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2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

16 Bit Power Efficient Carry Select Adder

Nidhi Gaur Anu Mehra Pradeep Kumar
Department of ECE, ASET Department of ECE, ASET Department of ECE, ASET
Amity University Uttar Pradesh Amity University Uttar Pradesh Amity University Uttar Pradesh

Sankalp Kallakuri
Mando Softech India Ltd

Abstract— The paper presents a new and modified area designed by replacing first stage RCA with BEC [9]. CSLA
and power efficient carry select adder is proposed using modified with HCA is found to be delay efficient w.r.t.
Weinberger architecture and it is compared for efficiency with CSLA implemented using KSA [10]. In comparative
modified Carry Select Adder using Han Carlson, Brent Krung, performance study of existing fast adders, replacement of
and Ling adder architectures along with conventional carry RCA stage with Ling adder is found to be area and power
select adder. Carry Select Adder proposed here using efficient [11,12].
Weinberger architecture turned out to be the best in terms of
area and power. Simulations of all five adder architectures are
performed in Xilinx Vivado tool version 14.4 and hardware
B. Contributions
implementations are performed on zynq 7000 FPGA board In this paper, a new CSLA architecture is proposed for
which uses 28nm technology. area and power optimization. Here Brent Kung stage in
regular BK CSLA is replaced by Weinberger stage. This
Keywords— Carry Select Adder; zynq 7000 FPGA; Han implementation is not reported in literature so far and found
Carlson; Brent Kung; Weinberger architecture and Ling to be power efficient when compared with existing
architecture. architectures. Comparative analysis is done by implementing
existing regular linear CSLA, modified Brent Kung CSLA,
I. INTRODUCTION modified Han – Carlson CSLA, modified Ling CSLA and
proposed modified Weinberger CSLA (W-CSLA)
In present day scenario, VLSI circuits with low power,
architectures on 28nm zynq 7000 FPGA board. The new
and low area are need of the hour. At the same time delay
remains an important parameter to enhance speed of circuit. proposed adder is area and power efficient. Comparative
For any VLSI data path design, adders and multipliers form analysis of designs is also presented. The working
an integral part of circuit and capable of deciding methodology of our approach is described in Part III.
performance and efficiency of circuit [1-4]. This paper aims C. Paper Organization
at implementation of power and area efficient adder circuits. Paper splits into five sections including introduction.
In 1962, Carry select Adder (CSLA) was designed by O.J. Section II describes existing modified CSLA designs and
Bedrij [5]. From the literature it is known that Conventional their implementation. Section III describes the proposed
CSLA is amongst the fastest adders since it overcomes the adder design. In section IV Simulation results and
issue of carry propagation. For two probable values of carry comparison of power, area and delay for new design with
(i.e. ‘1’ and ‘0’) parallel summation is calculated and respect to existing designs are discussed. Conclusion of
multiplexer selects the correct sum based on previous carry
paper is discussed in section V.
generated (Figure 1) [5]. A number of adder architectures
already exist in literature and this paper aims at optimizing
the concept of all architectures in one to gain the maximum

A. Related Research
A lot of work has been done in order to improve the
performance of Carry Select Adder. The CSLA architecture
is delay efficient but parallel implementation increments area
[5]. In a hybrid CSLA, dual Ripple Carry Adder (RCA) stage
was replaced by single RCA and Binary to Excess -1
Converter (BEC) to further improve speed of circuit [6].
Parallel Prefix Adders (PPA) also solves the problem of
carry propagation [7]. PPA designed so far includes Kogge
Stone Adder (KSA), Brent Kung Adder (BKA), Ladner
Fischer Adder (LFA), Han Carlson Adder (HCA), Ling
Fig. 1. Conventional Carry Select Adder
Adder (LA) and Weinberger Adder (WA) [8]. Parallel prefix
addition is done in three steps which include Pre processing,
Carry generation and post processing Stage. Limitation of II. MODIFIED CSLA ARCHITECTURES
PPA lies in large fanout and long interconnection wires
In present work various modified CSLA architectures
which enhance delay [7]. A CSLA implemented using PPA
have been studied and compared for power and area.
improves performance. Power efficient Brent Kung CSLA is


978-1-7281-1380-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 558
2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

A. 16-bit advanced CSLA carry recurrence algorithm is used for parallel computation
A conventional CSLA architecture comprises of two of carry. In Ling algorithm carry computation complexity is
RCA and a Multiplexer. RCA1 stage does sum and carry reduced at the cost of sum computational complexity.
calculation for input carry zero and RCA2 stage calculates Bitwise Generate and propagate signals are calculated as Gi=
sum and carry for input carry one respectively. The output Ai.Bi and Pi= Ai+Bi respectively. Propagate term is factored
for sum and carry is selected by the multiplexer, once the from carry expression and Ling transformation is applied to
correct carry in is known. Advanced CSLA is designed by generate pseudo carry which enhances speed of circuit [30].
modifying the second RCA stage of CSLA with BEC Modified adder consist of three stages, first stage with four
(Binary to excess-1 converter) [6]. Here RCA with Cin=1 is groups of 4-bit ling adder followed by three 5-bit BEC and
replaced with BEC. The idea of using BEC is that it uses less three 10:5 mux as the last stage (Figure 4). This is an area
number of logic gates for its implementation. Here the optimized design.
number of Ex-or gates are reduced. This reduces the area of
design. Figure 2 represents Block diagram of design.

