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Presented by:
Navarro, Vincent G.
Calubag, Sweet Grace B.
Abad, John Mckenly
Cain, Catherine
Santiesteban, Jedediah

September 2019

Cell phones or mobile devices become a very important part of our daily
lives. It is very difficult to imagine our live without a cell phone as most of our
work is done using mobile devices. Everything has its pros and cons and
mobile devices too have its effects or sides. If you are wondering what
positives and negatives can be of mobile devices? Along with their books and
school supplies, many students make their daily trip to school with their trusty
mobile devices. The presence of mobile devices presents a host of options
and challenges for today's students. Mobile devices can be a helpful
academic tool or a hurtful academic disruption depending upon the behavior
and use pattern of the student owner. Mobile devices connect students to one
another and to educational resources.(Suryanaranaya, 2015)
The first mobile device was created in April 3, 1973 by Martin Cooper, a
Motorola researcher and executive, made the first mobile telephone call from
handheld subscriber equipment, placing a call to Dr. Joel S. Engel of Bell
Labs, his rival. Nowadays, most of the people have mobile devices due to
their needs and wants. In 21st century people are engaged with mobile
devices especially the students instead of writing the lessons in the board
they only capture the lessons with their cell phones. Edmund Burke said that
"To read without reflectioning is like eating without digesting" if you mind
students didn't read the lesson because they only capture it so you might
think if the students will read or they will just stored it.
According to Jasbir Kaur(2016),Childhood is the most crucial period in
which behavior can be easily molded. Today children are more exposed to
mobile phones and they spend most of the time in using mobile phone than
participating in other activities like playing reading and doing homework. In
this exploratory study 53% of children spend 0-2 hours on mobile, one third
(32%) spend 3-4 hours and 13% spend 5-6 hours. 78.7% parents reported
that their children became more confident 76.4% children are comfortable
and relaxed while talking to others, 88% of children started neglecting their
personal hygiene and 74.2% started showing temper tantrums as perceived
by parents due to the influence of mobile phone viewing. Mobile phone plays

role in the change of behavior of children as perceived by parents. There is
both positive and negative impact of mobile on children.
Mobile devices such as laptops, personal digital assistants, and mobile
phones have become a learning tool with great potential tool in both
classroom and outdoor learning. Although there are several effects in once
behavior also there has been qualitative analysis of the use of mobile devices
in education and the advantage and disadvantages of mobile learning in
different levels of moderator of analysis of individual studies. Most students
could identify benefits associated with mobile devices in the classroom, such
as increased in engagement, motivation for learning, creativity, and
As I’ve written before, mobile programming is becoming a more and more
significant part of our lives. According to research compiled even years ago,
the cell phone is changing the way we live. In fact, some are questioning how
we ever got along without them. This is the age of “anywhere, anytime
communication.” The cell phone first hit the marketplace in 1984. Now, two
decades later, more than half of all Americans use cell phones—about 150
million people who feed a $94 billion industry that is growing by 15 percent
each year.
The study evaluates the using of mobile devices in the behavior of Senior
High School. We as a student we all know that if there's a mobile devices we
can conserve our time and energy instead of writing a thousand of words we
just captured it and the other side is using mobile devices generate high risks
from divided attention. Many students believes that using mobile devices and
using it inside or outside the school can give the advantages in learning like
communication, more convenient, greater technology availability,
entertainment, improve personal security and beneficial in studies but they
should not forget the possible disadvantages like bad impact on studies and
health issues and accidents.(E. Schreiner,2018)

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of mobile devices and behavior of
the students in University of Mindanao. Specially, it attempts to answer the
following research questions:

1. What is the level of the usage of mobile devices of students in University of


2. Does mobile devices affects students behavior of University of Mindanao?

3. Is there a significant relationship between mobile devices and behavior of

students in University of Mindanao?

