Laporan Kimia Termokimia

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Complete report of basic chemistry experiment entitles “Thermochemistry”

arranged by:
Name : Shelini
ID : 1816441002
Class : ICP of Science Education
Group : I (One)
Has been checked by assistant and assistant coordinator. So, this report was accepted.

Makassar, October 29th 2018

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Maryella Oktafrilly Lethe Nurfadilah Adam

ID. 1413442003 ID. 1413142002

Known by,
Responsible Lecturer

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Danial, M.Si

ID. 19641112 199103 100
A. The Title of Experiment

B. The Aim of Experiment

1. Student learn energy changing that happen in every chemical reaction.
2. Student learn about heat changing that measured trough simple experiment.

C. Literature Review

The science of the relationships between heat and other forms of energy is called
thermodynamics. One kind of thermodynamics is thermochemistry. Thermochemistry
concerns the study of the quantity of heat absorbed, evolved or given off by chemical
reactions. An example of a heat-evolving reaction is the burning of fuel. It is has
benefit if you know the quanity of heat evolved during the burning of a fuel, such as
you could calculate the cost of the fuel per unit of heat energy produced, you could
calculate the quantity of heat obtained per unit mass of rocket fuel, and manymore.
However maybe you also have theoretical reasons for wanting to know the quantity
of heat involved in a reaction. For example, knowing such values, you are able to
calculate the amount of energy needed to break a particular kind of chemical bond
and so learn something about the strength of that bond. Heat measurements also
provide data needed to determine whether a particular chemical reaction occurs and,
if so, to what extent (Ebbing, 2009:224).
One study show that heat is have very big impact on fuel that will we choose. The
study try to use bioethanol and used frying oil as alternative fuel, but firstly we have
to measure the heat of the substance. From experiment result the heat burn amount of
the used frying oil is 91,98 J/kg, meanwhile the bioethanol is 62,39 J/kg. If the two
substance is mixed with various concentration of the two substances, the highest heat
burn amount is 76,86J/kg and the lowest is 27,52J/kg. Based on the result, heat burn
amount effect the using of fuel by the time (Tazi,2011:10).
Before we discuss futher, firstly we will define what is energy and heat.
Energy is define as the potential or capacity to do work or to produce heat. In
thermochemistry we will concentrate specifically on the heat transfer that
accompanies chemical processes. The most important characteristics of energy is that
it is conserved. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted
from one form to another but can be neither created nor destroyed. That is, the energy
of the universe is constant (Zumdahl,2007:229).
The definition of heat is the energy that flows into or out of a system because
of a difference in temperature between the system and its surrounding. The system is
the substances or mixture of substance that being studied or focus attention, whilw
the surrounding is every out of the system. When the system and the surrounding has
a different temperature, energy (heat) flows between them to make temperature
equality, or thermal equilibrium. Heat transferred from higher temperature region to
the lower temperature region. Once the temperatures become equal, heat stop the
flow. Note that once heat flows into a system, it appears in the system as an increase
in its internal energy. You would not say that the system has heat, because heat is
only an energy flow (Ebbing,2008:228).
There are two types of transferring energy, Endothermic process is process in
which energy is added to a system, and Exothermic process is process in which
energy is released from a system. When heat is transferred from one object to
another, with no energy gained from or lost to anything else (the surroundings), the
total change in energy is the sum of the changes in energy of the two objects. For
example, if a piece of hot metal is placed in a sample of cold water, the water is
warmed and the metal is cooled. The two sobtances, both the metal and the water will
reach the same temperature (goldberg, 2007:386).
One study shows the dissolving solids are the only source of ions in this
system and assuming that incongruency of dissolution is insignificant, the IAP equals
Ksp. The activities of the particular ions were calculated with the geochemical
speciation model PHREEQC-2 using the modified “lnll” thermodynamic database.
All experiments were open to the air, so the system in the modeling was assumed to
be equilibrated with the atmospheric CO2. Based on the calculated activities and by
using Equation (2), the solubility products were calculated with experimental error
represented by two standard deviations of triplicate measurements(Puzio, 2018:12).
Another study show thermal analysis of Sn-17Bi-1Ag raw material powder. In
the heating curve, a small endothermic signal was detected at about 140°C, which
corresponds to the eutectic reaction of the Sn-Bi binary system. A large endothermic
signal starting at about 180°C and terminating at 220°C corresponds to the solidus
and liquidus temperatures, respectively. In the cooling curve, a large exothermic
signal rising at 200°C corresponds to the beginning of solidification. This
disagreement with the liquidus temperature at 220°C is caused by the super-cooling
effect (Ohnuma,2012:2).
Thermochemistry is had a property of substances called enthalpy that is
related to the heat of reaction qp. The definition of enthalpy (denoted H) is an
