The Power To Visualize

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Welcome to the first step in changing your life forever.
Within these pages lies information that I hope will leave you as astounded and
inspired as it did me.
You are about to embark on a journey that will open your eyes and mind to a world
and natural laws that most of us are never shown or taught. Those who realize this
power within them are the most self confident, abundant and personally fulfilled
people you will ever meet.
People so strong, that nothing can disturb their peace.
They think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. They
forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the
future. They live in the faith that the whole universe is on their side, so long as they
are true to the best that is in them. Now it is your time, your time to be too large for
worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence
of trouble.

Welcome aboard; now let's start your adventure… ▪ 2
Table Of Contents

1 Visualization – What Is It? 6

2 Your World Within – The Subconscious Mind 10
3 Everything Is Energy 13
4 Use Your Imagination! 15
5 How & When To Visualize 17
6 Visualize To Heal 20
7 Visualize Abundance & Wealth 23
8 Start Creating The Life Of Your Dreams! 26
Final Thoughts 28
References 29

This eBook is part of the

Visualization Power Package,
a breakthrough, life transforming collection
of e-books and audio visualizations,
packaged together in one revolutionary program!
Visit www.VisualizationPowerPackage to get yours
and start living the life you were meant to live! ▪ 3
You are here for a reason.
You were led, through one avenue or another to this point so that you could
take this information and incorporate it into your life.
You are here because today is the day you are choosing to take control of your life.
Today is the day you start creating the life of your dreams.
Today is YOUR day. ▪ 4
An old Hindu legend says there was a time when men were gods. But they abused
their divine powers so much that Brahma, the master of all gods, decided to take
these powers away and hide them in a place where they would be impossible to
find. All that remained was to find a suitable hiding place.
A number of lesser gods were appointed to a council to deal with the issue. They
suggested this: "Why not bury man's powers in the earth?"
To which Brahma replied, "No, that will not do because man would dig deep and
find it." So the gods said, "In that case, we will send their divinity to the deepest
depths of the ocean." But Brahma replied again, "Sooner or later man will explore
the depths of the ocean and it is certain he will find it and bring it to the surface."
So the lesser gods concluded, "Neither land nor sea is a place where man's divine
powers will be safe, so we do not know where to hide it." At that moment Brahma
exclaimed, "This is what we will do with man's divinity! We will hide it deep within
him because that is the only place he will not think to look."
From then on, according to the legend, man searched the world over; he explored,
climbed, dove, and dug in search of something that was inside himself the whole
time. ▪ 5
Visualization – What Is It?

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter

their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."

A wonderful power has been put within your control; a power so strong it has the
ability to transform your health, wealth, love, passion, life and future – all you have to
do is understand, appreciate and recognize it.
One method of consciously utilizing this omnipotent power is visualization.
vis·u·al·ize [vizh-oo-uh-lahyz]
- to recall or form mental images or pictures
- to make visual or visible
- to form a mental image of
- to make perceptible to the mind or imagination

We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we realize, and
visualizing is one of the greatest of these powers.

Visualization is the process of making mental images – these images will serve as the
pattern from which your future will be sewn. Your job is to make the images, or your
pattern, clear, big and beautiful. Make it big. Make it really big. The only limitations
are those that are set by you. There are no limits! Create it in your imagination –
make it clear and vibrant – hold it in your mind and you will gradually and constantly
bring that ideal nearer to you. You are, ultimately, what you think about all day long!

Does all this sound a little foreign to you? Does the thought of using your imagination
and thoughts to mold and shape your future sound a little, well, crazy?
Before you throw aside these thoughts and go back to your old way of thinking, stop –
and realize that you cannot change your future by doing what you've always done – ▪ 6
that includes thinking all those conventional thoughts you have been taught and raised
to think. Come back – give it a chance – we promise you won't be disappointed.

The first step in the visualization process is to see your ideal in its entirety, or
idealization. It must be solid, firm and permanent because it is the plan on which you
are going to build. Changing your mind, hopping all around in your ideals is not
going to bring you the results you desire; mental labor is necessary if you are serious
about creating the life of your dreams.

