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Darwin Alexander O. Co October 8, 2019

12-Blessed Gjon Pantalia Thought Piece #4


As the semester of CLE class comes to a close, I try to look back at the lessons
that we were taught. The course started off by defining vocation and its importance to a
human being. We then delved deeper into philosophy as we philosophized about God
and His different attributes. Knowing those, the class then studied about the Church and
its role in a society. Lastly, we tackled the different vocations both inside and outside the
church. I want to think of these as vital lessons in understanding our vocation and
growing in holiness. It is but a path one takes to answer God’s call. The entire course
centers around that singular concept. It’s all about responding to one’s vocation and
accepting the invitation to holiness. However, as cliché as it may sound, there is a
greater lesson that encompasses all of these other lessons. It is about this single word
that everyone tries to define but no one ever succeeds to do so. Yes, you’ve guessed it.
It is love. As many times as vocation was mentioned in the course, love was also
mentioned. Love is the reason God created the universe. Love is the reason human
beings exist and continue to co-exist. Love is the reason God calls us to our vocation
and invites us to a life of holiness. Love is the reason Jesus died for our sins. Love is
the reason the Jesus created the Church and invites us to be a part of it. Love is the
reason the Church continues to shape the society, may it be spiritually or not. Love is
the reason we become servers in the Church. Love is the reason different people work
in the Church and bring honor to God’s name. Love is the reason the Church continues
to strive hard to evangelize the world. Love is the reason we answer to this call and live
a life of holiness. Everything stems from love. For so long, humans try to define what
love is and how it works. We continue to fail simply because love is larger than us,
larger than life. Love is the purpose for everything. God is love. Thus, I think that the
greatest lesson I’ve learned is that love is everywhere, much like how God is
everywhere. Love determines our every action, much like how God planned for our
existence. We do things out of love, much like how we do things for and with God, for

and with others. It may be a cliché, but falling in love isn’t so bad after all. There is this
quote that I often hear in the Christian community and that I often go back to every time
I’m in need of some “loving”. “Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.” –
Pedro Arrupe, SJ. Indeed, God is love. He can do things beyond our capabilities, and so
does love. Thus, fall in love and trust that love, for it will bring us to God and to eternal

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