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Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574

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Energy consumption decreasing strategy for indoor swimming pools –

Decentralized Ventilation system with a heat pump
Katarzyna Ratajczak∗, Edward Szczechowiak
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Berdychowo 4 60-965 Poznan,

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:
Received 26 August 2019
Revised 24 October 2019
Accepted 2 November 2019
Available online 3 November 2019

1. Introduction of water heating. In the case of these facilities, usage of solar en-
ergy allows for energy savings of up to 80% [6]. Indoor pools can
Swimming pools and all types of the aquatic facilities are typi- also use solar energy, primarily for heating of pool water. How-
cally viewed as locations visited for leisure, recreation, and fitness. ever, application of solar energy requires an economic account to
In the countries with moderate or cold climates, the pools have to be carried out, where availability of solar energy will be consid-
be operated indoor, for most of the year. The thermal and mois- ered [11]. Another solution that can reduce energy consumption
ture conditions, as well as the pool’s water temperature are con- in swimming pools is the use of PhotoVoltaic collectors for heat-
trolled by the systems specially designed for that purpose. In the ing [12] or for ventilation [13], but this also involves and is cost-
indoor swimming pools water’s temperature is maintained within effective only for specific locations of the facilities. The same ap-
the range of 26 up to 30 °C [1] for competition and leisure; for lit- plies to cases where there is an ice rink by the indoor pool, which
tle children it can be even higher, while the air temperature is 2 °C can be also helpful in reduction of energy consumption [14].
higher, depending on the purpose of the pool. Thus, the air tem- The first publications regarding energy–efficient solutions con-
perature in the pool is approximately 10–15 °C higher than that in sisting the ventilation units equipped with the devices for recover-
typical public spaces. ing heat from the exhausted air were presented in 1980 [15]. How-
The necessity of introducing energy-saving solutions was rec- ever, there are very few articles presenting the operation of a ven-
ognized in 1998 by Trianti–Stourna et al. [1]. The latest studies re- tilation unit in the details. In 1994, Westerlund and Dahl [16] pro-
garding energy consumption of the swimming pools usually con- posed the use of an open absorption heat-pump to decrease the
sist of questionnaires [2,3] and the results confirm that the swim- heat and electricity consumption, however, the open absorption
ming pools consume a significant amount of heat for heating pool’s heat pump is not commonly used. In 1996, Lazzarini and Longo
water and providing thermal comfort, as well as electric energy [17] proposed the use of a cross heat exchanger and heat pump
production for supplying the electric devices and lighting. Other with an air/water condenser in the ventilation units. They stated
studies have drawn attention to the fact that a majority of energy that the solutions involving the use of a heat pump were the most
consumed by the swimming pools is attributable to heat [3,4]. The beneficial, but they did not present the details of their analyses.
energy-efficient swimming pools do exist, but even in their cases, In 2001, Johansson and Westerlund [18] confirmed that the sys-
many elements need some level of improvement [2]. tems including a heat pump and double condenser were the most
In places where the climate is warm, such as Italy [5], Greece beneficial, however, in their analyses only 10% of the ventilated
[6,7], Hong Kong [8] Spain [9] or Australia [10], it is recommended air travelled through the air condenser. The remaining air travelled
to use a solar energy, including a solar heat pump [8]. In the coun- through the water condenser, and the heat recovered then entered
tries listed above, most pools are situated outdoors. The studies re- the pool’s water. They observed the necessity of proper definition
garding outdoor swimming pools are usually focused on the issue of the volume of evaporated water, which may have caused some
discrepancies in the comparison of results from the real pools. The
pool’s air handling units proposed in [17] and [18] are shown on

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. Ratajczak).
0378-7788/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574

Nomenclature VE ventilation
INF infiltration
A area (m2 ) W water
AP pool basin area (mP 2 ) IW boundary layer between water and air
cpp specific heat of the air 1.005 kJ/(kg. K), 1005 J/(kg. K), w windows
e shading factor, according to EN ISO 13790 (−)
Subscripts for air parameters in ventilation unit
H heat losses (W/K)
E external (outdoor) air
h specific enthalpy of the air (kJ/kg)
I indoor air
ISOL solar radiation (kWh/m2 )
˙ EX exhaust air (from pool hall)
m mass flow (kg/h, kg/s)
M1 air in the mixing chamber during external recircu-
N number of people, (−)
n50 building envelope tightness coefficient (h−1 )
HE air after heat exchanger on a supply way
Q˙ rate of heat transfer (kW)
M2 air in the mixing chamber during internal recircula-
latent heat flow due to evaporation of water (kW)
Q˙ SHE sensible heat due to the temperature difference be-
HE’ air after heat exchanger on an exhaust way
tween the air and water necessary to heat up the
RE removed air
vapor (kW)
HP air after condenser of a heat pump
P fan power (kW)
SU supply air
t temperature (°C)
HP’ air after evaporator of a heat pump
U heat transfer coefficient (W/(m2. K))
V volume (m3 )
v air velocity (m/s) Fig. 1. The heat pump installed in those units serves mainly for
x humidity ratio (kg/kg, g/kg) water heating purpose.
x difference between humidity ratio in indoor air and Lee and Kung [19] based their studies on the minimal usage of
in air near water surface (kg/kg, g/kg) fresh air in the winter. They noticed that, under favorable condi-
α convection coefficient, (W/(m2. K)) tions, the water heater does not need to work. However, they used
β evaporation rate (kg/(h. kg/kg) an uncommon ventilation unit; it is not compact, and thus, it is
ε ration of air flow in total air flow rate (−) impossible to implement this solution in the most of the pools. The
εR coefficient of emissivity of the outer partitions (−) reduction of the amount of external air is a good idea and it leads
ηgn utilization factor of heat gains (−) to energy decrease, however, a proper amount of air has to be in-
ηHE efficiency of heat exchanger (−) troduced, which sometimes causes the need to change the venti-
ρ density of the air (kg/m3 ) lation system from natural to mechanical [20]. In 2011, Sun et al.
ρI density of the air at the indoor air temperature [21] analyzed a changeability of the air and water parameters de-
(kg/m3 ) pending on the time of year. The aforementioned studies describe
ρ IW density of the air at the water surface temperature the operation of ventilation units during the day and night, as well
(kg/m3 ) as changes in air moisture removal, however, with the exception
σ Boltzmann constant, 5, 67 · 10−8 W/(m2. K4 ) of Peng Sun, they did not describe the unit’s work throughout the
ϕ relative humidity (−,%) year and the influence of the given time of year on its operation.
In the reference literature, the solution for air handling unit
Subscripts with a heat pump is indicated to be the best system that is cur-
LHE latent heat rently available. The difference proposed in this paper, in compar-
AV average ison to the quoted analyses, lies in the application of a cross flow
NT night time heat exchanger, which was not used in the case studies described
BE building envelope (external partitions) in the aforementioned literature [17,18]. Instead, there is an exter-
P pool area nal heat exchanger [21], or there is a lack of double recirculation
C convection [17–19]. The other type is a swimming pool unit with an additional
PB pool basin water condenser, which may be used for heating pool water to im-
DT daytime prove COP coefficient of the installed heat pump [21]. To compare
R radiation advanced units with a heat pump (Fig. 2) more simple units will
E external be analyzed as well (Fig. 3). Such systems are still used in many
RT roof top area facilities in Poland and abroad.
EW external walls A separate group of research includes those on the thermal
ROOM to adjacent rooms comfort and air quality in swimming pools. Studies on water were
F floor conducted by Sun et al. [21]. They analyzed water and air pa-
SHE sensible heat rameters, taking measurements throughout the year. They assumed
FH floor heating lower values for water and air temperature than other authors and
SOL solar therefore their results regarding energy saving cannot be used for
G ground objective comparison. There are recommendations in the literature
SPH swimming pool hall for energy saving by decreasing water temperature [3,23]. How-
H air heater ever, they should not be taken into account because if water tem-
TOT total peratures are too low, users may resign from spending time in pool
HPC condenser of a heat pump [24].
TR transmission Considering thermal comfort and the predicted mean vote in-
HPE evaporator of a heat pump dex (PMV) in swimming pools [24], certain comfort ranges for the
pool’s basin and audience were defined. It was stated that the PMV
K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574 3