If at first you are unsure, or your vision seems to be a little hazy, don't worry – just
focus on it daily until your picture becomes clear. There is no reason to hurry or
anxiously try and "speed things up". There will always be enough time, and besides,
why rush? This is your life and future you're planning!

Your vision may start out dim, but it will begin to take form, and more and more
details will emerge. You will gradually develop the power by which you will be
enabled to formulate plans that will eventually materialize in the objective world.

When you visualize, then you materialize!

When you have that picture in your mind, always and only think of the end result: the
Universe always knows the fastest, most harmonious way to your dreams.

The Universe does everything it does with zero effort – it doesn't see requests as
bigger than another or smaller than another.

Take a minute to visualize the next paragraph, after reading through; it may help to
close your eyes.

You have been transported to a snow covered mountain side. Look around you at the
beautiful, clean white powder, the snow covered evergreens and pines, the large rocks
and breathtaking view of the range around you. Breathe in the fresh, cold air, smell
the pine, the sap; watch your breath in the air as you breathe out. Feel the cold on the
end of your nose and the warmth of your heavy coat. Hear the crunch of the snow as
you walk around and explore the area. You feel alive, well and refreshed – breathing
in the clean cold air and filling your lungs with the openness that surrounds you.

Did you find that exercise easy? Could you feel the cold on your nose, hear the
crunch of the snow underfoot and sense the open and grandness of the mountain?
Deeply experiencing every aspect of your visualizations is really important in the
manifestation of your thoughts.

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be
tomorrow where your thoughts take you."
Thinking through your ideal with colorful mental clarity is very important – but if you
only do it once and expect your dreams to then unfold before you, I'm afraid you have
it wrong. You must repeatedly hold you image in mind. You must build it firmly and
securely in your mental world, or your "world within", before it can take form in the
world without.

Concentrate on the things that you want, not on the things you don't want. Create
perfect ideals only. Pay no attention to external conditions, make your world within
beautiful and opulent and the world around you will express and manifest the
condition which you have within. You will realize your power to create ideals and
these ideals will be reflected in the world around you.

Expect the things you want – don't expect the things you don't want.

Those who always worry of lack and fear will be brought poverty, lack and every form
of limitation they imagine. Your mind does not hear "I do not want to be poor", all it
hears is the "poor", so it thinks poverty must be what you want and works to bring you
what you are asking for. Just as the law operates perfectly to bring about fear and
limitation, it will certainly operate in the same way to bring about abundance and
opulence for those who entertain thoughts of courage and power.

For most of us this is very hard. We are anxious, and manifest anxiety, fear and
distress. We want to do something, to help, to get our hands dirty and be shown proof
that we have indeed set the Universe in motion to bring us what we want.

We are like a child who has just planted a seed and every fifteen minutes goes and
stirs up the earth to see if it is growing. By doing this, the seed will never germinate,
yet this is exactly what many of us do in the mental world.

The seed must be planted and left alone. This doesn't mean to sit and do nothing.
New channels will be constantly provided and new doors will open. Keep your eyes
and mind open to the new opportunities that will present themselves to you.

Remember to trust, to let go, and let the seed germinate! The more you can trust in
what you cannot see happening, the faster it will be brought forth to you.

We can only see what already exists in the objective world, but what we visualize
already exists in the spiritual world. This visualization is a substantial token of
what will one day appear in the objective world if we are faithful to our ideal. ▪ 8
Thought force is the most powerful means of obtaining knowledge, and if
concentrated on any subject will solve the problem. Nothing is beyond the power of
human comprehension, but in order to harness thought force and make it do your
bidding, work is required.

Remember that your thoughts are the fire that creates the steam that turns the wheel of
fortune; upon which your experiences depend and your future is based!

"You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony
with your dominant thoughts."

