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Three Hexes Zine #3 - Jan 2nd, 
Copyright 2020, Michael Shorten, All Rights Reserved.

Not all campaigns are fantasy based and Three Hexes Table of Contents 
isn’t just for fantasy. You can take the idea of starting
with only three options and use it for any genre. This Mega-Sprawl 8 2
issue of the Three Hexes ‘zine proves that. The Plague Lands 3

There are campaign starters here from Fall Gelb Seltsam - Case Yellow Strange 4
post-apocalyptic Earth to a Dyson Sphere to a “what All This Has Happened Before 5
if the Axis powers in WW2 developed super humans
first?”. The Resistance vs the Supers! 6

Babel On 7
Ride along with a German unit suddenly transported
to a fantasy world, jump into political and The Mystery World At Beta Omega 8 8
extraterrestrial intrigue at discovering we were
Wizards and the Windy City 9
colonized 150,000 years ago and see what happens
when the Windy City of Chicago becomes the center Notes and Rules 10
of an interstellar/extra-planar transportation system.

I’ve included random tables, further idea prompts, an

NPC or two and some factions for you to add to these

MAKE THEM YOUR OWN! Take these starters and

fold, spindle, mutilate them. Come up with your own!
Grab a world mapping program like ​Worldographer
and noodle on what you picture your world (or star
system) to look like!

Your imagination’s the limit. Let ‘er rip!

Art Credits
Game on!
Cover: - Photo by Johannes Daleng on Unsplash -
Michael “Chgowiz” Shorten

Atom Bomb - Illustration 37026106 © Lineartestpilot

- ​

Page 1
Mega-Sprawl 8 
Campaign: ​Mega-sprawl Eight is the largest protected IndustrySektor NW8.2 (0201):​ Several slide (cheap
area of Nuke-Out survivors, supporting many Green ‘Net connect devices) factories near the Wall close
zones of the wealthy, Blue zones of industry and the Radzone have recently been attacked by unseen
technology alongside the Gray zones of the less assailants; Mutian blood was detected nearby. An
fortunate, more desperate. The Radzones outside the investigative reporter is seeking help to find a secret
protective domes and walls are home to Muties and R&D center for UltraViolet’s AI products, ignoring
monsters, but also are where lostek can be recovered warnings that she’ll disappear like previous
and fortunes can be found. Discontent among the investigators. A recent accident has left a former
lowerclass is growing while the Corps competition is armament factory open to possible covert
growing more bloody and spilling out from the intelligence operations by competing Corps, making
shadowy corners into the streets. the site into a potential fire-fight zone.

Northwest Bluzone (Homebase) (0101):​ The Bluzone Fort Smithson (0300):​ A heavily reinforced outpost
has seen recent clashes between security forces of The Army, a subsidiary of FedGovInc is guarded by
protecting the TekBloks and the angry lowerclasses modern and antique robots. A shadowy arms dealer
living in nearby Greybloks. A Corp Exec has put out is offering top credit to those who want to try and
the word for mercenaries to help him find his steal the heavy weapons stored within its armories.
pure-blood daughter who may have been kidnapped The Commander has launched raids into RadzoneD2
by the Cult of the White Angel. The ThreeZee9 ‘Net to keep the mutians at bay, while attempting to keep
shop has become the place to be seen and found by this activity secret from public knowledge.
Recruiters looking for hired muscle to perform jobs
for shadowy Corps. Radzone Delta Two (0200)​: Mutians make their home
in a ring around the blasted, irradiated remains of a
nuke-crater, led by an enigmatic “White Angel” who
is fomenting attacks against Mega8. Scrappers and
desperate lowerclassers comb through the ruins,
looking for valuable salvage. One scrapper in
particular is seeking investors by tempting them with
strange technologies that he’s found; it’s not certain
if these come from the mutians or somewhere else

White Angel (NPC):​ The extraterrestrial Xygwanya,

survivor of a scout craft destroyed in the Nuke-out,
has formed a cult to create chaos and unrest. It
seeks to repair its craft and return to its
homeworld with news of a vulnerable planet. It is
highly resistant to physical attacks, extremely
strong and resembles humanity’s worst nightmares
(Hex scale is a Megasprawl block - which measures 15
about ETs. If it cannot return home, it will seek to
establish a powerbase to survive with (and feed

