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POLYTECHNIC TRB ENGLISH 7) Lockwood is a character in:

a) Shirley
UNIT – 3 b) Wuthering Heights
c) Jane Eyre
d) Villette
1) _________ is the pseudonym of Charles Lamb.
a) Charles 8) They stretched in never-ending line,
b) Anne Along the margin of a bay:
c) Elia Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
d) Dyer Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
What is the figure of speech used in the above
2) In “Ode to the West Wind,” why does the lines?
speaker identify so closely with the west wind? a) Metaphor
a) He believes both are “tameless, and swift, and b) Personification
proud”. c) Hyperbole
b) He recognizes that both cause others to “tremble d) Assonance
and despoil themselves”.
c) He laments that they have both fallen “upon the 9) In Blake’s “The Tyger,” the images of the
thorns of life”. hammer and anvil portray the Creator as
d) He knows that both can lift “a wave, a leaf, a a) blacksmith.
cloud”. b) sculptor.
c) painter.
3) Complete this line from "The Tyger": "Did he d) carpenter.
smile his work to see? Did he who made the ____
make thee?" 10) How old is Emma at the start of the novel?
a) World a) 19
b) Lamb b) 20
c) Heart c) 25
d) Brain d) 27

4) __________is a pastoral snapshot of a young 11) What words are used to describe Emma in the
woman working alone in a field in the Highlands of opening of the novel?
Scotland, singing a plaintive song in Gaelic. a) Clever, rich and handsome
a) The Solitary Reaper b) Smart, wealthy and pretty
b) Intimations of Immortality c) Poor, stupid and ignorant
c) Descriptive Sketches d) Clever, rich and beautiful
d) Daffodils
12) To Blake, what was the primary force behind
5) What was the title of Blake's first "prophetic his art and poetry?
book"? a) imagination
a) The Book of Thel b) tradition
b) The Marriage of Heaven and Hell c) reason
c) Songs of Experience d) theology
d) Uziel
13) “The Solitary Reaper" is a
6) Mr Knightley is Emma's? a) Sonnet
a) brother-in-law b) Ode
b) cousin c) Lyric
c) brother d) Limerick
d) father
1 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
14) Who is the speaker in “The Lamb”? c) Shelley
a) a child d) Coleridge
b) a shepherd
c) a lamb 20) Who dies, allowing Frank and Jane to marry?
d) a blacksmith a) Mrs Churchill
b) Mrs Bates
15) The picnic takes place at Emma takes place in? c) Mr Woodhouse
a) Box Hill d) Mr Cole
b) Cranley Hill
c) Red Hill 21) What is the first line of Wuthering Heights?
d) Mansfield Hill a) I have just returned from a visit to my
landlord -- the solitary neighbour that I shall be
16) The term 'innocence ' in William Blake’s Songs troubled with.
of Innocence would mean: b) It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks
a) All of the above were striking thirteen.
b) Stainless representation of childhood c) Is this the face that launched a thousand ships?
c) Blake himself becomes a happy child. d) I must pray a dreamless sleep.
d) To celebrate the spontaneous joys of childhood.
22) William Wordsworth wrote Daffodils on a
17) What book does Harriet encourage Mr Martin to stormy day in spring, while walking along with his
read? sister Dorothy near __________, in England.
a) The Romance of the Forest
a) Ullswater Lake
b) The Italian
b) Freshwater Lake
c) The Mysteries of Udolpho
c) Longwater Lake
d) Pamela
d) Green Lake
18) Which of the following lines is an example for
23) Which of the poet is considered the pre-
end rhyming?
generator of American Transcendentalism?
a) I gazed-and gazed-but little thought,
a) S. T. Coleridge
What wealth the show to me had brought: b) John Keats
b) They flash upon that inward eye,
c) William Blake
Which is the bliss of solitude;
d) P. B. Shelley
c) They stretched in never-ending line,
Along the margin of a bay:
d) The waves beside them danced; but they, 24) How does Emma’s first match for Harriet end?
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: a) Augusta appears and claims that Mr. Elton is
already betrothed to her.
19) “Had Mr. Words worth's poems been the silly, b) Harriet rejects Mr. Elton’s advances.
the childish things, which they were for a long time c) Mr. Elton falls in love with Emma, then marries
describe as being; had they been really Augusta
distinguished from the composition of other poets d) Mr. Elton’s family refuses to give consent.
merely by manners of language and inamity of
thought, had they indeed contended nothing more 25) Biographic Literaria (1815-17) contained
than what is found in the parodies and pretended ___________ chapters.
initatial of them; euust have sunk at once, a dead a) 17
weight into the slough of oblivion, and have b) 21
dragged the preface along with them.” c) 24
Who defended Wordswoth thus? d) 27
a) Hazlitt
b) Charles Lamb

