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1. What is the Matter?
2. What is the Form?
3. Who is the Minister?
4. What is the flow or Rite of this Sacrament?
Rites of Ordination
5. Who can receive this Sacrament?
6. What are the symbols / things used by the Bishop?

1. The matter of the Sacrament of Holy Orders is the imposition of the hands by the
bishop which is done in silence
2. "A prayer of ordination according to the particular order"
3. The minister of Holy Order is the Bishop
a. The Rites of Ordination
 The Rites of Ordination occur during Mass after the gospel is read.
b. Calling of the Candidate
 The candidate is called forward by a deacon or priest.
c. Presentation of the Candidate
 The candidate is presented to the archbishop for ordination. A deacon or
priest is usually the presenter.
d. Election by the Bishop and Consent of the People
 In Roman Catholic theology, the call to priesthood is a vocation from God
discerned within the Church. This is represented by the ritual “choosing of the
candidate” by the archbishop and the assent of the gathered people to this
e. Homily
 The Archbishop addresses the assembly on the duties of the ordained priest.
f. Examination of the Candidate
 The archbishop, through a series of questions, asks the candidate to declare
before the people his intention to exercise the ministry of priest.
g. Litany of Saints
 The assembly make an intercession to God for the candidate.
h. Laying on of Hands
 The archbishop lays his hands on the candidate's head in silence. All the
priests in attendance do the same.
i. Prayer of Consecration
 With his hands extended over the candidate, the archbishop says the great
“Prayer of Consecration,” asking God to grant the candidate “the dignity of
the priesthood.”
j. Investiture with Stole and Chasuble
 A priest now clothes the candidate with the vesture associated with the
ordained priest: the priestly stole and the chasuble.
k. Anointing of the Hands
 The palms of the new priest are anointed with the Oil of Chrism. Chrism is a
symbol here of Christ the High Priest, who has offered the one and unique
sacrifice. In Roman Catholic theology, the priest sacramentally participates in
this ministry of Christ.
L. Presentation of gifts
 The archbishop now hands over to the newly ordained priest the gifts of
bread and the wine and water brought up by the people, which will be used
during the Holy Eucharist. This signifies that one of the candidate's central
obligations is to preside at the Holy Eucharist
M. Kiss of Peace
 The archbishop gives the kiss of peace to the newly ordained priest,
signifying the bond of unity.
N. The Liturgy of the Eucharist proceeds.
5. The soon-to-be deacon, priest, or bishop may receive the sacrament of Holy Orders
6. There are two main symbols that represent the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
a. The first is chrism, a mixture of a special type of oil with an ingredient from trees
called balsam that gives the chrism a special smell. The oil and balsam mixture is
then consecrated or blessed. Chrism is used when a person receives the
Sacrament of Holy Orders.
b. The second symbol is called the laying of hands. During the Sacrament of Holy
Orders, the bishop places their hands on the soon-to-be deacon, priest, or
bishop, and transfers spiritual power and authority

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