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Nama :selfy wulandari

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris III

Dosen : Dr. Masrul, M. Pd
Hari/Tgl : Rabu/25/03/2020
Semester :VIA

1. Share your Knowledge

• Do you use ID bracelets in your country?

Yes, in my country the bracelet is used as an identification of every patient.

• Do you have the same information on the ID bracelets?

Yes, there are: name the patient’s, DOB patient’s, and medical record number.

• Do you use any other colours for ID bracelets?

Yes, blue for male patients, pink for female patients, yellow for patients a risk of
falling, red for drug allergy patients.
2. Medical Focus : 4a, 4b

a.Match the equipment (1-5) to the definitions (a-e)

1. Blood pressure cuff for (b) wraps around a patients arm to take blood

2. Digital blood pressure monitor for (a) Takes a patients blood pressure

3. Pulse oximeter for (d) records a patients blood oxygen saturation

4. Scales for (e) weight a patient

5. Tympanic thermometer for (c) takes a patients temperature

b.Match the pictures (1-5) below to the equipment in Exercise 4a.

1. Pulse oximeter to Records a patient’s blood oxygen saturation

2. Tympanic thermometer to takes a patients temperature

3. Digital blood pressure monitor to takes a patients blood pressure

4. Scales to weight a patient

5. Blood pressure cuff to wraps around a patients arm to take blood pressure

3. Charting and Documentations : 6a, 6b, 6c

a.Match the abbreviations (1-8) to their meanings (a-h)

1. T for (f) Temperature

2. P for (d) Pulse.

3. RR for (e) Respiratory rate

4. BP for (g) Blood pressure

5. Wt for (h) weight

6. 02SATS for (a) oxygen saturation

7. kg for (c) kilogram

8. Obs for (b) observation

b.Listen again to Stephen taking Mr Bracknell’s admission Observations and

record the information on the observation chart below.

BP : 120/75 T : 30,730c

P:68 Wt: 78 kg

RR : 16/menit 02SATS: 98
c.Listen to Bessie, the ward Nurse, taking Samira, a young patients,
Admission Observations and record the information on the Observation
chart below

BP : 100/68 T : 30,730c

P:64 Wt: 45 kg

RR : 18/menit 02SATS: 98%

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