Fig. 1. The pool’s air handling units with a heat pump proposed in literature.

Fig. 2. The pool’s air handling units: option c (top) and option d (bottom) [22].

Fig. 3. The pool’s air handling units: option a (left) and option b (right) [22].
4 K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574

for the two areas were significantly different. It was found that a Application of those elements provides energy consumption de-
comfortable temperature for swimmers is too high for the audi- creasing strategy with:
ence. As swimmers are the main users, other users must accept the
discomfort. The control of conditions by HVAC can achieve some (1) Energy savings by provision of the correct supply air tem-
energy savings [25]. Limane et al. [23] analyzed the flow of air perature, resulting from the heat and moisture balance of
through computational fluid dynamics (CFD); two zones were con- the pool’s basin zone, and not from the necessity of covering
sidered: a pool’s basin zone and the area allocated to the audience. heat losses of the entire hall, as this occurs in most of the
In the pool’s hall, the air division was presented as an up–up type. swimming pools.
Their work results prove that ventilation zoning is a necessity. (2) Electrical energy savings by separating the ventilation units
Decentralization of swimming pool facility is the subject of re- (the main and supporting units- window protection), and by
search conducted by Caruso, among the others [26,27]. Swimming adequately regulating their operation.
pool halls, like the sports halls analyzed by Caruso, are large build- (3) The decentralized air distribution system, i.e., the supply of
ings. There are different zones inside with the various thermal de- fresh air to the zone occupied by people, and the removal
mands. The swimming pool hall consists of the following zones of by-products appearing in the air at their place of origin
[28]: the pool basin zone, i.e.: the small area occupied by the main (from water disinfection), and will ultimately secure proper
(undressed) users (swimmers, coaches, and lifeguards); the exter- conditions for the users health.
nal partition zone, which should be protected against the harm- (4) The new algorithm for controlling of air preparation which
ful impact of humidity from evaporation; and, finally, the audience is based on varying external air percentage what allows to
zone, used by dressed people during a short period of time. use adequate amount of external air when pool is operated
Worth mentioning are also the other studies that refer to the and no external air when the pool is closed. With less cold
analysis of water disinfection by-products (DPBs) in both the wa- air from the outside during winter, the less heat to prepare
ter and the air. They drew attention to problems connected to air supply air is needed.
quality in indoor swimming pools. Harmful compounds, such as The authors have proposed dividing the swimming pool into
chloramines, trihalomethanes, and haloacetic acids, are formed as different zones, and conducted complex analysis of the heat and
a result of introducing organic products to disinfected water [29– electrical energy consumption the ventilation system according to
31]. Those compounds are heavier than air, and they accumulate the proposed unit-controlling algorithm, using climate data for
just above the water’s surface. They are then inhaled, which is con- Poland. Due to Poland’s climate, solar energy is not included in the
nected with risks of becoming ill with asthma, allergies, or other calculations as it would not be efficient to do so.
respiratory diseases for long-term swimming pool users. The so- The scheme of the proposed decentralized ventilation system
lution to the problem may be, among others using proper water with an air distribution system and the pool’s air handling unit
treatment [32–35] or proper ventilation [35–37]. with a heat pump is presented in Fig. 4.
When assessing various ventilation systems, different indicators In opposition to this decentralization of ventilation system for
can be used to evaluate them [40–42]. However, it seems that a swimming pool hall stands traditional (centralized) ventilation sys-
simple evaluation based on determining the amount of energy con- tem (Fig. 5). It consist of only one air handling unit which covers
sumed can be a good indicator for choosing the most beneficial heat need for the entire pool hall and must work constantly dur-
system. ing whole year round. When in decentralized system every unit
can work only when needed.
Proposed strategy for decreasing energy consumption in swimming
pools 2. Materials and method

