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The movie that I have chose to watch, and write about is Split.

I have seen this movie before and

I really like it. I chose this one because it is about a person with dissociative identity disorder, or multiple
personalities. To me this is one of the most interesting disorders there is.

Split, is a movie which is considered a psychological horror thriller. The movie came out in 2016.
The movie’s main character, Kevin, is the one who suffers from DID. The number of personalities that is
shown through Kevin is 23. In the movie, Kevin abducts three teenage girls and keeps them locked
underneath the zoo where he works. As the movie progresses, and the girls try to escape Kevin’s 24 th
personality is released. This personality is known as “The Beast.” The beast kills 2/3 of the girls, and also
kills Kevin’s psychiatrist.

In this movie the psychological disorder that is portrayed is DID, or dissociative identity disorder.
This conditions comes from a lack of connection with a person’s thoughts, memories, feelings, actions,
and sense of identity. Most people believe the cause of this disorder is a traumatic event in someone’s
past that they aren’t able to consciously cope with. The way it works is the person suffering from DID
will “switch” identities/personalities as if they are changing lives in order to avoid handling the problems
with their real life.

In my opinion the film shows somethings about DID that are true, and some that are not true.
For example, Kevin reveals secrets about his life such as being neglected as a child which is a known
cause of DID. Being neglected, at any stage of life is such a traumatic experience that causes people to
want to escape from their real life, and this is where DID comes in. As an escape from one’s reality.

The main thing that I have came to the conclusion that is wrong with the movie, is the last few
scenes. I have researched this movie and so many people agree with me when I say that the last few
scenes are such an insult and just very rude to people that actually suffer from DID. Kevin’s character
has fully develop his “Beast” personality at this point. They turn his character not only into a different
personality, but into a different creature. His character starts to literally become a beast. He grows really
big and gets supersonic speed. He begins to kill people and eat them. This is such an inaccurate
representation of DID and could lead people to form opinions about people with this disorder in the
wrong way.

The movie, as entertaining as it may have been should not be used by people to make
assumptions about DID. The movie is solely based off of entertainment purposes and not educating
ones. I do recommend the movie for someone who likes a good action/horror movie, but I would not
recommend it as a resource to better understand dissociative identity disorder.

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