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1.________ travel has never been easier. Every year nearly 700 million trips are made abroad. Developing countries 2. increase
are 2.__________ turning to the tourist dollar to improve national 3.________ and create jobs. But the search for 3. earn
4._______ places brings visitors to some of the world's most fragile and beautiful environments. Providing facilities 4. spoil
such as flush toilets, air 5. _______ swimming pools and golf courses may affect regions which suffer from water 5. condition
and power 6._______. Air transport is also one of the world's fastest growing sources of the 7.________ gaseş 6. short
which contribute to climate change. By some measures 8._______is the world’s largest industry. But it is also one 7. green
of the 9._______regulated industries. Can we treat it both as a 10. _________source and guard nature against the 8. tour
risks of our increasing appetite for holidays? 9. less
10. finance


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a political 1._________ fighting for India's independence, from Britain. Most 2. succes
of Gandhi's actions were 2._________ because the British did not know how to act against an enemy who was not 3. resist
violent. Gandhi's method was passive 3. _________ because he believed that acts of violence against the British 4. negate
only provoked 4._______ reaction. The media all over the world talked about Gandhi and his actions. 5. other
5.__________ there would not have been enough public 6. _______ upon the British officials. Gandhi is known for 6. press
his 7. _________ reject British goods and buy Indian goods instead. He was 8.________several times. While in 7. courage
prison, he went on hunger strikes. His fame was such that his 9.________ in prison would cause international 8. prison
criticism in the media. He was assassinated by a fanatic, who shot him at his 10. ________prayer. 9. die
10. day

1. where
2. signify
About every thousand years, a volcano erupts 1.____________ on the planet with enough power to 2. 3. after
___________ change the global climate for years 3.________ Large quantities of dust are thrown into the 4. prevent
atmosphere, 4. ______ the Sun's rays from reaching the ground. Universal crop 5. __________occur, 5. fail
temperatures drop 6.________, and living creatures across the globe die off in large numbers. Such an event 6. drama
occurred in 1815, on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia: the 7. ___________of the great Tambora volcano It lies 7. explode
just east of the popular tourist 8.________ of Bali and Lombok. The eruption occurred when ocean water reacted 8. destine
with magma deep inside in the volcano, causing a 9.__________ build-up of pressure. 10.__________ the pressure 9. mass
became too powerful and the mountain literally blew itself apart. 10. event

1. love
More and more coffee 1._________ are promoting organic coffee as an alternative to conventional coffee. That 2. fertile
type is grown without using chemicals and the land is 2._________ with compost. The farmers also benefit 3. second
economically from 3.__________ crops that are grown with organic coffee, such as, fruit and nut trees. Organic 4. type
coffee is 4. ___________grown under a tree that filters the sun. Coffees that grow in the shade also have the 5. tend
5.________ to mature more slowly, which produces a superior taste. 6.________ shade-tree growing used to be 6. interest
the traditional way of growing coffee. In contrast, conventional 'full sun' coffee, which was developed to increase 7. produce
the 7._________ of the soil, is grown without tree cover to allow the coffee plants to be grown 8. close
8._________together. Additional substances must then be used to compensate for the lack of natural 9.________ 9. compose
They are also used to ensure biological 10._____________ 10. diverse

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