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Mevlüt Tikence

Gazi Üniversitesi
Yabancı Diller Öğretimi
Uygulama ve Araştırma
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1. On the third day of the shipwreck they gave A) carefully

up all hope of finding any ____ . B) thoroughly
A) deserters C) superficially
B) survivors D) seriously
C) conclusions E) experimentally
D) suppliers
E) discrepancies 8. The allocation made by the budget
committee can be used ____ to finance work
2. Since the firm has been found negligent by on child health.
the court, his claim for ____ for the accident A) plainly
hasn’t been accepted. B) excessively
A) compensation C) extremely
B) reduction D) remarkably
C) employment E) solely
D) relevance
E) cooperation 9. In an effort to ____ the rate of inflation
many banks have raised their interest rates.
3. As he has adamantly withstood all kinds of A) run out of
political pressure on this issue for so long, it B) watch out
is unlikely that he would ____ at this stage. C) stand by
A) reinforce D) put out
B) relent E) keep up with
C) pursue
D) compete 10. As my secretary will be away for a couple
E) dispose of days, would you be kind enough to ____
my correspondence?
4. The British entry into the European A) play back
Community has ____ a new line of policy. B) bring off
A) negotiated C) take care of
B) confined D) return to
C) resented E) turn off
D) constituted
E) refunded 11. Plenty of evidence has come to light to
prove that he has been involved ____
5. The argument he has put forward is hardly smuggling.
____ with the information we have so far A) through
received on the case. B) at
A) reflective C) by
B) representative D) in
C) arbitrary E) over
D) resistant
E) compatible
12. The high rate of inflation obviously puts a
6. I don’t approve of the methods he is using, great strain ____ the majority of working
but his ____ aim, as regards the project, is families.
admirable. A) on
A) conclusive B) in
B) ultimate C) beyond
C) controversial D) through
D) convenient E) by
E) deplorable 13. Many of the critics clearly regarded
several of the paintings on ____ as of poor
7. I have looked through the report, but I quality.
must admit, only ____ . A) discovery 1
Mevlüt Tikence
Gazi Üniversitesi
Yabancı Diller Öğretimi
Uygulama ve Araştırma
B) display 20. I had my doubts about her when I took
C) occasion her on, but now I’m pleased to say that she
D) approval has ____ to be a talented executive.
E) account A) taken up
B) run over
14. The report issued by the National Health C) turned out
Council draws attention to the hazards of D) made out
____ to X rays. E) carried on
A) resistance
B) involvement
C) confinement 21. Among the problems facing bridge
D) exposure engineers, the most serious ones are those of
E) implication ____ and repair.
A) improvement
B) reassessment
15. He’s clever, he seems to know by instinct C) determination
where someone is ____ and strikes there. D) distinction
A) conceited E) maintenance
B) sufficient
C) vulnerable 22. The two major political parties in Britain
D) informative have currently ____ to extreme and radically
E) critical different approaches to the solution of
Britain’s economic problem.
16. It was decided at the board meeting that A) referred
more funds should be allocated to getting the B) obsessed
firm’s products ____ more widely. C) committed
A) publicized D) implied
B) priced E) meant
C) curtailed
D) expanded 23. It now appears that while US leaders are
E) confirmed still willing for the nation to exert itself
abroad and give large amounts of foreign
17. There’s nothing very brilliant about the assistance, the American public is ____ to go
report, but he has ____ collected all the data along with these policies.
needed. A) spontaneous
A) infectiously B) precarious
B) recklessly C) competitive
C) considerably D) reluctant
D) restrictively E) deliberate
E) conscientiously
24. It is ____ surprising that the art of
ancient America remains the most mysterious
and the least accessible.
18. What really surprised everybody was that A) urgently
he saved the company from bankruptcy quite B) notably
____ . C) indifferently
A) extremely D) elaborately
B) relatively E) hardly
C) dependently
D) single-handedly 25. Bartok was influenced as much by the
E) responsively musical innovations of Debuasy and
Starvinsky as by East European, ____
19. Before I send this article to the editor, I’d Hungarian, folk music.
be grateful if you could ____ it for me. A) exceedingly
A) watch out B) notably
B) look up C) appropriately
C) break through D) vehemently
D) take over E) adequately
E) go through 2
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Yabancı Diller Öğretimi
Uygulama ve Araştırma
26. Due to the industrialisation and C) coherent
colonisation, the nineteenth century ____ the D) exclusive
greatest expansion of wealth the world had E) deceptive
ever known.
A) brought about 34. Industry as a whole was badly affected by
B) put off the restrictions, but it was the high
C) held up technology sector that suffered most ____ .
D) gave in A) blatantly
E) set off B) randomly
C) reasonably
27. The two archaeologists have tried hard to D) tightly
read the inscription in old Latin, but I do not E) acutely
think they have ____ what it really means.
A) got away with
B) written off
C) taken after 35. Few, if any, of the statements could be
D) made out ____ substantiated by concrete experimental
E) brought up evidence.
A) intentionally
B) successively
