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Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Who’s to blame
Jamie Chambers, Brian Clements, Jimmy McMichael, Matt Vancil, Nathan Rice, Nathan Rockwood, Andy Vetromile
Additional Design
Cam Banks, Ben Dobyns, Chris Duppenthaler, Don Early, Steve Wolbrecht
Editing and Development
Cam Banks
Liz Wilhelm
Graphic Design / Layout and Typesetting
Digger Hayes
Art Direction
Renae Chambers
Interrior Illustration / Photography
Jason Engle, Cornelia D. Moore, Marc Studer
Special Thanks
Leila Aram-Panahi, Lizz Baldwin, Tony Becerra, Scott C. Brown, Stacy Chambers, Chris Clark, Jessica Clements, Cobbler’s
Crystals, Matt DeMille, Tamia Diaz, Andy Dotson, Christian Doyle, Jason Doyle, Shawn Franklin, Mike Gallagher,
Jennifer Gilbert, HeadGames Podcast, Tracy Hickman, Kevin Inouye, Kirk Isaacson, Matt Jay, Barry Johnson, Dirk Kahler,
Anne Kennedy, Brian Lewis, Patrick Levad, Tish Lopez, Jaime Mastromonica, Cindy Messler-Early, Milton Eng, Phil Misner,
Bill Murray, Emily Olson, Jen Page, Kristen Paulson, Steve Payne, Kevin Pitman, Phil M. Price, Cindi Rice, Aaron Rose,
John Frank Rosenblum, John Schock, Shawn Shelton, Matt Shimkus, Jeremy Spray, Jesse Stratton, Wayne Tapia, Tree,
Adam Utley, Margaret Weis, Katy Williams, TJ Williams, Airan Sea Wilson, Kat Wood, Phil Woodard,
Camille Vancil, Greg Vancil, Dom Zook, and the Purple Ninja
To each and every teacher, friend, supporter, and fan that we’ve worked, played, and laughed with over these many years:
You’re too numerous to name, and you are reading this due-in-part to, well, you. Remember to not take yourselves too
seriously. From all of us: Thanks, Love, and Butt Kicks

Margaret Weis Productions, the MW Logo, Cortex System, and the Cortex System logo are trademarks owned by Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. Demon
Hunters Characters and World created by Matt Vancil. Used with permission. © 2008 Dead Gentlemen Productions, LLC. All rights reserved.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table of Contents
Introduction......................................... 4 Nationality, Ethnicity, and Origin–icity......................... 25
Attributes . ................................................................ 25
Dice....................................................... 4 Traits......................................................................... 27
Warning for Noobs. ............................. 4 Skills.......................................................................... 28
Skill Rolls.................................................................... 29
Chapter One: A World of . Derived Attributes..................................................... 30
Dark … er … dimness............................ 5 Gear ........................................................................ 30
Plot Points................................................................. 31
JOIN THE WAR ON HORROR!........... 6 Character Development............................................ 31
Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch.... 6 Advancement Points.................................................. 32
Mission of the Brotherhood......................................... 7 Example of Demon Hunter Creation......................... 33
Brotherhood Training and Recruitment......................... 7
The Order of the Infernal Scepter........ 8 Chapter Omega Fifteen.......................36
Mission of the Order.................................................... 8
Order Recruitment and Training................................... 8
Chapter Three: What It Takes.............. 42
The Earthwalkers.................................. 9
The World of Dimness. ......................... 9 Traits.................................................. 43
Vampires, Werewolves, and Assets........................................................................ 43
Demons—Oh, My!..................................................... 9 Complications . ......................................................... 44
Scaling Traits.............................................................. 44
The Good Guys. .................................. 11
Clueless Mortals........................................................ 12 The Big-Ass List Of Traits.................. 45
Assets........................................................................ 46
History................................................ 12 Complications............................................................ 66
Mythic History.................................... 12 Skills................................................... 73
Ancient History.................................. 13 Benchmarks of Proficiency......................................... 74
Pretty Damn Old History................... 14 Skill Descriptions........................................................ 74
20th Century History......................... 15
Recent History.................................... 16 Chapter Four: We Ride.......................80
Terrestrial Geography. ....................... 17 Playing the Game................................. 81
Africa......................................................................... 17 Using the Dice........................................................... 81
America, North......................................................... 17 When to Roll............................................................. 82
America, South.......................................................... 18 Unopposed Rolls....................................................... 82
Antarctica................................................................... 18 Opposed Rolls . ........................................................ 83
Asia........................................................................... 18 Attribute Rolls............................................................ 83
Australia..................................................................... 19 Skilled Rolls................................................................ 84
Europe...................................................................... 19 Unskilled Rolls .......................................................... 84
Celestial Geography............................ 19 Complex Actions....................................................... 84
Hell........................................................................... 19 Modifiers................................................................... 85
Heaven..................................................................... 20 Assistance.................................................................. 86
Mad Science and Mystic Arts............. 20 Plot Points. ........................................ 86
Technology................................................................ 20 Gaining Plot Points..................................................... 87
Quantum Magic......................................................... 21 Spending Plot Points................................................... 88
Ritual Magic............................................................... 21 Spellcasting 101: The Mystic Arts..... 90
Mystic Arts Requirements........................................... 91
Chapter Two: Recruitment.................... 22 Rituals........................................................................ 91
Sacrifice..................................................................... 91
Characters and Story ........................ 23 Playing it Out............................................................. 92
Creating a New Chapter. .................... 23 Getting Distracted...................................................... 93
Recruit . .................................................................... 23 Getting Kicked in the Junk by the Universe................. 93
Veteran...................................................................... 23 Ritual Threshold Guidelines........................................ 93
Seasoned Veteran...................................................... 23 Cheating the Universe............................................... 95
Concept ................................................................... 24 Combat................................................ 96

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

The Turn................................................................... 96 Adventure Concepts................................................ 143
Movement................................................................. 99 Adventure Structure................................................. 143
Attacking.................................................................. 100 Scenes . .................................................................. 146
Defense ................................................................. 103 Events, Adventures, and Campaigns......................... 147
Special Situations...................................................... 105 Playing the Parts....................................................... 149
Getting Hurt..................................... 106 Game Mechanics and Storytelling............................. 151
Damage Types......................................................... 107 Technology and Magic.............................................. 153
Fallout...................................................................... 107 Game Mastering Tips............................................... 154
Other Injury............................................................ 107
Conditions............................................................... 108 Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels, .
How it All Plays Out: A Tactical . and Innocent bystanders..................... 159
Example. ............................................ 109 Brotherhood of the .
Healing and Recovery. ...................... 110 Celestial Torch................................. 160
Recovering Stun Damage......................................... 111 Anti-Tank Sally.......................................................... 160
Recovering Wound Damage.................................... 111 Brotherhood Recruit................................................ 161
Medical Assistance................................................... 111 Cipher (Standard).................................................... 161
Vehicles............................................. 113 Cipher (Glitchy)....................................................... 161
Hazardous Conditions............................................. 113 Cipher (Human)...................................................... 162
Getting Wrecked..................................................... 114 Grizzled Veteran...................................................... 162
Vehicle Weapons..................................................... 115 Kincaid..................................................................... 162
Brotherhood Vehicles.............................................. 115 Purple Ninja............................................................. 163
Chase Scenes ......................................................... 115 St. Peter.................................................................. 163
Types of Vehicles...................................................... 115 Tree........................................................................ 164
Order of the Infernal Scepter........... 164
Chapter Five: The Warehouse.............. 116 The Amazing Velma................................................. 164
Demon of the Order............................................... 165
The Warehouse.................................. 117 Sam Hell.................................................................. 165
Doors ............................................... 117 Missy....................................................................... 165
Equipping Your Chapter.................... 117 Order Recruit.......................................................... 166
Bureaucracy............................................................. 117 Johnny “The Demon” Ossesso................................. 167
Availability................................................................ 118 Clan of the Golden Fang.................. 167
Cash Money............................................................ 118 Master Wu............................................................... 167
The Black Market..................................................... 118 Ninja Vampire.......................................................... 168
General Gear.......................................................... 119 Syphilitic Ninja Vampire............................................ 168
Omega–class Standard Gear.................................... 119 The Pound......................................... 168
Clothes................................................................... 120 Pound Agent............................................................ 169
Weapons and Armor............................................... 122
Specialty Equipment................................................. 128 Sisters of Divine Retribution. ........... 169
Holy Relics.............................................................. 131 Sister Mary Dillinger................................................. 169
Upgrading Your Equipment...................................... 132 Nun with a Gun....................................................... 170
Services................................................................... 134 Revout.................................................................... 170
Foolish Mortals................................ 170
Chapter Six: How Not to Die.............136 Frightened Teenager................................................. 170
High School Witch................................................... 170
Local Sheriff............................................................. 171
Chapter Seven: Playing God. ..............137 Mad Scientist........................................................... 171
Overzealous Hunter................................................ 171
Role of the Game Master. ................. 138 Tabloid Reporter...................................................... 172
Running a Game...................................................... 139
Tourist with a Camera.............................................. 172
Portraying the World................................................ 140
Tweedy Academic.................................................... 172
Demon Hunter Conventions . Chris Weiner........................................................... 173
and Themes........................................ 140
Random Supernats. ........................... 173
Campaign Styles. ............................... 140 Half-Demon............................................................ 173
Serious.................................................................... 140 Vampire................................................................... 173
Dead Gentlemen Style............................................. 141 Werewolf................................................................ 174
Goofy...................................................................... 141 Zombie................................................................... 174
Missions. ........................................... 141
Designing Adventures. ...................... 142

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Greetings, recruit! Welcome to the Brotherhood
of the Celestial Torch. You’ve joined the war on
horror, and you’re ready to fight for heaven to track
Dice Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes,
down demons, monsters, and prevent Hell on Earth. unless you’re a vampire or an accountant. The

 Read the tome you now hold very carefully, as it

may hold the keys to survival—though careless use of
this knowledge might well lead to your own doom.
randomness is represented in our simulations by the
use of polyhedral dice. We use everything except
d20s, because they are too random even for us. I
You’ve seen the orientation film—er, you have mean, seriously. Here’s what you need, at least one
watched the film, haven’t you? If not, you might want of each—though things’ll go much faster if every
to do that right away as it contains the basics—so team member brings their own dice.
now you’re ready to dive into the deep and
dangerous waters of Demon Hunter lore. d2 •  d 4 • d 6 • d 8 • d 10 • d 12
This volume contains information on the
Brotherhood and the many terrifying, evil,
supernatural villains that will most likely rip your
entrails out through your eyesockets. Everything
Warning for Noobs
We’re not going to hold your hand or wipe
from our history, standard procedures, information your ass for you. You’re going to be thrown into the
on both high-level Hunters and the most notorious deep end of the pool—and it’s probably infested
bad guys, the Warehouse and the most important with radioactive sharks. If you don’t know what a
Hunting gear, and other stuff that would make this role playing game is, or think you need an easier
sentence far too long, will all be found within these introduction, we’ve got one for you. Go to
pages. and look for the
Another purpose this book serves is to hold Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch Recruitment
the rules for one of our most important training Manual. It’s free, and may even be available from
tools: Tabletop Simulations. Using the information your favorite online hobby vendor. Maybe you
in this book, a Demon Hunter team can undertake know a fellow recruit who has a copy of the thing
a simulated mission and practice tactics and strategy lying conveniently on his nightstand with the trashy
while honing teamwork and problem-solving skills. romance novel he pretends he reads just for the sex
Pay attention during these sessions and you might parts. It doesn’t matter how you get it—you should
last an extra day out in the field. Of course, you could make use of this resource. Just remember, there’s
just use the rules to play a ridiculously fun game no crying in the Brotherhood (except when you get
while eating pizza and drinking high-caffeine soda all junked).
night—but that would be a complete waste of your Flip the page, and you’ll be ready to learn about
time and ours. the world we live in, which should provide enough
nightmare fuel to last you a month.

  Junked means “kicked in the ‘nads.”

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter one:
A World of Dark..., Dimness

t the end of the day, it’s easy enough to lay your head down to rest knowing the toughest things
you likely have to face tomorrow are assholes at work, family problems, or a swift death via an
overturned semi-truck. But while any of these things could ruin your day, they leave you more or
less fit and in a state of good mental health. Well, except for the whole semi thing.

Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

What if there were something else, though? What if the world you see isn’t all there is? What if
other things exist, darker things just beyond your perception—things so nasty, so terrifying, so brutal and
dangerous that knowledge of their existence would leave you in a catatonic stupor, drooling into your bowl
of Tard-O’s, while Aunt Lisa changes your Depends?
That is the world you are entering, Meat. Take my advice: Close this book. Turn away. Go back to
whatever it is you normals do during the day—find daycare for your children, file reports, take pop-quizzes
in chem class, remove those Cheez-Bomb stains from your khakis.
You haven’t closed it, eh? Wonderful. Foolish meat tastes so much better. Especially with a nice lemon
béarnaise, a little tarragon … damn it, now I’m hungry.
You are choosing to enter a world of supernatural horrors, where the unspeakable lurks around every
corner. This world is kept out of the public’s sight by the Demon Hunters. This world is less vibrant than
the one you know, less kind, and less forgiving. It is a world of Dark—er, rather, a World of DIM-ness.
Yes, dimness. That’s because you’d pretty much have to be a total dim-bulb to take a job as a Demon
Hunter. The benefits and the pay are crap, and don’t even start to make up for the long workday, ruined
weekends, and frequent dismemberment. Plus, no overtime—you’re salaried.
In this World of Dimness, it’s all real. All of it. Demons, devils, angels; werewolves, zombies,
vampires; ghosts, ghouls, guys in hockey masks who haunt lakeside camps; mad scientists, robots, brains
that live in jars; nuns with martial arts skills and covert-ops training; nameless, unknowable terrors
from beyond that have way, way too many tentacles (Seriously, I ain’t shitting you—WAY too many
tentacles. And you know what’s underneath them? More tentacles); anything that results in sleep loss and
ammonia-soaked bedsheets. Yeah. It’s all real.
So, then. If this whole “safe and mundane life” thing isn’t working out for you, by all means read on.
And if you’re having trouble finding daycare for your kid, I could totally watch it. Them babies is some good
eats. Damn, am I hungry …

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

JOIN THE WAR ON What? No, we don’t torch things. The second name.
“Demon Hunters.” Oy. Don’t need to worry about

Listen up, Stains. This world is a battlefield.
you stickin around long, Stain.
Why do I keep calling you that? That’s what most
of you will wind up as.
What’s that? You know? Really. Tell me what you Now, I know you all got here in different ways.
know. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Interesting. According to Some of you are just out of the Academy, and know
Stain here, the world is a battlefield where—what what I’ve been talking about. Others of you got
was it? No, don’t tell me—global corporations, drafted. Sorry about that. But once you’ve been
fascist religions, and imperialistic nations are fighting involved in the war—even as a spectator, like most
for dominance. That’s cute. I wish all we had to of you Stains were—the Beast has you marked. So
worry about was a few of those bush league groups. it’s either come with us, or take your chances eluding
Hmm? I’ll tell you how I can dismiss them that easily. Satan’s infernal dance club. No. It’s not really a dance
‘Cause if we lose the war, it don’t matter what any of club. But we can help. We’ve got therapists and the

 those happy slap-clubs are up to—they’ll be as dead

as the rest of us. So excuse me if I don’t crap my
pants when I hear a bunch of wingnuts railing about
like to help you adjust to the mental strains of the
War on Horror. Like that one guy—Cliff? Yeah, Cliff.
Guy who saw the Deep Evil splatter-hack his family.
Wal*Mart™. He turned out okay. Come again? He did what, now?
Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

No, Stains, the enemy we’re facing is more Ate his own face? Well. Damn.
twisted and vile than anything mankind could Okay, so, welcome to the Brotherhood. Your
organize itself. I won’t beat around the bush: Our training will begin once we reach Brotherhood
adversary is the Adversary. The Adversary. Capital Headquarters. Unfortunately,
“A.” Who? Seriously? Seriously. Satan, there’s a horde of flayers between
choad-brain. Guy whose name means us and the safehouse across town,
enemy. Yeah. Him. And all his but don’t worry—there’s room
unfriendly associates. Bet you wish and provisions there for 20. We’ll
you paid more attention in Sunday be totally safe. So gear up, keep your
School instead of drawing dicks on head down, and pray to God. What’s
all the disciples in your Picture Bible, that? Yes, I know there’s over a hundred
huh? That’s what I thought. How’d I of you. No. I don’t think we’ll run out
know about that? How do you think? of room.
Surveillance from On High.
So get it into your
heads: We’re facing Brotherhood of
the Devil. And his
minions. They’ve the Celestial
got this world pretty
well infiltrated, and Torch
they’re doing what How is it that the majority of
they can to drag the population is unaware of the
it down. That’s world of supernatural horrors all
where we come around them? The answer is very
in. We’re the good simple: They’re idiots. People
guys, in charge of are astoundingly capable of
dropping the hammer convincing themselves of just
on the Boys Downstairs. about anything so long as it
We are the Brotherhood of lets them feel safe and secure.
the Celestial Torch—better No matter how far-fetched or
known as Demon Hunters. The
name kinda sums up what we do.
    The legitimacy of certain recent elections, for example.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

illogical, people are willing to explain away anything if services to these survivors, as well as protection
it means they can continue with life as they know it. programs for the witnesses’ friends and families
(“A ghost sucked the life outta Ted? Hell, no, it warn’t to help keep them safe from such things. These
no ghost. It war a teenager wearin’ a sheet. Musta survivors make up the bulk of the Brotherhood’s
had one a them tasers. A real powerful one, killed administrative staff, though a few of them have
Ted dead. It war the electricity what left that look on shown the mental fortitude to become Hunters
his face. Yeah. Kid in a sheet usin’ a taser. That makes themselves.
way more sense.”) Supernatural recruitment is rather new to
However, willful ignorance goes only so far. If the Brotherhood. Due to in large part to intense
it weren’t for a group of paramilitary heroes who advocacy by Kincaid McHarg, a Brotherhood
have dedicated their lives to fighting the evil and Tribune, select Demon Hunter Chapters have begun
supernatural, people would have no choice but to recruiting supernatural members. These include
accept the horrors lurking around them. These typically evil supernaturals such as lycanthropes,
heroes belong to an elite fraternity: the Brotherhood vampires, half-demons, and any form of undead.
of the Celestial Torch—the Demon Hunters.

Mission of the Brotherhood

Such Hunters enter the Brotherhood on probation
and must submit to vigorous psychological testing
and screening to ensure that they are fit for

Upon assuming command of the Brotherhood duty. Some Chapter leaders refuse to use any

Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

of the Celestial Torch, St. Peter codified its mission. supernaturals not of divine descent, while others find
It is threefold, straight-forward, and simple: that “supernats” are very effective and formidable
. Hunt and destroy servants of Hell on Earth, Hunters.
be they demons, the demon-touched or The Brotherhood has one very powerful
possessed, or those who willfully consort recruiting tool: redemption. The Brotherhood
with demons. offers the chance for redemption to all of its agents,
2. Protect the mass of humanity from regardless of their past. The potential for acceptance
malevolent supernatural influences. and forgiveness can sometimes turn even the most
. Hide the presence of the supernatural hardened of individuals to the cause of goodness and
from the mass of humanity. light.
In 1447 A.D., the Brotherhood enacted
the Doctrine of the Temporal Threat, expressly T r aining
expanding the mission of Demon Hunters to include All Brotherhood agents go through an intensive
all threats to the world that are not of a purely basic training course of tabletop combat scenario
mundane source. simulations, extensive weapons and combat training,
and a live hunt in the field. Many Brotherhood agents
Brotherhood Training and already have some particular skill or specialized
Recruitment training prior to joining the Brotherhood. For those
who do not, the Brotherhood Academy offers
R ecruitment ongoing training courses for any who wish to take
The Brotherhood will take any and all human them.
recruits who meet its exacting standards. The Some agents—particularly those born with
Brotherhood prefers to watch potential recruits for a divine connection, spotted as having potential
months before approaching and offering a position. as youths, or who are children of Brotherhood
The Brotherhood also recruits anyone who members—have been groomed to be Demon
happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hunters all their lives. These agents have received
Despite the Brotherhood’s best efforts, normal all of their schooling and training through the
people sometimes end up witnessing supernatural Brotherhood’s extensive and exhaustive Academy
horrors. The Brotherhood offers various counseling courses. Over two-thirds of all Brotherhood
Chapter leaders are Academy graduates.

    One of G.W.’s abandoned campaign slogans.

    I.e., being devoured by a giant walking tree.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

The Order of the the works of goodness. Rot away the foundations of
faith in all religions and works of human hope. Make

Infernal Scepter
They are Satan’s answer to Demon Hunters:
might equal right. Promote daytime television. Grant
absolute power to the weak of spirit.
Make … ah, to Hell with it. You get the picture.
the Order of the Infernal Scepter, the Angel Killers. The Order really has no limitation on how this
They are the Brotherhood’s evil twin. Where the is accomplished. All cells are free to interpret this
Brotherhood strives to eradicate demon influences mission in their own way, and to carry it out however
and protect the innocent, the Order remains busy they wish. The most successful (and ultimately
summoning demons and targeting the innocent. They long-lived) cells are careful, precise, and plan their
are the barbed knife that Satan hides under the table, strikes and operations to perfection, using subtlety
lying in wait to stab humanity in the gonads. and misdirection. Many cells, however, simply raise
The Order is loosely organized into guerilla a few Hell-beasts, grab a monster or two, and hit
cells, much like a terrorist organization. Each Order the Manhattan nightlife for some fun with buds and

 Chapter operates entirely independently of the

others. Few members are aware of other agents
outside of their own Chapter. Satan passes missions
brews. Each serves the Order well.

Order Recruitment and

to Order Chapters via the demon princes who Training
Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

sponsor the Chapters. It’s not unheard of

for Order Chapters to attack each other R ecruitment
to gain Satan’s favor for their sponsor. The Order will recruit anyone.
It’s also not unheard of for a mistreated Absolutely anyone. The Order can find a
Order unit to kill the demon prince use for anyone willing to work. Chaos serves
sponsoring them. the Order’s purposes. The skilled and
The Order has the Mandate of wise perform the greatest of the
Hell. They have official sanction Order’s tasks, while the reckless
from Satan to operate in his name and unintelligent are sent to cause
on Earth. Every member of the fantastic messes. This distracts
Order goes to Hell when he the Brotherhood from the more
dies. However, they won’t be dangerous operations that the
tormented when they get there. Order undertakes.
As Satan himself said, “Better The Order’s recruiting
to reign in Hell than serve in methods are not that different
Heaven.” Power will be theirs in from those of the Brotherhood.
the mortal life, and in the afterlife. They keep tabs on anyone they
Of course, Satan retains the think has the potential to perform
option to renege this at any time. great evil and approach them when the
time is right. They also recruit those
Mission of the who witness their activities, though
Order this type of recruitment is often at the
The mission of the metaphorical point of the sword.
Order is quite simple: Supernaturals are much easier
Cause destruction. Spread for the Order to recruit; the Order
corruption. Wreak havoc. boasts at least as many supernats
Initiate chaos. Undermine as human agents. The Order is a
civilization. Bring evil into good deal for supernats, as quite
the world. Tempt and a few of them can’t fit into
corrupt humanity, the most human society for one reason
beloved of God’s creations. or another. Though many
Make a mockery of could find a place in the

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Brotherhood, the Order offers them much, much Divine Retribution, the Mad Science Monitor, the
more. The Order encourages the urges and desires Pound, Necromancers for a Better Tomorrow, and
of its supernats, urges that the Brotherhood would the Promise Keepers, to name a few.
suppress or ban. The Brotherhood also carefully Most threats that the Brotherhood responds
monitors supernatural Hunters, which has led to to are unrelated to these groups. A lone werewolf,
a great deal of animosity and distrust among some cabals of vampires, or elder evils forgotten until
Brotherhood agents. These same supernaturals disturbed, are all adversaries that are likely operating
are openly welcomed and praised in the Order’s without affiliation. The most harrowing of enemies
numbers. Sure, the supernats don’t gain salvation the Brotherhood ever faced were factionless: the
with the Order, but then … is salvation really worth Earthwalkers.
all that crap? Exiled from Hell after a failed attempt to oust
Satan, these demon princes roamed the world
T r aining unmolested and unchallenged. Each was vulnerable
The Order of the Infernal Scepter doesn’t do only to a single substance: an element, a plant, an
much training. The Order expects its agents to be
self-sufficient. They are very much on their own,
working to advance the Order’s agenda as they
idea—there was no pattern. Early Demon Hunters
spent their careers trying to discover the different
Earthwalkers’ allergies. It took the Brotherhood a

see fit. So long as an Order cell pulls its weight, the thousand years and many more thousand lives to

Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

Order doesn’t care how they do it. eradicate the Earthwalkers. Officially, Brotherhood
records state that the Earthwalkers are history.

The Earthwalkers
The Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch and
However, closer inspection reveals that the
Brotherhood could only confirm 12 kills. The 13th
Earthwalker—Duamerthrax the Indestructible—
the Order of the Infernal Scepter are the two most simply dropped off the map. His allergy, like the
prominent and influential supernatural organizations demon himself, has been lost to time.
in the world. But there are many, many other
organizations out there, including the Sisters of
The World of Dimness
“In the beginning was the Word. And the Word
was with God, and the Word was God. He was
in the beginning with God; all things were made
through Him, and without Him was not anything
made that was made. In Him was life, and the life
was the Light of all people. The Light shines in the
Darkness, and the Darkness has not overcome it.
But the Darkness has fought the Light before, and
many times. The Darkness will fight the Light again.
The Darkness has not given up the War. The time of
Darkness is near…”
First of all, it’s all true. Every horror story, every
campfire tale, every bit of myth, legend, and holy
scripture—it’s real, it’s dangerous, and it’s probably
right behind you. Sasquatch roam the forests of the
Pacific Northwest, a bokor down in the swamps of
Louisiana is raising an army of zombies, and toe-
hungry monsters do, in fact, live under your bed.

    Text from John 1:1-5 and “Unsubstantiated:

Autobiography of the Holy Spirit”

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

In your time with the Brotherhood, you’re likely “Demon Hunters” isn’t just a catchy nickname.
to come across any number of supernatural creatures It’s what we are. The Brotherhood was founded,
that could kill you. Each species has its own particular first and foremost, to protect the mortal world from
quirks and oddities. Know how to kill a basilisk? No? the agents of Hell. In that regard, the Brotherhood
Why should you? I mean, how often does a rooster has no equal. You can thank the generations of
hatch a snake egg anyway? And if you do come across Hunters that came before you that you’ll never
one, that’s why we give you a Cipher. The have to face the nastiest evil ever shat out
Brotherhood Database is filled with handy of the Pit: Earthwalkers. Demon princes
tips for identifying and obliterating every so powerful and nasty that Satan didn’t
possible form of evil, so don’t feel safe with them hanging
sweat the small stuff. around. Banished from Hell,
That said, you can’t go P urple Ninja say: “Footnotes are like the Earthwalkers were well
running to the Database every ninjas lurking quietly in the text, waiting on their way to making
time you encounter an enemy. to pounce with information. Except instead humanity their bitch. Over the
10 A working knowledge of
your most common foes is a
necessity in the demon hunting
of ‘text,’ it is ‘shadows,’ and instead of next 13 centuries, countless
‘information,’ it is ‘agonizing death.’” Brotherhood soldiers gave
their lives to spare mankind
business. Which brings us to the from the scourge of the
Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

Big Three: Earthwalkers. Thanks to their valiant sacrifices, the

last of the Earthwalkers was killed over a thousand
V ampires ,W erewolves and , years ago, so you’ll never have to worry about
D emons —O , M !h y meeting one of them. Ever.
The great thing about the classics is that there’s Demonic influence is alive and well in the world
very little left to teach. If you’ve walked past a today. While the Treaty of Acheron forbids Celestial
television in the last 50 years, chances are good that or Infernal representatives from direct action in the
you know how to kill a vampire. Say it with me now: human world, leave it to Satan to find loopholes. Your
stake, fire, sunlight, beheading. Those all definitely main demonic threats will be in the form of either
work, but most people neglect to include “high half-breeds or possessions. If you’re really, really
explosives” and “massive trauma to the head” in the lucky, you’ll never come across an actual demon.
short list. Do enough damage, and even the strongest Don’t count on being that lucky.
bloodsucker will stop twitching. Garlic and holy stuff While half-demons aren’t entirely human,
pisses them off pretty good, too, but before you they aren’t considered a power of Hell either, so
go buying crucifixes in bulk, make sure you actually they’re free to act in the mortal world. Human in
believe in the symbol. A Jewish Hunter bearing a appearance, they usually exhibit some demonic traits,
crucifix is a tasty treat for a vamp, but switch the such as discolored skin, vestigial tails or horn buds.
cross for a Star of David, and that leech is one crispy HDs tend to be stronger than most humans, and
critter. they’re completely fireproof. Although these guys are
Werewolves are slightly trickier. First of all, aggressively recruited by the Order, there’s nothing
“Lycanthrope” is the preferred term around the inherently evil about them. Some half-demons live
Brotherhood, seeing as they aren’t always wolves. completely normal lives: nine to five job, house in the
In fact, any mammal can carry the werevirus. The suburbs, loving wife and two half-demon kids. There
Brotherhood Database holds records of infections are even a few HDs in the Brotherhood, though like
ranging from your standard werewolves and any supernat agent, they deal with a fair amount of
werebears, to the more exotic werejaguars and mistrust from other Hunters.
werechimps, to the downright cuddly werehamsters Possessions are tricky. A demon can exert
and werepandas. In any case, the strategy is the its control over any living creature, and they get
same. Shoot it, stab it, blow it up, but make sure away with it due to a technicality. Since they aren’t
silver’s involved somewhere, because lycanthropes
regenerate like nobody’s business.  This is a literary device known as “foreshadowing.”
 Yeah, it’s still half. Those demon genes are crazy

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

becoming corporeal, it isn’t considered “direct issue to vampire agents. These sunsuits will keep
action” according to the strict terms of the treaty. you pleasantly not-on-fire in even the brightest
Bullshit, you say? We tend to agree, but our hands sunlight.
are tied. As long as the demon’s riding a meat- At the Brotherhood, we believe it’s never too
puppet, he can raise all kinds of hell. At the core, late to make amends.
they’re still human, so you can’t just kill them. Better
to restrain the victim and call in a Brotherhood
mystic for an exorcism.
Every now and then, some crazed sorcerer or
The Good Guys
The dearly departed only make up a small
deranged megalomaniac gets his hands on the rituals portion of Heaven’s population. Apart from the
for demonic summoning. We try to keep those work of few key saints, all of the day-to-day business
things out of circulation, but as hard as we try, the of Heaven is taken care of by the Angels. Be thankful
Order is working just as hard to distribute them. you’ll never encounter these guys during your mortal
One or two are bound to slip through the cracks, lives. Sure, the Archangels are gorgeous. Sort of like
and when that happens, you’ve got a full-blooded,
honest-to-badness demon on your hands. Once
that demon is called to earth, it can pretty much
a hair band with wings. But the rest of these
guys … you thought demons were weird looking?
How about the Ophanim? Four giant wheels covered
do whatever it wants, and it isn’t in violation of in eyes that never blink? Or the Cherubim? Forget

Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

the treaty. If your team should ever come across a that Renaissance crap with the fat, winged babies.
summoning, call in backup. Then have your backup We’ve got no idea where those things came from.
call in backup, because there will be casualties. The real cherubim look like someone stepped on
a petting zoo, with all kinds of animal faces sticking
R efor med B ad G uys out of a big ol’ ball of wings. Heaven can be a weird
Now don’t get us wrong. Vampires, place. Thankfully, once you get there, those sorts of
werewolves, even demons, they aren’t inherently things won’t bother you anymore.
evil. Evil isn’t something you can be born with or Of course, thanks to the Treaty of Acheron,
infected by. It’s a choice, plain and simple. And it’s the Angels are bound to the same limitations as the
not the supernatural creatures that we’re opposed Demons regarding earth. No direct intervention in
to. The Brotherhood exists to fight evil in all its the affairs of mortals is allowed. Like the demons
forms, not to commit genocide against entire though, Heaven found a way around the rules.
species. Evil is a choice, and the Brotherhood Every now and then, one of the less savory
welcomes all who choose otherwise. elements of Angelic society will head down to
The Brotherhood has a large number of non- Earth on a day pass, hit the bars, and end up
human field agents who use their unique talents shtupping some poor, unsuspecting mortal woman.
to battle the forces of Hell. Demon Hunters with Nine months later, out pops a Nephilim, and the
special needs are well cared for. Brotherhood deadbeat dad is nowhere to be found. Officially, the
scientists have developed a cure for the werevirus. Brotherhood top brass has to condemn this sort of
While it won’t reverse any changes that have already behavior, but secretly, they love it.
been made, it will halt the progression of the virus. A Nephilim is like a bottomless vessel for divine
Lycanthropic agents tend to be excellent trackers, energy. Their halos, though invisible to the naked
with stamina that can’t be beat. eye, shine like the sun in the ultraviolet spectrum. A
Our vampiric agents are not neglected either. halo directs the flow of divine energy into the body,
While there is no cure for Vampirism, and the allowing a Nephilim to perform holy feats impossible
drinking of human blood will not be tolerated by for normal warriors. Healing, regeneration, even
the Brotherhood, we can help combat the Thirst. resurrection are possible for a Nephilim. On the
Vitamin V, an artificial blood substitute, provides our downside, the halo does release constant low levels
hemovore hunters with all the nutritional benefits
of human blood, without that pesky cannibalistic
stigma. Also, special full-body uniforms are standard
 Which Brotherhood vampires have derisively
nicknamed “battle burqas.”

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

of radiation. It’s not enough to cause problems, but it wasn’t a vampire that just attacked me. Must have
does mean that all Nephilim suffer from early onset been a trick of the light that made me think I saw
male pattern baldness. Even the women. fangs.” And so, the victim gets back to his normal,
boring life, free from worry about the things that go
T r aitors bump in the night. It’s really amazing how resilient
Every war has its turncoats, and this one is the brain can be.
no exception. Hell has its fair share You can’t always count on these things
of Angels who have fallen from grace. to take care of themselves though. Enter the
Azazel, Sammael, even Satan himself cover-up. Convincing the victim that what he
were all, at one time, saw wasn’t really what he saw. All
members of the Heavenly the old standbys are represented
Choir. Falls are rare these P urple Ninja say: “Those who here. “It was only a dream,” “I
days. The Angels have seen do not know history are doomed to didn’t see anything, you must be
what happens to those who
repeat it. Those who do not know math crazy,” “We’re just headed to a

12 rebel against Heaven, and are

all the wiser for it.
are doomed to low-paying jobs.”

No, the real danger these days is that of traitors

costume party,” “Hey lady, get off
the movie set, you’re blocking the
shot.” Each one’s a classic.
within the Brotherhood. It wouldn’t be the first Since wetworks are off the table (what with
Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

time such a thing has happened either. Remember us being the good guys and all) the final option
Pompeii? That is the sort of thing that can happen available is recruitment. The Brotherhood is a
when an agent of the Order successfully infiltrates big organization, and there are always positions
the Brotherhood. Other attempts at infiltration open somewhere. Some of the most decorated
haven’t been so successful. The discovery of a double Brotherhood soldiers have been normals who
agent among the ranks of Chapter Alpha One during stumbled into this world unknowingly. Of course,
World War II prevented the Nazis from releasing an most of those people either end up in the steno pool
Elder God from its transdimensional prison. You can or staring down the wrong end of a werewolf, but
never be too paranoid. hey, at least we gave them a chance.

Clueless Mortals
Lord, what fools these mortals be. Going about
their everyday lives like they aren’t surrounded
So most everything you know about the world
on all sides by the foulest of nightmares. They say is wrong, or at least incomplete. History looks pretty
ignorance is bliss, but passing through the belly different when you look at it through the prism of
of a bugbear isn’t exactly what I’d call a blissful the Celestial War. Here’s some details you probably
experience. Still, orders from Brotherhood HQ are missed:
quite clear on the matter. The general public will
remain clueless to the fact that we, or the horrors
we battle, even exist. Agents of the Brotherhood
have saved the world from total annihilation dozens
Mythic History
A Lot B.C.—Lucifer, favored among the angels,
of times, and the world at large remains none the refuses God’s command to bow down before Man.
wiser. God exiles Lucifer from Heaven. Lucifer organizes
That’s not to say that accidents don’t happen. one-third of the angelic Host in open rebellion against
Occasionally a member of the public will get himself God. He and the other angel revolutionaries are, in
tangled up in some nasty supernatural business. If he the immortal words of the First Testament prophet
manages to survive the encounter, we’ve got several Isaiah, “pwned and disowned.” The Archangel
ways of dealing with the situation. Michael tosses Lucifer out of Heaven. Lucifer falls
Ideally, the victim will simply reason away what down, down, down to Hell, and face-plants into the
he’s experienced. The human mind is very resistant
to change. It can go to great lengths to keep the
status quo. “Since vampires can’t exist, that obviously

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Lake of Fire at roughly 800 miles per hour. Despite On the battlefield, the Israelite army faces
having lost the War, Lucifer and the rebel Host slavery or obliteration if no one answers Goliath’s
remain quite dangerous. challenge. With the safety of his people in jeopardy,
A Little Less B.C.—Lucifer sneaks into the a young man named David, son of Jesse, confronts
Garden of Eden, assumes the form of a snake, and Goliath. Goliath smashes him with a boulder. Luckily,
manipulates Eve into eating the fruit of the Tree of David was never conscripted, and thus did not
Knowledge. God casts Adam and Eve out of the represent their army in an official capacity. Michael
Garden, and seeks to destroy Lucifer, who hides hires a dimension-and-time-hopping mercenary,
from the Lord. calls him “David”, and sends him in to fight Goliath.
Even Less B.C.—It is God’s plan that mankind “David” Nukes Goliath.
be able to make decisions for itself, outside of the With the Treaty of Acheron broken, the hosts
influence of divine beings. God and Lucifer come of Heaven and armies of Hell are now free to act
to an accord; Michael and Lucifer sign the Treaty of directly in human affairs.
Acheron on the banks of the River Acheron. This ~935–800 B.C.—The first real test of the state
accord states that neither the Heavenly Host nor
the armies of Hell may directly interfere with the
progress of mortal development. The Archangel
of earthly affairs without the Treaty occurs during
the confrontation between the prophet Elijah and
the priests of the Archdemon Habab, also known as
Michael sneaks a clause into the Treaty allowing Ba’al.

Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

God to send angels as messengers to mortals, and At Mount Carmel, the priests of Habab attempt
thereby to give mortals powers as God to invoke Habab’s power. However, Michael had
sees fit. Lucifer is enraged, and to this assigned an angel to seduce Habab. Habab did not
day continues to recruit lawyers to respond to his followers, as he was busy “visiting the
prevent himself from being taken Valley of Milk and Honey10.” Elijah petitions the
advantage of in the future. Lord to manifest His power. The
Lord complies. The Israelites

Ancient abandon Habab and kill his


~990–985 B.C.—The
~300 B.C.—After roughly five
hundred years of guerilla warfare, Lucifer
surrenders to Heaven. Michael and Lucifer meet
armies of the Hebrews and to sign the Second Treaty of Acheron, which states
the Philistines meet in the that angels and demons may not directly interfere
valley of Elah. The Philistines in the affairs of Man. This Treaty remains in effect
present a champion to face a to this day. There is a caveat that each side may
Hebrew in single combat. Their recruit mortal agents to work on their behalf.
champion, Goliath, is quite obviously Lucifer interprets this to mean that demons
not human—he stands nine feet tall may enter the world if invited—either
and carries over 600 pounds of armor. directly, through summonings, or indirectly,
He is clearly at least half-demon. This through possession. Lucifer adopts the name
directly violates the Treaty of Acheron. Satan, which means “enemy.” The Lord
The Archangel Michael confronts is displeased that Michael did not foresee
Lucifer. Lucifer testifies that he has not Lucifer’s interpretation of the treaty. Michael
given permission to his demons to begins drinking.
father mortal children, and hence
cannot be held responsible.
    It is unknown whether the real David survived the
boulder attack to become King David. Scholars
speculate that another son of Jesse assumed his
name. It is unlikely that the mercenary replacement
    The anniversary of this date is known as “Tossover,” became king.
and is celebrated throughout Hell despite Lucifer’s 10    9th Century B.C. slang for “getting one’s freak on.”
repeated banning of the holiday. Another was “anointing my head with oil.”

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

299 B.C.—In order to protect Man, God ~1 B.C.—God gives the same assignment to
mandates the creation of a brotherhood of mortal Gabriel, one of Michael’s officers and a veteran of the
agents. He commands Michael to recruit mortals Celestial Wars. Gabriel succeeds after inflicting only
to their cause. This organization is dubbed the minor mental trauma on a group of shepherds.
Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch, named after the Attributed 0 B.C.–33 A.D.—Jesus happens.
beacon that guides worthy souls to the afterlife11. ~67 A.D.—Peter, formerly Simon, brother
The Brotherhood agents—most commonly referred of Andrew and son of Jonah, and disciple of Jesus,
to as “Demon Hunters”—are tasked with protecting is crucified by Nero’s Rome. Upon his arrival in
humanity from, and keeping humanity unaware of, Heaven, he is given the Keys to the Kingdom of
supernatural dangers. Heaven, a powerful holy artifact.
299 B.C.–88 A.D.—The Brotherhood has ~75 A.D.—The Archangel Michael, on a super-
no central command, and no clear mission. The bender, relieves himself in Moses’ beard. God grows
Archangel Michael begins neglecting his duties. The concerned.
mortal operatives of the Brotherhood are essentially 88 A.D.—Thieves hired by the demon prince

14 left to fend for themselves. With no clear direction

or leadership, Brotherhood Chapters undertake
whichever missions their members see fit, and
Blathk steal a piece of the Celestial Torch. Michael—
who had been passed out in a puddle of his own
vomit during the theft—is sacked. God sends Michael
separate Chapters often wind up operating at cross- to rehab and appoints St. Peter Director-General of
Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

purposes. the Brotherhood. Peter sets the Brotherhood’s affairs

298 B.C.—Enraged that Satan signed a treaty in order, and clarifies its mission: As a demon hunting
with Heaven, thirteen of the most powerful Demon organization, they will fight not only the supernatural
Princes attempt a coup in Hell. They are ultimately agents of Hell, but also those mortals operating with
unsuccessful. Satan ejects the conspirators from Hell’s mandate. The Brotherhood begins functioning
Hell and severs all formal ties to them. These as an effective organization, and flourishes under
exiled demons become known as the Earthwalkers. Pete’s administration.
Because they had no affiliation with Hell, they were 157 A.D.—Satan makes Blathk his main advisor
not bound by the Treaty of Acheron and were free for mortal affairs, and appoints him to the task of
to interfere with mortal affairs. The Brotherhood forming a group of mortal agents to oppose the
hunted down and killed the Earthwalkers before Brotherhood. Satan imbues the stolen piece of
the end of the first millennium A.D.12. All but one the Celestial Torch with his power. It becomes the
Earthwalker is accounted for. That last one has been Infernal Scepter, a powerful artifact of evil and symbol
off the radar for a thousand years and is presumed of Satan’s mandate. This marks the foundation of the
dead. Order of the Infernal Scepter.
157–299 A.D.—The Order of the Infernal

Pretty Damn Old History

~ 4 B.C.—Because the Second Treaty allows
Scepter is well organized, well funded, and well on
its way to kicking the ever-loving crap out of the
Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch. With only minor
for mortal agents, God is able to manifest his effort, the Order is able to keep all Brotherhood
full divinity in mortal form. God commands the activity occupied while the Order insinuates itself into
Archangel Michael to appear before Mary, a Jewish existing governments, and helps to arrange war and
virgin, and tell her that she will bear in her womb destruction across the world.
the Christ. Michael, quite drunk, appears before a ~299 A.D.—During the reign of the Emperor
fishwife in Japan, and tells her that her womb will Diocletian, a Roman Tribune named George—
bear carp. Michael is sued for sexual harassment. secretly a Demon Hunter—travels through Libya.
Word reaches him of a terrible beast plaguing
11    Many people who have near-death experiences the nearby village of Cyrene. Though the precise
recall seeing a bright light in the distance, and feel details of the battle are lost, it is known that George
compelled to “walk towards the light.” That light is the
discovers this beast’s weakness by accident, and slays
Celestial Torch.
12    There is compelling evidence to suggest that Satan it. The beast, later referred to as a dragon, is actually
gave the Brotherhood vital intelligence that helped the outcast demon prince Abraxas. George becomes
them track down and eradicate the Earthwalkers.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

the first Brotherhood agent to slay an Earthwalker. possesses the Empress Dowager of China’s Ch’ing
Diocletian later has him beheaded, and he becomes Dynasty. Under his influence, the Empress backs the
the martyr known as St. George, patron saint of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, a secret society
herpes.13 called “the Boxers” by the West.
313 A.D.—Brotherhood mystics “create” 1900 A.D.—The Empress Dowager orders
the Well of Knowledge, the precursor to the all foreigners in China killed, sparking the Boxer
Brotherhood Database. Through complicated Rebellion. Order is restored when international
mystical rituals, the Well—which contains the forces from many countries take Peking. The influx
accumulated memories and knowledge of thousands of international forces gives the Order of the Infernal
of Brotherhood agents—allows Brotherhood-trained Scepter an easy way to unite many of its agents
mystics to tap into and share the information stored without attracting Brotherhood attention. Thus
inside it. Well-users can also add or alter existing begins the dark time known as the Era Infernalis, the
information to adjust its accuracy.14 However, after height of the Order’s influence and reach, when the
several alterations made by Order agents lead to Order inflicts crippling damage on the Brotherhood’s
Brotherhood fatalities, an oversight committee is
established to review all additions and changes to the
numbers and resources.
1914 A.D.—Archduke Franz Ferdinand is
assassinated by Gavrilo Princip of The Black Hand, a
~ 999 A.D.—During the reign of Byzantine secret society dedicated to the unification of Slavic

Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

Emperor Basil II, prince of the Macedonian territories under the rule of Austria-Hungary. In
dynasty, the last of the Earthwalkers is defeated by truth, covert Brotherhood agents of the faction
Brotherhood agents outside Constantinople. None that would later become the Sisters of Divine
of the Demon Hunters survive the battle, so no Retribution dupe Princip and the Black Hand into
official record of a kill exists. killing the Archduke. The agents target Ferdinand
999–1700 A.D.—With the death of the final because he is of demonic descent, despite his efforts
Earthwalker, the Brotherhood is free to focus more to live a normal mortal life free of the influences of
of its forces on fighting the Order of the Infernal his ancestry. Most of the other supernatural secret
Scepter. The Order finds itself outmatched and organizations consider the Sisters to be responsible
retreats to the shadows. The Order begins to for the Great War.
operate more clandestinely, infiltrating Brotherhood 1914–1947 A.D.—The height of the Era
Chapters and disrupting their operations. Despite Infernalis. With the multitudes of wars raging around
their efforts, the Brotherhood flourishes, and the world at this time, combined with access to
gradually expands its focus to include all manner of modern travel and communication technology, the
supernatural threats to humanity, not just those that Order of the Infernal Scepter is more organized and
originate in Hell. coordinated than ever before. The Brotherhood
1835 A.D.—Early Brotherhood Mad Scientists, of the Celestial Torch spends most of its time
modifying some of the Golem-creation rituals, create concealing the presence of Order activity from the
the first proto-Ciphers. These semi-human savants world at large. The Order uses the chaos to destroy
can directly access the Well of Knowledge without much of the Brotherhood’s structure, resources,
need of the ritual, no matter where their location. and personnel. Eventually, a werewolf is convinced
to defect from the Order to the Brotherhood, and

20th Century History

1898—After bargaining with the demon Glasya-
with his information, the Brotherhood attacks and
destroys Order Central Command. This marks the
end of the Era Infernalis.
Labolas, the Order sets in motion events that allow 1945 A.D.—St. Peter decides that turnabout is
many of their agents to secretly come together in fair play, and attempts to broker angelic possession.
China, forming a Central Command from which all He succeeds, infusing an angel’s spirit into a
Order operations can be conducted. Glasya-Labolas newborn child.
1947 A.D.–present—As the Brotherhood
rebuilds, so does the Order. The Order reorganizes
13    It’s true. Look it up. itself into independent cells, so no single strike by
14    Much like the modern Wikipedia.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

the Demon Hunters can shut down their operations. substance, providing them with enough material to
Though the Order had suffered dramatic losses, the energize Mad Science experiments for at least three
damage it wrought undermining the Brotherhood decades.
during the Era Infernalis has left its agents on more or 1994—Using the newly refined science of
less equal footing with the Demon Hunters. cloning, the Mad Science Monitor creates a half-
1947—Brotherhood mystics and Mad Scientists lizard/half-robot which they name There-Is-No-God-
collaborate to create the Brotherhood Database, zilla. The Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch and
a central technological/mystical repository that Sisters of Divine Retribution work together to stop
replaces the Well of Knowledge. Ciphers—each one the creation before it destroys the Kii Peninsula, site
built with a hard uplink to the Database—become of many temples and religious centers in Japan.
standard issue equipment to all Chapters. Later 1996—The French government manages the
Ciphers are outfitted with Wi-Fi, a GPS system, and first recorded secular authority termination of a
satellite radio. supernatural being of great power (threat level three
1964—As part of its rebuilding efforts, the or greater). At the Muroroa Atoll, site of over 30

16 Brotherhood approves the controversial practice

of incorporating supernatural Hunters into their
ranks. This policy meets fierce resistance and causes
years of French nuclear testing, they manage to kill
Scylla, the Greek beast of legend. The creature,
having relocated to the Pacific shortly after World
a schism. Several all-female Chapters secede from War II, apparently receives greater sustenance
Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

the Brotherhood and form the Sisters of Divine from nuclear energy than regular food. The French
Retribution,15 an organization dedicated to hunting bomb it until it bursts from over-indulgence. The
down all supernaturals, not just those who pose an French government believes they have destroyed
active threat—and that includes supernatural Demon a genetically mutated colossal squid, a supposed
Hunters. The Sisters and the Brotherhood have product of the nuclear detonations at Hiroshima and
occasionally worked jointly on missions, though a Nagasaki.
great deal of mistrust remains between the groups. 1997—Two bodies of the dead members of
The Sisters do not have the Mandate of Heaven. the Heaven’s Gate cult go missing; residual mystical
1965 A.D.—The angel-child, now a young man, energies are detected at the site of the body
hits the London music scene, and soon becomes snatching. An investigation reveals that the mystic
very popular. Agents of the Order fear that the man power used to sneak into and out of the facility was
may unite humanity through his music. The Order mild, suggesting a dabbler in mysticism rather than a
threatens to possess countless mortals if the angelic full-blown warlock.
presence is not revoked. The Accord of London 1998—The largest disaster in modern
is negotiated between the demon Blathk and St. Brotherhood history occurs when most of the
Peter, agreeing that neither side will engage in divine members of the Brotherhood’s top Chapter, Alpha
possession. The angelic spirit is removed, leaving the One, are killed in a fight with a sea demon off the
young man entirely mortal, though still the cream of coast of Vancouver, British Columbia. Only four
the musical crop. members survive, one with permanent mental
trauma. Though the exact details are unknown, the

Recent History
1980–1989—The 80s. No one in the
brunt of the blame falls on Alpha One’s leader, who
has since been shamed and demoted. This event
becomes known as the Vancouver Disaster, and is the
supernatural world likes to discuss the 80s. No one. disaster that all Brotherhood failures are measured
Move along. against.
1991—A nuclear power plant in Takaimura, 2003—An unknown operative uses mystic
Japan accidentally releases an alarming amount of powers to steal pieces of a newly discovered flying-
radioactive water into the surrounding environment. dinosaur fossil in northeast China. Psychic imprint
The Mad Science Monitor collects much of the evidence suggests this crime to be perpetrated by
the same culprit behind the body theft in California
six years prior.
15    Known in Brotherhood circles as the “Nuns with
Guns,” but NEVER let them hear you call them that…

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Now—A few key ley lines in North America until the establishment of a native African Chapter in
are shifting their positions at an alarming rate. They Kenya in the 19th Century by Sayid Samoei. Blending
appear to be set to form a three way nexus in the with local culture, the Chapter grew quickly and
Puget Sound region of Washington State, which found itself with many allies against the great demons
would create an area of immense mystic power. of Africa.
After the end of European colonization, African

Terrestrial Geography Chapters were the most stable entities on the

continent. Many looked to them for leadership,
but were disappointed by the lack of response.
Africa The Brotherhood’s aim has never been to govern
The earliest evidence of the Brotherhood’s or rule, only to protect. The current seat of
influence in Africa continent can be found in the Brotherhood leadership in Africa is still in Kenya,
22nd dynasty of Ancient Egypt. One of the first with headquarters sitting at the base of Mount
major Chapters outside of the territory of the Kilimanjaro. Much of the focus remains on hidden
Roman Empire was founded under the reign of
Pharaoh Shoshenq I16. Shoshenq’s campaign through
Palestine brought opportunity for the fledgling
demons all over the continent that have been
awakened by several ongoing civil wars. But the
Egyptian Chapters remain intent on keeping curious
Brotherhood to expand its borders beyond the archaeologists from accidentally resurrecting Set or

Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

Jordan River basin. Assimilating quickly into the his demon servants.
polytheistic Egyptian society, the Brotherhood
gained influence over both Egyptian politics and A merica ,N orth
religion. The agents of Egypt led the fight against The discovery of the New World was a blessing
the demon prince Set, his servant Aphoph, and his in disguise for the Brotherhood. Long bogged
throngs of human worshippers. In legends told much down by the politics and endless petty struggles
later, the leader of the Egyptian Chapter and his of European royalty, they were happy to hunt
wife, both murdered by Set, were granted status as outside of the Old World’s sphere of influence.
gods among the Egyptians. The tale of Osiris and Isis Demon Hunters were among the colonists at the
is still told today. After the Romans conquered Egypt first settlements in America in the 1600s. The new
in the first century B.C. under Octavian, American Brotherhood sought out the native
the Chapter was absorbed into the peoples and learned their legends and the
Roman-controlled Brotherhood. Despite dark truths about the land that stretched
its support of the Egyptian out far to the west. Despite
people, the Chapter was in the complete annihilation
direct opposition to both P u r p l e N i n j a s a y: “The demon catches of the Brotherhood’s first
Cleopatra and Mark Antony. you and peels off your skin. You die.” North American base at the
This allowed the Roman Roanoke Colony by a tribe
Brotherhood to peacefully of hungry Wendigos, the
integrate their North African counterparts into the Demon Hunters endured. The New World held
thriving system. many secrets that the Brotherhood was anxious to
Later Chapters in Africa had little success against explore. Throughout the development and growth
the vast demonic forces of the Dark Continent. They of the United States, the Brotherhood watched and
were sent with missionaries into deepest Africa to encouraged its evolution into a powerful nation.
investigate the presence of great mythic creatures The Brotherhood’s modern base of operations
reported by previous visitors. Acting with the in North America is a giant underground bunker
arrogance of those who believe they know what’s beneath the city of Rugby, North Dakota. Rugby is
best for others, the Demon Hunters were not located almost directly between Bismark, North
accepted by most African cultures and found little Dakota and Winnipeg, Manitoba17. Why does
help from native tribes. Mutual indifference persisted

17    Right past the sign that says “Welcome to Nowhere.

16    Identified as Shishaq in the Torah. Now Entering the Middle.”

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

such a small town house the largest contingent of action. They have found strange bedfellows in some
Brotherhood power on the planet? Because it sits of the Amazon’s evil inhabitants in an attempt to save
in the exact geographical center of North America. everyone’s home.
From this point, Chapters are dispatched to mete out
pain upon the evils that pop up all over the continent, Antarctica
from the Chupacabra in Mexico to Canada’s Like the rest of the world, the Brotherhood
Ogopogo. paid little attention to the vast Antarctic wasteland
The Brotherhood maintains major Chapters prior to the 20th Century. It wasn’t until the R’lyeh
in Washington D.C., Mexico City, Ottawa, and has emergence of 1925 that the importance of the
a significant presence in any very highly-populated southernmost continent became apparent. With no
area. The political arm of the Brotherhood lobbies Brotherhood members stationed within 3,000 miles
the three major governments of North America of the sunken city, the human race might have been
to work in subtle ways for the forces of good. The wiped out completely, had the dread lord Cthulhu
Order keeps lobbyists for the same purpose. The not decided to hit his cosmic snooze button and

18 current political state is seen as an even draw. Both

organizations have faltered recently due to a third,
unexpected group: big corporations who are more
sleep for a few more centuries. Consequently, a
permanent Brotherhood garrison, equipped with
seismic monitoring and rapid-deployment air strike
ambitious than the Brotherhood and more devious capabilities, was established on Siple Island off the
Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

than the Order. Both sides have called a minor Antarctic coast.
political truce to try and deal with the situation. Antarctica is also home to one of the
Brotherhood’s longest ongoing battles. In the final
America, South days of World War II, the Thule Society—a branch
Much like Brotherhood Chapters in Africa, of the Order comprised of 60 of Hitler’s top mystics
Demon Hunters first came to South America with and occult scholars—escaped Germany aboard an
Spanish missionaries to unlock the secrets of the new experimental U-boat, bound for the Nazi’s Antarctic
continent. Exploration into the native cultures of the base at Neuschwabenland. Their goal: Drill through
Incas gave the Brotherhood great insight into the the Earth’s crust into the inner-earth land of Agartha,
creatures dwelling in the dark of the Amazon. unite with the Agarthan master race, and together
An early discovery by the Brotherhood was a conquer the earth in the name of the Fourth Reich.
spiritual abscess located deep in the Amazon Basin. Though the U.S. Navy attempted to capture the base
Called Uca Pacha by the Incans, this dark place held during Operation Highjump in 1946, they succeeded
the horrors of myth and legend. A half-demon only in destroying the Nazi’s drilling equipment. Since
named Supay commanded a force of evil creatures then, the Thule Society has attempted multiple raids
that constantly tormented the native population and on the Agarthan entrance caverns at the South Pole,
the new arrivals alike. The Brotherhood mobilized but Brotherhood soldiers stationed at the Amundsen-
its forces within the Spanish fleet and battled Scott Station have fought them back every time.
Supay’s minions. The horde of naga and giants,
complacent after hundreds of years of oppressing Asia
defenseless locals, were completely unprepared for In the first century B.C., the first Brotherhood
the Brotherhood assault. The Demon Hunters rolled Chapter assigned to Asia trekked across the Silk
over them and destroyed Supay, sending him back to Road for India and China. The presence of demons
Hell. in the Asian mythos was too great a temptation for
In recent years, the Brotherhood’s efforts in the Euro-central Brotherhood to ignore. A bevy of
South America have focused on conservation of the Demon Hunters were sent out to discover the truth
land itself. While demons and denizens of the dark behind the myth.
places of the world make their home in the Amazon, The advent of Buddhism and Taoism in
they respect the power of the rain forest and treat Asia supplanted earlier religions and aided the
it with due reverence. The same cannot be said for Brotherhood in establishing a foothold with the
man. The clear cutting of the Amazon rain forest people of Central Asia. Hunters mixed with the
has mobilized the Brotherhood to a different type of populations in the great cities of Beijing and Delhi,

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

working as monks in the temples of the Shao Lin. Over the next centuries, the Brotherhood
Soon, the Brotherhood’s focus changed from worked closely with Aboriginal shamans to become
traditional European-style fighting to a martial arts closer to the natural order of the world. Many
approach to demon hunting. Demon Hunters visiting Australia expect to meet
The presence of demons (or Yaoguai) was some dashing blonde agent wearing crocodile
evident throughout Central and East Asia. During the skin and carrying a large knife. Today’s Australian
Tang Dynasty, eight Brotherhood agents in Asia were Brotherhood remains a more spiritually driven force,
called to defeat a trio of powerful demons. Immortal relying heavily on shamanistic magic to aid in battle.
Woman He Xiangu, Royal Uncle Cao Guojiu, Iron-
Crutch Li Tieguai, Lan Caihe, Philosopher Han Xiang Europe
Zi, Elder Zhang Guo Lao, Zhongli Quan, and Lu Despite beginning in Asia Minor, the
Dongbin—their leader—did battle with the White Brotherhood found its strongest base in Europe.
Bone Spirit (Bai Gu Jing), the Bull Demon King (Niu The foundation of the Catholic Church in Rome led
Mo Wang) and Lady White Snake18. Today, only to wide-sweeping changes across the continent.
legends exist of the battle in mainland China, but
tales of the Eight Immortals and the divine powers
held by each are still written in Chinese literature.
From as far back as stories go, ancient evil resided
in the cold reaches of the dark European forests and
mountains. After defeating the monster Grendel,
The current Brotherhood stronghold in the creatures of the Black Forest catalogued by the

Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

Asia is in the bustling city of Hong Kong. Major Brothers Grimm, the Dragon of Silene, and many,
Chapters operate throughout the region and help many others, the Brotherhood established a firm
maintain spiritual order in the area. Much of the foothold in Europe.
Brotherhood’s technological advances in the last After the end of World War II, the Brotherhood
50 years came from Chapter Zeta Six, stationed in eradicated what was left of the Order’s bases in
Tokyo. Their unique precision in combining magic Europe. Modern Europe is loosely united under the
and technology aided in the invention of Portable European Union—an invention of the Brotherhood’s
Pocket Dimensions and the current Cipher. political arm—allowing for much easier travel for
Demon Hunters. The Order’s presence remains
Australia low, but the constant threat of monsters and ancient
The Brotherhood’s forays into the Outback creatures bubbling up through modern cities keeps
began with British colonization in the late 1700s. The the Chapters on their toes.
Brotherhood had been aware of the existence of the
continent for some time prior to its “discovery” in
the 1600s, but had little information concerning the
new continent’s secrets. At that point, interference
Celestial Geography
seemed untimely. With the arrival of a large number Hell
of Europeans, however, the Brotherhood had a Hades, Neraka, Gehenna, Xibalba—call it
perfect cover to explore the continent and learn of what you will, it all comes down to the same thing.
its indigenous people. Hell. Literally, it’s all the same thing. Over the past
The first Chapter to arrive learned learned of a several millennia, via mergers, buyouts, and hostile
menace to the Gunai tribe of Aborigines. They called takeovers, Hell has taken over the underworlds
this creature the Nargun. It was a creature made of nearly every world religion, past, present, and
of stone that resembled a woman, and would lure future. Eternal suffering and damnation is a growing
unsuspecting men to their deaths. The men of the business, and Hell holds the monopoly. Fire, ice,
tribe had attacked the creature; it routed them. The darkness, light, solitude, multitudes, Hell’s got it
Chapter moved in immediately, knowing a Gorgon all. From Hell’s capital, Lake of Fire City, the Prince
when they heard of one. They killed the Nargun and of Darkness manages the afterlives of billions of
earned the respect of the native peoples of Australia. damned souls.

18    Remember these names. You will be tested.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

portal every now and then. Brotherhood mystics
Heaven on the other hand would feed you some lines about
Ah, the Celestial City. The most exclusive channeling their chakras or becoming one with the
gated community in the universe. Its golden universe, or something, but the answers pretty much
streets and crystal spires play host not only to the boil down to one thing: magic. Magicians like to seem
heavenly choirs, but also to Brotherhood Command all mysterious, but the fact is, they’re probably not
Central. It’s truly a marvel of celestial engineering, really sure how it works either. Not Ritual Magicians
and the words of mere mortals could anyway, but more on that in a moment. First:
never do it justice. If you’re ever in the science!
neighborhood, you should really stop
by for a visit. Of course, if T echnology
you’re in the neighborhood, Honestly, we’ve got no
you’re probably close to the P urple Ninja say: “She blinded me idea how scientists in the “real”
end of your career with the with science! Ho-ha, ho ho, ha ho!” world get anything done at all,

20 Brotherhood. Sorry about

that, hope you had a good run.
Regardless, the most impressive part of the building
what with their control groups
and their ethics boards and their
peer-reviewed publications. No thank you! Whatever
is the view. High upon its promontory, the eternal happened to sewing a guy’s head onto a monkey’s
Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

flame of the Celestial Torch shines out as a beacon of back to see what would happen? That’s why we at
goodness and hope, illuminating all of Heaven. It’s the the Brotherhood fully support the efforts of the Mad
light at the end of the tunnel, calling wayward souls Science community.
home to bask in its radiant glow. The Torch is the Thanks to Mad Science, Brotherhood technology
reason we fight and the reason we gladly lay down has remained 20 to 30 years ahead of the rest of
our lives for the cause. We fight to keep that flame the world for the past two centuries. Our latest
burning bright, so that one day, when our part in this Cipher models are fully lifelike cybernetic androids
battle is at an end, we can follow it home to rest in with an assortment of protective technologies that
the warmth of its glorious Light. would put the military to shame. Each one comes
preprogrammed with a variety of fighting styles—

Mad Science and both armed and unarmed—and is a fully capable,

independent member of a Brotherhood Chapter.

Mystic Arts
As far as the general public is concerned, the
Thanks to medical advances made by our
science team, Brotherhood agents remain an active
part of the team post-injury, or even post-mortem.
world makes sense. And for the most part, they’re Gene therapy and therapeutic cloning techniques
right. Earth’s dimension is firmly based in science. are used to replace everything from damaged tissue
Physical laws control the way we interact with the to entire organs. More extensive damage can be
world around us. You can’t fly, you can’t turn invisible, repaired bionically. And, if worst comes to worst,
and you can’t pull a live rabbit out of your tiny hat. our top scientist Herr Doktor’s Reanimate program
Can’t, can’t, can’t, can’t, can’t! is showing incredible promise. Even if you can’t
What are you talking about? Of course you can! live on, part of you might go into building the next
Though, to be fair, there are disagreements as to the Brotherhood supersoldier.
exact methods one should use to accomplish these On the weaponry front, the Brotherhood can’t
things. The Brotherhood’s scientists would argue be beat. From pulsed energy projectile cannons to
that anything can fly if you strap a big enough engine EMP hand grenades to portable prison dimensions,
to it, invisibility is easy if your clothing is made of a our R&D department works night and day turning
metamaterial with a refractive index equal to that of out the latest in demon hunting gear. And for the
the surrounding air, and fitting your hat with a portal Luddites out there, we manufacture plenty of blades,
to a pocket storage dimension means you can pull as blunt instruments, and good old gunpowder-based
many rabbits out of your hat as you could possibly weapons to whet your appetite for old-fashioned
want, as long as you don’t forget to hose out the destruction. All of these weapons and more are

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

available from the Warehouse, an extradimensional
storage space, accessible via doors hidden all over Ritual Magic
the world. More on that later. And then there’s the easy way: Ritual Magic,
And now on to Science’s distant and estranged better known as brute force! If you want liquid
cousin, Magic. lightning, or a skeleton army, just make it happen!
Sure, the natural order of the universe might
Quantum Magic resist, but screw it, just muscle through! Whereas
First of all, put down the wand, Dumbledork; Quantum Magic focuses on making the improbable
the mystic arts don’t work that way. We live in a probable, Ritual Magic has the benefit of making the
world of science. Quarks and leptons make up impossible possible. If you can dream it, you can do
atoms, which make up molecules, which make up air it with Ritual Magic.
and rocks and tapirs and cheese sandwiches. There’s Of course, there’s a down side. Cramming
no room for magic in our physics. that kind of “shouldn’t exist” into the world takes
There are, however, ways around this rule. You a lot of energy, energy that has to come from
can bend it, or you can punch a big gaping hole right
through it. Surprisingly, bending it is the hard one.
It’s called Quantum Magic, and technically it’s
somewhere. The “somewhere” in question tends to
be an extradimensional source. Demons, dark gods,
and ancient forgotten evils are the usual suspects.
not magic at all. It’s more like probability shifting. At These sorts of characters are always out there,

Chapter One: A World of, Dimness

a quantum level, there’s no reason why you couldn’t drifting through the space between worlds, listening,
manifest a dragon or shoot lawn darts out of your waiting to be summoned. Call up the right one, and
eyes. It’s just that the likelihood of that sort of thing limitless dark energy can be yours for the taking …
happening is almost infinitely improbable. Almost. for a price. And this sort of energy doesn’t come
You can’t learn Quantum Magic; it’s just cheap. Whether it’s power, riches, or blood, it will
something you’re born with. Practitioners are always cost something. Additionally, Ritual Magic
somehow built differently, specially attuned to the isn’t a quick fix. Those dark gods can be extremely
quantum state of their surroundings. With time picky about the details. The pentagram has to be
and training, a Quantum Magician can learn to in a perfect circle! Did you bless that salt? No,
manipulate the elementary particles of reality. With ironwood isn’t an appropriate substitute for witch
nearly unlimited powers of creation and destruction, hazel, dumbass! Proper Ritual Magic takes time
a quantum magician is a formidable foe. and preparation. Field agents tend to half-ass their
Thankfully, quantum magicians are rare. Since way through it, but that sort of thing can have dire
the dawn of mankind, there have been a couple consequences.
thousand at most. For the most part, quantum Yes, the Brotherhood employs its fair share of
magicians have tended towards benevolence. The mystics, wizards, shamans, and sorcerers. And yeah,
Indian siddhar Bhogar used his powers to create some of them draw from some pretty dark power
medicine for all the people of Chennai. A bloodline sources. There’s even a necromancer or two in
of holy men living at the base of Uluru in the the ranks. We admit, it’s a bit of a tricky, gray area,
Australian Outback have used the gift of creation but as long as their powers are being used for the
song to provide for their village for thousands of forces of Good, we tend to look the other way. The
years. And a guy named Jesus made fish sandwiches exception to the rule is human sacrifice. No mystic
for a bunch of people one time. On rare occasions, arts in support of Good could ever require the death
when a quantum magician chooses to use his powers of a human being. On this rule, we do not bend.
in the aid of evil, the results can be cataclysmic. Just
ask the Atlanteans.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter Two:

t’s not as dark as it should be. I blew all the overhead lights when I came to, but the soft, blue

22 glow of my eyes is bright enough to show me where I am. Concrete room, about 10 square feet,
one door, no windows. My wrists and ankles ache where zip-ties bind me to a heavy plastic chair. I
wiggle my fingers, trying to call up a spark. Nothing. They’ve got me grounded. This is bad.
I sense them behind the walls. It’s been so long since I’ve been in civilization; I’ve forgotten the feeling. Buzzing.
Humming. Calling out to me. Power lines. Phone. TV. Internet. Security system? Now it’s getting interesting. I close
my eyes and follow the call of the wiring.
I travel through the system, getting a feel for the shape of it. This is quite a setup. The whole facility is wired for
surveillance. I scan through the streams, trying to figure out who these people are.
“—you ever tried to get zombie guts out of upholstery? I tried baking soda and—”
“—croMoniComSat is picking up a massive release of orgone energy coming from—”
“—finally caught Faraday, sir; the Ohio electrokinetic.” Whoa, that’s me. Better stay with it.
“The lad who caused the blackout in 2003?” A new voice; a raspy, Scottish brogue. “That’s excellent!”
“Yes sir, unfortunately he didn’t go down easy. The kid put on quite a light show. I’ve got one man in critical
condition, and a few others with minor burns and shocks.” The voices are fading, they must be on the move. I feel
around, find them coming up on a security camera. The image fills my mind. Looks like soldier boy hasn’t had a
chance to change clothes. Scorch marks mar the otherwise clean lines of his Kevlar vest.
“You think it was intentional?” The Scotsman isn’t what I expected. The wild shock of graying hair and unkempt
beard don’t jibe with the tailored business suit. He walks with a cane, but doesn’t seem to need it.
“I don’t think so, sir. It looked like he was shooting to miss. My man only got hurt when he tried to grab him.” He
passes the Scotsman a thick folder. “We’ve got his medical workup here, sir.”
“Fascinating.” The older man flips through the folder. “Dendritic response off the charts, electrolytes way out of
balance. Incredible!”
“Check out the EKG, sir. That’s his activity level when he’s unconscious. The boys in the lab are baffled.” They’ve
passed out of camera range again, but I don’t need it anymore. They’re almost at the door.
Snap decision time. The tranquilizer has left me with a serious case of dry mouth, but I think I can get a shot
off. There’s only going to be one chance at this. The door swings open. It’s the Scotsman. I reach deep inside for the
spark, charge up the saliva in my mouth, just enough to stun. I let it fly.
With a wave of his cane the electro-loogie stops in midair, less than an inch from his face, and falls to the ground
sputtering. Creases form at the edges of his eyes as the old man roars with laughter. “Expectrocution? Brilliant! You’re
a fighter, lad. That I can respect.” He pulls up a chair, sits down across from me.
“Mister Faraday, my name is Kincaid McHarg. How’d you like to save the world?”

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

All right recruits—listen up! If you’re going to then you probably should consider making a mostly-
fight demons, vampires, dark sorcerers and Elder normal character. If the group as a whole seems to
Things, you’re going to need a Demon Hunter. This want to hunt vamps, then you probably shouldn’t
chapter will teach you everything you need to know make your Demon Hunter an amateur bloodsucker.
to dive right into the waiting jaws of fieldwork When it comes down to it, noob, this is going
with your Chapter! The actual rules here are easy, to be about you. Make sure you’re playing a Demon
but if you want to survive long enough to get your Hunter you think is fun—and that the whole group
first mission, think on this a bit. Demon hunting is can live with.
dangerous business. The type of people who get
involved here are stupid, reckless and probably
shanghaied into it brave, talented, and willing to die
for their cause.
Creating a New Chapter
When a Chapter forms, they’re likely to be
Sometimes several times. a group of raw noobs thrown together for their
first trial mission. Think of it like throwing a bunch

Characters & Story

Brotherhood archives are packed with case
of ingredients into a food processor: A good mix
will produce nice, smooth results. A bad mix, or
someone forgetting to put the lid on, and you get
details about Demon Hunters engaging splattered over the landscape, a pulpy mass
with the enemy, and in every one of those of unrecognizable … stuff. So make sure
cases, the Demon Hunters in question everyone is on the same page—you’ll all be

Chapter Two: Recruitment

have their own strengths, weaknesses, and learning together!
quirks. Just as their personal Of course, it’s possible
backgrounds, experiences, you might be starting out
and attitudes decided how P u r p l e N i n j a s a y : “The early bird get the as long-timers, people with
those missions turned out, worm. But second mouse get the cheese.” some experience and a few
the same is true of the scars. This is their starting
training simulation you’re level, which the Game
about to play. Master sets at one of three options: Recruit, Veteran,
Whether you and your colleagues take on the or Seasoned Veteran.
roles of Harkadian, Silent Jim, and their companions
or come together to represent your own Chapter of R ecruit
the Brotherhood will set the course for your story. This is the default starting level. You’re hopefully
Think of the training simulation as a “role playing competent within your field of specialty, or at least
game” in which your Demon Hunters are the central have the sense to keep your head down until you
characters. What Demon Hunter you put together can get your bearings. New Demon Hunters, most
is entirely up to you, and this role playing game gives regular mortals, and very minor supernatural folk
you the freedom to let your imagination grab the usually qualify for this level—you’re just cutting your
reins and drive for a bit. eyeteeth, possibly on those around you.
Of course, there’s some back-and-forth here, A Recruit starts with 42 Attribute Points, 62 Skill
too—Demon Hunters isn’t a game about star ships Points, and 0 Trait Points (read on to see how these
or dragons or stuff like that. That won’t help you work).
out there against the enemy, now will it? No, this is
a groundbreaking, full-on training simulation. Talk V eteran
to the group, especially the Game Master who’ll be Ok, if you’ve lived this long, you might actually
running your game, before you start making a Demon have a shot at something big someday. You’ve seen
Hunter. What type of story does everyone want to some field work, busted some demonic skulls here
play in? If the Game Master is plotting out something and there, and maybe stapled a vamp to the back of
about a group of mortals who get sucked into a hunt, his coffin with a handy table leg. True expertise at
what you do is possible, and you can probably claim
minor training in several fields.
  I.e. death

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Demon Hunter Creation
If you’re an old hand when it comes to training simulations (or, if you like, role playing games), here’s a quick
rundown of how to create a Demon Hunter, without the lengthy explanations:
1. Set Starting Level: The Game Master chooses what level of power the Demon Hunters start with. If they
are Recruits, they get 42 Attribute Points, 62 Skill Points, and 0 Trait Points. If they are Veterans, they get
48 Attribute Points, 68 Skill Points, and 4 Trait Points. If they are Seasoned Veterans, they get 54 Attribute
Points, 74 Skill Points, and 8 Trait Points.
2. Buy Attributes: All characters have six Attributes: Agility, Strength, Vitality, Alertness, Intelligence, and
Willpower. Each Attribute is given a rating of a die type, from d4 to d12. These are the minimum and
maximum for starting Demon Hunters—later on, they can advance to higher ratings or through accident fall
to lower ones. During Demon Hunter creation, the cost in Attribute Points matches the die type, so a d6
Agility costs 6 Attribute Points, and a d10 Strength costs 10.
3. Buy Traits: Players spend their Trait Points on Assets, and can gain more Trait Points by taking
Complications. Each Demon Hunter must have at least one Complication and one Asset. Assets are listed

24 with a set of possible die types, and can only be purchased at those ratings (see Chapter Three: What
It Takes for details). Complications give players more Trait Points to spend, equal to the number of points
their die type would cost (so a Complication with a rating of d4 would give the player 4 Trait Points to spend
on Assets). Demon Hunters cannot start with more than 30 Trait Points gained from Complications.
4. Buy Skills: Players spend their Skill Points in almost the same way as they did their Attribute Points.
However, they start out at d0, and can be purchased at d2. General Skills (like Guns or Athletics) can only
be raised to a maximum of d6. After a General Skill hits d6, Specialties can be purchased under that General
Skill. Essentially, a Specialty continues the General Skill advancement, beginning at d8. Starting Demon
Chapter Two: Recruitment

Hunters cannot have more than d12 in any one Specialty. A General Skill of d6 in Guns costs 6 Skill Points,
and it would cost 2 Skill Points to have a Specialty in Pistols of d8, and another 6 to have a second Specialty
in Rifles of d12.
5. Calculate Derived Attributes: Find your total Life Points by adding together the maximum result of your
Vitality and Willpower dice, and include the effects of any Traits that alter Life Points. Record that on your
Demon Hunter sheet. Then find and record your Initiative as Agility + Alertness + Traits that alter it. Keep
in mind that Initiative, unlike Life Points, uses the dice, and is not just a static number.
6. Finishing Touches: You may need to “acquire,” “find,” or purchase gear, depending on the game you are
playing in. Then flesh out your Demon Hunter with personal details: What does he look like? Does he have
any family? Where are they from? Have they been killed yet? Go as deep as you like into his background and
history—the more detailed he is, the easier it can be to get to know and play him.
Once you’ve got your Demon Hunter, there’s no reason to hang around here all day. The adventure begins.
We ride!

A Veteran starts with 48 Attribute Points, 68 Skill Concept

Points, and 4 Trait Points. Once you’ve got a starting level, you need a
concept. The starting level gives you the beginning
Seasoned Veteran of the game’s mechanics and numbers to describe
By now you’ve actually made a name for your Demon Hunter, but the concept gives you some
yourself. This can be good, this can be bad—you flesh to hang on that skeleton—and whether it is
know what you’re doing, but you probably pissed off mortal, Hunter, or undead flesh makes a whole lot of
some people learning it. Hopefully your advanced difference.
knowledge will keep you alive long enough to get Once you’ve decided on a general type of
them before they get you. Demon Hunter, which might be decided by the
A Seasoned Veteran starts with 54 Attribute nature of the simulation or the consensus, then
Points, 74 Skill Points, and 8 Trait Points. you get to the real meat of it (to continue the flesh
metaphor). So you’re a Demon Hunter! Do you
specialize in werewolves? Do you want to be a
badass with serious authority problems, or maybe
you think it’d be fun to be a coward with some good

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

tricks for running and hiding? Does your Demon of about the same age, height, weight, and so on—so
Hunter have some affinity with certain supernatural what makes them so different from one another?
creatures that hunting them has caused, like RM does Their Attributes.
with vampires or Albrecht does with shape-shifters? Attributes are the game terms that describe the
Thinking in these terms will help sharpen your basic physical and mental makeup of the character.
mind and focus your goals as you prepare for real They are used in almost every roll of the game, and
fieldwork. represent fairly broad categories of natural ability.
The concept doesn’t have to be really detailed. The physical Attributes are Agility, Strength, and
Just try to nail down a basic idea, something you Vitality. The mental ones are Alertness, Intelligence,
can describe in one or two sentences. It can change and Willpower. Each Attribute is given a rating
later if you get a better idea, but it’ll help if you have of a die-type—the larger the dice, the better the
something to work with when you move on from this Attribute. Humans average out at around d6 in
point. everything. Someone with an Intelligence of d4 might
go off alone to investigate that strange noise they
Nationality, Ethnicity, and
Since most Hunters are more or less human,
heard; someone with a d10 Intelligence would be
more likely to send a henchman first.
Normally, there are limits to how high
you might not have much to decide here, but you a single Attribute can be when your Demon
should give some thought to where you came from. Hunter is created (see below), but it is possible
The good ol’ U.S. of A, Great Britain, the Australian for experienced Hunters to grow beyond those

Chapter Two: Recruitment

Outback—a Hunter could be from (and be based) limitations. Once the game begins, Attributes can be
almost anywhere. raised indefinitely. Also, Attributes cannot start at a
However, if you have a very unusual origin, level below d4. It might sound harsh, but people that
talk it over with the Game Master. Humans aren’t inept won’t last.
necessarily the only option—but this is a game about When creating a Demon Hunter, you start out
people, so they’re the baseline. If you want to play with a number of Attribute Points determined by
a wisecracking, smarmy little gnome who’s a foot your starting level (which the Game Master should
high but good with a lockpick, maybe the Game have picked by now). To keep things simple, buying
Master will allow it, but you have to build the Demon an Attribute die costs Attribute Points equal to the
Hunter just like any other: by taking the appropriate die type you want to purchase.
Attributes, Traits, and Skills. For example, you’ll likely be starting off at the
For a non-human Hunter, your best bet is to level of Recruits—better than the average person
choose Traits very carefully—think about what on the street, but with plenty of room to grow, and
bonuses and penalties you should have, and clear a lot left to learn. That gives you 42 Attribute Points
them with the Game Master. Completely inhuman to spend, so you won’t be able to make all your
Hunters are much, much more rare than Hunters Attributes exceptionally high; you’ll have to pick and
who are just partly supernatural. It’ll be easier to choose. If you’re dead set on playing the brains of the
make a Demon Hunter who’s picked up some wolf-
like tendencies, or an unhealthy fixation on blood, Table 2.1: .
then it would be to play a leprechaun or carnivorous Attribute Die Costs
space fungus—those characters are often best left to
Die Type Point Cost
the Game Master to control as supporting characters.
d4 4
Attributes d6 6
Harkadian is smart, fast, and strong-willed
d8 8
enough to resist the call of the Darkness; Ned is
easily frightened, uncoordinated and not the most d10 10
observant. They’re both humans (more or less … ) d12 12
d12+d2 14
d12+d4 16

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Random Attribute Generation
Sometimes a little chaos can be fun—and sometimes you might have trouble coming up with character concept
you like. In case you want to start with randomly assigned Attributes, possibly so you can then try to fit a
concept to them, here’s how to do it:
1. Find your Starting Level: You start with the same numbers of points, just like everyone else. However,
here the dice types are already assigned. Go to the appropriate list on the table below.
2. Roll to Assign Values: Grab a d6. Starting with Agility, assign one of the die values from your list to each
Attribute, rolling randomly on the list to choose the value each time. If you roll a number you’ve already
assigned, roll again. When you’ve assigned values to all but one Attribute, simply assign the last die value,
since rolling is unnecessary at that point.
3. Roll to Modify: Roll the d6 once more, and find the corresponding Attribute. The choose one of the
following options: 1) do nothing, 2) increase the chosen Attribute by 1 Step, while reducing another
Attribute by 1 Step, or 3) reduce the chosen Attribute by 1 Step, while increasing another Attribute by 1
Step. In no case can you modify an Attribute to be higher or lower than Attributes are normally allowed to

26 start.
4. Reject or Accept: This is an optional set of rules! You should never be forced to accept a character you
think you won’t have any fun playing. You can decide to accept these randomly generated Attributes, re-
randomize, or choose them manually.

Table 2.2: Random Attribute Generation

Chapter Two: Recruitment

d6 Roll Recruit (42) Veteran (48) Seasoned (54)

1 d10 d12 d12
2 d8 d10 d10
3 d8 d8 d10
4 d6 d6 d8
5 d6 d6 d8
6 d4 d6 d6

operation, you might want to go ahead and set aside

10 points to buy an Intelligence of d10 right away, P hysical A t t ributes
before starting on the rest. And don’t be a wise- Take a moment to review your Demon Hunter
ass—you can’t buy a type of die that doesn’t exist, so concept and think about how he operates. If he’s
no d7s or d5s! better with his body than his brain, then physical
As a raw Recruit, you can’t start with any Attributes are what he needs most.
Attribute higher than d12. However, to reflect Agility covers quickness and physical
their greater experience, Veterans can start with coordination, both in terms of balance and hand-eye
Attributes that run as high as d12+d2, and Seasoned work. A high Agility lets your Demon Hunter shoot
Veterans can go as high as d12+d4. Don’t worry, a vampire bat out of the air before it can escape
though. Regardless of what your Attributes look out the window. A low Agility means he might fall
like when you start, they can all improve later. through that window when he trips on his own feet.
Unfortunately, they could also be (temporarily or Strength represents the physical brawn of your
permanently) reduced through accident, even below Demon Hunter, how much muscle he has and how
a d4! well toned it is. A high Strength lets him kick down
doors, throw a solid punch, or bench press more

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

than the other guy. A low Strength might give him comparison, get some idea as to who is qualified for
trouble with the kickback of even a small pistol, and what job, but that’s nothing more than numbers. A
make it difficult to carry luggage. real Demon Hunter needs more than that. Without
Vitality measures general toughness and health. his whiny, incomprehensibly useless nature, Ned
A Demon Hunter with high Vitality will be hard to would be just a boring accountant. If he didn’t have
take down, and even harder to keep down; he can a desire to do the right thing, Harkadian would
drink all night, work all day, and take hits that would probably just give up—but instead he has the will to
put down a lesser person. If he’s got low Vitality, keep going and leadership ability to put up with Ned.
though, he needs to watch himself near sick people, In the Demon Hunters Role Playing Game, these
and probably avoid highly dangerous work. qualities are called Traits.
Traits help define some of the more important
M ental A t t ributes aspects of your Demon Hunter’s personality,
All right, then, if you think you’re so personal history and background, friends
smart, you’ll want good mental Attributes and enemies, and secrets. They aren’t a
instead of physical. Keeping your
mind on the job and having that
actually help things will be difficult
replacement for a character
concept or description, but they
P u r p l e N i n j a say: “Use dark do help bring some of those
if you don’t put any points here. dice with dark numbers so Game more nebulous personal qualities
Alertness represents Master cannot read them. Then lie into play. They also let otherwise
your Demon Hunter’s ability to like you are running for office!” human Demon Hunters tap into

Chapter Two: Recruitment

observe, understand, and intuit some aspects of the supernatural
what is going on around him. A world—be careful to review what
high Alertness score lets him hear someone sneaking Traits you choose with your Game Master, because
up on him, detect the lies in a politician’s speech, and he might not want you using some of the more shady,
pick up on the subtle cues that someone around him unreal ones … at least, not right away.
isn’t entirely human. A low score might let him miss Traits come in two types: Assets, which are
the bite marks on his own neck. primarily positive and grant you some assistance or
Intelligence gives a measure of simple edge, and Complications, which make life a little
brainpower—your Demon Hunter’s ability to think, harder most of the time. Both can help define your
reason, and remember. A high Intelligence makes him Demon Hunter, give you some guidance on how to
bright, inventive, and capable of dealing with complex role play him, and make game play more fun! Like
information. A Demon Hunter with a low Intelligence Attributes, Assets (but not Complications) can be
score might need to consult a dictionary on a regular bought in a variety of die types, but many of them
basis, and will probably make an ass of himself most have a more limited range. Some Traits can be
of the time. purchased in die types of d2+, making them available
Willpower represents your Demon Hunter’s at any level—these would be purchased just like your
determination, how forceful his personality and Attributes, but using Trait Points instead of Attribute
will are. If he has a high score in Willpower he can Points. However, other Traits can only be purchased
more easily resist intimidation, torture and hardship, within a smaller range, like d6–d12, (which could
convince someone to do what he wants through be bought at the levels d6, d8, d10, or d12) or only
sheer charisma, and push himself further than most at certain specific levels, such as d2/d6/d10. These
would expect. A low Willpower would make it easier differences are explained again in Chapter Three:
to take advantage of him, push him around, and even What It Takes, where you can see all the available
kill him. Traits defined and explained.
You may not start with any Trait Points, and in
T raits fact Recruits start with 0 by default. That’s where
A list of Attributes can give you a rough idea Complications come in. While Complications also
about your Demon Hunter, but they don’t really give provide you with a key method for earning Plot
him any more personality than a diploma or Katana Points later (see Chapter Four: We Ride for more
Wielding Certification. You may find some basis for details), during Demon Hunter creation they also

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

provide you with more Trait Points. A Complication Like Attributes and Traits, Skills are rated as die
provides you with Trait Points equal to the die type types, starting with a d2 and progressing upward.
it is listed as, so a Complication rated at d8 gives you Like Attributes, Skills theoretically have no upper
8 points to spend on Assets. However, be sure to limit—but there is one hitch in the progression.
keep in mind that Complications aren’t just a way to Skills are divided into two types: General Skills and
get more Assets; they’ll have a heavy impact on the Specialty Skills.
Demon Hunter during game play, and can get him General Skills represent broad bases of
killed if he isn’t careful! Choose your Traits wisely, knowledge. They cover many individual activities,
keeping your character concept in mind and using the and let Demon Hunters be competent in a field
Traits to flesh it out and inspire more of it. without being particularly gifted at any one thing.
All Demon Hunters must start with at least one However, because they are so broad in scope, they
Asset and one Complication, and can’t start with any are also limited in depth: General Skills can’t advance
Trait rated higher than d12. You can’t gain more than beyond d6. Demon Hunters can purchase General
30 Trait Points from Complications. Skills normally from d2–d6, but if they want to

28 Skills
You’ve got your Attributes and Traits, now,
progress beyond that boundary, they have to pick
individual Specialties. Guns, Athletics, and Drive are
good examples of General Skills.
so you probably have a pretty good idea of what Specialty Skills are much more narrow and
your Demon Hunter is capable of and what you focused. ‘Guns’ is a General Skill, and lets you pick
want him to be able to do. His know-how and up, fire, and handle any small arms. However, the
Chapter Two: Recruitment

experience could be from a classroom, time in the Pistol Specialty only covers pistols, not shotguns,
field, apprenticeship in an industry, or sheer natural rifles and waterguns. The benefit of Specialties is
talent—but however they got it, it all gets used the that, in game terms, they pick up where General
same way. Knowledge and practice are given their Skills leave off—they start at d8 and progress
form in Skills. upwards from there, letting you keep improving.
Harkadian is an agile and strong person, Each Specialty you purchase has to be assigned
compared to the average, but his abilities with a to an appropriate General Skill, and you can’t
sword are well honed as well. Natural ability is purchase Specialties under a General Skill until it
great—and is often crucial—but even someone with has reached the d6 level. For example, Ned can’t
high Attributes doesn’t stand a chance against an have the General Skill Athletics d4 and purchase
average-joe who happens to have a much higher level the Specialty Skill Running Away d8. He would first
of training. Pay attention to what Skills are available, have to advance his Athletics to d6, then he could
think about what your Demon Hunter would have then buy any Specialties under Athletics—there is
picked up over the years (or days, depending) of no limit to the number of Specialties you can have
training. under a given General Skill. Also, Specialties have
no upper limit, save that Demon Hunters can’t start

Table 2.3: Skill Costs

Die Type General Cost Specialty Cost
d2 2 -
d4 4 -
d6 6 -
d8 - 2
d10 - 4
d12 - 6
d12 + d2 - 8
d12 + d4 - 10

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

with any above d12. So, to continue that example, While Recruits can’t start with any Skills higher
Ned could eventually learn enough about Athletics than d12, because of their experience Veterans can
to achieve the skills Athletics d6/Running Away start with Skills as high as d12+d2, and Seasoned
d12+d6/Climbing Trees d10/Dodge d10, given time Veterans can start with Skills at the d12+d4 level.
and determination.
To buy your Skills, spend your starting Skill Skill Rolls
Points like you did your Attribute and Trait Points. You won’t be using your Skills by themselves;
Just remember: You only need to pay for the General Skills complement your natural abilities. When you
Skill once, but the additional cost required by a roll a Skill die, you’ll always be rolling an Attribute die
Specialty under it needs to be paid for individually. as well (and sometimes a Trait die), adding together
For example, RM’s d6 in Melee Weapons costs 6 Skill the results, and hoping to beat the Difficulty number.
Points—but the Specialty of d10 in Bullwhip only However, no one Attribute is married to a given
costs an additional 4 Skill Points, since she’s already Skill; which combination you roll depends upon the
paid for the first d6. Adding in other Specialties situation. The Game Master might ask a doctor to
would work the same way: A d8 in Knife would cost
2 more Skill Points, and a d12 in Clubs would cost
6. General Skill of d6 (6 Points) + Specialty d10 (4
roll Alertness + Medicine to diagnose a patient, and
then Intelligence + Medicine to treat him properly.
If he gets involved in tricky surgery, he might start
Points) + Specialty d8 (2 Points) + Specialty d12 rolling Agility + Medicine. The details are all in
(6 Points) = 18 Skill Points total—things would be Chapter Four: We Ride.
much different if she had to pay for the whole die for

Chapter Two: Recruitment


Interpret the Numbers

So you’ve got a Strength of d6. Your Chapter Head doesn’t want to hear about dice—he wants to hear what the
dice mean.
A d6 in something is more or less average. For your Attributes, that means that you can expect most people to
have d6s in almost everything—Demon Hunters and major supporting characters are exceptions to that, but
most other people are pretty easy to peg. Having a d6 doesn’t make you bad at something, but it doesn’t
give you much of an edge, either. For Attributes, since you aren’t likely to have anything below a d4, that d4
represents something a fair bit below average. A d4 Intelligence doesn’t stop you from talking properly, but
it might make it difficult to follow a complex argument or give a coherent report to The Powers That Be. A
d4 Strength doesn’t mean you can’t lift yourself up, but it might make you a 90-pound weakling who looks
scrawny, gets his girlfriend hideously decapitated, and can barely carry a weapon, let alone use it. On the
other end of the spectrum, d12 represents the maximum that most people could achieve—not the extreme
end of human possibility, but the most common end of it, and a d12 is damn good. We’re a versatile lot,
especially when you take into account the type of people who survive as Demon Hunters. Never assume
you’re the best there can be. You might never see a tree with d12 + d4 Agility, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t
When it comes to Skills, the d6 average represents what the common working man who uses that Skill might
have. However, that does assume he should have one or two Specialties in the areas he personally works
in—a soldier might have Guns d6/Pistol d8/Rifle d10, for example, and a medic (even a poorly trained one)
probably has at least Medical Expertise d6/First Aid d8. The d6 is the base competency for a professional;
expert-level or professional-level ability means having a few Specialties above that as well.
In terms of Traits, these numbers become a little more abstract. There isn’t really a professional or average
level for Traits as a whole, especially for Demon Hunters. As the stars of the show, they tend to have more
resources (Assets) and problems (Complications) than most people! However, it’s a safe bet to assume that
almost every character, no matter how minor, has at least one Asset and one Complication. For supporting
characters, most will have about d6 worth of Assets and d6 worth of Complications.
Keep these things in mind when you make your Demon Hunter—don’t be afraid to have a d4 in something, and
don’t be afraid to push your limits, drive yourself above and beyond what others expect of you.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

U nskilled R olls cover before the grenade goes off? If it’s possible,
No matter how hard you try to plan and you’d likely be rolling your Initiative against the
prepare, you won’t always have all the Skills you need grenade thrower’s attack roll, and hoping you win.
to get a job done—or even survive. Hand Ned a gun Record your Agility + Alertness dice, along with any
and you’ll see what I mean. In situations where this modifications from Traits, as your Initiative.
happens to you, hope like hell that your Attributes
alone are enough, because that’s what you’ll be L ife P oints
rolling. These are a measure of how much damage
Of course, sometimes you might not be allowed you can take before falling unconscious or dying.
to roll at all—Ned can try firing that gun, Whenever you get fried by hellfire, punched
but he would just faint if given a scalpel in the junk, or fall down the stairs, you
and told to perform surgery. Some Skills accumulate points of Stun (nonlethal or
require training to use, and are temporary damage) and
marked in their descriptions. Wound (lethal or long-term

30 When it comes to these, you

can’t even attempt it without at
least a d2 of training. Common
P urple Ninja say:“The demon
sees through your ruse and rips
out your spine. You die.”
damage). When these equal or
exceed your Life Points, you
probably go down. You can find
sense should be enough to see your Life Points by adding up
that anyone could attempt most the maximum values of your
of the other Skills—you can be a bad liar, or a terrible Vitality and Willpower dice, along with any modifiers
Chapter Two: Recruitment

driver, and still try it. from Traits. For example, a Demon Hunter with d10
Vitality and d6 Willpower would have 16 Life Points.
erived ttributes See Chapter Four: We Ride for detailed rules
You have already made most of the choices on injury and healing—it might take time, but your
about your Demon Hunter by assigning his six main Demon Hunter can eventually recover from most
Attributes. Derived Attributes are created directly injuries.
from those choices, and don’t actually require you to
make any more decisions. Essentially, what we have G ear
here are two things: Your Demon Hunter’s Initiative, As a starting Demon Hunter, you are assumed
which determines how quickly he reacts to danger, to have the very basics—the clothes on your back,
and his Life Points, which tell you how much physical the tools you need, and a few small personal effects,
punishment he can take. You can see examples of along with a little cash. You might not even have
these on the Demon Hunter sheets for Gabriel’s those tools or personal belongings if your simulation
Chapter, Omega Fifteen, and for Harkadian’s is starting in a more restrictive setting, like the middle
Chapter, Sigma Thirteen. of a battle in the charred plains of some demonic
dimension ….
I nitiative Discuss with the Game Master what he thinks
This is a roll that decides who goes first, or Demon Hunters should start with. When you have
whether or not you can react in time. Do you make a general idea of what is acceptable, look through
the first wisecrack, or does the Earthwalker get
Chapter Five: The Warehouse, make a list, and
the drop on you and leave you groping for a witty check it over with the Game Master. Here are some
comeback? You make Initiative rolls at the start of guidelines to represent how much money your
combat or similar time-constrained situations. When starting gear might be worth:
the Game Master asks for an Initiative roll, he wants Recruits can start the game with up to $2000
you to roll your Agility + Alertness dice and total in large gear (used car, computer, rented apartment)
the results. Higher is better—you want to go first as and personal effects; not more than $200 can be in
often as possible! You might also make Initiative rolls personal effects or cash.
to determine your reaction time: Do you dive behind Veterans can start the game with up to $4000 in
large gear and personal effects; not more than $400
can be in personal effects or cash.
  Not that you should ever encounter an Earthwalker

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Focus Plot Points
on Character, In the Demon Hunters Role Playing Game, Plot
Not Numbers Points are the game’s primary reward for good role
playing, and represent the interaction of the Demon
So there’s all these little numbers and different Hunter and player with the story. Each Demon
types of dice listed on your Demon Hunter Hunter starts the game with 6 Plot Points; at any one
sheet—you have your Attributes and your Skills
and so on, and you know you’re going to be time, he can have up to a maximum of 12, earning
rolling dice at some point. But before you do, them for a variety of things. They can be spent at
take a bit to think about your Demon Hunter. almost any time during play, and can add bonus dice
Don’t think about him as “my Demon Hunter to rolls, reduce the damage the Demon Hunter
with d10 Willpower” or other collections of suffers from an attack, or even be used to directly
these game mechanics—think about him as
“Harkadian’s got what it takes—he can do alter or add elements to the story. See Chapter
what he has to, and good luck shaking his Four: We Ride for details on how Plot Points work.
The numbers are useful for keeping things fair, but
what’s more important is the reasoning behind
Plot Points are a vital element of the training
simulation, and as you play you’ll see more and more
opportunities to spend and earn them. Ideally, you,
those numbers. Why does your Demon Hunter
have those Attributes, Traits and Skills? The the other players, and the Game Master should
game’s rules are there to help you represent be trading Plot Points back and forth as often as a
the Demon Hunter who has sprung up in your Sister of Divine Retribution unloads her Glock. Plot
imagination—and they probably have a lot

Chapter Two: Recruitment

Points are there to make the game more fun for the
more life to them than a collection of numbers
on a sheet. Have fun role playing them, and players, especially at times when the Demon Hunters
don’t worry if the numbers don’t make you the are having a hard time of it, and having an ample
best at what you do in every single instance; supply of them and opportunities to spend them will
attitude is a lot more important. The story is
improve the game for everyone. Oh, and it’s worth
the key—this is a role playing game meant to
help build a story, and that’s a bigger deal than noting that Plot Points, especially when well spent
the dice. and used by the whole group, can lead to bonuses for
Demon Hunter advancement.
Plot Points are saved between sessions. Record
Seasoned Veterans can start the game with up how many you have left at the end of each session,
to $8000 in large gear and personal effects; not more and start off with that many next time.
than $800 can be in personal effects or cash. For more details on how Plot Points work, see
This isn’t a game about number-crunching or Chapter Four: We Ride.
making money, so players shouldn’t have to try
and track down real-world prices for comparison Character Development
or spend a lot of time trying to work out how You may be building your first Demon Hunter
much money they have left—that will only detract as a raw Recruit, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be a
from the group’s fun. Use the numbers above as Recruit forever. Just as you’ll discover in the field,
approximations, and (with Game Master approval on your Demon Hunter will have the opportunity to
large purchases) use approximations of real-world learn new Skills, discover or acquire new Traits,
prices! These specific numbers are just guidelines. and improve his Attributes. Hopefully you’ll also be
The Game Master should be sure that each Demon learning more about your hunter as you go along;
Hunter (and each Chapter or group) has appropriate this is a role playing game, after all, and getting into
gear based on their level of experience. He should your role is what makes things interesting. You may
adjust both the equipment available and starting cash not survive—you might be slaughtered horribly by
to match the background and story he has in mind. creatures of the night—but at least you’ll have the
For more details on gear, see Chapter Five: The chance to do better the next time! Out there in the
Warehouse. world, once a stain, always a stain.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Advancement in the Demon Hunters Role extraordinary level of ability that dice higher than
Playing Game usually occurs fairly slowly, but it d12 represent. If the Game Master feels this is too
happens steadily, over time. From attending sessions, complicated, he can dispense with this rule.
role playing well, and completing goals in the game,
you will earn Advancement Points which you can D ealing with A ssets and
spend to buy more Attribute, Trait, and Skill Points. C omplications
Spending these Points is, basically, the same as Complications can be gained (sometimes
Demon Hunter creation—but now you only need voluntarily), but they do not give you Trait Points
to add to or increase things, rather than start from after Demon Hunter creation. Once your Demon
scratch, so there are a few differences: Hunter is created, new Complications don’t provide
Between sessions you can increase one of your automatic bonuses like that; however, they do
dice (a single Attribute, Trait, or Skill) by one Step. provide you with more opportunities to earn Plot
The Game Master may decide that, if there’s a long Points, and otherwise work just like Complications
downtime between sessions (or during a session, chosen during Demon Hunter creation.