2 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
26) Who is the heroine of Wuthering Heights? 32) According to Coleridge, fancy is a mode of
a) Catherine Earnshaw ___________emancipated from the other order of
b) Ellen Dean time and space; and blended with, and modified that
c) Frances Kenneth empirical phenomenon of the will which he
d) Cathy Linton expresses by the word choice.
a) intuition
b) recall
27) In “Ode to the West Wind,” the tumbling effect c) memory
of the wind is reflected in a rhyme scheme called d) repetition
a) terza rima
b) blank verse 33) I wander'd lonely as a cloud is an example for
c) ballad stanza a) Simile
d) rhyming couplets b) Metaphor
c) Metaphor
28) What does Blake mean by the phrase "fearful d) Euphemism
a) means that any type of symmetry should be 34) Coleridge in chapter XIV of Biographia
feared Literaria calls_____________, a magical and
b) means Blake is scared of symmetry synthetic power.
c) is a direct reference to the similarities between a) Fancy
Lucifer and Angels b) Imagination
d) means that the tiger is symmetric and is very c) Poetry
scary d) Prose
29) Who is the oldest single woman in Austen’s 35) Mr. Lockwood rents which home?
novels to catch a husband? a) Toad Hall
a) Miss Taylor b) Wuthering Heights
b) Anne Elliot c) Cherrythorn Lodge
c) Mr Woodhouse’s widowed mother d) Thrushcross Grange
d) Charlotte Lucas
36) How is the experience represented in poem
30) A____________, there for, may be defined as, “Tyger”?
that species of composition, which is opposed to a) by references to Lucifer and God
works of science, by proposing for its immediate b) by the tiger itself
object pleasure, not truth; and from all other species c) by detailed image of the tiger
it is discriminated by proposing to it self such d) the repeated questions that Blake asks
delight from the whole, as it compatible with and
distinct gratification from each component part. 37) “Behold, her single in the field,/ Yon solitary
a) Prose Highland Lass!”
b) Poetry a) Metaphor
c) Novel b) Imagery
d) Short Story c) Apostrophe
d) Hyperbole
31) At the beginning of the novel, Emma has just
made a love match between her neighbor Mr. 38) What is Emma’s annual income?
Weston and ________. a) £500
a) her acquaintance, Augusta Hawkins b) £1,000
b) her friend, Harriet c) £1,500
c) her governess, Miss Taylor d) Nothing: all her money goes to the poor
d) her sister, Isabella

3 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
39) When did Samuel Taylor Coleridge die? c) The Excursion
a) 25 July 1834 d) The Lyrical Ballads
b) 30 April 1822
c) 22 November 1836 46) ‘A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard
d) 24 February 1841 In spring time from the__________;
The poet of the above lines compared the reaper’s
40) Which term is used to refer to Scott's novels? voice to _________.
a) The Highland Novels a) Nightingale
b) The Lowland Novels b) Cuckoo
c) The North British Novels c) Robin Bird
d) The Waverley Novels d) Wood Pigeon