28. The children of today are healthier and C) restrictedly
better ____ than those of the past, and far D) impressively
fewer of them die in infancy. E) conclusively
A) disposed of
B) fed up 36. He’s basically a very reliant person so you
C) rounded up can be sure he’ll soon ____ this
D) looked into disappointment.
E) cared for A) make out
30. The rise in energy ____ has led to a B) put through
reduction of fossil fuels that the world must C) get over
use. D) look up
A) redundancy E) fall through
B) efficiency
C) consumption 37. Whatever the pressures put upon him, I
D) suitability think it is highly unlikely that James would
E) conformity ever ____ anyone.
A) walk away with
31. We must find some way to give them B) give in to
fairly complete and realistic picture of the C) make up for
situation, but without ____ them too much. D) get away with
A) depressing E) fall through
B) intimidating
C) restricting 38. He invariably gets what he wants but
D) complementing unfortunately this is usually ____ the
E) embittering expense of others.
A) out of
32. Any child left to its own devices for too B) from
long is likely to ____ on some dangerous C) up to
enterprise. D) at
A) assert E) through
B) entice
C) embark 39. Public attention focuses ____ infant
D) reproach mortality as a prime indicator of changes in a
E) reduce society’s health.
A) on
33. One defect seems inherent in a purely B) to
classical education – namely, a too ____ C) at
emphasis on the past. D) over
A) recurrent E) into
B) repressive 3
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Yabancı Diller Öğretimi
Uygulama ve Araştırma
40. He looked ____ nervously ____ his D) effectively
shoulder hoping that no one was paying him E) respectively
any attention.
A) out / of 46. As soon as the leak in the boiler was
B) up / through noticed, one of the engineers was naturally
C) back / over _____ .
D) down / from A) taken after
E) in / for B) run down
C) made out
41. As a result of continuing economic D) sent for
recession, a huge _____ in the budget seems E) turned up
A) redundancy 47. At the board meeting, his suggestion was
B) improvement _____ as it seemed politically controversial.
C) profit A) put out
D) distinction B) taken out
E) deficit C) held in
D) burst into
42. The recent economic figures _____ that E) cast aside
the country is slowly coming out of the crisis.
A) commit 48. The ____ was not a happy one at the
B) imply time, but looking back on it I suppose I’m
C) incur glad it occurred.
D) evolve A) improvement
E) invoke B) regression
C) encounter
43. When the rate of exchange began to rise D) intention
again, he felt _____ to call a meeting of the E) compromise
financial staff.
A) obliged 49. Locke, Hobbes and Rousseau were
B) blamed concerned in their writings with the question
C) consumed of a proper ____ between the public good and
D) omitted the right of individuals to exercise free will.
E) rewarded A) balance
B) demonstration
As far as we are concerned, the evidence put C) responsibility
before the court was not _____ enough to D) interest
convict the man. E) solidarity
A) subsequent
B) conclusive 50. Questions of race, ethnicity, and religion
C) adamant have been a ____ source of conflict in
D) earnest American education.
E) consecutive A) previous
B) perennial
C) vulnerable
44. He devised an _____ scheme whereby the D) naughty
rate of unemployment in the country could be E) casual
brought down sharply.
A) irrelevant 51. The United States has long prided itself on
B) unstable being a melting pot of culturally ____
C) ingenious peoples.
D) untamed A) diverse
E) illegible B) redundant
C) incoherent
45. I was greatly impressed by the way the D) entire
judge conducted the trial, _____ when it E) substantial
came to summing up the case.
A) particularly 52. The contemporary world economy differs
B) completely ____ from what the traditional economic
C) sufficiently theorists of the 1930s envisaged. 4
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Yabancı Diller Öğretimi
Uygulama ve Araştırma
A) primarily E) inevitably
B) likely
C) conversely 60. The new ceramics, which have little in
D) profoundly common with the chinaware we use in our
E) intimately kitchens everyday, are being used ____ in
engines and electronics.
53. In recent years ____ complex and A) depressingly
persistent problems in economic and social B) seemingly
fields have led people to wonder why once C) increasingly
comfortable answers no longer seem D) discouragingly
adequate to today’s questions. E) obligingly
A) generously
B) inadvertently 61. I am horrified at the turn things have
C) increasingly taken and am convinced that he is ____ of
D) ingeniously much better treatment than that which he is
E) leisurely receiving.
A) rebutting
55. Since the 1950s modern dance in Europe B) deserving
and America has ____ a vigorous process of C) defending
creativity. D) safeguarding
A) cast E) indulging
B) explored
C) constituted 62. Progress in materials research is ____ to
D) relaxed overcoming such problems as the finiteness
E) followed of the world’s resources and possible
shortages of strategic materials.
56. The assassination by terrorists of Signor A) crucial
Aldo Moro, five times Prime Minister of Italy, B) inexpensive
in May 1978 was ____ by everyone as an act C) adamant
of barbarism. D) subversive
A) applauded E) subsequent
B) appealed
C) reiterated 63. Despite the gusty wind they were able to
D) condemned put out the fire before it ____ .
E) restrained A) fell off
