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Samuel S.



Purposive Communication

What is Informative Message?

-informative or positive message is a response message to reader. The purpose of positive

message is to let readers understand the message, deemphasize any negative elements, and view
the information positive.


1. Excerpt from Marie Curie's speech on the discovery of radium: I could tell you many
things about radium and radioactivity and it would take a long time. But as we cannot do
that, I shall only give you a short account of my early work about radium. Radium is no
more a baby, it is more than twenty years old, but the conditions of the discovery were
somewhat peculiar, and so it is always of interest to remember them and to explain
them.We must go back to the year 1897. Professor Curie and I worked at that time in the
laboratory of the school of Physics and Chemistry where Professor Curie held his
lectures. I was engaged in some work on uranium rays which had been discovered two
years before by Professor Becquerel. I spent some time in studying the way of making
good measurements of the uranium rays, and then I wanted to know if there were other
elements, giving out rays of the same kind. So I took up a work about all known
elements, and their compounds and found that uranium compounds are active and also all
thorium compounds, but other elements were not found active, nor were their
compounds. As for the uranium and thorium compounds, I found that they were active in
proportion to their uranium or thorium content.

2. Your paper is due on my desk by three o'clock Friday, April 16." A positive message
could be, "Congratulations! Your paper is fantastic!" 

3. To: Miah Khalifa

Subject: Change Of Plans (the customer wants to meet before lunch tomorrow)
From: Jon Parks
Good morning Mia,
Our contact just sent me a message requesting that we meet in their lobby at 11:00 am
instead of meeting for lunch at 12. Will that work for your schedule?
Thank you,
Jon Parks
Senior Account Manager
Code Software

4. Orange County government has strived over the years to provide an alternative way of
life to its citizens. We have always believed that we should be transparent in what we do
and what choices we make on behalf of all of you. That is why I, your Mayor, want to
talk about the new plan we have for garbage pickup. Instead of just Wednesday, we want
garbage to be collected twice a week - on Monday and Thursday. This decision was made
by analyzing the shopping habits of every person in Town. During our research, we found
out that not only does garbage pile up over seven days it isn't picked up; but also some
people, in a desperate attempt to get rid of their trash, have been throwing it out in
various places.
5. Splash Kingdom has been a work in progress for two years. Myself, Josh, and the rest of
the crew have been working very hard to make the game stand out from the rest of our
current projects, and we believe we've done it. Splash Kingdom is a new and innovative
mobile game that centers around player choice. We think it's imperative to give back the
power of choice to our players. The new interactive storytelling system we developed
does exactly that - a chance to change the story. We hired several writers who developed
alternative endings and branching paths to maximize this new system. Whenever a player
makes a choice, an algorithm decides where the next action will happen on a world map.
The possibilities are endless!.

What is Persuasive Message?

-a persuasive message occurs when a person attempts to convince an individual or group to take

certain specific actions. The two types of persuasive messages in the workplace are sales and
marketing, which are utilized to achieve organizational objectives.

1. I’ve invested many hourse for studying recycling issue and the types of program
available in other cities. I hope by the end of my talk that will you agree that we need a
city wide recycling program.
2. I am writing to draw your attention to a matter of great importance. Mayor Doe has
pledged to address the dangerous condition of many of the intersections surrounding our
children's schools. However, due to last year's extensive flooding, city coffers are nearly
empty, and the funds are not available to install even one new traffic light. The
intersection of Main and Center streets is fraught with danger for the dozens of grade
school children who must cross these streets every day. If we can raise $3,600 we can pay
an off-duty policeman to direct traffic at this crosswalk during school hours until such
time as funds are available to install a proper traffic light. I hope you will join me in
supporting this solution to this most immediate peril. Send a check for your tax-
deductible donation to this address
Crossing Guard Fund