This eBook is part of the

Visualization Power Package,
a breakthrough, life transforming collection
of e-books and audio visualizations,
packaged together in one revolutionary program!
Visit www.VisualizationPowerPackage to get yours
and start living the life you were meant to live! ▪ 9
Your World Within –
Your Subconscious Mind

"Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your
conscious mind decrees. If you say, 'I cannot afford it,' your subconscious
mind works to make it true. Select a better thought. Decree, 'I'll buy it. I
accept it in my mind...' "

The human brain is the most complex, powerful machine in the universe. If you were
to write our your brain's potential as expressed by the number of possible neural
connections it could make, it would take you 75 years to write out all the zeros. That's
the level of power and capacity you have at your disposal every moment of every day.
This means that your potential to achieve what you want is essentially without limit.

There is a world within, a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life
and beauty and, although invisible, its forces are mighty.

To get a better understanding of our "world within", lets take a minute to differentiate
between the conscious and subconscious minds:

The conscious mind is the part of you that does the reasoning and thinking and
decision making in your everyday life. A powerful counterpart, but the more limited
part of your mind, it sees and processes the world around you, or the "world without".
Your conscious mind has only a short term memory of about twenty seconds, and the
ability to manage only one to three events at a time.
Your conscious brain has severely limited processing ability. If your conscious brain
is a lot more limited than you realized, your subconscious brain is vastly more
powerful than you have ever imagined. ▪ 10
Your conscious brain loses focus every six to ten seconds. Your subconscious brain
never loses focus. Never. Not once. Not ever.

Your subconscious mind is the much more spectacular and amazing part of your mind.
The only limits it knows are the ones that you set, it functions in every single cell of
your body, and it houses your self-image and habits. It is the connection to your
"world within".

Your subconscious mind is the power center of your brain. Your conscious mind is
what you use to define, articulate and set goals – but it's your subconscious mind that
follows through with all the dozens, hundreds, or millions of actions necessary to
achieve those goals.

Your subconscious is where you plant the seed – where you transform your desires
into beliefs. Once you've done this there is no force in the world that can stop it from

If you look within, instead of around you, you absolutely cannot fail in making
use of the mighty forces that will eventually determine your course in life and
align you with all that is best, strongest and most desirable.

You will always find the cause in the world within – by changing the cause you
change the effect.

The world within is governed by your mind. When you discover this world you will
find the solution for every problem, the cause for every effect. Because it is in your
control, all laws of power and possession are also in your control.

It is when you recognize the vast potential of this infinite source that it takes form in
the world surrounding you.

Find harmony in your "world within" and it will be reflected in the life around you;
harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the very best of everything. It is
essential to all greatness, power, achievement and success.

So how do we control this spiritual world within us? By controlling our thoughts, and
determining how each and every experience affects us. Every thought is a cause and
every condition an effect. So then, are you seeing how important it is that you control
your thoughts?

The possibilities of thought training are infinite, its consequence eternal, and yet
few take the pains to direct their thinking into channels that will do them good,
but instead leave it all to chance. ▪ 11
Your subconscious mind makes up five-sixths of your brain mass and controls
96-98% of your perception and behavior. This part of your brain averages
four hundred billion actions per second by handling impulses that travel faster
than a hundred thousand miles per hour. It sees in pictures and patterns and it
cannot tell truth from a lie, real from imagined. It believes as totally true
every picture or image you send it. At any given moment, ten thousand trillion
electrical and chemical actions and reactions are happening in your wonderful
brain. Yes, you are a genius.
John Assaraf,
Having It All

"If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally
astound ourselves."

As amazing as your subconscious mind is, what it cannot do is equally as important

as what it can. Your subconscious does not have the ability to reject a command or
habit. It does not do the thinking. Its function is simply to carry out orders.

