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बालामन्त्र जप

(This is the simple way of doing Bālā mantra Japa)

Seating: While doing Bala mantra japa, one has to either face East or North. If one does
not have a guru, contemplate on Lord Dkṣiṇāmūrti and mentally accept Him as Guru.

1. Curse Removal Mantra:

बालामन्त्रजपत्वेन शापववमोचनमन्त्रं करिष्ये।
bālāmantrajapatvena śāpavimocanamantraṁ kariṣye।
हसैं हसकिीं हसैं hasaiṁ hasakarīṁ hasaiṁ
(to be recited 100 times before the commencement of daily japa. The recitation of this
mantra can be dispensed with after reciting 100 times for the first few days.)

2. Ṛṣyādi Nyāsaḥ ऋष्यादि न्त्यासः

अस्य श्री बालावरपुिसुन्त्ििी महा मन्त्रस्य। वषिणामूर्ति ऋव ः। पवतिछन्त्िः। बालावरपुिसुन्त्ििी िेवता॥
asya śrī bālātripurasundarī mahā mantrasya dkṣiṇāmūrti ṛṣiḥ|(open the right palm and
touch the top of the forehead)| paṅktichandaḥ (right palm on the mouth)|
bālātripurasundarī devatā(right palm on the heart chakra)॥
ऐं बीजं। स ः शविः। क्लीं कीलकम्॥
श्री बालावरपुिसुन्त्ििी िशिन भा ण वसष्यर्थे जपे वववनयोगः॥
aiṁ bījaṁ (right shoulder)| sauḥ śaktiḥ (left shoulder)| klīṁ kīlakam (on the navel)||
śrī bālātripurasundarī darśana bhāṣaṇa siddhyarthe jape viniyogaḥ (open both the palms
and run them over all parts of the body; from head to feet)||

3. Karanyāsaḥ किन्त्यासः
ऐं - अतगुष्ठाभ्याम् नमः। aiṁ - aṅguṣṭhābhyām namaḥ| (use both the index fingers and run
them on both the thumbs)
क्लीं - तजिनीभ्यां नमः। klīṁ - tarjanībhyāṁ namaḥ| (use both the thumbs and run them on
both the index fingers)
स ः- म्यमाभ्यां नमः। sauḥ- madhyamābhyāṁ namaḥ| (both the thumbs on the middle
ऐं - अनावमकाभ्यां नमः। aiṁ - anāmikābhyāṁ namaḥ| (both the thumbs on the ring fingers)
क्लीं - कवनष्ठीकाभ्यां नमः। klīṁ - kaniṣṭhīkābhyāṁ namaḥ| (both the thumbs on the little
स ः - कितलकिपृष्ठाभ्यां नमः। sauḥ - karatalakarapṛṣṭhābhyāṁ namaḥ| (open both the palms;
run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and
repeat the same for the other palm)

4. Hrdayādi Nyāsaḥ ह्र्ियादि न्त्यासः

ऐं- ह्र्ियाय नमः। aiṁ - hrdayāya namaḥ| (open index, middle and ring fingers of the right
hand and place them on the heart chakra)
क्लीं - वशिसे स्वाहा। klīṁ - śirase svāhā| (open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and
touch the top of the forehead)
स ः - वशखायै व ट्। sauḥ - śikhāyai vaṣaṭ| (open the right thumb and touch the back of the
head. This is the point where tuft is kept)
ऐं - कवचाय हं। aiṁ - kavacāya huṁ| (cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms
from shoulders to finger tips)
क्लीं - नेररयाय व ट्। klīṁ - netratrayāya vauṣaṭ| (open the index, middle and ring fingers of
the right hand; touch both the eyes using index and ring fingers and touch the point
between the two eyebrows (ājñā cakra) with the middle finger.
स ः - अस्त्राय फट्॥ sauḥ - astrāya phaṭ||
भूभुिवस्सुविोवमवत दिग्बन्त्धः॥ bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhaḥ||

5. Dhyānam ्यानम्
ििकलाम्बिां चन्त्रकलावतं सां समुद्यिादित्यवनभां वरनेरां।
ववद्यािमालाभयिामहस्तां ्यायावम बालामरुणाम्बुजस्र्थाम्॥
raktakalāmbarāṁ candrakalāvataṁ sāṁ samudyadādityanibhāṁ trinetrāṁ|
vidyākṣamālābhayadāmahastāṁ dhyāyāmi bālāmaruṇāmbujasthām||
(Meaning of dhyāna verse for easy contemplation of Her form: I meditate upon the Bālā
Devi, clad in red garments whose forehead is decorated with a crescent moon, who has
three eyes, whose brilliance is like that of the rising sun, who is seated on a red lotus and
who holds in her four bands a sacred book, rosary, abhaya and varada mudras.)

