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doi:10.1006/jmbi.2001.4995 available online at on J. Mol. Biol.

(2001) 312, 591±595


Porous Silicon: an Effective Nucleation-inducing

Material for Protein Crystallization
N. E. Chayen1*, E. Saridakis1, R. El-Bahar2 and Y. Nemirovsky2
Biological Structure and Protein crystals play a pivotal part in structural genomics, hence there is
Function Section, Division of an urgent requirement for new and improved methodology to aid crystal
Biomedical Sciences, Imperial growth. Considerable effort has been invested in the search of substances
College of Science, Technology (nucleants) that will induce ef®cient nucleation of protein crystals in a
and Medicine, London controlled manner. To date, nucleation has been facilitated mainly by
SW7 2AZ, UK seeding, epitaxy, charged surfaces or mechanical means. A different
2 approach is introduced here, involving the use of a mesoporous material
Department of Electrical
that is likely to constrain protein molecules and thereby encourage them
Engineering, Technion-Israel
to aggregate in crystalline order. Large single crystals were obtained
Institute of Technology, Haifa using porous silicon at conditions that are not suf®cient for spontaneous
32000, Israel
nucleation, for ®ve out of six proteins that were investigated. We propose
that this success is due to the size distribution of pores in the specially
designed porous silicon.
# 2001 Academic Press
Keywords: nucleation; phase diagrams; porous silicon; mesoporous;
*Corresponding author protein crystallization

Nucleation is the necessary ®rst step in the crys- Due to the lack of general success of these sub-
tallisation process, which in¯uences it decisively. stances, we decided to take a new approach,
Consequently, the ability to control it is of primary searching for materials with cavities, which might
importance in crystallization experiments. Nuclea- entrap protein molecules and encourage them to
tion presents a free energy barrier which must be nucleate and form crystals. Microporous and meso-
overcome in a speci®c way, different from the porous silicon materials consist of networks of
supersaturation conditions which subsequently pores and cages, electrochemically etched on a
make crystal growth an energetically favourable crystalline silicon surface.9,10 Porous materials have
process.1 Formation of nuclei in the bulk of a sol- recently been highlighted in Nature,11 concerning
ution is a stochastic process where protein mol- their uses in various areas of chemistry, chemical
ecules interact until a critical size aggregate is engineering, semiconductor research and the devel-
formed. Any environment that favours a higher opment of physical, chemical and biological sen-
local concentration of macromolecules provides a sors, but not for protein crystal growth. We tested
potential nucleation point and may lower the the suitability of a specially made porous silicon
energy barrier for nucleation. (Figure 1) as a nucleant for protein crystallization.
Previous studies attempting to ®nd nucleants A thin layer of porous silicon of 15 mm was elec-
have been undertaken by introducing candidate trochemically fabricated on a silicon substrate
substances into crystallization trials in a controlled using a backside aluminium contact. The silicon
manner.2 ± 6 Some have been useful for individual substrate was lightly boron-doped p-type single
proteins but none have yet turned out to be of gen- side polished, so that the average pore size was 5-
eral use. Various other attempts to induce nuclea- 10 nm. The dimensions of the pores exhibit a Gaus-
tion on irregular or rough surfaces, or surfaces of sian distribution, with an estimated standard devi-
special composition (e.g. poly-L-lysine, plastic) ation of 3 nm. A picture of a cross-section of the
have only proved effective in isolated cases.7,8 porous silicon material can be seen in Figure 1,
exhibiting a cleaved silicon substrate with a thin
Abbreviations used: PEG, polyethylene glycol; MPD, porous silicon layer on top of it. The resulting thin
2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol; HF, hydro¯uoric acid. wafers of material were easily cut into pieces of
E-mail address of the corresponding author: sub-millimetre dimensions and were immersed in crystallization solutions. Crystal growth exper-