41) With which famous writer Coleridge became 47) Biographia Literaria contains the first instance
friends with in Christ's Hospital, also called The of the phrase ___________.
Bluecoat School? a) Objective Correlative
a) Shelley b) Suspension of Disbelief
b) William Wordsworth c) Willing Suspension of Disbelief
c) John Keats d) Negative Capability
d) Charles Lamb
48) The colour of Daffodils is _____________.
42) _________Coleridge consider as an echo of the a) Purple
former, coexisting with the conscious will, yet still b) Orange
as identical with the primary in the kind of agency, c) Yellow
and differing only in degree, and in the mode of its d) Blue
a) Imagination 49) Which of the following lines is an example of
b) The Primary imagination alliteration?
c) The secondary imagination a) Continuous as the stars that shine,
d) Fancy And twinkle on the milky way,
b) Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
43) Who among the following is not a lake poet? Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
a) William Wordswoth c) The waves beside them danced; but they,
b) Samuel Taylor Coleridge Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
c) Robert Southey d) They flash upon that inward eye,
d) P. B. Shelley Which is the bliss of solitude;
44) “Humble and rustic life was generally to be 50) Which one is the famous prose work of Samuel
chosen because in that condition the essential Taylor Coleridge?
passions of the heart find a better soil … and speak a) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
a plainer and more emphatic language” was the b) Kubla Khan
famous statement made by c) Christabel
a) William Wordswoth d) Biographia Literaria
b) Samuel Taylor Coleridge
c) Robert Southey 51) “Poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful
d) T.S. Eliot feeling” is a definition of poetry by:
a) Keats
45) ___________ is an incomplete work by William b) Wordsworth
Wordsworth. c) Coleridge
a) The Prelude d) None of these
b) Yarrow Revisited

4 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
52) Supernatural beings are classified into 58) “The Solitary Reaper” was published in
_________ types. a) 1805
a) 2 b) 1807
b) 3 c) 1809
c) 4 d) 1812
d) 5
59) According to Coleridge, incidents and
53) ___________Coleridge holds to be the living happenings narrated in poetry were to be
power and prime agent of all human perception, and a) Natural
b) Realistic
as a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of
c) Agents of the Supernatural
creation in the infinite he was. d) Agents of Gods
a) Imagination
b) The primary imagination 60) “The Solitary Reaper” was written using
c) Fancy a) iambic trimetre
d) The Secondary imagination b) iambic tetrametre
c) iambic hexametre
d) iambic octametre
54) William Wordsworth expressed that he felt
lonely in “Daffodils” because of 61) In “The Tyger,” which word best describes the
a) The death of his friend Tiger’s creator?
b) The death of his sister a) daring
c) The death of his brother b) distant
d) The death of his father c) tender
d) generous
55) Breaking the silence of the seas ………….
62) What is does the author imply by the following
Among the farthest ___________”
a) Island
Behold her, single in the field,
b) Bay
Yon solitary Highland Lass!
c) Hebrides a) Wants to warn the listener
d) Mountain Range
b) Wants to get the attention of the listener
c) Wants to speak to the listener
56) “The sudden charm, which accidents of light
d) Wants to describe an event
and shade, which moon-light or sun-set diffused
over a known and familiar landscape, appeared to
63) “The Solitary Reaper” and “I wandered lonely
represent the practicability of combing both.”
as a cloud” appeared in
The above lines speak about the effect of poetry a) Preface to Lyrical Ballads
to do which of the following? b) The Prelude
a) To activate the mind
c) Lyrical Ballads
b) To kindle the emotions
d) The Excursion
c) To excite the sympathy of the readers
d) To relive experiences
64) In _________ writes specifically about real
human music encountered in a beloved, rustic
57) Besides poet, what was Blake's main
a) “The Solitary Reaper”
a) minister
b) “Daffodils”
b) limner
c) “An Evening Walk”
c) engraver d) “Intimations of Immortality”
d) typesetter

