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Sr. No.

PS:3733 Documents/Record Required

1 Halaal Standard PS:3733 Document

2 Halaal Guidelines Document

3 Legal Requirements Documents

4 List of approved Raw materials Documents

5 SOP for Raw materials purchase Documents

6 Supplier’s evaluation criteria Record

7 Halaal Certificates/COAs/MSDS of Document

raw materials

8 Scope of HFMS Document

9 Halaal Food Policy/ Objectives Document

10 Control of records Document

Emergency Preparedness and • SOPs for Emergencies

Response • Record of any emergency

12 Internal Audit • SOP

• Audit Plan
• Audit Team
13 Internal Audit Records • Audit Check list
• List of recorded findings
• List of recorded findings closing

• SOPs
14 Management Review
• Records
15 Halaal Control Points Document

16 16.   Process Flow Diagrams Document

17 17.   Halaal Risk Assessment Document

• Halaal Team Document

18 18.   Human Resources
• JDs of Halaal Team Leader

19 Trainings and Competency Record

20 Product Recall
• Record of any Recall

21 Employee's health and hygiene Record

22 New Halaal product development • SOP

23 23.   Pest control and related • SOPs

records • Records

Lab Tests from competent/ Accredited

24 Lab tests of finished products 1.       Finished Goods safe for human
2.       Critical raw materials

Test report/ documented evidence of

packaging raw materials and Inks that it
25 Lab tests of Packaging
shall not impart colour, toxicity, odour to
the product

26 In-House Lab tests list Lab Tests

Details of Packaging suppliers/

raw materials (All packaging material • Halaal Certificates of Packaging
27 need to be procured from Halaal certified Manufacturer
suppliers or all existing suppliers need to
acquire halaal certificate within one year)

Details of Chemicals used in

28 • Halaal certificates of Chemicals
hygiene and sanitation

29 Water test report (if applicable) Test Report

30 Continual improvement • SOPs
Corrective action • Records
Preventive action

31.   VALIDATION AND • Input output records

VERIFICATION • Calibration (both Internal & External)

32 IDENTIFICATION AND Record of recall / Mock recall


SANHA approval of all finished products

33 33.   Labelling as per 3733
labels bearing SANHA logo

34.   Material details of Machinery, Halaal Certificates / Specifications of

34 utensils, production lines come in Machinery, utensils, production lines
contact with the product. come in contact with the product.

35 35.   Vehicle Inspection record Records

36.   COA / MSDS of finished
36 DOCs
Food Safety Certificates If
37 acquired Certificates

38 Storage conditions • SOPs

• Records

• SOPs
39 Lab visit
• Records

40 SANHA Audits Reports

GAP Assessments / Mandatory updates required
for certification
Updated Halal Standard PS:3733 2016 copy to be
available Halal Standard

Guidelines for Halal Management System

implementation to be available
SECP, FBR, EPA and other licences copies
Updated list of approved raw materials to be
available. Kindly ensure the same chemicals / raw
materials are available in Store as mentioned in the

Develop SOP for Purchasing. If already available,

add paragraph describing purchase of Halal
Ingredient / raw materials / packaging materials /
process aids etc

SOP for Supplier Selection & Evaluation. Add Halal

related requirements

Halal Certificates of all raw materials, packaging

materials, food contact surfaces / COAs / MSDS etc.

Scope for Halal Food Safety Management System to

be added in Halal Manual
Halal Policy & Measurable Objectives for Halal FMS
to be developed.

Add Halal related requirements, if not added yet

Add Halal Food Emergency scenario in the existing

Food Safety Emergency SOP. Also ensure availability
of relevant record if any Halal related emergency

Conduct Halal Internal Audit based on the PS:3733 . Internal Audit Procedure
2016 checklist (Fill complete checklist which was
. Halal internal audit checklist
shared earlier)

Please ensure that following records of Halal

Internal Audit are available during audit:
· Audit Plan
· Audit Team
· Audit Check list
· List of recorded findings
· List of recorded findings closing

Discuss HFMS internal audit in the Management

Review meeting and update records accordingly
Make comprehensive / detailed documents for
Halal Control Points. Describe each HCP in detail.

Updated version to be available verified by

Halal/Food Safety Team
Updated version to be available verified by
Halal/Food Safety Team

Nomination of Halal Food Safety Management

Team & Team Leader and communication.
Job Description of Team Leader and Team Members
to be available

Training Records of HFMS Team & Employees

Add Halal requirements in the SOP.
Records to be available incase of any recall due to

Health Screening records, Hygiene Cards

A SOP should be developed for New Halal Product

Development containing a protocol that all raw
materials, packaging materials and ingredients
should be approved from Halal Certification Body.

SOP for Pest Management Program and relevant

monitoring records to be available

Finished product testing reports from accredited 3 rd

party laboratory

Laboratory test reports for Raw Materials,

Packaging Materials and other input materials to be
make available during audit

List of in-house laboratory tests which are being

carried out

Halal Certificate of Packaging Material vendors. If

the vendor is not currently certified, communicate
him to initiate Halal Certification process and send
relevant documents for record purpose.

Make a list of all chemicals being used for cleaning,

hygiene & sanitation purpose.

Testing report of water being used in the process.

Halal requirements to be addressed in Corrective &
Preventing Actions, Continual Improvement SOPs

Record of calibrations, verification & validation to

be updated in respect of HFMS

Mock drill for Halal Food Safety issue and maintain

all documents to ensure traceability
Labelling is very critical; ensure that all materials all
properly labelled as per approved raw material lists

All relevant documents to be make available during

the Halal Audit

Updated vehicle inspection checklist

COA / MSDS of finished products

FSSC 22000 certificates

SOP containing all storage condition requirements

and relevant records for its verification.

Laboratory related SOPs & Working Instructions,

Specifications to be available during laboratory visit

Last Halal Audit Report to be available Audit Report HALAL - SANHA - 2019

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