0022-2836/01/040591±5 $35.00/0 # 2001 Academic Press

592 Porous Silicon: a Nucleant for Protein Crystals

Figure 2. A working phase diagram determined using

Figure 1. A cross-section of porous silicon showing microbatch for catalase at 18  C, showing in particular
the structure of the material (tree-like); the silicon is the supersolubility curve. The variables are concen-
white while the dark areas are pores in the layer. A por- trations of protein and polyethylene glycol (PEG 6 K).
ous silicon layer was formed on a boron-doped p-type The other conditions are as in Table 1. The two arrows
crystalline silicon bulk with an aluminium backside con- show the conditions (metastable) at which porous silicon
tact, using an electrochemical cell with HF:ethanol (1:1) induced nucleation of large crystals in drops which
solution, rinsing in ethanol. (The HF aqueous solution otherwise remained clear.
had a concentration of 48 % v/v). The 15 mm thick
layers with 65 % porosity were prepared over ten min-
utes with a current density of 30 mA/cm2. In the cell,
water molecules oxidise the silicon during the electro-
chemical anodization process. The SiO2 layer is sub-
sequently etched by the HF, and the ethanol is used
biliprotein, which had not been previously crystal-
only to increase the ability of the solution to penetrate lised.
and keep all the volume wet during the electrochemical The effect of porous silicon was tested on a
process. The samples were stored in ethanol prior to use variety of proteins: catalase, concanavalin A, lyso-
as a nucleation substrate. In this way, the formation of a zyme, a phycobiliprotein, thaumatin and trypsin,
native silicon oxide was signi®cantly reduced.10 of Stokes' radii ranging from 2 to 5 nm. The
crystallization trials were also chosen to re¯ect a
selection of different common precipitating agents
and a wide range of pH.
Porous silicon was successful in inducing nuclea-
tion at conditions where the solution otherwise
iments were performed using the two major crys- remained clear (metastable), leading to the growth
tallisation methods, namely vapour diffusion hang- of large single crystals of diffracting quality in ®ve
ing drops and microbatch drops dispensed under a
of the six proteins tested (Table 1 and Figure 3). In
layer of oil.12
some cases, crystals grew only on the silicon frag-
As mentioned, nucleation requires very speci®c,
ment, leaving the rest of the drop completely clear
restricted conditions. In order to ®nd these con-
ditions, we experimentally determined a ``working (Figure 3(a)). In other cases, one or more crystals
phase diagram'' for each protein, an example of were also growing in other parts of the drop, their
which, for catalase, is shown in Figure 2. Such a numbers and sizes decreasing with distance from
phase diagram shows the supersolubility curve, the main silicon fragment (Figure 3(b) and (c)). It is
which is the threshold above which the protein possible that some nuclei diffused away from the
molecules spontaneously aggregate (as crystals or nucleation site after their formation, or that nuclea-
amorphous precipitation). The porous silicon was tion also took place on extremely small pieces of
inserted at conditions just below the supersolubi- the material which had remained loosely attached
lity curve (shown by arrows in Figure 2). The to the main fragment after cleavage. However, the
supersolubility curves were established using the possibility of other mechanisms of facilitation of
IMPAX automated crystallization system, which nucleation not localized on the nucleant, due for
dispenses numerous small-volume crystallization example to the creation of protein concentration
trials by a computer-controlled robot.13 This was gradients, cannot be excluded. In order to ensure
done by screening around published conditions that the crystals were actually attached to the
for these proteins, except in the case of the phyco- fragments when they were seen to be so, and not
Porous Silicon: a Nucleant for Protein Crystals 593

Figure 3. Crystals growing on and/or in the proximity of porous silicon fragments. (a) Lysozyme. Area shown is
2.5 mm  1.8 mm. (b) Trypsin. Area shown is 2.2 mm  2.0 mm. (c) Phycobiliprotein. Area shown is
3.0 mm  2.3 mm. (d) Phycobiliprotein close-up showing a crystal attached onto a silicon fragment. Area shown is
1.1 mm  1.0 mm. (e) Same crystal still attached after having moved the fragment. Area shown is 1.0 mm  0.8 mm.
The porous silicon coated wafers were broken into small pieces (ca. 0.06 mm2) and placed inside the droplets set at
various conditions below the supersolubility curves of the proteins. Both microbatch and hanging-drop vapour diffu-
sion set-ups were used, with drop volumes ranging from 2 to 5 ml. For the microbatch trials, Terazaki-type plates
were purchased from Nunc (Denmark). The fragments of porous silicon wafer were placed on the bottom of the
plates' wells (depressions); the crystallization drops were dispensed onto the fragments in the wells and covered with
paraf®n oil. For the vapour diffusion trials, Linbro-type crystallization plates contained 1 ml of the reservoir solutions.
The drops and the silicon fragments were dispensed on silanized glass coverslips that were inverted above the wells
and sealed with Apiezon C oil (M&I, Manchester, UK). All the experiments were run at 18  C.