extensive property of a substance that can be used to obtain the heat absorbed or
evolved in a chemical reaction. An extensive property is a property that depends on
the amount of substance. Other examples of extensive properties are mass and
volume. Enthalpy is a state function. A state function is a property of a system that
depends only on its present state, which is determined by variables such as
temperature and pressure, and is independent of any previous history of the system. It
is means that a change in enthalpy does not depend on how the process of change, but
only on the initial state and final state of the system (Ebbing, 2008:230).
For a chemical reaction, the enthalpy change is given by the equation:
∆H= Hproducts - Hreactants
H= E + PV
Where H = enthalpy
E = the internal energy of the system
P = the pressure of the system
V = the volume of the system
In a case in which the products of a reaction have a greater enthalpy than the
reactants, ∆H will be positive. Thus heat will be absorbed by the system, and the
reaction is endothermic. On the other hand, if the enthalpy of the products is less than
that of the reactants, ∆H will be negative. In this the system will transfer heat to the
surrounding, and the reaction is exothermic (Zumdahl,2007:236).
A thermochemical equation is the chemical equation for a reaction (including
phase labels) in which the equation is given a molar interpretation, and the enthalpy
of reaction for these molar amounts is written directly after the equation. For the
reaction of sodium and water, you would write
2Na(s) + 2H2O(l ) → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g); ∆H -368.6 Kj
This equation says that 2 mol of sodium reacts with 2 mol of water to produce 2 mol
of sodium hydroxide and 1 mol of hydrogen gas, and 368.6 kJ of heat evolves. Note
that the thermochemical equation includes phase labels. This is because the enthalpy
change, ∆H, depends on the phase of the substances (Ebbing, 2008:232).
Calorimetry, the science of measuring heat, is based on observing the
temperature change when a body absorbs or discharges energy as heat. Calorimeter is
the device to measure the amount of heat changing. Calorimeter is used in heat
changing and thermochemistry observation. Calorimeter consist of a tube that have
ability to keep heat transfer is still in the system and can’t reach the surroundings, or
even there is heat changing it is very small so we can ignore it. But, even the heat
changing beetwen the system and the surrounding is very small, we still have to
calculate it. The amount of heat that absorbed calorimeter to increase the temperature
as much as one degree is called calorimeter constant (Tim Dosen, 2018:20).
One substance might require a great heat energy to raise its temperature by
one degree, whereas another will reach the same temperature change after absorbing
relatively little heat, it is called the heat capacity. The amount of substance must be
specified when you want to define the heat capacity. There are two types of the heat
capacity, Specific heat capacity is the energy required to raise the temperature of one
gram of a substance by one degree Celsius and its units are J/°C g or J/K g. Molar
heat capacity is the energy required to raise the temperature of one mole of a
substance by one degree Celsius and it has the units J/°C mol or J/K mol. For
example the heat capacities of metals are very different from that of water. It takes
much less energy to change the temperature of a gram of a metal by 1°C than for a
gram of water (Zumdahl,2007:237).
For example hydrolysis of ATP and ADP is carried out with identical (about
–45, –46 kJ·mol–1) energy while the hydrolysis AMP up to adenosine furanoside and
a phosphorus acid is characterized noticeably by more greater the heats of about –86
kJ mol-1, which. Taking into account the published in the monograph the free
energies of hydrolysis for ATP, ADP and AMP and obtained in this work
magnitudes, the values of the entropies according to the Gibbs Equation (10) were
calculated and shown in Table 2. Necessary to note, that the calculated the entropy
magnitudes are a large negative, especially for the hy-drolysis process of AMP, that
can pointed on the pre-liminary complex formation between AMP and a water
molecules before the breaking of P-O bond in P-O-C fragment (Ovchinnikov,2013:3).
The Russian chemist Germain Henri Hess, a professor at the University of St.
Petersburg, in 1840 discovered this result by experiment. Hess’s law of heat
summation states that for a chemical equation that can be written as the sum of two or
more steps, the enthalpy change for the overall equation equals the sum of the
enthalpy changes for the individual steps. It is also mean, no matter how you go from
given reactants to products whether in one step or several, the enthalpy change for the
overall chemical change is the same (Ebbing,2008:241).
The change in enthalpy that accompanies the formation of one mole of a
compound from its elements with all substances in their standard states is defined as
the standard enthalpy of formation (∆Hf) of a compound. The standard state for a
substance is a precisely defined reference state. Because thermodynamic functions
often depend on the concentrations (or pressures) of the substances involved, we must
use a common reference state to properly compare the thermodynamic properties of
two substances. This is especially important because, for most thermodynamic
properties, we can measure only changes in the property. For example, we have no
method for determining absolute values of enthalpy. We can measure enthalpy
changes (∆H values) only by performing heat-flow experiments (Zumdahl,2007:246).