5 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
65) No ___________ did ever chant d) John Locke
More welcome notes to weary bands
a) Cuckoo 72) The immediate object of prose is _______ and
b) Nightingale that of poem is to please.
c) Crane a) To give facts
d) Singing Bird b) to give truth
c) to give figures
66) _______ was credited with the idea of d) to give a real picture
"Conversational Poetry"
a) Wordsworth 73) Coleridge explains the point by quoting two
b) P.B. Shelley passages from Shakespeare’s ___________.
c) Thomas De Quincey a) Venus and Adonis
d) Coleridge b) Sonnets
c) Rape of Lucrece
67) What was Blake's first published volume of d) A Mid summers Nights’ Dream
a) Lyrical Ballads 74) Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are
b) Songs of Innocence they?: is an example of _________.
c) Songs of Experience a) Apostrophe
d) Poetical Sketches b) Interrogation
c) Rhetorical Questions
68) T.S. Eliot stated that __________ was "perhaps d) Metalepsis
the greatest of English critics, and in a sense the
last." 75) “Dream Children” was written by:
a) Hazlitt a) Leigh Hunt
b) Coleridge b) Charles Lamb
c) Thomas De Quincey c) Hazlitt
d) Charles Lamb d) Ruskin

69) ____________ delivered both biographical 76) Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
explanations of the Coleridge’s life as well as his Close bosom-friend of ___________
impressions on literature. a) the maturing sky
a) Dejection: An Ode b) the maturing sun
b) Biographia Literaria c) the maturing grass
c) To William Wordsworth d) the maturing season
d) The Prelude
77) To who was Hazlitt’s Characters of
70) Coleridge’s chief contribution to literary Shakespeare’s Plays dedicated to?
criticism is _____. a) William Shakespeare
a) Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton b) Thomas Carlyle
b) Criticism on Wordsworth c) Thomas de Quincy
c) Biographia Literaria d) Charles Lamb
d) Lectures on the poets of the 17th Century
78) Walter Scott’s Talisman takes place at the end
71) Who is the American transcendental of the ____________.
philosopher who was much influenced by Samuel a) The first Crusade
Taylor Coleridge? b) The Second Crusade
a) Ralph Waldo Emerson c) The Third Crusade
b) Ernest Holmes d) The Queen’s Crusade
c) John Locke

6 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
79) A sense of mystery rules supreme in a/ an d) Miss Augusta Hawkins
a) Epic 86) Prometheus Bound is a Greek Tragedy that is
b) Ballad attributed to
c) Narrative a) Sophocles
d) Pastoral b) Aeschylus
c) Euripides
80) S. T. Coleridge attacked Wordsworth's preface d) Terence
to the Lyrical Ballads in
a) Biographia Literaria Part I 87) ___________ discourages Emma’s
b) Aids to Reflection matchmaking efforts.
c) Sibylline leaves a) Mr. Weston
d) Biographia Literaria Part II b) Mr. Martin
c) Frank Churchill
81) Thou dirge d) Mr. Knightley
Of the dying year, to which this closing night
Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre 88) ________ is the Titan who was punished by
Vaulted with all thy congregated might.. Zeus for stealing fire from heaven and gifting it to
What is the meaning of the phrase “Dirge”? human beings.
a) Sigh a) Hercules
b) Murmur b) Prometheus
c) Mourning song c) Oceanus
d) Happy song d) Gaea

82) S. T. Coleridge made the famous distinction 89) The singing of Solitary Reaper is compared to
between Fancy and Imagination in Chapter that of __________.
__________ of Biographia Literaria. a) Nightingale and robin
a) VII b) Nightingale and Peacock
b) IX c) Nightingale and Cuckoo
c) XI d) Nightingale and Owl
90) The character of _________is itself a pure
83) Which of Shakespeare’s play is considered to be effusion of genius. It is not a character marked by
a noble play? strength of will or even of passion, but by
a) Hamlet refinement of thought and sentiment.
b) Macbeth a) Coriolanus
c) Antony and Cleopatra b) Macbeth
d) Troilus and Cressida c) Hamlet
d) Othello
84) “Solitary Reaper” is a/ an _______.
a) Lyric 91) Wordsworth favoured poetic diction to be
b) Sonnet prosaic in __________.
c) Ode a) The Prelude
d) Ballad b) Preface to Lyrical Ballads
c) Lyrical Ballads
85) _______ incites jealousy and admiration in d) Biographia Literaria
a) Miss Bates 92) Who makes the following observation: “I
b) Jane Fairfax have almost ceased to hope; and am sanguine only
c) Harriet in the prospects of other (former) years. I plunge