6. Pañcapūjā पञ्चपूजा (Follow As Per Karanyāsa)

लं - पृवर्थव्यावत्मकायै गन्त्धं समपियावम।
हं - आकाशावत्मकायै पुष्पैः पूजयावम।
यं - वाय्वावत्मकायै धूपमाघ्रापयावम।
िं - अग्न्त्यावत्मकायै धीपं िशियावम।
वं अमृतावत्मकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं वनवेियावम।
सं - सवािवत्मकायै सवोपचाि पूजाम् समपियावम॥
laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi|
haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi|
yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi|
raṁ - agnyātmikāyai dhīpaṁ darśayāmi
vaṁ amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |
saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi||

7. Bālā Mantraḥ बाला मन्त्रः

There are three types of Bālā mantra-s and they are known by different names. One has
to choose any one of the following. Out of the three, Bālā navākṣarī mantra is very
powerful and is the best mantra for recitation. It is capable of giving material comforts.
The three syllable mantra is related to herbs. Those who make sacred herbal medicines
should recite this mantra. The second six syllable mantra is capable of providing liberation
from transmigration.
1. Bālā mantra consists of three bījākṣara-s – ॐ - ऐं - क्लीं – स ः (om - aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ)
2. Bālātripurasundarī mantra consists of six bījākṣara-s - ॐ - ऐं - क्लीं - स ः -- स ः - क्लीं – ऐं
(om - aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ -- sauḥ - klīṁ - aiṁ)
3. Bālā navākṣarī mantra - ॐ - ऐं - क्लीं - स ः -- स ः - क्लीं - ऐं -- ऐं - क्लीं – स ः (om - aiṁ - klīṁ
- sauḥ -- sauḥ - klīṁ - aiṁ -- aiṁ - klīṁ - sauḥ)

8. Hrdayādi Nyāsaḥ ह्र्ियादि न्त्यासः

ऐं- ह्र्ियाय नमः। aiṁ - hrdayāya namaḥ|
क्लीं - वशिसे स्वाहा। klīṁ - śirase svāhā|
स ः - वशखायै व ट्। sauḥ - śikhāyai vaṣaṭ|
ऐं - कवचाय हं। aiṁ - kavacāya huṁ|
क्लीं - नेररयाय व ट्। klīṁ - netratrayāya vauṣaṭ|
स ः - अस्त्राय फट्॥ sauḥ - astrāya phaṭ||
भूभुिवस्सुविोवमवत दिवग्वमोकः॥ bhūrbhuvassuvaromiti digvimokaḥ||

9. Dhyānam ्यानम्
ििकलाम्बिां चन्त्रकलावतं सां समुद्यिादित्यवनभां वरनेरां।
ववद्यािमालाभयिामहस्तां ्यायावम बालामरुणाम्बुजस्र्थाम्॥
raktakalāmbarāṁ candrakalāvataṁ sāṁ samudyadādityanibhāṁ trinetrāṁ|
vidyākṣamālābhayadāmahastāṁ dhyāyāmi bālāmaruṇāmbujasthām||

10. Pañcapūjā पञ्चपूजा

लं - पृवर्थव्यावत्मकायै गन्त्धं समपियावम।
हं - आकाशावत्मकायै पुष्पैः पूजयावम।
यं - वाय्वावत्मकायै धूपमाघ्रापयावम।
िं -अग्न्त्यावत्मकायैधीपंिशियावम।

वं अमृतावत्मकायै अमृतं महानैवेद्यं वनवेियावम।

सं - सवािवत्मकायै सवोपचाि पूजाम् समपियावम॥
laṁ - pṛthivyātmikāyai gandhaṁ samarpayāmi|
haṁ - ākāśātmikāyai puṣpaiḥ pūjayāmi|
yaṁ - vāyvātmikāyai dhūpamāghrāpayāmi|
raṁ- agnyātmikāyaidhīpaṁdarśayāmi

vaṁ amṛtātmikāyai amṛtaṁ mahānaivedyaṁ nivedayāmi |

saṁ - sarvātmikāyai sarvopacāra pūjām samarpayāmi||

11. Samarpaṇam समपिनम्

गुह्यावतगुह्यगोप्त्रीत्वंगृहाणास्मात्कृ तंजपम्।
वसविभिवतु मे िेवव त्वत्रसािान्त्मवय वस्तिा॥
Guhyātiguhyagoptrī tvaṁ gṛhāṇāsmātkṛtaṁ japam|
Siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasādānmayi sthirā||
(Meaning: You sustain the secret of all secrets. Please accept this japa performed by me
and bestow Your perpetual Grace on me.)

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