D. Apparatus and Chemical

1. Apparatus
a. Plastic Beaker (Calorimeter) (2 Pieces)
b. Thermometer (2 Pieces)
c. Stopwatch (2 Pieces)
d. Measuring cup (1 Piece)
e. Funnel (1 Piece)
f. Hot Plate (1 Piece)
g. Spray Bottle (1 Piece)
h. Beaker Glass (1 Piece)
i. Dropper Pipette (1 Piece)

2. Chemicals
a. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 2M
b. Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) 2M
c. Aquades

E. Work Procedure
1. Determine of Calorimeter Constant
a. 20 mL H2O is put into measuring glass, check the zero state.
b. 20 mL H2O is put into calorimeter from measuring glass, the temperature is
c. The H2O is heated by using hotplate until the temperature reach 10 degree above
the room temperature, the temperature is measured.
d. The heated H2O is put into calorimeter, the mixture is stirred and the temperature
is measured for 10 minutes with 1 minute interval after the mixing.
e. Temperature observation toward the time curve is made.
f. The calorimeter constant is calculated.
2. Determination of HCl and NaOH heat neutralization.
a. 20 mL HCl 2M is put into the calorimeter, measure the temperature.
b. 20 mL NaOH is measured using measuring glass, measure the temperature.
c. NaOH is mixed into calorimeter, the mixture is stirred and the temperature is
measured for 5 minutes with 30 second interval after the mixing.
d. The graph of temperature changing is made.
e. The neutralization enthalpy is calculated.

F. Observation Result
1. Determine of Calorimeter Constant
Room temperature = 33°
Aquades (H2O) temperature = 30°
Hot aquades temperature = 43°

N Timer Temperature
1. 1 minute 37°
2. 2 minutes 36°
3. 3 minutes 36°
4. 4 minutes 35,4°
5. 5 minutes 35°
6. 6 minutes 35°
7. 7 minutes 35°
8. 8 minutes 35°
9. 9 minutes 34,5°
10 10 minutes 34,5°
2. Determine the heat of neutralizing HCl and NaOh
Room temperature = 33°
HCl temperature = 31°
NaOH temperature = 31°

N Timer Temperature
1. 30 second 38°
2. 60 second 38°
3. 90 second 38°
4. 120 second 37,5°
5. 150 second 37,5°
6. 180 second 37°
7. 210 second 37°
8. 240 second 37°
9. 270 second 37°
10 300 second 36°

G. Analysis Data
1. Determination of calorimeter constant
     Known : Water heat type = 4.2 J / Kg.K
Water mass = 1gr / mL
Cold water mass = 20mL. 1gr / mL = 20gr
Hot water mass = 20 mL. 1 gr / mL = 20 gr
Cold water temperature = 30o C = 303 K
Hot water temperature = 43o C = 316 K
Constant temperature = 35o C = 308 K

