Heat and Thermodynamics-Subjective

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Heat and Thermodynamics Practice Paper Dated 13 May 2014


1. Toluene liquid of volume 300 cm3 at 0°C is contained in a beaker.An another quantity of
toluene of volume 110 cm3 at 100°C is in another beaker. (The combined volume is 410
cm3). Determine the total volume of the mixture of the toluene liquids when they are
mixed together. Given the coefficient of volume expansion  = 0.001/C and all forms of
heat losses can be ignored. Also find the final temperature of the mixture.

2. Two 50 gm ice cubes are dropped into 250 gm of water into a glass. If the water was
initially at a temperature of 25°C and the temperature of ice –15°C. Find the final
temperature of water. (Specific heat of ice = 0.5 cal/gm/°C and L = 80 cal/gm). Find final
amount of water and ice.

3. A flow calorimeter is used to measure the specific heat of a liquid. Heat is added at a
known rate to a stream of the liquid as it passes through the calorimeter at a known rate.
Then a measurement of the resulting temperature difference between the inflow and the
outflow points of the liquid stream enables us to compute the specific heat of the liquid.
A liquid of density 0.2 g/cm3 flows through a calorimeter at the rate of 10 cm 3/s. Heat is
added by means of a 250-W electric heating coil, and a temperature difference of 25°C is
established in steady-state conditions between the inflow and the outflow points. Find the
specific heat of the liquid.

4. Ice at -20°C is filled up to height h = 10 cm in a uniform cylindrical vessel. Water at

temperature °C is filled in another identical vessel up to the same height h= 10 cm.
Now, water from second vessel is poured into first vessel and it is found that level of
upper surface falls through h = 0. 5 cm when thermal equilibrium is reached. Neglecting
thermal capacity of vessels, change in density of water due to change in temperature and
loss of heat due to radiation, calculate initial temperature  of water.
Given, Density of water, w = 1 gm cm–3
Density of ice, i = 0.9 gm/cm3
Specific heat of water, sw = 1 cal/gm 0C
Specific heat of ice, si = 0.5 cal/gm0C
Specific latent heat of ice, L = 80 cal/gm

5. A steel drill making 180 rpm is used to drill a hole in a block of steel. The mass of the
steel block and the drill is 180 gm. If the entire mechanical work is used up in producing
heat and the rate of raise in temperature of the block and the drill is 0.5 °C/s. find
(a) the rate of working of the drill in watts, and
(b) the torque required to drive the drill.
Specific heat of steel = 0.1 cal/gm0C and J = 4.2 J/cal.

6. A vessel of volume 30 litre is separated into three equal parts by stationary semi-
permeable membrane. The left, middle and right parts are filled with 30 gms of hydrogen,
160 gms of oxygen and 70 gms of nitrogen respectively. The left partition lets through
only hydrogen while the right partition lets through hydrogen and nitrogen. If the
temperature in all is 300 K. find the ratio of pressure in the three compartments.

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Heat and Thermodynamics Practice Paper Dated 13 May 2014

7. A parallel beam of particles of mass m moving with velocities v impinges on a wall at an

angle  to its normal. The number of particles per unit volume in the beam is n. If the
collision of particles with the wall is elastic, then find the pressure exerted by this beam
on the wall.

8. A freely moving piston divides a vertical cylinder, closed at both ends, into two parts
each containing 1 mole of air. In equilibrium, at T = 300 K, volume of the upper part is 
= 4 times greater than the lower part. At what temperature will the ratio of these volumes
be equal to ' = 2?

9. Two bulbs of equal volume joined by a narrow tube of negligible volume contain hydrogen at 0°C and
one atmospheric pressure. What is the pressure of the gas when one of the bulbs is immersed in steam at
100°C and the other in liquid oxygen at 190°C? The volume of each bulb is 10m3 and density of
hydrogen is 0.09 kg/m3 at 0°C and at 1 atmosphere. What mass of hydrogen passes along the connecting

10. A barometer is faulty. When the true barometer reading is 73 and 75 cm of Hg, the faulty
barometer reads 69 cm and 70 cm respectively.
(i) What is the total length of the barometer tube?
(ii) What is the true reading when the faulty barometer reads 69.5 cm?
(iii) What is the faulty barometer reading when the true barometer reads 74 cm?

