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Management – A
Case Study
Dr. Radhika Kapur
Stress is considered to be
an integral part of ones
life; stress can be any
kind of worry,
anxiety, hassle, trauma,
tension, pain or pressure.
Stress is sometimes
avoidable but sometimes
is unavoidable and one
has to become aware of
certain measures and
ways about how to
it in an appropriate
manner. This is the case
study manuscript that
involves dealing with
management; the main
focus of this manuscript
is to center upon work
related stress, stress
by small and medium
enterprises, case studies
of positive stress and
negative stress; besides
these it also highlights
the sources, symptoms,
types of stressors, and
management of stress.
Management – A
Case Study
Dr. Radhika Kapur
Stress is considered to be
an integral part of ones
life; stress can be any
kind of worry,
anxiety, hassle, trauma,
tension, pain or pressure.
Stress is sometimes
avoidable but sometimes
is unavoidable and one
has to become aware of
certain measures and
ways about how to
it in an appropriate
manner. This is the case
study manuscript that
involves dealing with
management; the main
focus of this manuscript
is to center upon work
related stress, stress
by small and medium
enterprises, case studies
of positive stress and
negative stress; besides
these it also highlights
the sources, symptoms,
types of stressors, and
management of stress.
Management – A
Case Study
Dr. Radhika Kapur
Stress is considered to be
an integral part of ones
life; stress can be any
kind of worry,
anxiety, hassle, trauma,
tension, pain or pressure.
Stress is sometimes
avoidable but sometimes
is unavoidable and one
has to become aware of
certain measures and
ways about how to
it in an appropriate
manner. This is the case
study manuscript that
involves dealing with
management; the main
focus of this manuscript
is to center upon work
related stress, stress
by small and medium
enterprises, case studies
of positive stress and
negative stress; besides
these it also highlights
the sources, symptoms,
types of stressors, and
management of stress.
Stress Management – A Case Study Dr. Radhika Kapur

AbstractStress is considered to be an integral part of ones life; stress can be any kind of worry, anxiety,
hassle, trauma, tension, pain or pressure. Stress is sometimes avoidable but sometimes it is unavoidable
and one has to become aware of certain measures and ways about how to manage it in an appropriate
manner. This is the case study manuscript that involves dealing with stress management; the main focus
of this manuscript is to center upon work related stress, stress faced by small and medium enterprises,
case studies of positive stress and negative stress; besides these it also highlights the sources,
symptoms, types of stressors, and management of stress.

Case Study: Positive Stress

Stress is of two kinds, positive and negative; as it has been stated above it is up to the individual how he
perceives stress, whether he looks upon stress as negative or positive. This is the case study of a
university professor, who is under extensive pressure of work but she always looks upon stress as
positive. Dr. Priya Bir, a middle aged person is a professor in the Psychology department of Delhi
University, besides teaching at the university she also conducts counseling sessions at home for
individuals who face some or the other kinds of psychological problems such as anger, panic attack,
hysteria, stress, depression and trauma. Dr. Bir often writes

and gets her papers published, she attends conferences, national as well as international, she even
travels abroad to make paper presentations; creates lesson plans, tests and does lot of research study.
All these work duties make her even stay up in the night till 1 or 2 am; which shows that she does not
even get much sleep. In addition to this she also has a family to look after, her spouse and her children.
It is obvious that extensive work duties do make a person feel stressed out, sometimes Dr. Bir even has
to take lectures continuously without breaks; she incessantly speaks for five long hours, this does make
her feel stressed but she has always looked upon stress to be a positive and an integral part of ones life.
She states that stress does occur but one should not think too much about it, one should get pleasure
from ones work duties and have benefit of them. Becoming aware about Dr. Bir, how she manages her
work duties, even if she does not get her full time sleep she does not complain or feel tired, how she
works hard and renders her best performance in all her work duties has greatly inspired the researcher.
Finally, it can be stated and understood from this case that one should not feel stressed out from ones
work duties and job performances and always work hard to do ones most excellent. Doing ones job well
will always make a person feel happy, contented and pleased; he will not only make good money out of
his job but also earn a good reputation and goodwill within the community.
Case Study: Negative Stress

Negative stress always proves to be detrimental and is worrisome for every individual; negative stress
indulges a person into depression, trauma, causes upsetness, and leads to negativities. This is the case
study of a domestic help, a ten year old girl named Jyoti who was employed in the house of a
government employee, he lived with his wife, who was a homemaker and a three year old son. Jyoti was
employed as a domestic help in a nuclear family. She was made to do all the housework such as
cleaning, washing clothes, preparing meals, gardening, all kinds of works in the kitchen and was
supposed to look after the child. The duo of husband and wife never treated this young girl with
kindness and courtesy; they always mistreated her, abused her, even beat her if she does anything
wrong and they never paid her monthly wage which was Rs. 2000 nor let her speak to her parents. She
wanted to study, go to school, but they never got her admitted into a school nor even homeschooled
her, in other words teach her some concepts such as alphabets or numbers in her free time. This young
girl always had scratches on her arm

and bruises on her face caused due to severe beating. She was even food and sleep deprived most of
the time; she was made to wake up very early in the morning and went to bed late at night and was not
given enough to eat, she was deprived of a healthy and nutritious diet. This showed that Jyoti was under
severe negative stress and was experiencing extensive pain and torture. One day a family friend, a
woman with her husband visited their house, she was a social activist, who worked for the welfare of
the economically backward sections of the society. She saw the injury marks on Jyoti’s arm and felt
something fishy; she kept visiting their house a couple of times more to find out that something was
wrong, Jyoti is not being treated well by her employers. One day, this social activist found that Jyoti was
alone working in the garden, so she went and spoke to her and interrogated about how she was dealt
with; Jyoti disclosed everything, how she came to their house and what kind of treatment she has been
suffering at their hands. Becoming aware of all this, the social activist took severe action against the
couple and rescued Jyoti, she even got her admitted into the school and called her parents, they were
pleased to see their child going to school and studying. Jyoti then lived with her parents and continued
to study. This case study reveals how a ten year old girl underwent severe negative stress and then she
became fortunate to get independent and live a healthy and peaceful life.

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