B) was taken into account
57. If we are serious about suppressing C) was held out
terrorism we shall have to ____ stronger D) got out of hand
measures than those currently in practice. E) broke up
A) require
B) revise 64. I don’t know how we are going to ____
C) adopt the expected surge of immigrants into the
D) abduct country.
E) suspend A) run through
B) cope with
58. When an unknown but gifted artist is C) put out
finally recognised, his paintings can become D) take down
valuable ____ in the future. E) look over
A) rates 65. Asthma is a common ____ in which the
B) accounts airways lining the lung become inflamed.
C) sales A) diagnosis
D) interests B) disease
E) assets C) fury
D) patient
59. It is ____ ten years since AIDS caught the E) recovery
world’s attention. 66. From the report released today it appears
A) formidably that oil tankers suffer their major ____ on
B) generously their return journeys.
C) pertinently A) spills
D) roughly B) costs 5
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C) repairs E) showed off
D) drills 73.. The Carnegie Endowment for
E) crews International Peace seeks an individual to
launch a research project on the information
67. People curious to get some idea of what it revolution and its ____ on international
is like to be black in a country ____ by whites affairs.
need look no further than Dennis Williams’s A) impact
new novel Crossover. B) involvement
A) tempted C) reference
B) undermined D) linkage
C) perpetrated E) comparison
D) run 74. Unlike Europe’s stone castles and
E) deemed cathedrals, America’s historical buildings are
often wood-framed and so subject to ____
68. It is plain that the United Nations will not from moisture and insects.
lift the sanctions unless the Iraqi government A) rebuke
fully ____ with the Security Council B) deficiency
resolutions. C) damage
A) matches D) obsession
B) elaborates E) frustration
C) complies
D) resumes 75.. Physically speaking, the Pacific Basin
E) accomplishes includes not only all those countries
bordering on the Pacific coast but also the
69. When the chairman tried to explain his Pacific island nations ____ across the ocean.
views to the shareholders at the ____ general A) adopted
meeting, he was shouted down by them with B) based
cries of “Resign!”. C) grafted
A) annual D) scattered
B) minimal E) expanded
C) essential
D) ultimate 76. Nearly half of the world’s countries have
E) recurrent ____ capital punishment in law or in practice,
and some two dozen of them have done so
70. Because of their high toxic contents, none formally since 1985.
of these chemicals can ____ be permitted for A) accused
export to any country. B) abolished
A) fruitfully C) executed
B) adequately D) entailed
C) presently E) frustrated
D) notoriously
E) equivocally 77. Since most of the world’s commercial
apples lack genetic diversity, they are unable
71. I don’t know how we are going to ____ to ____ a disease or a pest.
the expected surge of immigrants into the A) put away
country. B) hold up
A) look over C) fight off
B) run through D) get off
C) put out E) break out
D) take down
E) cope with 78. The atmosphere ____ the earth as if it
were a huge roof.
72. The Jewish immigrants, who ____ the A) breaks up
boat in England, formed the bulk of the ethnic B) makes for
groups arriving in a country historically wary C) hangs over
of foreigners. D) puts off
A) took after E) runs over
B) got off
C) turned up 79. The objective of this project is to increase
D) made up the depth of awareness and understanding in 6
Mevlüt Tikence
Gazi Üniversitesi
Yabancı Diller Öğretimi
Uygulama ve Araştırma
the world, about the causes and 85. It is a book rich in ideas and beauty, a
consequences of the HIV epidemic through book that ____ and tries to answer great
____ policies and programmes. fundamental questions and demands the most
A) innovative active reading one is capable of.
B) decadent A) raises
C) meagre B) attains
D) ambiguous C) casts
E) poignant D) alludes
E) accomplishes
80. Launched as the new regulatory authority
for the countries banking and insurance 86. Before the meeting begins, it would be
sector, the National Financial Services advisable to remind him that he is not on any
Management will extend its activities so as account to ____ the subject of unemployment
____ to cover more than 40% of the national insurance.
economy. A) look through
A) exceptionally B) bring up
B) ultimately C) take back
C) inherently D) break out
D) fluently E) make out
E) apparently 87.The 1990s have been a general ____ in aid
to poor countries, largely because of fiscal
81. They claim that their aim is to establish pressures in many rich countries.
long term cooperation ____ their customers, A) consumption
____ a basis of partnership and mutual trust. B) decline
A) for / over C) contingency
B) with / on D) conviction
C) by / through E) expenditure
D) from / in
E) among / for 88. The whole business of having meals at
fixed ____ is nothing but a social convention
82. In their discussions concerning the and, in modern life, a matter of convenience.
proposed defence strategies, NATO diplomats A) approaches
found they could not agree ____ what the B) substances
alliance was ____ , what weapons it would C) intervals
threaten to use and in what circumstances. D) requirements
A) on / for E) proportions
B) about / into
C) with / over 89. Space research is largely a branch of pure
D) by / about science, independent of any applications
before / through which ____ from it.
