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Cenergi Newsletter
Cenergi O&M Sdn Bhd (CO&M) is wholly
owned by, and is the operating arm of
Cenergi SEA Sdn Bhd for all its Biogas
Plants in Malaysia. Currently CO&M is the
Management’s Perspective: O&M operator for Havys, Sri Jelutung, Cheekah,
Sawira and Pantai Remis Biogas Plants.
The next plants coming on board this
year will be Tennamaran, Cenergi FJP
and Cenergi Chersonese.
Currently we have a total of about 50
staff at HQ, regional offices and at all the
biogas plants with the number expected to grow to about 80 by
the end of the year as the new plants achieve IOD(Initial
Operating Date) and COD (Commercial Operating Date).
CO&M signs the Operation and Maintenance Agreements
(OMA) with the respective asset owners. The OMA clearly
defines the roles, responsibilities and deliverables of both the
operator as well as the owners respectively.
The above arrangement will allow focus, check-and-balance
and resource optimisation of all operational works.

CO&M applies the same Standard Operating Procedures

(SOPs) at all the operating plants under its flagship. These SOPs
were jointly developed by the staff themselves, guided and
approved by the Management. Together, CO&M integrates
standard system and procedures, sharing best practices and
experienced individuals to produce independent power plant
owners and the power utility market across all functional areas
directly to the company. This system enables consistency in
work practices and can also be used as basic training
materials for new staff.These SOPs are regularly reviewed and
up-dated as we fine tune our operational practices.

CO&M is ready to operate biogas plants of various capacities

and equipment from different OEMs, manufacturers and
Our main and most important asset is people that have both
the knowledge and skills to manage and operate biogas
plants and machinery in order to produce renewable energy.

Working hand in hand with the HR Department, we are planning

to have structured soft-skills and technical training programs to
continually develop the competency of our staff in meeting our
operational requirements whilst also complying with industry
As Cenergi SEA continues to expand and build more biogas
plants, CO&M will grow in tandem. We are fully committed in
supporting the Group agenda.
Nordin Kassim
Head of Operations & Maintenance
A Different Perspective to Innovation
Innovation is often mistaken to be Their competitors would normally hire
purely technological when in fact it staff experts to solve their problems
also covers creativity and organization. whereas Toyota empowered their staff
In the current economy, change to be more than just line workers but
happens at a fast rate and so also problem solvers, innovators, and
companies are striving to stay ahead change agents to help avoid future
through innovative means. This new problems.
strategy is called Innovation
Management and it helps companies With unexpected consumer behaviour,
manage changes effectively. the economy, and political
Companies that neglect the environmentInnovation Management
importance of this strategy are more can help companies adapt to change
likely to set themselves up for failure inefficiently and remain relevant in their
the future. respective markets. Before adopting
innovation management, a company
Innovation Management is more than would have to reflect on their
just planning for new services, products management processes and identify
or lines. It is about transforming a where changes and improvements are
business to its current needs. An necessary.
example of how companies are being
innovative is by changing their As for Cenergi, the company seems to
organisational structure; from be set on the right course in being
centralised to decentralised or organic innovative with its management. The
to mechanistic, which is a big shift in establishment of the Centre of
management and how work is done Excellence, the new Performance
within the company. The changes that Management System and GCEO
a company goes through depends on feedback are all efforts to innovate
their internal or external factors in the Cenergi’s way of doing business. As
environment of their business which Cenergians, our role is to give our
always shifts according to trends. cooperation while also speaking up
to hopefully spark the change that will
In a rapidly changing economy, the
catapult Cenergi even further.
benefits of managing innovation can
lead to improvements in efficiency,
decreased cost, reduction in
processing time and it lowers the risk
of becoming obsolete amongst
competitors. A prime example of
managing innovation was done by
Toyota, considered to be the earlier
pioneers of harnessing the intellect of
its employees within their industry.
Arif Azraei
Centre Of Excellence
HR NEW Human Resource Management System (HRMS)

HCM telah mengorak langkah dengan

memperkenalkan Sistem Pengurusan Sumber
Manusia (HRMS) sebagai satu medium pengurusan
yang lebih cekap dan efisyen seiring dengan
pertumbuhan Cenergi yang progresif. Dengan
menaik taraf sistem HR dan memperkenalkan
sistem HRMS sejak 7 bulan yang lalu, ia telah
memberi impak positif, bukan sahaja kepada HCM
team dalam pengurusan hal ehwal pekerja, tetapi
juga memberi added value kepada seluruh warga
Cenergi. Staff bukan sahaja dapat memuat turun
slip gaji sendiri, tetapi feature seperti leave module
juga membolehkan staff menyemak baki cuti
tahunan, malah permohonan cuti juga boleh
dilakukan dengan mudah.

Yang lebih menarik, HRMS juga boleh diakses melalui

smartphone! Kemudahan akses melalui smartphone ini
sesuai dengan keadaan semasa yang sibuk dan
sophisticated. Dah tak perlu untuk membuka laptop
atau desktop untuk menyemak slip gaji, atau mengisi
borang untuk memohon cuti. Sistem HRMS dengan
aplikasi di smartphone menjadikan sistem ini ideal
digunakan, mudah, cepat dan boleh digunakan tidak
kira masa dan di mana jua. Semuanya hanya dihujung jari.