Asked : a. Q1 (heat abosorved cold water)…?

b. Q2 (heat that given warm water)…?
c. Q3 (heat received by the calorimeter) …?
d. K (calorimeter constant)…?
a. ∆T = Constant temperature – Cold water temperature
= 308 K – 303 K
Q1 = m . c . ∆T
= 20gr . 4,2 J/gr K . 5 K
= 84 J/K (5 K)
Q1 = 420 J

b. ∆t = Hot water temperature – Constant temperature

= 316 K – 308 K
Q1 = m . c . ∆t
= 20gr . 4,2 J/gr K . 8 K
= 84 J/K ( K)
Q2 = 672 J
c. q 3 = q 2−q1
= 672 J – 420 J
= 252 J

d. K =
252 J
= 50,4 J/K

2. Determination of HCl and NaOH neutralization

Known : HCl temperature = 31o C = 304 K
NaOH temperature = 31o C = 304 K
Density of solution = 1,03 gr/mL
Heat type = 3,96 J/grK
Mass of solution = 41,2 mL
Volume of HCl = 20 mL
Volume of HCl = 20 mL
Constant Temperature = 37o C = 310 K

Asked : a. Q4 (heat absorbed) …?

b. Q5 (heat absorbed by calorimeter) …?
c. Q6 (heat produced)…?
d. ∆Hn (heat neutralization) …?
Solution :
a. ∆T = constant temperature – solution temperature
= 310 K – 304 K
Solution mass = v × density of solution
= ( 20 + 20) × 1,03 gr/mL
= 40 mL × 1,03 gr/mL
= 41,2 gram
q4 = m . c. ∆T
= 41,2 gr × 3,96 J/grK × 6 K
= 978,912 J

b. q5 = K × ∆T
= 50,4 J/K × 6 K
q5 = 302,4 J

c. q6 = q4 + q5
= 978,912 J + 302,4 J
q6 = 1,281.312 J

d. Heat neutralization
mol HCl =MxV = 2 mol/L ( 20.10-3) L = 0,04 mol
mol NaOH = M x V = 2 mol/L ( 20.10-3) L = 0,04 mol

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

First = 0,04mol 0,04mol - -

React = 0,04mol 0,04mol 0,04mol 0,04mol
Equally = - - 0,04mol 0,04mol
∆Hn =
mol NaCl