Brief Literature Review
One of the great struggles in education today is the using of mobile
devices that can affect the behavior of the students. School districts are
limited by the amount of technology they can provide teachers with in their
classrooms. A large percentage of students own their personal devices and
have the knowledge to use them better than most educators. Mobile devices
such as laptops, personal digital assistants, and mobile phones have become
a learning tool with great potential tool in both classroom and outdoor
learning. Although there are several effects in once behavior also there have
been qualitative analysis of the use of mobile devices in education,
systematic qualitative analysis of the effects of mobile integrated education
are lacking. According to Yao-TingSunga(2015),This study performed a
meta-analysis and research synthesis of the effects of integrated mobile
devices in teaching and learning in which 110 experimental and
quasiexperimental journal articles published during the period 1993-2013
were coded and analyzed. Overall, there was a moderate mean effect size of
0.523 for the application of mobile devices to education. The effect sizes of
moderator variables were analyzed and the advantages and disadvantages
of mobile learning in different levels of moderator variables were synthesized
based on content analysis of individual studies.
Teaching students to know how personal mobile devices can affect their
behavior in school that should start early in students educational process. "In
2012, Project Tomorrow, which surveys and tracks students ownership and
use of mobile devices, reported that 18% to 49% of all school-aged children
in kindergarten through 12th grade respectively, owned cell phones with no
internet access and another 17% to 50% owned smart phones with internet
access." (Grant 2015). Advancement in mobile technology has given
students unlimited potential for creative thinking if used properly. The used of
mobile applications continues to experience exponential growth. Using mobile
apps typically requires the disclosure of location data, which often
accompanies request for various other forms of private information. Existing
research on information privacy has implied that consumers are willing to
accept privacy risks for relatively legible benefits and the offerings of mobile

apps based on location-based service (LBS) appear to be no different.
However, until now researchers have struggled to replicate realistic privacy
risk within experimental methodologies design to manipulate independent
variables. Moreover, minimal research has successfully captured actual
information disclosure over mobile devices based on realistic risk
perceptions. Most schools can't afford to put a one-on-one student to device
ratio in place all at once which is why it is so important to teach students the
proper way to use mobile devices and manage their behaviors while they are
implanting it. Students should be included in the conversation when it comes
of using mobile devices that can affect their behaviors in the classrooms(M.
Keitha,2013).As many Korean Universities have recommended the
implementation of mobile devices for various reasons, the number of such
tertiary learning opportunities has steadily grown. However, little research has
investigated the factors affecting student’s adoption and use of mobile
devices. Social networking, chatting, and gaming are just a few of the
concerns to the students that are using mobile phones while learning.
Cell phones continue to be a focus of epidemiological studies and public
concern, despite the fact that so far there is no compelling evidence of any
health risk from cell phones. Concerns are likely to be sparked anew with the
report of a study linking cell phone use to behavioral problems in children.
The study, by Divan, Kheifets, Obel, and Olsen, is a follow up of a prior study
which showed a correlation between cell phone use in pregnant women and
behavior problems in their children. They sought to replicate this study with a
larger data set and taking into consideration more possible confounding
factors. They found: Results the highest OR for behavioral problems were for
children who had both prenatal and postnatal exposure to cell phones
compared with children not exposed during either time period. The adjusted
effect estimate was 1.5 (95% CI 1.4 to 1.7)(S. Novella,2010).
The findings of the previous publication were replicated in this separate
group of participants demonstrating that cell phone use was associated with
behavioral problems at age 7 years in children, and this association was not
limited to early users of the technology. Although weaker in the new dataset,
even with further control for an extended set of potential confounders, the

