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Managing a successful
business project on
Implementing CSR activities of Leon
fast food restaurant, UK
Table of Contents

Task 1...............................................................................................................................................3

P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario” promoting clean and sustainable
environment in UK”........................................................................................................................3

P2 and M1 Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, scope, time, quality,
communication, risk and resources..................................................................................................4

P3 and D1 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide timeframes and
stages for completion and management process..............................................................................8

P4 and M2 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research
methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives........................................................9

Task 2.............................................................................................................................................11

P5 and M3 Analyze research and data using appropriate tools and techniques............................11

P6 and D2Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research and data analysis

to draw valid and meaningful conclusions....................................................................................14

P7 and M4 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own
learning and performance and evaluation of the project management process.............................15

Performance review.......................................................................................................................17

Template for Project Logbook.......................................................................................................18




Project management is one of the most crucial parts of management. The project management is
defined as the process or combination of processes toachieve a management objective within a
specified time other word, project management is the use of specific time period for
achievingan organization goal that use techniques, skills, and knowledge, tools or combination of
these(Maylor, 2010). The success of a project mostly depend on the manager of the project .so
the project manager is responsible for allocating the tasks to be accomplished and give all
instructions to the employees to work according to the objectives of the project. During the
project, the manager have to learn so many things so that he can do better for the company and
can give formalized instruction to his subordinates and co finish a project a project
manager his to considers project time, project resources or scope, communication medium,
project risk and challenges the manager of a project needs to be competitive and skilled to
complete the the paper I will explain a project taken by the manager of Leon restaurant
, United Kingdom.

Task 1

P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario” promoting

clean and sustainable environment in UK”

To run a project or to complete a project, the project manager needs to set up the aim and
objective of the project because, if the manager set the aim and object of a project then it will be
easy for him to get the clear idea and make a better plan for the project to be the
manager of the Leon restaurant has set the aim and objective of the project taken at hand .the aim
and objective of the project is given in the following –

Project’s aim

Leon is a fast food restaurant in UK. The manager of the restaurant has taken a project to
accomplish. The aim of the project is ‘promoting clean and sustainable environment in UK’.
Leon is new in the restaurant business, so the company wants to have a sustainable market at
home and to get into the new market though promoting and taking some corporate social
responsibility .so the manager of the company has taken a project to promote clean and
sustainable environment in UK. The manager want to know the attractiveness and advantages of
CSR activities to get competitive advantages over the a part of the project the
manger also has the aim to get some competitive advantages over the existing competitors in the
market with the help of some CSR activities.

Projects objectives

The manager of the restaurant has set the objective of the project. The manager wants to get
competitive advantages over their competitors to get into the new market and want to get

patronage of the competitors through taking some corporate social responsibility (CSR)
activities.The manager of the company has to ensure the capability to meet the project cost and
all other resources needed for the project. The manager of the company will also have to make
sure the quality of the project and the manager of the project need to consider the behavior of the
consumers and competitors to get competitive advantages in that before taking the
CSR activities, the manager needs to accomplish an opportunity analysis of the project.

P2 and M1 Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of

cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources

Project management plan

To successfully accomplish a project the manager of the project must have a plan for that project.
A better project plan helps the project manager to achieve the objective of the project in a better
ways.Theterm project management plan is defined as the process of how the management will
execute, monitor and control the project(Baguley, 2008).in other word, a project management
plan is formal and established ways to manage a project. A good project managementplan
includes the following elements-

risk and resources

A Project management plan is the main tool that shows the path to accomplish the task of the the manger of a project has to develop a Project management plan for getting the
project successful. The Project management plan for Leon restaurant is given in the following-

Figure: Project management plan for Leon restaurant CSR program

1. Project's conceptions and

2. Project's definition or planning

3. Project launch and execution

4. Project's performance control

5. Project closing

Source :(Cooke, Tate and Cooke, 2011)

Project costs

To take a Project and to complete it, the manager of the Project has to consider some important
element of the project and cost is the most important element of project, so as a manager of the
Leon restaurant I need to consider the cost of the project. The total cost of a project can be
classified in in the flowing ways-

Source:(Brighthub Project Management, 2017)

The approximate cost needed for the project is the main concern of the project I have
set an approximate cost for the project. The cost of the project is stated in the following-

NO. Items UK (£)
1 Promotional activities 5,000 £
2 Incentives 20,000 £
3 Rent 5,000 £
4 Office expense and equipment 3,000 £
5 Training,and other materials 7,000 £
Total 40,000 £

Project scope

To complete a project successfully, as a manager I have to consider the scope of the project. The
scope of the project includes some important aspects like project planning, project designing,
development,project’s hypothesis testing,and introducing some hardware and software that are
necessary for accomplishing the project. Side by side the accomplishment of a project also
considers the drawback of the project that is harmful for the project. Leon restaurant should
avoid the changes in planning, changing the target market, taking new plan frequently etc.