Remember the Disney movie Aladdin? A genie appeared and told Aladdin he
would grant him 3 wishes – all he had to do was ask. This isn't just for bedtime
stories and make believe – your subconscious is your personal genie, at your beck
and call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, whether you are awake or

John Assaraf is one of my favorite authors in this exciting field of "human

potential", and I find his enthusiasm and hunger on the subject extremely
contagious in all his books as well as his other projects. The following paragraph is
taken from one of his books; it is one that I have found to be some of the most
incredible and exciting information I have yet to come across:

There is a truly magical part of your subconscious. It's the side of you that
connects on a nonphysical level with the entire Universal intelligence and
energy fields. There's no line separating these energy fields. There are
millions of different frequencies of energy, and with your subconscious mind
you can tap right into the source of all the supply.
You know from physics that everything you see and cannot see is essentially
energy, constantly in a state of motion and vibration. It's the energy and
information you can't see that the subconscious can access. The intelligent
energy in you is connected to all other energy fields and intelligence, and
whatever you want to create in your life begins with desire and thought. ▪ 12
Everything is Energy

"You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony
with your dominant thoughts."

Everything is energy. You are an energy magnet, so you electrically energize

everything to you and electronically energize yourself to everything you want.

Everything you seek is already seeking you.

Thought is energy. Active thought is active energy; concentrated thought is

concentrated energy. Thought concentrated on a definite purpose becomes power.
Your ability to receive and manifest this power depends on your ability to
recognize the Infinite Energy that is you; constantly creating and re-creating your
body and mind.

Everything, whether it is a company, a family, the pattern of your love life, or

your physical reality, is energy. Everything is energy. This is not
pseudoscience – it is science. People often refer to "good energy" and "bad
energy", and I am here to tell you there is no such thing. After all, can you
actually qualify the energy that turns on a light bulb? Good energy or bad
energy? Energy is simply energy, until it is patterned or directed to take form
or action. It is what you do with that energy that makes the difference.

Laura Day,
How To Rule The World From Your Couch

You are a cosmic being. You are all power. You are the creator. ▪ 13
Physically we are all energy and everything within and around us is made up of
energy. We are all part of one great energy field. Things we perceive to be solid and
separate are in reality just various forms of our essential energy which is common to
all. We are all one, even in a literal, physical sense.
The energy is vibrating at different rates of speed, and thus has different qualities,
from finer to denser.
Thought is a quick, light, mobile form of energy. It manifests instantaneously, unlike
the denser forms such as matter. When we create something, we always create it first
in thought form. A thought or idea always precedes manifestation.

Shakti Gawain,
Creative Visualization

Once you know that everything is energy; that there is no absolute distinction
between matter and energy, then the boundaries between the physical world and the
world of your thoughts start to disappear.

This eBook is part of the

Visualization Power Package,
a breakthrough, life transforming collection
of e-books and audio visualizations,
packaged together in one revolutionary program!
Visit www.VisualizationPowerPackage to get yours
and start living the life you were meant to live! ▪ 14
Use Your Imagination!

"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."


Your imagination is where every extraordinary achievement begins. Exercising your

imagination to its fullest is your key to creating a magnificent life.

Unfortunately, as we get older, most of us stop using this amazing creative power,
tossing it aside; thinking it is only for children. This thought could not be more
wrong! If you want to create the most wonderful life for yourself, you need to call on
your inner child and get your head back in the clouds! Only now you know a secret
you didn't know as a child; once you have seen the vision in your imagination, you
have all the tools you need to bring that "daydream" into reality.

Your ability to imagine is perhaps your most powerful conscious gift!

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire,

you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will."

All of the world's great men and women have used the power of imagination to create
their successful lives. They have become great because they dared to imagine big,
extraordinary achievements. They constantly pictured in their minds what they
wanted, and the power within, given these pictures to work on, eventually brought
them into being.

One of the secrets of success; one of the methods of organizing victory, one of the
accomplishments of the mastermind: he thinks big thoughts.
The creative energies of the mind have no more difficulty handling large
situations than small ones. ▪ 15
Visualization is the technique of using your imagination in a systematic, structured
way to create what you want. Of course, we all use our imagination constantly,
usually in an unconscious, haphazard, or negative fashion. Worry, for example, is an
extremely powerful image, and worried thoughts are always negative and destructive.
Every time you fret about not getting the raise you want, possibly getting laid-off,
having a car accident, or not making your sales quota, you are programming your
mind destructively. Since we have been taught so many negative concepts about
ourselves, we automatically expect and imagine that we will have difficulties,
limitations and misfortunes, thus bringing it into being.