11. A non-conducting cylindrical vessel of length 3l is placed horizontally and is divided into
three parts by two easily moving piston having low thermal conductivity as shown in
figure. These parts contain H2, He and CO2 gas at initial temperatures 1 = 372°C, 2 = –
15°C and 3 = 157°C respectively. If initial length and pressure of each part are l and P0
  7/5
respectively, calculate final pressure and length of each part. Use: CO 2

12. An ideal gas is kept in a long cylindrical vessels fitted with a frictionless piston of cross-
sectional area10 cm2 and weight 1 kg. The length of the gas column in the vessel is 20
cm. The atmospheric pressure is 100 kPa. The vessel is now taken into a spaceship
revolving round the earth as a satellite. The air pressure in the spaceship is maintained at
100 kPa. Find the length of the gas column in the cylinder.
13. A parallel beam of nitrogen molecules moving with velocity v = 400 m/s impinges on a
wall at an angle   30 to its normal. The concentration of molecules in the beam is

n  9 1018 cm 3 . Find the pressure exerted by the beam on the wall assuming that
collisions are perfectly elastic.
14. Atmospheric pressure at sea level (h = 0) is P0. Temperature of atmosphere varies with
height h as T=T0-ah where a and T0 are positive constants of proper dimensions. Find the
pressure function with height h. Take molecular mass M of the air and acceleration due to
gravity g to be constant.

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Heat and Thermodynamics Practice Paper Dated 13 May 2014

15. Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas undergone a cyclic process

ABCA as shown in figure. Find the ratio of temperatures at B and

16. In a cycle ABCA consisting of isothermal expansion AB, isobaric

compression BC and adiabatic compression CA, find the efficiency
of cycle.(Given : TA = TB = 400 K,  = 1.5)

17. A gas is undergoing an adiabatic process. At a certain stage A, the

values of volume and temperature  (V0, T0) and the magnitude of the
slope of V-T curve is m. Find the value of CP and CV.

18. An ideal gas has a molar heat capacity CV at constant volume. Find the molar heat
capacity of this gas as a function of volume, if the gas undergoes the process: T = T 0eV.

19. The pressure of an ideal gas changes with volumes as P = aV where 'a' is a constant. One
moles of this gas is expanded to 3 times its original volume V0. Find
(i) the heat transferred in the process.
(ii) the heat capacity of the gas.

20. The volume of one mole of an ideal gas with specific heat ratio  is varied according to
the law V = T , where a is a constant. Find the amount of heat obtained by the gas in
this process if the gas temperature is increased by T.

21. A sample of an ideal non linear tri-atomic gas has a pressure

P0 and temperature T0 taken through the cycle as shown
starting from A. Pressure for process C  D is 3 times P0.
Calculate heat absorbed inthe cycle and work done.

22. Two vessels A and B both containing an ideal diatomic gas is connected together by a
narrow tube of negligible volume fitted with a valve. A contains 5 mole of the gas at
temperature 35°C and pressure 1.6 × 105 Nm–2, while B contains 2 moles of gas at
temperature 17°C and pressure 8.3 × 104 Nm–2. The valve between the two vessel is
opened to allow the contents to mix and achieve an equilibrium temperature of 27°C.
(i) Find the final pressure and the amount of heat transferred to the surrounding.
(ii) If the vessels along with the tube are perfectly insulated, calculate the final temperature
and pressure.

23. An ideal gas at NTP is enclosed in a adiabatic vertical cylinder having

area of cross section A = 27 cm2, between two light movable pistons as
shown in the figure. Spring with force constant k = 3700 N/m is in a
relaxed stateinitially. Now the lower piston is moved upwards a height

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h/2, h being the initial length of gas column. It is observed that the upper piston moves up
by a distance h/16. Find h taking  for the gas to be 1.5. Also find the final
temperature of the gas.
24. For the thermodynamic process shown in the figure.
PA = 1 × 105 Pa; PB = 0.3 × 105 Pa
PD = 0.6 × 105 Pa; VA = 0.20 litre
VD = 1.30 litre.
(a) Find the work performed by the system along path AD.
(b) In the total work done by the system along the path ADC is 85J
find the volume at point C.
(c) How much work is performed by the system along the path CDA?

25. An ideal diatomic gas undergoes a process in which its internal energy relates to the
volume as U = a V , where  is a constant.
(a) Find the work performed by the gas and the amount of heat to be transferred to this
gas to increase its internal energy by 100 J.
(b) Find the molar specific heat of the gas for this process.

