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Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology

Faculty of Management Sciences

Course Outline

General Information

Course Title Principles of Psychology

Semester 4th
Credit point Value 3
Level BBA (Hon’s)
Name of Course Instructor: Mr Muhammad Qasim Ali

Course Overview:

Welcome to the course! Psychology is the science that seeks to understand behavior (e.g.,
helping, conformity) and mental processes (e.g., memory, reasoning). Since its beginnings in the
19th century, psychology has become a group of specialized topic areas, ranging in scale from
the molecular (biopsychology) to the global (cultural psychology). In this course, you will be
taken on a tour of several of these areas. Your primary objectives in this course are to recognize
and differentiate the major theories, principles, findings, and methods of the discipline of
psychology. In addition to a grand tour of several divisions of psychology, we will be focusing
on happiness: what it is and how to achieve it. By learning about what makes people happy, it is
my hope that you will achieve KFUEIT mission of

Transformative inquiry, which leads you not only to new knowledge but to new ways of living
and of seeing the world; lifelong learning, where you will continue to seek out reliable
information about how to live well; and meaningful service, because you will discover that our
relationships with others are the single most important factor for managing this
environment, and considers strategic issues related to technology use.
Goals of the Course

 Recognize major contributors to the field of psychology; and identify events & theories
that characterize the history of Psychology.
 Understand psychological research methods, concepts and terminology; and be able to
recognize them in practice.
 Describe the major theories and concepts of learning; and generate examples applicable
to life.
 Recognize the function & role of memory, motivation & emotion.
 Recognize the various theories of personality, their proponents, significant terms and
 Recognize & identify the categories of various psychological disorders; and the various
treatment modalities and approaches.
 Integrate & apply the concepts in the above objectives to what students observe and
experience in their own life.

Things you MUST have with you in my class:

In order to achieve the above objectives, you will engage in a variety of activities:

 Attend lectures.
 Read the text and other instructional materials.
 Participate in discussions of case studies of organizations implementing IT.
 Your course outline (this very document)
 Your sharpened active learning skills
 A heart glowing with zeal and thriving for self growth
 A brain that is empty of all thoughts/concerns from outside my classroom
 A mind focused on generating creative and logically sound inputs/arguments

Course Text Book:

1. Lilienfeld, S.O. etal. (2014). Psychology: From Inquiry to Understanding, Third Edition.
2. Saundra K. Ciccarelli& Glenn E. Meyer (2006). Psychology (South Asian Edition,
1stedition), Pearson Education.
Evaluation Criteria

Class Attendance Participation 03

Assignments 03

Test/Quizzes 04

Class Project 10

Mid – Term 30

Final - Term 50

Total 100

Grading System

Sr.No Grade Subject Marks SGPA

1 A+ 95 and Above 4.00
2 A 86-94 4.00
3 A- 80-85 3.70
4 B+ 76-79 3.30
5 B 72-75 3.00
6 B- 68-71 2.70
7 C+ 64-67 2.30
8 C 60-63 2.00
9 C- 57-59 1.70
10 D+ 54-56 1.30
11 D 50-53 1.00
12 F Below 50 0.00
Weeks Course Topic

What is Psychology
Research Design and methods

Sensation and Perception



Cognition: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language



Mid Term

Stress and Health

Social Psychology

Personalities Theories I

Personalities Theories II

Psychological Disorders I
Psychological Disorders II
Approaches to Treatment and Therapy


Group Presentations


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