Properly direction, imagination is the key to the doorway to success, love, health,
abundance, satisfying relationships, self-confidence and greater self-expression. All
we need to do is become consciously aware of what we are creating, and change the
programming if we don't like it.

Mart Hiatt,
Mind Magic

Creating an ideal life depends upon the use of the most potent force in the world: your

This imagery works because your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between
something that is strongly imagined and something that is actually taking place in the
physical world.

A picture in your mind has an impact on every cell in your body; thinking is not only an
action of the mind, but an action of the entire body. When you visualize, or imagine
something, you are literally creating a neural network or pattern within your brain that
corresponds to what it is you want to achieve.

You're creating the seed. No seed, no tree. You want a tree?

Imagination and visualization is how you create the right seed. ▪ 16
How & When To Visualize

"The only successful manifestation is one which brings about a change or

growth in consciousness."

Some psychologists are now claiming that one hour of visualization is worth seven
hours of physical effort. Visualization is one of the strongest tools in your success
toolbox – make sure you use it.

Visualizing is not only a technique that you practice and dedicate to each day –
ultimately it is a state of consciousness. In this state of consciousness you deeply
realize and understand that you are the continuous creator of your Universe.

There is no real lack or scarcity; there is nothing you have to try and achieve or attract;
you contain the potential for everything right inside you.

We are unlimited beings. We have no ceiling.

The capabilities and the talents and the gifts and the power that is within every
single individual on the planet, is unlimited.

Manifestation through visualization is the process of realizing and making visible on

the physical plane our divine potential.

The word "visualize" literally means "to see in the mind." Visualizations are nothing
more than images, sounds and feelings you create in your mind.

"To become conscious of this power is to become a "live wire". The

Universe is the live wire. It carries power sufficient to meet every
situation in the life of every individual. When the individual mind teaches
the Universal Mind, it receives all of it's power."
As you use visualization, you will find that you become more and more attuned
to and aware of your higher purpose. Notice the elements that tend to recur in
your dreams, goals and fantasies, the particular qualities that are there in things
you find yourself doing and creating. These are important clues to the
underlying meaning and purpose of your life.

In using visualization, you will find that your ability to manifest will work to the
degree that you are in alignment with your higher purpose. If you try to
manifest something and it doesn't seem to work, it may not be appropriate to the
underlying pattern and meaning of your life. Be patient and keep tuning into
your inner guidance. In retrospect, you will see that everything is unfolding

This is a time of great transformation on our planet. We all have a part to play,
just by being willing to be our true, magnificent selves.

Shakti Gawain,
Creative Visualization

It is best to do your visualizations at roughly the same time every day, because your
body is sensitive to its own rhythms. The ideal time for this practice is when you are a
little tired and not too focused, such as right when you wake up or before you drift off
to sleep.

That half awake / half asleep state when you don't have your conscious filters fully in
place is the moment when your subconscious is most accessible and most open to the
positive images you will show it.

It is also ideal if you can practice your routine in the same place everyday; a quiet,
solitary place where you can be undisturbed and able to deeply relax.

When your body and mind are deeply relaxed, your brain wave pattern actually
changes and becomes slower. This deeper, slower level is commonly called the
alpha level.
The alpha level has been found to be a very healthful state of consciousness,
because of its relaxing effect on mind and body. And, interestingly enough, it
has been found to be far more effective than the more active beta level in
creating real changes in the so-called objective world, through the use of

Shakti Gawain,
Creative Visualization ▪ 18
Don't stress about doing it right, or at the right times or place. The more you do it the
better results you'll see, but the point here is to do "something". The keys to its
effectiveness are clarity and consistency.