7 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
into foregone visions and conclusions. I encounter 98) And that minx, Catherine Linton, or Earnshaw,
pell-mell with past disappointments. I am armour- or however she was called--she must have been a
proof against old discouragements.” changeling--wicked little soul! She told me she had
a) Charles Dickens been walking the earth these_________: a just
b) William Hazlitt punishment for her mortal transgressions, I've no
c) Thomas Carlyle doubt!’
d) Charles Lamb a) Twelve years
b) Fifteen years
93) _______ informs us that the first defence of c) Twenty years
weak minds is to recriminate. d) Twenty five years
a) History
b) Records 99) And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
c) Experience Steady thy laden head across a brook;
d) Poetry What image does Keats attribute to autumn
in the above quoted lines?
94) _______ purifies the affections by terror and a) Carpenter
pity. b) Worker
a) Romance c) harvester
b) Tragedy d) one who picks up leftover grains
c) Comedy
d) Tragi-comedy 100) Had Mr. Wordsworth’s poems been the silly,
the childish things, which they were for a long time
95) According to Wordswoth ___________ is the described as being had they been really
ultimate source for creating poetry. distinguished from the compositions of other poets
a) Feelings merely by meanness of language and inanity of
b) Sense perception thought; had they indeed contained nothing more
Intuition than what is found in the parodies and pretended
Nature imitations of them; they must have sunk at once, a
dead weight, into the slough of oblivion, and have
96) Which of the following is the correct subtitle of dragged the preface along with them. But year after
Hazlitt’s The Round Table ? year increased the number of Mr. Wordsworth’s
a) An anthology of poetry on Nature admirers.
b) An anthology of Short-stories on humanism What was Coleridge’s intention in stating the
c) A Collection of Essays on Literature, Men, above?
and Manners a) To demean Wordsworth.
d) A collection of letters written to Leigh Hunt b) To assess Wordsworth.
c) To defend the genius of Wordswoth
97) During the first year that Mr. Wordsworth and I d) To criticize Wordswoth
were neighbours, our conversations turned
frequently on the two cardinal points of poetry, the 101) The setting of “Solitary Reaper” is
power of exciting the sympathy of the reader by a a) America
faithful adherence to the truth of nature, and the b) France
power of giving the interest of novelty by the c) Scotland
modifying colours of imagination. d) Switzerland
Who is “I” in the above quoted passage?
a) Robert Southey 102) “King Lear was un-stageable anywhere but in
b) S. T. Coleridge the theatre of the mind”, wrote ______.
c) Dorothy Wordswoth a) Thomas de Quincy
d) Thomas de Quincy b) William Hazlitt
c) Charles Lamb
8 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
d) Samuel Taylor Coleridge nature of his motives made him fitter to contend
with bad men.
103) ________ is a gentleman of Worcestershire. a) Brutus
a) Captain Sentry b) Cassius
b) Will Honeycomb c) Casca
c) Sir Andrew Freeport d) Cinna
d) Sir Roger de Coverley
109) I am in love with this green earth; the face of
104) “esemplastic power” was used by S.T. town and country; the unspeakable rural solitudes,
Coleridge in connection with _______ to shape and the sweet security of streets. I would set up my
disparate things into a unified whole. tabernacle here.
a) Meter Who is the speaker of the above quoted verse?
b) Imagination a) William Wordsworth
c) Diction b) Charles Lamb
d) Fancy c) Coleridge
d) Ruskin
105) _________ is one of the most loose and
desultory of our Shakespeare’s plays according to 110) A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard
William Hazlitt. In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,
a) Antony and Cleopatra Breaking the silence of the seas
b) Cymbeline Among the farthest Hebrides.
c) Troilus and Cressida What is Cuckoo bird famous for?
d) Love’s Labour’s Lost a) Cheerfulness
b) thrill
106) The______, described in ideal perfection, c) driving tiredness
brings the whole soul of man into activity, with the d) friendliness
subordination of its faculties to each other
according to their relative worth and dignity. He 111) Mr. D amidst his unconscious abode, amid an
diffuses a tone and spirit of unity, that blends, and incongruous assembly of attorneys, attorneys'
(as it were) fuses, each into each, by that synthetic clerks, apparitors, promoters, vermin of the law is
and magical power, to which I would exclusively compared to ____________ in an asp’s nest.
appropriate the name of Imagination. a) bird
a) Novelist b) dove
b) Poet c) hen
c) Dramatist d) cuckoo
d) Playwright
112) According to Hazlitt________ is a good hater;
107) Titan! to thee the strife was given ‘a man no less sinned against than sinning’.
Between the suffering and _______, a) Iago
a) the hope b) Shylock
b) the will c) King Lear
c) the death d) Othello
d) the life
113) Keats’ “Ode to Autumn” is an allegory on
108) According to Hazlitt, in Julius Caesar, _________.
________ was better cut out for a conspirator. His a) seasons
heart prompted his head. His habitual jealousy made b) transformation
him fear the worst that might happen, and his c) transmutation
irritability of temper added to his inveteracy of d) artistic creation
purpose, and sharpened his patriotism. The mixed

