Plan Weekly

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PLAN WEEKLY                                                    TRAINING AND OUTPUT

NUTRITION: MONDAY: morning meal: 3 egg whites, 50 g                        smoked

salmon with yogurt and a banana                        grecesc- about - 53.15 g Protein
- 6.9 g Fats                                                              - 43.6 g Carbohydrates
- 5.2 g fiber                                                              - Total calories (437) Training:
Rear • traction helcometru (4 sets x 8 to 10 repetitions, rest 40 '') • cable rowing (4
sets x 8 to 10 repetitions, rest 40 '') • extensions of lying ventral (4 sets x 10-12
repetitions, rest 40 '') trapeze: • dumbbell shrug (4 sets x 8 to 10 repetitions, rest 40 '')
• shrug with barbell (4 sets x 8 to 10 repetitions, rest 40 '')

Biceps: • the stand, bicep curls consecutively (4 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 40 '') •
Scott curls bank (4 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 40 '') • alternate dumbbell curls of
stand (4 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 40 '') Abdomen: • grouping of lying dorsal trunk
and legs (4 sets x 20 repetitions, rest 40 '') Lunch: beef 300 g plus 200 g brown rice
and an orange                                approximately: - 96.3 g Protein
- Fats 25.6 g                                            - 127 g Carbohydrates
- Fibre 17                                            - Total calories (876)
Evening meal: 200 g and 200 g broccoli trout                                 approximately: -
48.86 g Protein                                              - Fats 14.4 g
- Carbohydrates 13.2 g                               - Fibre 14 g                                             -
Total calories (535) total caloric percentage (198.31 Protein, Fat 46.9 g,
Carbohydrates 183.8,
Fibers 83, 1848 Calories.

Tuesday: morning meal - 100 g cow cheese, 2 eggs

cooked 50 g cherry tomatoes
                                                              approximately: -
Protein 31 g
                                                                             - Lipids
Carbohydrates 4 g
                                                                             - Fiber
                                                                             - Total
calories (435)
    Training Feet:
• squats with dumbbell
(4 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 40 '')
• Redressing with dumbbell
(3 sets x 8-10 reps, rest 40 '')
• thigh extension on the pool (buttocks)
(4 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 40 '')
• abduction / adduction thighs to the machine
(4 sets x 20 repetitions, rest 40 '')
• linkage peaks
(4 sets x 20 repetitions, rest 40 '')

Lunch: 200 g chicken breast with brown rice 200g

                                              approximately: -
60.7 g Protein
                                                             - Fat 12 g
                                                             - 127 g
                                                             - Fibre
17.7 g
                                                             - Total
calories (810)

                         Dinner: 125g tuna canned sweet

corn 40g
                                      approximately: - Protein
                                                  - Fat 4g
                                                  - Carbohirdrati
                                                  - Fiber 2g
                                                  - Total calories

Wednesday: morning meal - 100g Prague ham

6 egg whites
100 g of red cheryy
tely: - Protein 23 g
Fats 22g
Carbohydrates 5g
Fiber 2 g
Total calories (350)
• Pushups in incline.
 (4 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 30 '')
• Driven dumbbell in the horizontal plane
(3 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 30 '')
• Waving the machine
(3 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 30 '')

• From pushed dumbbell lying dorsal narrow
(4 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 40 '')
• From stand, cable extensions
(4 sets x 10-12 repetitions, rest 40 '')

Lunch: 250 g turkey breast 100 g asparagus

               approx: 72 g -Proteine
                            - Fat 2g
                            - Carbohydrates 2
                            - Fibre 1
                            - Total calories (250)
Dinner: 200 g sweet potatoes 300 g beef
             Approx: 96g Protein
                           : Fat 24g
                           : Carbohydrates 44g
                           : Total calories (657)
Thursday: morning meal - 100 g smoked salmon
                                                 - 125g Greek
                                                 - A red pepper
                                    approx: 29 g Protein
                                               : Fat 14g
                                               : Carbohydrates
                                               : Fiber 3g
  Shoulders:: Total calories (350)
• From Sitting: pushed ganterelea
(4 sets x 8 to 12 repetitions, rest 40 '')
• From stand butterfly dumbbell
(4 sets x 8 to 12 repetitions, rest 40 '')

• Crunch
(3 sets x 20 reps, rest 40 '')
• Crunch reversed
(3 sets x 20 reps, rest 40 '
Lunch: 250 g pasta with shrimps 150
                Approx: 63g Protein
                              : Fat 6g
                              : 163 g Carbohydrates
                              : Fiber 14g
                               : Total calories (550)
Dinner: Tuna salad with corn 350 g
                              : Protein 37 g
                              : Fat 26 g
                              : Carbohydrates 20 g
                              : Fiber 7.2 g
                              : Total calories (432)

Friday: morning meal: 300 ml kefir

                                                                   : 100g
Prague ham
                                                                   100 g
cherry tomatoes
Protein 32g
                                                                   : Fat
Carbohydrates 14g
                                                                   : Fiber
                                                                  : Total
calories (275)
Circuit training:
Running mild-moderate tape
Duration: 30 min
Stretching 10 minutes to final

Circuit training:
Running mild-moderate tape
Duration: 30 min
Stretching 10 minutes to final
• squats with body weight
• helcometru traction with optimal weight
• lunges forwards
• lay groups of the way through the dorsal
• dumbbell rowing in the stand with optimal
• forearm flexion of the arm dumbbell stand with
optimal weight
- For 45 seconds
- 2 minutes rest between circuits
- Number of circuits 3

at the end of training slow jog for 10 minutes and

streching Lunch: 250 Beef 200 g mushrooms
: Protein 67 g                               : Fats 17,4g
: Carbohydrates 3g                               : Fiber 3g
: Total calories (376) Saturday: morning meal 6 egg
: Greek yogurt
: A red pepper
: Protein 26g
: Fat 7g

Carbohydrates 6g
: Fiber 6g
Total calories (250)
Break Workout: Lunch mix vegetables with
shrimp 350-400g
: Protein 43g
: Fat 15g
: Carbohydrates 60g
: Fiber 16g
: Total calories (567)
Dinner cheating 6 pancakes Finetti
Protein 16 g
Fat 37g
Carbohydrates 236g
Fiber 0g
Total calories (789)

Sunday: morning meal: scrambled eggs whites

and yolk of 7
  2 slices bread 20 g butter
  : 100g gem
  : Protein 47g
  : Fat 27g
   : Carbohydrates 133.5
   : Fiber 13g
  : Total calories (450)
Break Workout: Lunch - pizza cheating

: Protein 23
: Lipids 47
: Carbohydrates 330g
: Fiber 23g
: Total calories (897) Dinner 4 chicken thighs baked with
broccoli 550g                                      : Protein 58g
: Fat 25g                                     : Carbohydrates 16g
: Fiber 12g                                    : Total calories (456)   
Percentage weekly total caloric
protein 803,01g                    Fats 346,3g
carbohydrates 1337g                   Fibre 185,1g
Total calories (9952) on 1,421 calories Media

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