After analyzing results of other studies that allow for energy 2.1. Concept of decentralized ventilation system for indoor swimming
saving and problems connected to thermal comfort and air qual- pool
ity discussed in other publications, the authors decided to conduct
analysis by comparing two ventilation systems. A traditional cen- The scheme of the proposed decentralized ventilation system
tralized system, which is used in most swimming pool facilities; with an air distribution system and the pool’s air handling unit
and the modern solution - a decentralized system that contains a with a heat pump is presented in Fig. 4.
number of solutions to improve the conditions in the swimming If the facility is equipped with a decentralized system, the
pool hall regarding energy consumption, thermal comfort, and air swimming pool is divided into zones, i.e. spaces, characterized by
quality. Previous analyses included different phenomena occurring different requirements in terms of air parameters (temperature and
in swimming pools, but there was no clear presentation of poten- relative humidity):
tial connections between them.
The authors propose integrated solution that combine the best - pool basin zone – occupied zone where the thermal comfort of
elements mentioned above: the users must be ensured. External air should be supplied to
this zone. A swimming pool basin is located in this zone, so
(1) Zoning of the ventilation system to separate regulation of air the moisture gains generated in this zone and volatile chlorine
parameters: for the swimmers’ zone, the audience and em- compounds (by-products of pool water disinfection) have to be
ployees zone, and the swimming pool envelope. removed from here. It can be achieved by the proper air distri-
(2) Usage of ventilation units, equipped with three-stage heat bution system shown in Fig. 4.
recovery, including: the heat pump, heat exchanger, and - external partition zone – space near the external partitions of
double air re-circulation, the air condenser as a base for the swimming pool which needs to be protected against mois-
heating the air, and the additional water condenser allow- ture condensation. Usage of the internal recirculation modules,
ing for heat transfer for heating water. in order to protect the partitions (see Fig. 4), requires drying of
(3) Protection of the building’s envelope against moisture con- the air coming from the pool’s hall.
densation by means of a separate ventilation system that - audience zone – the audience zone has to be separated, because
saves energy as the circulating air is only used for that pur- the people in the audience are dressed, so their sense of com-
pose. fort is different than for swimmers.
K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574 5

Fig. 4. Scheme of the proposed decentralized ventilation system.

Fig. 5. Scheme of traditional centralized ventilation system for swimming pool.

In opposition to this decentralization of ventilation system for the calculation regarding the ventilation unit is presented on
swimming pool stands traditional (centralized) ventilation system Fig. 6.
(Fig. 5). It consists only one air handling unit, which covers heat
need for the entire pool hall and must work constantly all year 2.2. Heat flow directions in different zones
round while in case of a decentralized system every unit can work
only when needed. Climatic data have a huge impact on energy demand [38,39].
Flow chart of the calculations following the proposed method, The external (outdoor) air parameters (temperature, relative hu-
including supplied air temperature calculations, based on the midity, and solar irradiance) were assumed for Poznan city, located
assumptions made for heat – moisture balance and transit to in western Poland. To locate the results within a climate scope, in
6 K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574

Fig. 6. The calculation model used for the analysis.

’Case study’ section climatic data - temperature and humidity ratio The following the equations and limitations, describing each of
for Poznan, Poland are presented (Fig. 11). The data were based on the equation’s element, were assumed:
typical meteorology year [43]. The climate in Poznan is temperate,
Q˙ TR = ABE · UBE,AV · (tI − tE ) [W] (4)
with a warm summer and cold winter.
Energy needed for heating was calculated hourly (EN ISO
13790:2008 standard [44]) with the simplified hourly method tak- Q˙ INF = ρ · cpp · e · VI · n50 /3600 [W] (5)
ing into account each part of heat losses and gains for the pool
hall and pool basin Fig. 7). Formulas used in calculations are rep-
resented by equations Eqs. (1)–((13). Q˙ G = AG · UG · (tI − tG ) [W] (6)
Generally, the heat balance equation is formed as presented be-
low: Q˙ ROOM = AROOM · UROOM · (tI − tROOM ) [W] (7)

Q˙ TOT = Q˙ SPH + Q˙ PB (1)

Q˙ SOL = ηgn · Aw · ISOL /10 0 0 [W] (8)
Eq. (2) represents heat balance for building envelope, while
Eq. (3) heat-moisture balance for pool basin. Q˙ G is equal 0 due to the assumption that under the pool’s hall
is a premise with a temperature similar to this in pool’s hall and
Q˙ SPH = Q˙ TR + Q˙ INF + Q˙ G + Q˙ ROOM − Q˙ FH − Q˙ SOL [kW] (2) Q˙ FH is heat from floor heating.
Q˙ LH,E = β · x · hIW · AP /3, 6 · κ [W] (9)
The flow of latent heat, resulting from the water evaporation
Q˙ PB = Q˙ LHE − Q˙ SHE − Q˙ C + Q˙ R [kW] (3) and lost by water as a result of the radiation, in practice is covered
K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574 7

Fig. 7. Heat flow directions and zones with different thermal needs.

by the pool’s water heating system. It may be assumed that the Table 1
Water and air parameters.
additional heat flow, that is brought by air flow, does not exceed
5% of the calculating value [45] and is provided with coefficient Temperature [°C] Relative humidity [%]
κ =0,05 . Water 28 –
Q˙ SH,E = β · x · 1, 86 · (tI − tWI )/3, 6 · AP [W] (10) Air during the daytime 30 60
Air during the night-time 30 65

Q˙ C = α · (tI − tIW ) · AP [W] (11)

   ventilation system selected for the given pool’s hall. For the cen-
α = 5, 7 + 4, 07 · v W/ m2 · K (12) tralized system, the supply air temperature is calculated according
to Eq. (16), and with Eq. (17) for the decentralized system.
Q˙ R = εR · σ · TW 4 − TBE 4 · AP [W] (13) Q˙ TOT
tSU = tI + (16)
The heat – moisture balance of the pool’s basin area is approx- ˙ SU · cpp
imately steady during the year. Insignificant influence on the size
of the obtained value has only the compound related to radiation Q˙ PB
towards external partitions. More significant is an influence of the tSU = tI + (17)
˙ SU · cpp
water evaporation volume, which fluctuates throughout a day, de-
pending on the swimming pool use. So the division of the swim- In the case of the decentralized ventilation system, the supplied
ming pool into the zones – separating the pool’s basin, where the air temperature is steady throughout the year as the pool’s basin
steady heat-moisture conditions will be applied, and this will re- zone is separated from external partitions. When the external air
sult in the stable work of the ventilation system – seems to be temperature is around 18 °C, the temperature of supplied air for
reasonable, and that was proposed in the earlier analyses. the centralized and decentralized ventilation systems are similar.
A humidity ratio of the supplied air should be selected in such
2.3. Water and air parameters and evaporation in the swimming pool a way that moisture created by evaporation can be reclaimed. The
difference in moisture content between the supplied and exhaust
The air and water parameters for a sports swimming pool were air should be at the level of 5 g/kg. Over a long period of time, if
assumed based on the guidelines for many countries. The param- the moisture content in the external air becomes low, the mois-
eters of water and air were assumed based on the guidelines of ture content in the intake air is 11 g/kg during the day. When the
ASHRAE [46] and are shown in Table 1. moisture content of the external air increases, the moisture con-
The equations for calculating water evaporation in the indoor tent in the supplied air will increase as well. The algorithm (shown
swimming pool were the Shah formulas [47], which are shown in in Fig. 8) controlling the operation of the ventilation unit includes
Table 2. control of the relative humidity in the exhaust air.
The supplied air flow of the pool unit designed for the pool
2.4. Supplied air parameters basin area should be determined by the amount of evaporating wa-
ter for decentralized ventilation system, calculated with Eq. (18).
The required temperature of supplied air is defined based on  
the hourly-measured heat–moisture balance, dependent on the m ˙ W /(ρ · (xI − xSU ) ) m3 /h
˙ SU = m (18)