just lying above or below them, we turned the Sanjoh and co-workers have reported the electro-
fragments in the solutions using microtools. In all statically driven heterogeneous nucleation of a pro-
cases, the crystals remained attached to them (e.g. tein, lysozyme, on micro¯uidic silicon devices. The
Figure 3(d) and (e)). The porous silicon was not inducement or avoidance of nucleation was depen-
effective in the case of concanavalin A. Other por- dent on the pH of the crystallization solution and
ous materials, e.g. (alumino) silicates of uniform the surface charge of the protein molecules.16,17
pore sizes up to 5 nm (VPI-514 and MCM-4115) Such dependence was not observed in the case of
were also investigated in the course of this study the porous silicon reported here. We therefore
but were not found to in¯uence the nucleation assume that the mechanical constraint of the mol-
process. ecules by the pores, and thus the creation of loca-
594 Porous Silicon: a Nucleant for Protein Crystals

Table 1. Conditions under which the proteins crystallized in the presence of porous silicon (no crystals grow in these
conditions in the absence of porous silicon)
Protein Mol. weight (kDa) Metastable conditions used for nucleation with porous silicon Protein conc. (mg/ml)
Lysozyme 14.5 6%(sat) sodium chloride 20 mM sodium citrate (pH 4.6) 36
Trypsin 24 30-32%(sat) ammonium sulphate 100 mM Tris (pH 8.4) 12-20
Catalase 232 5.1-5.4%(w/v) PEG 6K, 5%(v/v) MPD 100 mM Tris (pH 7.5) 11.5-12.5
Thaumatin 22 0.34 M sodium-potassium tartrate 50 mM Pipes (pH 6.8) 16
Phycobiliprotein 126 0.6-0.7 M ammonium sulphate 40 mM Mes (pH 6.1) 1.5 mM 11
dodecyl maltoside
Bovine liver catalase (Cat. no. C-9322), jack bean concanavalin A type IV (C-2010), hen egg-white lysozyme (L-6876), thaumatin
from Thaumatococcus daniellii (T-7638) and porcine pancreas trypsin (T-0134) were purchased from Sigma (Steinheim, Germany). The
phycobiliprotein was prepared and puri®ed in-house (J. Nield et al., unpublished). Polyethylene glycol of mean molecular weight
6000 (PEG 6 K), 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD) and the various salts used were also purchased from Sigma. In order to control
nucleation, it is necessary to work in very clean conditions. Hence, the lysozyme, trypsin and thaumatin stock solutions were ®ltered
with a 300,000 Mr cut-off ®lter, and catalase and the phycobiliprotein with a 0.22 mm mesh size ®lter (Ultrafree-MC, Millipore, Bed-
ford, USA) before setting up the experiments. Concanavalin A was not ®ltered because part of the protein appeared to be sticking to
the ®lter.

lised supersaturation maxima, is the principal most suited to its molecular diameter and to the
mechanism which facilitates the crystallization. shape of the initial aggregates that it forms. In con-
A practical advantage of porous silicon over the trast, the other porous materials tested have mini-
silicon devices is that porous silicon can be added mal variation of their mean pore size.
to the trials as small solid fragments in any stan- Further research into the use of porous or cage-
dard crystallization set-up. There is no need to use structured materials for protein crystallization, if it
specially designed vessels or to modify the crystal- goes hand-in-hand with the rapid technical devel-
lization method that has been chosen by the exper- opments in this ®eld, is likely to lead to the discov-
imenter. ery of more widely effective heterogeneous crystal
There is increasing pressure to ®nd methods that nucleants, or those which may be more speci®c to
will help to produce suitable protein crystals. This recalcitrant proteins.
is becoming more and more obvious from pilot
structural genomics projects, which show the suc-
cess rate of getting from clone to structure to be
about 10 %. Production of crystals suitable for X-
ray crystallography is found to be the rate-limiting
step ( The We thank Professor D.M. Blow for fruitful discussions
ultimate aim would be to ®nd a ``universal'' nucle- concerning this research and Dr J. Nield for providing
ant, which would promote crystallization of a high the phycobiliprotein. The European Commission EBCI
percentage of the proteins subjected to crystallisza- Initiative (B104-CT98-0086) and the BBSRC are gratefully
tion attempts under a wide range of conditions. acknowledged for ®nancial support.
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Edited by R. Huber

(Received 14 June 2001; received in revised form 2 August 2001; accepted 6 August 2001)

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