Agra Physics IA

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Name : Agra Berthan Panambunan

Topic of Research :

Day/ Date Point of Discussions Next Goal Signatures


Day/ Date Goal Activity Signature of


31 Oct 2019 First Draft Explain your activities here

Title Example:
A. Introductory 14 Oct 2019 : Finding
B. Theory journals, and theory
C. Methodology

… Oct 2019: …… etc


(Name)…. ……… (Signature)…………

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Internal Assessment by Agra Panambunan 12 IBCP 2
Supervisor: Nickasius Sindhunata, M. Ed.

The goal of this investigation is to determine which means of cooling is the most efficient
way for cooling down a certain body. The type of “body” used in this research is irrelevant
because this research intends to investigate the different methods, rates of the methods, and other
factors that affects the cooling of a certain body. The type of body in this research can be

The idea of this research came about from everyday situations in solving problems as
simple as people in the cafe drinking a cup of coffee when the coffee is still too hot or above
tolerable temperature for the people’s mouth and tongue. Studies have shown that the tolerable
and optimal temperature for consuming warm/hot beverages is 60 °C (Brown & Diller 2007;Lee
& O'Mahony 2002;Pipatsattayanuwong, Lee, Lau, & O'Mahony 2001), and drinking beverages
above that temperature can cause slight mouth and throat burns which can cause damage. This
figure of idea then relates to another world problem which is cooling processors in devices, in
which different processor chips have their own optimal temperature range to work on, and if
exceeded, will not be able to perform as efficient, which means cooling methods are required to
keep the processing chips in their optimum temperature range in order for them to work
efficiently. Another problem this research can be a benefit to, is in the world of automotive
transport, where moving parts, brakes, gears and engines in vehicles can have very high
temperature due to friction and combustion, which if overheats can cause damage to those parts
which could potentially break the vehicle and harm the driver/passenger inside, that is why
cooling methods using both wind and water are used to cool down the vehicle.

This research investigates different methods of cooling a certain body at different rates and
find the most effective way of cooling the body down in the least amount of time. The body,
which in this research uses a cup of hot water, can represent a hot cup of coffee or an overheating
processor unit. The experiments of this research focuses on cooling methods that are commonly
used in conventional computers which uses fan/wind cooling method or water cooling
method. Dipping processing units in liquid nitrogen is also a very effective cooling method, but
not practical to perform in conventional computers and normal processing workloads. The body
that will be used in the experiment is a metallic bottle with hot water inside.

Research Question
1. What is the most efficient way to cool down a certain body?
2. Which rates in each cooling method (speed of wind, volume of water/second) prove
to be the fastest way in cooling a certain body?
3. How does the methods of cooling and its rates affect the cooling coefficient?

Research Objectives
1. Proofing, with data, the most efficient way in cooling a body
2. Comparing the effects of rates in cooling method to the rate of cooling in the body.
3. Identifying the cooling coefficient of each cooling method and how different rates of
the method can affect it.

The water cooling method with the fast rate of water flow will cool down the body the
most in the least amount of time.


This research is based on the Newton's law of cooling. This law states that the rate of
heat loss of a body is directly proportional to the difference in temperatures between the
body and its surroundings. This law proves the statement that the heat transfer
coefficient, which mediates between heat losses and temperature differences, is a

The equation derived from this law is:

𝑇(𝑡) = 𝑇𝑆 + (𝑇0 − 𝑇𝑆 )𝑒 ^-kt

- Where T(t) is the temperature of the cooling body at any given time
- Ts is the temperature of the surrounding
- T0 is the initial temperature of the of the body
- t is the time that has passed
- k is the cooling constant.

1. Experiment Design
a. Date and Time of experiment
i. Date : November 23 2019
ii. Time : 8.00 - 15.15

b. Location of experiment : Chemistry lab Cita Hati West School


- The independent variable is the method of cooling, and the rates of each method
of cooling.
- The dependant variable is the rate of cooling of the body, identified by the overall
change of temperature of the body in a predetermined time period.
- The control variable is the initial temperature of the body, temperature of the

Chosen Method of Cooling:

- Wind Cooling : Using a fan to blow on the metal bottle in order to cool it down.
The rate of wind blowing on the metal bottle can be changed by changing the fan
- Water Cooling : Using running water (with constant temperature) to cool down
the metal bottle. The rate of the running water can be changed from the tap and is
measured using a beaker in a period of time.
- No Interaction : No interaction to the metal bottle. This method serves as a

Materials and Equipment:

1. A metallic bottle
2. A boiling water source
3. An electric fan with different fan speeds
4. A tap as a source of running water
5. A measuring cup (500ml)
6. A stopwatch
7. A thermometer/temperature probe
8. Lab quest and vernier connection
9. A computer to graph data

Safety Precautions

Since the experiment deals with hot water which can cause burns, avoid direct contact with the
boiling hot water or the hot metal bottle. Use gloves and goggles to protect your eyes and skin
from burns.

Procedure of Experiment

The computer/laptop used for data collection is first connected with the temperature probe
through the Vernier interface using a USB Cable from the LabQuests port. The data logger is
turned on and the temperature probe will indicate the ambient temperature where the experiment
took place.

Insert the hot water inside the metal bottle and measure and insert the temperature probe to
measure the initial temperature of the body, and at the same time start the stopwatch. Do not
make any interactions with the bottle in the control method, and measure the temperature for 600
seconds. Repeat the same process but now place an electric fan in front of the metal bottle,
measure the fan speed and measure the temperature for 600 seconds, afterwards change the fan
speed to high and low and repeat the process. Repeat the same process again, but instead of
placing an electric fan, place the metal bottle through running water, measure the volume of
water / second coming out of the tab and measure the temperature for 600 seconds, afterwards,
change the rate of flow of water in the tab higher or lower and repeat the process.

Another method to do this experiment without using LabQuest is to measure the temperature
indicated by the temperature probe or thermometer for every 20 second and record it the
temperature. Do this for the entirety of the 600 seconds.

Compare and analyze the data either using the Logger Pro, or insert the data into a graph or table
in microsoft excel or google docs.


Perform your analysis in table or graph, or both table and graph. Explain the result of
experiment based on your data, graph, or table.



Conclusion must answer the research question

Give at least 5 suggestions in points
In the different page make the bibliography according to the standardized order
(Harvard system).

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