Page 2
The Plague Lands 
Campaign: ​Mankind struggles to survive a new Dark The City (0002):​ The Bugz scuttle among the rubble
Ages of scavenging following the of the city, making it extremely difficult for
Russia-Sino-American war. Mutated horrors display scavengers to get to the lost (and lucrative) tools,
incredible powers from the effects of biological and weapons and equipment left behind. The dangers of a
nuclear weapons on Earth’s biosphere. The remnants decaying urban area make an expedition a calculus in
of ​homo sapiens​ compete with the new species that how many men lost, how far one can get into the
have arisen in the wastelands. silent, vegetation-covered ruins and if enough
abandoned technology can be found for a high
Ace’s Crossing (Homebase) (0101):​ The Crossing is a enough payoff. The last two scavenging parties have
ramshackle collection of shacks and buildings never returned, leaving many to think the insects are
constructed amid the rubble of a destroyed town. too numerous or, more ominously, too organized.
Traders come to hawk scavenged goods and gossip,
while refugees take shelter on their way to the The Radzone (0100):​ The aftermath of a nuclear
promised land of "Somewhere Else." Five days ago, detonation has twisted the grasslands into an
the town militia beat back strange zombies from the irradiated breeding ground for the dreaded Trogs,
military base to the northeast. The recovered mutated progeny of the humans caught in the blast.
weapons and armor are fetching high prices among The Trogs cultivate strange grains (“Glow Seeds”) that
those who have enough to trade for them. have unpredictable, but often useful properties;
guarding them as if they were religious artifacts. The
market for the grains, which do not grow outside the
Radzone, is high, but so is the cost of retrieving them.

Fort Fens (0201):​ The Fens, swamplands irradiated by

water from the Radzone, brim with mutated plants
and zombies. The twisted humans who live here are
known as elves and they have taken over the military
fort within the swamp. They are outfitting zombies
with armor and weapons for an unknown purpose. As
a result, scavenging of the fort has become a very
dangerous prospect.

Glow Seed Effects ​(Roll 2d6: 1 for column, 1 for row)

1-3 4-6
1 Hardened Skin ESP (limited range)
(Hex scale is 24 miles) 2 Regeneration Periodic Madness
3 Slow Decay Animal Behavior
4 Poisoned Alignment Change
5 Mutation of limbs Loss of Knowledge
6 Polymorph Knowledge Gain

Page 3
Fall Gelb Seltsam - Case 
Yellow Strange 
Campaign: ​In May 1940, the II Infantry Battalion, Goblintown (0000): ​This city of tree-dwelling goblins
337th Infantry Regiment of the Wehrmacht 18th is a crazy patchwork of ramshackle tree houses, crude
Army., participated in the attack on the Netherlands, structures and rope bridges. Trade occurs
but the entire unit was "lost" in the attack, never infrequently between Hamlon and Goblintown on the
seen again. That’s not the end of the story, though, as Great Road; opportunistic goblins also look for
the approximately 1,500 men found themselves not travelers here to waylay. A recent skirmish by a recon
in the Netherlands, but in a bucolic, medieval setting, patrol of Wehrmacht and goblins aroused their
populated by people out of legend and mythical bloodlust, with a Goblin Chief being named to lead
creatures! The sudden arrival of advanced technology retaliatory raids.
and confused soldiers has upset the peaceful setting
and it appears that war may be at hand. Cursed Castle (0100) -​ Oberstleutnant Sauer has
taken over the ruined structure of an abandoned
Hamlon (Homebase) (0001):​ This village is a castle while he sends out his men on patrols to
relatively peaceful place, serving as a market and determine where they are and what has happened.
place of rest for travelers on the Great Road. Today, The castle's crumbling walls are now bristling with
however, townsfolk are buzzing about the strange machine guns, mortars and scared German soldiers.
invaders from the Cursed Castle that have recently The bodies of several creatures dot the surrounding
made their presence known with an unexpected, fields around the ruins, while patrols nervously search
violent attack! Lord Hestridge has put out a call for the countryside for supplies and answers.
mercenaries and adventurers to form an irregular
militia, while his urgent request for heavier troops Dark Blood Forest (0101) -​ The tall dark trees of the
makes its way to the Governor. forest form a thick, hedge-like wall that surrounds a
dimly lit, brooding interior. The trees themselves feed
on creatures foolish enough to sit in place too long.
There is a large, burnt and blasted area in the
direction of the Cursed Castle; a wrecked armored
vehicle lies in its center, serving as the only remnant
of a squad that was destroyed by the vengeful woods.

