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I – identification. Choose your answer from the box below.

1. This objectives deal with the general direction and purpose of the organization.
2. This principle states that each member of an organization should be accountable to, and receive
directions from only one supervisor, his immediate superior.
3. It is the process of filling positions in the organizational structure with the most qualified people
4. _______ manager is someone who is responsible for managing a clearly identifiable revenue-
producing unit.
5. It is the process of ensuring the achievement of an organization’s objectives.
6. _______ Manager leads a function that contributes directly to the products or services the
organization creates.
7. Without ______________ it is impossible to perform managerial functions.
8. This year is the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the United States.
9. _______ is the narrowing of the scope of a person’s job to one or few major functions.
10. This is the goal of scientific management.
11. This is a bar chart comparing schedule with actual performance widely used in production control
and now in computer scheduling operations.
12. _______ managers are responsible for coordinating a subgroup of a particular function composed
of members from different parts of the organization.
13. In this management function, the manager attempts to bridge the gap between where the
organization is at the moment and where he wants it to go.
14. _______ are clear-cut and carefully considered statements designed to give an organization and
its member’s direction and purpose.
15. It is the process of grouping and assigning activities and providing the necessary authority to
carry out the necessary activities.
16. This principle in organizing specifies that “the organization should be so planned that the
objectives can be attained with the lowest possible cost.
17. A principle of organization where the organizer creates operating jobs.
18. These are personalized objectives which outline what individuals in the group are trying to
19. A category of managerial objectives that can be expressed in terms of profits, return on
investments or earnings per share.
20. ________manager leads a function that creates indirect inputs.
21. He is a Frenchman who drew up a blueprint for a cohesive doctrine of management after
investigating managerial behavior through his 14 principles of management.
22. This principle states that there should be as few levels of supervision between the highest
authority in an organization and the rank and file as possible.
23. A category of managerial objectives that may be expressed in types of activities, number of days
of service or financial contributors.
24. This is the simplest and oldest type of organization.
25. The advantage of this type organization is its ability to meet unusual, innovative or complicated
projects often shunned by the typical organization with its functional departments.
26. In this principle of organization what the organizer wants to achieve should be clearly kept in
mind while he is setting and designing up its structural system.
27. ________ defined Management as the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the
efforts of organization members and of using all other organizational resources to achieve stated or
organizational goals.
28. As a characteristic of objectives that must have precise meaning for the manager.
29. This type of planning is primarily concerned with how to get where the organization wants to go.
30. It is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave, take action, and control
work and decision making in autonomous ways.
31. This is a type of planning that is generally reserved for top-level managers since it involves the
determination of overall direction.
32. ____ refers to the number of subordinates a manager can effectively control.
33. They are the contributors in the scientific management theory.
34. A category of managerial objectives that can be expressed in very explicit terms.
35. This is the period where in many new schools of and management approaches to management
theory and knowledge surfaced.
36. _______ objectives identify the goals of particular departments or organizational objectives
37. This principle states that separation of functions is possible.
38. These are all guides to action which relate to goal attainment.
39. Objectives must be in ________________.
40. An organization must be ______ if it is to cope with changes.
41. This principle of organization states that the organization should be periodically assessed.
42. He is the father of scientific management.
43. It is the process of choosing from two or more alternatives.
44. The obligation of a subordinate to a superior to perform assigned activities to the best of his
45. According to _______ “Management is the art of getting things done through the efforts of other
46. It is the process of setting the objectives to be accomplished by an organization during a future
time period and deciding on the methods of reaching them.
47. _______ Managers are responsible for developing the organization’s strategy and being a steward
for its vision and mission.
48. A category of managerial objectives that may be quantitatively expressed in terms of number of
grievances, training, and etc.
49. _______ Managers are responsible for the efficiency and effectiveness of an area, such as
accounting or marketing.
50. This principle states that all individual activities in an organization must be synchronized with
respect to their amount, time and direction to avoid duplication of work.
51. ________ manager has the responsibility for the planning, execution, and closing of any project.
52. It is the process of getting people to contribute their maximum effort toward the attainment of
organizational objectives.
53. One of the characteristic of objectives which means that objectives must be within the capacity
of the individual or group to achieve.
54. He grouped the ten roles of managers.
55. ____________,__________ and ______ pointed out that management is the establishment of an
environment for group effort in such a way that individuals will contribute to group objectives with the
least amount of inputs.
56. Management is a process or form of work that involves the guidance and direction of a group of
people toward organizational goals or objectives” this definition was according to ______________ and

Why authority cannot be delegated?
What are Mintzberg’s ten managerial roles?
What three areas does Mintzberg use to organize the ten roles?