Table 2
Water evaporation.

Equation Duration

Unoccupied pools ˙ W = K · ρW · (ρI − ρIW )

m 0,333
· x (14) |ρI − ρIW | < 0, 02 K = 35 Night-time
Occupied pools ˙ W = S · K · ρW · (ρI − ρIW )0,333 · x (15)
m S = (14.85 · N/AP + 1) Daytime
8 K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574

Fig. 8. Operating mode in the calculating algorithm of the pool’s ventilation unit a) without the heat pump (left), b) equipped with a heat pump (right) [48].

For units preparing the air for protecting building envelope Calculation algorithm for ventilation units without heat pump (op-
(protecting windows and roof top) air flow should be selected in- tion a and b)
dividually for each pool facility. The calculated air transformations in the air handling unit sys-
The total air flow in a centralized system should take into ac- tems are assumed to be caused by ventilation air drying due to
count a need to remove evaporating water and the building enve- the introduction of the variable external air flow. The algorithm
lope protection as well as the heat-moisture balance. Therefore, it used for calculations is simple and based only on the introduced
will be much larger than the air flow of the main pool unit in a external air volume regulation in order to achieve an appropriate
decentralized system. humidity ratio of the supplied air. The drying process follows the
same scheme, during the day and night.
2.6. Calculation algorithms for air handling units DAY MIXING operating mode of the ventilation unit without a
heat pump (options a and b) is based on the assumption that the
The subjects of analyses will be the ventilation units that are volume of external air supplied to the ventilation unit is that nec-
already available on the market, such as an air handling unit that essary to obtain the required humidity ratio in the supplied air,
may be used in newly constructed buildings as well as in modern- according to Eq. (19). The remaining air is recirculated air.
ized buildings (Figs. 2 and 3). The analyses considered the air dis-  x − xE

tribution system inside the pool’s hall, which should account not εE = 100 · 1 − SU [% ] (19)
xI − xE
only for the heating needs of all the facility’s users, but also be
consistent with the building’s structure and its requirements. The mixing of air takes place in the mixing chamber located
The proposed algorithms are based on several operating modes, in the ventilation unit. The air removed from the swimming pool
which depend on time of the day and external air parameters. The hall - warm and with high content of moisture - is mixed with
operation modes are shown on Fig. 8, and equations for calculating the outdoor air, which is cold and dry in winter. Air mixing aims
air parameters for each mode are shown in Tables 3–8. at partial heat recovery coming from the returned warm air and
K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574 9

Table 3
Equations for calculating the air parameters in the DAY MIXING operating mode for the
unit without a heat pump.

Operating mode DAY MIXING Comments

Point t [°C] x [g/kg] h [kJ/kg]

HE tE + ηHE · (tI − tE ) xE f(x,t) −

M1 εE · tHE + (1 − εE ) · tI xHE f(x,t) ɛE from Eq. (19)

Table 4
Equations for calculating the air parameters in NIGHT operating mode for a unit with a heat pump.

Operating mode NIGHT Comments

Point t [°C] x [g/kg] h [kJ/kg]

M1 tHP xHP f(x,t) ɛE from Table 8

HE tM1 + ηHE · (tI − tM1 ) xM1 f(x,t) −
M2 εM2 · tI + (1 − εM2 ) · tHE εM2 · xI + (1 − εM2 ) · xOC f(x,t) ɛM2 from Table 8
HE’ tI − ηHE · (tI − tM1 ) xI f(x,t)) −
HP’ 19.8 14.5 56.2 ϕHP = 100%

Table 5
Equations for calculating the air parameters in 100% OF EXTERNAL AIR operating mode for unit with a heat pump.

Operating mode 100% OF EXTERNAL AIR Comments

Point t [°C] x [g/kg] h [kJ/kg]

M1 tE xE f(x,t) ɛE from Table 8

HE tM1 + ηHE · (tI − tM1 ) xM1 f(x,t) −
M2 εM2 · tI + (1 − εM2 ) · tHE εM2 · xI + (1 − εM2 ) · xHE f(x,t) ɛM2 from Table 8
HE’ tI − ηHE · (tI − tM1 ) xI f(x,t) −
HP’ tHP = f (hHP , , xHP ) f(p’’w , tHP’ ) hHE = mSU ·(1−εM2 /100)
ϕHP = 100%

Table 6
Equations for calculating the air parameters in MIXING 2 operating mode of ventilation unit with a heat pump.

Operating mode MIXING 2 Comments

Point t [°C] x [g/kg] h [kJ/kg]

M1 tE xE f(x,t) ɛE from Table 8

HE tM1 + ηHE · (tI − tM1 ) xM1 f(x,t) −
M2 εM2 · tI + (1 − εM2 ) · tHE εM2 · xI + (1 − εM2 ) · xHE f(x,t) ɛM2 from Table 8
HE’ tI − ηHE · (tI − tM1 ) xI f(x,t) −
HP’ tHP = f (hHP , , xHP ) f(p’’w , tHP’ ) hHE − mSU ·(1−εM2 /100)
ϕHP = 100%

Table 7
Equations for calculating the air parameters in MIXING 1 operating mode for a unit with heat pump.

