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3t2412020 oint Commission Connect -

7 The Joint Commission / Report a Safety Event about a tlealth Care Organization

Enter the safety event incident number that was assigned to you when you first submitted your safety event and click
button. lf you do not have your safety event incident number, you will not be able to use this form. Please call The Joint
Commission's Office of Quality and Patient Safety at (800) 994-6610. lf you would like to start over, click the button. Once the
lncident Number is validated, you will be able to enter and submit your update to the safety event.

Enter your safety event incident number: .lncident Number is Valid.

Validate lncident Number Reset

Narrative (Provide a brief overview of your safety event update. Please limit your narrative to 3 pages (15,000 characters)) 'nequ,ec

Memphis VA Medical Center had a Employee (female Nurse) who tested positive for the coronavirus on 20 Mar 2020. She worked in the Orthropedic
on of the VA Memphis.Employee Health supervisor (Rayleen Roberts) notified the infected VA Memphis employee that she had tested positive on Friday 20
2020 and told her to stay home also, that she had begun to show symptoms. From '16 - '19 Mar 2020 3 other employees
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:d closely with the infected employee were notified on 20 Mar 2020 that they were exposed to someone who had tested positive for the Coronavirus. They
given a masked and returned to duty by Employee Health Supervisor Rayleen Roberts. This violated the protocols for individuals who have been exposed /
contact with infected or person whom tested positive for coronavrrus- On Monday 23 Mar 2020 the VA Memphis Violated the social distancing protocols put
place by the Federal, Local and State authorities. They did so by having employees line up to enter the facility. I have pictures if you llke. The line wrapped
I the build. Lastly, the local leadership ( Director Dunning) has not seen fit to have a meeting to discuss the developments and procedures involved in a
mic and it's affect on it's workforce.
Disclaimer (Please read the disclaimer before submitting your safety event)

Your name as source will NOT be shared without your permission.

The Joint Commission may still act on your reported safety concerns following our established processes for anonymous reporting, although our evaluation may be more limited.

Joint Commission

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