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Q. No. 1: Ans:-

“The means of selecting, analyzing, building and evaluating sensory input into a valuable and
significant subjective representation of the business in the enlightenment of associated memories
from past experiences.”


“Sensation” is the means that occurs when special receptors which are present in our sense
organs are initiated, providing numerous forms of external incentives to form neural signals in
the brain.

Difference b/w Sensation & Perception:

(1) Sensations is the important component in perception. It is simple appreciation of properties

e.g., taste, odor, color & sound etc. due to the excitation of the sense-organs and understanding
of the applications of sensations in the enlightenment of expertise and their relationships to one

(2) Perception is more intricate than sensation. It is an amalgamation of sensation with opinions.

(3) Perception includes the selection of incentives (stimuli) and the combination of them into a
model. The sensation does not include selection and combination.

(4) Perception requires the stimulation of the sense-organs, conduction of nervure current from
the sense-organs by the sensible neurons to the sensitive area of the cerebrum, and the excitation
of the impression areas. But sensation does not involve the excitation of the impression area.

Q. No. 2: Ans:-

Subliminal Sensation:

Fundamentally, the subliminal sensation is that least level wherever your senses observe any
response (Sensation). Simply effective enough to initiate the sensory receptors, but not stiff
enough for oneself to be consciously informed of them.

Sensory Threshold:

The lowest intensity of an incentive that customers are able of perceiving.

It is consists of two components:

a. J. n. d (Just noticeable difference) or difference threshold

“Refers to the ability of sensory systems to recognize variations or discrepancies among two
incentives.” –J. n. d & Weber’s Law

b. Absolute Threshold

“It applies to the smallest measure of stimulation that can be identified on a sensory
channel.”Marketing Stimuli.

Weber’s Law:

“The principle that greater the primary incentive, the greater its change need be for it change to
be noticed.”It is actually Jnd and base on the subliminal perception and Jnd is the marketing
application of Weber’s law.

Q. No. 3: Ans:-

Gestalt Principle:

Gestalt is a German word meaning whole, model or arrangement and we compile this term as
"the whole is greater than the sum of components." or we can say "whenever we don't entirely
comprehend regarding something we don't appoint meaning about it.”

There are seven principles of Gestalt explained with suitable examples.

1- Figure-Ground:

“The people are habitual of perceiving things as background or foreground.” E.g. Let have a look
on the picture below it instantly looks like the apple is placed on the background [ CITATION
Use19 \l 1033 ].

Figure 1) Figure-Ground

2- Similarity:

“If we see something which looks like similar, we collectively group them. We assume that both
have same properties & functions. For example, Let have a look on the picture below it seems to
be two different groups classified on the basis of shape: the circles and the squares.[ CITATION
Use19 \l 1033 ]

Figure 2) Similarity

3- Proximity:

“It is something which resembles together and looks like more suitable than things which are
separated very distantly. It is convincing that it neglects similarity of shape, color etc.
[ CITATION Use19 \l 1033 ]

Figure 3) Proximity

4- Common Region:

Common region is extremely similar to proximity, “When we place something in the same
covered region, it recognize as existing unit. Outposts or visible boundaries are an excellent
mean by which we generate a division of these units or groups by perceiving them even if they
have the one to one corresponding shape, color and proximity etc.[ CITATION Use19 \l 1033 ]

Figure 4) Common-Region

5- Continuity:

“The components which are organized on a curve and line are highly relatable than the
components which are not onto the curve or line. The curved line of red dots looks like more
related to the black circles on the curved line than the red circles on the horizontal line.
[ CITATION Use19 \l 1033 ]

Figure 5) Continuity

6- Closure:

Figure 6) Closure

“If we glance at a compact pattern of some visual elements, we will see a particular pattern
because your brain fills these incomplete figures and makes a whole picture so we accept that
pattern.[ CITATION Use19 \l 1033 ]

7- Focal Point:

It is the centre of interest like anything which reaches out visually will definitely attract our
attention first.

Figure 7) Focal Point

In the above picture, at first glance the red square is seen by the viewer, because it has different
shape and color from all of them. This is the focus and attraction which instantly your brain
perceives at first glance and which seizes your concentration, after this you will move to the
other parts of the picture.[ CITATION Use19 \l 1033 ]

Q. No. 4: Ans:-

Perceptual Set:

Perceptual set indicates that “people give attention to simply a minute part of incentives to which
they are exposed.”

Stimulus Selection Factors:

i- Size:

Bigger is better because larger the billboard gives more attention than the smaller the billboard
less attention. [ CITATION gue09 \l 1033 ]

ii- Color:

Color is a powerful technique to attract attention to a product or to provide it with different

integrity. E.g. If we use colors psychology red is used for love & excitement but other than that it
is a symbol of danger.[ CITATION gue09 \l 1033 ]

iii- Position:

In storehouses products arranged in front at eye level & in newspaper front page publication and
left & right side of pages in Urdu & English magazines as well as during watching the show in
the break if 1st commercial is affecting all these are late habituate and obtain to pay attention.
[ CITATION gue09 \l 1033 ]

iv- Novelty:

Novelty is basically Innovation. It means reverie (fantasy). Incentives that arise in surprising
ways or Places there will be less engagement & attention. These areas are back of shopping gigs,
walls of tunnels, and even of public restrooms.[ CITATION gue09 \l 1033 ]

Q. No. 5: Ans:-

Factors Leading to Adaption:

1. Intensity:

Bright color and smooth sound habituate due to the less obvious impression on the other hand
dark colors not easily habituate due to sensory. E.g. in signboards use dark colors so they can't
simply habituate.[ CITATION gue09 \l 1033 ]

2. Duration:

Time or concentration span of habituate any output. E.g. Less time – shorter period as More time
– moderate period and Much more time – Late time period. [ CITATION gue09 \l 1033 ]

3. Discrimination:

It is prominent and unique. It is simply different from everyday work. Coca-Cola commercials
resembling the existence & bizarre from their opponents [ CITATION gue09 \l 1033 ]

4. Exposure:

Frequently confronted incentives as the rate of exposure increase[ CITATION gue09 \l 1033 ]

5. Relevance:

Incentives that are unnecessary or frivolous will habituate because they fail to captivate attention.
[ CITATION gue09 \l 1033 ]

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