83. She is the oldest person in the village, to A) enforce
be precise, 92 years old and has a ____ word B) insure
of advice for everyone. C) reduce
A) fanciful D) restore
B) faithful E) stem
C) credible
D) futile 90. The current social security system is ____
E) kindly popular, partly because its universal and
partly because retirement benefits are related
84. Our challenge is to ____ our clients with to contributions, so most people think the
the best possible advice and support, system is fair.
enabling them to take the right direction at A) extremely
both strategic and operational levels. B) likely
A) expand C) eventually
B) consult D) indispensably
C) improve E) favourably
D) provide
E) respect 91. The river Danube rises in Germany and
____ through central Europe and into the
Black Sea. 7
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A) cruises E) dealing with
B) spreads
C) flows 98. It is hard for a tiger, especially an
D) conducts inexperienced one, to ____ how to attack an
E) covers animal that is facing it.
A) figure out
92. Anti-lock brakes (ABS) help you to B) keep away
maintain steering control of your car even C) rule out
while braking on ____ roads. D) fall back
A) lonesome E) run over
B) fast
C) reckless 99. If you want that post you'd better apply
D) slippery quickly; the last day for ____ applications is
E) stagnant Friday.
A) reversing
93. ____ populated, rural Northumberland is B) withholding
one of the most unspoiled countries in C) enforcing
England. D) submitting
A) Sparsely E) committing
B) Nearly
C) Primarily 100. In this paper I should like to report some
D) Suitably of the results of an ____ study of two
E) Efficiently hundred London families.
A) extreme
84. Today a very wide spectrum of biological B) intrinsic
scientists are needed, both to develop the C) intensive
biotechnology of the next millennium and to D) emphatic
ensure the ____ of life in our planet. E) apparent
A) explanation
B) process 101. Recent studies have shown that smokers
C) exhaustion are more ____ to common colds and flu than
D) duration non-smokers.
E) conservation A) feasible
B) susceptible
95. A hundred years ago the chestnut ____ a C) applicable
quarter of the hardwood trees in America. D) reliable
A) turned down E) responsible
B) got through 102. For the present, the party is expected to
C) made up put its differences aside and campaign ____
D) made out for a victory at the forthcoming elections.
E) put down A) vigorously
B) awkwardly
96. Evidence of racial bias in sentencing C) precisely
helped to convince certain states in America D) distinctly
to ____ capital punishment in the late 1960s E) reluctantly
and early 1970s.
A) keep down 103. Industry has developed rapidly in certain
B) rule against countries as raw materials are ____ available
C) put out there.
D) point out A) repeatedly
E) break through B) scarcely
C) consequently
97. Natural disasters have been defined as D) abundantly
ecological disruptions exceeding the E) indefinitely
adjustment capacity of a community and ____
outside assistance. 104. I wasn't at all impressed by the ____ he
A) stepping up gave me.
B) putting up with A) distribution
C) look after B) explanation
D) calling for C) determination 8
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D) complication A) made up
E) negotiation B) kept on
105. The problem of how to ____ the vast C) ran through
quantities of waste we produce, requires our D) left out
urgent attention. E) played down
A) bring up
B) win over 112. Our understanding of the development of
C) find out behaviour has long been hampered by the
D) put off tendency to ____ sharply between "innate"
E) deal with and "acquired" behaviour.
A) exclude
B) separate
106. Once the children have grown up I shall C) distinguish
start travelling again, and I'm really ____ D) infer
that. E) assess
A) passing on to
B) waiting up for 113. The government has recently made one
C) looking forward to million dollars ____ for research grants
D) making up for concerning the prediction of earthquakes.
E) going along with A) conditional
B) available
C) suitable
107. Infectious diseases are those which are D) considerable
caused ____ an invasion of the body ____ E) vulnerable
organisms from outside.
A) through / with 114. The ozone layer may still act like a
B) by / by protective blanket, but scientists continue to
C) over / through worry about the sun's ____ lethal effects.
D) in / without A) potentially
E) upon / within B) equivalently
C) indifferently
108. I did manage to keep my temper but I D) approximately
couldn't refrain ____ pointing ____ that what E) abruptly
he had done was wrong. .
A) in / at
B) at / to 115. Owing to the shortages in some building
C) by / away materials and labour ____ in some trades, the
D) for / off building industry began to make more use of
E) from / out prefabricated.
109. I'm afraid I can't ____ the signature on A) components
this painting but it has been signed. B) immunity
A) make out C) reliably
B) take out D) cavity
C) find out E) scarcity
D) turn back
E) put down
116. If the ____ of profits falls in one area of
110. The top research universities in the activity, entrepreneurs may move their
U.S.A. are ____ the fact that women resources to an industry where the returns
researchers are encountering substantial are higher.
barriers to career advancement. A) phase
A) waiting for B) liability
B) pulling out of C) level
C) facing up to D) supply
D) trying out E) policy
E) turning up