Modern Weapons in OERPG -​ [See ​pg 10​ for rules]

Weapon Effect Ammo Max Reloads
Pistol (1d6) 1-2 targets 4 shots 5 reloads
Machine Pistol 1-4 targets 2 bursts 4 reloads
SMG (1d6) 2-5 targets 3 bursts 4 reloads
Rifle (1d6) 1-2 targets 8 shots 5 reloads
Med MG (1d6) 1-6 targets 9 bursts 3 reloads
Hand Grenade 1” area - 6 grenades
80mm Mortar 1.5” area - 18 rounds

Page 4
(Hex scale is 24 miles.) (10d6)
Panzerfaust (10d8) 1” area - -

All This Has Happened Before 

Campaign: ​The discoveries made at "The Site" which "The Site" (0201):​ The grasslands and three hills are
indicate our ancestors were advanced technologically surrounded by temporary fencing, stone faced guards
and came from the stars have rocked our world! and heavily armed mercenaries. Hastily constructed
Scholars, government agents, military leaders tents and buildings surround the excavations that
religious celebrities and their followers are gathering have revealed structures, remains of of metallic
there, but the enigmatic artifacts and structures vehicles and artifacts that seem to possess a power
remain silent regarding their story or purpose. In all and intelligence all their own. Several small dig sites
the hubbub, the farmer's story of a strange light and have been started by non-university groups well away
alien figures has gone unheard. from the official site, zealously guarded and hotly
debated among the competing groups.
New Corvin (Homebase) (0101):​ The narrow streets
surrounding the Halls of Learning are choked with “Indigo” Secret Site (0202): ​This site in the woods is
tourists, soldiers, mercenaries, merchants, scholars controlled by the military forces of the nation in
and rulers alike, all talking, arguing, planning about cooperation with a scholar secretly in their pay. The
The Site. The grounds outside the small university city structures uncovered from the earth resemble living
are overrun by tent cities, traders’ tents and convoys quarters and some sort of machine that can
of military forces. The largest vault at the local bank communicate! The military is guarding this area
has been set up as the storage site for artifacts from zealously while the scholar attempts to translate the
The Site but a quiet black market of stolen relics has speech and text that the machine is producing.
sprung up in the tavern district, both guarded very
carefully! The Guardians (0301): ​ Farmer Widwood is desperate
for someone to believe his story about a strange
silvery object landing in the middle of his fields with
silver figures leaving and entering. He’s witnessed the
return of The Guardians, called by the activation of
the artifacts and their concern about the misuse of
them. They are uncertain how to proceed, reluctant
to retrieve the artifacts or make their presence
known, but the military from Indigo Site have heard
the stories and are coming to investigate.

Jump Drive / Controller (Artifact):​ Self contained

unit that creates a small fold in space. It contains a
limited-capability AI that accepts a six-part
(Hex scale is 24 miles)  destination coordinates to compute the jump. It
has a few functions beyond these calculations if
the proper queries are made. Interface is by a
standard Confederation keyboard power

Page 5
connections. Neither of these exist on this world,
but it may be possible to reverse engineer the
requirements to hack a suitable replacement.
There is a Guardians virus present in its operating

The Resistance vs the Supers! 