associations remained.
According to Phil Cooke(2015),For children of mothers who used cell
phones, and who also used cell phones themselves, there was a 50% relative
increase in reported behavioral problems. For children who did not use cell
phones but whose mothers did while pregnant, the relative increase was 40%
– these relative increases are with an absolute baseline risk of 2% reporting
behavioral problems (so a 50% relative increase would be a 1% absolute
increase in risk). This is a small, if statistically significant, effect. An odds ratio
of 1.5 is a reasonable effect size, depending on what is being measured. In
this case the outcomes were based upon questionnaires, and are therefore
reliant on subjective reporting.
The results of this study are interesting, but the usual caveats apply. The
absolute effect size is small, and the outcomes based upon subjective
reporting. This is an observational study, not an experimental study, so no
conclusions can be drawn regarding cause and effect. The study authors did
not even speculate about a possible mechanism, and would not suggest that
cell phone use causes the observed behavior problems.
It should also be noted that while this study replicated a previous study,
the effect size was smaller. Also, accounting for other possible correlates,
such as social status and maternal history of behavioral problems, tended to
decrease the effect size as well (although not eliminate it). It is possible that
the correlation is spurious or is an artifact of reporting bias. If the correlation
is real, it seems likely that there are confounding factors that have not been
sufficiently accounted for. The authors themselves considered as many as
possible. They report: “One thought was that it was it not cell phone use but
mothers’ inattention that led to behavior problems. While it was important, it
didn’t explain the association that we found.”So inattention partially explained
the results – perhaps other behavioral or personality attributes also correlate
with both cell phone use and behavior problems.

Proposed Study

This proposed study will present the details of the data to be collected,
methods of data collection and instruments to be used, procedure, and
method analysis.
A. Data to be collected
The Researchers will collect data from the respondents which is the students
of University of Mindanao, the data that the researcher needs to be collected
are the survey questionnaires that will be distribute which contains the data,
In order to determine the level of the usage of the mobile devices of the
B. Methods of data collection and instruments to be used.
The data were gathered through the use of a questionnaire. Questionnaire is
a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts
for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Furthermore,
questionnaire also is objective so it pertains to questions that should be
answered by the participants which is the students through choosing if it is
always, sometimes or never. But first the researchers asked for permission
from the Dean and the research teacher to conduct a survey here in
University of Mindanao.
C. Procedure
The researchers followed the ethical ways of data gathering to an extent of
achieving a more coherent and unbiased result.
Seeking permission to conduct the study. The researcher will seek
permission to the Dean. After the approval, the study will commence.
Questionnaires will be personally administered to the respondents by the
Explaining the Purpose of the Study. The researchers will explain
everything about the study including the purpose of conducting it to them. It
ensures the researchers that the participants will correspond to the
predefined criteria of the appropriate respondent.
Asking Permission to Conduct the Study. The researchers presented a
letter of permission to the respondents to legalized the collection of answers
from them.

Distribution, Collection, and Encoding of Data. The data collection is
through by the means of survey questionnaire. The participants will answer
the survey questionnaire about 5 minutes and the answers will be encoded,
tallied, interpreted and analyzed using a statistical computer program.
D. Method of Analysis
This section presented the analyzed data based on the used statistical tools
from the Quantitative research.
Frequent/Percentage Distribution - This was used to determine the
behavior of the students in terms of using mobile devices if it is always,
sometimes, or never.

Discussion of how the proposed study will address the problem

The proposed study will address the problem through the data will be
collected from the respondents in order to determine the level of the usage of
mobile devices of the students and the result will conclude if what is the
better way to solve this problem, if the usage of mobile devices has greatly
affect the behavior of the students and to find out if there is a significant
relationship between mobile devices and the behavior of the students.


Erin Schreiner (April 25 2018) Effects of Mobile Phones on Students

Kelly Ann Maps (November 16 2017) Mobile Phone In The Classroom: A
helpful or Harmful Hindrance
Yao Ting Sunga (November 23 2015) The effects of integrating mobile
devices with teaching and learning on students' learning performance: A
meta-analysis and research synthesis
Mark J. Keitha (Volume 17,Issue 12,pg.1163-1173,December 2013)
Information disclosure on mobile devices: Re-examining privacy calculus with
actual user behavior
Sung Youl Park (October 4, 2011)University students' behavioral intention to
use mobile learning: Evaluating the technology acceptance model
Novella, S. (December 10, 2010) Cellphones and Behavior. Science Based
Navjot Kaur and Jasbir Kaur (2016) Mobile Phone viewing and it's impact on
behavior of school children. International journal of current research.
Phil Cooke (2015). Mobile Phones are changing our behavior. Phil Cooke
Creating Influence-inspiring changes
Grant (2015).How personal mobile devices can affect their behavior


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