Project time

For a business project, specification of time is a must. Without the specific time the project
manager cannot accomplish the tasks of the as a manager of the Leon restaurant, Ihave
set the time to start and end the project within the specified I have set the critical path of
the project. The network of the critical path is given in the below-

So the project critical network or path is, start=S+E+C+F+END=7 the project will be
accomplished within 7 days or 1 week.

Project quality

Project quality is the main fact that the manager has to consider because if the manager cannot
maintain the quality of the project then the accomplishment of the project get in as a
manager of Leon restaurant I will consider the time limitation, resources, and make best decision
for the company.


Communication is the most essential part of a project. The project manager has to maintain the
regular communication with the related parties of the project. The manager of the project set a
strategy to communicate with the stakeholders of the company. Those who are related to the
project and can affect the accomplishment of the project should be taken in consideration of the as a manager of Leon restaurant I will maintain regular communication with the
stakeholders as well as the general people related to the project.

Risk and resources

Any business project has some risks and resources. The project to get competitive advantages
through taking CSR activities has also some problems or risks and resources. The risks of the
project are limitation of enough time,money, volunteers, and critical situations of the national
politics. And the resources of the project are skilled manpower, experience of the project
manager, enough investment and the positive attitudes of the management of the as
a manager of the Leon Company; I can assure that the project will be accomplished within the
time because the project has enough resourcesthan the risks at hand.

P3 and D1 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to

provide timeframes and stages for completion and management process
Work breakdown structure

A project management plan has five stages of the manager of a project has to divide the
total task into five different phases(Williams, 2008).So as a manager of the Leon restaurant; I
have taken an initiative to breakdown the whole work. According to the project plan, the five
stages of work will be accomplished within the time specified. If the assigned tasks can be
accomplished within the time then the project will be a successful one for the the
project tasks breakdown has been given in the following-

Task Stages of tasks Days needed employees

1 Project's conceptions and initiation 2 3
2 Project's definition or planning 1 2
3 Project launch and execution 2 20
4 Project's performance control 2 3
5 Project closing 1 2
Total 8 30

1.Project's 2.Project's 3.Project launch 4.Project's 5.Project closing

conceptions and conceptions and and execution performance
initiation initiation control

Identifying the Organizing a rally

Collecting and Measure how Measure
specific tasks for clean
allocating the much the effectiveness and
resources company has close the program
got promoted
Estimate the cost
of the project Identifying the Performing the
promotional day long activities

Performing the
As a project manager, I will finalthe
breakdown tasktotal tsk of the project according tot the above
mentioned the following I show the Gantt chart of the task’s start time and duration.

Figure: Gantt chart of the project workbreakdown

24-Apr 26-Apr 28-Apr 30-Apr 2-May

Project's conceptions and initiation

Project's definition or planning

start date
Project launch and execution duration

Project's performance control

Project closing

In the above Gantt chart the project work breakdown has been stated. Each tsk of the project will
be stated in the above mention time and the task will be finished within the specific time .so a
project manager of Leon restaurant, I will accomplish all the project tasks according to the work
break down and the Gantt chart.

P4 and M2 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and

quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and

The objective of the project is to find out new market segment outside the home country or
country of origin. The company is try to get into the new market .so as a manager4 of the project
I will find out the possible and the best method of research to find and analyze the suitable
market for the Leon a part of the project, I have decided to use the quantitative and
qualitative method of the market research of the Leon restaurant is given in the

Quantitative research

Quantitative research can be done using many methods like observation, survey, questionnaire,
focus group etc.(Huemann, 2013).so to do the quantitative research for the Leon Company, as a

project manager I have taken the survey method for the I have prepared a survey
questionnaire based on Liket scale and 100 respondents -

Survey Question Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree 1 2 3 4 disagree5
This program will promote the company
This will increase the patronage of
The environmental program has great
influence on environment
The program will get huge response from
general people
The company will be thought as socially
Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is taken to know the insight of the customers and people. A good qualitative
research help the project manager know what the customers of the company think about the the Leon restaurant has set some questions to get the insights of the customers. In
the following section, as a manager of the project I have set some questions to be answered by
the customers and noncustomers of the company-

1. Will the CSR program increase sales of the company?

2. Do you think Leon restaurant is socially responsible?

3. Do you think that all people of UK will be benefited from the program?

4. Is the company able to promote itself by the CSR program?

5. Does Leon restaurant meet the expectation of society?

Task 2
P5 and M3 Analyze research and data using appropriate tools and
The above mention quantitative and qualitative research have been analyzed based on
appropriate the following the result of the research has been given-
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Analysis of quantitative research of Leon restaurant

1. This program will promote the company

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

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2. This will increase the patronage of customers

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

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3. The environmental program has great influence on environment

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

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4. The program will get huge response from general people

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

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5. The company will be thought as socially responsible

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

Analysis of qualitative research of Leon restaurant

Respondent 1

As a researcher when I asked the first respondent about the quality of the CSR program and the
benefit of it, the respondent answered positively and told that the program is good for all and the
company will get special attention of the customers who are conscious of environment. I asked
him about the satisfaction .the respondent replied that the products meet his satisfaction but not
up to the mark and told that the recent activities of the company will suggest others to purchase
from the Leon restaurant because the company is socially the overall image of the
respondent was good about the restaurant.