Operating mode MIXING 1 Comments

Point t [°C] x [g/kg] h [kJ/kg]

M1 εE · tE + (1 − εE ) · tHP εE · xE + (1 − εE ) · xHP f(x,t) ɛE from Table 8

HE tM1 + ηHE · (tI − tM1 ) xM1 f(x,t) −
M2 εM2 · tI + (1 − εM2 ) · tHE εM2 · xI + (1 − εM2 ) · xHE f(x,t) ɛM2 from Table 8
HE’ tI − ηHE · (tI − tM1 ) xI f(x,t) −
HP’ tHP = f (hHP , , xHP ) f(p’’w , tHP’ ) hHE = mSU ·(1−εM2 /100)
ϕHP = 100%

Table 8
Outdoor air ratio and recirculation air ratio for operating modes of the units with heat pump.

Operating mode External parameters Proportion of external Proportion of recirculated Proportion of recirculated Comments
air flow in total air air flow in total air flow air flow in total air flow
flow rate ɛE rate of external rate of internal
recirculation ɛM1 recirculation ɛM2

NIGHT all 0% 100% 0% −

100% OF EXTERNAL AIR xE ≥ xSU 100% 0% 0% −
xSU −xE −xE
MIXING 2 xM1 ≤ xE ≤ xSU 100 · (1 − xI −xE
) [%] 0% 100 · ( xxSUI −x E
) [%] −
MIXING 1 (enthalpy) xE < xM1 100 · (1 − hM1 −hE
hHP −hE
) [%] 100 · ( hhM1 −h
) [%] 40% εE + εM1 = 0.6 · m˙ SU To
xM1 −xE
MIXING 1 (humidity ratio) xE < xM1 100 · (1 − xHP −xE
) [%] 100 · ( xxM1 −x
) [%] 40% ensure adequate
airflow through the
heat exchanger
10 K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574

Fig. 9. Transformation of air parameters in air handling unit at Mollier diagram in: a) NIGHT operating mode b) EXTERNAL AIR operating mode c) MIXING 2 operating mode
d) MIXING 1 operating mode [22].

ensuring proper moisture content in the supply air. Above allows MIXING 2 operating mode of a ventilation unit with a heat
to remove moisture from evaporation. pump (option c and d) occurs in the interim period of the year,
In NIGHT MIXING operating mode of the ventilation unit with- i.e., spring/summer, during the summer, and the next interim pe-
out a heat pump (options a and b) water evaporation is smaller, riod of summer/fall. The limiting parameters of that mode are the
and as such the supplied air flow can be decreased to 80% of the humidity ratio in external air, which should be within the range of
minimum flow. xM1 < xE ≤ xSU . This only occurs during 18% of the year, and 25%
Additionally, to decrease energy consumption, changing the air of opening hours. In this mode, external recirculation is switched
parameters in the hall was decided by increasing the relative hu- off. Moisture in the supplied air is controlled by the internal re-
midity of the air to 65% (according to Table 1). circulation. The inclusion of external air increases as moisture in
In 100% OF EXTERNAL AIR operating mode only external air is external air increases. When moisture content reaches xE ≥ xSU ,
used. the unit begins to operate in the 100% OF EXTERNAL AIR mode.
Calculation algorithm for ventilation units with a heat pump (op- MIXING 1 operating mode for a ventilation unit with heat pump
tions c and d) (option c and d) works for 50% of the year, and excluding the
Four operating modes were assumed for the units with a heat nighttime, this percentage is 66% when xE ≤ xM1 ≈ 7.4 g/kg. Such
pump when their operations are dependent on external air param- external air parameters first appear during the winter, but also
eters. Fig. 9 shows, by means of Mollier diagram, the air parame- during the spring and autumn. In this mode, both the internal and
ters transformation in air handling unit for each of the operating external recirculation systems are operating. External recirculation
modes. is used to provide the air travelling through the heat exchanger
In Tables 4–8, the equations for calculating the air conditions at with an appropriate temperature. Additionally, due to external re-
each point of the air handling unit are presented, with the follow- circulation, the temperature of ventilation air rises, so less energy
ing assumptions: is required for heating purpose. This is the first stage of heat re-
covery. The application of the fixed ventilation air flow through the
• external air (E) parameters were obtained from climatic data
heat exchanger is important as hydraulic resistance occurs during
for a typical meteorological year in Poznan, Poland,
this process. The minimum participation of external air is 30%. The
• parameters of external recirculation mixing point (M1):
pool’s ventilation unit operation is more stable in this mode.
◦ MIXING 1 operating mode: with assumption that the min-
imum fresh air flow in the calculation conditions is 25%
(minimum 8 m3 /h/m2 P ). 2.7. Calculations of energy consumption
◦ From the assumptions for Poznan, the parameters of Mix-
ing point (M1) are: the temperature of 9.6 °C and moisture Each of the units (excluding the unit in option a) is to be ana-
content of 7.4 g/kg. lyzed in two variants: central ventilation (variants 1, 2, 4, and 5),
• The parameters of air removed from pool hall (I) were obtained and decentralized ventilation (variants 3, 6, 7), to compare energy
from Table 1. savings resulting from the usage of decentralized solutions. The
• The parameters of the supplied air (SU) were calculated by characteristics of each option are presented in Table 9. Along with
Eq. (16) or 17. air parameters power consumption of the units in the air handling
unit will be calculated for each variant.
NIGHT operating mode for a ventilation unit with a heat pump
(options c and d) is similar to the units without a heat pump. It is
2.8. Energy consumption of the devices in the air handling unit
applied during the night when the pool facility is not being used.
The supply air flow is decreased to 80% of the nominal flow, and
Heat pump condenser
the selected parameters in the pool hall were based on those pre-
Assuming power Q˙ HPC1 =0.1 kW/m2 P , and supply air flow m
˙ SU =
sented in Table 1. The pool’s unit operates in this mode only with
circulating air, as the evaporator of the heat pump uses dried air 40 kg/(h · m2P ) (from Eq. (18)), the condenser may warm the air
instead of fresh air. The parameters of the supplied air are reg- by a maximum of 10 K. Hence, the temperature can reach 38 °C,
ulated by internal recirculation. When the humidity ratio of the depending on the temperature in the mixing chamber of the inter-
supplied air is too low, more air is flowing through the internal nal recirculation (Fig. 2)
recirculation circuit. ˙ SU · (hSU − hM2 ) [kW]
Q˙ HPC = m (20)
100% OF EXTERNAL AIR operating mode for ventilation unit
with a heat pump (option c and d) is held for 491 h per year, i.e.: If the calculated required power of the condenser is below the
6% of the year, when the humidity ratio in external air is higher maximum power, Q˙ HPC1 < Q˙ HPC , it is assumed that the condenser
than the required humidity ratio of supplied air xE ≥ xSU ≈ 11 g/kg. is the only device securing the required supply air temperature.
In practice, this occurs only for a few days during June, July, and Heating the air in the heater would, therefore, not be necessary.
August (for the analyzed climate data). In this operating mode, in- Additionally, in such a scenario, reserve power is calculated as
ternal and external recirculation is not used. it may be used for different purposes, for example, to support
K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574 11

Table 9
Air flows and power consumption of equipment in the ventilation units to be analyzed.