9 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
114) Whose love confession about Mr. Knightley 120) Only _________ remains the perpetual
makes Emma realize her love for Mr. Knightley? spinster in Emma, serving as a warning to those
a) Jane Fairfax women who are unable to achieve matrimony
b) Harriet during their youth.
c) Miss Bates a) Jane Fairfax
d) Miss Augusta Hawkins b) Miss Augusta Hawkins
c) Miss Bates
115) _________is a clergyman, a very philosophic d) Harriet
man, of general learning, great sanctity of life, and
the most exact good breeding among the members 121) William Wordsworth wrote poems in simple
of the Spectator’s Club. words about:
a) Captain Sentry a) Natural objects and simple country people
b) Will Honeycomb b) Nation
c) Sir Andrew Freeport c) Society
d) Tom Mirable d) His own life

116) According to Hazlitt, __________is a 122) Identify the author of Table-Talk (1821–22):
character that has not had justice done him. He is a) Leigh Hunt
the most romantic of mechanics. b) William Wordsworth
a) Quince the Carpenter c) Charles Lamb
b) Bottom the Weaver d) William Hazlitt
c) Snug the Joiner
d) Snout the Tinker 123) The setting of Shelley’s “Ode to the West
wind" is __________.
117) "Every single character in Shakespeare is as a) Rome
much an individual, as those in life itself" is a b) Florence
statement made by ________. c) Western Italy
a) Alexander Pope d) Belgium
b) John Ruskin
c) Charles Lamb 124) Peradventure __________, by some periodical
d) William Hazlitt infelicity, would, once in six years, merge in a
118) Or is it some more humble lay, a) The Lent
Familiar matter of to-day? b) The Epiphany
Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain, c) The Pentecostal Feast
That has been, and may be again? d) Christmas Eve
What does “It” mean?
a) The valley 125) What view of nature is presented in
b) The solitary reaper “Daffodils”?
c) Song a) Nature can bring hatred; it can do things to the
d) The dress of solitary reaper mind
b) Nature is powerful
119) Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical drama in c) Nature can be relied on and it makes people
Four Acts was published in __________. feel better
a) 1812 d) Nature is unsettling
b) 1817
c) 1820 126) Songs of Innocence begins with William Blake
d) 1823 as the Piper with _____ as his guide as his audience.
a) the Sphinx
b) the Minx