G O O D L U C K !!!!
staffing Writing Individual 1960 controlling Terry specialization
Koontz Objectives must Unity of communicating empowerment Mary Henry Fayol
be specific command parker
Gantt Chart Decision making Customer Objectives 1860 Tactical Top managers
service must be planning
Fredirick Employee – mgt Short chain Responsibility managerial organizing Social
Taylor needs and well of or responsibility
being command accountability
Strategic Line staff Separation of Consideration line Stoner
planning organization line & staff of policies and
funcions rules
organizational balanced Weirich Job groupings functional general project
Rue Consideration of planning O’Donnel Henry Matrix
objectives Gantt organization
profitability authority efficiency Span of control flexibility coordination motivating

Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education
Region V
Aroroy Municipal College
Lubigan Hills, Brgy. Ambolong, Aroroy, Masbate
P. E

I- Identification. Choose your answer from the box below.

1. He proposed and created the first contemporary snorkel.

2. According to _______ a day can be divided into three parts.
3. It helps the mask from fogging up.
4. The upward force of the water on an object.
5. He encouraged the development of the first diving bell.
6. A time spent for biological needs.
7. He invented modern fins.
8. _______ refers to the hours spent for economic purposes.
9. It serves as the viewing device in appreciating the world beneath the water.
10.An outdoor activity not only for recreational purposes but also used in-water based
rescue and in water sports.
11. _______ is all the remaining time after.
12.The pressure exerted by the water at equilibrium due to the force of gravity.
13._______ means to be refreshed.
14.In his writings he mentioned divers using a tube connected to the surface to the
15.This year divers used eye goggle made from shells of tortoise.
16.Lack of sleep affects _____________.
17.A characteristic of water that transfers heat away from the body.
18.The idea of using wooden paddles to help swimmer swims faster was came from
19.Skin divers of the Island Crete during this year used hollow reeds to breather while
submerged in water
20.According to National Sleep Foundation young adults need _____ hours of sleep.

Recreare mask Benjamin Leonardo de Vinci

3000 BC 7-9 Mask defogger Existence time
Clayne Jensen Snorkeling Louis de Corlieu Alexander The Great
Free time 1300 BC Subsistence Hydrostatic pressure
Aristotle buoyancy Eating behavior Enhanced cooling
II- Gi
ve what is ask.

A. What are the three parts of day?

B. Give at least 5 outdoor recreational activities done on land.
C. What are the 7 basic equipment in snorkeling?
D. Give at least 5 outdoor recreational activities done on water.
E. Give at least 3 outdoor recreational activities done on air.
F. What are the 5 benefits of outdoor recreation?
G. What are “The leave no trace seven principles”

III - Explain

H. Does one need to be athletic to be able to participate in an outdoor activities?

Republic of the Philippines
Commission on Higher Education
Region V
Aroroy Municipal College
Lubigan Hills, Brgy. Ambolong, Aroroy, Masbate



I – MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. He said that man must first know what things are good.
a. Plato b. Socrates c. Aristotle d. Epicurus
2. He agreed that the first need is to know what is good for if a man succeeds in
knowing what is good, he will know courage and justice – the embodiment of good.
a. Plato b. Socrates c. Aristotle d. Epicurus
3. All of the following are reasons for the need of business ethics, except
a. Moral considerations c. religious considerations
b. Profit considerations d. human considerations
4. Which of the following is not a purpose of business ethics?
a. To make businessmen realize that one cannot employ double standards.
b. To show businessmen that common practices which they have thought was right.
c. To serve as a standard or ideal.
d. To make businessmen misconstrue the moral standards.
5. Ethics comes from the Greek Word _________.
a. Pathos b. Logos c. Ethos d. moralis
6. The unethical practice of debasing a pure or genuine commodity by imitating it, by
adding something to increase its volume, or by substituting an inferior product for a
superior one for the purpose of profit.
a. Adulteration b. deceptive packaging c. misbranding d. caveat emptor
7. Through his doctrine of the mean he states that every situation stimulates in man a
certain kind of emotion or action such as fear, anger and punishment.
a. Plato b. Socrates c. Aristotle d. Epicurus
8. He maintained that man’s action are good or bad depending on their cause and
a. Pragmatism b. utilitarianism b. Naturalism d. Rationalism
9. The practice of placing the product in containers of exaggerated sizes and
misleading shapes to give a false impression of its actual contents.
a. Deceptive packaging b. misbranding c. caveat emptor d. short
10.He founded the doctrine of pleasure and believed that pleasure is the sole good and
pain the sole evil.
a. Plato b. Socrates c. Aristotle d. Epicurus
11.This school believes that reason is right and emotion is wrong.
a. Rationalism b. Naturalism c. Humanism d. Hedonism
12.The practice of making false statements on the label of a product or making its
container similar to a well-known product for the purpose of deceiving the customer
as to the quality and/or quantity of a product being sold.
a. Adulteration b. caveat emptor c. misbranding d. Deceptive packaging
13.He agreed that there is a need for moral laws but he also said that it would be
foolish to observe them if others do not.
a. Hobbes b. Moore b. Abelard d. Hegel
14.________ means” let the buyer beware”.
a. Adulteration b. caveat emptor c. misbranding d. Deceptive packaging
15.A practice that involves conflict of interest.
a. Insider trading b. disloyal selling c. plain graft d. negligence of duty
16.A school of modern ethics founded by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.
a. Hegel b. utilitarianism b. Immanuel Kant d. Hobbes
17.It occurs when a broker or another person with access to confidential information
uses the information to trade in stocks and securities.
a. Insider trading b. disloyal selling c. plain graft d. negligence of duty
18.This school believes that what is natural normal is right.
a. Humanism b. Rationalism c. Hedonism d. Naturalism
19.According to ____ the right action is the one that will bring the greatest amount
intrinsic good to the individual.
a. Hobbes b. Moore b. Immanuel Kant d. Hegel
20.He believed that if the act came from a sense of duty then the motive is good and
the right.
a. Immanuel Kant b. Moore c. Hegel d. Abelard
21.He held that an act must be judged right or wrong not only by its motive and
commonality but also by its content.
a.Hegel b. Immanuel Kant c. Moore d. Hobbes

II – identification. Choose your answer from the box below.

1. The lawful activities engaged in by human beings which are involved in producing
and exchanging goods and services as a means of livelihood.
2. It is characterize by omitting adverse information about the product or service.
3. The earliest group of people.
4. It is making someone believe what you yourself do not believe.
5. Moral standards of right and wrong in conduct, judgment and behavior.
6. A good and right choice.
7. The study of group behavior
8. It means customs or ways of life.
9. According to ________, righteousness has a multiplier effect.
10.A bad and right choice.
11.The earliest grouping of men.
12.It is accomplished by letting the prospective customer know the true defects of a
competing product or service in order to persuade him to buy his own product.
13.Standards of moral conduct, behavior and judgment in business.
14.It is finding excuses for going what one wants because of self – interest, impulse or
15.It is characterize by actively misrepresenting something about the product or
16.It is an agreement between or among at least two parties where each party binds
himself to perform a particular activity provided the other party/parties perform that
which they have bound themselves to do under the under.
17.This school believes that man is inherently good and thus he should not be
subjected to indignities and the evil acts of his fellowmen.
18.A form of business competition where a businessman gets the opportunity to serve
a customer by providing better services, products and terms than his competitors.
19.These are actions not forbidden by law.
20.It is telling false adverse information about the competitor’s product whether
volunteered during the process of selling.

Moral ethics Rationalization Direct misrepresentation

Family Ethical sociology Business ethics
immoral contract indirect misrepresentation Fair business competition
Confucius humanism false disparagement Truthful disparagement
Lying business Kinship group

II – Give what is ask.

1. State the Ten Commandments and explain how their observance would improve the quality of business

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