26. Two rectangular boxes shown in figure has a partition which

can slide without friction along the length of the box. Initially
each of the two chambers of the box has one mole of a
monoatomic ideal gas ( = 5/3) at a pressure p0 volume V0 and
temperature T0. The chamber on the left is slowly heated by
an electric heater. The walls of the box and the partitions are thermally insulated. Heat
loss through the lead wires of the heater is negligible. The gas in the left chamber
expands, pushing the partition until the final pressure in both chambers becomes 243
P0/32. Determine
(i) the final temperature of the gas in each chamber and
(ii) the work-done by the gas in the right chamber.
27. The initial pressure and volume of a given mass of gas CV are P and V . The gas can
0 0
exchange heat with the surrounding.
(a) It is slowly compressed to a volume V0/2 and then suddenly compressed to V0/4. Find
the final pressure.
(b)If the gas is suddenly compressed from the volume to V 0 and V0/2 then slowly
compressed to V0/4, what will be the final pressure?
28. A horizontal cylindrical vessel of length 2l is separated by a thin Heat-
insulating piston into two equal parts each of which contains n moles
of an ideal monatomic gas at a temperature T. The piston is connected
to the end faces of the vessel by un-deformed springs of rigidity k each
(figure). When an amount of heat Q is supplied to the gas in the right
part, the piston is displaced to the left by a distance x= l/2.

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Determine the amount of heat given away at the temperature T to a thermostat with which
the gas in the left part is in thermal contact all the time.

29. Determine the work A done by an ideal gas during a closed

cycleshown in figure. If and segments 4-3 and 2-1 of the cycle
are parallel to the Y-axis.

30. The density versus pressure (P) graph of an ideal gas

(monoatomic) undergoing a cyclic process is shown in figure. The 2 0 2
gas taken has molecular weight M and one mole of gas is taken. (a) (D e n s ity )
0 1
Find work done in each process 3

(b) Find heat rejected by gas in one complete cycle. O P 2P

(c) Find the efficiency of the cycle. 0 0
(P ress u re )

31. A heat conducting piston can move freely inside a closed, thermally
insulated cylinder with an ideal gas. At equilibrium the piston divides the V V 0 0

cylinder into two equal parts, the temperature of gas being equal to 300 300 K 300 K
K. The piston is slowly displaced by an external agent. Find the
temperature of gas when the volume of the greater section is seven times the volume of
the smaller section.

32. Two identical thermally insulated vessels, each containing n mole of an ideal monatomic
gas, are interconnected by a rod of length l and cross-sectional area A. Material of the rod
has thermal conductivity K and its lateral surface is thermally insulated. If, at initial
moment (t = 0), temperature of gas in two vessels is T1 and T2 (< T1), neglecting thermal
capacity of the rod, calculate difference between temperature of gas in two vessels as a
function of time.

33. A lagged stick of cross section area 1 cm 2 and length 1 m is initially at a temperature of
0°C. It is then kept between 2 reservoirs of temperature 100°C and 0°C. Specific heat
capacity is 10 J/kg°C and linear mass density is 2 kg/m. Find
(a) temperature gradient along the rod in steady state.
(b) total heat absorbed by the rod to reach steady state.

34. An adiabatic vessel containing n moles of a ideal diatomic gas is fitted with a light
conducting moving piston. The cross-sectional area, thickness and thermal conductivity
of piston are A, l and K respectively. The other side of the piston is open to atmosphere
of temperature T0. Heat is supplied to the gas by means of an
electric heater at a small constant rate q. Initial temperature of
gas is T0.
(a) Find the temperature of the gas as a function of time,
(b) Find the maximum temperature of the gas and
(c) What is the ratio of the maximum volume to the minimum volume? P 0, T 0

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Heat and Thermodynamics Practice Paper Dated 13 May 2014

35. n moles of a monoatomic gas at temperature are trapped under a piston having area A,
length l, density  and thermal conductivity K. P0and T0 are pressure and temperature of
the atmosphere. Find length of thegas column as a function of time. Neglect friction and
heat loss through the walls of container and sides of piston.