10 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
c) the child c) 32, 35
d) the guardian angel d) 35, 32

127) In Talisman, the __________ of Richard the 133) The Daffodils were growing __________.
Lionheart, accentuates the divisions among the a) by the side of a pool
Christian forces.. b) along the margin of a bay
a) Sickness c) by the riverside
b) Illness d) in a garden
c) Death
d) Disappearance 134) Macbeth is goaded on to acts of violence and
retaliation by necessity; to ______, blood is a
128) Whate'er the theme, the Maiden sang pastime.
As if her song could have no ending; a) Henry IV
What effect did the song of the Solitary reaper b) Richard
had on William Wordsworth? c) Iago
a) mesmerizing d) Coriolanus
b) impressive
c) no effect 135) Wordsworth saw ____________ of Daffodils
d) passing effect at a glance.
a) ghost
129) Methinks, it is better that I should have pined b) Crowd
away _________of my goldenest years, when I was c) mob
thrall to the fair hair, and fairer eyes, of Alice W---- d) gathering
n, than that so passionate a love-adventure should
be lost. 136) __________ poem by William Blake was in
a) Five support of William Wilberforce and abolitionists.
b) Seven a) The Chimney Sweeper
c) Nine b) The Little Black Boy
d) Twelve c) The Little Boy Lost
d) The Little Boy Found
130) William Blake’s poem “The Lamb” ends
with__________. 137) Alone she cuts and binds the grain,
a) an exclamation And sings a melancholy strain;
b) a short prayer O listen! for the Vale profound
c) probative tone Is overflowing with the sound.
d) optimism What does the phrase “melancholic strain’
131) The character of _____ is one of the a) Mesmerizing song
supererogations (work more than duty demands) of b) Sad song
Shakespeare’s genius? c) Sweet song
a) Brutus d) Dull song
b) Iago
c) Enobarbus 138) Who utters the following in Wuthering
d) Bolingbroke Heights?:
'I'm come home: I'd lost my way on the moor!' As it
132) __________ number of plays of Shakespeare spoke, I discerned, obscurely, a child's face looking
were considered to be genuine and covered in through the window.
________ chapters by William Hazlitt. a) Catherine Linton
a) 35, 35 b) Catherine Earnshaw
b) 32, 32 c) Isabella