Respondent 2

The second respondent was not happy about the outcome of the clean environment program
because he thought this single program for a short time won’t be able to get the attention of the

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people. When I asked the respondent about the requirements and what other things need to be
done then the respondent told that the company has to do this on regular basis and should have
good budget for it and told that he will suggest his friend and neighbors to buy from the
restaurant. And the overall evaluation of the respondent about the Leon restaurant’s CSR
program was satisfactory.

Respondent 3

When the third respondent was asked about ability of Leon restaurant to get attention of
customers through the CSR program, the respondent told that the company will be able to get
promoted. They think that the company is socially responsible and the CSR program will help
the company to increase its sales, then the respondent told that the program is good for everyone
and he will suggest others to purchase from the Leon restaurant because the restaurant is socially
responsible and do better jobs for society than the other restaurants.

Respondent 4

The forth respondent was a satisfied customer of the Leon restaurant. When I asked her about her
perception about the restaurant, she told that the restaurant is good and she buy every from the
restaurant and she told her friends to buy from the restaurant. Because, thecompany is socially
responsible and the company takes initiatives to make a sustainable environment which is good
for all in the overall judgment of the respondent was positive and the respondent was a
loyal customer of the restaurant.

Respondent 5

The last respondent was a young man and she is a teacher. When I asked the respondent about
the effectiveness of the CSR program that the restaurant has taken then the respondent told that
the CSR initiative was good and she likes company who is socially responsible and does
something better for the society and told that he will suggest his friend and neighbors to buy
from the restaurant. And the overall evaluation of the respondent about the Leon restaurant was the company will get competitive advantages through the CSR activities.

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P6 and D2Communicate appropriate recommendations as a result of research
and data analysis to draw valid and meaningful conclusions
From the analysis of the research data using appropriate tools and techniques, I have
recommended some suggestions for the Leon fast food restaurant. The recommendation are
given in the following-

Human resources: to get competitive advantages through CSR program, a company needs
skilled and experienced from my experience of the recent CSR project, I will
recommend the company to get more skilled human resource for the company who will
contribute by completing the program within time and budget limitation

Complete legal procedures: when implementing the CSR program as a manager I had to solve
many the company needs to manage those things before taking any CSR program
for getting competitive advantages.

Complete budget: to complete a program, the manager needs the required resources before
implementing the the company has to set enough budgets for a CSR program that
facilitates the implementation of the program.

Customized product: the main feature of quality product is the customization of the products .so
the Leon restaurant company needs to serve the customize products for the
recommendation for the company is to produce products based on the lime , occasion or the
purpose of the users so that they can have the best products to meet their needs accordingly.

P7 and M4 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet

stated objectives and own learning and performance and evaluation of
the project management process

The research method taken by the Leon restaurant is the best method of research for marketing
and business analysis. Both the qualitative and quantitative research method are done efficiently
to meet the objectives of the project. The company wants to know the feasibility to enter in the
new market segment so the project manager of the project has taken the above mention research

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to meet the requirement of the project. The quantitative research has revealed that most of the
customer want quality product and they think that the price of the products of the Leon Company
is somewhat high. And the quantitative research also suggest that the company needs some
restaurant in the best locations and they have suggest that the company ne3edsm to lessen the
price of the products.

The work breakdown will help the project manager to set specific task for the employees and to
set the skilled people in their section (Turner, 2010).The breakdown of the project task has
lessened the work pressure of the project manager. According to the structure, the manager will
be able to accomplish the project tasks within then time limitation. On the other hand, the Gantt
chart of the project has specified the time required for every task and how many employees
needed for that task. The Gantt chart has also specified the duration of the task, so the manager
will be able to accomplish the task within the project time limitation.

Project manager’s own learning and performances

Cost control: As a project manager of the Leon fast food restaurant, I have learnt the processes
to control the cost of the project. Control is the most important fact of a project and I have got
huge idea and techniques about cost control process of a project.

Negotiation skills: when running the project, I had to communicate with so many people and
delegates about the I have got the idea of how to manage the stakeholders and make
good deals with the this is a good lesson for me.

