Negative Impacts of Tourism On National Parks.

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Negative impacts of tourism on national parks.

The benefits of tourism in national parks can be considerable, but adverse effects
which inevitably Accompany the positive ones need to be addressed by careful
planning and effective management.

The guiding principle for tourism development in national parks is to manage

the natural and human resources so as to maximize visitor enjoyment while
minimizing negative impacts of tourism development. This requires an objective
assessment of potential negative impacts and a, thoughtful analysis of how this
potential can be controlled. Mistakes have been made in developing tourism in
protected areas worldwide and the resulting damage is all too evident. Table below
provides a checklist of a number of real or potential negative impacts of tourism.

Table: Potential environmental effects of tourism in Protected Areas

Factor Involved Impact on Natural Comment

Overcrowding Environmental stress, Irritation, reduction in
animals show changes in quality, need for
behaviour carrying-capacity
limits or better regulation

Overdevelopment Development of rural slums, Unsightly urban like

excessive manmade structure development


Powerboats Disturbance ofwildlife Vulnerability during nesting

seasons, noise pollution
Fishing None Competition with
natural predators
Foot safaris Disturbance of wildlife Overuse and trail


Noise (radios, etc.) Disturbance of natural sounds Irritation to wildlife and

other visitors
Litter Impairment of natural Aesthetic and health hazard
scene, habituation of
wildlife to garbage
Vandalism Mutilation and facility Removal of natural features
destruction damage

Feeding of Behavioural changes danger Removal of habituate

wildlife to tourists animals


Speeding Wildlife mortality Ecological changes, dust

Off-road driving Soil and vegetation damage Disturbance to wildlife


Souvenir collection Removal to natural attractions, Shells, cora1, trophies, rare

disruptions of natural plants
Firewood Small wildlife mortality Interference with
habitat destruction natural energy flow

Roads and Habitat loss, drainage Aesthetic scars


Power-lines Destruction of vegetation Aesthetic impacts

Artificial water holes Unnatural wildlife Replacement of soil required

and salt provision concentrations, vegetation
Introduction of exotic Competition with wild species Public confusion
plants and animals

Source : WTO & UNEP (1992) adapted from Thorsell, 1984.

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