36. A calorimeter contains 100 cm3 of a liquid of density 0.88 g/cm3 in which are immersed a
thermometer and a small heating coil. The effective water equivalent of calorimeter,
thermometer and heater may be taken to be 13 gm. Current of 2 A is passed through the
coil. The potential difference across the coil is 6.3 V and the ultimate steady state
temperature is 55°C. The current is increased so that the temperature rises slightly above
55°C, and then it is switched off. The calorimeter and the content are found to cool at the
rate of 3.6°C/min.
(a) Find the specific heat of the liquid.
(b) The room temperature during the experiment was 10°C. If the room temperature rises to
26°C, find the current required to keep the liquid at 55°C. You may assume that Newton's
law is obeyed and the resistance of the heater remains constant.

37. A hot body placed in a surrounding of temperature  0 obeys Newton’s law of cooling
 k (   0 )
dt . Its temperature at t = 0 is 1 . The specific heat capacity of the body is s
and its mass is m. Find
(a) The maximum heat that the body can lose and
(b) The time starting from t = 0 in which it will lose 90% of this maximum heat.

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Heat and Thermodynamics Practice Paper Dated 13 May 2014

Passage – I
The internal energy of a solid also increases when heat is transferred to it from its surrounding. A
5 kg solid bar is heated at atmospheric pressure. Its temperature increases from 20 0C to 700C.
3 0
The linear expansion of coefficient of solid bar is 110 / C . The density of solid bar is 50
kg/m3. The specific heat capacity of solid bar is 200 J/kg0C. The atmospheric pressure is 105 Pa.

1. Find the work done by the solid bar due to thermal expansion, under atmospheric pressure
a. 500 J b. 1000 J c. 1500 J d. 2000 J

2. The heat transferred to the solid bar

a. 49000 J b. 50000 J c. 50500 J d. 51000 J

3. The increase in the internal energy of the solid bar is

a. 49500 J b. 48500 J c. 49000 J d. 50000 J

Passage – II

Each phase of a material can exist only in certain regions of pressure and temperature. PT phase
diagram, in which pressure is plotted versus temperature, show the regions corresponding to
various phases & phase transformations. PV diagrams, on the other hand, can be used to steady
pressure  volume relationships at a constant temperature.

If the liquid and gaseous phases of a pure substance are heated together in a closed container,
both the temperature and the vapour pressure will increase until a point is reached at which the
two phases can no longer be distinguished from one another. The temperature and pressure at
which this occurs are called the critical temperature and pressure. Exceeding either of these
parameters, by itself, will cause the gas / liquid phase transition to disappear. If the other variable
is then changed as well, while the first variable is maintained above its critical point, a gradual
transition will occur between the gaseous and liquid phases, with no clear boundary. (The liquid
and solid phases, on the other hand, maintained a distinct boundary at all pressures above the
triple point.)

The following is a combined PT phase diagram for materials A and B

4. If heat is added to solids A and B , each in a container that is open to the atmosphere :

(a) A will boil and B will melt (b) A will sublime and B will melt, then boil

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(c) A will melt and B will sublime . (d) both A and B will first melt , then boil.

5. Which is true about the substances in Figure?

(a) At 2 atm pressure and 220 K temperature, A is a gas and B is a solid
(b) At 6 atm pressure and 280 K temperature, A is a gas and B is a solid
(c) At 5 atm pressure and 100 K temperature, A is a gas and B is a solid
(d) At 4 atm pressure and 300 K temperature, both A and B are liquids

Passage –III

2 4
A body of area .8  10 m and mass 5  10 kg directly faces the sun on a clear day. The

body has an emissivity of .8 and specific heat of .8 cal/kgK. The initial temperature of
body is 270C. (Intensity of sun also called as solar constant is 1.4 KW/m2)

6. find the rate of rise of the body’s temperature is nearly

0 0 0
a. .36 C / sec b. 3.6 C / sec c. 36 C / sec d. 36 K / sec

7. the maximum attainable temperature of the body is

a. 396 0C b. 396 K c. 850C d. 85 K

Passage - IV

0.01 moles of an ideal diatomic gas is enclosed in an adiabatic cylinder of cross-sectional area A
= 10–4m2. In the arrangement shown, a block of mass M = 0.8 kg is placed on a horizontal
support, and another block of mass m = 1 kg is suspended from a spring of stiffness constant k =
16 N/m. Initially, the spring is relaxed and the volume of the gas is V = 1.4 × 104 m3.

8. Find the initial pressure of the gas.

9. When the gas in the cylinder is heated up the piston starts moving up and the spring gets
compressed so that the block M is just lifted up. Calculate heat supplied to cylinder
Take atmospheric pressure P0 = 105 Nm, g = 10m/s2.

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