HRMS ini lebih istimewa kerana ia di-tailormade mengikut

keperluan Cenergi. Pelaksanaan dan penggunaan sistem
ini secara langsung mengurangkan penggunaan kertas
dan ink. Ini secara langsung seiring dengan salah satu
core values Cenergi – Sustainability.


Feature terbaru yang sedang dalam pembinaan adalah Expenses Claim Module. Ciri yang
sedang dibina ini akan membolehkan staff untuk menghantar Expenses Claim melalui sistem.
Membuat dan menghantar expenses claim akan menjadi jauh lebih mudah, no more printing, no
more thick paper to submit your claim!

Nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang feature akan datang?

Stay tuned!
Staff Baru Bulan Ini

Newsletter Cenergi satu lonjakan,

Wacana idea informasi terkini,
HCM sajalah nak memperkenalkan,
Cenergians yang baru join bulan ini!!

Welcome to Cenergi family!!

Thasenthiran A/L S.Moghan

01 Department: Operations and Maintenance

Pg. Noraini @ Dayang Ku Noraini Binti Pg Mohd Hussein Al Hashim

02 Department: Centre of Excellence

Shalini A/P Muniandy

03 Department: Centre of Excellence

Asif Qayyum Bin Hassan

04 Department: Strategy and Merger & Acquisition

Mohd Badrul Hisham Bin Yusuf

05 Department: Health and Safety Environment

Norazrina Arfan
Antaranya ialah membetulkan alat pengukur ‘OCEF Protection Relay’,


membaiki kebocoran minyak ‘Shunt Reactor’ dan menaiktaraf
‘Protection CT’ pada 11kv. Penyelenggaraan ini juga bertujuan
memastikan setiap peralatan dapat beroperasi dengan baik dan



Upgrading of Protection CT at 11kv

Repairing oil leak Shunt Reactor

Recalibrate OCEF Protection Relay


Kebelakangan ini Cenergi melalui perkembangan pesat

yang boleh dilihat menerusi penambahan ‘biogas plant’
serta staf-staf baru. Kini Cenergi mempunyai lima buah
‘plant’ yang terletak di negeri-negeri Perak dan Pahang,
dengan beberapa buah plant yang dijangka siap tahun
ini. Oleh itu, mulai isu ini ‘Cenergi Newsletter’ akan
mempunyai kolum ‘Perkembangan Plant’ bagi tujuan
berkongsi hal-ehwal semua warga ‘plant’ tidak kira di
mana jua.

1. Bercucuk Tanam Terapi Minda

Kawasan plant yang luas memberi kelebihan kepada staf-staf di plant untuk mewujudkan
taman mini dan menggalakkan aktiviti bercucuk tanam. Seronok bercucuk tanam, aktiviti
ini dapat melahirkan rasa cintakan alam sekitar dan merupakan terapi terbaik kepada
minda. Di Cheekah Plant, staf mengambil inisiatif untuk menanam labu kerana labu
mudah ditanam tanpa memerlukan penjagaan rapi. Di Pantai Remis Plant, difahamkan
staf mula menanam pokok bunga untuk mewujudkan taman mini.

2. Sri Jelutung dilanda angin kencang!

Pada 12 Mac 2019 yang lalu, Sri Jelutung Plant telah dilanda hujan lebat beserta angin
kencang dan difahamkan telah mengakibatkan kerosakan fizikal pada bahagian
bumbung bangunan pejabat. Oleh kerana hujan lebat yang berterusan, bahagian dalam
pejabat juga turut terjejas dan menyebabkan sebahagian peralatan makmal
dipindahkan ke tempat yang lebih selamat. Semua staf dinasihatkan untuk sentiasa
prihatin dengan keadaan cuaca.

3. Penyelenggaran pencegahan di Sawira

Plant di Sawira telah menjalankan beberapa kerja menyelenggara bagi mengawal

kemungkinan berlakunya kegagalan dan kemerosotan prestasi peralatan dan mesin.

Nur Afiqah
01 Sustainability Workshop 02 CCC: Cyber Security

03 Nottingham & Herriot Watt 04 MIDF Green Conference

05 CCC: Gossip 2019 06 Cenergi x CGAD Earth Week

Editor’s Notes
Dear Cenergians,
We are now officially in the 2nd quarter of 2019 (time really flies,
doesn’t it?), and I am very happy to see that our monthly newsletter
now has a column to provide updates on all our biogas power
plants. I do hope that the newsletter will be useful for plant staff to
stay updated on what is going on at the corporate level, and vice
Before I sign off, I would also like to give a quick shout out to the EE
team, who have officially commissioned Phase 4 of the IIUM EE
Project. The team is still working tirelessly to get Phase 3
commissioned, and we look forward to a positive update on this
next month!
Loo Kin Han
Chief Editor

This Month’s Contributors

En. Nordin & Afi: Management’s Perspective (O&M)

Arif: A Different Perspective to Innovation

Lysa: Sudut HR

Afiqah: Perkembangan di Plant

Editorial Committee

Editor Editor
Azana Fariza Feeza Mansur

Editor Designer
Afi Faris Angelina Chong

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