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Statement of intent

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate
meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief?

Firstly, I will use media language in my music video to highlight the different representations of my
stereotypes in my music video ‘girlfriend’ . The shots I use to film the “popular girl” will be lower
down shots, close ups or mid shots. This will make her look more powerful and confident, also
highlighting she is not afraid to be in front of the camera. In comparison the “geek” will be filmed
using further away shots making her look more vulnerable, far away shots will also suggest that she
is less popular, as it is obvious there is no one around her. I will also use mise en scene to reinforce
the stereotypes, especially as I have the same person playing the geek and the popular girl. The
popular girl will have a pink color filter to show the girly, confident and popular look. The geek shots
will be in black and white to show a clear contrast, and to make it easier for the audience to tell the
difference between the geek and the popular girl. I will use media language in my artist website buy
using fonts that reflect the artists brand. Such as a pink, bright font, yet also sophisticated and girly.
Although the artist is being highlighted as a popular girl, the video also shows her confidence and
carelessness of what other people think, this is highlighted when the geek calls her names such as
ugly, and the popular girl does not react. This creates a role model for the audience as it will make
them care less about other people’s judgement. in the music video there is also the representation
of Zac Efron, who both girls want to have as their boyfriend, this shows that even though they are
very different, both have the same love interests. The interest in Zac Efron is highlighted through
the "geek" looking at pictures of him on the internet, and having lots of tabs about him, highlighting
her obsession with him. in comparison the "popular girl" direct messaged him on Instagram,
reinforcing the difference between the geek and the popular girl, but also showing they have the
same celebrity love interests. The audience will be 16-25 year old’s in the A,B demographic meaning
that although my music video is sophisticated it is also very fun and upbeat, to engage the target

How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding
of the digital convergent nature of your media production?

I will show my knowledge through the artist social media platforms, such as Instagram and direct
contact through email. I will also produce an album cover that reflects the music video, highlighting
the girly and pink theme on the album cover, but also by reflecting the boldness of the artist- Blake
Rose, reinforcing the way the artist can be represented though the digital convergence. The album
cover won’t be completely pink, as the video shows the representation of the stereotypical popular
girl, but I want the album cover to be more about the artist.

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