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Malu= Pasif Egoism(More think about themself)

memusatkan perhatian yang pendek is not enough when thinking about people.
Stop being self centered? not ditakdirkan buat lose

hmm wtf man

wtf is going on

A good listener
-A egoism listerner think about next question
-A good conversation and useful is when 2 people attracted(care) to each other
-A Opened question
-A answer Rise Another Question

Berbagi Perasaan Emosional

-Show Attraction is important
-Most of them time our question is not needed to be answered; we dont really care
about the answer
-Most people comfortable talking about themself
-Friendlyness and Enthusiasm is important
-look at behavior and bodylanguage from friendly people and this enthusiasm
-can be applied to abondened relationship
-careful about "pulling pigtail"(kidding but merendahkan)
this approach is not mature

Experience Together
-Have a routinal spending time together(twice week)

Things to do :
- Other centered(spent time together) try to care about the people(question more)
- Dont Think about yourself
- Grow attractiveness to others
- Give Open ended question and ask more
EG :
Apakah Anda suka sekolah Anda?
Ya, sekolah saya keren
Oh ya? Apa yang keren memangnya
- Remember A answer Rise Another Question
- Pay Attention to others Attraction (Show Grace by want to know about them)
- Show Attraction by (Eye contact,smiling,posture,body language)
- Ask about them(give Attraction) and they will tell about themself
- Try initiate conversation and respond warmly and with enthusiasm.
- Dont have tendency to give advice or talk about urself if not being asked.

wtf is this idk wtf


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