111. His doctor ____ advising him to take it 117. In many countries training for industry
easy for a while and stop all overtime but he has always been considered to be ____ the
didn't listen. concern of industry itself, not of the state. 9
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A) socially
B) primarily 124. ____ the past few decades South Korea,
C) suitably Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong have
D) firmly achieved the fastest rates ____ economic
E) reputedly growth the world has ever seen.
A) Within / at
118. A basic ____ of amphibious warfare is B) During / of
undoubtedly command of the sea. C) In / over
A) withdrawal D) After / in
B) involvement E) Over / about
C) determination
D) concession
E) requirement
125. Now that formal ----- has been given by
the government, the project team can
119. Even quite late in the twentieth century be recruited.
many men assumed that entry into certain
professions was their ____ right. A) reference
A) independent B) apprehension
B) exclusive C) approval
C) adequate D) expression
D) excessive E) determination
E) unaccountable
126. Certain new findings suggest that
young calves may be more ----- than
120. Bacteria have remarkable capacity for
older cows to bovine spongiform
____ tolerance to previously lethal drugs.
encephalopathy (BSE).
A) acquiring
B) denouncing A) reluctant
C) deceiving B) hazardous
D) repudiating C) intimate
E) recovering D) susceptible
E) relative
121. Because critical periods occur
throughout pregnancy, a woman should 127. Champions of the green movement
continuously ____ her health. regard the internal combustion
machine as one of the biggest ----- in
A) keep in with
B) put up with
C) find out A) disasters
D) take good care of B) rejections
E) look up to C) admissions
D) denials
122. In the early twentieth century, a number
E) illusions
of scientists, who had been trained as
physicists, were interested in the study of 128. The distinction between a language and
biological organisms, and their efforts ____ a dialect is a ----- difficult one.
the field we now call molecular biology. A) precisely
A) took leave of
B) notoriously
B) made up for
C) gave rise to C) compulsively
D) showed up D) suitably
E) fell apart E) flexibly
129. Japan is often ----- as an example of a
123. In the introduction to this book, the country that has managed to keep its
writer ____ a foreign policy that makes world national defence orientated industries
peace the top priority. entirely separate from foreign-owned
A) calls for companies.
B) holds out A) deduced
C) keeps up
B) delayed
D) puts on
E) brings about C) deceived
D) withdrawn 10
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E) cited identical to those used by criminal