Springfield Parent/Teacher/Student Association

1600 Main St.

Springfield, KS 12345

Don't wait until tragedy strikes. Please act now, for the sake of our children.
3. From today's home kits to the tedious fertility planning calendars of yesteryear, couples
have tried for centuries to choose the genders of their children. Most couples, it seems,
would pick the sex of their children if they had the option. In countries like China,
couples feel more pressure because of birth limits. One recent study has shown that more
than forty percent of couples worldwide would choose the sex of their child if possible. Is
the ability to select a child's gender really a good thing, though? Proponents of gender
selection have a strong argument and quite a bit of support from a number of different
places. Dr. Ronald Ericsson, called "Dr. Sperm" by many, has been marketing a home
test kit to help couples choose the gender of their child. As a result, he's quite familiar
with both sides of the issue, and has been for the last thirty years. The critics, though,
don't concern him. "It's none of their damn business," said Ericsson. "It's a human rights
issue." Ericsson suggests that because the technology is available, people should be
allowed to use it. Seems strange to me, though, that after all the destructive things we've
done with technology, someone would say that because it is available we should use it.
Just because we can, doesn't mean we should. The thing most proponents of gender
selection procedures don't want you to know is that the gender selection process is still in
the beginning stages of development, so scientists don't get it right 100% of the time. As
a result, couples can spend thousands of dollars trying to create a baby of their choice,
only to be disappointed. This can result of the termination of such pregnancies.
Terminating a child's life because you wanted a different gender - is that really
acceptable? Not only is gender selection dangerous, but it can create sex distortion ratios,
particularly in countries where one sex is the preferred member of society. Proponents of
gender selection, though, have come up with an answer to this one as well. Dr. Suresh
Nayak, an Indian Ob-Gyn, suggested that the fear that sex selection would change the
natural ratios was unfounded because the practice is only used by a fraction of couples
who can afford it. That fact, though, may soon change. As the procedures get increasingly
cheaper, more couples are taking advantage of them. Fertility clinics are literally
swamped with couples trying to create designer babies. By the end of 2004, more than
4000 cases of successful gender selected babies were reported. Many schools are starting
to study the procedure to make it more available to couples. Houston's Baylor College of
Medicine started a study of 200 couples in 2005 to examine the gender selection process,
a study which caused some controversy among those who found it morally repugnant.
Undoubtedly, this procedure will distort the natural gender ratios if enough people can
afford it. If some doctors and scientists have their way, everyone will soon be able to
afford the procedure. There is some light at the end of this tunnel, however. Gender
selection has finally been banned in many countries on the continents of Europe and
Asia. Perhaps they realize that this practice is not only unethical and dangerous, it will
eventually lead to couples wanting to create designer babies by choosing hair and eye
color, levels of intelligence, and even height! If we continue to allow gender selection,
serious, dangerous problems could occur in our society. Gender selection is a powerful
tool that science does not yet fully understand how to use. If we do not draw the line
between wants and needs early, there will be no stopping wealthy parents in the future
who want to choose all of the characteristics of their babies, which will undoubtedly
create problems in the human race and promote intolerance towards others. By
discouraging parents to choose the genders of their babies, we are encouraging our
children to have fewer prejudices and accept others, regardless of sex and gender
preferences. The only acceptable way to choose the gender of a child is through adoption.
There are so many children in need of loving families that if you're adamant about having
either a boy or a girl, then all you need do is adopt one!
4. Why risk making a mistake on your tax returns or missing out on added money in your
bank account? Trust the experts at 123 Accounting to ensure you get the biggest tax
refund possible.
5. Here at Schuster & Schuster, our injury attorneys have recovered millions of dollars for
our clients. We will take your case and defend your interests to the very end. Call us
today to schedule a free consultation.

What is Goodwill Message?

-goodwill messages are used in the workplace to show a sense of kindness and friendliness.
Examples of goodwill messagesare communications of appreciation, congratulations or positive


1. On behalf of the rest of the management team, I want to tell you how much we appreciate
the endless hours of service you dedicated to getting the Doe project completed on time.
We all admired your ingenuity in creating that outstanding package for the Doe
Corporation. I was personally impressed with the way you kept your staff motivated and
focused, even in the face of several obstacles.

2. You're the best! Thank you for organizing our community cleanup campaign. It was a
huge success and brought congratulations from both the mayor and the city council. This
is the kind of civic involvement in which everyone is a winner. I appreciate your positive
attitude and your ability to motivate people to contribute to a good cause. We are pleased
to have you on our staff. Please accept the enclosed gift certificate as a token of our

3. On behalf of the management, I welcome you as a new employee of the Doe Corporation
and trust you will find your new position rewarding. I look forward to briefing you on
March 12, at 9:00 a.m.

Enclosed are your employee handbook, an overview of our pay scale, and detailed
information about benefits. Please read them carefully and sign the insurance enrollment
form. Bring the enrollment form with you when you report for work on your first day.

I will be glad to answer any questions at that time.

4. Welcome to the firm. You are now a member of one of the most progressive investment
banking firms in the country with offices across the country. Please file an expense report
in Human Resources, and we will reimburse you for your moving expenses. We will cut
your first paycheck on May 5.

5. We are very happy to have your analytical talent in our office. Apply it, work hard, and
together we can reach new heights. Best wishes in your new position.

You deserve high praise for the way you handled yourself in the new product campaign.
You kept a cool head with an untried team, and your spontaneous responses impressed the
client. Your future looks bright. Here's to a successful future with Doe.

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