Variant Ventilation system Air handling unit option (according Description

Figs. 2 and 3)

1 Centralized Option a ventilation system existing in many pool facilities, one air handling unit without heat
exchanger for entire pool hall
2 Centralized Option b ventilation system existing in many pool facilities, one air handling unit with heat
exchanger for entire pool hall
3 Decentralized Option b proposed decentralized ventilation system, air handling unit for pool basin zone with
heat exchanger
4 Centralized Option c ventilation system with one air handling unit with heat pump and heat exchanger for
entire pool hall
5 Centralized Option d ventilation system with one air handling unit with heat pump (double condenser) and
heat exchanger for entire pool hall
6 Decentralized Option c proposed decentralized ventilation system, air handling unit for pool basin zone with
heat pump and heat exchanger
7 Decentralized Option d proposed decentralized ventilation system, air handling unit for pool basin zone with
heat pump (double condenser) and heat exchanger
3,6,7 Decentralized Under roof ventilation unit RO ventilation units needed in decentralized ventilation system for protecting roof top
3,6,7 Decentralized Ventilation unit protecting ventilation units needed in decentralized ventilation system for protecting windows

heating the swimming pool water. In the case of units without a heat pump, the equation for
heater power takes the following form:
Q˙ HPC = Q˙ HPC1 − Q˙ HPC [kW] (21)
˙ SU · (hSU − hM1 ) [kW]
Q˙ H = m (26)
If the calculated, required power of the condenser is less than
the maximum power, Q˙ HPC1 > Q˙ HPC , the temperature of the air be- Fans in air handling unit
hind the condenser is calculated, assuming the condenser’s maxi- Electric energy consumed by fans depends on fans’ power. It is
mum power. calculated taking into account the power of fans when they oper-
˙ SU · cpp ) [◦ C]
tHP = tM2+ Q˙ HPC /(m (22) ate with nominal airflow. When airflow is reduced for a night time,
the electric power is calculated with Eq. (27):
In that case, the required supply air temperature can be P 1 / 3
achieved by heating the air in the heater located behind the con- ˙ SU,nominal
m nominal
= (27)
denser. ˙ SU,reduced
m Preduced
The volume of moisture in the air behind the condenser is
equal to the air content in the internal recirculation mixing cham- 2.9. Validation of the assumed calculations in a real facility
ber and the required humidity ratio in the supply air:

xHPC = xM2 = xSU [g/kg] (23) To compare the assumed values, assumptions and equations,
the following measurements were taken in a real facility: the tem-
Heat pump evaporator perature and relative humidity of supplied air in the duct 3 m be-
The heat pump evaporator is located in the exhaust of the ven- hind the air handling unit’s outlet (SU), the temperature and rel-
tilation unit (behind the cross-flow exchanger) for heat recovery. ative humidity of exhaust air in the exhaust duct 3 m from the
Its main task is to dry air removed from the pool hall by cooling. ventilation unit’s inlet (I), the temperature and relative humidity
It was assumed that the heat pump operates for the whole year, of outdoor air (fresh air) by placing a sensor behind a dumper in
because the evaporator is a bottom heat source for the condenser. the first section of ventilation unit (E), the temperature and rela-
For part of the year, dried air is re-used by the external recir- tive humidity of exhaust air (removed (HP’) behind the heat pump
culation. During the summer, when the ventilation unit only op- evaporator).
erates with external air (100% OF EXTERNAL AIR operating mode), The measurements were taken by means of the sensors and the
the evaporator is drying the air, but only to enable the condenser multifunctional recorder with nine inputs (Almemo 2890–9). Six
to operate to prevent using the air heater. of these inputs were used. The humidity capacitive sensor type
The air parameters behind the evaporator are based on the as- FHA646-E1C was connected to the recorder for stationary mea-
sumption that such air is saturated, with a relative humidity of surements.
ϕ HP’ =100%. The relative humidity measurement range was 0–100% ± 2% at
First, the enthalpy of the air behind the evaporator is calculated, the nominal temperature of 25 °C, while the accuracy within tem-
using a modification of the equation for the evaporator’s power: perature range of 0–70 °C was ±0.1 °C. Taking into consideration
˙ SU · (hHPE − hHP ) [kW]
Q˙ HPE = m (24) the range of the measured parameters, it can be assumed that an
accuracy of the measurement devices was sufficient for the analy-
The air temperature behind the evaporator is defined, with as- sis.
sumption that a point corresponding to an air parameter is located The following measurements were taken from building manage-
on the saturation line. ment system (BMS):
The humidity ratio of the air behind the evaporator is defined
as a function of temperature and relative humidity. - temperature in the mixing chamber (external recirculation M1),
Air heater - supply and exhaust air flows,
The heater warms the air if the condenser of the heat pump - air temperature in the heat pump condenser.
is receiving insufficient power. This occurs most often when the
The measurements were taken from February 3rd–25th, 2015,
temperature of external air drops.
but as they were taken in a real, working facility, where the un-
˙ SU · (hSU − hHP ) [kW]
Q˙ H = m (25) predictable situations and problems occur, only a few days were
12 K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574

Fig. 10. Measured (left) and calculated (right) parameters of the air from February 21st-25th, 2015.