32 even) you can buy more than one increase, but

there usually isn’t time for that except during
extensive training. So, for example, if you have
A Complication can be taken off your
Demon Hunter sheet by spending its die
type maximum in Trait Points, just as much
an Agility of d6, you could increase it to d8— it would cost to purchase an Asset of the
but not immediately to d10, and same Step. For example,
nor could you simultaneously a Complication rated d6
P urple Ninja say:“Save Plot Points for would cost 6 Trait Points
Chapter Two: Recruitment

increase your Guns Skill from d4

Dramatically Appropriate Situations. If your to remove.
to d6. Choose one, and do the
Game Master is fair, he will reward good
other next time. When gaining or
storytelling. If he is not, call him a douche.”
For Attributes and Skills, losing any Traits (or
you pay the difference in Points even increasing your
between your current Step and the Step you are Attributes and Skills), you should try to role play
buying. During Demon Hunter creation, buying an the change, thinking carefully about how and why
Agility of d8 would cost 8 Attribute Points; when the change happened. Sometimes the Game Master
advancing the Demon Hunter, if you have an Agility might require you to play out the increase in the
of d6 (6 Attribute Points during Demon Hunter game; perhaps you can’t increase your Unarmed
generation), it would cost 2 Attribute Points to Combat Skill without finding a Tibetan master of
increase it to a d8. The total cost is the same either martial arts during play. Maybe you can’t buy an Asset
way, and so any increase of +1 Step should always for your Demon Hunter without first arranging for it
cost 2 of the appropriate type of Points. during the course of the training simulation, or you
For Assets, you may buy them at any level the can’t get rid of a Complication without first wrestling
Game Master agrees is appropriate, even if that with it. Of course, the game is about having fun;
means skipping a Step or two (or three). Some Game Masters should be open to the idea of letting
Traits are only available at high die types, so this is players buy the changes they want, and then working
absolutely necessary when buying those. Also, even them into the game as soon as possible—however,
for Traits that scale like Attributes, you and the Game the Game Master’s word is final.
Master should decide whether or not it makes the
most sense to gain it at the high level right away, or A dvancement oints P
to start out at a lower die type. Here, the game and You can spend Attribute, Trait, and Skill Points to
the situation should help decide. Then, simply pay the buy dice. And you can spend Advancement Points to
appropriate cost in Trait Points. buy those other Points with. But how do you do that?
And where the do the Advancement Points (or AP)
A dvanced R ule : E xceeding d 12 come from?
Dice above d12 cost double the difference—to
go from d10 to d12 always costs 2 Points, but to go
from d12 to d12+d2 costs 4 Points. This covers the

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 2.4: Advancement Point Costs
This... ...Costs This many AP
1 Attribute Point 8
1 Trait Point 7
1 Skill Point 3

G aining AP S pending AP
Advancement Points are awarded to players at Spending AP is easy. Between sessions, AP can
the end of each game session. Each Demon Hunter be spent to buy Attribute Points, Trait Points, and
in the group earns the same number after a session, Skill Points according to Table 2.4. Any unspent
and the amount gained can vary from 1 to 4 AP. This Advancement Points are saved, and should be noted
keeps advancement to a reasonable rate, and also on your Demon Hunter sheet.
both keeps things ‘fair’ and encourages teamwork
and group role playing, since the AP gained are
dependent upon all the players.
Example of Demon Hunter
The Game Master awards AP for the following
things: (An ordinary-looking office, with a table, a
Evolution: This is the basic award for playing laptop, scratch paper, and a copy of the Demon
Hunters RPG rulebook. Gabriel, Head of Chapter

Chapter Two: Recruitment

the game. Nothing stays the same forever, and so Omega Fifteen, is sitting across from a somewhat
Demon Hunters always earn at least 1 AP. ordinary looking man in track clothing.)
Good Role Playing: If, by and large, the role Gabriel: All right, Recruit. What’s your name?
playing, attitudes, and interactions of the players (and Fisk: Fisk, Sir.
Gabriel: All right, Fisk. It says here that I’ve
Game Master) let everyone have fun, and included
been assigned to help you prepare your Demon
at least some appropriate in-character ideas and Hunter for the Tabletop Combat Simulation. Have
role playing from everyone, add 1 AP to the session you done one of these before?
award Fisk: No, Sir.
Plot Interaction: Plot Points represent the Gabriel: That’s fine. There’s a first time for
everybody. So let me see. We’re supposed to start
major way that players can interact with the world
with a concept. This is you, so what’s your concept?
of the game and influence the story, whether they How would you summarize it?
are spending them to change the story or are earning Fisk: I’m not sure what you mean, Sir.
them (possibly from being changed by the story, Gabriel: A general idea of who you are. Helps
through their Complications). If the entire group us work out where to assign all of your points
and so forth. For instance, Harkadian’s an Occult
had a part in shaping the story this way—whether
Expert, Sparky’s a Tech Savant, Ned’s … well. He
through use of Plot Points to shape the story or just was an accountant, once.
through good play—add 1 AP to the session award. Fisk: Well, Sir, I did grow up on a farm in
The Story: If the players managed to move the Nebraska.
story along, either by following the action or finding Gabriel: Nebraskan Farmboy. There we go.
Good start.
their own, add 1 AP to the session award. They don’t
Fisk: Yes, Sir.
necessarily have to have been successful or doing Gabriel: So, Fisk, since you’re a Recruit,
the right thing to earn this bonus. Where’s the fun in that’s going to be your starting level for the
that? Simulation. That gives us 42 points to assign to
Attributes. Nebraskan Farmboy’s going to be pretty
brawny, right? You look like you work out.
Fisk: Yes, Sir.
Gabriel: Work with me here, Fisk. Each die in
an Attribute costs a number of points equal to the
maximum result on the die, and d6 is the average,
so take a look here at these six Attributes and tell
me which ones you’re going to be above average in.
Got it?

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Fisk: (Thinks about it for five minutes) Gabriel: Right. So. Anything stand out?
Alertness, Intelligence, and Willpower, Sir. Fisk: (Looks at the list for another five
Gabriel: What about them? minutes) Lightning Reflexes and Branded by the
Fisk: Above average, Sir. I think I would make Infernal, Sir.
those d8. Gabriel: Excuse me?
Gabriel: But those are all … Fisk: Looks like they come in various degrees,
Fisk: (Stares blankly) Sir. I’d say Lightning Reflexes d4 and Branded by the
Gabriel: … sure, that works. So, three Infernal d4.
Attributes at d8 costs 24 points, leaving you with Gabriel: (Looks at Fisk’s dossier) You’re half-
18. Shall we say, hmm. A d8 in Strength or Vitality? demon?
Fisk: I think d6 in all three, Sir. Fisk: Yes, Sir.
Gabriel: If you say so, Fisk. Very well. So Gabriel: And you didn’t see fit to mention this
that’s all 42 points spent, and your Attributes look earlier?
like this: Fisk: All cleared during the Psychiatric
Agility d6 Assessment, Sir.
Strength d6 Gabriel: (Clears his throat.) I see. Well. Yes,
Vitality d6 you can choose any die type you want for Lightning

34 Alertness d8
Intelligence d8
Willpower d8
Fisk: That looks right, Sir.
Reflexes, and Branded by the Infernal has various
set levels you can choose that provide a number of
… benefits … d4 in each? Fine. So, let’s take a
look at your Trait selection.
Gabriel: I’m not sure this really suits Branded by the Infernal d4 (includes Eerie
Nebraskan Farmboy, but I’m assuming you’re going Presence d4, Memorable d4, Allergy [holy] d2, add
to cover that base more in Traits and Skills. So let’s d4 to Strength and Immune [fire] d8)
move on. Lightning Reflexes d4 (adds Trait die to
Chapter Two: Recruitment

Fisk: Yes, Sir. Initiative and related rolls)

Gabriel: As a Recruit, you’ve got no points Pyro d8 (likes to start fires, a lot)
in Traits, so if you want to pick up any Assets Fisk: That ‘s right, Sir.
you’ll need to take an equivalent amount in Gabriel: (Shifts in his
Complications. Okay? seat.) Next up, Skills. Here
Fisk: Yes, Sir. you have 62 points to assign.
Gabriel: Let’s start off with You can put as many as 6
Complications, since those can give you into a General Skill, but to
points to assign to Assets. What sort get any more than that you’ll
of things do you imagine make your have to take Specialties.
life difficult? Nebraskan Farmboys Okay?
probably don’t have much to worry
about, although with the current
economic climate in the
Midwest, I’m thinking …
Fisk: Pyro looks good for
8 points, Sir.
Gabriel: Pyro? You like
to start fires?
Fisk: Seems like a good
fit, Sir.
Gabriel: Did you go
through Psychiatric Assessment
yet, Fisk?
Fisk: Herr Doktor said I was
just fine, Sir.
Gabriel: Well, all right. So,
Pyro d8. Anything else?
Fisk: No, Sir.
Gabriel: Moving on, then.
You have eight points in Assets.
There’s a whole lot here that
would suit your concept as a
… Nebraskan Farmboy. Are we
still with Nebraskan Farmboy?
Fisk: Yes, Sir.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Fisk: Yes, Sir. Gabriel: Huh. Well. Anyway, last few details.
Gabriel: Good. So, think more about your Initiative is Agility + Alertness, so that’s d6 + d8,
… pyromaniac half-demon Nebraskan Farmboy plus d4 for the Lightning Reflexes. Life Points is
concept, and pick out the Skills you think make the the maximum of your Vitality + Willpower dice,
most sense. I’d suggest Animals, maybe Drive and so that’s 6 + 8, or 14. Endurance is Vitality +
Mechanic? Willpower, so that’s d6 + d8, and Resistance is
Fisk: (Flips through rulebook, writes down a Vitality + Vitality … wait, where are you going,
list of Skills, hands the paper to Gabriel.) Here’s Fisk?
the list, Sir. Fisk: (Gets up out of his seat.) I’m expected in
Gabriel: Covert, with Specialties in Forgery, my Brotherhood Secrets That Should Be Protected
Sabotage, and Stealth? At All Costs class, Sir.
Fisk: That’s right, Sir. Gabriel: They have a class on that?
Gabriel: How does any of this relate to your Fisk: So I’m told, Sir. It’s on my schedule …
concept? I strongly advise putting some points into Gabriel: All right. Well, I hope this has been
Animals, Fisk. That’s not even on this list. a useful exercise, Fisk. We’ll see you in Tabletop
Fisk: Very well, Sir. I’ll make the changes. Combat Simulations soon, I hope. Send the next
(Five minutes later.) one in, will you?
Fisk: Revised list, Sir.
Gabriel: (Shakes his head) So, in summary,
your Skills are as follows:
Animals d4 (4 points)
Fisk: Yes, Sir.
(Fisk leaves. Enter a huge, hairy, tusked
Gabriel: … you are shitting me.
Athletics d6/Dodge d10 (6 + 4 = 10 points) Hairy Monster: Hello, Sir. I’m Bob. My
Covert d6/Forgery d10/Sabotage d10/Stealth Demon Hunter concept is “Surfer Dude with Heart
d10 (6 +4 + 4 + 4 = 18 points) of Gold.”
Guns d6/Assault Rifles d10 (6 + 4 = 10 Gabriel: (Exhales) All right, Bob. Take a seat,

Chapter Two: Recruitment

points) and let’s get to work …
Melee Weapons d6/Knives d10 (6
+ 4 = 10 points)
Unarmed Combat d6/Brawling d10
(6 + 4 = 10 points)
Fisk: I think that’s it, Sir.
Gabriel: Fisk, this doesn’t
look anything like a Nebraskan
Farmboy. In fact, I’m not even
sure this is the kind of thing
we’re looking for.
Fisk: Ichabod
said I was exactly
what he was
looking for, Sir.
… He did?
Fisk: Yes,
Sir. Right on the
money, Sir.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Gabriel Chapter Leader
Agility: d8 Skills &
Strength: d8 Specialties
Vitality: Athletics: d6
d8 Covert: d6
Alertness: d6 Stealth: d8
Intelligence: Discipline: d6
d8 Resistance: d10
Willpower: d10 Drive: d4
Guns: d6
Influence: d6
Life Points: 18 Leadership: d10
Initiative: d8+d6 Persuasion: d8
Knowledge: d6
Endurance: d8+d10 Religion: d8
Resistance: Melee Weapons: d6
d8+d8 Sword: d12
Perception: d2
From birth, the Brotherhood marked Gabriel for greatness. The child of an unnamed angel and Assets &
a mortal woman, Gabriel is Nephilim—half-angel. The Brotherhood whisked him away during his
childhood, right after he started learning how to tap into the divine energies that flow through him.
At the Academy, he shined. Every instructor cited his potential, his relentless drive toward perfection. Blessed: d4
Kincaid took him on as a private pupil and groomed him for command. And, at 21, Gabriel took his first Duty (Brotherhood): d8
assignment as Chapter Head of Gamma Three. Two years later, with a perfect service record (and the Friends in “High” Places: d4
fact that Gamma Three had been outshining most of the Alpha Chapters), Gabriel assumed command of
Idealist: d6
Alpha One. He had arrived. The boy the Brotherhood identified as one of its greatest had reached the
top tier. From here, he would write his legacy. And, unfortunately, he did. Infamy: d6
The Vancouver Disaster. Gabriel will never be associated with anything else. It doesn’t matter that Leadership: d4
he was the youngest Hunter ever to head Alpha One. It doesn’t matter that under his leadership, Alpha Marked by the Divine: d8
One destroyed more Infernal Scepter cells than the Brotherhood had since the end of the Era Infernalis. Reputation: d4
No, none of that matters. Prior to the Vancouver Disaster, Alpha One had never lost more than a single Rival (Ichabod): d6
Hunter in three years. On that fateful day, they lost five. And with those five died over a half-century of
elite demon hunting experience.
Stubborn SOB: d6
That Gabriel would lose his command was a given. The only question was what the Brotherhood
would do to him after the court martial. The Brotherhood rarely executes its own, but even though exile was the likeliest outcome, capital
punishment was on the table. When the decision came down, it shocked everyone. Gabriel was at fault. His negligence lead to Alpha One’s near-
annihilation. But rather than dishonorably discharging him or worse, they gave him another command—the command of an Omega Chapter:
Omega Fifteen, based in western Washington state, a region of zero paranormal activity.
This is worse than exile. The Brotherhood decided to keep him around as a reminder, an example, a warning to young Chapter Heads about
how far and how fast one can fall. For Gabriel, the shame is unbearable. He’ll do whatever he must to resurrect his name and put himself back in
good standing with the Brotherhood. He longs for a chance to prove his legacy wrong. And when that chance arises, nothing—not common sense,
not his own safety, nor the lives of his team—will keep him from his redemption.

Gabriel’s Chapter sword is a katana (d8 W). He wears a do-rag on his head to keep in the powerful radiation of his Nephilim halo, and his
Leather Jacket features conveniently placed duct tape for additional Nephilim restraint. Gabriel makes sure to keep his Communicross handy
at all times. Also on his person at any given moment are a 9mm pistol (d6 W, ranged increment 50 feet), a bullwhip (d2 B, range 10 feet, make
grapple actions at range), a utility knife (d2 W), and a faded menu from Dave’s Heavenly Cheesecake Delicatessen and Celestial Kenjutsu School.

Chapter Omega Fifteen

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
Silent Jim
Enigmatic Chronomancer
Skills & d10
Specialties Strength: d6
Athletics: d4 Vitality: d6
Covert: d6
Alertness: d8
Stealth: d10
Discipline: d6 Intelligence: d10
Concentration: d10
Willpower: d8
Guns: d6
Submachine Guns: d10
Pistols: d12 Life Points: 14
Influence: d6
Intimidation: d12 Initiative: d10+d8
Knowledge: d4 Endurance:
Perception: d6
Unarmed Combat: d6 Resistance: d6+d6
Assets &
Complications Summary
“Enigma” is stamped at the top of Silent Jim’s dossier. He’s the only Hunter with that on his
Dead Inside: d6 file—the stamp’s usually used for monsters. Where he comes from, nobody can rightly say; he just
Duty (Brotherhood): d12 showed up at the Academy some 20 years ago, applied, and completed his coursework. In a day.
Exists Outside of Time: d8 Which should have been—and by all accounts still is—impossible.
Fluid Character History: d8 The Brotherhood census has him down as a chronomancer—a time wizard. And there’s
compelling evidence for that—he can move in bursts of superhuman speed, freeze in perfect stasis,
Mystic Vortex: d6 and seems able to pull anything he needs out of his pockets. There was that time, as has already
Rival (Jim): d10 been mentioned, that he did five years of course work in a single day. Oh, and there was also the
Second Sight: d4 time he died.
Shadow: d10 Silent Jim made Alpha One a year after joining the Brotherhood. He was actually a member
Signature Item (Shades): d2 of the team before even Gabriel—that’s where they met. Silent Jim served with unnerving,
laconic distinction until he died during the Vancouver Disaster. Angel and Ichabod—the only other
Spooky Mystique: d6
surviving members besides Gabriel—saw Jim die. They saw the sea demon snatch him from the
deck, saw him vanish down its throat. Yet, a month later, right after Gabriel’s court martial, Jim just
showed up, looking somehow younger than when he joined the Brotherhood. Impossible? Very. But there it is. That’s Silent Jim.
He came back changed, though. He had much less control over his powers. Unbalanced, they called him. Broken. For Ichabod, who took
command of Alpha One after Gabriel, Silent Jim became a liability—though that might have had something to do with that incident involving
Silent Jim, a vat of bleach, and Ichabod’s cat, Blackie. With the stigma of being dismissed from the Brotherhood’s premier Chapter, and most
Hunters still pretty weirded out by his miraculous non-death, no offers came for Silent Jim to join Chapters—except for one: Omega Fifteen,
Gabriel’s new group. Silent Jim joined without hesitation.
Silent Jim never talks about himself, or anything else—his name’s not just a clever handle. He’s especially tight-lipped about his past, so
Demon Hunters have come up with their own theories. Some Hunters figure he’s the result of genetic engineering. Others swear he’s an
alien. But only one thing is certain about Silent Jim—he has never taken off his sunglasses. Word is, if he does, something very bad will happen.

Silent Jim’s Bottomless Trench Coat not only looks cool, it boasts superior encumbrance management. Within its many pockets, Silent Jim
keeps a pair of silver-plated Desert Eagle semi-automatic pistols (d8 W, ranged increment 60 feet), a shotgun (d10 W, ranged increment
60 feet), and much more. He’s never seen without his signature Black Fedora and Shades.

Note: These are what we merely assume Silent Jim’s statistics are. Last time a proper assessment was conducted, all of our instruments failed. Feel
free to use these as written, but remember, we warned you.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter Omega Fifteen
AlbrechtHousebroken Werewolf
Agility: d8 Skills &
Strength: d10 Specialties
Vitality: d8 Animals: d4
Athletics: d6
Alertness: d8 Covert: d4
Intelligence: d6 Discipline: d6
Guns: d6
Willpower: d8 Pistols: d8
Influence: d4
Life Points: Knowledge: d4
16 Melee Weapons: d6
Initiative: d8+d8 Perception: d6
Smell: d8
Endurance: d8+d8 Survival: d6
Resistance: d8+d8 Foraging: d10
Tracking: d10
Unarmed Combat: d6
Ethan Albrecht has always deserved better. The Albrechts are Demon Hunters, a family Assets &
tradition going nine generations back, ever since William “Mad Dog” Albrecht single handedly
saved the New South Wales penal colony during the Great Bunyip Migration of 1790. Since then, Complications
every male Albrecht has trained from birth to track and eradicate anything higher than humans in Focused Hunter
the food chain. They’re among the Brotherhood’s premiere scouts, and many of the Chapters in (Lycanthropes): d4
the top three tiers—Alpha, Beta, and Gamma—have boasted of an Albrecht in their ranks.
This was the legacy promised to Ethan Albrecht: a career of honorable service, the only
Glory Hound: d4
career worthy of an Albrecht. The youngest in his family, Albrecht’s brothers—all twelve of Lycanthrope: d8
them—had already served for years by the time he graduated and was insultingly assigned to a Rebellious: d4
Delta Chapter. No worries, though. He could bear that indignity. Give him a month, and he’d be
promoted out of the bush leagues and wind up where he belonged.
That never happened. Albrecht’s life changed during a Drop Bear hunt with Chapter Delta Four in the Australian outback. The group was
so focused on the treetops, they failed to notice signs of werewolf activity in the area. Two of the team died in the attack, and Albrecht sustained
horrible injuries. The bites poisoned his blood, and the werevirus raged through his body. Soon, he would start to change. Ethan reloaded his
gun with silver bullets—better to die with dignity as a man, not a monster. Albrecht’s Chapter leader disarmed him and knocked him out until
transport arrived to airlift the team out of the area. Albrecht was taken back to Brotherhood HQ where he began the long and painful series of
treatments to halt the spread of the werevirus.
Upon his recovery, Albrecht found himself treated as an outcast. His former Chapter wouldn’t take him back, fearing his were-tainted blood
made him a security risk. His own family disowned him in disgrace. Months he waited for an assignment, for a chance to prove his worth. And
slowly, it sunk in—he would never make an elite Chapter. The first Albrecht in a century to serve in a mid-range Chapter, or worse. This was not
the legacy he deserved. He’d be damned if a brush with lycanthropy was gonna keep him from what was rightfully his.
An offer eventually came. Albrecht grudgingly accepted a position in Chapter Omega Fifteen. It’s not a good fit. He’s working under Gabriel,
the disgraced former leader of Alpha One, whose reckless disregard for standard procedure resulted in the death of most of his team. Albrecht
knows that if he were in command, he’d have this Chapter running like a well-oiled machine, moving quickly back up the ranks to where he
belongs. That’d be a good way to start, heading his own Chapter. That would get him promoted pretty quickly, as he deserves. But for now, he’ll
just have to wait. Sooner or later, Gabriel will screw things up again. When that happens, Albrecht will be ready to take his place.

Albrechet holsters a well-maintained pistol, a Colt .45 Peacemaker (d6 W, ranged increment 50 feet) loaded with silver bullets. He’s also
commonly seen with a Bowie knife (d4 W) and a handful of Baco-Snacks.

Chapter Omega Fifteen

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
Reformed Vampire
Agility: d8+d6
Skills &
Specialties Strength: d8+d6
Athletics: d6 Vitality: d10
Climbing: d8
Alertness: d8
Jumping: d8
Covert: d6 Intelligence: d6
Discipline: d4
Willpower: d8
Guns: d4
Influence: d4
Knowledge: d4 Life Points: 18
Mechanic: d4
Melee Weapons: d4 Initiative: d8+d6+d8
Perception: d6 Endurance:
Empathy: d10
Survival: d6 Resistance: d10+d10
Tech: d6
Unarmed Combat: d6
Assets & The Demon Hunter who would become R.M. died at Woodstock. She doesn’t remember
much: The Who on stage, her screams drowned by the deafening chords of “Pinball Wizard.”
Complications The man in black, the blood … oh God, the blood. They call it being “held in thrall.” It sounds
Duty: d8 pleasant, poetic even. Lies. It’s mind rape. The Master is in control, making her do horrible,
Focused Hunter (Animates): d2 unspeakable things. She watches uncountable atrocities committed by her own hands, feels the
bones crush between her fingers. She tastes the sweet, copper tang of blood. And the screams.
Focusted Hunter (Vampires): d4 Years pass. She wakes with a start. A searing bolt of pain shoots through her heart.
Vampire: d6 Inside her head, she hears the Master screaming. And then he’s gone. For the first time in 20
years, she is alone inside her head. She looks up to find herself surrounded by figures in black,
weapons aimed at her from all sides—her saviors. Her arms and legs are shackled, and a hood is tied over her head, but beneath the hood she
smiles. She’s finally free.
When the hood is removed, she’s sitting at a table in a concrete room. Across from her sits a man with wildly unkempt grey hair. He smiles at
her and introduces himself as Kincaid, from the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch. She’s heard of these people. They’re Demon Hunters.
He offers her a drink, pouring a glass of thin brown liquid from a pitcher on the table. She sips it cautiously, and is surprised. Not by the taste,
which is oddly reminiscent of Tang, but by the fact that it quiets the Thirst—the constant gnawing desire that, until now, could only be calmed
with fresh blood. It’s not gone, but it’s better. Kincaid calls it Vitamin V, an artificial blood substitute. A vamp could go her entire life without ever
touching a drop of blood, as long as she drank this stuff, he tells her. Then he gives her something she hasn’t had in years: a choice.
She never had a choice. So Kincaid makes her an offer. He’ll take her under his wing, coach her through her recovery, and guide her through
training to become the first vampiric agent of the Brotherhood. There’s not a single doubt in her mind. She accepts.
The training is hard, but the rehab is worse. Vitamin V takes care of the physiological need for blood, but the craving is still there. It always
will be. She’ll never get rid of the craving, but in time she will learn to control it.
The hatred and mistrust from the other agents is palpable. They’ve trained all their lives to kill her kind, and now they are expected to work
with her. Yesterday they nailed a rubber bat to the door of her room. Her vampiric hearing ensures that she never misses a slur. Bloodsucker.
Parasite. Tick. Rigor Mortis.
Rigor Mortis. She’s keeping that one, taking it back. She knows who she is, and she’s proud of it. She’s a person with a disease, and she’s
working to make the world a better place. There’s not a damn thing wrong with that. If they want to call her names, they’re going to have to do it
to her face from now on.

When she’s on a mission, R.M. typically dresses in her UV-resistant sunsuit (Armor Rating 2 S) and carries a Moroccan scimitar (d6W).
Crucial drac-hunting equipment includes a stake and mallet and a bottle of Vitamin V to keep the Thirst at bay.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter Omega Fifteen
The Cipher
Database Liason
Agility: d6 Skills &
Strength: d8 Specialties
Vitality: d10 Covert: d6
Disable Device: d10
Alertness: d6 Sabotage: d8
Intelligence: d10 Discipline: d4
Knowledge: d4
Willpower: d8 Culture: d8
History: d10
Life Points: Religion: d10
18 Mechanic: d6
Initiative: d6+d6 Perception: d6
Science: d6
Endurance: d10+d8 Math: d10
Resistance: d10+d10 Tech: d6
Hacking: d12
Repair: d8
He lives to serve. He doesn’t actually have a choice in the matter. His base programming is Assets &
hardcoded into the neural net of his positronic brain. Above all else, follow any direct order from
a superior officer. Unless that order would put the life of another superior officer at risk. Unless Complications
the officer being put at risk has defied a direct order from his superior officer. Unless – well, it’s a Attuned to Technology: d6
complicated program. But it all comes down to the same basic rule: he lives to serve. Whether it’s Cipher: d10
hacking into the city power grid to shut down enemy fortifications, accessing the Brotherhood’s
NecroMoniComSat system to scan the area for evidence of dark magic, or consulting the
Duty: d8
Brotherhood Database to determine the best method for defeating a Gorgon, The Cipher is the go- Wise Ass: d4
to-guy for all matters technological. He’s also pretty damn bulletproof.

The Omega Fifteen Cipher typically carries his Brotherhood-issued laptop, and of course wears his Cipher goggles,
since without them he’s just a handsome artificial dude in black.

Chapter Omega Fifteen

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
Immortal Mercenary
Skills & d6
Specialties Strength: d12
Athletics: d6 Vitality: d12
Guns: d6
Influence: d6 Alertness: d6
Intimidation: d12 Intelligence: d4
Medicine: d4
Melee Weapons: d6 Willpower: d8
Perception: d6
Survival: d6 Life Points:
Camouflage: d8 20
First Aid: d8 Initiative: d6+d6
Tracking: d10
Endurance: d12+d8
Unarmed Combat: d6
Brawling: d12 Resistance: d12+d12
Wrestling: d12

Assets & Summary

Complications Lupus Wolf first came to the Brotherhood’s attention after he beat the crap out of the
Archangel Raphael in a bar fight. Well, “fight” isn’t the most accurate word to use. “Fight” implies two
Anger Issues: d4 participants. What transpired, according to onlookers, was this: while delivering a message (like angels
Crude: d8 do) to the bar’s waitress, Raphael accidentally knocked over Wolf’s beer. By way of apology, Raphael
Explosive Plausibility: d4 said, “God loves you,” to which Wolf replied, “I ain’t no queer!” Wolf body-slammed Raph through
Heavy Tolerance: d10 the jukebox, broke both his wings off, and shaved his head with a broken beer bottle. Then Wolf ate
Raph’s wings. Raw.
Marked by the Divine: d12 Raphael demanded swift justice. The man was obviously a half-demon to have beaten him so
(includes Brawler d6, Mystic badly. Brotherhood Command sent a Chapter to investigate. The Chapter returned with four of its
Vortex d6, Old-Timer d12, Rival Hunters in traction, and three of them pregnant. But they had completed their mission and gotten a
d8, and Tough Sunnava … d8), blood sample. To everyone’s surprise, Wolf had no demon blood. He did, however, have a drop of
So Damn Macho: d10 godly blood in him—he was a godling, with a bloodline going all the way back to Hercules. He is a
concrete slab of Grade-A red-blooded American Badassitude. The Brotherhood put him on their “Do
Not Approach” list.
Upon closer review, Wolf’s Herc blood seems obvious. The ultimate mercenary, there’s been almost no armed conflict in the last quarter-
century that Wolf did not participate in, prolong, or instigate. His bloodlust and total lack of fear have made him a legend of the modern battlefield.
But after so much ceaseless combat, even Wolf grew bored. He found he was losing his love for battle, and spiraled into a cycle of depression.
It was at the bottom of this cycle, in a bar in Tangiers, when a Gabriel approached him and offered Wolf something he hadn’t had in years—a
Wolf enthusiastically joined Omega Fifteen. Though he’s already set the Brotherhood record for kills by a rookie, his membership is still
pending. That might be because Wolf broke St. Peter’s collarbone when he suggested Wolf had a kind heart. Everything Wolf throws explodes.
Before he joined the Brotherhood, his motto was “Kill ‘em all, and let God sort ‘em out!” He has since amended the motto to simply “Kill ‘em all!”

Wolf considers his Beer-Mug-Out-Of-Nowhere (d2 B if used as a weapon, either in melee or thrown, and filled with delicious lager) to be
sufficient preparation for any mission. He can be convinced to take along a BFG (d4 W, Vehicle scale), especially if he can borrow one from
Anti-Tank Sally.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter Omega Fifteen
Chapter three:

What It Takes
arkadian winced as he tightened the straps of his harness. He’d rather it was too tight than have
it fall off. The sound of screeching metal came from the tunnel ahead. “We’ve only got one shot
at this one. Let’s make it count. Ned, how are the new arms holding up?”
Ned stretched his three-fingered hands, extending the razor sharp claws at the tips. “They feel fine, but I’m not

42 too sure about this, guys.” His voice cracked with worry. “I think maybe we should go with plan B.”
Behind him, Gator laughed as he hefted Ned into the air with one meaty hand. “Sorry little fella,” he drawled,
“we are Plan B.”
“You’re going to be fine, Ned. Just remember what we practiced. Claws out. Spread Eagle. And so help me
Guédé, if you pop those stitches I’ll sew on little girl arms next time.” Harkadian fastened the carabiner to the back
of Ned’s vest. “Alright Gator, show time!” With a rush of stale air, the 7 o’clock to Coney Island came blasting past
Chapter Three: What It Takes

the platform, just like it had on this day every year since 1955; the year Eddie Luciano died.
Gator spun the little accountant over his head and let fly with deadly aim. Ned’s girly screeching gave way to an
equally girly battle cry of “Spread Eagle Striiiiiiiiiike!” and was only silenced by his tiny form colliding with the side of
the ghost train. Amazingly, Ned remembered to extend his claws, and he stuck fast, the bungee cord that tethered
him to Harkadian rapidly spooling out behind him.
“Meet you back at HQ.” The cord reached its limit and Harkadian rocketed off the subway platform in Ned’s
direction. His aim was fortunately true, and the impact sent both him and Ned crashing through the window of the
ancient car. Most of Ned anyway. The accountant’s legs burst into flame as they bounced off the third rail.
“Sorry, Boss.”
Harkadian patted the half-nerd on the shoulder as he stood up. “You did good, Ned. I’ll be back for you.” He
brushed broken glass from his jacket and set off towards the front of the train, pulling out his radio as he went.
“Sparky, how are we looking on your end?”
Sparky’s voice crackled through the radio. “Not too good, Hark.” A dull thump sounded in the background.
“Was that an explosion?”
“Yeah. Apparently the cops don’t like people breaking into the old City Hall Station. Armageddon’s taking care of
it. Don’t worry, I told him no killing. I’m more worried about the pentacle. There’s no way it has enough juice to stop
a train.”
“Well figure it out girlie, we’re heading your way fast. I’ll try to talk the guy down.”
“See you on the other side!”
Harkadian slid open the door to the motorman’s cabin. The spectral form of Eddie Luciano floated at the
controls. “Hey Eddie, how’s it going?”
“Gotta make the stops. Gotta make the stops.” The ghost’s eyes stared blankly out the front of the car. Clearly,
nobody was home.
“You’ve got to stop this, man. You can’t bring those people back. It’s been 90 years Eddie! They’d all be dead by
now anyway. You’ve got to let go.”
“Gotta make the stops. Keep the trains running.” As the train entered a straightaway, a tiny blue light shone in
the distance. Sparky’s pentacle. She was right, there was no way that thing was going to stop a train.
“Eddie, buddy, you’ve lost it. The BRT’s gone, man. Hell, you aren’t even in Brooklyn anymore! It stops here,
Eddie. We’re not letting you pick up any passengers this year.”
“Gottamakethestopsgottamakethestopsgottamakethestops—” The ghost’s chanting grew faster. Harkadian
was out of ideas. He was trying to calculate just how much damage he’d do by jumping off the train at this speed
when brilliant, blue-silver light flooded the cabin. The pentacle ahead had grown to a massive size, and its brilliance
revealed Sparky, technodreads still smoking, standing next to a set of jumper cables attached to the third rail.
Harkadian smiled.
“Go home, Eddie. End of the line.”
The train collided with the pentacle, and Eddie Luciano disappeared in a splash of ectoplasm.
Unfortunately, so did the train.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

What makes you human? change your concept, but if you go into this section
No, that’s a bad way to start. For one thing, you without any idea what you’re building, you may
might not be human—or be one for much longer, at end up with a random grab bag of stuff that looked
any rate. What makes you a person, then? Someone good at the time. And trust me, after seeing some
worth keeping around, rather then someone the of the bodies Herr Doktor has put together on that
Brotherhood takes to the cleaners? For that matter, basis—not a great plan.
what might put you up against the wrong end of a Assets are rated with a die type just as
gun-toting Nun or get you splattered by a crazed, Attributes are, but not all Assets are used in the
homicidal, but reformed werebeast? same manner. Some are straightforward: the
Attributes are all well and good, but they don’t die they grant is rolled as a bonus on actions the
tell you much about what a Demon Hunter knows Asset might benefit. For others, the die type is
or who a Demon Hunter really is. For that, you need simply a means to price the Asset and is not rolled.
Traits and Skills. This chapter details both. These Traits have other beneficial effects, possibly
modifying the way you may spend Plot Points, letting

A character’s Attributes and Skills tell you some
you re-roll failed attempts, or granting you role
playing advantages. Some Assets combine these
types of benefits.
basics about his makeup. How much he can lift,
how fast he can work numbers in his head, that kind Assets

Chapter Three: What It Takes

of thing. But they don’t tell you what makes that When choosing Assets, note the die types
character special, and that’s what Traits are for. They available. Some Assets can be purchased at any level
give you special qualities, abilities, and problems from d2 upward. These bear a “d2+” designation;
to make you more unique. In game terms, they’re they work like Attributes, and have no cap. Others
rated in die types, and come in two flavors: Assets, are only available at certain die types. An Asset that
which provide benefits, and Complications, which ranges from d2 to d6 is noted as “d2–d6.” An Asset
cause problems. only available in d2, d6, or d12 lists “d2/d6/d12.”
When first creating a Demon Hunter for the More than one Asset may apply to certain
Tabletop Combat Simulation, you have to have at attempts or situations. In general, both should be
least one Complication and one Asset. You buy accounted for; Asset benefits stack. Of course, your
Assets with Trait Points, which during Demon Game Master may decide that only one applies
Hunter creation you gain by taking Complications, for some reason, or that neither of them does.
since you don’t usually start with any. You can’t gain He makes the call about what Assets can be used
more than 30 Trait Points from Complications at this when, and whether two specific Assets can be used
point—so any others you want you’ll have to earn by simultaneously. You can only have one instance of
playing the game. a given Asset or Complication (unless the Game
Since Assets and Complications frequently Master rules the situation is unusual enough to
oppose each other, make your choices carefully— warrant it).
you can’t have two Traits that directly contradict Assets, like Attributes, may be temporarily
each other, like making yourself ugly and pretty at damaged or lowered. This is usually in response to a
the same time. Also, the type of game you’re playing twist of the story—hopefully the Demon Hunter will
or the Game Master’s call might ban certain Traits have the chance to recoup his losses, but he might
or combinations of Traits. Not every Game Master have to buy them all over again if the damage is
will want to let you make up your own Supernatural permanent. Likewise, Assets may be awarded as part
Taint, for example, and Demon Hunters that Exist of a storyline. A mystical revelation or act of great
Outside of Time might be a bit too much. piety might bring you great satisfaction, and maybe
And a word of advice, noob: Don’t go spending you Got Religion. These Assets don’t cost points;
hours agonizing over what Traits to pick. Your best they arise at the Game Master’s discretion based on
bet is to think about your character concept, and events in the campaign.
then look for a couple Traits that support your ideas.
Sure, maybe you’ll see one that inspires you to

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Your Game Master may impose Complications
Complications during the game, based on events in the story. You
Complications define you in the opposite might annoy someone important, earning a Rival for
way—by giving you faults. No one is perfect, not your troubles. You might suffer a blow that gains an
even those who serve He Who Is Really In Charge. Extraordinary success, losing a leg and becoming
Complications create trouble for your Demon an Amputee. These Complications do not generate
Hunter and his allies. So why would you want them? points for purchasing more Assets, but they do give
First, Complications give you points to buy you more opportunities to earn Plot Points.
Assets. More importantly, they provide meaty hooks In general, Complications disappear only when
for drama, rendering characters more believable bought off using points earned during play. This might
and interesting. Finally, they allow you to earn Plot require some appropriate role playing and should
Points. Complications encourage you to act a certain always have a dramatic story rationale. Demon
way, and this enhances the game and story. For Hunters don’t just wake up one morning with their
example, a Demon Hunter who is Too Damn Macho hearing restored. And then, some Complications

44 might bite off more than he can chew, even though

he knows that it’s a bad move. Indeed, it’s just at
the point when you, as a player, realize that your
cannot be overcome—though there should be an
equally compelling story rationale behind this, too.

Demon Hunter is overreaching and that he should S T

caling raits
jump in with a boot to the head! When this happens, Many Traits—primarily Complications—are
Chapter Three: What It Takes

your Game Master should award you Plot Points for almost entirely behavioral or role playing based.
abiding by the Complication. Greed, lust, cowardice—these are all things that
You should play out your hinder your Demon Hunter and provide
Complications regularly. When it spurs excellent hooks for role playing, but only very
particularly good role playing or is fun rarely apply a mechanical penalty. Even then,
for the group, even minor instances they come up only then when you’ve brought
of problems caused by them to life by playing them
Complications might be worth
P urple Ninja say: “To err is human. out.
a Plot Point. A Lustful Demon Because of this, you’re
To wet your pants and hide under table is
Hunter, for instance, drops also human. Try not to be too human.” expected to portray them,
bad pick-up lines all the time, and the Game Master is
and sometimes gets slapped or expected to factor them into
worse. Even more Plot Points should be forthcoming the storyline. These Complications almost all have
when a Complication causes serious problems. For a set die cost, or a very small range of available
example, a Lustful guy with his eye on the dame at die types. This results from your control over the
the bar might miss the fact that the guy next to her Complication—it is never more of a problem than
(the one who looks like a bear?) is her date, and wind you want it to be, so if you don’t make it a problem
up getting the snot knocked out of him. He’d get very often, you shouldn’t be getting many points for
several Plot Points for his trouble, but it might not it. However, it also assumes that, for the Demon
always feel worth it. Hunter, these behaviors are something that can be
Mechanically, Complications work much like resisted when necessary—you’re expected to bring
Assets. They are bought as die ratings, some with the Complication up, but you’re not expected to get
a broad range and some with only a few levels your Demon Hunter killed on purpose. A coward can
available. Multiple Complications may affect the same still be brave, an amorous Demon Hunter can choose
action. However, Complications either penalize the to behave himself, and so on.
Demon Hunter directly, or add a bonus die to the You might want to create a Demon Hunter who
opposing Difficulty (which would be rolled either is more defined by these Complications (or other
by the Game Master or an opposing player) or an Traits, if he can make a case for an Asset) than most.
opponent’s action. Often, the Complication is just a This character might be so greedy that he’d sell out
matter for role playing and no die is rolled. the Brotherhood for personal gain, or so bent on
glory that he’ll bargain off the Chapter’s newbie to

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Supernatural Traits
Ø Some of the Assets and Complications listed here have a certain … unnatural aspect to
them. However, in the world of Demon Hunters, there are plenty of slightly unusual, vaguely
supernatural people who don’t really qualify as monstrous, divine, or demonic—so the majority
of these Traits are handled as normal, generally available to anyone unless the Game Master
rules otherwise (for example, he might limit his players to totally mundane Traits at the start of
a game). On the other hand, sometimes that nice man with the canines really is a vampire—and
that ain’t just any old Trait.
Ø The vast majority of Assets and Complications are clearly defined, being entirely beneficial
or detrimental as appropriate. However, the supernatural Traits that define these non-human
individuals are a special case. They are all listed as Assets, and all carry a variety of benefits—
however, they also include a variety of weaknesses, problems, or detriments. Because of this,
their die types (and, therefore, their costs) are lower than one would expect based solely on
the powers they grant.
There are a few special rules to deal with these:
Ø Ask the Game Master before taking one of them. They might not be appropriate for the
game you’re starting, and even if they are will likely require some explaining in your backstory.

Chapter Three: What It Takes

Also, the exact level at which you take the Asset matters a great deal, so be sure to check with
your Game Master about that, too.
Ø You can only have one of them at a time. Your Demon Hunter can’t be a vampire and a
werewolf, or an animated Nephilim. If for some reason in the training simulation your Demon
Hunter shifts from one to another, he loses the old one—though he may still think or act based
on what he once was, he doesn’t gain any special powers from it any longer.
Ø They might be killed, but get better. This isn’t an automatic thing, and it doesn’t necessarily
apply to all (or any) of the supernatural beings, but these unusual creatures have a tendency to
come back from the dead—especially when they’re Demon Hunters.
Ø And, of course, there’s one of these supernatural Traits that behaves in an even more unusual
manner: Initiate of the Mystic Arts. This Asset allows your Demon Hunter to take the special
General Skill Mystic Arts, and any appropriate Specialties—and it can, at the Game Master’s
discretion, be combined with another of the Supernatural Assets. See the Trait description for
the details.

a demon for a taste of power. You should discuss “best.” When you or the other players have an idea
this with the Game Master. If the Game Master for something interesting, fun, and reasonable—
approves, you can scale up the Complication, that’s what the Game Master should be facilitating.
effectively giving it a range of d2+. You should also
review your Demon Hunter’s actions periodically.
If the Game Master doesn’t feel that you have The Big-Ass
been adhering sufficiently to your Demon Hunter’s
Complications, the extra points gained (and any
Assets purchased with them) are lost.
List Of Traits
A variety of Traits and their costs follow. When
Again, though this is mostly a factor for a Trait has a range of possible levels, abilities or
the more limited Complications, scaling can be restrictions of the lower levels usually stack with
applied to Assets if necessary. Even so, care is those at higher levels. Unless the new feature, by
recommended—some Traits are limited in order to its nature, replaces the lower level one, you assume
prevent abuse. The Game Master should disallow both.
any changes that simply further the goal of being the

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

For example, Allure [d2+] may be taken at Animates could be almost anything that walks
any level of d2 or higher, and you add its Trait die around when it shouldn’t be able to: zombies,
to certain rolls. However, at the d6 level or higher, golems, Karloffs (a Karloff is an animate brought back
it also grants a bonus to Plot Points spent on those to life by Mad Science, through the direct application
rolls. It still adds the Trait’s die, but now has a new of electricity to a dead body, or the sewn-together
ability as well. remains of several dead bodies), homunculi, or so
On the other hand, Tough Sunnuva … [d4/ on. Other possibilities may exist, at the discretion of
d8/d12] only exists at three specific levels. At each the Game Master. The specifics of each level listed
level it adds the Trait die to certain rolls, and adds a below may be altered to suit the type of animate a
certain number of Life Points to your total (2, 4, or 8 player chooses to create, if the Game Master feels
Life Points, specifically). These bonuses don’t stack, it’s suitable.
since they simply replace each other. You can’t have Animates that are “killed” can often be brought
Tough Sunnuva … at more than one level at a time, back to life through a partial application of the
or have multiple copies of it—that goes for all Traits, process that originally animated them. Karloffs,

46 unless the Game Master sees fit to give you special

for example, might be jolted back to life by a Mad
Scientist with a car battery and nothing better to do.
However, the process will take at least an hour to
Assets set up, and the corpse may need to be sewn back
together first.
Chapter Three: What It Takes

A llure ( d 2+) Universally, animates require no sleep or food,

You’re hot. Those who could be attracted to you but most are especially vulnerable to either fire or
almost always are—though if you aren’t careful, you cold (depending on the type of animate), suffering
might attract some jealousy, too. Add your Allure die double damage from any source of the chosen
to any Influence or appearance-based rolls against element.
someone who might find you attractive, though he d4: At this level, the animate is a very basic type
has to be able to see or sense you directly to gain this of zombie-like being, and has almost no intelligence
bonus. Phone calls don’t count. or free will, possessing a maximum of d2 Intelligence,
d6+: If your Allure Trait die is d6 or higher, and likely very little personality. It is also highly
you gain a bonus to Plot Point expenditures on rolls uncoordinated and slow moving. Its base movement
that include this Trait. If you spend any Plot Points speed is 5 feet, it cannot Sprint, and it has an Agility
on these rolls, count the total spent as if it were 2 maximum of d6. Oh, and it can attract mobs with
higher; spending 1 Plot Point nets you a d6 bonus die, pitchforks bent on destroying it, since animates of
3 would net you a d10, and so on. This Trait bonus this level are very obviously unnatural.
only benefits Plot Points spent before the roll, not However, because of the non-living nature of the
those spent after. being, it has many advantages over a mortal when
d12+: If your Allure Trait die is d12 or higher, in combat. It is entirely immune to Stun damage
you may even add your Trait die to rolls against and unconsciousness. It feels no pain, and suffers no
people or sentient beings who would not normally be Wound penalty for being reduced to half of its Life
attracted to you, as long as the situation otherwise Points. Being composed of tough, nonliving matter
warrants it. This level of unearthly beauty is normally lets it add the maximum result of its Trait die as a
only found in angels or socially-minded demons. bonus to its Life Point total. Also, because of its
superhuman strength and possible taste for brains,
A nim ate ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12) it deals Basic damage in unarmed combat, and adds
You’re about as real as the average target its Trait die as a bonus to both the attack and the
dummy. In fact, you might be a target dummy damage rolls of any unarmed or melee attack.
brought to life (probably by accident). “Animate” is a d8: This level of animate represents a functional
general term for creatures that have been made or or free-willed zombie, or a Karloff which retains
animated through unnatural means—usually through the majority of the required brain functions to have
some application of mystic power, but possibly by a personality, with an Intelligence capped at d10.
Mad Science or Mad Medicine instead. Likely still a little slower-moving than most normal

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

creatures, it has a base movement speed of 10 feet, A thlete ( d 2+)
though it can Sprint if it tries, and has an Agility cap Even if running away isn’t your thing, it isn’t a
of d12. Fortunately for the poor beast, it may even problem, either. You’re well conditioned, and have
look mostly human—a functional zombie, raised spent enough time training to know your limits and
very shortly after death, will just be a bit pale and how to break them. Add your Athlete die to any
clammy, rather than missing bits and oozing. On roll involving endurance, conditioning, or long-term
the other hand, it may opt for unnecessary surgery physical activity: swimming, climbing, staying on your
that adds to its inhuman appearance, especially feet while running or marching for a day, or playing
when Mad Doc Brown offers to try and graft new, a sport. This doesn’t help you in short-term burst
improved! bits on. actions (sudden feats of strength, an attack), but it
In terms of benefits, animates at the d8 level are does help fight fatigue in extended combat, and does
just as resistant to Stun damage as the d4 version, help you stay alive or conscious when wounds risk
and they likewise feel no pain. Their construction putting you down. Also, you may choose to Exhaust
adds their Trait die’s maximum result as a bonus yourself in order to perform above your normal
to their Life Point total. Also, while they aren’t as
mindlessly bloodthirsty, they can hit like a truck (or
with a small car): They add their Trait die as a bonus
levels; you may voluntarily suffer Stun damage to add
Plot Points to rolls this Trait benefits. Each point of
Stun damage you choose to suffer adds a Plot Point
to their Strength (as an additional die, not as an to the roll. You cannot choose to suffer more Stun
increase to their old one). than it takes to knock you out.