Make your statement clear, vibrant, and vivid. Take as much time as you need to
refine them until you are confident that they represent exactly what it is you want to

Relax. Breathe in deeply – breathe out completely, and focus on your vision. Think
of the details and create it any way you would like it to be. Have fun with this and
remember to think big! As you repeat the process daily, maybe even twice a day, you
will establish a routine for playing those materials back to yourself in such a way that
their content sinks into your subconscious.

As you repeat this process over time, the subconscious experience of these new
pictures you're playing for yourself will become habits of thought, carving an
entirely new set of neural pathways in your brain. Far beyond being simply
wishful thoughts, nice ideas or hopeful goals, these new pictures will become
engrained in your subconscious as inevitable.

John Assaraf,
The Answer

Engage yourself in the process everyday. If you maintain clarity and consistency,
you will get results; and over time, the results will astonish you.

"We come this way but once. We can either tiptoe through life and hope
that we get to death without being too badly bruised or we can live a full,
complete life achieving our goals and realizing our wildest dreams."
Visualize To Heal

"None of us can change our yesterdays, but all of us can

change our tomorrows."

To look upon the appearance of disease will produce the form of disease in your own
mind, and ultimately in your body, unless you hold the thought of truth, which is that
there is no disease; it is only an appearance, and the reality is health.

You have a mind-body and a physical body. The mind-body takes form just as you
think of yourself, and any thought which you hold continuously is made visible by the
transformation of the physical body into its image. Implanting the thought of perfect
functioning in the mind-body will, in due time, cause perfect functioning in the
physical body.

Visualization is one of the most important tools you have for creating and maintaining
good health. You must create positive thoughts and images to communicate with your
body instead of negative, constrictive, "sickening" thoughts.

If you are willing to recognize and look deeply into your feelings and beliefs, you can
often find healing on all levels.

If you are suffering physically in some way, it is a message that there is something to
be looked at within our consciousness, something to be recognized, acknowledged and

Visualization is an effective tool for healing because it goes straight to our source of
the problem – your mental concepts and images.

Begin to picture yourself in good health;

see you problem as completely healed and cured. ▪ 20
Just as you can use pictures to communicate with someone who doesn't speak your
language, you can use pictures – in the form of visualization – to communicate with
your brain.

Symbols and pictures are the universal language that everyone understands. It's no
different communicating to your own body. If you create a visual image of exactly
how you want to look you're basically programming yourself to look that way.
You're talking to your subconscious mind, saying I want to be thin. I need to be thin.

Jon Gabriel is creator and author of The Gabriel Method, a revolutionary new
DIET-FREE way to get fit by getting your body to want to be thin. He lost over
220 pounds without dieting and surgery. His life story is one that I have
personally found to be extremely inspiring and innovative in the field and study
of human consciousness in weight loss.

Changing "wrong" thinking is not going to happen by making a conscious effort

or by an act of will. You have to enter a state of awareness in which you can
actually make the appropriate changes and have them stay with you for life. I
call this particular state of awareness "Super Mental Awareness Re-education
Training Mode," or SMART mode.

When you are in SMART mode, you become a super-learning machine.

When the mind is racing, there are too many thought waves distorting the
image; therefore, practicing visualization while you are in SMART mode is the
key to success.

By visualizing your ideal body in SMART mode, you are manifesting that body –
you are creating the body of your dreams.

I am living proof that this is true. The body that I have now is exactly the body
that I visualized while I was losing weight. I don't believe this is a coincidence.
It wasn't that I just lost weight; I now look exactly the way I pictured myself
looking. When I weighed over 400 pounds, anyone seeing the picture of how I
imagined myself looking would have laughed and said I was "dreaming" –
which of course I was.
Jon Gabriel,
The Gabriel Method

Learn more about Jon and his book, The Gabriel Method ▪ 21
As Jon shows us, there are absolutely no limits to what your thoughts can do for you.
We can understand then, something of the power the mind possesses over the body.

The influence of your mind can be exerted upon any part of the body, causing the
elimination of any undesirable effect.