Fig. 2. 16 Bit Advanced CSLA

B. Modified Linear Brent Kung CSLA Fig. 4. Modified Linear Ling CSLA

Modified linear BK CSLA is designed by replacing RCA D. Modified Linear Han Carlson CSLA
stage for Cin=0 with Brent Kung adder to improve delay of
circuit, and modifying the second stage, i.e. replacing RCA Han Carlson adder is based on the idea of utilizing
for Cin=1 with BEC [9]. Architecture has 4 groups and three Koggestone and Brent kung adder features, since
stages. When linear BK adder is designed with BEC for Koggestone is known to have the fastest speed and Brent
more number of bits then there is a significant reduction in kung is known for less area consumption [29]. Modified Han
area. So, a 16-bit modified linear Brent Kung CSLA consists Carlson CSLA is designed again in the same manner by
of 3-stages. Four groups of 4-bit Brent kung at stage1 replacing Brent kung stage with Han Carlson Adder. It
followed by three groups of N+1 bits i.e. 5-bit BEC, and the consists of four groups of 4-bit Han Carlson adder followed
last stage is 10:5 mux. Block diagram of design is by three groups of 5-bit BEC and lastly three groups of 10:5
represented in Figure 3. mux (Figure 5). The area consumption by this design was
found to be same as that of conventional CSLA and power
consumption was found to be more than conventional linear

Fig. 3. Modified Linear Brent Kung CSLA

C. Modified Linear Ling CSLA

It is designed by a modification in Brent kung stage by
changing it with Ling adder [12]. Ling adder is a special case
Fig. 5. Modified Linear Han Carlson CSLA
of faster and cheaper carry look ahead adder. Special Ling

2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)



The adder proposed in this paper is based on low power and

less area consumption. The Block diagram of the proposed
16 Bit W-CSLA Architecture consists of three parts
• Weinberger adder
• Binary to Excees-1 Converter
• Multiplexer.

A simple Weinberger adder [13, 14] is known to have least

Fig. 7. Output waveform of 16 bit linear CSLA (Sum: 0000001010100010
area, so it is proposed in this design. Weinberger adder uses +1101110100111000= 1101111111111010, Carry: 0 )
the concept of parallel carry computation to enhance speed of
circuit. Special Weinberger recurrence algorithm is applied
for carry computation. The proposed adder is designed by
replacing Brent kung stage in modified Brent Kung adder
described in section II with Weinberger adder. The stages are
four groups of 4-bit Weinberger adder, three groups of 5-bit
BEC at second stage and 10:5 mux at the last i.e. at the third
stage. Carry C3 generated from first group is input to second
group and so on. The input carry can be ‘0’ or ‘1’ as
indicated by C3 (group 2). Calculation of sum and carry is
done at Weinberger stage and BEC stage and lastly mux
selects output of group 2 depending on value of C3. Hence
carry C7 and sum [7:4] is obtained at output of group 2.
Similarly output for rest of the blocks is obtained. For N-bit
Brent Kung stage N+1 BEC is used. This design consumed Fig. 8. Output waveform of CSLA using Brent kung CSLA (Sum:
less area (since BEC requires less number of logic gates than 0000001010100010 +1101110100111001= 1101111111111011, Carry: 0 )
RCA) and also low power as compared to above mentioned
designs in section II with a little compromise in delay.
Proposed architecture is depicted in Figure 6.

Fig. 9. Output waveform of CSLA using Ling (Sum: 0000001010100010

+1101110100111001= 1101111111111011, Carry: 0 )

Fig. 6. Proposed Modified Linear Wein Berger CSLA


All existing designs discussed in section II and proposed
design in section III are designed using Verilog HDL and
simulated in Xilinx Tools. Testbench has been generated
for all adders designs to test for all possible combination of
inputs. Each adder is coded and verified separately. Figures
7,8,9,10 and 11depict sample simulation results of 16 bit
advanced CSLA, CSLA using modified Brent Kung, CSLA
using Ling, CSLA using Han Carlson and proposed W- Fig. 10. Output waveform of CSLA using Han Carlson (Sum:
CSLA. 1111111111111111 +1111111111111111= 1111111111111110, Carry: 1 )

2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)


5.PROPOS 120 1 25 12.28


In this paper a new area and power efficient CSLA is
proposed which finds its application in various blocks of
digital circuit design including Vedic multiplier. This unit
could be used to optimize ALU designs, enhancing
Fig. 11. Output waveform of Proposed CSLA using Weinberger (Sum:
performance of DSP processors and datapath units.
0000001000010110 +1111110111101000= 1111111111111111, Carry: 0 )
[1] M. Akila, C. Gowribala and S. Maflin Shaby (2016) ,
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[13] A. Mehra, P. Kularia, A. Sharma, G. Batra, A. Rawat, N. Gaur (2014),
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BK CSLA [14] R. Suganya and D. Meganathan (2015), ‘High Performance VLSI
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3.Modified 125 5 28 11.29

4.Modified 125 5 25 11.75


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