Chapter Three: What It Takes

d12: Animates of the d12 level are almost d6+: If your Athlete Trait die is d6 or higher,
entirely superhuman and have very few physical you gain a bonus to Plot Point expenditures on rolls
drawbacks. The only known human-type animate that include this Trait. If you spend any Plot Points
of this kind is Victoria, a creation of Herr Doktor’s on these rolls, count the total spent as if it were 2
experiments with the Karloff method of animation. higher; spending 1 Plot Point nets you a d6 bonus
This category also includes large, well-constructed die, 3 would net you a d10, and so on. This stacks
golems.. They have no penalties to movement, with the Exhaustion bonus above. This Trait bonus
Agility, or Intelligence—but they do suffer some only benefits Plot Points spent before the roll, not
psychological side effects. No matter how human those spent after.
they seem to be, their inhuman nature makes d12+: If your Athlete Trait die is d12 or higher,
them feel (or think, if they don’t feel) that they are you may make one additional Second Wind roll per
inherently superior to normal people. They suffer day. Only the most conditioned people in the world
from the effects of being So Damn Macho (at the have your level of stamina.
d6 level) and Too Mean for Hell (at the d4 level),
without gaining any bonus points for them. See the A t tuned to N ature ( d 2+)
descriptions of these Complications for the specifics. Some say you have a green thumb—others call
Because of this, and their appearance, which is at you a dirty, whining, tree-hugging hippy. Whether
least slightly inhuman, these animates quickly attract you choose to hammer spikes into trees to screw
the suspicion of those they interact with, and may be up chainsaws, or dig in a little garden and grow
reviled—not that they’d care. vegetables, you know your way around plants,
Animates of this level are immune to Stun animals, and the great outdoors. Add your Trait
damage and unconsciousness, and have the added die to rolls to identify animals living in a natural
benefit of being Immune to something of their area; rolls for tracking, hunting, or foraging; rolls
choice (equivalent to the d8 level—for example, for growing crops or navigating at sea, and so on.
Bullets) as per the Asset. They have a bonus to their Coming up against the supernatural will leave you
Life Points equal to their Trait die’s maximum result, stumped, however. Also, when you need supplies
they deal Basic damage in unarmed combat, and they in a natural environment you may automatically
add their Trait die as a bonus to their strength (as find food and water to supply you for a short time:
an additional die, not as an increase to their normal Roll your Trait die (modified by up to –2 Steps in
die). They may have even more bonuses, depending
on the exact type of creature.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Allure (d2+) Human Cipher (d6)

Animate (d4/d8/d12) Immune (d4/d8/d12/d12+d6)

Athlete (d2+) Initiate of the Mystic Arts (d2)

Attuned to Nature (d2+) Intuitive Leaps (d4/d8)

Attuned to Technology (d2+) Leadership (d2+)

Blessed (d4/d8/d12) Lightning Reflexes (d2+)

Branded by the Infernal (d4/d6/d10) Lycanthropy (d6/d8/d10)

48 Brawler (d2–d6)

Bureaucratic Mind (d6)

Mad Skillz (d4/d8/d12)

Marked by the Divine (d4/d8/d12)

Can Run, Can Hide (d4/d8) Meta-Game Awareness (d10)

Chapter Three: What It Takes

Cipher (d6/d10) Not Left-Handed Either (d4)

Damsel in Distress (d4) Old-Timer (d2+)

Exists Outside of Time (d8) Personal Dimensional Pocket (d8)

Explosive Plausibility (d4/d8) Quick Learner (d2+)

Fades Out (d2+) Reputation (d2+)

Fast Healer (d6/d12) Second Sight (d4/d8)

Fast On Your Feet (d2/d6) Shadow (d2/d6/d10)

Fluid Character History (d8) Sharp Sense (d2–d6)

Focused Hunter (d2–d6) Signature Item (d2)

Formidable Presence (d2+) Spooky Mystique (d6)

For the Cause! (d6) Steady Calm (d2+)

Friends in “High” Places (d2+) Stubborn S.O.B. (d2+)

Friends in “Low” Places (d2+) Tough Sunnava … (d4/d8/d12)

Friends in Strange Places (d2+) Trusty Sidekick (d2/d6/d12)

Get Out of Death Free Pass (d6+) Uncommon Knowledge (d6–d10)

Good-Natured (d2+) Vampire (d6)

Got Religion (d10) Walking Armory (d4/d8/d12)

Heavy Tolerance (d4/d10) Wealthy (d4/d8)

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Addiction (d4–d10) Lightweight (d2+)

Allergy (d2/d8) Loose Grasp On Reality (d4+)

Amorous (d4–d8) Memorable (d2+)

Anger Issues (d2–d4) Movie Villain Tendencies (d6)

Blind/Deaf (d8/d12) Mute (d8)

Can’t Ever Hide the Bodies (d6) Mystic Vortex (d6/d12)

Comfort Object (d2+) Obscure Body Odor (d2)

Contrary Samaritan (d4)

Crude (d4–d8)
On the Run (d4/d8/d12)

Out For Blood (d4/d8)

Coward (d4–d8) Overweight (d2–d6)

Chapter Three: What It Takes

Damned (d4/d8/d12) Pacifist (d6/d12)

Dead Broke (d4/d8) Paralyzed (d8)

Dead Inside (d4–d6) Paranoid (d4)

Dull Sense (d2–d6) Phobia (d2+)

Duty (d4/d8/d12) Pyro (d8)

Eerie Presence (d2+) Rebellious (d4)

Extremely Sane (d10) Rival (d2+)

Forked Tongue (d6) Shy (d6)

Glory Hound (d2–d4) Shorty (d2)

Greedy (d4–d8) So Damn Macho (d4–d10)

Idealist (d2–d6) Superstitious (d2/d6)

Inconsequential (d2–d8) Toe the Line (d4)

Infamy (d2+) Too Mean For Hell (d4/d12)

Klepto (d2/d6/d10) Ugly as Sin (d2–d6)

Klutz (d8) Unintentionally Erotic (d6)

Lame (d4) Wimpitude (d2–d6)

Lazy (d4) Wise-Ass (d4)

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

a harsh environment or up to +2 Steps in a lush You may also create, repair, alter, or sabotage
environment). The result is the number of days for devices much more quickly than usual. Normally,
which you can automatically supply one person. constructing or altering a device is a Complex action
d6+: If your Attuned to Nature Trait die is d6 or which could require anywhere from 10–60 minutes
higher, you gain a bonus to Plot Point expenditures per roll. When working on a device smaller than a
on rolls that include this Trait. If you spend any Plot car, you may reduce the time requirement per roll to
Points on these rolls, count the total spent as if it one combat turn (three seconds).
were 2 higher; spending 1 Plot Point nets you a d6
bonus die, 3 would net you a d10, and so on. This B lessed ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12)
Trait bonus only benefits Plot Points spent before the You’re luckier than the average mortal.
roll, not those spent after. Sometimes, you can scrape by when others would
d12+: If your Attuned to Nature Trait die is d12 have failed.
or higher, you cannot be lost in the wild, you can d4: Once per session, you may reroll all the dice
always find food and water in a natural environment on any non-botched roll, and use the better of the

50 (if it exists), and you can calm even outright hostile

animals—you seem more a part of Mother Earth
than the human race.
two results.
d8: Twice per session, you may reroll all the dice
of any roll, including botches, and use the better of
the two results.
A t tuned to T echnology ( d 2+) d12: Three times per session, you may reroll all
Chapter Three: What It Takes

You have an easy time with machines and the dice of any roll, including botches, and use the
electronics. Technology just comes naturally to you, better of the two results.
it seems. Add your Trait die to any rolls to repair,
design, analyze, create, or find (in a machine shop or B r anded by the I nfernal ( d 4/ d 6/ d 10)
other appropriate place) technological gadgetry. You Those tainted by demonic energies develop
also have an intuitive understanding of machines and strange powers and abilities—and this can be some
devices. With an Average (7) Alertness + Intelligence seriously heavy stuff. Not recommended for Demon
+ Attuned to Technology roll, you can identify any Hunters.
mundane device and learn to operate basic functions d4: Word is you’re a half-demon. Unfortunately
(though not skilled functions, like landing an aircraft). for you, modern humans suck compared to what you
This Difficulty increases to Hard (11) for devices used to find back in the day—you know, when most
created with Mad Tech (Tech with the Mad Skillz of the crap still got sifted out of the gene pool. The
Asset applied). In either case, you can also identify end result is that while you’ve definitely got some
any fundamental flaws in the design or repairs infernal taint, it doesn’t have all that much to work
needed to be made that are currently preventing it with in the first place. Also, you’re not automatically
from operating—however, you must be examining evil—but people will likely assume you are, and evil
the machine itself to get this roll, not just the plans or powers may have taken a hand to ensure you are
designs. brought up that way, but your moral compass is built
d6+: If your Attuned to Technology Trait like any human’s.
die is d6 or higher, you gain a bonus to Plot Point Most half-demons these days are very similar
expenditures on rolls that include this Trait. If you to your average human, with one or two apparent
spend any Plot Points on these rolls, count the total demonic traits: reddish skin, sulphuric B.O., stubby
spent as if it were 2 higher; spending 1 Plot Point horns, cat-slit eyes, etc. You functionally have the
nets you a d6 bonus die, 3 would net you a d10, and Eerie Presence and Memorable Complications at
so on. This Trait bonus only benefits Plot Points spent the d4 level, without gaining extra points for them
before the roll, not those spent after. (see the descriptions of these Complications for
d12+: If your Attuned to Technology Trait die details). Unfortunately, they also have the equivalent
is d12 or higher, you almost always have a myriad of of Allergy (d2) to holiness—an annoyance, but also
small parts, tools, and resources available to you—or another dead giveaway.
you can jury-rig them from your surroundings—
allowing you to build small gadgets in the field.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Physically, even though you’re mostly a puny necessarily evil, but it’s more likely in your case since
human, the demon blood does help things a bit. You you were likely reviled and scorned by every normal
add your Trait die as a bonus to your Strength (as an person you’ve ever met. This results in automatically
additional die, not an increase to your normal die), experiencing the effects of the Complications Eerie
and gain the benefits of having the Asset Immune Presence and Memorable, both at the d10 level (see
(d8) to protect you from fire. And, while it’s a their descriptions for details. You also suffer from a
tenuous connection, the fire in your soul severe issue with belief, gaining an effective
keeps you vital and fighting long after Allergy (d8) to holiness. A church that serves
death—it is easier to resurrect you, by any a fervent congregation, or a religious symbol
means, than it is to bring back held by a true believer, might
a normal human. The Game actually kill you—though you
Master adjudicates the details, P u r p l e Ni n j a say: “If you want automatically recover when
but a Mad Scientist or a trait for your Demon Hunter that is the source is taken away, not
miracle worker shouldn’t have not on list, consult with Game Master. requiring medication.
too much trouble bringing you
d6: You’re possessed by
Use patented Purple Ninja Methods of
Persuasion. If that fail, use
Purple Ninja Meat Tenderizer.”
However, the physical
side effects of being a demon
can be highly advantageous.
a demon. This is one of the You gain your Trait die as a
few ways a demon can directly bonus to Strength and Vitality

Chapter Three: What It Takes

manifest power on the material plane. As a result, (and all things that would benefit from this increase,
he likes to make as much out of it as he can. As long like your Life Points), and you are totally immune
as the demon possesses you, he’s in total control, to natural or demonic fire as if you had the Asset
doing as much evil as he wants—which is both pretty Immune (d8). Your lifespan increases as you gain the
obvious and very likely to attract the attentions of a longevity of someone with the Asset Old-Timer at
Chapter of the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch, the d6 level. And even when you die, the fiery vitality
who will try to capture and exorcize the demon or, of your soul makes it easier to resurrect you (by any
failing that, kill you. The biggest drawback here is means); the Game Master may adjudicate the exact
you cannot enter sanctified areas willingly—it doesn’t benefits of this, but either medicine or mysticism
cause you pain to be brought in, but you just cannot could bring you back from the dead.
force your body to step over the threshold into a
church. As an added problem, in such areas, you heal B r awler ( d 2— d 6)
like a normal human (very, very slowly). You hit like a truck, and can cause actual damage
However, killing you would be a bit of a stretch. in unarmed combat. When making an unarmed
The host body gains the Trait’s die as a bonus to their attack, use your Brawler Trait die as a damage die
Strength and Vitality—so a Strength of d8 becomes that inflicts Basic (instead of Stun) damage. The Initial
a Strength of d8 + d6. This counts as a normal part Damage of your attack is still entirely Stun.
of these Attributes in every way, increasing your Life
Points and all appropriate rolls. You regenerate fairly B ureaucr atic M ind ( d 6)
quickly: You recover 1 Life Point every turn, first You think like a machine—you can store massive
removing Wound damage and then Stun when no amounts of information, recall it with perfect clarity,
Wound remains. Also, you automatically heal Shock and get on everyone’s nerves without even trying.
Points, and remove one every half hour. And if life If you once learned a piece of information, you
sucks for the Brotherhood, you possess the ability to never have to roll to recall it; if there is a reasonable
use hell-fueled Mystic Arts Skills, even if you didn’t chance you might have once learned something
possess them. obscure, the Game Master may either rule that
d10: You’re a serious, old-school demon. Eight you do know it, or call for a Hard (11) Intelligence
to 10 feet tall, smelling of sulphur, glowing eyes, + Intelligence + Bureaucratic Mind roll—if you
maybe horns and a tail—you get the idea; they don’t succeed, you did learn it. This can’t reveal secret
all look the same, but it’s not too hard to peg one. information you would never have learned, but may
Like a less powerful half-demon, you’re still not well let you have extremely unusual knowledge.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

C an R un , C an H ide ( d 4/ d 8) writer decided robots should be programmed not
You have an uncanny ability to run away from be able to harm humans, but most Brotherhood
trouble—at least for a short time. Add your Trait members figure that the real reason is that the
die to any rolls you make to camouflage your Ciphers are expensive to replace.
location from enemy detection, usually an Alertness All Ciphers store their memory and
+ Survival/Camouflage roll which would set the programming inside their visors—as long as the visor
Difficulty for searching enemies. is recovered, the Cipher can later be uploaded into a
d4: Once per session, you may automatically new chassis, preventing permanent loss of a valuable
find, stumble into, or lead your friends to a safe and experienced team member. However, the visor
location. When using this, suggest what you’re is also their Achilles’ heel. Their chassis consists of
looking for to the Game Master, but he may decide a titanium skeleton sheathed in a complex series
the specifics of your hideout based on the situation. of layers of ceramic plating, Kevlar, and self-sealing
The hideout will give you a place to rest safely for rubberized skin, rendering them Immune (d12) to
up to six hours, at which point it becomes possible bladed weapons, small arms fire, normal unarmed

52 for the enemy to find it or break in (or whatever,

depending on the nature of the hideout and the foes).
d8: As above, but the hideout can protect you
attacks, and minor destructive magics. This grants
them an Armor Rating of 4W, which reduces the
damage they receive even from the sources that can
and your allies for up to 24 hours, and may have hurt them. Comparatively, the goggles are fragile;
rudimentary first aid supplies or very minor pieces they have an Armor Rating of 2, but if they take 3 or
Chapter Three: What It Takes

of gear (short-wave radio, etc) at the Game Master’s more points of Wound damage they are destroyed.
option. Also, the goggles can be removed fairly easily. In
either case—destruction or disconnection—the
C ipher ( d 6/ d 10) effect is similar to ripping the brain out of a human.
You’re not a “him” or a “her,” you’re an “it.” They stop moving, and can’t really do much more at
That’s right. You’re a robot. that point.
Ciphers are the primary link a Chapter of the Ciphers are extremely intelligent and
Brotherhood has to the Brotherhood Database, determined. The Trait Die is added to their
and they’re probably the fastest link to updates and Intelligence and Willpower for all purposes (as an
information from High Command. While most are additional die, not as an increase to the normal die),
completely loyal, dependable, and generally machine- and they gain the abilities of the Bureaucratic Mind
like, many of those produced at the new Mexican (d6) Asset. Also, when plugged into the Brotherhood
plant are demonstrating some … unusual quirks. Database via their laptop terminal, they gain access
Ciphers all share a lack for any need to eat or to untold stores of knowledge and information,
sleep. They can run for three days on a full battery making research on arcane and obscure topics
and recharge in 12 hours from any standard outlet. fast and easy (though the Game Master should put
Alternately, they can shut down for six hours a day reasonable limits on what can be found). Effectively,
to passively recharge on etheric energies, and if they gain a bonus d12 on any Knowledge roll on any
they do, their battery lasts a full two weeks before topic the Database might cover, any research into
it needs a normal charging. They also share a high said information, and any mathematical, navigational,
level of training in computers and programming, and or occult calculations made. They may also, if
a lack of emotion that registers as the equivalent of the timing is right, have access to a Brotherhood
the Dead Inside (d6) Complication. Their ingrained scanning satellite, which they can use to monitor for
sense of Duty (d12) to their Chapter is total; they supernatural activity of various kinds. Unfortunately,
can’t go against their Chapter leader’s orders, though access time is in high demand on these, so they are
their abilities beyond research and information not always available (Game Master’s discretion).
handling are usually fairly limited. And, they have Once, all Ciphers were human, but that practice
trouble fighting in the traditional sense, as they are has long since been abandoned. Humans who place
programmed to avoid engaging in combat, even to a set of goggles on their heads, for some reason, find
defend themselves, the very definition of a Pacifist the experience highly unsettling. The Human Cipher
(d6). Supposedly, this is because some kook sci-fi Asset covers this particular instance.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)


Chapter Three: What It Takes

d6: Some of the newer model Ciphers have a E xists O utside of T ime ( d 8)
tendency to develop personality quirks that make Unless the Game Master lets you in on
them seem almost lifelike—you’re one of them. something big, you cannot start out with this Trait.
Your personality is likely focused around some However, you may be allowed to take it post-
particular theme, depending on what the quirk in mortem; if you do, you are alive. Inexplicably, you
your programming is. You should discuss your … show up to join the action when most (or least,
unusual mental focus with your Game Master and depending) appropriate. Once you have this Trait, it
decide how it fits into the effects of the Loose Grasp may potentially save you in the future. Roll your Trait
on Reality Complication (at the d8 level). Also, your die against an Easy (3) Difficulty when killed. If you
personality includes at least 8 Trait points worth of succeed, you resurrect next session. If not, you lose
Complications related to the specifics. For example, this Trait, and must find some other way to come
you could be a Klutz (d8), or Memorable (d4) and back from the dead.
a Glory Hound (d4), because you think you’re a
Samurai and are determined to demonstrate your E xplosive P lausibilit y ( d 4/ d 8)
abilities, despite your lack of any real combat skills. Things tend to blow up around you, though it
d10: The majority of Ciphers posses no isn’t clear whether this is intentional or not. When
personality to speak of. Because of this basic lack of you toss something away nonchalantly and “off-
responsiveness and connection with their Chapter screen,” there may be an explosion. Roll your Trait
members, they’re not useful in any capacity save die against an Easy (3) Difficulty. If you succeed,
research, information gathering, and so on. Ciphers there’s an explosion. If the roll beats an Average (7)
at this level don’t function as Demon Hunters. Difficulty, the explosion may actually be helpful, at
the Game Master’s discretion.
D amsel in D ist ress ( d 4)
At the expense of your last remaining shreds of F ades O ut ( d 2+)
dignity, you have an easy time getting rescued. When You have a tendency to fade into the
spending Plot Points to arrange a coincidental rescue background; either you’re really, really boring, or
via story manipulation, this Trait adds two to the unusually “average” to the human eye. Add your
total you generate.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Trait die to rolls to avoid notice when hiding “in plain been on the cross-country team in high school
sight,” to disguise yourself as another (nonspecific) might be enough to grant you Fast On Your Feet
person, and so on. for a scene, but you’ll need a damn good reason to
d6+: If your Fades Out Trait die is d6 or higher, suddenly acquire Fast Healer.
you gain a bonus to Plot Point expenditures on rolls
that include this Trait. If you spend any Plot Points F ocused H unter ( d 2– d 6)
on these rolls, count the total spent as if it were 2 Pick a type of supernatural creature—vampires,
higher; spending 1 Plot Point nets you a d6 bonus die, lycanthropes, animate corpses, gnomes, talking TV
3 would net you a d10, and so on. This Trait bonus geckos, or similar. You have spent so much time
only benefits Plot Points spent before the roll, not preparing and studying to hunt these creatures
those spent after. that you can add your Trait die to any rolls to know
d12+: If your Fades Out Trait die is d12 or unusual facts about them (most of which it should
higher, you can appear so inconsequential as to avoid be assumed you do know, without needing to roll),
notice in an empty room simply by leaning casually identify signs of them or notice them, or to attack

54 against the wall and holding still, or doing anything so

as to appear to “belong.” You can be a janitor simply
by grabbing a uniform cap and pulling it down over
them (directly or indirectly). However, because
there are limits to the use of studies, this Trait can’t
progress beyond d6, and may not be available at all
your eyes, a reporter simply by having a notepad, in regards to certain types of creatures, depending
and so on. Mechanically, you make a disguise roll as on whether or not enough information on them is
Chapter Three: What It Takes

normal (including all the benefits of using this Trait on available.

the roll), but can do so with almost no preparation,
and you can make rolls to hide even when you should F or midable P resence ( d 2+)
be obvious. You project an aura of authority, or maybe your
face got stuck in that scowl when you were five,
F ast H ealer ( d 6/ d 12) like your mom warned you it would. Add your Trait
You get up and about more quickly than most. die to rolls when bullying people into doing what
Add your Trait die to rolls to begin recovery. you want, making people back down, or generally
d6: You recover from Wound damage at twice intimidating people. This does not work against
the normal rate (1 per day of rest). beings that already feel completely above your
d12: You recover from Wound damage at four league. Most supernatural creatures (though certainly
times the normal rate (2 per day of rest). not all) will simply fail to be any more intimidated by
a mortal than they would be otherwise. Also, non-
F ast on your F eet ( d 2/ d 6) sentient creatures will normally fail to be intimidated
You move fast, even towards danger. by humans.
d2: Increase your base movement speed by five feet. d6+: If your Formidable Presence Trait die is d6
d6: Increase your base movement speed by 10 feet. or higher, you gain a bonus to Plot Point expenditures
on rolls that include this Trait. If you spend any Plot
F luid C har acter H istor y ( d 8) Points on these rolls, count the total spent as if it
No one—not even the Game Master—knows were 2 higher; spending 1 Plot Point nets you a d6
all the details of your past. In fact, they often seem to bonus die, 3 would net you a d10, and so on. This
contradict each other. Once per session, if you can Trait bonus only benefits Plot Points spent before the
make up a convincing enough story about how it fits roll, not those spent after.
your past (which you can also make up at the time), d12+: If your Formidable Presence Trait die is
you may temporarily adopt an Asset of the level d6 d12 or higher, you can frighten any creature capable
or below. You retain its benefit for the remainder of of feeling fear; although a roll may still be required,
the session or until the Game Master feels it should your Formidable Presence will help you terrorize
wear off. However, the Game Master is final arbiter demons, angels, and grizzly bears alike.
of both the quality of the story and what Assets are
available at what times, and the quality of the story
needs to match the usefulness of the Asset. Having

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

F or the C ause ! ( d 6) Points equal to the maximum value of the Trait die.
You support a cause, duty, or goal. Whether For example, if you have Friends in “Low” Places at
you’re raised to it or programmed for it, you find it (d6), 6 Plot Points are spent to gain assistance. The
just and worthy. If you can reasonably justify your Game Master is, as always, the arbiter of exactly
actions as directly supporting Your Cause (heavy what happens and when your friends can help you,
on the directly there), you may gain a bonus to but you also can only request help that fits the
Plot Point expenditures on rolls For the Cause. If nature of your allies. Because of this, be sure to
you spend any Plot Points on these rolls, count the consult with your Game Master about the nature of
total spent as if it were 2 higher; spending 1 Plot your friends when you take this Trait.
Point nets you a d6 bonus die, 3 would net you a Friends in “Low” Places are most likely to help
d10, and so on. This Trait bonus only benefits Plot you by indirectly hampering your foes or causing
Points spent before the roll, not those spent after. negative coincidences for someone else, though they
However, you do not also add this Trait die to these might theoretically be able to provide support to
rolls, since it represents fervor—not talent. you. Causing a group of malicious-minded gangsters

F riends in “H igh ” P laces ( d 2+)

You have some Divine connections, be they
to try and mug your foes is more their style than
giving you something, however. 55
high up in the Brotherhood or with individuals of a F riends in S t r ange P laces ( d 2+)
Higher nature. They can’t usually interfere directly, You have some interesting mortal connections.

Chapter Three: What It Takes

but you can sometimes get a favor out of them. They could be the police, the press, criminals,
Once per session, you may gain help from your airport security, hotdog vendors … pretty much
friends—request help from them as if spending Plot anyone, so be sure to discuss who and what they are
Points to alter the story or create a coincidence, with your Game Master when you take this Trait.
but instead of spending your own Plot Points, this Mortal friends are more likely to be able to offer
Trait creates an expenditure of Plot Points equal to direct help, unlike more powerful Divine or Infernal
the maximum value of the Trait die. For example, if allies. Once per session, you may gain help from
you have Friends in “High” Places (d6), 6 Plot Points your friends—request help from them as if spending
are spent to gain assistance. The Game Master is, Plot Points to alter the story or create a coincidence,
as always, the arbiter of exactly what happens and but instead of spending your own Plot Points, this
when your friends can help you, but you also can Trait creates an expenditure of Plot Points equal to
only request help that fits the nature of your allies. the maximum value of the Trait die. For example, if
Because of this, be sure to consult with your Game you have Friends in Strange Places (d6), 6 Plot Points
Master about the nature of your friends when you are spent to gain assistance. The Game Master is,
take this Trait. as always, the arbiter of exactly what happens and
Friends in “High” Places are most likely to help when your friends can help you, but you also can
you through indirect support—offering you advice, only request help that fits the nature of your allies.
guidance, or placing a hidden cache of supplies in Because of this, be sure to consult with your Game
your near future, or causing some literally miraculous Master about the nature of your friends when you
coincidence or circumstance to help you. take this Trait.
Friends in Strange Places can only provide
F riends in “L ow ” P laces ( d 2+) assistance that fits within their scope of influence—
You have Infernal connections, which could compared to Divine and Infernal beings, they are
be members of the Order of the Sceptre, minor much more limited, but when available can usually
demons, or even stranger dark powers. They can’t offer more direct assistance, such as hiding the
interfere directly, but you can sometimes get a favor Demon Hunters, fighting alongside them, or helping
out of them. Once per session, you may gain help them track down information while the Demon
from these friends by requesting help from them as Hunters recuperate or prepare a plan.
if spending Plot Points to alter the story or create
a coincidence. Instead of spending your own Plot
Points, this Trait creates an expenditure of Plot

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

G et O ut of D eath F ree P ass ( d 6+) G ot R eligion ( d 10)
You don’t die. Or stay dead. You can even start Okay, it isn’t necessarily a recognized religion—
with this Trait as a shield against mortality, or you can but you believe in something, very, very strongly.
purchase it once dead. It might be a higher power, the good of mankind, a
When you would otherwise be killed, you football team, or even yourself, but whatever it is,
survive. If a gunshot would kill you, the gun jams. If your faith bolsters you when you need it most. If you
a fall would kill you, you land on a cart full of hay. If can find some way to draw upon your faith, once
you’re already dead … it turns out you’re not. Once per session you may replenish some of your Plot
you’ve been saved by this Trait, you can’t be killed for Points—as long as you have 6 or fewer current Plot
one full combat turn (or until the end of the current Points, gain 4 more! However, you do have to draw
scene, if the Game Master is being generous). upon your faith genuinely for this Asset to activate:
However, whenever this Trait saves you, it You might need to pray for guidance, tell your Game
degrades. If you have it at the d6 level, it disappears; Master what your Demon Hunter is thinking to
if it is at a higher level, it is reduced by one die Step. reaffirm his goals to himself, or witness a “miracle” or

56 You can buy it again, or buy it up normally, between

deaths—but relying heavily on it will eat up your
Advancement Points.
some victory for your side or goals.

H eav y T oler ance ( d 4/ d 10)

You have the constitution of an ox, and
G ood -N atured ( d 2+) probably the breath of one, too. You can eat
Chapter Three: What It Takes

You’re a suck up. Or maybe you and drink almost anything with no ill effects.
actually like being nice to Add your Trait die to rolls to
people. Whatever—the point resist the effects of drugs and
is, you’re always cheerful and P urple Ninja say: “Ciphers seriously poisons.
good-natured, and so people weird me out, like so. Ha-ho, hu hu hu- d4: You can drink twice as
are often nice back. Whenever ha, ho ho. Understand? Now you try.” much as most people your size
dealing socially with people in and build before it starts getting
a casual manner or in non- to you; likewise, most drugs
threatening and non-intimate settings, your jovial and poisons require a double dose to do their job,
manner helps you persuade or otherwise Influence and may even be completely ineffective in normal
them. Add your Trait die to rolls where your cheerful amounts. Unfortunately, this does make getting
nature makes things go smoothly. Unfortunately, this smashed more expensive.
doesn’t help if the situation is stressful and everyone d10: You are almost completely unaffected
is already on edge, or if the target already distrusts by alcohol and most weak- to moderate-strength
you—things like that prevent you from putting folks drugs. When things do start to get to you, it usually
at ease. takes enough to floor three or four big men before it
d6+: If your Good-Natured Trait die is d6 or makes you dizzy—you won’t have to roll until then.
higher, you gain a bonus to Plot Point expenditures The down side is that it is practically impossible for
on rolls that include this Trait. If you spend any Plot you to get drunk.
Points on these rolls, count the total spent as if it
were 2 higher; spending 1 Plot Point nets you a d6 H um an C ipher ( d 6)
bonus die, 3 would net you a d10, and so on. This You’re a Cipher, but you’re not a robot. Either
Trait bonus only benefits Plot Points spent before the by accident or design, you placed a set of Cipher
roll, not those spent after. goggles on your head and they sent cortical interface
d12+: If your Good-Natured Trait die is d12 or cables deep into your brain, painfully creating a
higher, people always feel more relaxed around you, human/Cipher interface. While this provides you with
even if they know they should be on their guard. some of the benefits of wearing the Cipher goggles,
You’re just so damn friendly that they feel like being you are not as resistant to injury because your chassis
friendly back—they might kick themselves for it is, well, flesh and blood. In addition, the human brain
later, but your good-naturedness can even help you was not meant to handle the highly advanced uplink
persuade hostile foes to let you live.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

to the Brotherhood Database. Even on the best of from the selected source, though secondary effects
days, the mad rush of voices in your head is enough might cause problems (being Immune to fire doesn’t
to drive you batshit crazy. make you Immune to smoke inhalation as well).
Like standard Ciphers, a Human Cipher adds Immunities do not apply to weapons types or very
his Trait Die to his Intelligence and Willpower broad categories at this level—so you could be
for all purposes (as an additional die, not as an “Immune to pistol fire” but not bullets in general,
increase to the normal die), and gains the abilities and you could be “Immune to swords” but not
of the Bureaucratic Mind (d6) Asset. Also, when bladed weapons in general, or “Immune to iron” but
plugged into the Brotherhood Database via a not to all metals.
laptop terminal, he gains the same access to the d8: This level allows you Immunity to broader
Database’s accumulated knowledge and information. categories of mundane things—harsh environmental
Effectively, he gains a bonus d8 to any Knowledge conditions, poisons and diseases (mystical ones
roll drawing on this research for calculations and included), bladed weapons, fire and heat (mystical or
deductive conclusions. Note that this is not as otherwise), bullets, metal, and so on.
large a bonus as standard Ciphers; the human
brain places certain limits on the bandwidth. Like
standard Ciphers, Human Ciphers have access to
d12: Immunities of this rank are against whole
categories of things: weapons, magic, creature
attacks, debilitating conditions and effects, time, and
Brotherhood scanning satellites when the Game so on. Be warned—these are very powerful abilities,
Master determines one is available. and should not be given lightly into the hands of

Chapter Three: What It Takes

The downside to being a Human Cipher include: players!
at least one Dull Sense (d2) Complication, usually d12+d6: This level of Immunity is actually
eyesight; the effects of the Loose Grasp on Reality called Invulnerability, and represents immunity to
(d4) Complication, as your brain constantly tries to all physical harm, regardless of the source. It does
sort out what’s real and what’s the data feed; and 4 not necessarily mean that attacks or spells have no
points of other Complications, as determined by you effect at all—but they can’t kill the being that has
and your concept of how messed up your Human this Trait! Severed limbs grow back within seconds,
Cipher is. Good suggestions here include Paranoid and the character effectively “heals” at whatever
(d4), Dead Inside (d4), or Eerie Presence (d4). rate he chooses. However, he may still feel pain or
The good news is that it’s harder to remove suffering, depending on his nature. Creatures with
the goggles from a human than the standard robot this level of immunity don’t even have to choose
chassis. This is treated like a grapple, with the what they are Immune to—though they do have to
Cipher’s Agility + Unarmed Combat/Grappling choose one thing to which they are vulnerable. The
opposed by the opponent’s Strength + Unarmed substance can be as specific as a particular chemical
Combat/Grappling. The bad news is that removing (rock salt’s always a popular choice), type of plant or
them immediately causes 3 Wound and 3 Stun, and artificial flavoring (wintergreen), or object (used beer
having them reattach causes another 2 Wound and 2 tankard). Contact with the substance causes normal
Stun. It’s assumed that the initial attachment damage damage if it is used as a weapon, and continual
has been healed for any Demon Hunter with this contact causes continual damage, even if the contact
Trait. would not normally be harmful; the substance is
caustic to the creature. The Game Master should
I m mune ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12/ d 12+ d 6) decide exactly how much and how quickly the
Immunity is exactly that—complete immunity to substance deals damage, keeping in mind that it will
something specific. Most normal people can’t have not be instantaneously lethal despite causing much
this Trait, so discuss with the Game Master what more damage than it would in normal circumstances.
type of Immunity you want and why you qualify for
it. What you’re immune to determines at what level I nitiate of the M ystic A r ts ( d 2)
you have to buy the Trait. For some reason, you have the ability to
d4: Immunities to individual natural threats— learn the mystic arts via the Mystic Arts General
non-mystical diseases and poisons, or natural fire, Skill. It might be natural aptitude, or it might be
or extreme cold, and so on. You do not suffer harm special training, or the unique kind of stupidity it

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

takes to think summoning demons is a good idea, a follower’s action, he gains a d6, and so on. This
but whatever it is, you may now put points into bonus only applies to Plot Points spent before a roll,
the General Skill Mystic Arts and any appropriate not those spent afterwards.
These Skills let you perform the ritual spells L ightning R eflexes ( d 2+)
of whatever particular form of the art you know. You’re lightning fast. Add your Trait die to all
For example, you might be a necromancer, who Initiative rolls and rolls to react quickly to danger
raises skeletons and zombies from corpses, or a (getting out of the way of a grenade, for example). It
Brotherhood-trained exorcist who specializes in may also apply to other rolls at the Game Master’s
detecting and repelling evil spirits. For specifics discretion, but only when the roll is a measure of
on the General Skill and Skill Specialties, see the speed, not just one that benefits from speed.
description of the Mystic Arts in the Skills section of
this chapter; for rules on using these Skills, see The L ycanthrop y ( d 6/ d 8/ d 10)
Mystic Arts in Chapter Four: We Ride. Lycanthropes are shape-changing werebeasts.

58 I ntuitive L eaps ( d 4/ d 8)
You have trustworthy hunches, and often make
The most common are werewolves, but other
varieties exist, and may have slightly altered powers.
Lycanthropy is a disease, which progresses
good decisions even without any information. Also, through three distinct stages—the third stage, full-
you have an easy time telling when someone is lying blown lycanthropy, is irreversible and results in a
Chapter Three: What It Takes

to you. Add your Trait die to any rolls to determine horrible, violent killing machine. Before it reaches
the truth of someone’s statements. that point, the Brotherhood can halt the progression
d4: Once per session, you may ask the Game of the disease at one of the first two stages.
Master a question which he must answer as truthfully d6: At the first stage of the disease, there is little
as possible with “yes,” “no,” or “maybe/it depends.” or no alteration to the infected’s mind or personality.
He need not elaborate on the reasoning behind the They do, however, have a slightly Eerie Presence (d4)
answer. as if they had that Complication, causing animals to
d8: As above, but you may ask twice per feel uneasy with them around. Also, they experience
session—and you may spend Plot Points to “buy” rapid hair growth on their faces and the backs of
additional questions. Each extra question costs 1 Plot their hands. At this point, their senses become
Point. heightened, and they gain the equivalent of the Asset
Sharp Sense (d6) for Smell/Taste and Hearing. They
L eadership ( d 2+) also gain an unnatural ability to regenerate—as long
You are a natural-born leader—when you as they’re alive, damage from non-silver weapons
yell “Jump!” at least one idiot hits his head on the is recovered at a rate of 1 point per turn. Wound
ceiling. Add your Trait die to any rolls to persuade or damage is healed first, and then Stun when no
intimidate your followers or those who believe they Wound remains.
are under your command into following your orders. d8: At the second stage of the disease, the
d6+: If your Leadership Trait die is d6 or lycanthropic infection causes them to gain the
higher, your persuasive abilities allow you to inspire Eerie Presence listed above, and to develop the
your followers to greater heights. You may spend Complication Anger Issues (d4) as their personality
Plot Points to add bonus dice to any roll made by is twisted toward a violent nature. When under
a character under your command, as long as he is extreme stress, they may undergo a partial
acting under your orders or is trying to act in direct transformation, developing thick hair all over their
accord with your goals. These combine with any Plot bodies, elongated canines, and a protruding, muzzle-
Points they spent on the action. like nose. They may also respond in predictably
d12+: If your Leadership Trait die is d12 or canine fashion to certain stimulus—thrown sticks,
higher, you can inspire people to legendary heights. baths, and so on.
When spending Plot Points on your follower’s Stage two lycanthropes gain all the benefits of
actions, Leadership increases the total spent by those at Stage one, but also gain the benefits of the
+2 Plot Points—so if you spend 1 Plot Point on Asset Athlete (d6).

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

d10: Stage three lycanthropes are the real d12: Choose three Skills. Each must have at
deal—capable of transforming at will into a huge, least some relationship to one of the other two,
cunning, lethal combination of man and beast. Their although at this level you can come up whatever
mind is twisted by the disease, replacing their Anger crazy thematic justification you like. Write “Mad” in
Issues with the effects of Out for Blood (d8) and Too front of all three of them on your Demon Hunter
Mean for Hell (d12). sheet.
Stage three lycanthropes gain all the benefits
of those at Stage two, but can also shape shift into M arked by the D ivine ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12)
the manbeast that makes them so fearsome; the Some people are—let’s just face it—that much
transformation takes one full combat turn. The better than you. You can’t possibly measure up
hybrid form walks on two legs or runs on four, to them, and they can practically do no wrong.
moving twice as fast as a normal person (base And though many of these people might simply be
movement of 30 feet on all fours). Its claws and humans who can be described as competent or
teeth count as weapons that deal Basic damage and useful, some have a bit more going for them.
have a d6 Wound damage die, and its bite transfers
the werevirus to a human if they fail an Average (7)
Resistance roll (Vitality + Vitality).
Like, being descended from gods. Or angels,
depending. Either way, these people are very rare,
and very powerful; not usually the type for Demon
At this point, the Brotherhood has no way of Hunters, especially when it comes to the d12 level.
saving the victim—Stage III werewolves are twisted, d4: You’re a Nephilim, a half-angel with some

Chapter Three: What It Takes

inside and out, into something that is no longer measure of holy power. Most Nephilim appear
human. entirely human to the naked eye, but someone who
knows how to look could spot your halo. There are
M ad S killz ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12) very few downsides to this, save the characteristic
Mua ah hahahahahaha! early-onset male-pattern baldness caused by the
… er, well, that basically sums it up. If you have halo’s radiation, and the possibility that you might
Mad Skillz, there is at least one field of study for earn the special ire of someone who doesn’t like
which the usual and mundane limits do not apply angels.
to you. You have chosen to do away with normal
methods of operation, or patterns of thought, and
conventional morality. Mad Skillz are essential when
trying to accomplish certain feats of engineering,
scientific achievement, or world-shattering works of
When using a Mad Skill, such as Mad Science
or Mad Artistry, the Game Master should expand
the field of potential accomplishment to include the
supernatural, supernormal, far-fetched, or simply
bizarre. You gain a +2 bonus when
spending Plot Points on any action
or story edit that you can justifiably
apply your Mad Skillz to. Thus,
spending 1 Plot Point counts as 3, 2
Plot Points counts as 4, and so on.
d4: Choose one Skill. On your
Demon Hunter sheet, write “Mad” in front
of it.
d8: Choose two Skills. They must be at
least somewhat related to each other. Write
“Mad” in front of each of them on your Demon
Hunter sheet.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

However, the benefits can be considerable. choose to give up a portion of his own to bring the
Nephilim are direct channels of divine energy, which victim back to life. Your Nephilim lets some of his
can allow them to perform amazing feats of healing. divinity slip away in this process, and falls back to the
Well, ok, only sort of. See, at this level, you’re an d4 level of this Trait—losing his wings and the ability
untrained Nephilim, unable to fully grasp your divine to heal others. Someday, he might be able to regain
heritage. You don’t often get sick—add your Trait die his lost power, through meditation, self-improvement
to all rolls to resist poison, disease, infection, drugs, methods, or binge drinking (and buying the
and so on—and you can sometimes manage to heal advancement like any other Trait increase), but until
yourself. Once per session, you may roll your Trait then he is … less than he should be, and that hurts.
die to reduce your current Wound damage by the Your Nephilim may perform his healing feat
indicated amount (if you have no Wound or roll more more than once per session, but each extra healing
than your injury, the remainder heals Stun damage, if costs 2 Plot Points.
any). d12: Godlings are even more rare than
d8: Some Nephilim meditate on their nature, Nephilim, even though they aren’t as direct a line to

60 take a hand in the fight against evil, and manage to

better integrate their mystical and mundane halves.
Their halo is still invisible, but they do develop angel
holy powers. Godlings are literally the descendants
of gods, but far enough removed by the mortal line
to no longer count as under their divine ancestor’s
wings—though never entirely white ones, since they direct control.
are, after all, mortal. Their wings must stand out As with Nephilim, there aren’t a whole lot of
Chapter Three: What It Takes

as a dead giveaway, or be voluntarily suppressed, direct drawbacks to being part god, but because
made invisible by a symbolic effort to tie them down of your intensely powerful aura you tend to attract
(it could be as simple as a cross of duct-tape on the weird events. You have all the effects of the
back of their jacket, or an elaborate bodice, or a Complication Mystic Vortex (d6). And, unfortunately,
cord or belt around their waist). If the wings are left being this powerful tends to attract enemies, ones
revealed, the Nephilim has to deal with the effects of that are just as powerful but bent on taking you
the Memorable (d10) Complication. Unfortunately, down. This gives you a Rival (d4).
he can’t fly, though a Nephilim who jumps out of the The benefits of being a Godling vary greatly and
zombie-Nazi-controlled zeppelin he just blew up depend on the nature of the god you are related
might find that a lenient Game Master allows him to to. The common ones are long life (Old Time d12),
glide. the ability to be damn impressive when you choose
Nephilim of this level have, for the most part, (Spooky Mystique d6), and an unnatural dose of good
the same abilities they always did, save that their luck (Blessed d12). Beyond those, the exact benefits
potential to heal is considerably improved. Replacing are entirely variable—the Game Master should select
the ability to heal themselves is the ability to heal up to 12 Trait Points worth of bonus Assets to add to
anyone, and possibly even resurrect fallen comrades. your list.
Once per session, the Nephilim may heal someone
through a laying-on of hands and a small prayer (the M eta -G ame A wareness ( d 10)
exact prayer and ceremony doesn’t matter, though Your Demon Hunter is aware that he exists in a
Saint Peter has banned all Brotherhood-recruited Tabletop Combat Simulation. The consequences of
Nephilim from performing what has been dubbed this can be far-reaching, but most directly it allows
“the Holy Grope”). You roll his Trait die, and the you to use that coveted resource, “Out-of-Game
target is healed, recovering a number of Life Points Knowledge.” If you know it, your Demon Hunter
equal to the result (Wound damage is healed first, knows it, and if he can persuade the other characters
and any leftover healing removes Stun). to listen to him, they can plan accordingly.
If the result would bring someone who was
recently killed (within the past half hour) back to N ot L eft -H anded E ither ! ( d 4/ d 6)
life, he is revived. If the victim is to be healed, but You are trained to fight with either hand. At
has been dead for longer than half an hour, your d4 level you do not suffer any attack penalty when
Nephilim feels his power being resisted by the fighting with your primary hand, and suffer only a
clutches of death. He can let the soul go, or he can –1 step penalty with your off-hand. At d6 level you

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

do not suffer any penalties for two-hand fighting. As a side benefit, people with PDPs develop a
Remember that multiple action penalties still apply. tendency to carry around almost anything they think
This doesn’t actually make you ambidextrous, they might need, called “Text Adventure Syndrome.”
though. For example, you might be able to fight If you need something that you could have put into
with either hand, but only write with your right the PDP if you had thought of it or remembered to
hand. Natural ambidexterity is a character choice (for example, something you own or had access to),
with no mechanical benefit or penalty. That kind of it never costs more than 2 Plot Points to alter the
fine dexterity with both hands doesn’t help combat, story so that you happen to have the object.
which involves kinesthetic sense, training, and many Unfortunately, living creatures never survive
muscle groups. being put inside a PDP. It is dark inside, and they will
probably be eaten by a grue.
O ld -T imer ( d 2+)
You might not be old yet, but you will be—for Q uick L earner ( d 2+)
some reason, your lifespan has been extended far You pick things up pretty quickly. Once per
beyond natural expectations. Barring accident,
illness, or injury, you can expect to live a number
of years equal to your species’ average lifetime,
session, you may use your Quick Learner Trait die
instead of a Skill you do not have. Once you have
chosen the Skill (pick a General Skill and, if you have
multiplied by the maximum of your Old-Timer Trait d8+, a single Specialty), it remains that combination
die (so if you have a d4 in this Trait, multiply your for the remainder of the session or until the Game

Chapter Three: What It Takes

lifespan by 4, and so on). Master decides the effect should wear off; it can’t
d12+: If your Old-Timer Trait die is equal last for more than 24 hours in-game. You must either
to d12 or greater, this trait becomes “Apparent have another character (who has the desired Skill at
Immortality” Which barrs accident, illness, or injury, any level) spend one minute instructing you in the
you can expect to live forever. Skill, or have 10 minutes to practice, to put this Trait
into effect.
P ersonal D imensional P ocket ( d 8) You may use Quick Learner to substitute for
You have access to a Personal Dimensional a Skill you already have, but unless Quick Learner
Pocket (or PDP). You might have had it issued to you is higher than the Skill/Specialty combination you
by the Brotherhood (whose scientists produce them select, it provides no benefit.
for certain field agents), have a natural talent that
lets you access it, or have found it—work out the R eputation ( d 2+)
specifics with the Game Master. You have a reputation that benefits you. People
A PDP allows you to carry large, bulky, heavy, are more likely to trust, fear, love, or believe in you,
dangerous, or obvious gear in an invisible fashion. depending on the type of Reputation you would have
Each can hold a total of mass about the size of a generated. Discuss with the Game Master what you
large bus, but is more directly limited by the size of are known for and what groups of people would
the opening. A PDP follows its owner ethereally, but have heard of you: When dealing with these people,
must be accessed through some opening: a pocket, add your Reputation Trait die to all Influence rolls
the inside of a trench coat, or your mouth, for (except when using inappropriate Specialties, like
instance. To put something into it, the object must Intimidate rolls when the Reputation is for kindness),
fit through whatever opening the PDP is attached to unless the particular group has been given reason to
at the moment (it takes one turn of concentration doubt your reputation.
to open or move the PDP). To remove something,
you must reach into it and think about what item S econd S ight ( d 4/ d 8)
you want; only one item can be removed per turn, You have eyes in the back of your head, and
though that item could be a container with other one right in the middle of your forehead. Well, not
objects in it. Of course, you can only take out what literally. You seem to always know when danger is
you already put into it. coming, and are very difficult to surprise.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

d4: The Game Master may secretly make a Hard S ignature I tem ( d 2)
(11) Alertness + Perception/Intuition + Second Sight There’s a particular otherwise non-useful
roll for you when danger threatens, usually a turn or item (a hat, sunglasses, jacket, cape, or similar, but
two before it strikes. If you succeed, you get a bad not a sword or medical kit) that really completes
feeling about the situation that provides a warning, your outfit. Without the item, you just wouldn’t be
giving you the chance to get on guard, or waking you yourself. Fortunately, you can’t be deprived of it; if
up if you’re asleep. Sometimes this might happen you lose it somehow, it reappears or is replaced at
further ahead of time—for example, if an unknown the first opportunity—for example, if your Signature
enemy is preparing to launch a major offensive later Item is a hat, and you get killed and lose it, the next
in the day, you might wake up feeling uneasy in a time you show up you’ll be found rummaging around
more vague way. in a bin, having just found a new one. Your Signature
d8: As above, but additionally you can’t be Item, of course, is spelled out in Title Case; see
attacked completely by surprise. You are always alert Upgrades in Chapter Five: The Warehouse.
to danger, if only just a moment before the attack.

62 Even a sniper can’t be sure you won’t suddenly duck

out of the way; you can only be deprived of your
Innate Defense if physically restrained.
S pooky M ystique ( d 6)
You are spooky in an undeniably cool way. This
can’t save you in desperate situations, but it can be
damn impressive. Depending on the nature of your
S hadow ( d 2/ d 6/ d 10) spookiness, you might be able to vanish completely
Chapter Three: What It Takes

You try to keep off the radar. It can be nearly when someone looks away for an instant; cause
impossible to find any dirt on you, and if you’re flowers to wilt with a touch; be accompanied into
careful enough, things will stay that way. a room by a slight chill wind; cause candles or
d2: You have kept a clean record. A background lights to flicker; make a sudden entrance while the
check can find out the basics: birth date, full legal light flickers for a moment, so you appear silently
name, and so on, but no suspicious or illegal activity and mysteriously in the instant of darkness; cause
can be traced to you by records, and there is little animals to shy away in fright or appear momentarily
to no information on purchases, jobs, awards, hypnotized; make the hair on the backs of peoples’
education, and so on available, though place of necks stand up … the list goes on.
residence and current employment will be findable. If you invoke this for purely cosmetic effects,
d6: The only available information on you there is no cost or roll required. If you wish to use
consists of your birth certificate, location of birth, and it to your advantage, the Game Master may let you
perhaps your current location; no information about spend 1 Plot Point to cause a spooky effect that
what you have been up to can be found. lets you add your Trait die to a roll to intimidate or
d10: You don’t exist. There are no records of impress someone, make a stealthy or sudden escape,
you, anywhere. Your name isn’t on file with anyone, sneak up behind someone for a surprise attack, and
no one can find out where you came from, and there so on. It can’t be used more than once every other
isn’t anything they can do about it save question you combat turn, and even that would be pushing it—and
or those who know you directly. drain the player’s Plot Points very rapidly.

S har p S ense ( d 2– d 6) S teady C alm ( d 2+)

You have heightened senses. Choose one of You are hard to shake. You always seem to keep
the following: Sight, Touch, Smell/Taste, or Hearing. your wits about you. Add your Trait die to all rolls
Whenever making a roll that relies primarily on to resist being frightened, intimidated, shaken, or
that sense, add your Trait die to the roll. Also, you otherwise mentally unbalanced. This Trait also aids
have the chance to detect things that others likely you in resisting torture or coercion.
wouldn’t notice: the faint scent of a particular d6+: If your Steady Calm Trait die is d6 or
animal or a perfume someone wore here, the subtle higher, you gain a bonus to Plot Point expenditures
electronic hum of a hidden device, and so on. This on rolls that include this Trait. If you spend any Plot
can be particularly useful when searching for clues Points on these rolls, count the total spent as if it
left in a crime scene or other significant locale. were 2 higher; spending 1 Plot Point nets you a d6

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

bonus die, 3 would net you a d10, and so on. This Is slightly intelligent: Your companion is
Trait bonus only benefits Plot Points spent before the somewhat brighter than a dog (and most high
roll, not those spent after. school students). It can understand most speech in
d12+: If your Steady Calm Trait die is d12 or your native language, take simple instructions, and
higher, you can’t normally be surprised, frightened, perform minor tasks based on the level of the Trait.
or affected by anything that this Trait would help you Can be killed: It is possible for you to lose your
resist. Only the most extreme situations warrant a companion, though how it can be injured/banished/
roll. killed/destroyed depends upon its nature. If you lose
the companion in a permanent fashion, the Trait
S tubborn S.O.B. ( d 2+) goes dormant—you still have it, but have no benefit.
You’re hard to influence mystically, psychically, You may either choose to lose it (and gain back ½
or through drug-induced hypnosis (or any similar the number of Trait Points it cost you, to spend
methods). Whether that’s because you have special as you wish), or to spend 1 extra Trait Point on it
powers or are simply as stubborn as a mule, the to reactivate it, in which case you either get your
result is the same: Add your Trait die to all rolls to
resist being controlled by outside powers.
d6+: If your Stubborn S.O.B. Trait die is d6 or
companion back or receive a new one soon.
d2: Your follower is largely a cosmetic feature of
the character. It can’t be larger or more useful than a
higher, you gain a bonus to Plot Point expenditures weasel; it might be able to fetch a key for you, but if
on rolls that include this Trait. If you spend any Plot caught would be easily prevented from reaching you,

Chapter Three: What It Takes

Points on these rolls, count the total spent as if it captured, or killed. Build its stats with 20 Attribute
were 2 higher; spending 1 Plot Point nets you a d6 Points, 0 Trait Points, and 10 Skill Points. It can’t have
bonus die, 3 would net you a d10, and so on. This an Intelligence higher than d2, and is only slightly
Trait bonus only benefits Plot Points spent before the brighter than a dog (its ability to understand your
roll, not those spent after. wishes is usually sufficient, but not very detailed).
d12+: If your Stubborn S.O.B. Trait die is d12 It can’t effectively fight—it can’t inflict more than 1
or higher, your mind is a veritable fortress of sheer Stun damage per turn, and can’t Wound enemies.
bloody-mindedness. You can’t be controlled, no roll d6: Your follower is slightly more intelligent
required, by anything short of the most powerful and useful. It can’t have an Intelligence higher than
Divine or Infernal compulsion—and even in those d6, and can obey moderately complex commands
cases, you always get a roll. (hide until dark, find the key in the desk, and let me
out when the guards change). Build its stats with 26
T ough S unnava … ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12) Attribute Points, 0 Trait Points, and 16 Skill Points. It
You’re hard to take down. Add your Trait die can fight normally.
to rolls to resist poison, disease, unconsciousness, d12: Your follower can understand any
death, and the like. command, even if it can’t or will not obey; it can’t
d4: Gain 2 bonus Life Points. have an Intelligence of higher than d10. Build its stats
d8: Gain 4 bonus Life Points. with 32 Attribute Points, 0 Trait Points, and 22 Skill
d12: Gain 8 bonus Life Points. Points. It can fight normally.

T rust y S idekick ( d 2/ d 6/ d 12) U ncom mon K nowledge ( d 6– d 10)

There’s safety in numbers, even if Number You know something they don’t know!
two is a small robotic fowl. You have a companion, And whatever it is, it is a seriously rare tidbit of
follower, helper, or familiar of some kind. Regardless information. You possess knowledge of some topic
of the level of your Trait, your follower has the or field that almost no one else does; it might be
following qualities: secret, or it may simply be very obscure. Discuss
Is a loyal NPC: The Game Master controls your with the Game Master what kind of knowledge it
companion directly, though it will generally act in might be, if this Trait is appropriate or not, and if so,
your favor. ask them what level it would need to be. This Trait is
highly subjective, so be sure it covers something that
will actually add to your character!

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

V ampire ( d 6) well, they’re pretty much whiny, spike-wearing
Bloodsuckers. Creatures of the Night. The goth-toast, taking 1 Wound and 1 Stun damage every
Damned. Those Damned Goth Punks. They’ve been combat turn.
called many names, but it all basically comes down to So Vitamin V is all well and good—it keeps them
the same thing. alive and able to stand daylight. But the Chill sets in
Vampires come from almost every corner of the one day after they last fed from a human, and will not
world, and they serve different masters and act in go away until they feed from a human again, which
different ways. Unlike lycanthropy, vampirism does puts them on the Brotherhood’s black list. Vitamin
not automatically break the mind of the victim. While V, even warmed up, does nothing to push back the
exposure to horrific things and harming humans Chill. Because of this, Brotherhood vampires are
in the course of feeding may drive them over the always cold, shivering, to the point of numbness. It’s
brink, this can be prevented. The Brotherhood has not unusual for the discomfort to mount, causing
developed Vitamin V, a blood-substituting beverage a mental strain that leads to an eventual cold snap
that satisfies the Thirst for human blood without during which the vampire is overcome by their Thirst

64 causing harm to humans.