130. The general feeling in the court was A) regulations

that several of the witnesses were ----- B) methods
information that could have a direct C) provisions
bearing upon the case.
D) laws
A) expressing E) admissions
B) withholding
136. In the wake of yet another financial
C) avoiding scandal, the chief accountant handed in
D) disrupting his ----- to the director.
E) declining A) retirement
131. The population of the underdeveloped B) redundancy
countries is growing so fast that the C) promotion
agricultural activities there are unable
to ----- the progressively rising demand D) resignation
for food. E) vacancy

A) keep up with 137. The American constitution with its

C) look out for various constraints ----- to protect
citizens, can actually shield criminals.
B) make sure of
D) bring up A) discovered

E) sort out B) complained

C) persuaded
132. Among the Maori of New Zealand, each
community has developed its own way D) designed
of ----- crimes and has chosen a E) displayed
number of different punishments to
138. The foreman has a way of making most
match them.
people do what he wants, but somehow
A) holding up I don't think he'll manage to ----- the
B) coming along new director!

C) dealing with A) get around

D) paying for B) make up for
E) taking over C) turn over
D) keep up with
E) rule out
133. Acid rain only became a ----- 139. The man who created the first
environmental issue in the 1980s computer virus has been sentenced to
following groundbreaking studies in the 20 months in an American federal
1970s. prison, and it is generally agreed that
he has been ----- very lightly.
A) previous
B) deceitful A) shown up
C) reckless B) let off
D) destructive C) taken down
E) prominent D) given up
E) brought in
134. Using the dam to generate power would
not ----- the treaty with the
neighbouring country, but diverting
water out of the river would. 140. As the new field-worker will be working
in close ________________ with several
A) intimidate
others, make sure you select someone with
B) betray
an agreeable personality.
C) violate a) uniformity
D) convert b) suspicion
E) fetch c) collaboration
d) discretion
135. The ----- that terrorists use to move
money from regions that finance them e) productivity
to their target country are often 11
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141. Sponsorship is being increasingly
allowed in schools provided it is regarded as
being ________________ with educational
a) considerate
b) predictable
c) decisive
d) compatible
e) provocative

142. The discovery of a ________________

cancer-causing chemical in foods like crisps,
142. chips and cereals caused shock waves
around the world when it hit the headlines
earlier this year.
a) potentially
b) remarkably
c) controversially
d) memorably
e) concisely

143. Each year, large amounts of carbon

monoxide are ________________ into the
atmosphere by automobiles and factories.
a) absorbed
b) emitted
c) exchanged
d) repulsed
e) compelled

144. The first two paragraphs

________________ the particular
requirements of the digital environment as
the source of data and as a means of
producing maps and other visualisations.
a) lay emphasis on
b) run out of
c) break through
d) stop short of
e) look down on 12

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