Campaign: ​World War 2 ended abruptly in 1944 Town of Cityville (0202): ​This sleepy suburb is the
when the Axis superhumans ("supers"): Der center of activity for Sons resistance cell, consisting of
Übermensch, La Donna Meraviglia and Sugoi Samurai, people who've taken experimental drugs to give them
were introduced in attacks on the Allies. Today, in some sort of extra-normal abilities. They hide in plain
1964, the world is ruled by the Triumvirate Powers; sight as ex-veterans of the war; using serums to hold
all other nations are policed by the supers. In the off the effects of aging. Their current mission is to
former United States, a resistance group ("Sons of guard rebel scientists who await the arrival of stolen
Liberty") fight against the Axis Occupying Forces alien artifacts from the Dig Site.
(AOF) while dissident scientists work in secret to
counteract the supers’ powers and recapture their Training Grounds (0203):​ Candidate supers are here,
freedom. be trained by Drei as he polices Lakeside and the
eastern Great Lakes. During recent training, he was
Lakeside (Homebase) (0101): ​This Great Lakes city is injured by a young woman, whose touch caused him
watched over by Übermensch Drei and a garrison of great pain! This has not gone unnoticed by both the
AOF soldiers. It will host an upcoming meeting Sons, who want to recruit the mutant, and the Office
between German, Italian and Japanese high level of Science and Health who intend on studying her!
officials. The Sons plan on kidnapping the officials’
secretaries and deputies to gain information on Dig Site (0302): ​An archaeological excavation,
rumored plans to build slave-labor factories that will disguised by the Sons as a construction project, has
further pollute the already misused lands and waters discovered four flying vehicles that date to 150,000
surrounding the city. years ago. They contain advanced medical equipment
that have strange effects on humans! One test
subject is already exhibiting signs of super strength
and the ability to phase through solids! The Sons are
taking the objects to Cityville, but a collaborator has
tipped off the police and they're planning an

Der Übermensch​ - Marvel Super Heroes stats

Origin​: Altered Human Psyche​: Typical/6
Fighting​: Remarkable/30 Health​: 120
Agility​: Excellent/20 Karma​: 0
Strength​: Remarkable/30 Resources​: Monstrous
Endurance​: Incredible/40 Popularity​: Poor
Reason​: Good/10 Magic​: Typical

Page 6
Intuition​: Typical/6
Powers:​ Magnetic Energy Control , Body Alterations
- Defensive - Regeneration
Talents:​ First Aid, Law
Created by the Axis using G-rays and radiation, Hans
Scheller is the first super. His beliefs, talents, combat
abilities combined with being virtually unshootable
make him a perfect fascist soldier and policeman.

(Hex scale is 24 miles)

Babel On 
Campaign: ​Millennia ago, humans fled a dying Earth Iyx Tunnels (0001): ​The Iyx are a race of mud
and found themselves on the world of creatures, seen by others as meek and mild patsies to
Haines-Thoreau VI. Mankind has survived since that be taken advantage of. They forget that the
time, adapting to their minority status among the God-Wrath of the Iyx is one of the most powerful, it is
many races of the world and its violent climate. the God of death and destruction. The Iyx do not
Mankind’s survival is now in jeopardy as titanic forget and they have begun their rituals of suffering
God-Wraths are reawakening, intent on their purpose around the slowly awakening 100 foot tall stone
of "punishing" those they deem unclean. statue, seeking to spark its wrath and wreak
Sitha (Homebase) (0100):​ Many races come to the
floating city, home to the amphibious and tentacled Knife-edge Hills (0101):​ Steep canyons and ridges
Talus, to trade for the strange flora and fauna that scar these dry hills, said to be wounds caused by the
the Talus retrieve from the deeps. The city is God-Wraths in previous battles with each other and a
considering moving away from its current location, as previously punished race. A large tribe of humans
the two nearby God-Wraths are of great concern! The eke out a living here among the "goblins" - small,
humans who live under the gill quarters are looking white, crafty creatures that regularly raid the
for escorts to take them to the camps in the humans. The human leaders here want to fight the
Knife-edge Hills. races and God-Wraths, convinced they have support
from the wierdlings, mutant humans that have
strange powers.