Of course, being a vampire does cause some
other problems that have to be dealt with. Vampires
and feeds from a human. Once a vampire starts
living on Vitamin V, he has to make a Willpower +
Discipline/Concentration roll once a month, against a
are mildly Allergic (d2) to garlic, and severely Hard (11) Difficulty. If he fails the roll, they can’t help
Allergic (d8) to holiness, such as that of active sites but feed from a human at some point that month—
Chapter Three: What It Takes

of worship or a religious icon held by a true believer. and if his slip is discovered by the Brotherhood, he’ll
However, those problems pale in comparison to the be killed. Because of this danger—not to mention the
true bane of their undead condition: The Thirst, and comfort even a little warmth brings—Brotherhood
the accompanying Chill. The Thirst is, essentially, a bloodsuckers seek out ways to warm up whenever
powerful Addiction (d10) to human blood, which possible, to push the Chill back a little. Saunas, steam
must be satisfied regularly. Because vampires are baths, warm clothing, clingy significant others are
undead, they receive their sustenance from the options. If the vamp can find ways to keep a little
living—but the Chill is what makes feeding more than warmer most of the time, and can get at least one
just a necessity.
Vampiric bodies generate no heat at all. They’re
dead, so in truth no measure of cold will actually hurt
them—but they still feel the Chill, the lack of warmth
in their bodies. And the only way to push back the
Chill is to feed directly from a human.
Vampires only need to feed once every three
days—if they don’t, they shut down, like a lizard
in hibernation, waiting for blood. Vitamin V can
prevent this; it feeds them, and keeps them going.
It also pushes back their tendency to spontaneously
combust in daylight. An unfed vampire’s aversion to
sunlight is more than the psychological aspect most
basement-bred gamers develop; sunlight causes
serious harm if more than a few square inches of skin
are exposed to it. If the vamp has fed within a 24
hours, the exposure is harmless—just irritating, as
if they’re feeling a bad sunburn. However, if they’ve
gone between 24 and 48 hours since feeding, they
start to singe, taking 1 Wound and 1 Stun damage
every 30 seconds that they’re exposed. If they’ve
gone more than 48 hours since their last feeding—

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

big jolt a month, the psychological effect reduces the d8: As d4 above, but you may also: produce
Difficulty of his roll to resist snapping to Average (7), unusual types of ammunition; produce melee
or even Easy (3) if things have been really good and weapons of up to d10 damage dice or several with
he hasn’t been under any other stress. no more than d6; produce shotguns or rifles with up
So being a vamp generally sucks—a pun too to d10 damage dice or four small firearms; produce
obvious to avoid. On the plus side, though, vampires one grenade or other small explosive.
are strong, fast, and hard to take down. They add d12: As d8 above, but you may also: produce
their Trait die as a bonus to their Strength and a low-yield Brotherhood energy weapon; produce
Agility (as an additional die, not as an increase to several grenades or small explosives; produce man-
the original dice), which affects all rolls (including portable antitank weapons and rocket-propelled
Initiative) accordingly. They also gain the benefits of grenades (no reloads); produce other weapons of
Fast Healer (d12)—and they don’t usually die when Mad Tech. This level of Walking Armory may be
they should. Unless the damage is to their head or restricted to NPCs.
neck (decapitation), caused by sunlight or fire, or
includes a stake through the heart, a vampire will
simply fall unconscious when they fail a roll to “stay
alive.” Unless whatever hurt them inflicts enough
W ealthy ( d 4/ d 8)
You may not have funky tech or weird
dimensional rifts, but you do have plenty of good,
damage to double their Life Points in Wounds (which old-fashioned cash. Add your Trait die to any
kills them instantly, regardless), the vamp will simply negotiation or bartering roll on which you are

Chapter Three: What It Takes

heal at their usual rate, and regain consciousness spending some of your excess cash to sweeten the
when their injury no longer exceeds their Life Point deal—either directly, or by buying drinks, giving gifts,
total. and so on.
Vampires, if caught before they commit too d4: If you are keeping careful track of numbers,
many crimes or otherwise earn irredeemable start with twice the normal cash, and receive a
status, can be considered for membership in the monthly stipend of $1000 without needing to
Brotherhood. They are offered a choice: a life of work—maybe from a fund or rich parents. If
shivering while their numb fingers scrabble with their numbers aren’t important to your Game Master,
next bottle of Vitamin V, or death. always remember that you have a fair number of
minor luxuries and a decent amount of spending
W alking A r mor y ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12) cash.
Why reload when you can switch weapons? Not d8: As above, but multiply starting cash by
that you don’t have extra ammo—on the contrary, 4, the monthly stipend would be $4000, and you
you could supply an entire lobby scene from your always have the most lavish versions of everything
double cartridge bandoliers alone—but you always and a large chunk of cash on hand.
seem to have one more shotgun or another pair
of Uzis hidden on your person. Or some knives Complications
and a hatchet. Or a pickaxe. Chainsaw. Whatever.
However, keep in mind that the Game Master may A ddiction ( d 4– d 10)
disallow a specific use of this Asset, if it would ruin You’re hooked. It might be cigarettes, alcohol,
the story. caffeine (sorry—we mean, “enhancing ingredient”),
d4: Once per session, you can do one of painkillers, demonic sacrifices, or almost anything—
the following: Supply one load of normal ammo but you need it, and if you can’t get it, you go into
to everyone in your immediate vicinity; draw a withdrawal. The level of this Complication depends
previously unseen normal melee weapon of up to d6 on the nature of the addiction: Something legal,
damage die; or produce a pair of small firearms with with few immediate risks and nonfatal withdrawal
no more than a d6 damage die each. You may repeat symptoms (being a smoker or a functioning
this multiple times for 1 Plot Point per extra use of alcoholic) would be rated d4 or d6; addictions to
the Asset. substances that cause more problems, have worse
withdrawal symptoms, or are illegal (or supernatural)
likely have a higher die rating.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Depending on the addiction, the time between A morous ( d 4– d 8)
required fixes could vary from 8 hours to a week. You think of yourself as suave and sexy; other
Minor symptoms include headaches (–1 Attribute people probably think you’re some kind of pervert.
step to all rolls from inability to concentrate), You can’t pass up a chance to score, even when you
the shakes (inability to perform delicate actions), know it’s a bad idea. While this is principally up to
frequent nausea and vomiting, or confusion that you to role play, your predilections could garner you
manifests on and off constantly. Severe symptoms a bad name. When trying to Influence those you hurt
can cause dire problems, like blacking out randomly, or offend, add your Trait die to all Difficulties. If they
violent rages, bleeding, cardiac arrest, and so on. haven’t already called the authorities or pulled out a
Also, you may experience social side effects from shotgun, that is.
indulging your addiction (the Game Master may add You can’t possess this Complication and
your Trait die to the Difficulty of social rolls, or have Unintentionally Erotic simultaneously.

66 6
supporting characters respond unfavorably upon
meeting you), your health may degrade, or you may A nger I ssues ( d 2– d 4)
be incapacitated while fixing. Your temper often gets the better of you. While
this doesn’t mean you go berserk, or even show
n A llergy ( d 2/ d 8)
it outwardly, you are easily offended or put off by
uz You get watery-eyed around kittens, and not others, and frequently make bad or rash decisions.
h e r e because you think they’re cute. It might not be While this is principally up to you to role play, those
Chapter Three: What It Takes

cats; it could be dogs, your in-laws, or ketchup, but who know about your temper may be less likely
whatever it is, you’re allergic to something fairly to trust you. Add your Trait die to the Difficulty
common. of convincing such a person to rely on you to do
d2: Your allergy isn’t life threatening, but it can the right thing or keep your cool, and don’t expect
set you to sneezing, getting a bit dizzy, feeling sick, leaders to be too happy about your outbursts.
and so on. Whenever you encounter
the allergen, you suffer two points of B lind /D eaf ( d 8/ d 12)
Stun damage on initial contact. This Being blind or deaf alters the way you
damage can’t be healed until interact drastically. If you are
the allergen is removed or either Blind or Deaf, and can
you receive medication, at P urple Ninja say: “Remember wisdom largely compensate for your
which point it begins healing of Avril Lavigne: Why did you have to disability, this Trait is rated d8 for
normally. Symptoms continue go and make things so complicated?” you. If you are both Blind and
until this Stun damage is Deaf, and/or have little ability
gone—you sneeze, cough, to make do, this Trait is worth
and the Game Master adds your Trait die to the d12. Unless some supernatural sense or device
Difficulty of all actions you take. compensates for their inability to communicate, most
d8: Your allergy could kill you; whenever you Demon Hunters should not start out both Blind and
encounter the allergen, make a Resistance (Vitality Deaf.
+ Vitality) roll against a Difficulty of 7 + your Trait Blind: You can’t see. Ranged combat is
die; an Average Difficulty, but the Game Master rolls impossible, and actions hindered by a lack of sight
and adds the Complication’s die against you. If you have your Trait die added to the Difficulty.
succeed, treat the exposure as above, adding your Deaf: You can’t hear. If you can see, a
Trait die to the Difficulty of all your actions until the Specialty in Perception/Lip Reading of d10 lets you
Stun damage heals. If you fail the Resistance roll, you automatically understand normal speech within a
go into shock and begin convulsing. Unless properly reasonable distance. If you can’t see, you may be
medicated, you suffer your Trait die in Basic damage almost entirely unable to communicate.
every two minutes until you die, whether or not the
allergen is removed.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

C an ’ t E ver H ide the B odies ( d 6) both obvious and far-reaching. Add your Trait die to
For some reason, you suffer from a chronic the Difficulty of all social interactions in situations
inability to get away with anything secretly. You just where being Crude could be a problem.
can’t hide the evidence; either immediately or very
quickly, you are linked inextricably to any crime C owar d ( d 4– d 8)
scene you’ve been anywhere near. The baddies You’re a yeller-bellied, lily-livered, sniveling little
always know when you’re involved in attempting to toad, and proud of it. You don’t want to get hurt, and
foil their schemes, and trying to infiltrate a secret you don’t want to die. This is primarily a role playing
base is difficult when you accidentally wind up on Trait, but it may affect your ability to withstand
security footage because you stepped out from interrogation, intimidation, torture, and the like, as
behind the wrong corner—people are quickly well as making other people look down on you. In
alerted to your presence, though not necessarily to these situations, add your Trait die to the Difficulty of
your exact location. the appropriate rolls.

C omfor t O bject ( d 2+)

It might be a blanket, a cross, or the broken
hilt of your father’s sword that you wear around
D amned ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12)
When everything is looking up, you can expect it
to come crashing down around your ears. The Game
your neck, but you require some object to feel Master can force you to reroll all the dice from an
complete. The object can be anything that you can action and use the lower of the two results. This is

Chapter Three: What It Takes

carry on your person, serves no useful function, is especially likely if you’ve spent a Plot Point on your
often displayed proudly, and can be lost or stolen. last turn.
Therefore it can’t be a tattoo or an impossibly small d4: You can be forced to reroll once per
object that never comes out of your pocket. And session.
whenever you don’t have it, you become agitated d8: You can be forced to reroll twice per
(read: cry like a little girl). You get so upset that session.
you have to add your Complication’s Trait die to d12: You can be forced to reroll thrice per
the Difficulty of all actions you take, and if possible, session.
should do your best to act for the immediate
retrieval of the object.

C ont r ar y S am aritan ( d 4)
You might feel sorry for them, or maybe you
just never outgrew being 12, but you tend to find
the underdog in any situation and put yourself firmly
alongside them—until someone else becomes the
underdog, anyway. While this is principally up to
you to role play, it can also lead to being thought of
as wishy-washy, juvenile, or immature—or it might
make someone feel betrayed. When interacting with
people who might dislike you because of this Trait,
add the Trait die to the Difficulties of all social rolls.

C rude ( d 4– d 8)
If you can add a four-letter word to a sentence,
you might as well add two. You probably still think
“your mom” jokes are funny, and instead of learning
what the second fork is for, you opt to eat with you
fingers. While this is principally up to you to role
play, the social consequences can quickly become

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

D ead B roke ( d 4/ d 8) d8: If your Duty puts you in the line of danger
You’ve got nothing but lint in your pockets. sometimes (“never leave a man behind,” “defend
d4: If you’re keeping careful track of cash, you your country,” “always obey your superiors or
start with half the normal amount, and whenever you be kicked from the Brotherhood”), carries some
get a big score, you lose half of it without any benefit important but nonlethal consequences for breaking it,
(get ripped off on a deal, get mugged, drop it down or is essentially completely unavoidable but not too
a drain, whatever). If you’re less worked up about dangerous (compulsory military service during peace
penny-pinching, you might have some raggedy gear, time), this is the level for it.
and you rarely have enough money for more than d12: If your Duty is likely to be extremely
lunch. dangerous, carries life-threatening consequences for
d8: As above, but divide starting cash by four, breaking it, or is unavoidable and probably risky (a
and lose all but a quarter of any money earned. You magical compulsion to go on a dangerous quest, for
have patched clothing, almost no equipment that isn’t example), this is the level for it.
vital to your survival, and usually have to go without

68 lunch.

D ead I nside ( d 4– d 6)
E erie P resence ( d 2+)
There’s something … off about you that puts
people on edge. Add your Trait die to the Difficulty
You just don’t get it. And by that, we mean of any rolls to interact with mortals (except when
anything—at least, anything related to emotion, Intimidating them, though this Trait doesn’t provide a
Chapter Three: What It Takes

humor, or the like. Maybe you can’t, because your bonus to that). The exact effects change depending
mind is really a positronic network that doesn’t do on the severity of your condition, and could result in
emotion, or maybe you’re just a grim, stoic individual extremely ill-mannered behavior, like trying to ram
with no sense of humor. You also probably fail to a stake through your heart, light you on fire, or stick
pick up on any tension, comments, humor, or hints dirty socks in your mouth (superstitions run to all
related to emotional issues or sex. sorts of oddities).
At a very minor level, there aren’t any extremely
D ull S ense ( d 2– d 6) obvious things people can point out as being the
One of your senses (sight, hearing, smell/taste, problem—they just get a bit of an odd feeling about
touch) is less keen than it should be. Whenever that you. At slightly higher levels, like d6–d8, people
sense is the primary factor behind a roll to notice might notice odd things out of the corner of their
something, add your Trait die to the Difficulty of the eyes, such as your reflection appearing monstrous,
roll. your shadow behaving oddly, and so on. You also
might appear too pale, or too gaunt, or strange in
D ut y ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12) some other way that is still potentially normal. At
There’s something you have to do, whether you extremely high levels, you cause a definite chill up
like it or not. Depending on what this Duty is the people’s spines, smell like death, or behave oddly
consequences for shirking it could be pretty bad … enough that people are genuinely afraid of you.
but then again, sticking to it might be dangerous, too.
Your Duty could represent a number of E xt remely S ane ( d 10)
things: the requirements of your job, a personal You are absolutely convinced of your own sanity
code of honor, a family or clan responsibility, or a and rationality. Obviously, the supernatural is no
supernatural compulsion. more than a pack of myths and lies trumped up with
d4: If your Duty is relatively safe most of the special effects; you don’t acknowledge the existence
time (“always help old ladies cross the street or flee of anything outside the mortal, and will usually
from demons,” “never miss a day at work or you let assume that unnatural threats are non-dangerous
down the bus driver community”), or is solely self- pranks. Even when presented with a dead body, you
imposed with no direct consequences for breaking it, will assume the supernatural is merely a cover story
this is the level for it. for your average run-of-the-mill murder.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

This can make interacting with you extremely I nconsequential ( d 2– d 8)
irritating for anyone with half a brain. You almost There may be hope for you yet—oh, who
certainly aren’t a Demon Hunter, and you probably are you kidding? There’s no way you could ever
have very few friends since your lack of imagination amount to anything! You suffer from bouts of minor
makes for boring conversations. depression that make you feel ineffective and
inconsequential. Whenever you fail a roll to actively
F orked T ongue ( d 6) do something (so defenses, reactions, and rolls for
You lie compulsively; people very quickly realize passive things like noticing something unusual don’t
that you can’t be trusted. While this is principally up count), add your Trait die to the Difficulties of all
to you to role play, lying at the wrong time or being related actions for the remainder of the session or
a known liar can have serious consequences. Once until your Demon Hunter can sleep on it, have a cup
somebody has caught on, add your Trait die to the of tea, or somehing similar.
Difficulty of all rolls to convince them you’re telling
the truth; this Trait compels you to lie, but it doesn’t I nfamy ( d 2+)
mean you’re any good at it.

G lor y H ound ( d 2– d 4)
You have an extremely negative reputation that
can make it difficult to deal with people. Discuss
with the Game Master who will have heard of you
You hog the spotlight, even if you don’t deserve and what garnered you this Infamy when setting the
it or won’t survive in it for long. You want everyone Trait die. When dealing with people who would have

Chapter Three: What It Takes

to know how impressive you are, and you’ll do a negative reaction to you, add your Trait die to the
stupid stuff to make sure they do. While this is Difficulties of all social rolls. Your Infamy doesn’t
principally up to you to role play, you may wind up make you fearsome—just hated.
pissing people off or overlooking the consequences It is possible to have both Infamy and a
of your actions. When appropriate, add your Trait Reputation, if they represent the attitudes of
die to the Difficulty of rolls this Trait might interfere different groups of people towards you.
K lep to ( d 2/ d 6/ d 10)
G reedy ( d 4– d 8) You steal compulsively. This can annoy people,
Money is, in fact, the root of all happiness. get you in trouble, and makes you the first suspect
You could always use a little more, even if you even when you didn’t do anything wrong. Since you
have to sell out your friends to get it. While this is steal out of compulsion, and not out of necessity, you
principally up to you to role play, others might find don’t even have a self-justification to back you up.
your desperate, money-grubbing behavior more The die rating of the Trait represents what level of
than a little off-putting, or you may make decisions theft you are compelled to commit.
so ill considered that you wind up getting yourself in d2: You shoplift candy from drug stores, grab
trouble. the change from someone’s jacket pocket, and take
the silverware from restaurants. Not likely to get
I dealist ( d 2– d 6) you shot, but you never know.
You honestly believe that people are basically d6: You like to live dangerously—you might
good, everything will work out for the best, and the break into cars, rob a house just to see if you can, or
universe is a more-or-less nice place. In regard to at try to pick the pocket of a rich-looking guy because
least one part of your life, you have an unrealistically he might have a big chunk of dough on him.
optimistic outlook. While this is principally up to you d10: It’s a surprise you’re still alive—you can’t
to role play, you may have to add your Trait die to go very long with out committing serious theft.
the Difficulty of rolls when your optimism clouds Jewelry stores, car theft, and strings of major
your judgment. pickpocketings—you can’t let it go at just the one.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

K lut z ( d 8) M emor able ( d 2+)
You have four or five left feet. For some You stick out in a crowd, and in peoples’ minds.
reason, you can’t seem to get the hang of balance, You might have a particularly striking feature, or
coordination, and kinesthetic sense—though since a very loud demeanor, or a vivacious attitude that
you do move rather chaotically, at least this doesn’t people remember easily, but it makes it easier for
make you any more likely to get hit in combat. Add them to find you. Add your Trait die to the Difficulty
your Trait die to the Difficulties of all rolls to move, of any roll to avoid being identified, or as a bonus to
catch something, throw something, or do anything the die roll of anyone trying to notice or remember
else requiring coordination, other than defensive you.
rolls. Also, you botch these rolls if all your dice come
up showing either 1 or 2 (instead of botching if they M ovie V illain T endencies ( d 6)
all come up 1). You act like you just walked off the set of an
‘80s sci-fi action movie. Your appearance, demeanor,
L ame ( d 4) actions, and name all scream, “poorly scripted super

70 You’re slowed down by a bum leg. It might

actually have been lost, or maybe is stuck in a
brace—or maybe something else keeps you moving
villain!” You have an unfortunate tendency to laugh
maniacally (add your Trait die to the Difficulty of
perception rolls, since you’re distracted by the urge
slowly, like arthritis. Reduce your base to cackle), can be goaded into monologueing
movement speed by five feet. about your plan to your captive foes, wear a
Chapter Three: What It Takes

goatee, and generally act in ways detrimental

L azy ( d 4) to your success as an evil
You don’t have enough overlord.
time to do it—you’re too P urple N inja say: “Purple
busy relaxing. If at all possible, Ninja really like Avril Lavigne.” M ute ( d 8)
you avoid any active work. You can’t speak. Whether
While this is principally up to you were born this way, or
you to role play, you may have to add your Trait die stricken dumb later in life, you can’t talk, though
to the Difficulty of rolls when your attitude causes depending on the reason, you might be able to
problems. make unintelligible verbal sounds. During calm,
normal situations where you have ample time to
L ight weight ( d 2+) communicate, the player may simply describe or
Your grandmother could drink you under the speak for the Demon Hunter. However, if time
table. Add your Trait die to the Difficulty of all rolls to is a factor, rolls may be required to deliver the
resist drugs, disease, poisons, and so on. information, decipher it, or both; the Difficulty
is always Average + a roll of the Trait’s die (7 +
L oose G r asp on R ealit y ( d 4+) d8), but the roll required to beat it is based on the
You always manage to look on the psychedelic situation. For example, signing something while being
side of things—I mean, is there any other way to bounced around a moving vehicle might require an
live? This Complication could represent any number Agility + Intelligence roll.
of mental imbalances—hallucinations at random, an
imaginary friend, multiple personalities, or anything M ystic V or tex ( d 6/ d 12)
else. Frequently, side effects include an inability to Strange happenings seem to follow you. The
communicate with others (or difficulty doing so, used car you just bought is haunted; gremlins bother
adding your Trait die to the Difficulty of rolls your the plane you’re flying on; it rains live, flaming dogs
insanity could interfere with). Discuss the nature of on your town. Once per session, something bizarre
your issues with your Game Master, and decide what and inexplicable plagues you.
die level is most appropriate for you. d6: At this level, the happenings are weird, but
not directly dangerous. However, they do cause
problems: For example, they might get you noticed

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

while you’re trying to be stealthy, make you lose so don’t like into a bloody pulp. You may be howling
much sleep you become fatigued, or scare off your and foaming, or cold and silent, but either way you
date. don’t suffer the enemy to live if you can help it, and
d12: Things aren’t just weird—they’re you don’t give too much thought to tactics. If things
downright scary. Poltergeists try to injure you with are getting to the edge of violence, you must make
falling bricks; a werewolf just happens to attack the Average (7) Willpower + Discipline/Concentration
bus you’re on; someone else’s spell misfires and risks roll to restrain yourself, with the Difficulty increased
blowing you up. The events shouldn’t be instantly by your Trait die.
lethal, but do risk damage if the Demon Hunter isn’t d8: You frenzy over even small offenses,
careful or lucky when they do occur. regardless of the situation or actual intent. When
something bothers you even a little, you must roll
O bscure B ody O dor ( d 2) to restrain yourself. If you fail, you start a fight. In
You smell funny. This could be a consequence situations where violence is totally unacceptable or
of some supernatural nature or event, your place suicidal, your Trait die is not added to the Difficulty.
of work, a hobby, or something else. Fortunately,
it’s weak enough not to be a serious problem, but
it does make you easier to track by scent, identify
O verweight ( d 2– d 6)
Polite people say you’re big-boned, but only
when disguised, and may upset or alarm people (add your mother believes it. Add your Trait die to the
your Trait die to rolls or Difficulties against you for Difficulty of all athletic actions. Fatass.

Chapter Three: What It Takes

these purposes). Be sure to discuss with the Game
Master exactly what it is that you smell like. P acifist ( d 6/ d 12)
You abhor violence.
On the R un ( d 4/ d 8/ d 12) d6: You won’t fight; you firmly believe that
You’re on the lam—running from the law. violence is wrong, and defend yourself only as a last
Exactly why or which law is between you and the resort. If you wind up in a fight you don’t believe
Game Master—you might not actually be guilty of is absolutely necessary, add your Trait die to the
what you’re accused of—but also be sure to clarify Difficulty of all offensive actions.
who will be looking for you, whether there’s a d12: You can’t fight or engage in violence; it
publicly known manhunt on, or what. might be a mental compulsion, mystical curse, or
d4: The consequences of being caught include part of your programming, but you simply can’t fight,
jail time, fines, confiscation of goods, loss of status, no matter how badly you need to. This is extremely
or similar—you aren’t likely to be injured. dangerous for a Demon Hunter in a game, so the
d8: If caught, you might be locked up for life, Game Master must approve this carefully.
beaten black and blue by the mob, lose everything
you own, or similar. If you’re really unlucky, you P ar aly zed ( d 8)
could be sentenced to death—better hope your You’re paralyzed from the waist down, either
buddies can break you out! since birth or as a result of some condition. You can’t
d12: You’re looking down the wrong end of run, jump, or perform many athletic actions; given
police sniper rifles. Orders are to kill you on sight, so the right circumstances, using a wheelchair permits
keep your head down or have it taken off. movement as normal, or a powered wheelchair may
increase movement speed, but crawling is half your
O ut F or B lood ( d 4/ d 8) normal speed and prevents you from taking other
You don’t forgive and forget—you reduce and actions. If you want to try something that is hindered
recycle, though. When something gets on your but not prevented by your inability to use your legs,
nerves, you have a tendency to blow a fuse and take add your Trait die to the Difficulty.
things a bit to far in retaliation. This is real bloodlust,
not your normal Anger Issues. P ar anoid ( d 4)
d4: Your rage rises only in cases of serious You know they’re after you. Demons, the IRS,
offenses. In combat or other extremely heated your mother-in-law—it’s a conspiracy! You trust no
cases, you may succumb to frenzy, beating those you one, and make sure never to take your medication,

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

because they always put mind control drugs in it! so agitated that when your Shyness becomes
While this is principally up to you to role play, you a problem you must add your Trait die to the
may have to add your Trait die to the Difficulty of Difficulties of all your actions.
certain rolls where your paranoia reveals the truth
that others wish to hide! S hor t y ( d 2)
You’re little—probably not young, just short,
P hobia ( d 2+) like 3 or 4-feet-high short. This is an unusual
You have a fear of something common: spiders, Complication, since it has some benefits to go along
cats, werewolves, needles, or the like. with the problems. Your base movement
Whenever the object of your phobia speed is reduced by two feet, you must halve
is present, add your Trait die to the the distances you can jump, and there might
Difficulty of all rolls. be social consequences, depending on who
you’re talking to. On the flip
P y ro ( d 8) side, it’s harder to hit you with

72 Everything looks better

when you set it on fire!
Unfortunately, indulging in this
P urple Ninja say: “If you know
Avril Lavigne, could you give her
Purple Ninja’s phone number?”
a ranged attack or to spot you
when you’re hiding—add your
Trait die in your favor in those
can get you in a lot of trouble, situations. There might be
with pretty much anyone—and you may still feel other consequences, both positive and negative, as
Chapter Three: What It Takes

the guilt if someone dies from one of your blazes. determined by the Game Master.
This doesn’t just mean you like to use fire on your
enemies, it’s a serious compulsion; you may even S o D amn M acho ( d 4– d 10)
spend so much time staring into the flames that they You’re overconfident. It isn’t just a desire to
consume you, and you won’t mind. show off—you actually believe you can handle almost
anything. This is primarily a Trait for you to role play,
R ebellious ( d 4) but once per situation, the Game Master may add
You have serious problems with authority. If your Trait die to any Difficulty or opposing roll, to
possible, you find a way to avoid following orders represent that moment when you realize you just bit
without getting shot—it’s all about the attitude. off more than you can chew.
Sometimes this gets you yelled at, sometimes it might
get you locked up or executed for mutiny. While this S uperstitious ( d 2/ d 6)
is principally up to you to role play, it will also have You actually believe that?
repercussions within your command structure, and d2: You behave oddly—avoiding stepping on
you may have to add your Trait die to the Difficulty cracks, talking about how breaking a mirror is seven
of certain actions, particularly when interacting with years’ bad luck, and so. It doesn’t interfere with
your superiors. your actions most of the time, but sometimes makes
people feel awkward around you—they are less likely
R ival ( d 2+) to take you seriously, enjoy your company, or want
There’s someone out to get you. Maybe to spend time with you.
they want you dead, or maybe they just want d6: You believe so firmly that your superstitions
you discredited, but they’ll do whatever it takes. interfere with your everyday life. If you perceive a
Your Rival is approximately the same power level negative omen, you must add your Trait die to the
as you, but the animosity they feel gives them an Difficulty of all your actions for the remainder of
advantage—whenever acting directly against you, the scene, or until the omen is negated by another
they add this Trait’s die as a bonus to their roll. superstition. There may also be other consequences,
if you perceive specific instructions in the omens you
S hy ( d 6) see.
You’re a wallflower. You become uncomfortable
when you get to be the center of attention. While
this is principally up to you to role play, you become

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

T oe the L ine ( d 4) W impitude ( d 2– d 6)
You do it by the book, no matter what. You You can’t deal with the sight of blood, even
won’t break regs, you always obey your superiors, a little, whether it’s yours or not. When in the
and you try to make sure everything is as instructed. presence of blood, gore, bodies, or similar, add your
This can cause all sorts of havoc. While this is Trait die to the Difficulties of all actions as you begin
principally up to you to role play, you may have to to feel nauseous.
add your Trait die to the Difficulties of rolls to get
people to do things your way if they think your way W ise -A ss ( d 4)
sucks. You can’t pass up an opportunity to play some
practical joke or prank, or just to make some nasty
T oo M ean for H ell ( d 4/ d 12) comment. While this is principally up to you to
You have no problem hurting people. Hey, they role play, you may have to add your Trait die to the
probably deserve it, anyway. Difficulties of rolls to deal with people you’ve just
d4: You aren’t a true sadist; you don’t actually blatantly offended.
seek to cause pain solely for it’s own sake. However,
you don’t think twice about executing prisoners,
killing in combat, or torturing people to get what you Skills 73
need. This opens up some options for you, but also Attributes form your basic makeup. Traits make
makes it difficult to keep people’s trust—only those you different, unusual, or unexpected. Your learning,

Chapter Three: What It Takes

who share your tendencies are comfortable working practice, and training are represented by your Skills.
with a person as cold and callous as you. A Demon Hunter’s Skills reveal a lot: profession,
d12: You’re little short of a monster—no anti- hobbies, background, or upbringing. Long story
hero or angst-driven good guy could ever reach this short, they’re what you need when you want to get
level of evil. No Demon Hunter should ever have shit done.
this Trait; if he does acquire it, he becomes an NPC Skills are grouped into two related types.
until it is removed. General Skills represent broad bases of knowledge
or training. Athletics, a General Skill, can be used
U nintentionally E rotic ( d 6) for anything from running to swimming to dodging
You don’t do it on purpose—but for some an attack. General Skill can only be improved to a
reason, almost every word you speak or gesture maximum of d6, however. After that, Specialties take
you make can be easily interpreted as suggestive. over.
This can cause a variety of problems—some people Specialties focus on a particular aspect of a
may accept your advances at awkward times, but General Skill, allowing you a die higher than a d6—
more often you’ll be slapped by the offended targets but only within that field. For example, a Demon
of your accidental attentions, or decked by their Hunter with Athletics d6 might have a Specialty
significant others, or clapped in irons for unbecoming in Running and thus use a d10 when that activity
conduct. While this is principally up to you to role comes up. Once a General Skill rises to d6, you may
play, you will almost always have to add your Trait purchase Specialties, which start at d8 and can then
die to the Difficulties of rolls to interact with people. be improved normally, just like Attributes. There is
A Demon Hunter can’t be Unintentionally Erotic no limit to the number of Specialties you can have
and Amorous simultaneously. under a given General Skill.
If a roll calls for a Specialty that you don’t have,
U gly as S in ( d 2– d 6) roll the General Skill die. If even that is missing, the
You’re just plain ugly. Add your Trait die to Attribute is rolled by itself, except in special cases—
the Difficulty of any action where being physically some Skills, marked “Skilled Only” can’t be used
unappealing makes life harder. unless you have at least a d2 in them. Your Game
Master might let you get away with spending a Plot
Point to fake it, but that’d be a big stretch.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 3.1: Skill Level
Die Type Proficiency Comment (based on Athletics and various Specialties)
none (d0) Untrained Don’t try to walk and chew gum—you’ll kill yourself.
d2 Incompetent They had a Phys Ed class at your high school.
You used to play softball, and didn’t get knocked out very
d4 Novice often.
d6 Competent You can jog a mile without collapsing.
d8 Professional You could compete in the high-school gymnastics circuit.
d10 Expert Scaling a cliff freestyle? Easy!
d12 Master The Olympics await!
You’ve swum the English Channel while being chased by

d12+ Supreme sea-demons. Only the greatest achieve this level.

want a Specialty not listed, or want to place it under

Benchmarks of Proficiency a different General Skill be sure to clear it with your
To give you an idea of how well trained your Game Master first.
Chapter Three: What It Takes

Demon Hunter is, and what he might be capable

of in general, see the Skill Level Table. It lists each A nim als
die type, and gives an appraisal of Skills rated at that You have a way with animals—or, at least,
level. they’re easier to deal with than people. This Skill
covers training, caring for, breeding, or raising
Skill Descriptions animals of all kinds—for a Brotherhood member, this
Each description lists the name of the General might include some rather unusual beasts.
Skill (along with a note if it can’t be used untrained), Specialties: Animal Care, Animal Training,
sample Specialties, and several examples of actions Riding, Veterinary medicine, Zoology, Mythological
with that Skill that would take an Average Difficulty Beast Identification.
(7) roll to beat. An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
Note that Specialties may fall under more than Teach domesticated animals to perform moderately
one General Skill. For example, a dancer could train difficult tricks; herd cattle; ride through a forest
the Dancing Specialty under Athletics if he competes during the day; identify a basilisk lair by the
professionally, or under Perform if he is practicing distinctive, lifelike statuary garden surrounding it.
for a ballet performance. Once you choose to train
a Specialty under a certain General Skill, it can’t A r tist r y
be moved to another, and you can’t take the same You have no money and probably never will,
specialty more than once. but at least you can express those burning feelings in
your soul—oh, go take some antacids, hippy! Artistry
N ew S pecialties lets you paint, design role playing games, write
Because Specialties have such a narrow focus, novels, or do most things that are based on creativity
it would be impossible to list all possible Specialties rather than practicality.
under each General Skill. The lists here are Specialties: Appraisal, Cooking, Forgery, Game
suggestions covering the most common Specialties. Design, Painting, Photography, Poetry, Sculpture,
They should not be considered a complete listing. Writing.
It is even possible that your Game Master may wish An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
to remove some, making them unavailable under a Cook dinner for a family and guests; write a polite
certain General Skill or nonexistent period. If you thank-you note; pad a resume application for
Brotherhood field agent training.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

A thletics D iscipline
Working out, staying in shape, and moving out You got the steel to stay focused in the face of
of harm’s way usually all involve Athletics. Physical danger. You are determined and avoid distractions.
coordination, distance running, and other major You probably annoy the pants off anyone with
activities make frequent use of this Skill. You might a sense of humor. This Skill is used to resist
have a hope of surviving, after all. temptation, torture, and fear—and possibly to scare
Specialties: Climbing, Contortion, Dodge, others in the manner you’ve been taught to resist.
Juggling, Jumping, Gymnastics, Parachuting, Riding, By yelling or coaxing, you can try to keep others on
Running, Sports (pick one, like hacky sack), a focused path.
Swimming, Weight Lifting. Specialties: Concentration, Interrogation,
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include: Intimidation, Leadership, Morale, Resistance.
Run a mile for a fitness test; play a pick-up game of An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
basketball with some buddies; throw yourself to Keep the newbies in line during a briefing; memorize
the ground behind cover when someone shouts jargon for a test tomorrow; resist spilling the beans
“Grenade,” climb a tree with handy low branches;
swim across a still, small pond.
when confronted with the good cop/bad cop
routine. 75
C over t D rive
You’re good at infiltration and covert ops. Hell, Cars, buses, tanks, motorcycles; Drive lets you

Chapter Three: What It Takes

you are downright sneaky, illusive, and most likely control these craft in bad conditions and perform
illegal. Hey, if you survive until backup comes, maybe basic maintenance. Serious problems require
you can sneak away while the demon eats your Mechanic.
reinforcements! Specialties: Bus, Car, Heavy Armor, Industrial
Specialties: Camouflage, Disable Devices, Vehicle, Military Combat Vehicles, Motorcycle.
Forgery, Open Locks, Sabotage, Sleight Of Hand, An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
Stealth, Streetwise. Maneuver at moderately high speeds; navigate
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include: difficult terrain; examine a vehicle for combat
Open the lock on a suitcase or piece of luggage; damage.
pickpocket a drunk; sneak past a campus safety
officer; cut the brake line on a parked car with no G uns
one around. You’ve spent time on the firing range, and are
proficient with any number of personal firearms,
C r aft from pistols to sniper rifles. For mortals, this only
You can take a pile of trash or spare parts and covers standard firearms—but as a Brotherhood
make it a thing a beauty, or at least something useful. member, you have also received training in any
This Skill involves creating or modifying items, number of weapons that are the product of Mad
usually for commercial purposes as opposed to Tech!
artistic value. If you need to make something that is Specialties: Assault Rifles, Machine Guns,
more sturdy than pretty, this is the Skill. At least, in Pistols, Repair, Rifles, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Energy
low-tech, mortal terms. Weapons, Spray/Flame Weapons
Specialties: Architecture, Carpentry, Cooking, An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
Gunsmithing, Leatherworking, Metalworking, Clear a jammed weapon; hit a small, stationary
Pottery, Ship Design, Sewing, Weapon Design. target at point blank range; hit a man-sized target
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include: on the practice field at close range; identify the basic
Sew a new pair of pants; repair the broken leg on a type of a weapon; determine the right ammunition
chair; sculpt a crude bowl out of clay; fashion a club- from among several similar varieties.
with-nail-in out of only a piece of wood and a nail.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

H eav y W eapons An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
If you have to fight, it never hurts to bring the Deal with daily paperwork; negotiate an exchange of
biggest gun. Victory through heavy ordnance, that’s goods with a willing merchant; seduce someone who
the ticket. This Skill covers the largest weapons that already finds you attractive; mingle well at a fancy
can be fired by a person, including field artillery that party.
might require several people to fire, and being the
forward observer for long-range artillery. K nowledge
Specialties: Artillery, Demolitions, Forward Hard to hear as it is, sometimes a professor
Observation, Repair, Rocket Launchers, Ship’s type is more useful than a bunch of grunts with big
Cannons, Siege Machines, Vehicle Mounted Guns. guns. He knows stuff you can’t even imagine, and
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include: that could be the only way out of a tight situation,
Hit a slow-moving transport; properly demolish a especially when what he knows is how to kill it or
building; relay the targeting data for hitting a very which button not to push!
large building with an artillery shell on a day with no Be careful to distinguish between book learning

76 wind.

I nfluence
and practical ability—the Knowledge General Skill
won’t allow you to perform actions covered by
other Skills. For example, a Demon Hunter with
Anyone who listens to a fast talker gets what Knowledge d6/Guns d10 knows how guns work,
he deserves. Still, it’s nice to have a competent who makes them, what kinds there are, and so
Chapter Three: What It Takes

mouthpiece on hand when you can’t just blow your on—but it won’t help him fire one accurately.
way through a problem. Influence lets you win Specialties: Appraisal, Culture, History, Law,
friends, lie to enemies, and persuade potential allies Literature, Philosophy, Religion, Sports.
to join your cause. This can be especially important An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
in a political situation, where the right words can Remember the names of all the players on a
escalate or diffuse a problem in moments. Also helps champion football team; name the major exports
when the other guy has all the guns, or when you of the U.S. and Great Britain; figure out where an
need to deal with social bureaucracy. ancient manuscript came from.
Specialties: Administration, Barter,
Bureaucracy, Conversation, Interrogation, M echanic (S killed O nly )
Intimidation, Leadership, Persuasion, Politics, A Brotherhood Chapter makes use of many
Seduction. different mechanical devices, ranging from cars
and tools to more unusual gadgetry. Some of it is
relatively simple, but most of it is not. None of that
trips you up, though. You know your way around the
machines and can make them stand tall and salute, if
that’s what’s needed. This Skill might let you build an
engine from scratch, redesign a machine, or perform
other feats involving mechanical devices. However,
this Skill focuses on mundane mechanics—the

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

things the unenlightened masses might understand. An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
To work on super-secret reality-bending devices, Twirl a knife impressively; deflect a slow thrust;
you’ll need the Mad Skillz Asset. make a simple club; sharpen a blade. Note that
Specialties: Create Mechanical Devices, deflecting an attack is an opposed roll—however,
Mechanical Repairs, Plumbing, Vehicle Repairs. a slow attack might be about a 7, especially in a
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include: training excersize where it isn’t really an attack at all.
Repair damaged plumbing; operate complex
machinery and equipment; disable or repair M ystic A r ts .
relatively simple gadgets and devices; change the oil (Special: Requires the Initiate of the
Mystic Arts Asset)
and check the tires.
Whether through training or natural talent,
M edicine (S killed O nly ) you’ve picked up on the techniques required to
A Brotherhood doc can put the broken bodies make use of the rituals of the Mystic Arts. You may
back together so they can get shot up again. None only have one copy of this General Skill, which
of its pretty, but it’s got to get done. And when you
have decent guarantee of getting back up again, and
again, and again—well, the doc is a pretty valuable
applies only to the particular style of Mystic Arts you
and the Game Master agreed upon when you took
the Asset (see the description of the Asset Initiate of
team member! the Mystic Arts for details).
You have been trained to patch people back This Skill lets you cast ritual spells. It may also

Chapter Three: What It Takes

together, treat disease, or work in a medical lab. You be used to identify or understand the effects of such
might not be a doctor, officially—but with the levels spells cast by others, if the Game Master allows.
of casualties these days, quite a few people have Specialties: Offensive, Defensive, Alteration,
picked up a bunch of first aid. Brotherhood medicine Detection, Obscuring, Creation, Summoning
is quite advanced, so your training lets you operate For examples of all Difficulty levels of tasks this
in poor conditions and treat problems that modern Skill might perform, see Spellcasting 101: The Mystic
medicine can’t tackle—but this Skill doesn’t cover Arts in Chapter Four: We Ride.
reanimating the thoroughly dead or cloning a new
body for a dying soldier. For that, you’ll need the P ercep tion
Mad Skillz Asset to get Mad Medicine. You’ve trained yourself to be aware of your
Specialties: Dentistry, First Aid, Forensics, circumstances. Clueless, you are not. This Skill lets
General Practice, Genetics, Internal Medicine, you notice someone sneaking around, find a hidden
Neurology, Pharmaceuticals, Physiology, Psychiatry, clue, or spot the tell when your opponent is bluffing.
Rehabilitation, Surgery, Toxicology, Veterinary It can be vital in a day and age when few people can
Medicine. be trusted, and the Order of the Infernal Scepter has
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include: agents everywhere—be oblivious to nothing!
Diagnose a cold or disease properly; prescribe the Specialties: Deduction, Empathy, Gambling,
correct dosage of common medicines; administer Hearing, Intuition, Investigation, Read Lips, Search,
first aid for a common poison. Sight, Smell/Taste, Tactics, Tracking.
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
M elee W eapons Gather basic forensic evidence; spot movement in
Some folks prefer their combat up close and light undergrowth; realize that the nice man with
personal. Others don’t look for a fight, but know candy doesn’t have your best interests at heart.
how to handle themselves if one comes looking for
them. This Skill makes you proficient with knives, P erfor m ance
clubs, swords, and anything else you can swing, On the dance floor, you’ve got the moves. In
poke, or bash with in a fight. the concert hall, you can belt it. When you need to,
Specialties: Chains, Clubs, Knives, Polearms, you can be someone you’re not. This Skill covers
Repair, Swords, Whips. dancing, singing, acting, playing an instrument, and

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

other performed arts. It’s also what you use to tell Skill. Specialties are broad categories of study—for
a convincing lie, which can go a hell of a long way example, Earth Sciences includes both chemistry and
toward getting you out of a tight spot. geology.
Specialties: Acting, Dancing, Costuming, This Skill only covers the scientific understanding
Impersonation, Instrument (pick one), Oratory, of the normal world—though the Brotherhood does
Singing, Sleight of Hand, Stage Magic. use advanced applications in plenty of their work,
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include: making it invaluable to them. For that sort of thing,
Act in amateur productions; star in a local band; you’ll need the Mad Skillz Asset, and pick up Mad
mask surface emotions; dance at a high school prom Science.
without looking stupid (well, more stupid than the Specialties: Earth Sciences, Environment,
others there). Historical Sciences, Life Sciences, Math, Physics.
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
P ilot (S killed O nly ) Operate most laboratory equipment; translate
If it’s a flying vehicle, you’ve got it covered. scientific jargon into everyday prose; remember

78 Unfortunately, even the Brotherhood doesn’t often

supply its troops with that kind of support.
Pilot lets you control a craft under adverse
Newton’s Laws.

S ur vival
conditions and deal with small problems. Serious Modern living is all about convenience. Houses,
mechanical trouble requires Mechanical Engineering. fluffy beds, hot showers—you don’t need all that. You
Chapter Three: What It Takes

Specialties: Airplane (Heavy), Airplane (Light), can find food, water, shelter, and your way around
Fighter Plane, Helicopter (Light), Helicopter when civilization isn’t available. This Skill can even
(Transport), Hovercraft keep you alive in the face of extremes of weather or
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include: Fly when hindered by minor injuries.
through mild turbulence; land or take off quickly; Specialties: Camouflage, Find Shelter, First
refuel a large craft. Aid, Foraging, Outdoor Life, Specific Environment,
Tracking, Trapping, Woodcraft.
R anged W eapons An Average (71) Difficulty task might include:
Guns are useful, but there’re times when you Hunt or trap small game; identify the signs of
don’t have one. That doesn’t worry you. If it can be habitation, animals, or events; perform first aid on
thrown, aimed, or released, you can use it. These are cuts or broken bones.
not generally accepted military weapons, but they
can hurt people all the same … and since when was T ech (S killed O nly )
anything in the Brotherhood generally acceptable, Complicated electronics, computer systems,
anyway? and programming don’t scare you. You’re up to snuff
Specialties: Blowguns, Bolos, Bows, in hacking through a database, rewiring a security
Crossbows, Darts, Grenades, Javelins, Repair, Slings, system, creating a computer network, or even
Throwing Knives. working on electronic sentience. Without the Mad
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include: Skillz Asset applied, the Tech Skill alone isn’t quite
Hit a man-sized, stationary target across the room; capable of achieving A.I. or other truly amazing feats.
replace a bow string; locate a good-sized throwing Specialties: Communications Systems,
rock in the field. Computer Programming, Create Technical Devices,
Electronics, Hacking, Jury-Rigging, Repair Electrical
S cience (S killed O nly ) Systems.
Studying history, politics, and human emotions is Average (7): Operate most advanced computer
all well and good, but in today’s technology-oriented equipment; override standard directive protocols
fleet, science is king—well, so you claim. You possess and basic computer security; write a simple program;
advanced scientific knowledge, understanding repair moderate system damage; disable a cheap
complex processes and concepts. Chemists, home security alarm.
physicists, and botanists, among others, use this

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

U nar med C ombat An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
You are a brawler—a good man to have around Identify a specific style of martial arts; secure prize
in a bar fight. You might have a bunch of fancy moves money in a small-time contest that is not played out
or you might just slog ahead until the other guy in detail; break a board with your hand.
throws in the towel. However you do it, you are
good with your fists, elbows, knees, feet, or even a W atercr aft
headbutt. Or claws, fangs, and other supernatural On or under the water, you can make it move.
weapons you grow out of your body—unlike This might not always be helpful, but when you’ve
mortals, some supernatural creatures have the tracked a villain and defeated him on his Death Sub,
benefit of unarmed weapons that let them do real it’ll be nice if you can get home again! Some types
damage. of vessel will require more than a one-man crew,
Specialties represent different styles of combat. though.
They are used the same way most of the time, Specialties: Canoe, Rowboat, Powerboat,
but your Game Master may wish to differentiate Yacht, Tanker, Submarine, Sailboat.
between different martial styles. For example,
boxing might not be used when kicking or grappling.
Specialties: Boxing, Brawling, Clawing,
An Average (7) Difficulty task might include:
Plotting a course from charts, estimating the length
of a voyage, navigating hazardous shallows at slow
Grappling, Ninjitsu, Wrestling. speeds, canoeing through small rapids.

Chapter Three: What It Takes

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter Four:

We Ride
athien tunes out the distractions—the fog of cigarette smoke, the cloying aroma of buffalo wings,
the rhythmic thumping of the drunk couple mating in the supply closet—and scans the bar for his
There, at the bar. A petite elfin beauty with hair like golden silk. Already giggling, well over her limit.

80 Lathien grins. He’ll enjoy bouncing this one around for a couple hours even after he gets the intel.
She’ll be much more pleasant than the fat lady warlock who’d summoned him. That had been unsatisfying,
but easy—a little Charm, a simple beckon, and she’d stepped right into the pentagram she’d so carefully
set up to bind him. Tonight, Miss Blonde Beauty will sing for him, and just like the warlock, her voice will
join the chorus of screams in his head.
Beauty perks up, looks over her shoulder. Careful not to open his mouth—no need to let her catch a
glint. Lathien increases his pheromones and winks back. She blushes from ears to chest, lighting up a face
already lit up by booze. Yes, he’ll enjoy this one very much. So seldom he actually gets to seduce something
Chapter Four: We Ride

Lathien slides onto the stool beside to her—and almost hesitates when he spots the 12 empties
in front of her. She couldn’t have put all those away, could she? Frail can’t weigh more than a buck and
change. No matter, though it does take away some of the challenge. He feels her body heat rise, hears her
pulse increase.
Her eyes rest on him, wide and inviting, her mouth slightly open and her breath caught. Lathien hits
her with The Gaze, focuses his Voice so it will only reach her ears.
“Hi. What’s your name?”
She flushes, tries to look away. He gently catches her chin, steers her gaze back into his.
He smiles—again without opening his mouth. “Would you like to be mine?”
She closes her eyes, leans forward for a kiss. Lathien meets her lips and drinks deeply of her.
This is almost annoyingly easy. What secrets could this little bink possibly have that they need him to
ease out of her? It’s not much of a hunt when the prey throws itself at you. Maybe he’ll come back when
he’s done … that redhead in the corner’s pretty hot. So’s that hunky bartender—
Pain! Burning boiling pain!
She shoves him to the floor, spits something into her hand. Wiping black ichor from around her mouth,
she pulls out a pair of earplugs.
“Incubus, right?” She looks down at his tongue—his beautiful silver tongue!—in her palm.
Rage! He’ll make her dig her own hair out, burn her skin with irons! Months will it take her to die!
Lathien summons the Voice … which requires a tongue, and … uh-oh.
“Figured that out, huh?”
She kicks the stool over, and Lathien notices she’s clad in camo from the waist down. And now she’s
grabbing something from under the … is that a rocket launcher?
Sally rests the tip of a recoilless hollow discharge weapon on Lathien’s chin. “Name’s Sally,” she says,
“and you’re a lousy kisser.”
The last thing to go through Lathien’s mind is a high-velocity anti-tank warhead.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Kicking evil’s ass takes a whole lotta work. life is usually the better for it, but against the forces
Every adversary—sometimes, even every encounter of Darkness, Fate is rarely so kind. Fortunately, you
with the same adversary—may require completely have some influence on the outcome of the dice.
different tactics to handle. While this keeps the If the plan goes sour, change the game—with
Demon Hunters on their toes (or groping around in Plot Points. They can alter the course of the game in
the dark, hoping they figure something out before your favor in any number of ways: They can add an
they get eaten), it would suck if the players were extra die to difficult rolls, turn a mortal wound into a
equally mystified about how to put their Demon graze, or even add characters, background elements,
Hunters’ plans into action. This chapter, then, and events to the world (“We’re in Sheboygan? Oh,
teaches you everything you need to know to get hey, I know a guy in Sheboygan.”) You won’t have
rolling. The Cortex engine that runs the Demon a lot of them all the time, and they don’t trump
Hunters RPG is quick, simple, and helps you tackle the Game Master’s authority in guiding the story.
pretty much any stupid plan the players come up Still, Plot Points should be spent, and they give the
with. Demon Hunters an edge that others just don’t
Watch out for getting caught up in
the technical details, though—this game
is about telling stories. If the
That’s the basics. You decide what your
Demon Hunter wants to do.
rules get in the way of that You might have to roll dice, and
(or put up a fight), the Game P u r p l e N i n j a s ay: “Lather, rinse, you might spend Plot Points.
Master should do what the and repeat. Always repeat.” You then tell the Game Master
Purple Ninja would want him the total and hope it’s equal to
to do: Take ‘em out! The or higher than the Difficulty.

Chapter Four: We Ride

Game Master has carte blanche to change, disregard,
remove, or create rules as necessary—as long as it U sing the ice D
makes the game more fun for the group as a whole. Most actions involve an element of chance,
Not to say that the Game Master should start and almost all have consequences. When a Demon
removing or changing every rule that makes life Hunter really needs to get something done, he
difficult (or easy) for the Demon Hunters. Rules exist brings together all his natural abilities, talents, and
for a reason, handed down from on high (through skills to make it work. Hopefully that’s enough,
various fallible mortal sources) as they are. They let ‘cause otherwise he’s screwed.
different people share an imaginary world, giving Characters all have natural Attributes, learned
them ways to express the crazy Demon Hunters and Skills, and personal Traits. Each of these is assigned a
stories that show up in their heads as raw ideas. Part die type that represents its value. For example, a d4
of this game is using the rules to interact with other Intelligence character is not the sharpest tool in the
people’s imaginations, so a Game Master who just shed; someone rolling a d12 Intelligence is a certified
ignores them has fallen to the Enemy—don’t expect genius. Of course, nobody’s great at everything.
him to last long, since a Game Master only keeps his That’s not a problem. You may not need to out-think
job so long as his players want him to. a genius if you can just flatten him. Each character
has his strengths and weaknesses.

