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Head cheese


750 grams pork jowl

3 pork ears

4 pork tongues

4 kidneys

Pork stomach or artificial membrane

Salt, black pepper, thyme, garlic – to taste


Place a pot with water on the stove, add salt to taste and bring it to a boil. Wash the pieces of
meat thoroughly and add them in the boiling water. Let them simmer until they are tender,
then remove them from the stock. Add the black pepper, thyme and crushed garlic into the
soup, taste it and adjust the seasonings if needed. In the meantime, soak the pork stomach into
cold water so that it loses the extra salt used for preserving it so it can be filled up later.

While still hot, peel the tongues then slice them as well as the rest of the meat in 3 - 4 cm thick
cubes. Add the meat pieces into the stock and mix well.

Take the membrane from the water and if needed, enlarge the opening so you can fit the
pieces of meat through it. Start filling it up alternating the types of meat cuts so that when you
slice it, it will have a nice aspect. When the membrane is almost full, star adding part of the
stock as the gelatin from it will hold everything together. While doing this, make sure to gently
press it so that you can check if there is enough stock to cover the meat inside the membrane.
If the liquid starts coming out when you gently press it, you are ready to tie the membrane very
tightly or sew it so that the stock cannot get out.

Fill a large pot with water and bring it to the boiling point at which moment you introduce the
head cheese into the pot and simmer it for at least 30 minutes up to an hour. Take it out of the
pot, place it on a clean wooden chopping board, place another board on top of it and add
weights on top of so that the head cheese is pressed and has somewhat flattened shape. Let it
stay like this till it cools completely so that the gelatin inside sets and coagulates then put it in
the fridge. When it is cold, slice it and serve it with grated horseradish or mustard.

Plachie - Carp roast with vegetables


1.5 kg carp, cut into wide slices

4 medium onions

4 peppers, a mix of colours

8 large fresh tomatoes or

a 800 gr tinned tomatoes

4 cloves of garlic

Salt, black pepper, thyme, bay leaf

Vegetable oil

Cut the onions and peppers julienne style, chop the garlic finely and then add them into a deep
frying pan in which you have heated 4 tablespoons of oil. Stir them for about five minutes, then
add a little water or fish stock and let it simmer for another 10 minutes after which add the
chopped tomatoes and cook for 5 more minutes. Add salt, ground black pepper, thyme to taste
and a bay leaf and stir them in.

Meanwhile, wash the pieces of fish and salt them lightly.

Put the fish into a deep casserole and pour the vegetable mix on top. Put it in the oven at
medium heat for approximately an hour. Serve it hot with crushed garlic, polenta and a glass of
chilled white wine.

“Papanași” with cranberry jam and sower cream


4 eggs
1Kilo of cheese
300 g flour
25 g of yeast
baking powder
vanilla sugar
scrape from a lemon
300 g of sower cream
400 grams of jam
200 grams of powdered sugar
1.5 l of frying oil

Sift the flour well. Mix the cheese with sugar, eggs, salt, vanilla sugar and lemon-
leavened bicarbonate. Add the 200 grams of flour and lemon peel. Mix well. If necessary,
depending on the density of the cheese, add 1-2 tablespoons of extra flour. You have to get a
soft dough. Put the oil in the pan in or deep saucepan.
On a clean and dry working surface, powder the flour. Divide the dough into 8 spoonfull of
dough and 8 teaspoonfulls for the round cover. With some flour in your hand, make 8 discs and
as many balls of dough. Pass the index finger through the flour and tug it into the dough disk.
Rotate your finger circularly to obtain a central hole in the dough.
Fry them in the hot oil at low temperature. They are fried for about 5-6 minutes each. Remove
the papans as they are fried, and remove the excess fat on with a paper towel. „Papanasi” is
served with sower cream and jam, but also with powdered sugar.



500 grams flower type 000

4 yolks

1 glair

25 grams fresh yeast

250 ml of milk

150 grams of sugar

75 grams of melted butter

A bit of salt
Grated lemon peel

vanilla essence

30-50 ml oil for kneading the yeast

For the filling:

200 grams of ground nut

30-40 grams of cocoa

3 glairs

150 gr sugar

Rum essence


In a bowl prepare the yeast like this: put 5-6 tablespoons of warm milk, 2 tablespoons of
flour, the yeast and mix them up till it gets smooth, then let it grow up.

Meanwhile boil the milk with the sugar and let it boil till its melted completely, then let it cool
and add the grated lemon peel and the vanilla essense.

In another bowl put the flower and in the following order the ingredients, mixing up
with flower after each one: the yeast, the stired yolks with the glair and salt, the milk mixed
with sugar and at the end the melted butter. It’s possible that the flower won’t mix up fully with
the milk, in that case dont pour all the milk at once. Pour some at a time and when you see the
dough is soft and still have milk, don’t put it and continue with the melted butter.

Grease your hands with oil and knead the yeast aprox. 15-20 mins. We get a smooth
dough, consistent and elastic wich we let grow up at high temperature, till it raises double
(aprox. 40-45 mins).
Till it grows, prepare the filling with nut like this: stir the glairs till we get a foam with the
sugar added slowly, then add the ground nut, cocoa and the rum essence.

Share the grown up dough in 2 halfs and put on 2 sheets , add on each half of the
composition with nut, roll and weave the sheets , after that place them on a rectangular tray
greased with butter.

Let it grow up at high temperature aprox. 15-20 mins, then grease the „cozonac” with
the stirred egg. Put in the oven for aprox. 50-55 mins, at low temperature.

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