

And there is down

Some doctors say they may be bad for your health
C. Tes-3 (Exercise 2)
No.1 :
a.Topic: Vietnam War became an American War
b.Main Idea : in 1965 the Vietnam War became an
American war
c.Pattern Signal: Sequence (in 1965, that year)
Signals Details
That year The United States sent airplanes with bombs over North

Each year Vietnam

Every year More and more bombs were used

By the end of 1967 The United States also sent more soldiers

And still Almost 510.000 Americans in Vietnam

The North Vietnamese were winning the war

No.2 :
a.Topic : People did not want the war
b.Main Idea : In the United States, some people did not
want the war
c.Pattern Signal : Sequence (in the early)
Signals Details
The early 1960s Only a few people felt this way

The late 1960s4 Many people believed Americans should not be fighting in Vietnam

Finally The American government had to listen to these people

In May 1968 The Americans began to talk to North Vietnam about stopping the

For the next few war

months Fewer bombs were used against the North

By the end of the year The bombing stopped

In 1970 American soldiers started to go home

Three years later The last Americans left

D. Tes-4 (Excercise 3)
No.1 :
a. Topic : Anh Nguyen
b. Main Idea : Life story of anh Nguyen Vietnamese
c. Pattern Signal : Sequence (was born, when she)
Signals Details
In 1960 She was born in Hue, a large city in South Vietnam

Four years old Her family moved to Saigon

In 1972 She finished grammar school, and then she went to high

The first year of high school

school This was a happy year for Anh

That winter She decided she wanted to go to study in France

In the Spring She did very well on her examinations

No.2 :
a.Topic : Anh change her plans
b.Main Idea : Anh had to change all her plans because of
the war
c.Pattern Signal : Sequence (In 1973)

Signals Details
In 1973 Life in Saigon was changing
In 1974 The North Vietnamese army moved into Saigon
That year For An han for others, there were new troubles

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