11 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
d) Cathy Linton 143) Which of the writers authored The Life of
Napoleon Buonaparte ?
139) The winged seeds, where they lie cold and a) Thomas Carlyle
low, b) William Wordsworth
Each like a corpse within its grave, until c) Lord Byron
Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow d) William Hazlitt
Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill.
What does the phrase ‘calrion’ mean? 144) Angels of rain and lightning! there are
a) Horn spread
b) Trumpet On the blue surface of thine airy surge,
c) Bell Like the bright hair uplifted from the head
d) instrument Of some fierce Mænad, even from the dim verge
Of the horizon to the zenith's height,
140) Ten thousand saw I at a glance, The locks of the approaching storm.
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. Who is Maenad?
The phrase “sprightly dance” means? a) Leda
a) Slow dance b) Lady who took part in the orgies of Dionysius
b) Colourful dance c) Venus
c) Spirit’s dance d) Aphrodite
d) Lively dance
145) Our idolatry of Shakespeare (not to say our
141) _______ is one of the most original and admiration) ceases with his plays. In his other
perfect of Shakespeare’s productions, and he has productions he was a mere author, though not a
common author. It was only by representing others,
shown in it all the variety of his powers. It is full of
that he became himself. He could go out of himself,
grace and grandeur. The human and imaginary and express the soul of ________; but in his own
characters, the dramatic and the grotesque, are person, he appeared to be always waiting for the
blended together with the greatest art, and without prompter’s cue.
any appearance of it. a) Portia
a) As You Like It b) Cleopatra
b) The Tempest c) Rosalind
d) Imogen
c) The Mid Summer Night’s Dream
d) Twelfth Night 146) In “The Clod and The Pebble” the Clod
connotes to _________ and ________.
142) Songs of Experience begins with the line a) Stupidity and silliness
________. b) Dullness and stupidity
a) Hear the Voice of thine Creator c) Dullness and moody nature
b) Hear the Voice of thine Guardian angel d) Stupidity and foolishness
c) Hear the Voice of the Bard
147) And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
d) Hear the Voice of the Conscience And Thou shalt not.
This line from “The Garden of Love” refers to
143) In Songs of Experience William Blake sues the ___________
phrase “The Fallen Man”. What does he mean by a) Garden of Eden
the usage “The Fallen Man”? b) Celestial City
a) Disobedience of human beings c) State of Innocence
b) Imprisoned man by mind-forged manacles d) Garden of Babylon
c) Human beings in slavery
d) Consumerist attitude 148) On what wings dare he aspire?
12 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
What the hand, dare seize the fire? 155) ‘All the editors, with the exception of Capell,
The allusion is to __________. are unanimous in rejecting _______ as unworthy of
a) Prometheus Shakespeare, though they always allow it to be
b) Hercules printed with the other pieces, as the scapegoat, as it
c) Greek Icarus were, of their abusive criticism.
d) Zeus a) Cymbeline
b) Timon of Athens
149) In the poem “The Fly”, fly represents c) Titus Andronicus
_________. d) The Two Gentleman of Verona
a) Innocence and powerlessness
b) Innocence and smallness 156) Scottish crusader Sir Kenneth is also known as
c) death a) The Knight of Scotland
d) innocence and power b) The knight of the Whales
c) The Knight of the Leopard
150) ___________ is Richard's rival in Talisman. d) The Knight of the Tiger
a) Kenneth
b) Saladin 157) Which of the following is NOT a critic of
c) Conrade of Montserrat William Shakespeare?
d) Prince David of Scotland a) Thomas de Quincy
b) Charles Lamb
151) Little fly, c) William Wordsworth
Thy summer’s play d) Maurice Morgann
My thoughtless hand
Has brushed away.
158) What did Crusoe's father wanted him to have
Identify the figure of speech used in the above stanza:
as a career?
a) hypallage
a) Doctor
b) Antithesis
b) Lawyer
c) Transferred epithet
c) Engineer
d) Synecdoche
d) Naval Officer
152) Coleridge takes on Metaphysics in Chapter
159) Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays is an 1817
________ of Biographia Literaria.
____________ of Shakespeare's plays by William
a) 5
b) 7
a) anthology
c) 9
b) summary
d) 12
c) abridge version
d) book of criticism
153) Which poem of William Blake begin thus:
I dreamt a dream! What can it mean?
160) In Chapters 17 and 18 of Biographia Literaria,
a) My Pretty Rose Tree
Coleridge addresses the concepts of __________
b) The Lamb
and ____________ put forward by Wordsworth.
c) The Angel
a) Meter, diction
d) The Poison Tree
b) Form, meter
c) Meter, stylistics
154) “Ode to Autumn” is Keats’ response to
d) Diction, form
a) rejection of love by Fanny Brawne
161) __________ is despised by Heathcliff and is
b) Symptoms of tuberculosis
used by him as purely as a tool in his revenge
c) Death of his father
against Linton.
d) the Peterloo Massacre of 1819
a) Hindley

13 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913
b) Isabella
c) Hareton
d) Frances

162) __________ was acknowledged by Dryden,

but as a youthful work of Shakespeare.
a) Locrine.
b) The Puritan; or, the Widow of Watling Street.
c) Pericles, Prince of Tyre.
d) The London Prodigal.

14 S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M. Phil., SET., NET., (Ph.D)., Cell: 9843287913/ 9629287913

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