chosen for analysis, when the ventilation unit operation was sta- 3. Case study
ble. The period from February 21st–25th, 2015 was used. Fig. 10
presents the measured parameters and calculated ones. Analyzed facility is a pool with a separated pool hall, three ex-
The validation was carried out to find out if the simple balance ternal partitions, and the adjacent additional rooms (cloakrooms,
equations used to determine air parameters and those used for shower rooms, offices). Two external walls are completely glazed.
calculation of heat-moisture balance are appropriate. To compare The pool basin has six lanes, with a total surface area of 300 m2 .
the received results (those from the proposed calculation equations The parameters are shown in Table 10.
with those from a real facility). Additionally, the amount of heat The subject of analysis is centralized and decentralized ventila-
required to heat the ventilation air was established. tion systems for this facility. Table 11 presents the selected venti-
The unit in the real pool facility works, as in many existing fa- lation units, including their airflow and operation time, depending
cilities, with a constant amount of outdoor air. The amount of heat on the type of unit and designed ventilation system.
for heating the ventilation air calculated with the measured pa- The outdoor air parameters (temperature, relative humidity, and
rameters from February 21st to February 25th (measurements du- solar irradiance) were assumed for Poznan city, located in west-
ration 85 h) was 6,7 kWh/m2 P . ern Poland. The data are based on typical annual meteorology year
The algorithm proposed for controlling ventilation unit, which [43]. The climate in Poznan is temperate, with a warm summer
aims to reduce the consumption of electricity and heat for the sup- and cold winter. The designed temperature for the heating system
plied air, operates based on the adoption of a variable amount of is –18 and +30 °C for the air conditioning system in the summer,
outdoor air. The controller of the air handling unit in real facility annual average temperature is 7.8 °C. Temperature and moisture
was unable to set up equations, thanks to which it would be pos- content for Poznan city for each individual hour of the year are
sible to introduce a variable amount of air. Also the interference in presented in Fig. 11.
the work of the entire ventilation system in a normally functioning
facility was not an option. In order to evaluate the proposed simple
balance equations, it was decided to introduce changes in the pro- 4. Results and discussion
posed control algorithm and instead of calculations with a variable
amount of external air a fixed amount of 30% was assumed. Af- The annual air parameters within the ventilation unit for each
ter introducing this change to the calculation algorithm, the same variant were determined. Figs. 12–14 show a few parameters for
result was obtained regarding the consumption of thermal energy the selected days. Those days represent external air parameters
for the preparation of ventilation air. which determine operating mode.
The amount of heat for heating the ventilation air calcu- The differences between centralized and decentralized venti-
lated with proposed equations was 6,7 kWh/m2 P . The results ob- lation systems are illustrated by comparison of variants: 5 and
tained from both the measurements and calculations are compat- 7. Ventilation unit in these variants are equipped with the heat
ible, so the algorithm and the proposed equations were properly pump, heat exchanger and double recirculation, so they are the
assumed. most advanced solutions available on the market (as shown in
Calculation for the same unit and measured data, but with pro- Fig. 3). The results obtained for the selected days are presented
posed variable amount of external air showed lower value of heat below with the assumptions that:
for preparation of supplied air - 6,5 kWh/m2 P . Therefore, it was de-
cided that the calculation method using the described equations is - winter is represented by March 1st with MIXING 1 operating
correct and can be used to assess the annual heat consumption mode (Fig. 12),
also with a new approach in the form of a variable percentage of - time spring/summer is represented by June 8th with MIXING 2
outdoor air. Because in the existing pool facility ventilation unit operating mode (Fig. 13),
did not have the metering of electricity consumption, this value - summer is represented by August 2nd with 100% EXTERNAL AIR
was not compared. operating mode (Fig. 14).
K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574 13

Table 10
Parameters of the pool hall facility.

Parameters of the poll hall

Surface area of the pool basin AP [m2 P ] 300

Size of the pool basin − [m] 25 × 12
Window surface area Aw [m2 w ] 220
Windows’ orientation − [−] west
Window surface area in relation to pool basin area Aw /AP [m2 w / m2 P ] 0.72
Surface area of external walls and roof AEW [m2 ] 1200
Floor area AF [m2 ] 210
Internal cubic volume VI [m3 ] 3800
The pool hall shape factor ABE /VBE [m−1 ] 0.36
Windows’ heat transfer coefficient Uw [W/(m2 K)] 1.3
Heat transfer coefficient of the external walls and roof top U [W/(m2 K)] 0.25
Average heat transfer coefficient UAVE [W/(m2 K)] 0.48
Heat loss by transmission HTR [W/K] 580
Heat loss by infiltration HVE,INF [W/K] 90
Total heat loss HTR+VE [W/K] 670
Floor heating Q˙ FH [W/m2 P ] 40
Number of people N [−] 48
Opening hours − − 6:00–22:00

Table 11
Air flows supplied by ventilation units.

Ventilation system Centralized Decentralized

Pool air handling unit Airflow [m3 /(h · m2 P )] 66 40

Duration [h/year] 8760 8760
Under roof ventilation unit Airflow [m3 /(h · m2 RT )] – 5
[m3 /(h · m2 P )] – 6
Duration [h/year] – 7990

Ventilation unit protecting windows Airflow [m3 /(h · mW )] 200

[m3 /(h · m2 P )] 20

Duration [h/year] 3450
Total air flow Airflow [m3 /(h · m2 P )] 66 66

windows are protected whole year round by the pool’s air handling unit.

Fig. 11. Climate data – temperature and humidity ratio of external air for the city of Poznan, Poland.

For the centralized (variant 5) and decentralized (variant 7) In a decentralized system, the supplied air temperature is lower
ventilation systems the same external air parameters were adopted than in a centralized system, especially in the winter. The amount
for each selected day of the year as well as the same indoor of heat supplied to the ventilation air by the condenser is there-
air parameters to be maintained in the swimming pool hall. The fore smaller. Due to the fact that the supplied air temperature in
other parameters: external air proportion, condenser power (which the separated pool basin zone is independent of the outdoor air
represents the amount of heat required for heating the ventila- parameters and more or less constant during the entire swimming
tion air) are different for these two systems and consistent with pool operation period, the heat pump operates on a stable load and
the adopted and previously described assumptions. The amount of COP coefficient is constant.
heat required to heat the ventilation air for each variant and sys- The fluctuations in the required condenser power related to a
tem is an area under the curve indicating the condenser’s power bigger heat energy demand in certain periods of the day can be
on Figs. 12–14. noticed in case of the centralized systems. That is less advanta-
Comparison of air parameters in operating modes for variants with geous for the heat pump.
a heat pump MIXING 2 operating mode
MIXING 1 operating mode
14 K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574

Fig. 12. Comparison of air parameters and heat required for heating the air in MIXING 1 operating mode for decentralized (left) and centralized (right) ventilation system.