Uma Hive (0201):​ The Uma, an insect race, have

raised a city-hive surrounding the God-wrath of
Xntvq, a seventy five foot tall iron construct of the
God/Goddess of smiths and craftsmen. The Uma

Page 7
celebrate the God with a market thrice every orbit of
the planet. This is the only time the Uma allow
visitors in, as they are otherwise extremely
xenophobic, enforcing their territory zealously.

Other races of Haines-Thoreau VI

Vad ​- Intelligent invertebrate with large multiple
mouths and eyes, six brains.
It'uds​ - Psychic, multi-limbed mammal with fluid
Guzeok​ - Skittish smooth skinned mammal with
Thrin​ - Trusting four winged, telepathic large bird
Saiheas​ - Violent translucent-skinned aquarian
(Hex scale is 24 miles) Rannoit​ - Adventurous burrowing mammal with two
heads, reproduces by fission
Dhenzeds ​- Small lizards with temporary invisibility,
six legged and prehensile tongues.

The Mystery World At Beta 

Omega 8 
Campaign:​ Probes to Beta Omega 8 discovered that Base Camp 003 (0302):​ The camp is in the center of a
the massive gravity anomaly was a Dyson Sphere, great forest area, near a strange small ruin that is
whose interior is a haphazard set of uninhabited surrounded by quiescent armored mechanicals and
biospheres. An Imperial Science expedition has enigmatic gardening drones. The camp is abandoned,
arrived to explore the sphere and learn more about it the result of a massacre of the exploration team. The
and those that built it. Its vast opportunities have Steel Guild is offering great rewards for any who will
electrified the Empire; with its nobles engaged in recover the dead and find the cause!
plots of political intrigue and a "gold-rush" attitude
towards the sphere and its secrets. The City (0200): ​This area is a collection of hundreds
of seemingly impenetrable buildings. Robots and
ESS Scott (Homebase) (0102): ​The Expedition’s flying drones move about from building to building,
capital ship is docked to a large access hatch to the somehow entering within to perform unknown tasks.
sphere, crewed by six guild companies and many They also tend to fountains of strangely colored
independents. Captain-General Maximo wishes to liquids and floating plant-life. Psi-talented explorers
retain control of the expedition by finding valuable who have entered The City have vivid nightmares of
technology. Baron Nascimento believes a great evil evil beings contained within the buildings.
lives within the sphere, based on his magi-astrologer
and conspires against Captain Maximo at every turn. The Farm (0004):​ Strange large mushrooms are
growing here whose gills shed huge spores that seem
to contain some sort of living creature. Huge
tentacled robots collect the spores and take them to
a central building that admits only the robots inside.

Page 8
The robots resist efforts to take the spores or enter
the building, but the Verdant Guild is willing to pay a
high price for the recovery of a spore or information
on what is inside the building.

Additional Hex Ideas

0001 - Huts that randomly teleport to 0205 and 0503
0105 - Empty metal tree houses with connecting
0201 - Mountains with walking tripods that harvest
giant bird eggs.
0300 - Swamp garbage dump with attending robots
0400 - Underwater city
0501 - Central mile high tower in middle of jungle

(Hex scale is 100 miles)

Wizards and the Windy City 

Campaign:​ Welcome to post-Event Earth of 2035, a Ho-chunk Nation (0001): ​ The Event was
world of space travel, medieval castles, aliens, accompanied by “The Shift”; ripples in time and space
travelers from other planes of existence, magic and which changed history, such as the Ho-chunk Nation
nano-technology. The Portals that appeared over defeating the US Army and establishing a nation.
Lake Michigan have made the Great Lakes region the Today, their lands are filled with traditional and
center of interstellar and interplanar trade, centered modern dwellings and factories producing valuable
on the city of Chicago. No matter what your gig is: a Ho-chu-tech. The Nation guards their borders
corp wageslave, a GDI (Gods-Damned Independent), zealously, admitting only the rich, the powerful or the
a cultist or thousands of other jobs, you're trying to (un)lucky with something that the Ho-chunk want​.
scrape together dollars, renminbi or gold coins to get
by. Orcanosha (0100): ​The town formerly known as
Kenosha became a population and cultural center for
Chicago (Homebase) (0101): ​The population of the the Orc Tribe of Wisconsin after The Event. They are
Windy City deals with the influx of alien beings with constantly at battle with those who want to make the
doing what they do best - try to make a buck off the Orcs leave, usually being ejected by a united and
new tourists and business opportunities. There are determined tribal defense. An Orc shaman calling
many avenues of adventure: in the Underworld that’s himself ‘Caesar’ claims to have an artifact from
taken over the subway tunnels, taking a Portal to another plane that will bring prosperity to his people.
some strange planar destination or just dealing with
the latest flash-slaadi-mob who are raising hell for The Portals (0201):​ Huge columns of rock jut out of
lulz in Grant Park. the waters of Lake Michigan, topped by “The Portals”:
glowing areas which allow travel to other dimensions