Playing the Game

The Cortex System is designed for quick and
Most actions call for an Attribute die and a Skill
die to be rolled and the results added together. If
your Demon Hunter doesn’t have the right Skill (but
dramatic storytelling. Some actions are no sweat— is still allowed to try it—some actions require the
working out in the campus gym or walking down proper training), roll only the Attribute. The Demon
the hall. There’s no need to roll anything, since it Hunter might have a Trait that helps out, or even
would just slow down play. Other actions can be more than one Trait. And if that doesn’t seem like
screwed up—in that case, you roll dice and hope for it’ll be enough, don’t forget that you can spend Plot
as high a result as possible. If you’re lucky you’ll find Points to gain a bonus die.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Game Basics
that the Demon Hunters fail—hopefully this doesn’t
happen too often, but sometimes the story comes
You’ll find a lot of rules in this chapter, but most of
them can be broken down into one mechanic To sum it up, two factors must exist before any
that runs the whole game: roll is made. First, the chance of success must be
Attribute + Skill = Result meaningful. Second, failure should not delay the game
When a Demon Hunter tries to do something, or play havoc with the story.
roll the appropriate dice for that situation
(whatever Attribute and Skill the player and
Game Master think best apply) and add the
Unopposed Rolls
Most actions that a character attempts are
numbers. Higher means better. The exact
circumstances, as well as the total rolled, allow unopposed. That means their Difficulty depends on
the Game Master to imaginatively describe the situation and the goal, not some opposing force.
the outcome—not just whether the attempt Jumping over a low fence while jogging through
succeeded or failed, but to what degree.
neighborhood backyards is Easy (or might not be

82 When to Roll
rolled at all). Trying to vault a waist-high barrier of
barbed wire to escape a pursuing hellhound is Hard
or worse, even in the best of conditions.
Rolling dice is part of the fun. Part of the game is In these cases, the Game Master sets the
chance, just like when a Chapter of the Brotherhood Difficulty before the roll is made, depending on
sits down to a friendly, who-can-cheat-the-hardest his view of the innate challenge of the task under
game of poker. Still, too much rolling and the story average circumstances. If your roll is at or above the
disappears. One of the first things you need to learn Difficulty, you’re good to go. If not, sucks to be you.
Chapter Four: We Ride

is when to roll—which is often the Game Master’s The Difficulties Table lists the most common
call, but it helps for the players to understand too. settings for the Difficulties. That doesn’t mean there
Walking down the corridor, calling up your soon- can’t be other ones, though. Game Masters could
to-be-deceased loved one, packing a suitcase—none shift those numbers based on the circumstances,
of these actions can be messed up easily. They should and those shifts need not be in groups of four points.
happen in the normal course of the game and be Hiking up a hill might be Average (7) Difficulty most
finished with quickly; the story moves along. No need of the time, but a light rain might bump it up to 9,
to worry about their success. or spending a Plot Point to find a good trail might
Some actions have a chance of failure, but aren’t reduce it to 5.
meaningful to the storyline. This is especially bad Some Complications negatively affect a
when rolling the dice and failing would only serve to character’s unopposed actions. In those cases, the
derail the plot. For example, think about a long cross- Complication increases the Difficulty after the Game
country drive. Things can and do go wrong in even Master has otherwise set it for the conditions present
the most routine trips, and the longer the drive, the at the time.
more likely it is. Same deal with basic maintenance
on dangerous weapons and firearms, or injecting D egrees of S uccess
someone with an antidote, or debriefing a superior Sometimes the degree of success or failure is
after a mission. Despite the chance of failure, if important. In that case, look at how much ground
pausing to determine success, (or the consequences separates the roll result and the Difficulty. When the
of blowing it) is irrelevant to the storyline, don’t roll. result equals the Difficulty, you’ve got the barest,
Just let it happen and move on. Hell, even if there’s razor-thin success. When the result is several points
a good chance of failure, your Game Master may not too low, it’s not even close.
ask for a roll. Noticing a crucial clue in the ruins of Botching represents a monumental or complete
a temple is not easy, but if the plot requires it, it’s failure. That happens when all the dice rolled show
gotta happen—the drama isn’t about players making ones. In that sorry situation, the Game Master
Demon Hunters that can roll high on certain checks, should be creative in describing how bad things are.
it’s about the story they tell by making choices. Of
course, the same applies when the plot requires

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Outcomes should be appropriate to the situation—
botching dinner shouldn’t kill a Demon Hunter, but it
Table 4.1: Difficulties
could set the place aflame. Extraordinary .
Action Difficulty
Gator decides to try some of his misdirection Easy 3 10
on a big, nasty demon; he yells, “Let’s wrassle!” Average 7 14
and charges. His Willpower + Influence roll
Hard 11 18
doesn’t just fail—both dice show ones! The
Game Master describes it as a clear victory— Formidable 15 22
unfortunately for Gator, he just managed to Heroic 19 26
misdirect himself, and a moment later the demon
Incredible 23 30
fries his head like a popcorn kernel in hell.
Ridiculous 27 34
Extraordinary Success is complete victory or Impossible 31 38
an otherwise amazing result. That happens when the
sum of the dice roll is seven or more points higher
than the Difficulty. This time the Game Master gets
In some cases, both characters roll the same
Attribute and Skill. In others, different combinations
to be creative in a positive light—the Purple Ninja, are called for. As in all actions, the Game Master
for example, wants to demonstrate his amazing considers the situation and decides what each
speed to you. When you say “Go!” he tries to grab character has to roll.
the penny out of your hand before you can close
it—but after rolling his Agility + Ninja-Fu/Amazing Two Ciphers are dueling, each striving to

Chapter Four: We Ride

Speed (a Skill only available to the Purple Ninja), the out-hack the other. They each roll Intelligence +
Game Master sees that the roll is 16 points higher Tech/Hacking. Alternatively, one Cipher is stealthily
than it needs to be! You still have the penny, but you trying to infiltrate the others database; he rolls
do not have … your pants! Extraordinary indeed, Intelligence + Tech/Hacking like before, but the
but that isn’t surprising—the Purple Ninja never target Cipher rolls Alertness + Tech/Security to see
loses! if he notices.
Extraordinary Success does not increase the
damage dealt in combat; a higher roll is its own Some events seem like opposed rolls but really
reward (read further in this Chapter for more on aren’t. If the action directly pits one character against
combat and damage). However, such success can another, use opposed rolls. If a minimum level of
inflict an injury that creates problems beyond points success exists, however, it’s just two folks making
of damage, such as bleeding, broken bones, and the unopposed rolls and seeing who does better—for
like. example, playing darts. Each character is rolling
to hit the dartboard, so they each make separate,
Opposed Rolls unopposed rolls against a Difficulty Number.
Sometimes, especially when you’ve had a
few, you really just need to show the world what Attribute Rolls
a chump the other guy is, and you wind up acting Some things don’t depend on training. They
directly against him (or with your fist acting against use only a character’s Attributes—their personal,
his face). When this happens, an opposed roll physical, and mental qualities. The Game Master
results. On an opposed roll, it doesn’t really matter might ask for two Attributes to be rolled together,
how well the participants do, as long as one does it or one Attribute to be rolled twice. As usual, Traits
better than the other. No need to sweat a Difficulty and Plot Points can be added to the mix.
number. Each character makes an appropriate roll, A Strength + Strength Attribute roll could be
and victory goes to the one with the highest total. made when performing a brief feat of strength, such
Ties mean no one wins and the contest goes another as shoving a teammate in front of you to block the
turn, unless the Game Master calls it for some other rampaging werewolf. Strength + Vitality is rolled

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

when engaging in an extended feat of strength, such so with a chance to score an autographed copy of
as carrying that teammate back to the Brotherhood Rigellian Femme Fatale #8 on the line, he spends
hospital. several Plot Points to add a bonus die.
Memorizing important information could require
an Intelligence + Alertness Attribute roll. Recalling No Attribute is permanently paired with any
what was memorized uses Intelligence + Intelligence. particular Skill—the combination rolled depends
Certain Attribute rolls are so common that they entirely upon the situation and the task at issue. The
have specific names. Game Master should keep this in mind when deciding
applicable Attributes and Skills. They won’t always
E ndur ance be the same, even in similar situations. While you are
Vitality + Willpower: Among other things, free to suggest a combination you think fits, the Game
this roll keeps a character alive after he has suffered Master has final say.
Wound damage in excess of his Life Points, and
conscious when he might otherwise pass out. The Star Ace Raiden Ultimate Manga

84 I nitiative
Agility + Alertness: This is rolled at the
Convention is attacked by crazed Japanese robo-oni.
Ned doesn’t have any combat skills, but the Game
Master does inform his player that there’s a life-size
beginning of combat to determine how quickly a “replica” of the Star Ace Raiden battlemanga suit
character reacts. It could also be rolled in the face nearby. Ned’s player asks if Ned could jump into
of sudden danger, like poison gas, a grenade, or a one of those and use his Agility + Knowledge/Geek
collapsing floor. Culture in place of Unarmed Combat. The Game
Master sighs, nods, and Ned’s player picks up his
R esistance
Chapter Four: We Ride

Vitality + Vitality: This roll resists
environmental hazards, such as poison, radiation, or
disease. Unskilled Rolls
Some folks don’t have the right Skills for the job.
Skilled Rolls A tech-specialist might find herself in a combat-heavy
Attribute rolls are important, but most rolls ground action. A nightclub singer might be stuck going
involve a Skill. Unlike Attributes, Skills are never hand-to-hand with a vampire. Wolf might need to
rolled by themselves. They are always combined with read something.
a single Attribute. Trait and Plot Point dice are added When your Demon Hunter doesn’t have the
when applicable. right Skill, you just roll his Attribute. General Skills are
When you want your Demon Hunter to do broad, but they don’t cover everything. A kind Game
something skillful, the Game Master considers the Master might allow you to use a related Skill instead
action and the situation, and decides which Attribute of the most appropriate one, but don’t count on it.
and which Skill are most appropriate. If the character No Skill should become a replacement for all the
doesn’t have a precisely appropriate Specialty, his others. If things look really grim, tap into your Plot
closest General Skill is used instead—you never roll Points.
two Skills, and you never roll both a General Skill and Remember, some actions require actual
a Specialty Skill. Roll the dice, find the total, and see if training to be attempted at all. Surgery, computer
that beats the selected Difficulty. programming, and other highly specialized fields are
examples of actions that can’t be attempted unskilled.
Ned, an accountant, desperately wants to Chapter Three: What It Takes designates which
attend the Star Ace Raiden Ultimate Manga Skills can only be used after training.
Convention. Unfortunately, he first needs to
persuade his boss to cover his weekend shift at Complex Actions
work! The Game Master tells Ned’s player to roll his Most actions are resolved with a single roll,
Willpower + Influence/Persuasion against a Hard usually taking only a moment or two of game-time.
(11) Difficulty. Ned isn’t a terribly smooth talker, They are called standard actions. Other tasks are

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

longer and more involved. Complex actions require to make it better, even after the Threshold is
a lengthy process or multiple stages, like extensive reached, but he risks a botch undermining his
surgery, rebuilding a car’s engine, or tracking down work—whether or not successfully achieving an
the minor error in your 1040 tax form. These unneeded Threshold does any good is up to the
actions take more time in-game to complete, and Game Master.
require multiple rolls. No opposed complex actions exist. Two people
When a Demon Hunter attempts a complex might be working on similar projects, but that’s just a
action, the Game Master sets the applicable race to see who reaches the Threshold first.
Attribute, Skill, and Traits as usual. He also sets a Plot Points spent for bonus dice on complex
Threshold. That’s like a Difficulty, but the number actions only apply to one roll, though more can be
to be reached is much higher than normal. The spent each turn in order to keep rolling bonus dice.
Complex Actions Table presents a range of numbers
and their descriptive terms. Note that the simplest Gabriel needs to put up with training a bunch
Threshold (15) would be a Formidable standard of whiny noobs if he ever wants to win back enough
action. That’s because complex actions are expected
to take more than one roll.
The Game Master makes two more decisions:
favor to get a new Chapter going. Unfortunately, he
has little patience with idiots.
The Game Master tells him that the roll is
How much in-game time each roll represents, and going to be Willpower + Discipline/Leadership.
the limit on the amount of time that can be spent. The Threshold is Hard (55), it takes an hour per
The time per roll varies widely. Taking an exam roll, and he only has six hours of training time
might require ten minutes per roll, while searching per day. Gabriel is fortunate; he’s rolling d12 +
for cryptic information in an ancient library might d10. He picks up his dice and squares off with the

Chapter Four: We Ride

require a day for each roll. The most important noobs.
thing here is the time limit, however. If you have First hour: Gabriel rolls a 7 and a 5, for a total
unbounded time and limitless supplies to let you try of 12. Not a bad start! He manages to get them to
over again, even botches are meaningless. You’ll get sit down, shut up, and watch the training video.
the job done eventually. On the other hand, if you Second hour: This time the roll is 16—even
need to figure out how to disarm the bomb before better! That’s a total of 28 so far. The recruits
it goes off in six hours, you’d better get a move are gathered up and working through their first
on! Complex actions only come into play when tabletop field exercise simulation.
the amount of time that a task takes is important. Third Hour: Shit! Botch! Gabriel rolls two
If the Demon Hunters need to do it faster, or they ones! That adds 2 to the total, making it 30 … but
only have one shot at it (for example, life-saving it pushes the Threshold up one level from Hard to
emergency surgery), then they have to roll. If they Formidable (75). None of the recruits understand
could keep trying over again until they succeed the simulation! With only three hours left, Gabriel
by random chance, the Game Master should just needs some serious good luck if he’s going to score
determine how long it takes and move on. a total of 45 more points. Possible, but not easy.
Now it’s time to roll the dice. Add the result Looks like he should spend some Plot Points ….
to the total accumulated so far each time you roll.
Once the total passes the Threshold, you succeed—
well, as long as you beat the time limit. And there’s Modifiers
one more consideration: botches. Circumstances affect the chances of success.
Botches are a problem. Any botch during a When it’s smooth sailing or when you’ve got help,
complex action increases the Threshold by one life is a little easier. When you’ve got a demon
category. A Hard (55) Threshold would become breathing down your neck and it’s raining to boot,
a Formidable (75) one. Two botches, at any coping is much harder. Here’s how it all works.
point during the process, and the whole project
is torpedoed. Gotta start over, if there’s time.
Extraordinary Successes don’t apply to complex
actions. A character can keep working on something

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 4.2: Thresholds made clear. Steps due to equipment, weather, and
other external modifiers apply to the Skill die. The
Action Threshold effects of poisons, disease, injury, or other internal
Easy 15 modifiers should be applied to the Attribute die.
Average 35 A circumstantial bonus or penalty to a Skill the
character doesn’t possess is ignored.
Hard 55
Formidable 75 Assistance
Heroic 95 Sometimes you can’t do the job alone. When this
happens, other characters can help out.
Incredible 115
Ridiculous 135 D irect A ssistance
Impossible 155 When two or more can combine efforts directly,
the characters roll as usual and the totals are

86 C hange of C ircumstances
If the conditions surrounding a roll vary from
combined. For example, three Demon Hunters could
try heaving an ancient stone sarcophagus out of a
crypt. Depending upon the circumstances, the Game
plain vanilla, the Difficulty should be adjusted. Master may limit the number of characters that can
Conditions are beyond the direct control of the combine efforts at one time.
character: weather, lighting conditions, storms
of unholy energy, and the like. If they favor I ndirect A ssistance
the character—say, trying to make a report to When one character can only offer aid to
Chapter Four: We Ride

Brotherhood HQ while in a holy area—the Difficulty another, rolls are not added together. Instead, both
should drop. Otherwise—trying to send that characters roll, and the highest result is used. This
report from the outlands of Hell—the Difficulty occurs when a nurse assists a doctor, a copilot aids a
goes up. The Game Master can simply push the pilot, and so on.
Difficulty up or down levels (Average to Easy; Hard
to Formidable) or he can set a specific increase or
decrease. With opposed rolls external modifiers
generally aren’t applied. The circumstances apply
Plot Points
So, you wanna be a hero? A big-shot Demon
equally to both sides and thus cancel each other Hunter with a chance at Alpha One? That’s
out. In some cases, one side gets a benefit; say, admirable, kid, but it can’t be done if you don’t
background noise aiding a sneak thief. The Game survive. And it ain’t heroic to screw up when the
Master adds a bonus to one side, or a penalty to team’s counting on you. Plot Points help with all
the other, or both, as he sees fit. These adjustments that. Plot Points let major characters, usually Demon
rarely should go over +4 or –4. Hunters, throw their dramatic weight around. They
give the Demon Hunters—and their players—a little
P ersonal E dge more control over the storyline.
If the circumstances are internal, affecting a Plot Points should be tracked by something
character’s abilities, the actual dice rolled are subject physical during the game. Poker chips, colored beads,
to change. Dice are arranged in steps, and such or the like work well. This allows Plot Points to be
modifiers create step bonuses or step penalties. A exchanged by the Game Master and players regularly,
+1 step changes a d8 into a d10. A –2 step drops quickly, and in varying amounts. That makes the
a d8 to a d4, and so on. A +1 step above a d12 game run much more smoothly; handing them out
adds a new d2, and each step beyond that increases and taking them back is much less distracting. Once
the new die. If penalties reduce a die below d2, it everyone knows how Plot Points work, best that
is eliminated completely and the extra penalty is you don’t discuss them at all. Instead, concentrate on
ignored. It’s possible that circumstances completely translating their use into interesting and imaginative
eliminate all dice; the action automatically fails. game play.
Because of this, the exact die modified should be

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Herr Doktor is trying to complete a test of Complications in Play (1–3): More on
his Reanimator—but it does not yet live!!! He’s this shortly.
on the last roll of his Complex Action, and if he Completed a Challenge (2–4): A Demon
doesn’t make it, his creature will be nothing! The Hunter (or the entire group) overcomes an
player tosses four Plot Point poker chips to the important challenge. The more dangerous or
Game Master—standing up, he clutches his dice challenging the situation, the more Plot Points come
(along with the bonus d8 from the Plot Points) in your way. All Demon Hunters involved receive
his hands. He throws his head back and cackles the reward.
maniacally, “Live, my creation! Live!!!!” He Personal Goal (3–5): The Demon Hunter
tosses the dice down, and—still fails! His demonic achieves a personal goal—bringing a hated foe to
creation is without life! The player slumps down in justice, gaining important information, or almost
his seat with a heartfelt “Noooo! It can’t be!” anything else significant to him in a dramatic sense.
Amused, and seeing the player really getting The numbers suggested are for smaller stories and
into his role, the Game Master slides him three goals; life-long dreams, when accomplished, should
Plot Points to offset the failure and loss as a reward
for playing so well. The player gratefully adds them
to his pile, and play continues uninterrupted.
merit an even larger reward. The Demon Hunter’s
personal goal might also count as a Challenge reward
situation for the rest of the Chapter, if they were
somehow involved.
Team Goal (4–6): This reward should go to
Gaining Plot Points each player when the team completes an important,
Characters start each new campaign with six challenging mission. When they manage to uncover
Plot Points. During play, Demon Hunters can have the big baddie, stomp his ass, and get home in time

Chapter Four: We Ride

no more than 12 Plot Points at any one time, but for their favorite show, everyone deserves a reward
can otherwise spend or save them as they see fit (if for moving the game forward.
they have 12, they can’t gain any more until they’ve
spent some). If they earn or spend them in a way C omplications in P lay
that makes the game more interesting, they may gain A Demon Hunter’s Complications do just that—
an additional Advancement Point to increase their complicate. If played well, they should be a regular
abilities (see Chapter Two: Recruitment for more source of Plot Points. Still, suffering from problems
details on advancement and Advancement Points). should give kick-backs once per situation—R.M. may
Between sessions, record each Demon Hunter’s have issues with sunlight, but she doesn’t get Plot
current Plot Point total—they carry over.Plot Points Points every minute of every day: She gets them
are a primary reward in the game. They are handed when she needs to go outside but can’t. Of course,
out for good role playing, good ideas, completing Complications can come up in any number of ways:
goals, and adding excitement—even if that means Character-Initiated: Many Complications
the going gets tougher! are personality quirks, and they come up when you
roleplay your Demon Hunter’s less-than-perfect
P lot P oint R ewar ds side. When this happens, you should be rewarded.
Plot Points should be awarded throughout play.
Their allocation is by Game Master call, but don’t Wolf is an idiot; when being too macho lands
be shy about nominating other players for rewards him in fight he can’t win, he gets Plot Points in a
based on good role playing or cleverness. Use these last-ditch effort by the Game Master to keep him
guidelines, and suggested numbers. in the game.
Hell, yeah! (1): You came up with an awesome
idea, some superior role playing, a great line, or Game Master-Initiated: Complications from
something else so cool that everyone enjoyed it. a Demon Hunter’s background or personal history
A Plot Point award encourages more of the same. sound off when the Game Master chooses. If a story
No problem if this reward comes up multiple times arc or adventure revolves around them, Plot Points
during a game session, or several times in a minute, are awarded when the root problem is revealed, not
even. every time the Complication pops up.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 4.3: Bonus Dice Unanticipated: Sometimes, the
plotline places one Demon Hunter in a
Plot Points Spent Die Type Minimum Bonus particularly dangerous situation. Completely
1 d2 1 screws him over, with no chance of escape.
2 d4 2 Perhaps the Game Master decides that his
food was recently poisoned, or he was the
3 d6 3 one exposed to the nearly-fatal disease. This
4 d8 4 might be worth a few extra Plot Points, even
5 d10 5 if no specific Complication brings on the
problems. This should be rare, reserved for
6 d12 6
the extreme circumstances when the Game
7 d12+d2 7 Master feels a specific Demon Hunter has
8 d12+d4 8 been singled out for trouble, with little or
no chance to avoid it—they don’t get Plot

88 9
Points every time something bad happens to

12 d12+d12 12 Spending Plot Points

If you’ve got a lot of Plot Points
Gabriel’s Rival causes him all sorts of trouble sitting around, things are going too well. It
with the Brotherhood, but he doesn’t get Plot Points probably means the lycanthrope-shit’s about to hit
every time another goon in the service of his Rival the fan. Here’s how those points can help when that
Chapter Four: We Ride

gets in his way. When he realizes that his rival has happens.
ordered the recent attacks, or he confronts the
Rival directly, then he gets them. I mproving A ctions
Plot Points can be spent before a roll to add
Situational: Some Complications require a an extra die. The more points spent, the bigger the
trigger, usually out of your direct control. Plot Points die—a single Plot Point adds a d2, 2 Plot Points add
should only be awarded if the Complication places a d4, and so on. This die becomes part of the roll,
the Demon Hunter in direct danger, or causes him a just like any other, and is added to the total. The
significant difficulty. Plot Point die does have one special trait: it can’t roll
lower than the number of Plot Points expended on
London’s canine tendencies make him It (half the maximum value of the die). If it shows a
susceptible to certain … deceptions. When lower number, it counts as equal to the points spent.
someone figures this out and gets him out of the When two dice are added by Plot Points, their total
way by throwing a stick and shouting “Fetch,” the cost is the minimum total result, not the minimum
Game Master awards him some Plot Points. result on each die.

Constants: Some Complications cause ongoing You spend 3 Plot Points to add a d6 to your
or unavoidable problems, such as being Blind or roll. If that d6 rolls a onw or a two, the actual result
missing a limb. In these cases, Plot Points are not is ignored and it is counted as a three. If 6 Plot
awarded in ordinary, day-to-day situations. Rather, Points are spent, and the d12 rolled comes up five
they are granted when the Complication becomes a or less, it counts as six. Spending 8 points gets you
significant hindrance. a d12 and a d4. The combined total of those two
dice can’t be less than eight.
Being a Klutz doesn’t grant Ned Plot Points
when he trips over his own shoelaces, but when it
almost gets him or his friends killed, then the Game
Master might toss him some Pity—er, Plot Points.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 4.4: Plot Points and Story Impact
Cost Impact Purple Ninja Survival Timer
Inconsequential: The security guard we
1–2 knocked out had a chocolate donut. 3–5 combat turns (9–15 seconds)
What? I’m hungry!
Minor: The college has an old chapel for
3–4 religious services—we’ll be safe there! 6–10 combat turns (18–30 seconds)

Moderate: Look! That snowman is

5–6 giving you the finger! 11–20 combat turns (33–60 seconds)

Significant: Hey, old buddy! Glad to see

7–8 2–5 minutes
you—we could really use your help!
Major: The adversary decides to
9–10 monologue, giving us an extra 10 6–10 minutes

minutes to plot our escape!
Defining: My Demon Hunter used to
have a thing with one of the traitors— 30 minutes
maybe we can redem him!

when you spend them on certain rolls. See the Asset

S aving Y our B acon descriptions in Chapter Three: What It Takes for
Sometimes, you fail when you least expect it, details.

Chapter Four: We Ride

and often when you can least afford to. In these
situations, spend Plot Points after the die roll to S tor y M anipulation
increase your final total. Hindsight has a cost, though. For the most part, the Game Master sketches
Each Plot Point spent this way adds exactly one point out the plot and guides the action. You get in the mix
to the total. Not as valuable a windfall as if you spent through your Demon Hunter’s actions, but that’s not
them before rolling (since that nets you up to twice the only means you have to impact the storytelling.
the value of your Plot Points), but it’s a last resort for Plot Points allow you to modify that story in small
when you’ve already failed at everything else. ways. Mostly, you do this to help the gang. Whatever
the case, it should always be done to make the game
S taying A live more interesting and fun for the players (though not
There’s a good chance your Demon Hunter necessarily the Demon Hunters).
will take a wound that knocks him out or kills him Don’t get cocky. The Game Master has the
outright. Or maybe you just don’t want to take power to veto plot-twisting Plot Points if they
damage at all! When this happens, you can spend undermine the storyline. Plot Points can’t change
Plot Points to realize that it’s just a flesh wound. This core aspects of the tale, alter the very nature of a
is done only when the damage is declared, not after Demon Hunter, overturn prior events, or wrap the
the fact. The plot change can’t heal anyone—it just adventure up in a neat package.
makes the blow less devastating than it seemed. Plot Points let you alter the story in convincing
When Plot Points are spent this way, you buy a ways, stretch things a little bit, or add or subtract
bonus die just like when you try to improve actions, subtle details. A young reformed vamp might find
but this time the result is subtracted from the the inept but … inept … yeah … might find Ned
damage taken. Wound damage is reduced first; any charming and attractive, if she was into the gawky
remaining points drop Stun damage. type. An old friend might show up at an unexpected
moment to save the day or lend a branch (hey, they
A ssets don’t have to be human).
Some Assets require you to spend Plot Points When you want to spend Plot Points to
to activate them or the special abilities they grant, change the story, make a suggestion and hand
or increase the total number of Plot Points counted the Game Master the number of Plot Points you

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

are willing to spend, based on how far you thinks The mystic arts is a general term, and can refer
you are stretching things. If the Game Master is to any one of the hundreds of practices that have
agreeable, he keeps the Plot Points and incorporates evolved over the centuries. Vodoun, necromancy,
the suggestion—perhaps altered as he sees fit. shamanism; almost all of it can be traced back, one
Remember, he has a better idea what’s coming, so way or another, to a practitioner of the mystic arts.
cut him some slack. If he likes the idea, but think the And for every tradition that’s been documented by
payment is too chincy, he could reduce the impact of the Brotherhood’s watchful eyes, there’s a dozen
it and use it that way, or ask for more Plot Points. If more kept secret and mysterious by cults, secret
the Game Master doesn’t buy it, he simply rejects the societies, and demon-obsessed madmen.
Plot Point bribe and hands them back. The supernatural effects produced by the mystic
The Plot Points and Story Impact Table gives arts—known colloquially as spells—are brought
some pointers. Keep in mind that Plot Points are forth through a careful manipulation of the universe;
never a license to derail the story, to ruin another the practitioner exerts pressure on a loophole in
player’s fun, or to destroy the adventure or an reality through key invocations combined in precise

90 important premise of the campaign.

One specific plot occurrence has special
allowance made for it here: The Purple Ninja! The
ways and under specific conditions. The result is
something that defies the normal laws of cause-and-
effect. A gastromancer, for example, might sprinkle
Purple Ninja can be summoned at appropriate times some charcoal dust in a circle, meditate for several
of dire need in exchange for Plot Points. The more minutes, and then intone the mystic phrase “Veni,
Plot Points spent, the longer he survives—until then, Vidi, Venti!” which translates roughly into, “I came,
the Purple Ninja never loses! Keep in mind that I saw, I’ll have a large coffee, please!” Suddenly, he
whether or not the Purple Ninja actually destroys finds that his empty coffee cup is brimming with the
Chapter Four: We Ride

your enemies is up to the Game Master—he might bold, rich taste of Cobbler’s Crystals’ Italian Roast.
just keep them busy! Also, he can’t be summoned Of course, exerting the necessary pressure to
more than once per adventure; the Game Master make the change you want means fueling the spell
decides how long it takes for him to be available with a lot of metaphysical mojo. Think of it as bribing
again. the universe to look the other way for a minute, or
paying a greater power of some kind to do the work

Spellcasting 101: for you. The bigger the favor you want, the more
energy you need—and the bigger the sacrifice. A few

The Mystic Arts

Magic, you’ll hear most people call it—but magic
minutes after that gastromancer summons the coffee,
he will be glad to have it, since with a spell that fast
he must have sacrificed some of his own life force
isn’t really special. Magic is pretty much what most to pay for it. The result? He has a major hangover,
humans think it is, simple illusion. The mystic arts, on without even a drop of alcohol to deserve it.
the other hand, are something much, much greater.
The mystic arts are ritualistic practices that let Mystic Arts Requirements
normal people, with a little training or natural talent, A Demon Hunter buys the Initiate of the Mystic
change the world around them. No, they can’t throw Arts (d2) Asset (see page 57), and talks it over with
mystical bolts at the Darkness, or suddenly melt the Game Master to define the mystic tradition
their foes with a glare. Those kinds of abilities are he practices. Is he a necromancer? A spirit-talking
relegated to Quantum Magicians (pray you never vodoun houngan? A pyromancer? Whatever it is,
need to know what one of those is)—normal humans he may only ever learn that one tradition (though
don’t have that kind of ability. Instead, they use the the Game Master might allow him to study other
rituals they learn to appeal to a higher power (be traditions in an academic manner). The types of
it angelic, demonic, earthly, or From Beyond the rituals and abilities available to him are based on
Bounds of Time and Space) to do what they want. the tradition he chooses, though the Game Master
Don’t be fooled; even though they themselves don’t should let him broadly interpret the thematic aspects
wield the power, practitioners of these ancient rites of his tradition.
are dangerous opponents.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Mary Crow O’Connell, a necromancer, can The power or scope of the spell in question
probably apply her knowledge to raising zombies determines the Threshold of the Complex Action,
and skeletons, creating or curing diseases, getting and the amount of in-game time that each roll
a dead body to give up its secrets, locating undead represents. Very minor effects (detecting the
things or places where death has recently occurred, presence of undead beings within a few hundred
and so on. But, she might also be able to see into yards; creating a cup of coffee; lighting a campfire;
an area far away by using a spell to peer through asking a willing spirit to answer some questions at
the eyes of a skull at the desired location, or build a seance) have low Thresholds and likewise don’t
a temple to a dark god by raising a crew of skeletal take more than a minute or two for most people to
workers. cast. More demanding effects require appropriately
higher Thresholds and longer casting times. Below,
Having the Initiate of the Mystic Arts Asset is you’ll find examples of the various Thresholds and
the bare minimum a Demon Hunter needs in order suggested levels of power at each.
to start messing with the Universe. However, spells
become immeasurably easier to create with some
training. Botching a casting is a one-way road to
certain doom, so a Demon Hunter should purchase
Unlike standard Complex Actions, casting a
spell requires one special component: a sacrifice. No
the General Skill Mystic Arts, together with any matter how simple the spell, it will have some kind
desired Specialties, using the normal rules for Skills of cost associated with it. That cost can be paid in
(see Chapter Three: What It Takes). Specialties a number of ways, but the options available to the
for the Mystic Arts Skill represent different types caster are linked to the Threshold level of the spell.
of spells in fairly broad categories, as opposed to See the examples below for suggested sacrifices,

Chapter Four: We Ride

magical traditions; many practitioners will still have but keep in mind that the purpose of the sacrifice
similar Specialties. is often the significance. Players should feel free to
suggest alternate sacrifices for a specific ritual at any
Rituals given level, but the Game Master should only allow
Spells are normally cast through the the ritual to work if the sacrifice is appropriately
performance of a ritual, a Complex Action that important. If a piece of gear or something material is
can take anywhere from 30 seconds (the absolute being sacrificed, for example, it need not necessarily
minimum) to a week or more. Most moderately be expensive, but it should be important to the
useful spell effects will probably take half an hour to person sacrificing it, financially, emotionally, or
two hours to create, depending on the abilities of psychologically.
the practitioner. Some rituals may have special requirements
The roll the Demon Hunter makes is almost beyond the sacrifice. Maybe a given practitioner can
always Alertness, Intelligence, or Willpower + only perform them on Tuesdays, or at the full moon,
Mystic Arts/Specialty Skill, with the Attribute varying or maybe only once, ever. Particularly powerful
depending on nature of the spell. Alertness would rituals will likely require special timing, as well as a
be used for spells that extend the senses: locating dedicated ritual space which may have to be built,
something, interpreting a portent or riddle, and so or found, and perhaps days of preparation. Nothing
on. Willpower would be used for spells that affect a says “price of power” like needing a week-dead
person or other being against their will, from mystic sheep slaughtered specifically for a ritual, or having
assaults to protective wards barring the target from to remain in a spiritually cleansing lukewarm bubble
your home. Intelligence is used when neither of the bath for four days prior. Shorter, easier rituals
other Attributes clearly apply, and often in cases probably don’t have any really major requirements—
where the ritual is more academic or static in nature, maybe they need a chalk-dust circle drawn around
or has no sentient target, such as binding elemental the caster, or perhaps they include using a quartz
forces together or sifting through hundreds of years crystal on a string as something to focus on while
of written knowledge in a library. chanting, but they tend to be the kind of thing

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Designing Ritual Spells
Considering the scores of mystic traditions known to the Brotherhood, and the varied nature of the goals and
intents of the practitioners of these arts, trying to compile a comprehensive list of known rituals would be
folly. The practitioners responsible for most rituals keep them secret from the rest of the world, even from
the broader mystical community, and hoard them in moldy old tomes or inscribe them on their skin in weird
tattoos (hey, kids these days … ). Because of this, if a player wants a specific ritual he should ask the Game
Master if his Demon Hunter already knows a good one.
The Game Master should either assume the practitioner does, or have the player roll some dice. The roll is
Intelligence + Knowledge/Occult (or other appropriate Specialty) against a Difficulty the Game Master sets,
based on the rarity of the ritual effect. Most common rituals would be Average (7); invocations to summon
an Earthwalkers would be Impossible (31). Of course, if the player wants a spell that doesn’t fit with the
theme of his Demon Hunter’s mystic training, or he’s after a flashy, zip-bang type of spell that the mystic arts
can’t do, he doesn’t get a roll.
If the Demon Hunter knows an appropriate ritual, or can find one, the Game Master needs to decide what

Threshold to set it at. This is more of an art than a science (no, really), so he should choose one that feels
right to him. If the Game Master thinks the spell is pretty tricky, he probably shouldn’t set it at Easy or
Average, but Hard or Heroic might do. Then comes the fun part—picking an appropriate sacrifice and any
conditions that are required to perform the ritual, and what the ritual itself looks like. The Game Master can
leave the latter part to the player, actually, since he doesn’t have a hundred other things to worry about.
Keep in mind that very difficult rituals (Heroic or harder) should come with some stringent requirements.
Maybe they need to be performed under a new moon, or in the middle of an empty baseball stadium.
Whatever—try not to get too silly about it, but keep in mind that there’s a reason these are hard. The
practitioner is trying to trick reality—that takes some serious mojo.
All of this can take time away from the game, and other players might become a tad annoyed at all of this
Chapter Four: We Ride

mystic nonsense if it’s keeping the spotlight away from them. Game Masters should consult with ritual-using
players before the game starts. What rituals do they know? Do they have a signature spell or two they rely
on most? Player and Game Master should work together to come up with a couple well-defined rituals
that the Demon Hunter knows, and note them down for use during the game. Put some flavor into it—the
description of how a ritual works can be an interesting part of a Demon Hunter, and there’s no time to get
too elaborate with rituals being created during the game.
Once a ritual has been identified for the Demon Hunter, the Game Master should decide whether or not the
practitioner’s likely to know many other spells, and if so, what kind. If he only knows the few you detailed,
the player can have fun seeking out new sources of ritual knowledge—it might provide a driving need for his
Demon Hunter to commit some time to research. However, it’s just as fine if he feels they should have the
capability of performing a number of as-yet-undefined rites; just decide what types of rituals he’d know, and
move on to the game! Enough already!

one can improvise in the field … if you’re feeling than what the player is doing. There also may be a
brave. Improvising and skimping on details is a risky series of minor objects or materials required that
business, though; see botching. don’t really count as the sacrifice, such as a pinch
of grave mold, a ring of candles, or a martini (some
Playing it Out Dark Powers like a drink before they start work, and
Okay, so we know it’s a Complex Action some Chaotic ones never work sober).
that takes time, multiple rolls, and so on. But the
important part, what is the Demon Hunter actually Getting Distracted
doing? He’s not rolling dice—he’s performing a ritual. Unfortunately, because of their length, rituals
That could mean any number of things. Get creative, sometimes get disrupted. If there’s a lot of noise, or
or ask the Game Master to define the requirements the boat the practitioner’s in is rocking, or something
of the ritual. They could be chanting while sitting in like that, he has to make an Average (7) Willpower
some weird yoga contortion, or making geometric + Discipline/Concentration roll when the distraction
calculations on the ground with a stick, or staring starts. No more than one Concentration roll is
at a crystal pendulum, whatever it is, it’s something needed for each casting roll on the ritual, and for a
weird, probably obvious, and much more interesting single continued distraction the Game Master may

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

choose to have the first roll stand until circumstances the degree of effect a ritual of that Threshold might
change. If the practitioner fails the roll to maintain offer, and what happens when the practitioner
concentration, he botches the spell (see below). botches. Both Game Masters and players alike can
Similarly, if he’s kicked off a roof, body slammed by reference these guidelines; a Demon Hunter should
a werewolf, or suffer other major issues, either the know how much trouble he’s in if he goes and
ritual instantly ends (with a botch), or the Game messes with the forces of Reality, after all. It’s in the
Master can give him the chance to roll Willpower manual.
+ Discipline/Concentration against a Hard (11) or
higher Difficulty to keep going. Good luck. E asy
Ø 30 seconds per roll.
Getting Kicked in the Junk Ø The sacrifice is probably something simple,
by the Universe like a demigod’s favorite candy, a large
Botching an attempt to alter the universe is a quartz crystal, or a bottle of mayflies.
really, really, really bad idea. Really bad. Say it with Ø Effects at this level should mostly include
me: “Reality is my friend. I will not botch reality. If I
botch reality, for any reason, reality will no longer be
my friend.”
detecting things relatively close to hand;
locating specific, well-known people or
things at a distance; minor conjuring (small,
Botching a spell roll isn’t instantly fatal in most mundane, common, and cheap things),
cases. However, the effects are probably worse than or the creation of minor special effects,
a normal botch, which is already pretty bad. The like lighting a normal campfire or causing
error may vary from a nearly complete version of a torch to burn without using up fuel or
the spell going off and working wrong (for example, producing heat for its normal duration.

Chapter Four: We Ride

targeting the practitioner instead of his opponent), Ø A botch at this level is never fatal, but
to an explosion of uncoordinated mystical energy, to could cause a small amount (d4 Basic) of
attracting the attention of some kind of Horror From damage; knock out the caster; cause an
Beyond. obvious burst of sound and light that gives
Not that actually succeeding at a spell is without away his position; or curse him to speak in
danger. For example: summoning a demon just tongues for a day.
because you can doesn’t mean it won’t kill you.
Slowly. Painfully. With a yak. A ver age
Suggested botch severities accompany each Ø One minute per roll.
example Threshold level below. Game Masters Ø The sacrifice is a little more pronounced,
should feel free to improvise, and keep in mind the like a specially engraved necklace of human
attitude and theme of both the practitioner and the teeth, a pocket protector once used by
ritual itself. Bill Gates (readily available, to be sure), or
Game Masters should note that the specifics of a broken birdcage.
the requirements on a ritual are often vague—if a Ø A necromancer might be able to raise a
caster tries to get around them, or half-ass them, he weak skeleton to guard his retreat for an
still might be able to try it—but botching becomes hour, or a pyromancer might be able to
more likely. If the Game Master feels the Demon raise a protective ring of fire around his
Hunter is being lax or trying to find a way around location; a vodoun doctor could send a
certain requirements, however necessary this may messenger spirit across the continent to
be in the field, the practitioner will find himself deliver a report to HQ; or a mystic healer
botching on rolls where all the dice show ones and could cure a mild cold or a broken bone.
twos, rather than just ones. Ø A botch at this level will not be instantly
fatal, but could cause that skeleton to
Ritual Threshold Guidelines immediately attack with intent to kill, or
What follows is a rough guide to ritual power the fire to spring up under the caster and
levels, rated by Threshold. Each entry includes the
length each roll represents, the sacrifices required,

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

his friends. A moderate explosion might H eroic
result (d6 Basic), or the caster might be Ø 20 minutes per roll.
struck deaf or blind for a day. Ø Sacrifices could have several components,
or may require extremely rare objects, like
H ar d the skull of a major religious prophet, or a
Ø 5 minutes per roll. reliable computer operating system.
Ø Sacrifices at this level will frequently require Ø Dangerous curses could last a week, a
unusual, but not impossible to find, objects person might be summoned from the
that may require special construction or other side of the world, or a vampire could
preparation: A gold statue of the deity be protected from sunlight for a week.
you are imploring for help, a gun loaded Ø Botches can cause up to 4d6 Basic damage,
with bullets on which you have inscribed blast wholes in a major structure, or
the name of your enemy, or a well-cooked seriously cripple the caster.
chicken sacrificed with a particular type of

94 Ø
A witch doctor could curse someone to
be afflicted with a Complication of up to
I ncredible
Ø 30 minutes per roll.
Ø Sacrifices will almost certainly include some
the d4 level for a day; a geomancer could large or emotionally important creature
map out all the ley-lines of power in a city; (either a sacrificial bull, or someone’s pet)
or a medium could force an angry spirit to along with some valuable or rare supplies
divulge why it haunts the old mansion on of some kind, or could even require an
the hill. entirely unique object.
Chapter Four: We Ride

Ø Botches become much more dangerous, Ø Minor but permanent effects are possible,
causing an even worse curse to plague such as blessing a beer pitcher to be
the caster, the ley-line energy to discharge perpetually icy cold and full, or a pendant
violently for an explosion of 3d4 Basic to pulse with light in the presence of
damage (fewer dice for those farther away lycanthropes, or a spirit to be bound into
from the caster), or the angry spirit to a skull and forced to serve as an assistant
attack outright. to the caster.
Ø Botches cause 4d6 Wound damage, might
F or midable destroy a whole building, or could place a
Ø 10 minutes per roll. year-long curse upon the caster.
Ø Sacrifices will often include objects with
higher worth, or particular sentimental R idiculous
value, such as the last letter a husband Ø One hour per roll.
wrote to his deceased wife or someone’s Ø Sacrifices could include human or mass
beloved pet. animal sacrifices, or unique or mystical
Ø A shaman might bless his entire Chapter artifacts of some power—the kinds of things
to be able to see immaterial spirits until that might take months to track down,
the next sunrise, a healer could stop major and even then be difficult to acquire. The
internal bleeding (if he could cast the effects, however, include the enchantment
spell quickly enough), or a necromancer of almost any permanent effect.
could bar all undead from leaving the local Ø A necromancer could raise a whole army
graveyard for a month. of undead, possibly bringing back the
Ø Botches can cause up to 3d6 Basic damage, souls and bodies of those killed on a vast
destroy the contents of the room the spell battlefield to fight for him. A witch doctor
is cast in, or permanently blind the caster. might turn the entire town into a group of
zombie-like servants, or curse a village to
sleep for a year.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Ø Botches might be instantly fatal, or If you want to keep back the vamps you do have
permanently curse the caster, or create a an option. Instead of casting that spell properly, you
fatal disease that is highly contagious. can Cheat, with a capital “C.” Essentially, by forcing
extraneous eldritch power into the arcane matrix
I mpossible of the ritual-construct, you increase the rate at
Ø Two hours per roll. which—aww, hell, think about it this way. There’s a
Ø Sacrifices require very specific objects or baby with some candy inside a locked room with a
materials: A virgin sacrifice whose soul is glass door, right? You want the candy. You can either
taken straight down to Hell, a chapter of pick the lock, which is tedious and time consuming
the Bible from the original copy, a unique (casting the spell as a ritual), or you can wrap your
and powerful artifact of divine power, and jacket around your hand and punch the glass in
so on. (Cheating and speeding things up). Sure, you get
Ø The effects of spells like this could only be cut up a bit, and maybe the baby turns out to be
dreamed of by most users of the mystic a face-eating demonspawn in disguise (botching),
arts—returning an Earthwalker to the
material plane already bound to your will;
destroying an island so it sinks beneath the
but otherwise you have the candy. Mmm, delicious,
analogical candy. Cheating on a spell has three
distinct effects:
waves and becomes mere legend; locating The spell becomes a standard action
an honest politician. No player should start instead of a complex action. It has a Difficulty of
knowing rituals of this level (or, likely, any the same level as the Threshold; failing to meet this
level very near it). Difficulty is not automatically a botch, it just wastes
Ø Botches might curse the caster and his entire the effort. However, you can’t usually take many

Chapter Four: We Ride

bloodline for seven generations, destroy the other actions during a turn in which you cast a spell,
people of an island continent, blast the user even sped up this way, so Dodging or attacking is
and those nearby instantly into the deepest out.
reaches of Inferno, or do almost anything of The spell exacts a price from the caster’s
a horribly destructive nature. vital energy. Essentially, he loses Life Points based
on the Threshold of the spell. This damage can’t
Cheating the Universe be reduced at all (even by Plot Points), but it heals
Right, so you’ve finally learned how to cast the normally. He suffers the damage immediately after
spell to repel vampires—but it happens to have a they finish the casting attempt—so he can die
Formidable Threshold, meaning you’ll be entirely from the effort, whether they succeed or fail. And,
exsanguinated by the time you finish casting it. Not unfortunately, the most powerful spells almost
very helpful. always cause the caster’s death when they are cast
That is, as long as you play by the rules. through Cheating. See the Table: Cheating the

Table 4.5: Cheating the Universe

Spell Threshold/Difficulty Damage Suffered
Easy 1 Stun
Average d2 Basic
Hard d4 Basic
Formidable d6 Basic
Heroic d8 Basic
Incredible d10 Basic
Ridiculous d12 Basic
Impossible Slays Caster

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

The spell is being half-assed, so botching is
more likely. If the casting roll comes up all ones and
twos, it’s a botch. However, since things are already Initiative
this grim, casters generally don’t feel so bad about
substituting ingredients and whatnot. If you don’t like the way Initiative is calculated,
change it. Here’re some suggestions, subject to
So, should the caster beat the Difficulty, he can the Game Master’s approval.
cast his spells on a moment’s notice. However, doing Static Initiative: Calculate Initiative as a static
this a lot can get dangerous fast. number. Add together the maximum values of
all the dice included in your Demon Hunter’s

Initiative, and record that number on your
Demon Hunter sheet. Instead of rolling,
Demon Hunters and their adversaries always
Combat is dirty, dangerous, and chaotic—it’s not act in this order, using dice only to break ties
pretty, nor is it for those with weak stomachs. For when absolutely necessary. Plot Points spent
on Initiative rolls add a die as usual—the
the most part, combat involves Opposed Actions:

96 Whoever rolls higher does better. Keep that in mind,

and the rest should fall into place.
We usually jump into the combat rules when
maximum value of that die is added to your
Initiative for that combat.
Group Initiative: Rather than rolling Initiative for
each Demon Hunter, one Initiative is rolled
things get violent, but not always. Whenever things for each side. All the combatants on each side
just get tense, when you need to know who acts first, act simultaneously, only rolling against each
other when order is absolutely vital. Use the
what happens before what, or how quickly someone character with the best Initiative dice on each
can respond, the combat rules help organize things— side when rolling for his group.
they zoom in to moment-by-moment.
Chapter Four: We Ride

The Turn Retribution, another roll for all the construction

Time during tense situations is broken down workers, and a third roll for the demon-posessed
into “combat turns” or just “turns.” Turns last cocktail waitresses.
approximately three seconds, and are meant to be Each turn, your Demon Hunter and everybody
just long enough for your Demon Hunter (or his else acts in order of Initiative result—highest goes
opponent) to do one, or maybe two, different things. first, followed by next highest, and so on down
Combat moves fast. You may want to spend time the line. Should you wish, at the beginning of a
planning, plotting, and deciding on the best possible subsequent turn, you may spend one Plot Point to
action, but your Demon Hunters don’t have that reroll Initiative. The reroll is used for the remainder
luxury. In order to keep from getting bogged down, of the fight if it is higher than your Demon Hunter’s
the Game Master should encourage players to make original Initiative; it’s ignored if it is lower.
snappy decisions and deal with the consequences. If two characters have the same Initiative result,
Hesitate too much, and your Demon Hunter loses they act at the same time. If a finer distinction is
the chance to act that turn. It’s the price of delaying needed, the tied characters roll Agility in an Opposed
everybody else’s instant gratification. Action until an order is established.

