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JBOSS 6EAP application server

configuration with IBM WebSphere MQ

(Functional Specification Document)

RTC Reference

Enhancement Description JBOSS 6EAP application

server configuration with
IBM WebSphere MQ

Client Component Name

Client Reference

Version 1.0

Status Initial version

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose,
without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA.

COPYRIGHT 2007 - 20013 TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA. All rights reserved.

SWAL – Jboss_MQ -Configuration

Table of Contents

Document History ................................................................................................... 3

1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 4
2 Prerequisite ....................................................................................................... 4
3 Resource Adapter ............................................................................................. 4
3.1.1 Deploy the resource adapter ............................................................................... 4
3.1.2 Add XA transaction support to the resource adapter ........................................... 4
3.1.3 Add the resource adapter to the server configuration file .................................... 5
3.1.4 Configure the resource adapter in the configuration file ...................................... 5
4 Configure TAFJEE application......................................................................... 6
4.1.1 TAFJEE_MDB configuration ................................................................................ 6
4.1.2 TAFJEE_EJB configuration ................................................................................. 8
5 Creating MQ manager....................................................................................... 9
5.1 Creating the queue manager using WebSphere MQ Explorer................................ 9
5.2 Creating the local queue using WebSphere MQ Explorer .................................... 10
5.3 Creating a dead queue using WebSphere MQ Explorer ....................................... 10

SWAL – Jboss_MQ -Configuration

Document History

Date Author Version Description

16-jan-2018 Kishore G 1.0 Initial Version

SWAL – Jboss_MQ -Configuration

1 Overview
The aim of this document is to describe the configuration steps required to configure a JBoss
6EAP application server to provide T24 connectivity by means of an IBM Websphere MQ
server as the messaging engine.

2 Prerequisite

 WebSphere® MQ 7.5
 JBoss 6EAP
 TAFJ Enterprise application (TAFJEE_EAR.ear)

3 Resource Adapter
3.1.1 Deploy the resource adapter
JBoss application server connects to Websphere MQ through a resource adapter.
This resource adapter (RA) must match the MQ server version.
Get from your MQ server installation the RA: wmq.jmsra.rar.
i.e. Websphere_MQ_home/java/lib/jca/wmq.jmsra.rar.

3.1.2 Add XA transaction support to the resource adapter

In order to support XA transaction the resource adapter needs to include
If this library is not present in your MQ distribution please refer to the following link or contact
your IBM support.

To add to the RA the mqetclient run the following command within a directory containing both

jar -uf wmq.jmsra.rar mqetclient.jar

SWAL – Jboss_MQ -Configuration

You could then copy wmq.jmsra.rar file to

the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/ directory.

3.1.3 Add the resource adapter to the server configuration file

Open the EAP_HOME/standalone/configuration/T24.xml file in an editor.
Find the urn:jboss:domain:resource-adapters subsystem in the configuration file.
If there are no resource adapters defined for this subsystem as like below.

3.1.4 Configure the resource adapter in the configuration file

Configure the resource adapter, with transaction support. Define a connection factory (named
MQConnectionFactory) within a connection-definition section and queues mapping within
admin-objects section. MQ HOSTNAME and PORT must match in standalone.xml during the
MQ Installation.

SWAL – Jboss_MQ -Configuration

JMS objects definition must match the name you have defined during MQ installation.

Change the default JMS provider from HornetQ to Websphere MQ

Replace in the urn:jboss:domain:ejb3:1.x subsystem

4 Configure TAFJEE application

Several JBOSS configuration file must be changed to switch default HornertQ JMS provider
support to WebSphere MQ:

- TAFJEE_EAR.ear/TAFJEE_MDB.jar/META-INF/jboss-ejb3.xml & ejb-jar.xml

- TAFJEE_EAR.ear/TAFJEE_EJB.jar/META-INF/jboss-ejb3.xml & ejb-jar.xml
- TAFJEE_EAR.ear/TAFJEE_WAR_TAFJ.war/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml

Take a backup of your current TAFJEE_EAR.ear and edit it.

4.1.1 TAFJEE_MDB configuration

This jar contains all MDBs definition, jboss-ejb3.xml from META-INF directory needs to be
updated to map MDBs to MQ and connection factory to MQ.

For each MDB section replace the existing activation-config section.

SWAL – Jboss_MQ -Configuration

with below section with appropriate highlighted parameter regarding queue name. Queue
names must match what has been defined in MQ.
MQ hostName and port are substituted in the deployment descriptor from ${mqHostName}
and ${mqPort} with values provided at JBOSS startup.
To have this substitution working you must have followed the JBOSS configuration instruction

Once activation config property have been updated for all MDBs, all connection factory
mapping should also be updated.
Replace all connection factory mapping with MQConnectionFactory

SWAL – Jboss_MQ -Configuration

ejb-jar.xml from META-INF directory needs to be updated as below

4.1.2 TAFJEE_EJB configuration

This jar contains all EJBs definition, jboss-ejb3.xml from META-INF directory needs to be
updated to map connection factory to MQ.

SWAL – Jboss_MQ -Configuration

ejb-jar.xml from META-INF directory needs to be updated as below. OFS.SOURCE can be

given the tag highlighted below.

5 Creating MQ manager

5.1 Creating the queue manager using WebSphere MQ

 Start WebSphere MQ Explorer.
 In the Navigator view, right-click the Queue Managers folder, then click New > Queue
Manager. The Create Queue Manager wizard opens.
 In the Queue Manager Name field, type MQT24.
 Select the “Make this the default queue manager” check box.
 Click next twice to go to Step 3 of the wizard.
 Ensure that Auto Start Queue Manager is selected.

SWAL – Jboss_MQ -Configuration

 Click Next to go to Step 4 of the wizard.

 Ensure that the Create listener configured for TCP/IP check box is selected.
 If the Finish button is not available, type another port number in the Listen on port
number field. Port is 1414
 Click Finish.

5.2 Creating the local queue using WebSphere MQ Explorer

 In the Navigator view, expand the Queue Managers folder.
 Expand queue manager MQT24.
 Right click the Queues folder, then click New > Local Queue... The New Local Queue
wizard opens.
 Create all queues as listed in the screenshot below.

5.3 Creating a dead queue using WebSphere MQ Explorer

 In the Navigator view, expand the Queue Managers folder.
 Expand queue manager MQT24.
 Right click the Queues folder, then click New > Local Queue... The New Local Queue
wizard opens.
 In the Name field, type DLQ
 Click Finish.
 In the Navigator view, right click TQM folder and select properties.
 Select extended menu item. Select name Of Dead-letter queue as “DEADQUEUE”.


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