Communication skills: the most important factor or quality of a manager is the communication
skill. When I started the project I had limitation to communicate with the clients but after the
project I have got so many techniques and processes to easily communicate with the business
clients (Tomczyk, C. 2011).

Risk management skills:any business project has some risks, so the project managed must have
some quality of managing risk in the as a project manager of the Leon fast food
restaurant I have got some lesson over controlling the project risks and this quality has helped me
to successfully accomplish the project and to meet the objective of the project.

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Performance review
1. The aim and objective of this project of Leon fast food restaurant were to ‘‘promoting
clean and sustainable environment in UK’ and to get competitive advantages over their
competitors to get into the new market and want to get patronage of the competitors
through taking some CSR activities”.
2. Yes, the research supported to understand the scope of the market and the company got
competitive advantages over its competitors in the market.
3. The main element or thing that supported or worked well to accomplish the project was
the interest and direct support of the top management. Initially, there were some
cognitive barriers but to complete the project the managers were the best influencer and
supporter of the project.
4. The main problem was the lack of motivation and cognitive barriers from the
subordinates but with the help of the top management I identified the problem on time
and solved that.
5. I had to work with so many people whom I did not know before, so I got the chance to
meet many people and learnt how to negotiate.
6. I want to rate my performance based on the tasks completed because I did every task
within time and budget specified.
7. To judge my performance, the main strength was the negotiation with new people and the
weakness was to motivate the subordinate. For this I took the support of the top
8. The main objective of the project was to get competitive advantages through taking and
implementing CSR activities and I did the project within the requirement of the I think the top management has got confidence on me and they will give
me bigger project and more responsibility.

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Template for Project Logbook

Chosen organization: Leon fast food restaurant

Name of the learner: RH Zahangir Name of the Supervisor:
Project Title: Implementing CSR activities of Date: 
Leon fast food restaurant, UK
descriptions Comments
Update of weekly research/ tasks achieved
(Account for a minimum of six weeks with
1. I have completed the CSR project on
1. What have you completed? 
clean environment.
2.  Did you fulfil Task requirements?  
3.  Are you on track and within deadlines 2. Yes
3. Yes
4.  Did you need to make any changes to
your project management plan?   4. No

Any risks and / or issues identified?

Did you identify risks/issues with a

lack of skills required for undertaking No, I didn’t have any lack of skill risks.
research tasks?   
Yes ,I faced risks related to the
Did you identify any additional
risks/issues that have an impact on the legislation and promoting the business
project management plan?

Problems encountered
1. I faced several problems like technical
1. What barriers did you face? 
2. How did you overcome them? barrier, limited resources, and
communication barriers.
2. I overcame them by consulting with the
top management and discussing with
the subordinates.
New Ideas and change of project direction   
What Have I learnt about myself this I have learnt to control cost,

20 | P a g e
week? communicate and negotiate in a better
How did I feel when I had to deal with
Did I find it useful to complete the First time I was depressed then I tried
to overcome.
How well have I performed? What did I
contribute?  Yes
What can I improve on next week?
I managed the whole project and
How might this learning apply in the
future? performed well to complete it.
I can save more cost in the next project.
This might help to overcome hurdles
Tasks planned for next week
1. The most important task is to have a
1. Which tasks are priorities?
2. Have you set aside sufficient time for good plan
2. yes
Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind) I completed on time.(ON)
Supervisor comments to address
Signature of the Supervisor and date:

Project management is a process of accomplishing a task within a specified time. Project
management helps a company to accomplish any task successfully within the limited budget of
tome , money and other a manager of the Leon fast food restaurant I have

21 | P a g e
accomplished the project of entering in the new market segment outside the country of
the company given the responsibility on me and I have taken all the responsibilities to complete
the I have used some policies and techniques to complete the project within the
this paper I have discuss the project management processes and techniques taken by the Leon
fast food restaurant.

1. Maylor, H. (2010). Project management. 1st ed. Harlow, England: Financial Times
Prentice Hall is an imprint of Pearson

22 | P a g e
2. Baguley, P. (2008). Project management. 1st ed. London: Hodder Education
3. Cooke, H., Tate, K. and Cooke, H. (2011). Project management. 1st ed. New York:
4. Brighthub Project Management. (2017). Types of Project Costs - Examples of the
Different Variables in Project Cost Management. [online] Available at:
management/ [Accessed 30 Apr. 2017]
5. Williams, M. (2008). Principles of Project Management (SitePoint. 1st ed. Collingwood:

6. Tomczyk, C. (2011). Project Manager's Spotlight on Planning.

7. Turner, J. (2010). Evolution of project management research as evidenced by papers
published in the International Journal of Project Management. International Journal of
Project Management, 28(1), pp.1-6
8. Huemann, M. (2013). Excellent research to move project management forward.
International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), pp.161-163.

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