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Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional

detective of the late 19th and early 20th

centuries. He has essentially an obsessive

personality. Holmes has most valuable skill

which is Inductive Reasoning , he was able to

see through the shroud of mystery that

always surrounded his case. This type of skill

is can be taught and maybe some of the

student are using this skills to prove

mathematical theorem.

So, let’s talk about the movie. This movie is fairly good action/adventure movie, made

better by the charisma of its main players. While the film is sure to entertain those who like a

nonstop action flick with a few comedic moments. If you are okay with that then it will certainly

does not leave you disappointed. By reading other’s review, there are a lot positive comments

about this film. Some is sharing their favourite scene and most of the comments is praising for

the successful of the movie.

In this movie, I remembered one word that Holmes say, "But a winning strategy

sometimes necessitates sacrifice." a simple line with powerful meaning. It is from the chess

scene when Moriaty had the white pieces. Unfortunately I didn't get to see much of the board

position as the camera zooms in on small part of the board and is

more interested in the facial expression of the actors. After a

while players seems to forget about the clock (5 minutes blitz

game). Holmes sacrifices his queen and Moriarty says “I think you

just lost your most valuable piece. Without his knowledge Holmes

sacrifices it to captures Moriarty's king by achieving checkmate.

Sacrifice usually means giving something value to get something more important in the

future. The people of the world who have achieved the most are the ones who are able to

sacrifice. A sacrifice to be truly worth it, to be hurt, to be empty ourselves. The fruit of silence is

prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of

service is peace. Sometimes you also have to sacrifice to keep going. Sometimes you need to

get away from the familiar and what to expect to get the results you are looking for in your life.

One of the biggest causes of failure in life is the inability to make sacrifices. The power of

sacrifice is something that can change lives and make great meaning.

In this point we can see the sacrifice that Holmes do in the game symbolize all the

soldiers who continue protecting us. I may not be a soldier's son or relative, but I feel

discourage to hear of soldiers dying in war. They risked their lives to protect us, and died for us.

I feel sad for them , even though I am thankful to the soldiers for fighting to keep us safe so that

we can live a peaceful life.

At the end the movie " Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows " are really Brilliantly

written and acted . This film has got everything. Robert Downey Jr. did a fantastic job .

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