I nitiative A ctions
When combat starts, the Game Master decides Many types of activities are possible during
who acts first. Usually, it’s the person initiating action, a turn. All are brief in duration, granted, but role
hostile or otherwise. That person gets to make one playing is about imagination. Your Demon Hunter
action right away. After that, all the players roll their should act as he sees fit; the Game Master will rein
Demon Hunter’s Initiative (Agility + Alertness), and you in if necessary.
the Game Master does the same for their opponents, An important distinction in the Demon Hunters
allies, and incidental characters. To speed things up, game is whether a Demon Hunter’s activity during a
the Game Master can just roll Initiative once for each turn is an action or not. Actions take some degree of
type of character: one roll for all Sisters of Divine concentration. One action is generally all a character
can perform in one turn without suffering penalties.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Certain activities don’t amount to actions. their concentration too far. If the Game Master
They are too short, automatic, or otherwise thinks your Demon Hunter is attempting too many
inconsequential to occupy a character’s attention. things at once, he may cut you off at an appropriate
Shouting a brief warning or order, looking around number of actions. As a general rule of thumb,
quickly, or anything else that doesn’t actually attempting three separate actions is pushing the
interfere with a character’s ability to perform other limit. Certain actions almost certainly chew up an
tasks fits in here. We call these nonactions. entire turn (struggling with a half-demon who is
When an activity doesn’t amount to an action, trying to tie you into a bow, attempting to break
it can be done at any time, even during another down a door). In that case, multiple actions are not
character’s turn. Nonactions can be combined too, possible.
as much as makes sense—a Game Master may When more than one action is allowed, initial
cut you short on “free” actions if you start getting actions are more focused while later ones become
greedy. Your Demon Hunter can’t speak more than more slapshot. The first action your Demon Hunter
a few seconds’ worth of words during a turn, for makes in a turn suffers no penalty. Every action after
instance. Common sense may be lacking in your
Demon Hunter from time to time, but the Game
Master should make sure the players keep it in mind!
that accumulates penalties. The second action of a
turn gets hit with a –1 Skill step. The third applies a
–2 Skill step, and so on.
Everything else a character does counts as an If a multiple-action penalty, by itself, would
action. Taking a shot or a swing, diving for cover, completely eliminate the applicable Skill die, that
steering a bus, staunching the blood oozing from action can’t be attempted. If an action doesn’t
his stomach, sneaking past the vampire, sweet- require a roll (running, for example), it still increases
talking the bartender for a drink without paying—all the penalty. Your Game Master then makes the

Chapter Four: We Ride

these and more are actions. They take time and call whether it can be attempted or is somehow
concentration. hindered. Remember, activities that don’t count as
For the most part, your Demon Hunter’s actions have no effect on multiple action penalties.
actions take place during his turn in the Initiative
order. Some actions, also called reactions, can occur Ned has fallen behind his teammates as
during another character’s turn, but this usually only they sneak through the woods. Suddenly, the
applies to things like dodging an enemy’s attack or Game Master asks them all to make Alertness +
diving for cover from a grenade blast. Perception rolls. Surprisingly, only Ned succeeds
Also, opposed rolls most often require actions in spotting the demon-spawn about to jump from
from both sides. Some situations—your Demon a tree and cut down Sparky! The creature hasn’t
Hunter uses an action to sneak by some guards; the seen him yet, so he has a chance to do something.
guards roll their Perception as a nonaction—vary     Ned decides to make a run for it and see
from that general rule. Your Game Master makes the if he can knock Sparky out of the way—that’d
call, as usual. be really heroic! The Game Master decides that
Actions can’t be saved from one turn to another, he’s going to have to Sprint to make it—which
and you can’t hold your turn until later in the same counts as an action but doesn’t require a roll,
initiative cycle, waiting to declare your actions. Turns (see Movement below)—and then roll Agility
happen too fast for that to be possible; any hesitation + Athletics/Running to avoid tripping on the
means your Demon Hunter has to wait until the undergrowth before he reaches her; the Game
next turn to act. Master rules that this counts as a second action.
Normally, Sprinting would disallow all other actions
M ultiple A ctions during the turn, but the Game Master rules that
It’s possible for a character to take multiple the effort spent to avoid tripping is necessary
actions in one turn. Again, the watchword is anyway.
“sensible”—the Game Master should keep a close     Ned’s Sprint moves him 45 feet, which
eye on multiple actions in a turn. Combatants have is far enough to reach the group—this is his
only three seconds in which to act; only so much first action for the turn, since the Alertness
can be done in that time. Characters can’t divide roll he already made didn’t take any effort or

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chases can be exciting—pounding down a deck, along a street, or through dusty corridors, one step ahead of
your foe! Oh sure, you might be the one doing the chasing, but let’s be real here. This is how these scenes
play out.
First, check to see if one person (or group) is clearly faster than the other. Unless hampered, a faster mover
will almost certainly win the chase, either escaping or catching his quarry. No rolls are necessary most of the
time, though navigating rough or dangerous terrain at full speed might require a roll of some kind—failure
would let the opponent win the chase.
However, if both opponents have the same Base Movement, the outcome is not as assured. The chase becomes
a series of standard actions that are compared (though they aren’t actually opposed actions). The distance
between the pursuer and the pursued is abstracted onto a sliding scale:

E scaped —D istant —F ar —C lose —C aught

98 When the chase begins, follow these Three Easy Steps:

1. Set starting distance (usually either Close or Far).
2. Each turn, at the same time, all characters roll for their movement. They usually make the same roll, with
the situation determining the dice they use and the Difficulty. Flat, clear terrain is Easy and uses Strength
+ Athletics/Running; a hillside or narrow ship’s corridors would be Average and use Alertness + Athletics/
Running; quickly climbing a ladder up to a catwalk would be Hard and use Agility + Athletics/Climbing.
3. If both groups succeed, fail, or gain Extraordinary Successes at their rolls, they remain at the same distance.
If one succeeds and the other fails, or one succeeds and the other achieves an Extraordinary Success,
the distance slides on the scale one level in the favor of the winner. If one fails and the other gets an
Chapter Four: We Ride

Extraordinary Success, the distance slides two levels in the favor of the winner. When the distance reaches
Caught, the two parties are close enough to engage in combat, grapple, and so on; the chase ends in favor
of the pursuer. If the distance reaches Escaped, the pursuers are left behind or lost—the pursued should be
allowed at least long enough to catch his breath before they catch up or find him again.
Each turn of one party moving faster than the other (for example, if one of the parties runs out of breath and is
forced to stop Sprinting or Running, or chooses to move more slowly), the distance automatically slides one
extra level in their favor for each speed level (standing still, Walking, Running, Sprinting) of difference.

concentration on his part. As a second action, he     Ned succeeds, remains on his feet, and
rolls Agility + Athletics/Running, Normally his the Game Master describes how Ned heroically
Running Specialty is d10, but as his second action throws himself in front of the demon-spawn, which
it is reduced by –1 Skill Step to d8. Fortunately, the promptly eviscerates him. Maybe, once he gets
Game Master sets the difficulty at Easy, and Ned rebuilt, he’ll at least get a thank-you.
    Unfortunately, Ned didn’t realize what
unholy demonic funk could reek from the bowels of Movement
the hellspawn he’s going up against. As he charges Mostly, characters can move as they please;
under the branch the demon has climbed on to, the there’s not much to stop them. Sometimes it’s
stench wafts down, threatening his consciousness! important to know how far a character can move in
The Game Master tells Ned he has to make a a given amount of time. Pretty much, that happens
Vitality + Vitality roll to resist the effects of the during tense moments or action sequences.
devil-smell. While doing something now would be
a third action and suffer a –2 Skill Step penalty, W alking
the up-side here is that this kind of involuntary Characters walk their base movement in one
reaction—like the Alertness + Perception roll turn. For most, base movement is equal to 15 feet
above—doesn’t count as an action, and so receives per turn, but that might be altered by Traits. Walking
no penalty. does not count as an action.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 4.6: Jump Difficulties
Difficulty Number Distance (Standing) Distance (Running)
3 3’ 6’
7 5’ 9’
11 7’ 12’
15 9’ 15’
19 11’ 18’
23 — 21’
27 — 24’
31 — 27’

R unning C limbing
Running covers double a character’s base If your Demon Hunter is in a controlled
movement (usually 30 feet) in one turn. This
expends an action.
Characters can Run for a number of minutes
environment and using safety equipment, like the
local gym, or is tackling a particularly easy tree
or ladder, no climbing roll is needed. Otherwise,
equal to their Vitality dice’s maximum. After that, use Strength + Athletics/Climbing. The Difficulty
they must slow to a Walk for at least 10 minutes, or depends on the surface being traversed—a tree with
rest for 5, before they catch their breath. many limbs might be Easy (3), the side of a house
would be Hard (11). The roll is made at the start
S printing of the climb, and the climber does not need to roll

Chapter Four: We Ride

Sprinting triples the character’s base movement again unless conditions change (they are attacked,
(usually to 45 feet per turn, or roughly 14 meters). harsh weather sets in, etc.) or if they are climbing for
This costs an action, and also prevents all other more than a minute. If things get tense, the Game
actions during the turn—shooting and reloading Master may require a roll each turn, or each turn
become impossible when moving at this rate. something impedes the climber (say, a successful
Dodging is also impossible, but it does let them use attack). Climbing counts as an action.
their innate defense with a +1 step bonus. Characters move vertically or horizontally
Characters can Sprint for a number of turns five feet per turn if climbing “freestyle”—on an
equal to their Vitality dice’s maximum. After that, unprepared surface. If using a knotted rope, ladder,
they can no longer Sprint or Run, and they must slow or similar aid, 10 feet per turn can be covered going
to a Walk for at least 10 minutes, or rest for five, up, 15 feet going down.
before they catch their breath. Climbing characters can’t dodge or perform
other actions, at the Game Master’s discretion. They
J umping do apply their innate defense against attacks they are
Adult characters can jump gaps of less than aware of, as usual.
three feet from a standing start, or five feet with
a moving start. No roll is needed. In a dangerous Attacking
situation, over longer distances, or when an action Sometimes, you gotta plunge headlong into
is hindered, a roll is made, usually Strength + the teeth of your worthy foe. Better know how to
Athletics/Jumping. The Jump Difficulties Table shows attack before your foe bites a hole in your metaphor.
how tough it is to jump a certain distance in feet, Attacks are skilled actions: roll the appropriate
depending on the character’s movement before the combination of Attribute and Skill, and if the result
jump (a dash means the jump ain’t gonna happen equals or exceeds the Difficulty, your attack is
under any circumstances). Jumping counts as an successful and has painful consequences. For the
action. most part, a ranged attack uses Agility or Alertness
and a Skill; close combat attacks (with or without
a weapon) use Strength or Agility and a Skill. The
nature of the attack or the weapon you’re using will

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

determine which Attribute your Game Master calls Called shots to specific body parts cause greater
for on the roll. The Difficulty of hitting an unmoving harm. The exact results are up to the Game Master,
or unaware human-sized target is Easy (3). Most but some suggestions follow.
times, the target is going to bust his hump to avoid Leg/Arm: The limb is useless, which may
getting hit. In that case, the Difficulty depends on the reduce or eliminate movement or the ability to take
target’s defense choice. Attacks are actions unless certain actions. The damage should not kill the target
otherwise stated. outright (reduce the damage or convert it all to Stun).
The roll result determines the initial damage Torso/Stomach/Back: Target must make a
of the attack. Subtract the defense Difficulty from Endurance roll against the attack roll. If failed, the
the attack roll result. If it’s zero, no initial damage is character is stunned for two turns.
done. Initial damage is almost always Basic type. Vital Area: Causes additional Wound damage.
If the attack has a damage die (such as when Increase the attack’s damage die by the number
a weapon is used), roll that and apply it after initial of steps the attack was reduced; The damage die
damage is done. Weapon damage type varies. There now inflicts Wound damage, and the target begins

100 is a sidebar on page 106 that provides a method of

adding weapon damage that doesn’t use a random
die roll, if you think the attack roll itself was enough.
bleeding—so if the Called Shot imposed a –2 step
Skill penalty to the attack roll, the damage die is
increased by +2 steps, or +4 if the Called Shot was
That’s the basics, but things can, and usually do, –4 steps. This can apply to shots to vital areas on the
get complicated. torso (kidneys, groin—”Called shot to the nuts!”),
almost any shot to the head, and even to shots to
A iming areas on limbs (arteries, etc). In these cases, the shot
Your character can aim a ranged weapon for up uses the penalty for the smaller target—a shot to
Chapter Four: We Ride

to three combat turns, as long as he does nothing an artery on a limb suffers the –4 Skill step penalty,
else (some nonactions, such as talking, may be rather than the –2 for a limb, and can kill the target;
allowed; walking or hitting the dirt is not). Aiming likewise, a kidney shot would take the –3 Skill step
grants a +1 Skill step for each turn spent aiming. penalty for the hand-sized target, rather than the –2
If you’re distracted before you have the chance to for the torso.
get off the shot, you lose your bonus unless you
make a concentration roll: Willpower + Discipline/ C overing
Concentration, Average (7) Difficulty, –1 Skill step for Covering an area is a good way to deny it from
each turn spent Aiming already. your adversaries. If anyone enters that area (comes
through a doorway, comes around the corner,
C alled S hots stands up from behind the barricade, etc.), you start
Called shots target a specific part of the body swinging or firing. Covering is an action, and the
or other small area or object. They suffer penalties area covered must be declared when it starts—as
because of the smaller target area, but bring on a a rough guide, your Demon Hunter can’t cover
world of hurt. an area much larger than the width of a hallway
Full Target: In general, assailants target the in a public school or the front of a convenience
central body mass—or, an object about the size of a store. If something happens in the area, you can act
person, doorway, etc. No penalty. immediately even when it’s not your turn. If nothing
Moderate Target: This includes targeting a leg, happens, you lose your chance to perform any action
arm, or torso, or an object about the size of a chair. until your Initiative comes up again. Covering can
The attacker suffers a –2 Skill step. carry over from turn to turn as long as your Demon
Small Target: Attacking a hand, foot, or head, Hunter performs no other action during that time
or an object about the size of a book, rifle, or helmet. (nonactions, like talking, are possible), or moves
This imposes a –3 Skill step. out of range. However, this does not accumulate an
Miniscule Target: Targeting something as small aiming bonus.
as a heart, kneecap, or eye (or doorknob, poolball, When you declare a covering attack against a
Cipher visor, etc) entails a –4 Skill step. single target, rather than a general area, it’s called
a threat. If that sucker moves or does anything

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

undesirable, you can attack immediately If an attack results in an Extraordinary
even when it’s not your turn. Success, the victim must make an Average
Threatening someone for more than (7) Endurance (Vitality + Willpower) roll. If
one turn does grant aiming he succeeds, nothing unusual
bonuses. In addition, happens. If he fails the roll, he
threatening a person
P u r p l e N i n j a s a y : “Choose your own
adventure! You follow tracks through woods. takes the damage along with
adds a +2 Skill step to
Suddenly, demon leap out of undergrowth. It the following effect (based on
any attempts made by sees you and yells, “die, Demon Hunter!” Rest the type of damage the attack
your Demon Hunter to of your Chapter nowhere to be seen. Do you: did):
intimidate the target, or R o a r a n d a t t a c k ? Turn to page 174. Basic: The character
anyone who cares about T u r n a n d f l e e ? Turn to page 17. suffers a debilitating injury,
the target in a significant T r y t o o u t w i t d e m on? Turn to page 154. either a broken limb (which
way. S t a n d y o u r g r o u n d and hold until is useless until treated), or
y o u r C h a p t e r a r r i v es? Turn to page 30.” he has been rendered blind,
C rowds
Firing into a crowd
is an act of the desperate
deaf, immobile, or under some
similar condition. The Game
Master determines the exact
or the criminal. When firing at a target in a crowd, nature of the injury, depending on the situation.
or at someone engaged in close combat, any near Stun: If the damage is Stun-based, the character
miss is problem. Any roll that comes up with all falls unconscious immediately, taking a number of
dice showing ones or twos is considered a botch Shock Points equal to the Stun damage inflicted
(instead of just ones). Botching generates a separate, during the attack (Even if he doesn’t have enough

Chapter Four: We Ride

unintentional attack roll against a nearby target Stun to put him out!).
determined either randomly or by the Game Master; Wounds: If the damage is Wound-based, the
alternatively, the Game Master may just have the character has suffered a serious injury. Without
whole crowd get very, very pissed at your Demon successful treatment, the character is Bleeding (see
Hunter. page 108)

D isar ming F einting

A close combat attack to disarm imposes a –2 Feinting is when you pretend to punch your
Skill step; a ranged disarm suffers a –4 Skill step. If opponent in the face but you junk him insted. It’s
the attack succeeds, no damage is inflicted but the only possible in close combat, and is based on an
target must make a Hard (11) Agility + (Weapon opposed roll. The attacker makes an Intelligence
Skill) roll. If he fails, the target drops the weapon. + combat Skill/Specialty roll against the defender’s
He can pick it up again on his next turn, but this will Alertness + combat Skill/Specialty. If the attacker is
count as one of his actions. An Extraordinary Success successful, the defender can use only innate defense
on the disarm roll means the weapon, if dropped, is against the attacker’s next strike.
either out of reach or disabled.
G r ap pling
E xt r aor dinar y S uccess and Grabbing someone requires an Agility +
D am age Unarmed Combat/Specialty roll. Instead of any of
Injuries are always a problem, but some make the usual defenses available, the target can spend an
medical professionals reach for the insurance forms action to roll Agility + Unarmed Combat/Specialty.
or the nearest priest. A bullet might put a hole in If the attacker succeeds, no damage is inflicted.
you, but if it pierces a lung or a kidney you’ve had In subsequent turns, the grappled opponent is an
it. A club could just leave some nasty bruises, or Easy target for close combat attacks. Crushing your
you could wind up with a concussion. That’s how foe in your vice-like grip, for instance, would be an
Extraordinary Success works with damage. Easy (3) Strength + Unarmed Combat/Grappling
attack. Maintaining the grapple does not count as an
action, but the grappled person is the only target you

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 4.7: Ranges
Range Distance in Range Increments Modifier
Point Blank 15’ projectile, 5’ thrown +1 Skill step
Short 1 –
Medium 2 –1 Skill step
Long 4 –3 Skill step
Extreme 10 –6 Skill step

can attack. In order to escape a grapple, the target

must beat the attacker in a opposed Strength + R ange
Athletics roll. If you really want to shoot someone, get as close
A grapple can also be used to push or knock as possible. Point blank range is 15 feet for projectile

102 over a target, making them prone. In that case, your

Demon Hunter can maintain the hold, falling to the
ground as well, or release the target to fall down all
weapons, five feet for thrown weapons. Getting
that close grants a +1 Skill step. Beyond that range,
accuracy depends on a weapon’s range increment.
by himself. At or below the first increment, the attack is at close
range and no modifier is applied. Beyond that and up
I mprovised W eapons to double the range increment is medium range. That
A good soldier always has a weapon handy, but range imposes a –1 Skill step. Up to four times the
it doesn’t always work out that way. When your range increment is long range, which carries a –3 Skill
Chapter Four: We Ride

Demon Hunter grabs a bottle, chair, stick, turkey leg, step penalty. Beyond that lies extreme range. Attacks
or other improvised weapon, ask the Game Master at that range suffer a –6 Skill step penalty. Your Game
what rules apply. The more unwieldy the item, the Master may decide that anything beyond 10 times the
greater the penalty (–1 to –4 Skill step generally). range increment is a waste of ammo (no chance of
Most common items also have fairly small damage hitting).
dice. On the other hand, the weapon does Basic, not
just Stun damage (as fighting unarmed does). S neak A t tack
The range increments listed in Chapter Five: A wise man once said, “Fighting fair is fighting
The Warehouse only apply if a weapon is used stupid!” Attacks from behind or on an unaware target
as intended, and is designed for such use. Tossing have an Easy (3) Difficulty, unless the target is moving
a pistol has nothing to do with the gun’s normal erratically enough to warrant an innate defense roll.
range increment. A pointy piece of metal may cause This gets particularly ugly if the attacker has time to
damage like a knife but it sure doesn’t throw like aim. If gets even more ugly if you miss and they find
one. Again, improvised weapon rules apply and out what you were up to.
your Game Master decides the Skill step penalty
depending on the range and the unwieldiness of the T hrowing
item. Hurling a weapon designed for throwing (such
as a throwing knife) is handled like any other ranged
B eing P rone attack. The attack might use Strength or Agility,
Attacking while prone incurs a –2 Attribute step depending on the weapon. Chucking a grenade
penalty while trying to attack within melee range, or other explosive has an Average (7) Difficulty to
since moving to deal with direction changes is much hit the correct area, up to 100 feet away—when
more difficult. If the situation is appropriate, the thrown, if the target is beyond 100 feet, the thrower
Game Master may rule that this doesn’t apply to also has to make a Strength + Athletics/Throwing
most long-ranged firearm attacks. (or other Skill) roll. The maximum distance they
can reach is (100 + roll’s result) in feet; if that isn’t

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Optional Rule:
Dim Light, Thin Smoke/Fog: Gives a –2 Skill
step to all attacks or attempts to see beyond 10 feet
Simplified Innate Defense (except autofire).
Dark, Thick Smoke/Fog: Gives a –4 Skill step
All of this rolling dice might be keeping you up to all attacks or attempts to see beyond 10 feet
at night. In lieu of chamomile tea, here’s an
alternative for innate defense that relies on a (except autofire spray attacks).
fixed bonus instead of a die roll. If a character Pitch Black, Blinded: It’s hard to hit something
is aware of the attack, or moving about at you can’t see. In these situations it’s all about finding
walking speed or faster, the attack Difficulty
some other way to acquire the target. Make an
is one plus half the maximum result of the
character’s Agility die. You won’t get an Alertness + Perception/Hearing (or other sense)
outrageous result from this kind of thing, but roll to attack someone under these conditions. The
you won’t get below average either. Note that Difficulty is Average (7) for a target who is shouting
if you decide to use this rule, it should apply
to all characters (i.e. replaces completely the or making a lot of noise, Hard (11) for anyone talking
usual die roll method.) or making a moderate amount of noise, Heroic (19)

Optional Defense
Die Type Defense
for someone not moving or making much noise, and
Ridiculous (27) for someone making a Stealth roll
(the roll must also be higher than the target’s Stealth
d2 2 roll). This will give your Demon Hunter a clue about
d4 3
where the target is. Hitting that target still requires
d6 4
d8 5 a roll with a –6 Skill step at range, or with a –4 Skill
d10 6 step in close combat.
d12 7

Chapter Four: We Ride

Targets don’t just stand there and take it, unless
enough, it falls short. If the thrower fails the Average they’re impervious to mortal weapons, unconscious,
roll to target the right area, it lands where the Game or dead. That means the Difficulty of an attack
Master judges. is rarely the default Easy (3). The defender’s
choices depend upon the situation and how much
T wo –W eapon F ighting concentration is devoted to defense. As with attacks,
Fighting with two hands imposes a –1 Attribute most defenses combine an Attribute and a Skill.
step penalty on the primary hand and a –2 Attribute
step penalty on the off-hand attack. The main hand I nnate D efense
attack is one action; the off-hand attack requires a Keep your wits about you. You’ll live longer.
second one. If your Demon Hunter is aware of the attacker or
the attack, or is moving around at walking speed
U nar med C ombat or faster, you can roll Agility dice (unskilled, paired
It’s much harder to kill someone by slugging him only with Traits or bonus dice from Plot Points) and
than it is by hitting him with something hard, sharp, substitute the result for the default attack Difficulty.
or explosive. Unarmed combat is resolved normally, Innate defense can’t be botched, since a roll of 1
but initial damage is all Stun type, instead of Basic is bad enough by itself, but you also can’t spend
type. Traits may alter the damage dealt. Plot Points to increase it. The Game Master might
When it comes to bonuses to damage dice, treat choose to give you a +1 or +2 step Bonus to Agility
unarmed attacks as d0 Stun—any increase raises this if your Demon Hunter is moving quickly or in an
to an actual die type. unexpected direction, or he is moving through areas
with some cover. Innate defense rolls are nonactions.
V isibilit y
Smoke, fog, and dim light make tagging a target B locking
much harder. Darkness or blindness really messes Keep your guard up. Blocking, or parrying,
you up. intercepts an opponent’s attack with a limb, object,
weapon, or shield. Roll Agility + close combat

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Skill/Specialty; if the character happens have a shield Heavy Cover: Almost all the defender is
of some sort, use Melee Combat/Shield with a +1 to protected. Add +12 to the defense Difficulty. Three
+4 Skill steps. The result is the attacker’s Difficulty. dice of explosive damage are left off.
Blocking is a reaction. Total Cover: Target can’t be hit. If a hit is
It’s possible to block a weapon while unarmed, possible for some reason (defender is peeking
it just isn’t smart. If successful, the defender suffers through a hole in a bulkhead), or might do damage
damage (minus armor, if any) from the damage die anyway (a heavy, but portable piece of metal could
the weapon would have inflicted on a hit. Better than push back on the target), add +16 to the defense
getting stabbed some place more vital, but it still Difficulty. Explosive damage loses four dice. Cover
hurts like hell. bonuses only apply if the Game Master deems the
Guns and ranged attacks can’t be blocked. If blocking object tough enough. Substances that
the shield is sturdy enough it might provide cover, conceal but don’t block fully are treated as armor.
though. Cover bonuses can be avoided by using a Called
Shot. That’s possible only against a body part that is

104 D odging
You live longer if you stay out of an enemy’s line
of fire. Ducking, leaning, sidestepping, jumping to
not behind cover. The defense doesn’t get the bonus
from Cover, but the attacker’s Skill dice suffer normal
Called Shot Skill step penalties.
the side—dodging includes all of that. Roll Agility + Prone: In a firefight, being face first in the mud
Athletics/Dodge; the result becomes your opponent’s is safer than being upright out in the open. Still, it’s
attack Difficulty. Note that this is essentially the same no picnic. You can’t dodge when you’re prone, or
as innate defense, but dodging allows you to use your even use innate defense. Being prone is generally
Skills where innate defense does not, and dodging the equivalent of Light Cover, save for two things: it
Chapter Four: We Ride

may be increased with Plot Points. removes 2 dice from nearby explosions instead of 1,
Dodging usually counts as a reaction. Your unless you’re on top of the explosive, in which case
Game Master may allow Demon Hunters to throw you take full, maximum possible damage, but reduce
himself to the ground as a nonaction, but no further 1 die for everyone else. Also, being flat on your
movement or dodging is possible that turn. Hitting back sucks against close combat attacks. An attacker
the dirt is rolled as a regular dodge. After that, your gains a +2 Skill step bonus. At the Game Master’s
Demon Hunter is prone. Hitting the dirt gets you out discretion, even blocking might not be possible. Our
of the way fast, but can cause problems later. advice: Get the hell up!

C over P rotective G ear

Want to keep your insides where they belong? If you can’t stay behind large, hard objects,
Find and use cover—it’s probably your best defense strapping on Kevlar and taking your protection with
short of not being there at all. Put a hard object, you is the way to go. Armor doesn’t stop you from
as large as possible, between you and danger. getting hit like cover does; it just makes the hurt less
Cover doesn’t use rolls; it adds a flat number to a bad. The heavier the armor, the more hindrance it
character’s defense, depending upon how much imposes, but thankfully the Brotherhood’s technology
concealment exists. Hard objects also protect against still outstrips that which is available to the clueless
explosive damage, and operate on four levels of public.
usefulness (or five, if you count falling on your face as Chapter Five: The Warehouse lists the Armor
being useful). Rating of certain types of armor. The Game Master
Light Cover: Up to half the body is covered. determines the Armor Rating of any ad hoc armor
This adds +4 to the defense Difficulty. Remove one (e.g., an object that isn’t hard enough to amount to
die of explosive damage. cover). The Armor Rating is subtracted from any
Medium Cover: More than half the target is damage inflicted. Wound damage is reduced first,
safe. Add +8 to the defense Difficulty. Drop two dice then Stun damage. Called shots to areas not covered
of explosive damage. by armor and attacks that garner an Exceptional
Success ignore armor.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Heavier body armor interferes with movement, action, and no other attack action is possible that
range of motion, and perception. Armor like this lists turn (either before or after the autofire). Like other
a step penalty that is applied to Agility, Alertness, automatic fire, spray can’t be called.
or any other rolls the Game Master deems proper. Filling an area with lead avoids most visibility
The penalties shouldn’t be applied blindly, however. problems. Spray fire into a dark or concealed area
Your Game Master should take into account the type imposes an Average (7) Difficulty (rather than the
of armor and the circumstances. A combat helmet usual Easy (3) Difficulty). As long as the muzzle is
might interfere with Perception rolls, but it wouldn’t pointed generally in the right area, everyone in that
affect attacks, dodging, running, or other movement. area must defend as normal to avoid being hit. No
On the other hand, a full suit of body armor that Skill step penalties are applied. This exception does
includes gloves makes fine manipulation, like that not apply to burst fire or autofire; normal visibility
required to repair something or pick a lock, much penalties are applied in those cases.
more difficult.
B reaking O bjects
Special Situations
Combat is chaotic, frightening, and impossible
to predict. And then you get the unusual situations.
Maneuvering is great, but sometimes you just
gotta go through something. When your Demon
Hunter needs to hack through a door, smash a box
Here are a few of them. open, or otherwise break stuff, that attack is just
like any other. Objects have Armor Ratings and
A utom atic W eapons Life Points, but are immune to Stun damage. Once
Some guns can fire more rapidly than one bullet sufficient Wounds have been inflicted to overcome
per trigger-pull. Chapter Five: The Warehouse the object’s Life Points, the thing is busted. Your

Chapter Four: We Ride

tells you whether a weapon can fire bursts, autofire, Game Master sets the objects specs; the following
or spray. If not, each shot is an action. are illustrative examples.
Burst: The attacker fires three bullets using one Handcuffs: Armor Value 6, Life Points 2.
attack roll against one target. The weapon’s damage Rope: Armor Value 2, Life Points 2.
dice each gain +1 step. Extraordinary Success on a Standard Door: Armor Value 4, Life Points 6.
burst attack adds an extra damage die to the total, Reinforced Door: Armor Value 10, Life Points 8.
as if you’d fired four bullets, and this extra die is also Wall of Twisted Demonic Flesh: Armor Value
at +1 step. Burst fire counts as one action, but you 12, Life Points 10.
can’t do it more than twice each turn. Called shots
can’t be bursts. D r awing a W eapon
Autofire: One autofire attack roll expends a Unless a character has an applicable Asset,
third of the weapon’s ammo (to a maximum of 40 drawing a weapon is an action. For those without
bullets) against one target. The weapon’s damage die weapons at the ready, drawing and firing in the same
gains a +4 step. Autofire is an action, and no other turn imposes a multiple action penalty.
attack action is possible that turn (either before or
after the autofire). Autofire can’t be a Called Shot. E xplosions
Spray: Spray fire uses as many bullets as Grenades, missiles, mining charges, ordnance,
autofire but directs them at an area roughly five summoning circles—lots of things go boom. Best to
to 10 feet wide, not a single target. As long as the be as far away as possible.
attack roll meets an Easy (3) Difficulty, everyone Explosions or explosive weapons list a number
in that area must defend against the attack. Cover of damage dice and a blast increment. Anyone
bonuses to Difficulty are halved (rounding up) in within one blast increment suffers the full damage
the face of spray fire. Those that are hit suffer a +1 rolled. Those beyond one increment and within
step to the weapon’s damage die. An Extraordinary two increments take one less die (the one with the
Success on the attack roll adds an extra stepped- highest roll) in damage. Keep moving out one blast
up die to the weapon damage roll. Spray fire is an increment at a time, always removing the die with
the highest result, until no more dice are left.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Optional Rule:
If circumstances create a damage step bonus
or penalty in an explosive attack, the damage die
type is affected, not the number of dice rolled. Also, Simplified Weapon Damage
note that any attack roll with a grenade or similar
explosive is made to deliver the package, not cause It’s possible that you’re into doing things really fast
and easy. While that’s perhaps something to
damage—there is no initial damage, unless the consider seeking professional advice about, in
grenade hits someone in the head. combat situations you may want to just light
The truly heroic and truly insane often choose to a fire under the rules to keep things moving.
Damage rolls might be just one more roll
sacrifice themselves for their comrades. Diving on a
you’d rather not make: After all, the attack roll
small explosive, like a grenade, removes the highest is random enough as it is, right? In that case,
die from the damage. That only applies to others. consider using a flat damage rating for weapons
The hero suffers full damage. rather than a die type. Rather than rolling the
die on a successful hit and adding it to Stun or
Wound (or both) just add half the maximum
An unlucky Chapter discovers the dangers

roll on the weapon’s damage die, rounding
of tracking a half-demon to a fuel refinery—an down if necessary.
exploding tank catches them in the blast! The
Game Master decides that the damage is 5d6 Optional Damage
Wound, and the blast increment is 15 feet. He
Die Type Damage Bonus
d2 +1
rolls the dice; they come up five, four, four, two, d4 +2
one, for a total of 16 Wound damage. The unlucky d6 +3
bastards within 15 feet of the explosion are most d8 +4
likely killed outright. Those between 15 and 30 d10 +5
d12 +6
Chapter Four: We Ride

feet suffer slightly reduced damage—the Game

Master removes the die that rolled a five, leaving
11 Wound damage. Those between 30 and 45
feet take only 7 Wound; one of the dice that came by the competence of the person doing the binding
up “four” is dropped. Between 45 and 60 feet, (Game Master discretion, but usually Hard or
3 Wound damage causes some minor burns all Formidable).
around, but that isn’t too bad. And finally, from 60
to 75 feet away, anyone in the area winds up with
singed eyebrows and a bad sunburn from 1 Wound
Getting Hurt
So your Demon Hunter was stupid enough to
get shot, stabbed, poisoned, or mauled. It happens,
more often to members of the Brotherhood than to
R est r aints most people. What? You expected this to be safe?
There’s a reason prisoners are bound, Every character has a certain number of Life
handcuffed, or otherwise restrained. A target that Points based upon Vitality, Willpower, and certain
can’t move is an Easy (3) Difficulty to hit, and it’s Traits. Damage is subtracted from Life Points.
not like anyone minds if you hit a captured foe, do When the total damage taken, regardless of type, is
they? If your Demon Hunter’s hands are bound, he greater than your Demon Hunter’s Life Point total,
suffers a –2 Skill step penalty to attack rolls made he probably drops unconscious. When total Wound
with pistols and close combat weapons. He can’t use damage exceeds Life Points, he is dying.
any form of rifle, and is extremely limited in terms
of non-combat actions—the Game Master should Damage Types
exercise common sense here. Damage comes in two forms: Stun and Wounds.
Escaping from restraints depends entirely on the A third type, Basic, combines the two.
binding—handcuffs, for example, must be broken,
opened with a key, or picked. Your Demon Hunter
might wriggle out of a binding with an Agility +
Athletics/Escape Artist roll against a Difficulty set

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

S tun on his feet—or at least awake. Every turn thereafter,
Stun damage represents light injuries—bruising, a character repeats the roll with a cumulative +4 to
scrapes, fatigue, shallow cuts, and so on. Stun Difficulty each time.
damage is recovered quickly, and at worst results in
nothing more than unconsciousness. Harkadian, involved in a gunfight with
Stun damage can exceed Life Points. If your demon-possessed street punks, gets himself
Demon Hunter remains conscious, the extra damage shot. He suffers some Wound damage, and that
simply accumulates and is recovered normally. hurts like hell—literally. The immediate problem
Shock Points: If an unconscious character is the additional Stun damage, which puts his
receives Stun damage, it is recorded as Shock Points. total damage over his Life Points. Harkadian has
If Shock Points rise above your Demon Hunter’s to make an Average (7) Endurance roll to stay
maximum Life Points, he falls into a coma. conscious; he rolls a nine and manages to stay
on his feet. He spends a moment assessing the
W ound damage—it doesn’t look good. The next turn, he
Wound damage is much more dangerous than
Stun damage. Broken bones, punctured organs,
internal bleeding, and anything else that could
must make a Hard (11) Vitality + Willpower roll
to stay conscious. His luck runs out; he rolls a 10
and blacks out, collapsing to the ground.
eventually result in death is all considered Wound
damage. That kind of hurt causes intense pain;
wounded characters suffer penalties. When Wound D ying
damage gets high enough, death is breathing down When your Demon Hunter suffers Wound
your neck. damage equal to his Life Points, roll Endurance

Chapter Four: We Ride

(Vitality + Willpower) every minute to stay alive.
B asic The first time, the Difficulty is Easy (3), but it
Initial damage—the first part of an attack’s increases by four each minute. A dying character
damage, determined by subtracting the Defense can be treated with a Hard (11) Alertness +
from the Attack roll—is almost always Basic. Basic Medicine/First Aid roll. This increases the time
damage is divided between Stun and Wound types, between Endurance rolls to one hour—it requires
favoring Stun with any excess. For example, if your either a Hard Alertness + Medicine/Surgery roll,
Demon Hunter takes five points of Basic damage, he or a Formidable (15) First Aid roll to stabilize them
suffers 3 Stun and 2 Wound. completely.
If Wounds exceed double a character’s
Fallout maximum Life Points maximum, he dies
Getting hurt messes you up. Here’s the skinny immediately—most likely in an extremely brutal
on no longer looking pretty. fashion.

D am age P enalties Other Injury

Wound damage is the kind that really, really Getting shot, stabbed, broken, or beaten is bad
hurts. When your Demon Hunter has accumulated enough, but that’s not the only way to get hurt.
half his Life Point total (rounded down) in Wound
damage, he suffers a –2 Attribute step to all actions D rugs and P oison
until he recovers or is treated thoroughly enough Alcohol, drugs, and poisons can cause a
to stop the pain (at the Game Master’s discretion— variety of effects, but they are all fought off with
some injuries may not be treatable in this way). a Resistance (Vitality + Vitality) roll. The exact
Difficulty and effects are up the Game Master. As
P assing O ut a guideline, the downside of heavy drinking starts
When your Demon Hunter’s damage, regardless as a Hard (11) Difficulty and gets worse as the
of type, is greater than his Life Points, he risks falling character drinks more. A rare poison that causes
unconscious. Roll Endurance (Vitality + Willpower) unconsciousness and, later, death if left untreated
against an Average (7) Difficulty. Success keeps him might be Formidable (15) to resist.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

I nclement W eather F ailing to B reathe
Damage caused by (non-instantly fatal) extremes Humans, animals, and other living creatures
of temperature. Every hour of exposure without need to breathe. When prepared, a character can
adequate protection causes d2 Stun damage. hold his breath for 30 seconds with an Easy (3)
Game Masters may also impose risks of frostbite, Resistance (Vitality + Vitality) roll. Every 30 seconds
heatstroke, and similar if they wish. beyond that the Difficulty increases by four. Once
the character fails a roll, he begins to suffer d2 Stun
F alling and S top ping S uddenly damage every turn. Once the character has passed
Dropping more than a few feet can cause out, suffocation causes d2 Shock and d2 Wound
damage. The falling character must roll Agility + damage every turn.
Athletics/Gymnastics to avoid damage. The Difficulty If unable to prepare by drawing a quick breath, a
is Easy (3) if the fall is 10 feet or less. The Difficulty suffocating character’s Resistance roll Difficulty starts
increases by +4 for each 10 feet beyond that. If the at Hard (11).
damage is not avoided, the fall is treated as an attack

108 with a roll result equal to its Difficulty. Damage is

Basic type.
Agility penalties from armor almost always apply
Being banged up or wounded is a problem, but
those aren’t even anywhere near as bad as death. As
to falling. Armor Rating almost never protects the a Demon Hunter, fates worse than death wait for you
character. around every corner. Don’t get cocky. Any one of
these nasty conditions will make life harder to hang
F ire on to.
Burns are Wound damage caused by heat or
B leeding
Chapter Four: We Ride

fire. They heal at half the normal rate and often leave
disfiguring scars. Bleeding characters take d2 Basic damage every
turn that they perform strenuous activity. If they lie
P lague , P estilence , and P ox still and breathe easy, they suffer the same damage
Characters fight off disease through Resistance every minute. If they are able to slow the bleeding
(Vitality + Vitality) rolls. The Difficulty and effects through a tourniquet or applied pressure, the damage
depend upon the disease. Illness effect could range is reduced to once every ten minutes. Use of the
from a –1 Attribute step to all actions for a minor First Aid Skill (see Recovery, on page 110) can stop
cold, to almost certain death. bleeding, which is generally a good course of action.

R adiation and T oxic W aste F atigued

Exposure to harmful radiation causes damage— Characters who stay awake longer than 24 hours
first Stun, and then Wound. Like burn damage, suffer penalties from fatigue. Every eight hours they
radiation injury is difficult to treat. Stun does not remain awake past 24 causes two Stun damage. As
begin to recover until the character receives proper fatigue drains their strength, they also suffer a –1
medical treatment; Wound damage takes twice as Attribute step for every 24 extra hours they remain
long to heal. awake. If any Attribute is reduced to less than d2 this
When exposure begins, the Game Master way, the character passes out.
determines a time increment: One day for light Combat causes exhausting adrenaline rushes and
radiation, one minute for heavy radiation, or even often involves strenuous activity. Your Game Master
one turn in extreme cases. Exposed characters suffer may rule that every half hour of battle-readiness,
d2 Stun damage each increment. When Stun reaches combat, or similar activity counts as being awake for
a character’s maximum Life Points, he begins to eight hours for fatigue purposes.
suffer d2 Wound damage each increment. Radiation Taking a nap can stave off fatigue penalties.
injury can be prevented with proper precautions, Sleeping for 10 to 30 minutes removes a number of
such as inoculations or radiation-proof HAZMAT “awake” hours equal to the result of a Willpower
suits. These measures increase the time increment, roll. Resting an hour or two removes a number of
or render the character immune to the radiation.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

“awake” hours equal to the result of a Willpower + The Game Master decides the Cultist will be
Discipline/Specialty roll. A character can gain napping rolling his Strength (d6) + Melee Weapons/Club
benefits once every 12 hours. (d8) for the attack, but the Called Shot to the
A full night’s rest (eight–12 hours) zeroes out head, he sees, imposes a –3 step Skill penalty,
“awake” hours and removes all fatigue damage and turning that d8 into a d2. He makes the roll, and
penalties. Stimulants or other amphetamines can totals a six. Harkadian is dodging, so he rolls his
temporarily alleviate fatigue damage and penalties. Agility + Athletics/Dodge Skill for defense; he gets
an eight. The Cultist missed! Good thing, or that
I ntoxicated damage straight to his head might’ve knocked
Drugged characters are affected in various Harkadian out!
ways based on the drug in their system. Being drunk
imposes four Stun that clears up only after sobering Game Master: “You neatly sidestep the blow,
up. Drunken characters also suffer a –2 Attribute and the Cultist howls with frustration, bringing his
step penalty to all rolls. club around for another swing.”

S tunned
Stunned characters can’t perform actions. They
Harkadian: “I block his attack with my sword.”

The Game Master decides his Cultist isn’t

defend themselves with innate defense, if at all. A trying for another Called Shot, but this is his
good rule of thumb is that if your Demon Hunter second action in this turn, So it receives a –1 Skill
was in motion when he was stunned, he may still step, making the roll d6 + d6. Luckily, he totals
draw on innate defense (largely by stumbling about a 12 on the roll! Harkadian also receives a –1
like an idiot.) If he was standing still or otherwise Skill step for multiple actions now, and he rolls his

Chapter Four: We Ride

involved in something static, he loses his innate Strength + Melee Weapons/Sword to block. Even
defense. with that penalty, however, he manages to total 12
as well. Unfortunately, that’s still a hit. The Initial

How it All Plays Out: Damage would be 0 (12 attack–12 defense), but
the club’s weapon damage die might still hurt.

A Tactical Example Harkadian spends 1 Plot Point to increase his total

to 13.

In a tabletop, field work simulation, Game Master: “The Cultist is almost foaming
Harkadian and Gator are playing as themselves. at the mouth now, frustrated by coming so close to
They have chased a couple of zombie-raising victory, only to have Harkadian’s sword bat his club
cultists into an old barn at the edge of town, where away at the last second. Gator’s up next.”
they stand and fight. As the two Demon Hunters Gator: “Brass knuckle time! I go for the second
burst through the open barn door, the Game cultist—Hark can take care of himself.
Master asks them to roll Initiative. He notes down Harkadian: “Gee, such team spirit.”
that Cultist one rolled an 11, Cultist two only Game Master: “Gator, you manage to cover
managed a four. Harkadian rolls a seven and Gator the distance to the second Cultist easily; roll
rolls nine, making the order of Initiative Cultist Strength + Unarmed/Brawl.”
one–Gator–Harkadian–Cultist two.
The Game Master decides that the Cultist,
Game Master: “The first Cultist hurls himself like Gator, is stupid. He doesn’t bother to dodge,
at Harkadian with a blood-curdling yell! He’s since he wants to save his actions for an attack
swinging at your head with a club.” Secretly, the later—he rolls only his innate defense, which
Game Master knows the Cultist also plans a second doesn’t count as an action. However, that’s only a
attack, but Harkadian doesn’t know that yet. d6 (his Agility). He rolls a four. Gator, after taking
Harkadian: “I dodge to the side!” into account the Called Shot to the head, rolls an
11, for an Initial Damage of 11–4 = 7.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 4.8: Wound Recovery
Wounds Recovery Difficulty Surgical Threshold
1–2 No Check Required –
3–4 3 15
5–6 7 35
7–8 11 55
9–10 15 75
11–12 19 95
13–14 23 115
15–16 27 135

110 17–18
23–24 43 215

Game Master: “That’s an Extraordinary Game Master: “That’s a hit! Initial Damage is
Success! Gator’s brass knuckles do Basic damage, but basic, so that’s 1 Wound and 1 Stun, but the damage
only a d2, so the +3 steps increases that d2 to a d8 die is all Wound on a sword, so it adds up to a total of
Chapter Four: We Ride

(Gator rolls a d8, and gets a three)—so the Cultist 6 Wound and 1 Stun. He’s bleeding pretty badly from
takes 3 Wound and 4 Stun from the Initial 7 damage, a nasty cut on his left side.”
and now 1 more Wound and 2 Stun from the damage
die, for a total of 4 Wound and 6 Stun. And … hmm, Next Cultist two would go, but he’s out, so the
let’s say he has to make a Hard Endurance roll or turn is over. Cultist one is up next, but now he’s so
pass out, because of the Extraordinary Success.” injured that he suffers a Wound penalty for having
taken half or more of his Life Points in Wound
The Game Master makes an Endurance damage: –2 steps to all Attributes. He’s not going
(Vitality + Willpower) roll against a Hard (11) to last much longer!
Difficulty for Cultist 2—and he fails it.

Game Master: “The Cultist collapses to the

floor, unconscious. Harkadian, it’s your turn.”
Harkadian: “I’ve already made two actions, so
Healing and Recovery
Once the firing stops, it’s time to gather the
I’m just going to go for an attack on the Cultist I’ve wounded and bury the dead. Healing takes time,
been fighting.” and sometimes Skill and resources. Serious injuries,
if left untreated, can prove fatal. If you’re lucky, only
Harkadian makes his attack roll, with a –2 the team members you can’t stand will have been
Skill step for multiple actions now. He rolls an killed—or those who death won’t keep down.
eight, and the Cultist (also with a –2 Skill step from
acting so many times) attempts to dodge, rolling Recovering Stun Damage
a six (8–6 = 2). So Harkadian hits, doing 2 Initial Stun damage is the easiest to recover. As long
Damage; he rolls his sword’s d6 damage die, and as the character has no Shock Points and no special
gets a five. conditions apply, Stun heals at the rate of one point
per hour of rest, or two hours of light activity.
Combat, high stress levels, or heavy work are not
light activity—reading, talking, and eating are.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 4.9: First Aid
First Aid Conditions Skill Step Modifier
Improvised supplies, heavy distractions –2
Limited supplies, light distractions –1
Standard supplies, no distractions 0
Superior supplies, ambulance conditions +1
Cutting-edge supplies, hospital conditions +2

If your Demon Hunter is unconscious, he wakes

when enough Stun damage is recovered that total G et ting W orse
damage drops below his maximum Life Points. If you botch the Endurance roll to begin
If unconscious, any Shock Points must be recovery, your Demon Hunter gets worse. Every
removed first, before Stun damage heals. Shock
Points ensure unconsciousness for at least one hour.
After that, your Demon Hunter makes an Average
day, he suffers d2 Wound damage, and must make
another Endurance roll, based on current Wounds,
to halt the deterioration. Once the damage is
(7) Endurance (Vitality + Willpower) roll once per stopped, another Endurance roll is needed to begin
hour to recover one Shock Point. Once all Shock recovery.
Points have been removed, your Demon Hunter
recovers Stun normally. Medical Assistance
A medic might keep you alive on the battlefield.

Chapter Four: We Ride

S econd W ind Once things settle down, you should probably get
Aside from Plot Points, Demon Hunters have an to a doctor. Listen to what the nice man says and do
extra edge here. Once per day, they can use second what he tells you.
wind to recover some Stun instantly. Choose either
Vitality or Willpower, roll the chosen Attribute, and F irst A id
immediately reduce current Stun damage by the When your Demon Hunter has lost all his Life
result. Points to Wound damage or is bleeding, First Aid
keeps him alive until the docs arrive. The medic
Recovering Wound Damage must spend several turns working and make a
Wound damage is much harder to cure. Nothing Hard (11) Alertness + Medicine/First Aid roll. If
is going to get better without sufficient rest and successful, the time between your Endurance rolls
nourishment. Light activity is possible but it must be to stay alive increases from one minute to one hour.
limited in duration. An Average (7) success stops most bleeding, but that
After two days of rest, your Demon Hunter rises to Hard (11) when treating bleeding caused
makes an Endurance (Vitality + Willpower) roll. The by an Extraordinary Success on an attack. It takes
Difficulty depends on the amount of Wound damage a Formidable First Aid roll to stabilize the dying
inflicted. The Wound Recovery Table has the details. completely, preventing further rolls—this can only
Major injuries (over 6 Wounds) are extremely be attempted once per First Aid situation, though
difficult to recovery from without medical aid. If the the initial treatment to extend the time between
Endurance roll is failed, your Demon Hunter must rolls can be attempted multiple times. First Aid rolls
wait until the next day to try again. assume that the treating character is in the field with
Once the appropriate Endurance roll succeeds, a standard First Aid kit. If no kit is available, First Aid
your Demon Hunter begins recovering. From that attempts suffer a –2 Skill step. If a field hospital or
point on, he cures one point of Wound damage for ambulance is available, the attempts gain a +1 Skill
every two days of rest. step. Actually medical facilities grant a +2 Skill step.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Returning to Life!
Or, “So Now You’re Dead. Dumbass.”
Death is inevitable. Especially when you run around chasing unholy abominations against reality, or know
someone who does. Fortunately, your suffering doesn’t have to end with death! If you want to keep your
Demon Hunter in the game but don’t already have a way to get resurrected, you have two options (three, if
you count whining until the Game Master takes it back):
Choose an Asset that brings you back. No, you can’t choose one to stop you from dying—no suddenly getting
more Life Points to keep you on your feet. You have to find one that resurrects you, and the Game Master
has to approve it as fitting the story. Of course, you need to pay for this Asset like usual—if you have the
Advancement Points to do so, great. If not, to the chopping block! Death has taken something out of you,
and you sell back other Assets, Attributes, or Skills for Advancement Points, or gain more Trait Points from
a new Complication, to pay off the new Asset. Appropriate Assets might include Vampire, Lycanthropy (if
the Game Master is willing to assume that your regeneration just now kicked in), Animate (if there’s a mad
scientist around to bring you back or a necromancer who raises you as a member of the living dead), Exists

112 Outside of Time, and others at the Game Master’s discretion.

None of these options is likely to be instantaneous—just how quickly they work depends on the Trait that
brings you back to life. Reanimation in a mad scientist’s lab requires having your body dragged there first; if
you’re infected with latent vampirism, then you might just get back up in a few minutes.
Most Traits that bring you back to life can later be used as a way to revive yourself more than once, but some
will only work for certain types of fatalities, or not at all.
Get resurrected by someone. Some people or creatures might be able to raise the recently fallen. Maybe one of
your Chapter brothers is a Nephilim, or Gabriel is around with the Cross of the Archangels. Or maybe some
dark power has plans for you—however it happens, it may be possible for someone to bring you back to life
on their power rather than your own. This shouldn’t happen all the time, but Game Masters should keep it
Chapter Four: We Ride

as a possibility for cases where there aren’t many other options and permanent character death would be
inappropriate to the story or ruin everyone’s fun. However, this should also come with a cost—perhaps the
Demon Hunter is sickly for a while, permanently loses a step of Vitality, or the player has to discard all his
current Plot Points.

W aking the U nconscious character is alive but still dying. He can be treated or
Characters who are out but have no Shock stabilized but must still make Endurance rolls to stay
Points can sometimes be roused with a slap, a shout, alive.
cold water, or the like. They make an Average (7) Characters who die from massive damage
Endurance (Vitality + Willpower) roll to wake up. (double Life Point maximum in Wounds) can’t be
This can be done once per turn. If the character revived; they require the Brotherhood’s special
succeeds, his Stun damage is reduced to the point treatment. See “Returning to Life,” above.
that total damage is one less than his maximum Life
Points. S timulants
If your Demon Hunter is on speed, he’ll spend
R eviving the D ead a few hours running around like crazy and then
The Brotherhood’s medical capabilities make take a dirt nap. Did he not watch community
many things possible—including life after death. service announcements on Saturday morning TV?
However, the best option—before reanimation For six hours, he experiences a state of heightened
or supernatural means are required—is simple awareness—all fatigue penalties are eliminated
resuscitation. The medic performs First Aid, but the and a +1 step is granted to Alertness and Agility.
Difficulty starts at Formidable (15) and increases After six hours, the character crashes, and returns
by four for every minute the character has been to whatever fatigued state he started in. He also
clinically dead. If successful, the patient makes an suffers an additional –2 Attribute step until he gets
Endurance roll at the same Difficulty that caused his at least 12 hours of rest or takes another round
death (see Dying, on page 107). If that works, the of stimulants. Each six-hour “up cycle” imposes
cumulative Attribute step penalties. Using stimulants

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

continuously for more than 12 hours can be injured and dying patients, the surgery prevents the
extremely dangerous. Remember, kids. This is your character from having to make Endurance checks
Demon Hunter, and this is your Demon Hunter on during the operation.
… oh, you know the drill. It’s a bad idea. If the surgery is successful, the patient begins to
Stimulants also temporarily heal Stun damage, heal. Particularly bad injuries might require advanced
but when they wear off (in about six hours), that treatment, therapy, or even more surgery to put
damage returns. Stimulants heal d2 to d12 Stun, the character back in fighting shape. Just because
depending on the dosage. your Demon Hunter is healing from the mangling of
a limb, that doesn’t mean he gains use of that limb
S edatives back yet.
Barbiturates temporarily apply an across-the- Botching surgery is a terrible thing. If the
board Attribute step penalty, ranging from –1 to –4, surgeon botches twice, the complex action fails
depending on the strength of the sedative. This is and the patient suffers an extra d2 Wound damage.
accompanied quite often by a feeling of relaxation The entire process must be started again, and the
and lowered anxiety, which makes sense given that
you’re being chemically knocked out. If the step
penalty would reduce you to d0 in any Attribute,
surgeon gets slapped with a huge malpractice suit.

B rotherhood S urger y
you’re unconscious. The sedative may last from as Brotherhood medical mad science allows
little as an hour to as much as 12, again depending surgeons to operate in conditions and at speeds
on the dose and the sedative type. Most often, that put modern medicine to shame: A mad doctor
your Demon Hunter will be exposed to this kind usually only requires five to15 minutes per roll (half
of drug from an outside source. After all, you have the usual time), and can perform his work in field

Chapter Four: We Ride

better things to do than sit in a chair and stare at the conditions, so long as he has a mad doctor’s bag
melting wallpaper. or, barring that, a razor, some rubbing alcohol, and
some twine.
P ainkillers
If there’s no time for healing and you’ve gotta
push on, painkillers can at least relieve the agony.
Field painkillers temporarily relieve any damage
Vehicles in the world of Demon Hunters serve
penalties imposed by Wounds. These drugs are much the same purpose they do in real life: They get
formulated for easy application by anyone; no roll is you from place to place. Most of the time, this isn’t
needed. With other medicines, the user must make a big deal. The plot doesn’t center around the trip
an Intelligence + Medicine/Pharmaceuticals (Easy from basecamp to the creepy old building where the
(3) for common drugs, Hard (11) for complicated Pound has a safehouse. It centers on what happens
or rare compounds) roll to determine how much after the Demon Hunters arrive on scene.
of what will be useful, rather than fatal or impotent. When this is the case, the vehicle is solely a
Most painkillers last six hours, but some might last as tool—a piece of equipment that does its job and
long as 12. doesn’t require rolls to use. However, sometimes,
you might need to know a bit more about your ride.
S urger y
Increasingly often in the War against the Enemy, Hazardous Conditions
your Demon Hunter may get so badly injured that Usually, driving, sailing, or even flying won’t
he can’t begin recovery on his own—he needs a require a roll. Why? Remember the two basic
bullet taken out, a heart bypass, that sort of thing. guidelines: You don’t roll unless there’s a chance of
In that case, surgery is needed. Surgery is a complex failure, and you don’t roll if failure would completely
action, usually with time increments of 10 or 30 ruin the game in a way that has nothing to do with
minutes, using Agility + Medicine/Surgery. The the story. The Demon Hunters should never die in
Threshold is based on the number of Wounds the a completely random accident before the adventure
patient has taken—see Table 4.8, above. For badly even starts!