If there is any physical condition which it is necessary to change, the law governing
visualization will be found effective… thousands have overcome and destroyed all
manner of ordinary physical disturbances by this method in a few days, sometimes a
few minutes.

Every cell in your body is intelligent and will respond to your direction – the cells are
all creators and will create the exact pattern you give them. When perfect images are
put in the mind the energies will build a perfect body.

The way to health is founded on the natural Law of Vibration, which is the basis of all
science; and this law is brought into operation by the mind, or our "world within." It is
a matter of individual effort and practice.

Our world of power is within, so if we are wise we will not waste time and effort
dealing with the "effects" we find in the "world without", because this is only an
external reflection.

Listening to audio visualizations alongside your daily visualization routine is a

very powerful combination that together will completely transform your body and
mind practically overnight; get your audio and sleep visualizations to accompany
this book and complete your transformation at ▪ 22
Visualize Abundance & Wealth

"There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra

or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of
acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone,
that person will get rich with mathematical certainty."

The spiritual substance from which comes all visible wealth is never depleted. It is
right with you all the time and responds to your faith in it and your demands on it.

Think Wealth.

What exactly is money? It's an idea, and ideas are nothing more than electromagnetic
energy. And as you should know by now, if you understand the natural law of
attraction, you can understand the law of attracting money.

Most people believe that wealth is the result of years of hard work and careful saving,
unless one has inherited a fortune. This is a delusion. Reprogramming your ideas about
money will attract it to you far more quickly than working a 12-hour day and diligently
saving every nickel. The road to riches is paved with strong, positive ideas, held
constantly in the mind, eventually attracting an abundance of money into your life.
Accumulating wealth is the result of an attitude, and not the outcome of hard labor;
thus, changing your attitude is the key to becoming rich.

You are capable of earning any amount of income you truly want to earn. Income is
exactly like the sunshine, air, water and minerals that come to an acorn to grow an oak
tree. It is available all around you, in abundance. How much you draw all begins with
the seed you plant.

Every possibility already exists. ▪ 23
What you want in life is something that arises in you from the infinite ocean of
intelligence that is the source of all energy and matter. Your desires are an
expression of the universe seeking realization and manifestation through the
unique vehicle that is you. If your social conditioning tells you that your desires
are somehow unworthy, don't believe it! Don't be intimidated or skeptical of
your true desires; acknowledge them; honor them. They come from the stars

John Assaraf,
The Answer

It is very important to develop a sense of prosperity, or consciously taking the point of

view that the universe is abundant and life is actually trying to bring us what our hearts
and souls truly desire. There is more than enough to go around for every being on
earth; to think that there isn't enough is entirely false. The universe is a place of great
abundance and we are all meant to be naturally prosperous, both in material and
spiritual wealth.

"You must being to understand, therefore, that the present state of your
bank account, your sales, your health, your social life, your position at
work, etc…, is nothing more than the physical manifestation of your
previous thinking. If you sincerely wish to change or improve you results
in the physical world, you must change your thoughts, and you must
change them IMMEDIATELY."

There is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich. The desire for riches is really the desire
for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life; and that desire is praise worthy. The man
who does not desire to live more abundantly is abnormal, and so the man who does not
desire to have enough money to buy all he wants is abnormal.

Remember to include money in your daily visualizations, seeing all your

financial goals as already accomplished. See images that affirm your desired
level of income such as paychecks, rent checks, royalty checks, dividend
statements and people handling your cash. See images of your ideal bank
statements, stock reports and real estate portfolios. See images of the things you
would be able to buy, do and contribute to if you had already met all of your
financial goals.
Remember to add in the feeling of appreciation and gratitude for already having
these things. This feeling of abundance is part of what will actually attract more
abundance to you.

Jack Canfield
The Success Principles ▪ 24
To look upon the appearances of poverty will produce corresponding forms in your own
mind, unless you hold to the truth that there is no poverty; there is only abundance. To
think of riches when in the midst of poverty requires power; but he who acquires this
power becomes a MASTER MIND. He can conquer fate; he can have whatever he

This power can only be acquired by getting hold of the basic fact which is behind all
appearances; and that fact is that there is one Thinking Substance, from which and by
which all things are made.