Page 9
and planes of existence. The US and Canadian
governments have not been successful in limiting
access or closing the portals, despite heavy
surveillance and policing. With the help of unknown
forces that ripple around them, altering reality, it is
easy for determined travelers to slip by!

SpaceZ ​- Seeking to acquire Faster-Than-Light
technology from visitors. Willing to experiment in
dangerous fashion!
TransTech ​- Developing “smart” nanotech that can
(Hex scale is 24 miles) reprogram a subject’s brain. Responsible for the
‘zombification’ of an entire shift of precinct police.
Jingshen Co ​- creating spirit-tech in cooperation with
HoChunk Nation, but seeking outside contractors to
steal Ho-Chu-Tech secrets.
Ame ​- Purveyors of elven magi-tech and uPhone
counterspelling apps. Denying accusations of
mind-control tech. Witnesses have disappeared!

Notes and Rules 

Fall Gelb Seltsam notes:​ This campaign world is - Mortars are not used in indoors or underground.
based on the scenario "Sturmgeschütz and Sorcery",
an article from Strategic Review Vol 1, No. 5 - - For areas of effect, all targets w/in the area are
published by TSR and a predecessor to the Dragon automatically affected. They may make a saving
magazine. This scenario recounted a battle between a throw to take half damage. Roll to hit versus no
company of Wehrmacht soldiers and evil chaos armor, dex bonuses to defender may apply.
creatures from the lands of fantasy. I often wondered
All This Has Happened Before notes: ​The 2003
what a campaign would be like if a much larger force
re-imagining of Battlestar Galactica remains a
had "crossed over..."
touchstone in my life. For five years, my wife and I sat
This campaign provides some great possibilities! down in front of the DVR to watch the latest episode
What if the players want to be the Germans? What if and see how badly the 49,000 survivors were screwed
part of the group wants to be the "Heroes" and half for that week. I personally LOVED the ending, but for
the Germans? You have some great avenues to almost a decade, I've had the "155,000 years later"
explore. story in my head and I needed to start writing that
story... and this campaign starter is a result. You
Modern Weapons in OERPG​ (Original Edition of Role might also recognize one element if you're a
Playing Game): The same article referenced above Dragonriders of Pern series fan.
gave a few hints on how to use weapons in the
Original game, although the article implied that the
Page 10
modern weapon rules came from a game called Whether you run this as fantasy, as modern sci-fi, as
TRACTICS. something else, I think the classic story of "our
ancestors came from elsewhere" is awesome. After
For modern weapons with the Original Edition, I use a all, all this has happened before, and will happen
missile attack with the following rules: again. (And if you don't believe me, read up on ​the
origin story of the famous Empire of Petal
- Some weapons have "# shots/bursts", but
Throne/Tekumel campaign​!)
shots/bursts don’t equal # of bullets they actually fire
downrange. They can affect multiple targets (within
10' of each other) doing damage on each target that
is hit. If less than max number of targets is available,
you only roll for those available. One they’ve used up
all shots/bursts, they must reload.

- Reloading takes a round.

- Mortars are fired by 3 person teams. A two person

team can fire a mortar, but it requires 3 rounds to
load/aim and the "to hit" is at -2.

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