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1. My name is Taufiq Achmarudin. I’m the third children of four.

I was born in
Tangerang, December 26th 1995. I’m now studying in Islamic State University
Jakarta majoring Economic Development. I like writing, i can freely express and
trying to find solutions for the on going issues. One of my work is Garbage Banking
system as alternative way to resolve the externality and market failure. “Life if full of
mystery, the work diligently, tenacious, sportive, and pray in attitude”. This sentence
reprensents my principle in life. That way, can motivate me in carrying aout the
responsibilities and appreciate the time to succeed. One simply way i do is to divide
the time between learning, playing, organising, interships, and communicating on
social media. This kind of activities that i do help me to increase the knowlegde,
experience, and the community around.
2. Volunteer coordinator has an important role in the successful implementation of
Asian Para Games. In this casem the volunteer coordinator as a mediator in reporting
the performance of each field which will be followed up by the supervisor. It means,
volunteer coordinator has a duty in monitoring how far these needs have been
Being a volunteer coordinator has three aspects that must be considered: planning,
implementation, and supervision. First, in terms of planning, this aspect is
coordinator’s way to prepare things that support the implementation of activities such
as data collection and schedulling.
Regarding data collection, this is important when an organisation makes decisions
such as adding up how many people with the disabilites need wheelchairs or athele to
choose the food menu so as not the interfere with their performance.
About schedulling. The timing of the activities needs to be thoroughly and coherently
addressed so that the timing of the exercise, location, and break of the athlete in not
Second, in terms of implementation. This activities is the core of the implementation.
Good or not an activity can be seen in terms of timeliness of implementation. In
context, timeliness can be affected by weather and athletes attitudes. So that, the
coordinator functions as a designer of the rules, both written and technically like
athletes staling time, anticipating unexpected weather, and so on.
In addition, it can also be viewed in terms of dexterity of volunteers. In this case, the
function of coordinator as supervisor performance volunteers if they do not meet the
needs of activities.
Lastly, supervision. This step is done as a measure of the extent to which the
coordinator sees the achievements of each volunteer in each field. In addition, to
record what are the obstacles faced so that the next implementation can be overcome
or minimised.
3. People with disabilites in the sporting context are people who experience physical
limitations where in their interactions in experiencing obstacles and difficulties to
fully participate. Nevertheless, they have the same opportunity in channeling their
potential to reduce the gap and be able to develop into a formidable indivudual,
independent, and accomplished.
If looking back, when he lost his left hand while he was traveling with his parents
looking for fish and he accidentally hit by the ship's engine fan. While knowing it,
instantly feels dark, as if called a halt to his expectations of the future. However, the
role of the family and his partner who always supported him pave the way Thunder to
be an Olympic Diver swimmers. From the stories I underscores the power of God
who has given the ability of Thunder be swimmers. God says, "Man Jadda Wa
Jadda", meaning that whoever seriously, then his desire will be achieved.
Achievements engraved Thunder of determination, passion, and her confidence that
with his limitations, he was able to demonstrate mastery even scent name. In addition,
the role of Government as a facilitator be factors to consider for the disability athletes
success. Reported by the news of Indonesia, the Government of Republika has tried
mightily encourage all related unit needs a good honor, accommodation, vitamins, and
the means as well as the infrastructure necessary exercise. Not surprisingly, when the
Asean Para Games, Indonesia became the champion.

Para atlet dan para sport adalah orang yang mengalami keterbatasan fisik dimana dalam
berinteraksinya dapat mengalami hambatan dan kesulitan untuk berpartisipasi secara
penuh. Meskipun begitu, mereka memiliki kesempatan yang sama dalam menyalurkan
potensi keolahragaan sehingga mengurangi kesenjangan dan mampu berkembang
menjadi individu yang tangguh, mandiri, dan berprestasi.

Saya menilai para atlet dan para sport harus memiliki pengakuan, hak, dan pelayanan
yang sama tanpa ada pengucilan sepenuhnya. Ini juga dapat memberikan pelajaran
berharga dalam hidup bahwa sebenarnya keterbatasan bukanlah penghalang ketika
seseorang memiliki potensi yang ia miliki. Beberapa waktu lalu, tepat pelaksanaan
ASEAN Para Games, namanya Guntur. Ia peraih medali emas pada cabang olahraga
Jika melihat kisahnya dimasa lalu, ia harus kehilangan tangan kirinya saat ia sedang
melaut bersama orang tuanya mencari ikan dan tanpa sengaja ia terkena kipas mesin
kapal. Saat mengetahui itu, seketika dunia terasa gelap, seolah-olah memupuskan
harapannya untuk meraih masa depan. Namun, peran keluarga dan rekannya yang selalu
mendukungnya membuka jalan Guntur untuk menjadi seorang altet difabel. Dari kisah
tersebut saya menyimpulkan bahwa semangat, tekad, kepercayaan diri merupakan kunci
utama bagi seorang difabel dalam menyalurkan potensinya.

Para sport and para athlete is experiencing physical limitations which can interact in
trouble. Despite that, they have the same opportunity in the field of sport so sublimate
would reduce the gap and was able to develop into a formidable individual, independent,
and achievers. I think the athletes and the sport should have recognition, rights, and the
same services without any exclusion. It can also provide valuable lessons in life that the
actual limitations is not a deterrent when someone has potential she had. Some time ago,
the proper implementation of the ASEAN Para Games, his name was Thunder. He was
gold medalist in the sport of athletics.
If you see a story in the past, he should lose his left hand while he was traveling with his
parents looking for fish and he accidentally hit by the ship's engine fan. While knowing
it, instantly feels dark, as if called a halt to his expectations of the future. However, the
role of the family and his partner who always supported him pave the way Thunder to be
an Olympic Diver diffable. From that I conclude that the story of the passion,
determination, confidence is the key for a diffable transmit its potential.

I would like to prove the world that the people of Indonesia have friendly, discipline, and
able to work in the Asian Para Games, contribute directly in make the Asian Para Games
venue in Indonesia, especially in terms of service to foreign guests, and gain experience
and networks

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