Fig. 13. Comparison of air parameters and heat required for heating the air in MIXING 2 operating mode for decentralized (left) and centralized (right) ventilation systems.

Fig. 14. Comparison of air parameters and heat required for heating the air in 100% EXTERNAL AIR operating mode for decentralized (left) and centralized (right) ventilation

In the operational mode for the interim seasons In the 100% EXTERNAL AIR operation mode, only external air is
(spring/summer, summer/autumn) the air is dried by means supplied to the swimming pool hall, without a recirculation. The
of the external air. In MIXING 1 mode the key is a minimum air parameters inside the swimming pool hall depend on the ex-
quantity of fresh air to be delivered to the pool’s hall. In MIXING ternal air parameters. The fundamental difference, which affects
2 mode that quantity is changeable. The difference in the con- the amount of heat supplied to the ventilation air by condenser,
denser’s power is visible on a diagram (Fig. 13) and it results from is a supplied air flow. In the centralized system, the air stream
supply of the smaller air stream as the pool’s hall construction is 66 m3 /(h. m2 P ), while in the decentralized system it is only
does not have to be protected against the condensation. 40m3 /(h. m2 P ). In order to remove the evaporating water from the
100% EXTERNAL AIR operating mode pool basin zone it is enough to deliver only 40 m3 /(h. m2 P ). The
K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574 15

Fig. 15. The heat required for heating the ventilation air (given in kWh (m2 P /year)) and annual consumption of electricity for each of seven calculation variants.

remaining 26 m3 /(h. m2 P ) is intended for securing the external supplied air in pool’s basin zone is about 32 °C. This zone is sepa-
structure of the building. These differences are shown in Table 11. rated from outside climate, while in case of the central ventilation
In a decentralized system, additional security systems can be system the impact of external air temperature is crucial.
turned off in the warmer period of the year, which in effect means The most profitable variants with respect to a heat usage for
lower demands for air heating. The centralized system does not heating ventilation air are variants 3, 6, and 7, which are the de-
have such a possibility and the ventilation unit (with the excep- centralized ventilation options. Even when considering the opera-
tion of night air stream reduction) works at full capacity through- tion of the additional systems covering heat losses from the exter-
out the whole year. nal partitions, heat consumption in these cases is still the lowest.
Results and discussion Considering variants where the amount of heat required for
Based on air flow and calculated with proposed algorithm air heating the ventilation air is the lowest, as well as those where
parameters before and after each unit, the yearly consumption of the electric energy consumption by the fans is the lowest, the most
heat energy was calculated for the air heater and heat pump con- profitable variants are 3, 6, and 7, again. Variants 6 and 7 are the
denser in pool facility, and the heat reserved in the condenser that most suitable. There are the systems equipped with heat pump so
could be used for heating pool water, owing to the usage of an ad- in the result the ventilation air does not have to be heated by other
ditional condenser. Variants 1, 2, 4 and 5 represent the centralized heat sources, reducing the consumption of primary energy. As the
ventilation system, while variants 3, 6 and 7 represent the decen- European Union and Polish regulations impose the obligation of
tralized ventilation system. using renewable energy sources, and are introducing the further
Fig. 15 shows the differences in heat consumption for heating regulations regarding the consumption of a primary energy, vari-
the ventilation air to the required level, resulting from the heat– ants 6 and 7 are better.
moisture balance of the facility as well as the annual consumption After comparing the most profitable variants, it has been con-
of electricity. cluded that the most rational solution is variant 7, representing
The most significant reduction in amount of heat for heating the system where air is prepared by the ventilation unit with a
the air was obtained when pool unit was equipped with heat ex- heat pump equipped with a double (air and water) condenser. The
changer with 60% heat recovery (variant 2 in comparison with heat pump operation in this system is very stable throughout the
variant 1). The results show that the reduction is about 38%. Heat year, as the air condenser is loaded steadily. The amount of heat
exchanger was missing in previous research [17,18,21]. that can be provided for pool water heating is presented in Fig. 15.
The results of proposed decentralization of ventilation systems It produces a profit from the application of the double condenser
are presented by comparing variants 2 with 3 as well as 4 with in the heat pump. From analyzing the obtained results, it can be
6 (5 with 7). The variants representing the decentralized systems stated that the best solution is variant 7, which simultaneously
(variants 3, 6, and 7) are characterized by a significantly smaller achieves the lowest heat consumption for warming the ventilation
amount of electricity consumed by the fans. This is because, in the air and the lowest electric energy demand for driving fans. Addi-
case of decentralization, the pool unit operating throughout the tional heat to further decrease the consumption for warming the
whole year is smaller, and it is equipped with fans that require less pool water can be also offered.
power. The additional systems working with recirculated air, only
during the defined period, are equipped with one fan, which has 5. Conclusions
also a small power requirement due to the small air flows. There-
fore, it does not increase the energy consumption of whole system. The new, integrated approach to the ventilation system design-
The energy savings resulting from the decentralization of the ven- ing process for a swimming pool was presented. By providing de-
tilation system for an indoor swimming pool can reach 30% when centralization of ventilation system, usage of ventilation unit with
unit without a heat pump is used, and 36% when ventilation unit tree-stage heat recovery and double condenser and algorithm for
is equipped with a heat pump. Also the reduction of heat volume the calculations of air parameters based on varying amount of ex-
can be noticed. For the units without a heat pump (variant 2 and ternal air it was stated that:
3) there is 13% reduction and for the units with a heat pump is 17% (1) Zoning of the ventilation system allows for separate regula-
(variants 4 and 6). Energy savings, resulting from the reduction of tion of air parameters: for the swimmers’ zone and in the
heat required in order to heat the ventilation air, when using de- swimming pool envelope.
centralized ventilation, are the result of different parameters that (2) The energy savings resulting from the decentralization of the
are ensured for each of the pool’s hall zone. In the decentralized ventilation system for an indoor swimming pool can reach
ventilation system the main ventilation unit works with the fixed 30% when unit without a heat pump is used, and 36% when
parameters of supplied air throughout the year. The temperature of ventilation unit is equipped with a heat pump.
16 K. Ratajczak and E. Szczechowiak / Energy & Buildings 206 (2020) 109574

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