1,281.312 J
= = 32,032.8 J/mol
0,04 mol

3. Graphic

a. Determination of calorimeter constant

b. Determination of HCl and NaOH neutralization

H. Discussion

Termokimia adalah studi yang terfokus pada jumlah kalor yang diserap,
ditingkatkan dan diberikan melalui reaksi kimia. Termokimia merupakan bagian dari
termodinamika, termodinamika itu sendiri merupakan studi yang mempelajari
hubungan antara kalor dengan berbagai macam bentuk energi. Tujuan dari percobaan
ini adalah agar mahasiswa dapat mempelajari perubahan energi yang terjadi pada
setiap reaksi kimia dan dapat mempelajari perubahan kalor yang diukur melalui
percobaan sederhana.
Alat utama yang digunakan dalam percobaan ini adalah kalorimeter. Kalorimeter
terdiri atas tabung yang dibuat sedemikian rupa agar memiliki kemampuan untuk
menghambat adanya pertukaran atau perpindahan kalor dengan sekelilingnya atau
walaupun terjadi perpindahan kalor jumlahnya sangatlah kecil sehingga dapat
diabaikan. Namun seberapa kecilpun perpindahan kalor tersebut tetap harus
diperhitungkan. Jumlah kalor yang diserap calorimeter untuk menaikkan suhunya
sebesar 1 derajat disebut tetapan calorimeter.
Pada percobaan termokimia, kami melakukan dua jenis percobaan. Percobaan
pertama adalah penentuan tetapan calorimeter. Percobaan ini dilakukan dengan
memasukkan 20 mL air dingin kedalam calorimeter, kemudian memanaskan 20 mL
air menggunakan hotplat sampai suhunya 10 derajat diatas suhu ruangan. Suhu
ruangan saat itu dianggap 33° C, maka air dipanaskan sampai 43° C. Setelah itu air
yang telah dipanaskan dimasukkan ke dalam calorimeter. Kemudian sambil diaduk
selama 10 menit, perubahan suhunya dicatat setiap 1 menit. Lalu buat kurva
perubahan suhu terhadap waktu.
Percobaan tersebut menghasilkan beberapa hal, pertama adanya penurunan suhu
pada rentang waktu 10 menit pengadukan dan pengamaan. Pada awal pengamatan
suhunya menunjukkan 37° C, namun diakhir waktu pengadukan suhunya menurun
sampai 34,5°. Kalor yang diserap air dingin sebesar 420 J, kalor yang diberikan oleh
air panas sebesar 672 J, kalor yang dierima kalorimeter sebesar 252 J dan tetapan
kalorimeternya seebesar 50,4 J/K.
Pada percobaan kedua kita melakukan penentuan kalor kalorimeter. Percobaan ini
dilakukan dengan memasukkan 20 mL HCl kedalam kalorimeter. Lalu masukkan 20
mL NaOH ke dalam kalorimeter. Kemudian sambil diaduk selama 5 menit, data
perubahan suhu dicatat setiap 30 detik. Lalu dibuatlah kurva perubahan temperatur.
Percobaan tersebut menghasilkan beberapa hal, pertama adanya penurunan suhu
pada rentang waktu 5 menit pengadukan dan pengamatan. Pada data awal
pengamatan saat diaduk suhunya berada pada titik 38° C, setelah 5 menit pengadukan
data terakhir menunjukkan suhunya turun hingga ke titik 36°C. dari penghitungan
diketahui kalor yang diserap sebesar 979 J, kalor yang diserap kalorimeter sebesar
302,4 J, kalor yang dihasilkan sebanyak 1.281 J, serta netralisasi kalor sebesar 32 J.

Adanya perpindaan kalor ini sesuai dengan asas Black yang menyatakan pada
pencampuran dua zat, banyaknya kalor yang dilepas zat yang suhunya lebih tinggi
sama dengan banyaknya kalor yang diterima zat yang suhunya lebih reendah. Saat air
panas dicampurkan dengan air dingin maka kedua zat tersebut saling menetralkan
suhu masing-masing.

Berdasarkan teori, reaksi yang dialami dalam pencampuran tersebut adalah

reaksi eksoterm. Reaksi eksoterm adalah proses keluarnya kalor dari sistem dan
sedikit banyak mempengaruhi temperatur dari lingkungan. Dalam percobaan ini
sistem dalam percobaan pertama adalah campuran H2O yang panas maupun yang
dingin, sedangkan untuk percobaan kedua sistemnya adalah campuran HCl dan
NaOH. Lingkungan dari kedua percobaan ini adalah semua hal diluar sistem itu
sendiri, termasuk kalorimeter itu sendiri. Dapat dilihat, baik dipercobaan satu maupun
percobaan dua kalor yang diserap kalorimeter berkisar antara 252 J sampai 302,4 J.

Dalam percobaan ini kita juga dapat melihat bahwa setiap zat memiliki kapasitas
kalor yang berbeda. Suatu zat mungkin saja memiliki kemampuan yang lebih cepat
dalam menyerap panas sedangkan zat lain mungkin lambat dalam menyerap panas.
Reaksi HCl dan NaOH terlihat lebih cepat dalam menyerap panas dibandingkan H2O.

I. Conclusion and Suggestion

1. Conclusion
a. After doing Thermochemistry experiment we can learn energy changing that
happen in every chemical reaction. In the first experiment we are able to see there
is energy changing in H2O solution. The heated water will transfer the heat to the
cool water until the solution reach the neutralization and had the same
b. Learn about heat changing that measured trough simple experiment. The HCl and
NaOH mixtures caused heat changing. The acid one is HCl and the base is NaOH.
In this experiment we are able to see heat changing, and how much the heat is

2. Suggestion
After doing this experiment we suggest to:
a. The apprentice had to mastering the matter that will be experimented.
b. The assistant had to prepare the apparatus same with the guide book and control
the experiment so there will be no mistake and obstacle.

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