When we realize this, we lose all doubt and fear, for we know that we can create what
we want to create; we can get what we want to have, and can become what we want to

As a first step towards getting rich, you must believe these three fundamental
There is a thinking substance from which all things are made, and which, in its
original state, permeates, penetrates and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought, in this substance, produces the thing that is imagined.

Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon
formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

You must lay aside all other concepts, and dwell upon this until it is fixed in your mind.
If a doubt comes to you, cast it aside. Do not ask why these things are true, nor
speculate as to how they can be true; simply take them on trust.

The process of getting rich begins with the absolute acceptance of this faith.

Listening to audio visualizations alongside your daily visualization routine is a

very powerful combination that can bring about amazing results fast!
Get the audio and sleep visualizations to use alongside this book at ▪ 25
Start Creating The Life Of Your Dreams!

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we
miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it..."

You are here for a reason. You were led, through one avenue or another to this point
so that you could take this information and incorporate it into your life. You are here
because today is the day you are choosing to take control of your life. Today is the
day you start creating the life of your dreams. Today is YOUR day.

If you are going to succeed in creating the life of your dreams, taking all the
information I've given you in this book and applying it to your everyday isn't going to
be enough.

So many people go through the steps, doing everything just exactly how we've
outlined, and still fail. They give up and go back to their life of reflections; trying to
change the effects around them instead of the source within them.

If you are ready to break through and succeed, then you must believe, truly and
deeply, that you are capable of making it happen. You have to believe in yourself.
Call it self-esteem, self-confidence or self-assurance, but it is a deep-seated belief that
you have what it takes – the abilities, inner resources, talents and skills to create your
desired results.

"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does.

That's what makes you a winner."

More than likely you are reading this book to know how you get from where you are
now to that magnificent place where you want to be. ▪ 26
Create a grand vision – do not limit it in anyway. One of the few differences between
the super achievers and the rest of the world is that the super achievers simply dream

Believe the world is a place where amazing things happen, where anything is possible
and that you have an important part in creating it.

"Create your future from your future, not your past."


Get clear on the what and don't worry about the how.

"You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient
conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind
can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."

The Universe always knows the fastest and most harmonious way to your dreams. ▪ 27
Final Thoughts
The possibilities of attention when properly directed are so startling that they
would hardly appear credible to the uninitiated. The cultivation of attention is the
distinguishing characteristic of every successful man or woman, and is the very
highest personal accomplishment which can be acquired.

Visualization is magic in the truest and highest meaning of the word.

What at first might seem amazing or impossible becomes perfectly understandable
once you learn and practice with the underlying concepts involved.

It may seem that you are working miracles in your life… and you truly will be! ▪ 28
Book References
The books referenced below have moved me in such a way that I felt inclusion of
some of their writing was imperative to this e-book; and to your understanding of
this amazing mind power we all hold within us.

Creative Visualization, Shakti Gawain

Having It All, John Assaraf

How To Rule The World From Your Couch, Laura Day

Mind Magic, Marta Hiatt, Ph.D.

The Answer, John Assaraf

The Gabriel Method, Jon Gabriel

The Success Principles, Jack Canfield ▪ 29
presents it's new sister site,
This revolutionary and life transforming package will put you
on the fast track to realizing the unbelievable power of your mind
when constructively put into action.

You can stay put, exactly where you are today…

Or you can take control of your life and start living your dreams…

This amazing package includes:

The Power To Visualize eBook


The Power To Visualize

Notes, Quotes & Thoughts

The Power To Visualize

Audio Visualizations Vol. 1
Wealth & Abundance, Purpose & Passion, Health & Beauty & Living Creatively

The Power To Visualize

Sleep Visualizations Vol. 1
Wealth & Abundance, Purpose & Passion, Health & Beauty & Living Creatively

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