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

However, if the Forces of Darkness are trying Vehicles that have taken half or more of their
to kill the Demon Hunters, then it’s no random Life Points in damage become harder to control; they
accident. And if there’s a good chance the Demon take a –2 penalty to their Maneuverability (which can
Hunters can survive, then the failure of the pilot or bring it down to as low as –5 Skill steps). Vehicles
driver doesn’t result in unavoidable death. that suffer all their Life Points in damage just stop
When the reasons are appropriate, bad functioning, which creates additional problems.
conditions might force the driver or pilot of a Most boats will sink and airplanes crash at this point,
vehicle to make a roll. When this happens, only one but depending on how the damage was inflicted,
character rolls. In a vehicle with a multi-person crew, this might not be an immediate, sudden affair.
others might be able to offer indirect assistance if the Vehicles that take double their Life Points in damage,
Game Master rules it appropriate, but the primary however, are completely destroyed or totaled.
roll is made by the character most directly in charge Unless that happens, most vehicles can be
of steering. repaired. This generally takes some time, money,
The roll to control a vehicle will usually be a and a competent mechanic—not something with

114 combination of Strength (to control a bucking, pulling

wheel), Agility (to accurately make rapid adjustments
to direction or speed), or Alertness (to avoid road
being played out. However, should it be important to
the plot that the characters repair a vehicle quickly,
the Game Master may allow a character with the
hazards, know where to point the vehicle, and so appropriate skills to perform the repairs. As long
on) combined with the appropriate Skill (Watercraft/ as he has the parts and equipment, repair works
Specialty, Pilot/Specialty, or Drive/Specialty). The in the same way as surgery (see Surgery, on page
Game Master sets the Difficulty based on the 113), save that each roll takes an hour and the final
conditions, as usual. Controlling a vehicle at normal result actually “heals” the damage to the vehicle. A
Chapter Four: We Ride

speeds (whatever those are for the specific vehicle), Mad Scientist using Brotherhood techniques has an
in good terrain, during calm weather and in daylight advantage here, as well, with each roll only taking 30
should be Easy (3) if a roll is forced. Bad weather, bad minutes.
terrain, distractions (like a pack of demons following,
or one on the roof), high speeds, and so on all have C r ashes and C ollisions
the chance to increase the Difficulty—each negative Being hit by a vehicle sucks. Generally speaking,
factor can impact the roll by increasing the Difficulty when a vehicle hits something, it causes serious
by up to +4. For example, driving a car at normal problems. Calculate the damage based on the
speeds during a light rainstorm (+2 Difficulty) on speed the vehicle was moving: Up to 10 miles per
a dark night (+4) while a bunch of friends chatter hour inflicts d4 Basic damage. Beyond that, every
quietly in the back seats (+1) goes from being an 10 mph increase adds +1 step to this damage die,
Easy task to a Difficulty of 3 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 10. and it becomes Wound instead of Basic damage. If
The quality of the vehicle can add a modifier to the vehicle would take damage from the crash (for
the character’s Skill dice: This is called the vehicle’s example, it hits a tree), it takes the same damage
Maneuverability, and ranges from a penalty of –3 Skill (after Armor reductions). If two vehicles collide,
steps to a bonus of +3 Skill steps. Most vehicles have calculate and roll damage for each separately, and
a Maneuverability of zero, which has no effect on the apply both results to both vehicles. If a character is
Demon Hunter’s roll, but damaged, old, or high-tech trying to use his vehicle as a weapon, the attack roll is
or suped-up rides can change that. Alertness + Skill/Specialty, with the Skill modified by
the vehicle’s Maneuverability. Unlike normal attacks,
Getting Wrecked there is no initial damage. Beating the target’s
Just like characters, vehicles can be destroyed. defense simply counts as a successful hit. The target’s
They follow the standard rules for Breaking Objects defense could be Dodging, an Initiative roll against
(see the Special Situations section above): They are the attack roll, or anything else the Game Master
immune to Stun damage, have an Armor Rating that rules appropriate; some creatures may be able to
protects them, and have a certain number of Life Block the attempt! Damage is determined as normal
Points that determine how much damage they can for a collision. Character-type armor usually won’t
suffer before failing. help.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

U nnecessar y D etonation The Game Master has free reign to assign these
Vehicles near groups of Demon Hunters have an vehicles appropriate devices and enhancements, but
unusually high chance of having been stolen off the players shouldn’t get their hands on a really advanced
set of a spy/action movie. Because of this, they may vehicle. More likely, if the Brotherhood provides
unaccountably explode when disturbed, crashed, them with something, it’ll be more along the lines
tampered with, or shot. Generally, if a vehicle is of a test-version, one with half the features and
likely to blow, it does so the first time it takes more twice the likelihood of explosion, that kind of thing.
than 3 points of Wound damage from one hit. Holographic communications systems, pollution-free
The Game Master can determine the force of the fuel systems, and similar minor upgrades are those
explosion, though these detonations rarely result most likely to be allowed into the hands of anyone
in actual injury to Demon Hunters, who are almost but Alpha One.
always thrown clear with only minor singeing.
Chase Scenes
Vehicle Weapons Chases in vehicles work just like any other
Because they are so incredibly obvious to
both mortal authorities and demons alike, most
Brotherhood Chapters don’t make use of vehicle-
chase—see the sidebar Chases, page 98. The
important thing to remember here is that driving
faster than is safe in a particular vehicle increases the
mounted weapons. Evil is rarely kind enough to wait Difficulty of the rolls the driver has to make—and
out in the open to get shot, or so polite that they’ll that may be necessary, if one party in the chase has a
stay down when hit with bullets. However, should superior vehicle!
characters commandeer a vehicle with mounted
weaponry, the Game Master should determine Types of Vehicles

Chapter Four: We Ride

the weapon’s statistics. For example, a mounted Most vehicles have their Maneuverability (MNV,
machine gun is likely to have stats similar to a large Armor Rating (AR), and Life Points (LP) determined
automatic weapon, with an increased damage die by the general type of vehicle they are. However,
and a much larger ammunition capacity. individual examples might vary. Below are some
These kinds of weapons aren’t generally suggested guidelines for the types of vehicles most
conducive to letting nearby mortals survive, or likely to be encountered in a Demon Hunters game.
any form of stealth, or precision work, or indoor Small Car: MNV +1, AR 8, LP 20.
jobs—so, again, Game Masters are advised not to Car: MNV 0, AR 12, LP 30
place them into the hands of the Demon Hunters Racecar: MNV +2, AR 5, LP 15
too often. But don’t let that advice get in the way of Pickup Truck: MNV 0, AR 15, LP 35
a good story! SUV: Maneuverability –1, AR 15, LP 30
Transport Van: MNV –2, AR 12, LP 40
Brotherhood Vehicles Semi trailer: MNV –3, AR 20, LP 60
The Brotherhood’s unique ability to combine Building Equipment: MNV –3, AR 30, LP 100
technology and mystical power in abysmally stupid Canoe: MNV 0, AR 4, LP 8
and dangerous ways knows no bounds. While Speedboat: MNV +1, AR 15, LP 25
the Brotherhood rarely gives them out for use by Oil Tanker: MNV –3, AR 40, LP 250
Chapters, there’s a research division that produces News Helicopter: MNV 0, AR 8, LP 20
unusually outfitted vehicles. The exact capabilities Boeing 747: MNV –1, AR 12, LP 65
of these vehicles are highly varied; they’re most Fighter Jet: MNV +3, AR 20, LP 45
often tailored for a specific mission or assignment. Death Satellite: MNV –3, AR 60, LP 300

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter Five:

The Warehouse
arehouse duty. It’s been 10 years since Gabriel sat behind the oversized desk in the Brotherhood’s
Warehouse. Now, here he is again, teaching a new team how not to get themselves lost or killed in this
cavernous space.
“First thing you need to know is that the Warehouse is big. Really big. Really, really, super big. If you go
wandering without your communicator, you will get lost and most likely die of starvation before anyone even knows
you’re gone. If you do happen to die here, you will be properly stored and filed as per procedure.”
The ragtag bunch look incredulous. Ned, snorting quietly in the back, stifles a chuckle.
“Um, Mr. Gabriel, sir? What exactly do you mean by lost? This place can’t be that big. I mean, it’s just a
Gabriel smiles deeply. There’s always one who questions everything you ever tell him. If you’re lucky, he’ll figure
out who’s really in charge quick enough to stay alive.
“You’re right, Ned. There’s nothing to worry about. I mean, why would your team leader start off an orientation
with a ‘You’re gonna die’ warning, anyway? He couldn’t possibly mean it, could he?”
Gabriel turns towards the screen behind him. Pushing a few quick buttons a map of several shelving units
surrounding the Quartermaster’s Bunker pops up.
“Here’s us.” Gabriel smacks his hand over the map. “Here’s the most immediate items you’ll need to secure for
teams going out into the field. Here’s the Door.”
A few more button pushes and the map slowly zooms out. Time passes and the map is still zooming further and
further. Finally it stops. The Quartermaster’s Bunker is now barely visible in the center of a nonsensical jumble of
lines. Maze after maze encompass city block-sized areas. Blinking lights by the hundreds pop up all over the map
indicating various stations, vending machines, and restrooms. One large flashing light pulses on the far side of the
map. The noobs’ eyes widen at the sight.
“This is almost the entire Warehouse. We simply don’t have the memory space to hold everything at once. This
inter-dimensional space would cover New York, Boston, and Philadelphia combined. Your communicator instantly
downloads all the maps for each section as you pass through. Without it, you would never find your way back.”
Gator starts to speak, but Gabriel cuts him off quickly.
“And the Door? Well, you’d never know which one you’re going into, would you? We have the only one-way
Keys. They’re not well marked and if you plug in the wrong one you might drop out in some really, really bad places
around the world. What would happen if you opened the Door to the Antarctic station while you were in your muscle
shirt, you big redneck? I mean, you’d freeze to death in a few minutes, probably. Or if you opened a Door that has
been compromised? You’d be torn apart before you could scream. Take this place seriously and you’ll be fine. The
Warehouse isn’t all paperwork and downtime. You are here to supply field teams with what they need to survive the
mission. If you do your job, you’ll be out of here as soon as possible. Any more questions?”
Gabriel allows himself a quick smile at the silence coming from the team. They’ll do just fine.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Where did you think the Brotherhood got Doors are another MagiTech combination
their gear? Happy Mart? Well, okay, they get some allowing Demon Hunters access to the pocket
things there. Mostly, though, they get the gear they dimension containing the Warehouse. They are only
need from the Warehouse. When things are a little operational with the use of a Key. This prevents
above clearance levels—or more illicit than the unintentional access by agents of the Order or
Brotherhood normally approves—you need to find a wandering idiots who don’t read signs. Keys are
new dealer for the equipment needed to get the job assigned to each Chapter leader and locked with
done. While normal retail outfits might actually carry a unique code. The Key is a bit more complicated
what you need, a trip to the Black Market than any normal entry device, however. At
will probably produce anything you care to a glance it appears to be a GPS locator with
imagine. a taser strapped to the end. If the correct
code is not entered into the Key, it doesn’t

The Warehouse do anything. Attempts to

circumvent the Key’s security
The Warehouse is an extra-
dimensional storage facility used
by the Brotherhood to outfit
P u r p l e Ni n j a say: “Never confuse measures activate failsafes
Warehouse with Werehouse. Here is
how to tell difference: Ware-house
and destroy the chips inside
it, preventing it from being
units in any part of the world.
have doors leading to it hidden all over used. Tampering with a Key is
world. Were-house is located at 1331
It is only accessible through
West Fillmore, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, very difficult and should only

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

specially designed Doors set up and is full of werewolves.” be attempted by a master
worldwide in hidden locations manipulator of MagiTech.
known only to Demon Hunters. When a team reaches a
Omega-class units staff the Warehouse on Door, the Key is placed into the doorframe and the
a rotating basis. New recruits must take a turn code entered. What was once a door to nowhere
learning the ins and outs of the Warehouse before is now a Door to the Warehouse. Keys may also be
heading out into the field. After all, an ill-equipped used to access different Doors around the world,
team is a dead team. so for those who have the right codes, the world is
While items requested in the Warehouse have truly open to them. The Key then separates into two
no cost to the requesting Demon Hunter, there are parts: one stays embedded in the door frame while
a number of restrictions placed on them. Weaponry, the other, larger portion of the Key stays with the
especially, is dealt out based upon Chapter Demon Hunters as a means of getting back. Once
designation, perceived need, prior experience, and the team is done with its business in the Warehouse,
proper training. While Chapter Alpha One could it may return to the location of the second part of
walk in and take just about anything they need with the Key. The Portal inside the Warehouse will only
little hesitation, Chapters with lower designations open to a Key’s location.
must complete a large amount of Divine Paperwork
before dangerous equipment is assigned.
Equipping Your Chapter
DoorsThere are Doors everywhere. There could be
Seems simple enough. Use your Key. Open a
Door. Get your stuff. Leave. Kick demon butt. Close,
but not quite. There are a few forms you’ll have to
one in the building next to your apartment. There fill out first.
might be one in the Empire State Building. Ever
wonder where all those doors marked Restricted Bureaucracy
Access lead to? Well, most of them lead to Even in the Brotherhood, paperwork sucks.
maintenance closets. Some, though, lead nowhere at Each team understands its place in the system and
all without a Key. The Key turns a door into a Door what they are authorized to do. The Warehouse
and leads to one of the Brotherhood’s best weapons Supervisor understands this too. Eternally trying
in the War on Horror: the Warehouse.

  And, occasionally, the person holding it.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

to earn his final reward, the Supervisor has run the
Warehouse with an iron fist ever since he was called Cash Money
to the Great Beyond sometime in the mid-to-late Do Demon Hunters collect a salary? Well, in
second century B.C. It has been a long time and he’s a manner of speaking, yes. Each Chapter gets a
not very keen on polite conversation. Only St. Peter monthly stipend from the Brotherhood to cover
calls the Supervisor by his true name and never in extra expenses. You didn’t think that they had to run
earshot of anyone else. He prefers to be known as to the Warehouse every time they wanted coffee, did
simply the Supervisor, or Sir, if the occasion warrants you? Not when there’s a Cobblers Crystals on every
it. corner. Each Chapter gets paid based upon rank and
The Supervisor sits in final judgment of what prior performance. Your base Omega-level Chapter
leaves the Warehouse and with whom. Omega-class gets a $400 stipend per member each month, in
teams cannot be trusted with knowing who should U.S. dollars, or equivalent. As rank and experience
and should not have what equipment. If they could increase, so does pay. The Brotherhood doesn’t
be trusted, after all, they wouldn’t still be Omegas. really employ many auditors since they all end up in

118 Every request list goes through the Supervisor’s

office and must be approved by him before anything
leaves the pocket dimension. Incorrectly filled-out
Purgatory anyway, so how the Chapter leader doles
out the pay is up to him. Some prefer communal
pools of cash and others keep meticulous track of
forms are returned and patently ridiculous requests spending.
are routinely denied. That said, would we really make you waste
Chapter Five: The Warehouse

In fact, without direct intervention from St. time spending virtual money in a tabletop combat
Peter, anything outside of the standard prescribed simulation? No, we wouldn’t! If your Game Master
equipment is outright denied, regardless of cares about this kind of thing, he can take a look at a
extenuating circumstances. Teams will come up Happy Mart Catalog. For the purposes of this training
with the craziest reasons to need specialized manual, we’re going to assume your Demon Hunter
equipment. “The Order has infiltrated our secret either gets the gear or he doesn’t. Where he gets it
base,” or “There’s a giant sea monster off the coast from, of course, is the question.
of Vancouver.” Even Alpha One will say outrageous
things in an attempt to exploit the system. The Black Market
Why would a Demon Hunter need ready cash?
Availability To buy the things that he Supervisor won’t give them.
Amazingly, not everything is available at the Did The Supervisor deny your request for the C4
Warehouse. You’ll find most of the equipment you charges because he thought it “excessive” for use
need, but not the hottest clothing trends or any in taking out the Girl Troop’s headquarters? A few
weapons above your pay grade. Retail stores might phone calls will fix that problem right up. The key
have what you crave for that extra bit of firepower, is in knowing the right people and having the right
but you’re not exactly the least conspicuous person. amount of ready cash.
Add in the fact that different parts of the world carry Popular fiction imagines the Black Market as a
very different items and you’ve got yourself into clandestine operation, working in the dark streets
quite a pickle. Trading gets you good second-hand of Paris on a late night arms deal. Mysterious men
equipment and the Black Market nets you the rest. arrive with trunk loads of ammunition met by men
Whatever choices the Chapter makes, the Game with trunk loads of cash to exchange. Nothing could
Master will need to know what can be bought or be further from the truth. In fact, the Black Market
traded for at what locations. To help the Game operates very similarly to the Brotherhood’s own
Master figure all of this out, the equipment listed Warehouse, only it involves cash and a certain moral
here has an “Availability” rating of Warehouse (W), ambiguity.
Everywhere (E), or Black Market (B). Whether or All who use it consider the Black Market to be
not an item is where the rating suggests is completely neutral ground. The Boss insists upon the truce in
up to the Game Master. order to do business with as many people as possible.

  That’ll teach ‘em not to skimp on the Skinny Mints!

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

At any time, you might find a Brotherhood team, items. Omega teams are strictly forbidden from
an agent of the Order, a few Strays from the Pound even looking at higher-level equipment. Breathing
and plenty of Mad Scientists hanging around, trying near a Molecular Modulator could get you a week
to decide which weapons and supplies would work scrubbing toilets. They are given a set of equipment
best at destroying each other. that has been designed to keep Omegas from killing
Doors to the Black Market are static and themselves or their team members. Most of the time
are well known in the various organizations that the safeguards work. Each level in between Alpha
patronize it. They can normally be found easily by and Omega receives gear dependent on the situation
asking the right people or by persuading some of the to which they have been assigned. Usually the
wrong people. The well-guarded entrances do not Supervisor determines the necessity of requested
require a Key since the Boss’ mad scientists have yet items.
to decode the inner workings of the Brotherhood’s
secret device. Once you enter the Door you are Omega–class Standard Gear
bound by the Boss to do your business and leave as The lowest of the low, Omega Chapters
quickly and quietly as possible. The Boss does not
approve of window shoppers. A log is kept of who’s
entered and from where. All persons must exit the
should not expect any wonderfully interesting
goodies to come in their orientation pack. Seriously,
look around. Would you trust those folks with
same way they came in. Unlike the Warehouse, a Flamethrower? Well, guess what kiddo, they
with its single, dynamic Door, the Black Market has don’t trust you either. And that’s the first smart

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

many, many static Doors, each clearly marked and thing you’ve all thought today. Stick with the gear
well guarded. Leaving by another Door is strictly you’re given and don’t overreach your limits. You’ll
prohibited. Violators are swiftly and publicly dealt get to play with the cool stuff soon enough. Any
with. general gear or tech not listed here may be taken
at the Game Master’s discretion. Remember the
General Gear Brotherhood motto: Be prepared or you’ll probably
From the lowest team to the highest, Omega die screaming. Well, it’s more of a guideline than a
Fifteen to Alpha One, each Hunter is assigned gear motto.
based upon his experience, ability, and necessity.
Alpha teams have immediate access to most of the O mega –C lass C lothes
items in the Warehouse and only have the slightest All team members are expected to provide
delays in acquiring some of the more dangerous their own clothing to fit their personal style or the
uniform dictated by the Chapter leader.
Some prefer everyone to wear the
Table 5.1: Greek T ranslations Brotherhood standard outfit. This consists
Chapter Level Symbol Chapter Level Symbol of a black T-shirt, black coat, black
Alpha Αa Beta Βb uniform pants, and black military-style
boots. Black is in this year. And every year.
Gamma Γg Delta Δd Other, less strict leaders allow members
Epsilon Ee Zeta Zz to dress as they please. This allows
Eta Hh Theta Qq expression but doesn’t look nearly as
intimidating. When one member dresses
Iota Ii Kappa Kk
in bright fuchsia it really clashes. It also
Lambda Ll Mu Mm shows up in the dark, attracting attention.
Nu Nn Xi Xx Attention attracting makes you pretty
Omicron Oo Pi Pp dead, pretty quick.

Rho Rr Sigma Ss O mega –C lass A r mor

Tau Tt Upsilon Uu Lucky you! The Brotherhood budget
Phi Ff Shi Cc was recently increased to allow for
Omega Chapters to wear armor. The
Psi Yy Omega Ω

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 5.2: Other General Gear
Gear Availability (Chapter Minimum)
Backpack E (Ω)
Beer-Mug-Out-of-Nowhere W (O)
Bottomless Tankard W (O)
Rope E Ω)
Key W (Ω)
Utility Belt E (Ω)
cost effectiveness of replacing armor makes the anyone attempt to repeat this feat. A quick whisper
Brotherhood accountants much happier than paying into the empty vessel provides a refreshing mugful
for replacing Demon Hunters. Each Hunter receives of nearly any beverage the user desires. There are

120 a MicroMesh Vest and any other armor pieces she

desires. Of course, the leg guards, bracers, and
helmet are composite plastics only. Anything more
limits, however. The mug itself finally gave up on Wolf
that one night in Seattle.
Rope: Who doesn’t need rope? Seriously. Have
expensive than that and the accountants would you ever been on an adventure where you didn’t
rather you just get shot. We mentioned that our need rope? You can climb things, tie people up,
Chapter Five: The Warehouse

accountants are in Purgatory, right? They’re there for climb things … well, it’s handy and comes in 50-foot
a reason, you know. increments. We’re pretty sure that’s a multiversal
standard increment.
O mega –C lass W eaponr y Key: Each Key is coded to the Chapter leader’s
While Demon Hunters generally may choose DNA and will only work with the proper code.
weapons based upon their aptitude or specialty, most Most Chapters only use the Key to travel to the
items are severely restricted. You may be allowed to Warehouse, but well-traveled Chapters will learn
take any weapon not placed on the restricted list. Try new codes and tricks to travel around the world.
not to hurt yourself. Entering random numbers is ill-advised as several
Doors open in very, very bad places.
O ther G ener al G ear Utility Belt: These useful belts are not just for
Backpack: Gotta hold the gear you’re taking? superheroes anymore. They will hold anything and
You’re going to need a backpack. The standard everything a Demon Hunter needs to have ready
Brotherhood issue pack will comfortably fit any from a PDA to shark-repellent spray, so long as it’s
Demon Hunter, regardless of size. It is weight-tested not very big.
to 200 lbs and is waterproof. Advanced versions may
contain extra pockets for an audio player or water Clothes
bottle. Ah, advanced technology. They say that the clothes make the man. They
Beer-Mug-Out-of-Nowhere: A bit of a certainly make the Demon Hunter. Each Hunter
mystery to most, the Beer-Mug-Out-of-Nowhere is has his signature style or schtick. From Silent Jim’s
a classic in the Out-of-Nowhere line. Brotherhood Bottomless Trench Coat to Gabriel’s Leather Jacket
Mad Scientists have been working on the intricacies or Albrecht’s Dog Collar, each conveys the owner’s
of it and have discovered ways to make new Out-of- personality to everyone who sees it. Fashion might
Nowhere objects. No one yet has determined where not seem important in the business of demon
Nowhere actually is or whose hand brings the object, hunting, but who wants to look like a mess while
but the Pen-Out-of-Nowhere and the Car-Keys- doing some major hunting? If the vampire slayers can
Out-of-Nowhere have become popular variants on look hot while doing their business, then so can the
the theme. Demon Hunters.
Bottomless Tankard: Well, it’s not technically Aviator Sunglasses: Unlike other sunglasses,
bottomless. Agent Wolf of Omega Fifteen found the Aviator-style shades are not for everyone. The
the bottom one night. It is not recommended that overly large lenses hide features and make you look

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

like a reject pilot from the 1980s. Hunters with Fedora: The ultimate in show-off hats, the
over-sized heads may find that Aviators fit fedora has evolved from a standard of every man’s
comfortably. Everyone else will probably find them wardrobe to a hat used only by those who want to
bulky, annoying and not cool at all. be noticed. Whether made from imported wool or
Baby Doll Shirt: Favorite of Californian beaten leather, the fedora tells people that you are
vampire slayers, the baby doll is the female most definitely up to something. When combined
equivalent of the muscle shirt. Meant to show off with a nice suit, the perception becomes one of
everything, the baby doll can accentuate both the money and influence. Add a trench coat to the
positive and the negative. While tight shirts may fedora and one appears as a government agent. An
work for some Hunters, many will find a normal tee adventurer’s outfit complete with whip, pistol, and
to do the trick. dirty, button-down shirt shows the world that you
Bandanna/Doo-Rag: Depending on your style watch too many movies.
preference, this useful piece of cloth can Fitted Ball Cap: A recent addition to the
keep the sweat out of your eyes, hold Hunter’s wardrobe, the fitted ball cap has come
back your hair, and help you bend prison
bars. While black is a very “in” color for
Hunters (and everyone else), colors
into fashion recently with the ousting of the trucker
cap which never, ever looked good. Hunters most
often wear unmarked, solid-color caps to avoid
and patterns can create a signature any problems when switching cities. Navy blue
look. It can also alert your enemies caps with red “B” logos do not play well in New

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

to who you are if you are not York. Making that mistake will assure that
careful. demons are the least of your worries.
Disguises: At times, Karategi: Known in the US simply
disguises are needed. Everyone as a gi, this martial arts outfit gives
knows about Jim’s trench coat. freedom of movement, a uniform
Everyone. There’s a guy who look and absolutely no doubt that you
lives on a mountain in eastern are about to proceed with some kung
Montana who knows about fu fighting. For the fashion conscious
Jim’s trench coat. How can a Hunter, the gi is not the most stylish piece of
man so known for his outfit go clothing possible. It is a simple combination
undercover and be unnoticed? of loose cloth pants and a short robe tied
All right, Jim exists outside of together with a belt, preferably black.
time and space. I know, cool, Anything else makes you look like you just
right? How about Ned? How left karate class at the local gym.
can he parlay his stealthy Kimono: Seen by outsiders as a simple
talents into … yeah, I don’t robe, the kimono is a symbol of Japanese
believe it either. Ichabod! identity and nationality. Worn by men
He’s good at his job. Let’s and women, the traditional garb can be
use him. How can Ichabod as simple as a silk robe with a sash or
sneak around like a ninja? amazingly complicated and restrictive.
Disguises! Whether cobbled The obi, or sash, can be incredibly
together at the local big-box expensive in formal wear. Hunters
retailer or carefully chosen choosing to wear kimonos must be
from the collection in the aware of the tradition and difficulty
Warehouse, a good disguise involved in this garment. Trained
will more often than not martial artists, however, will find
save a Hunter’s life in a tight that the balance and versatility of
situation. the kimono suits their purposes.
Leather Jacket: Second-
to-none in the coolness factor,
  Sparky the leather jacket is what every

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 5.3: Clothes
Clothing Item Availability (Chapter Minimum)
Aviator Sunglasses E (Ω)
Baby Doll Shirt E (Ω)
Bandanna/Doo Rag E (Ω)
Disguises E (Ψ)
Fedora E (Ω)
Fitted Ball Cap E (Ω)
Karategi E (Ω)
Kimono E (Ω)
Leather Jacket E (Ω)

122 Muscle Shirt

Ridiculously Long Striped Scarf
E (Ω)
E (Ω)
E (Ω)
Sombrero E (Ω)
Three-Peice Suit E (Ω)
Chapter Five: The Warehouse

Tight Leather Pants E (Ψ)

Trench Coat E (Ω)

Hunter wants to wear while walking away from a make sure the pair fits and makes you look better.
giant explosion. Unfortunately, this is not a coat for Trust me, the mirror won’t help. Ask somebody you
everyone. The Research and Development lackey trust.
doesn’t need to wear a leather jacket to work. It will Sombrero: Not the hat for everyone. In fact,
not impress the other scientists. Leather jackets are this hat should be avoided at all costs unless one is a
for field use only. Duct tape is optional. slightly defective Cipher made in Mexico. On the plus
Muscle Shirt: Not for the faint of heart, the side, the sombrero does provide shade. That would
muscle shirt leaves nothing to the imagination. Even be the only plus.
on the most fit Hunter, everything shows. On those Three-Piece Suit: When one pictures modern
in less than top-shape, every curve is highlighted. gangsters, one imagines the finely tailored suits. An
If one has muscles to show off, this top can be an entire sub-section of Demon Hunters have taken to
intimidating sight. If one does not, it may inspire fits wearing black suits with white shirts and thin black
of laughter and pointing. ties. This, combined with the proper sunglasses
Ridiculously Long Striped Scarf: Generally provides the intense look desired. Hunters more
disdained by Hunters who choose mobility over concerned with true style than pop culture coolness
comfort, the ridiculously long striped scarf is a staple will note that a black suit does little more than show
of the science-minded Hunter. While innocent one’s poor taste and lack of imagination. A Demon
enough by itself, the British Broadcasting Channel Hunter in a wide-lapelled, plaid suit? That’s just plain
frequently took issue with a Hunter seen wearing a awesome.
trench coat and large floppy hat. Luckily, this style has Tight Leather Pants: Tight leather pants
been eschewed for the more movement-conscious should be used with extreme caution. One must have
turtleneck sweater. the correct figure for these pants or serious injury
Shades: Everyone needs sunglasses. The dark may occur. Sure, they look great on supermodel,
lenses hide eye movement, cloud emotion and aid in international jewel thieves, but is vacuum-packing
nighttime driving when in the vicinity of Chicago. Just yourself into your pants really all that comfortable
or useful? Remember, less pocket space means less
concealment for your arsenal. And other things.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 5.4: Melee Weaponry
Availability (Chapter
Weapon Damage
Beer Mug d2 B E (Ω)
Broken Bottle d2 W E (Ω)
Brass Knuckles special E (Ω)
Knife, Kris d4 W E (Ω)
Knife, Utility d2 W E (Ω)
Main-Gauche d4 W E (Ω)
Security Baton d2 B E (Ω)
Staff Weapon d6 B E (Ω)
Stun Gun d6 S E (Φ)
Sword, Long
Sword, Rapier
Sword, Scimitar
d6 W
d4 W
d6 W
E (Ω)
E (Ω)
E (Ω)
Sword Cane d4 W E (Ω)

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

Trench Coat: Ah, the ubiquitous trench believes, the Equalizer is not always the most
coat. Coolness factor: Very High. Not only does efficient weapon. Occasionally, people need to be
the trench coat conceal much of the necessary questioned.
weaponry carried by a Hunter, most repel all forms
of water, oil, blood, and demon goo. Of course, M elee W eaponr y
if one is not careful, one will look less like a rebel Beer Mug: The preferred weapon of Wolf,
starship captain trying to make a living and more like member of Chapter Omega Fifteen, the beer mug
a terribly disguised government informant. seems an odd choice for hand-to-hand combat.
Not so. Depending on the make and strength of
Weapons and Armor the vessel, the beer mug can be quite the handy
Demon Hunters are expected to use minimal accessory to that Hunter on the town. Wolf prefers
force, only resorting to outright violence in the most a hardwood stein passed down in his family for
extreme circumstances. Of course, expectations generations. At this point, the wood is most likely
are rarely met. Clothes make the man, but weapons petrified from time and alcohol absorption. When
make the Hunter. Each has his own favorite method Wolf uses it against an unsuspecting opponent, the
of good ol’ fashioned demon killing, ranging from the feeling is much like being hit in the face by a small
melee weapons of the martial arts to the powerful aircraft carrier with a nice, hoppy piquant. Less
guns of today. Chapter leaders are each issued a sturdy materials mean dents, cracks or possible
ceremonial sword, representing their call to the destruction of your favorite beer mug.
Brotherhood. In a few rare cases, these Broken Bottle: Favorite of drunk
swords are actually useful in combat. street fighters everywhere, the broken
Most are little more than sharp letter bottle is always on hand to probably
openers. In order to be effective in cut the person holding it much worse
the fight against evil, a Demon than the intended target. Let’s face
Hunter must be aware of his it, the movies show bottles breaking
strengths and weaknesses and into perfect, jagged killing machines.
what situations he finds himself. In real life, you’re lucky if you’ve still
Despite what Anti-Tank Sally got the neck or even if it breaks at all.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

When it does, though, you’ll have a large, sharp fell out of use in favor of off-hand daggers. This
bit of glass with which to threaten the other change aided in speedy parries and made finesse a
drunkards around you. necessary ingredient for survival in duels.
Brass Knuckles: More effective than a Security Baton: The security baton is often
roll of quarters, brass knuckles have been used seen in bad cop shows or in movies where a beat
to unfairly win fights for hundreds of years. down is about to occur. Unlike its fictional depiction,
Brotherhood-issue brass knucks are actually the telescoping security baton is an ideal bludgeoning
made from a titanium alloy that would survive weapon. It is compact, made of high tensile steel,
re-entry from space and 10 tons of direct and leaves welts that last for days. Quick shots
pressure. A Hunter trained in martial arts will from the baton are more effective than most other
find the brass knuckles to be a hand-to-hand weapons due to their lasting
serious addition to his arsenal of emotional scars, but fading bruises.
pain-infliction. Staff Weapons: Prevalent in most
Knife, Kris: The kris is a deadly world cultures, the staff weapon is a basic method

124 dagger that originated in the South Pacific.

Its asymmetrical and sinuous design acted
functionally as well as for visual effect. Often
of attack and defense. In the hands of an amateur,
the staff can cause havoc in melee combat, but in
the hands of a master, it can kill as quickly as any
used as a ceremonial weapon in its original blade. The English variant, called the quarterstaff,
design, the kris is a brutal weapon when used often had metal tips on each end, giving the weapon
Chapter Five: The Warehouse

by a trained hand. The kris is not meant as more weight for spinning attacks. The Japanese Bo
a slashing knife. The wounds opened by a and the Chinese Gùn are much more flexible and
slashing kris are horrible and tattered. The kris can be made of hardwood, like the quarterstaff, or
was designed as a weapon of assassination. A of bamboo. While the English quarterstaff is rarely
stabbing wound from a kris is almost assuredly elaborate, Bos and Gùns remain crafted as much
a kill shot. Many ancient kris knives were forged works of art as weapons of war. Staff weapons have
with a specific victim in mind. This gave rise to evolved from the simple tools of peasants into martial
legends concerning the spiritual nature of the weapons used by elite forces guarding emperors.
kris. Stories surrounded the weapon, claiming All staff weapons are used similarly, creating space
that spirits of those killed remained within the between opponents and delivering striking blows.
blade. The utter viciousness of the kris’ design Disabling blows are much more likely with the staff,
led to an outright ban on similar weaponry in giving opportunity for keeping an enemy alive.
Europe due to its perceived inhumanity. Stun Gun: Specially designed for the
Knife, Utility: No outdoorsman would Brotherhood, the standard issue stun gun packs a
be caught dead without his trusty utility knife. walloping 200,000 volts into its intended target at
From a single blade to 48 different gadgets and full strength. Careful to allow its safe use on humans
doodads, this knife could save your life or cut that as well as demons, Brotherhood scientists added a
annoying string from your stylish bandanna. The dialing feature allowing the gun to be used safely at
large, gadgety version has waned in popularity 50,000, 100,000, and 200,000 volts. Hitting a soft
since the actual knife is quite hard to find among target at the wrong voltage results in extreme pain,
the can openers, magnifying glasses, and left- death, and most likely a funny, burnt smell.
handed scissors. The standard maroon finish on Sword, Long: The term longsword describes
these knives is embossed with the Brotherhood both a specific type of blade and a general category
logo in a light gold. of swords. The English longsword came into
Main-Gauche: The main-gauche is an popularity during the Medieval and Early Modern
off-hand dagger used mainly in European sword periods giving Crusaders and knights a large weapon
fighting. French for “left hand,” the weapon to use in battle. The finesse of later weapons was
resembles a miniaturized rapier and is used virtually non-existent in the longsword. While
primarily for blocking and defense. As European
sword fighting evolved into faster forms, the shield
  Do not attempt to cook with the Stun Gun. Wolf,
we’re talking to you.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

proper technique taught the use of the crossguard R anged W eaponr y
and pommel as weapons, the longsword was very Assault Rifle: When you absolutely, positively
much a weapon of brute force. Much of the damage have to kill everything in the room, accept no
done by early longswords came from crushing substitutes. Made most famous by a Russian-made
blows rather than any slashing or thrusting. Later weapon, the assault rifle can and will destroy
incarnations of the longsword from across Europe anything in its path. Featuring a large clip and hair
included larger and larger forms of the sword trigger, this purveyor of horribly messy death will
culminated by the Scottish claymore. clear a crowd. Hunters should be aware of the
Sword, Rapier: Shunning the gross power of relative inaccuracy of the weapon, but the automatic
its ancestors, the rapier is an example of European firing should render everything pretty dead anyway.
finesse in weaponry. Primarily used as a thrusting
weapon, the rapier is much thinner and lighter than
any sword seen on the continent. In France, Spain,
and Italy, the rapier was used as a dueling weapon
and status symbol among noblemen. Go ahead. Look
it up. The weapon is combat effective in the hands
of a master, but swordsmen with less finesse and
practice may see the light blade knocked from their
hands. The speed inherent in the blade gives it an Compound Bow: While the longbow is a

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

advantage over larger weapons, but less damage is great long-range weapon, its use is outdated in the
caused with each successful strike. modern era. The compound bow uses a system of
Sword, Scimitar: The curved blade of the pulleys attached to both ends of the bow itself to
scimitar gave nightmares to Crusaders in the Middle increase firing power without increasing the physical
Ages. These Middle Eastern blades were common strength necessary to fire it. Its reinforced-plastic
over multiple centuries in Persia and their design was build gives the bow more stability and longevity,
functional as well as beautiful. Unlike the longswords allowing archers to use their bow in any weather.
carried by the invading knights, the scimitars of Historical nostalgia allows many to continue using
the Persians were a balance of power and finesse. the longbow, but the compound bow is superior in
Mainly used as slashing weapons, the large surface nearly every way.
area of the blade gave a much greater success rate Crossbow: Power is the operative word when
for hits. Derived from the Mongol saber, it comes to crossbows. They are difficult to
the scimitar had multiple martial arts forms load, bulky, and nearly impossible to carry
associated with its use. over long distances, but pack a massive
Sword Cane: The weapon wallop. One shot might be
of choice for gentleman all that gets off, but one shot
adventurers of the Victorian P u r p l e N i n j a s ay: “Remember: your is generally all you need. The
and Edwardian periods, British mind is your greatest weapon. But it is short bolts put large holes
Members of Parliament, or even greatest-er weapon if your mind in anyone foolish enough
the Initiate of the Mystic Arts is aiming rocket-propelled grenade.” to stand in front of you.
on the go, the sword cane Additional expansions for the
outwardly resembles a polished crossbow include a repeating
wooden walking cane with an ornamental grip. This loader and interchangeable bolt heads for poison,
is in reality the sheath or scabbard for a very thin, armor-piercing, or even explosive delivery.
rapier-like blade that may be drawn swiftly in times The Equalizer: Few can even conceive of
of derring-do or dire demonic danger. At least, that’s carrying the Equalizer. First, you would have to pry
what Gentleman Adventurer’s Quarterly said in it away from Anti-Tank Sally. Good luck with that.
1905. Second, you would have to be capable of holding a
300 pound piece of hot, rotating metal with relative
aim. If you can manage both of those, then whatever
you wanted dead most certainly

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 5.5: Ranged Weaponry
Weapon Damage Range Increment Availability (Chapter Minimum)
Assault Rifle d8 W 200 feet B (Μ)
Compound Bow d6 W 100 feet E (Ω)
Crossbow d4 W 80 feet E (Ω)
d4 W
The Equalizer 300 feet B (Δ)
Foam Ball Gun d2 W 75 feet E (Ω)
Longbow d4 W 90 feet E (Ω)
Pepper Spray d4 B special E (Ω)
Semiautomatic Pistol d6 W 50 feet E (Σ)
Shotgun d10 W 40 feet E (Σ)

126 Shotgun, Sawed-Off

Water Soaker
d10 W
d6 W
20 feet
50 feet
5 feet
E (Σ)
E (Σ)
E (Ω)

is … along with the surrounding buildings, innocent Semi-Automatic Pistol: Designers of the
Chapter Five: The Warehouse

bystanders, guilty bystanders and anything else within semi-automatic pistol learned a great deal from its
500 feet. predecessor, the six-shooter. The pistol holds clips
Foam Ball Gun: Used as training weapons, of up to 22 rounds of ammunition, rather than the
foam ball guns simulate the firing of regular semi- barrel-fed six. Instead of a hammer to pull back
automatic weapons with none of the recoil or before firing, the pistol automatically advances the
horrible, maiming death. Recently, the Brotherhood’s next round to the chamber, offering quick loading
mad scientists have added a variety of poisons to and firing. The average gun user today carries a
the foam balls, creating a light and effective ranged semi-automatic pistol of some type unless nostalgia
weapon for real combat. overcomes practicality.
Longbow: The Welsh longbow has long Shotgun: Favorite of ice presidents everywhere,
been considered one of the most deadly war shotguns pack a large punch at close range. The
weapons conceived in Britain. While the longbow is traditional shell makeup creates scattered projectiles
traditionally made of yew, other modern composite with the ability to tear through most things in your
materials have simulated and even improved upon way. The limitation of the shotgun is definitely its
the original design. Longbows are generally slightly range. Up close it is quite deadly, but at even a
taller than six feet and have a small recurve. The medium range its shots are almost useless. Preferred
strength of the bow comes from the tension of the models include the pump-action, double barreled
wood or composite that makes the bow itself. This and lever-action. Traditionalists prefer the double-
creates an opportunity for striking targets at great barreled for visual effect, but the pump-action holds
distance with incredible accuracy. more shells and reloads much faster.
Pepper Spray: Usually the tool of police Shotgun, Sawed-Off: Affectionately called
officers, pepper spray has the unique ability to blind “The Wrist Breaker,” the sawed-off shotgun is
an opponent at range. The 60-foot range aids in effective in close combat, but can do serious damage
disabling an opponent without doing any permanent to the holder with its heavy kickback. These weapons
damage. As an added bonus for Demon Hunters, are now manufactured with a snub nose instead of
cartridges of varying types are available to subdue the modification required in the past. The shortened
even the strangest enemy. Examples are the garlic barrel increases the damage done to a target, but
cartridge for vampires, liquid silver cartridges for decreases the gun’s effective range.
werewolves and the mint cartridge carried by every Six-Shooter: The classic American weapon, the
careful Hunter in the Pacific Northwest. This last six-shooter is the gun of Western combat. Its name
cartridge also doubles as a fresh breath spray. comes from the six-shot chamber, but modifications

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 5.6: Thrown Weapons
Weapon Damage Range Increments Availability (Chapter Minimum)
Beer Mug, Thrown d2 B Str x 3 feet E (Ω)
Grenade, Flashbang 2d6 B 15 feet E (M)
Grenade, Gas 3d6 S 25 feet E (M)
Grenade, Shrapnel 5d6 W 30 feet E (M)
Grenade, Smoke d4 S 20 feet E (Ω)
Knife, Throwing d2 W Str x 3 feet E (Ω)
can increase this up to 10. The design has not bits of metal at ridiculous speeds. Shrapnel grenades
changed since its inception during the 19th century, are deadly within 10 feet of an explosion and can
but the visual impact of the six-shooter is quite seriously injure at up to 45 feet.
unique. The sheer coolness of pulling out a six- Knife, Throwing: Thin and deadly, throwing
shooter occasionally outweighs the limitation caused
by long load times and limited capacity.
Water Soaker: While the Water Soaker brand
knives can be a great asset to a Hunter’s arsenal.
Accurate hurlers can put a throwing knife into an
enemy at a distance with amazing accuracy. Amateur
water guns seem strange weapons for an elite throwers rarely hit anything with the hilt. Technique
fighting force, they are perfect for the Brotherhood. is the key in throwing knives and only the most

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

Their high capacity tanks and long range allow for practiced should use them.
various liquids to hit enemies from a great distance.
Modified by Brotherhood scientists, the Water P rotective G ear
Soakers can carry any liquid and shoot a pressurized Ballistic Vest: Made of the toughest fabric
stream. The usual ammunition is holy water, but known to man and demon, these vests stop most
acid, poison and even Greek Fire have been used in mundane projectiles and edged weaponry dead.
the past, often with disastrous results for the target Ribs might crack on impact, but nothing leaves
and the wielder equally. permanent damage. Additions to the vest include
options for sleeves or an upper thigh attachment to
T hrown W eaponr y add further protection. Attentive Hunters will realize
Beer Mug: While most prefer to keep beer that ballistic vests do not cover the head.
mugs in hand, some hurl them across the bar A ballistic vest absorbs 1 Wound point from
willingly. Metal beer mugs work best as projectile any attack to the torso. Against normal bullets (i.e.
weapons, but glass mugs send a spray of shrapnel not armor-piercing rounds or worse) it converts all
across a crowd. The distinguishing beer mug tosser Wound damage to Stun damage, or Shock Points if
carries several varieties with him at all times, but your Demon Hunter already has too much Stun.
many will hurl whatever is at hand. Gas Mask: Infiltration of an enemy stronghold
Grenade (Flashbang, Gas, Smoke, Shrapnel): often requires a bit of shock and awwww. I mean,
Whatever kind you carry, they all work the same shock and awe. To accomplish this, many teams
way. Grenades are chemical ordinances that run lead the assault with a gas grenade to confuse the
on a delay fuse. The traditional use is to throw the defenders. Well, knock-out gas works against the
grenade at the enemy, as far from your position as good guys as well. Throw on your trusty gas mask to
possible. Flashbangs burst with a bright light and keep the bad air out and the good air in. Available in
deafening sound, confusing the targets for several full-masked World War II style or compact, paint-
seconds. Gas grenades emit one of several different the-house style. Gas masks apply a +3 Attribute
gases depending on the user’s preferences. Smoke step to Resistance rolls made to avoid harmful gases
grenades act much like gas grenades, but spew and airborne toxins.
out thick black smoke to hide the user’s actions. Helmet, Blast Shield: No one is quite sure
Shrapnel grenades are the most common and most where the idea for this bit of armor came from and
dangerous grenades. They explode, wildly flinging no one will take credit for it. Most models resemble
a fighter pilot’s helmet with one important addition:

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 5.7: Protective Gear
Agi/Ale . Availability .
Item Armor Rating
Step Penalty (Chapter Minimum)
Ballistic Vest 1W — E (Ω)
Gas Mask — — E (Ω)
Helmet, Blast Shield 1W –1 Ale E (Σ)
Helmet, Projectile-Resistant 4W –1 Ale E (Σ)
Plexiglas Tower Shield 3W –1 Agi E (Σ)
An opaque blast shield that slides down to cover the
wearer’s face. Blast shield helmets are exclusively S E
pecialty quipment
used for training exercises to hone the trainee’s From high-end electronic systems to bizarre
reflexes. Most believe they are forms of hazing used weapons from the mysterious Orient, the following

128 by sadistic instructors to ensure that rookies receive

a complete butt whipping as often as possible.
The blast shield, if lowered, applies a –2
items are considered specialty equipment. This isn’t
the kind of thing you can count on getting in the real
world, although the Internet has almost everything.
Alertness step penalty on top of the one that is Doesn’t it?
figured into wearing the helmet (for a total of –3).
Chapter Five: The Warehouse

However, it adds a +2 Attribute step to rolls to avoid C omputer T echnology

being dazed, blinded, or otherwise harmed by visual While the Brotherhood has used computing
trauma. technology longer than most, the true
Helmet, Projectile-Resistant: advantages are only recently becoming
Made of a Kevlar and titanium composite obvious. Communication has improved greatly,
material, this helmet can Chapters have instant access
withstand a direct hit from to the Brotherhood Database,
any hand-fired munitions P urple Ninja say: “Female sea Ciphers become more useful by
available today. While test turtles lay between 150 and 200 eggs.” the day and all manner of gizmos
subjects were hard to find, and gadgets have made their
the few who stood under way into Brotherhood ranks.
the Projectile-Resistant Helmet were quite satisfied While the Old Guard trusts in swords and letters
with the results. Stylish and protective, the helmet sent by carrier pigeons, it’s a new era in the world
has made its way into general use among Hunters in and the Brotherhood itself. Technology will bring the
extreme battle conditions. Hits to a helmeted head Brotherhood into the 21st century and firmly implant
do not add extra damage except on an Extraordinary it at the forefront of the War on Horror.
Success. Audio Player: While they are now fairly
Plexiglas Tower Shield: Tower shields have common, the Brotherhood has provided miniaturized
been the choice of many an army since before 300 audio players for its Demon Hunters for many
Greeks got themselves killed all those years ago. years. Large hard drives and relative privacy allow
Today, metal and wood shields have been replaced for sensitive audio files to be transferred with
with inch-thick Plexiglas. This reinforced shield secrecy. The Brotherhood devices are years ahead
protects one’s entire body and allows one to see of commercial technology and allow for satellite
everything in front. The shield will deflect or stop downloads of new data files and the latest hit tunes.
most ballistic and melee attacks dead. The Agility Brotherhood Information Outlet for the
penalty counts when hauling this thing around or Celestial Torch Headquarters: Each Cipher carries
hiding behind it. with it a portable computer that ties directly into the
Brotherhood mainframe. The B.I.O.C.T.H. works
much like a normal laptop computer, but has wireless
access to the Brotherhood only. No net surfing while
on the job. All active Ciphers have access to the

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 5.8: Computer Technology
Item Availability (Chapter Minimum)
Audio Player E (Ω)
B.I.O.C.T.H. W (Ω)
Fingertip Keyboard Gloves E (Λ)
Molecular Modulator B (Α)
Personal Digital Assistant E (Ω)
Up-Link Glasses W (Ω)
mainframe and can call up any information at the Up-Link Glasses: These frames can be fit
Chapter’s clearance level. This information can be to any Hunter, regardless of size. Implanted in
crucial to the survival of the team and the success the bridge is a pinhole video camera that sends a
of any mission. Most of the information is extremely
accurate and painstakingly researched, but the ability
to edit the data occasionally brings mistakes to the
constant stream back to HQ. These glasses are
occasionally handed out without explanation or
reason. The wearer may not even know that he is
database. a seeing-eye for someone at Headquarters. Some
Fingertip Keyboard Gloves: A new invention believe them to be a tool of the Iota Initiative,

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

from the Brotherhood labs, these gloves act as a but others just see them as accounting tools very
full computer keyboard. Without projecting a laser popular with those who must keep track of supplies.
keyboard like most devices, these gloves allow the
user to plug in to any computer terminal or PDA M ar tial A r ts W eaponr y
and type onto the device. While not having a visible What is it about the martial arts of Asia that
keyboard is difficult for many, sophisticated users conjures such awe and fascination in the West? Well,
and even Ciphers find them a refreshing change. we don’t know either, but their weapons are really
Fraternitas Accelerator to the Celestial useful for taking out the forces of Darkness. If you
Torch: The FrACT is a cellular telephone with direct don’t believe us, next time you’re surrounded by
access to the Brotherhood. Only those with top Syphilitic Ninja Vampires, pull out your naginata.
clearance collect the FrACT numbers of the top Have your buddy pull out his Glock. Which one are
brass and even St. Peter himself. After all, members the SNVs going to be scared of most? The Glock.
of Omega Fifteen calling St. Peter every time a But the naginata sure looks pretty damn impressive.
shadow scared them would be a disaster. Bokken: Bokken are Japanese practice swords
Molecular Modulator: A highly unstable made from a palm species called “rattan.” Bokken
device, the Molecular Modulator is the brainchild are used in a variety of martial arts training dojos to
of Alpha One’s own Herr Doktor. The Molecular simulate weapon combat. The solid construction and
Modulator should temporarily rearrange a person’s slight curve give a more realistic feel than the similar
molecules to create a genetic disguise that cannot shinai. Bokken are also used in multiple disciplines
be seen through. Unfortunately, it’s had continued to enhance posture and improve balance. Even
failures in lab experiments. It is not currently to be forms that focus on the hand-to-hand utilize bokken
used on human subjects. to further the skills of students. In actual combat,
Personal Digital Assistant: One of the more the bokken can be used as a disabling measure. Its
useful and annoying pieces of equipment mandated form and function allow it to block bladed weapons
by the Brotherhood, each Chapter leader must carry without breaking or splintering. The solid nature
a PDA at all times. This allows headquarters to keep of the rattan allows for solid blows to joints or the
in contact with the Chapter and keep instructions as skull, stunning an opponent.
clear as possible. Behind his back, most teams call Katana: The katana is a Japanese longsword
this device “Peter’s Damn Annoyance,” but we’re traditionally wielded by samurai. This blade is
pretty sure he’s already heard the joke. known for its speed and deadly edge. In the hands
of a trained master, the katana can kill quickly and

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 5.9: Martial Arts Weaponry
Awesome Weapon Damage Range Increments Availability (Chapter Minimum)
Bokken d4 B — E (Ω)
Katana d8 W — E (Ω)
Naginata d6 W — E (Ω)
Nunchaku d4 B — E (Ω)
Sai d2 W — E (Ω)
Shinai d2 B — E (Ω)
Tessen d2 W 20 feet E (Ω)
Tonfa d4 B — E (Ω)
Yumi d6 W 90 feet E (Ω)

130 without warning. It is occasionally partnered with a

smaller sword, either a shoto or tanto to offer an off-
hand weapon more suitable for close combat. Katana
attack his opponent, knocking him out or—if need
be—killing him quickly. Sai are traditionally carried
in threes: two for primary combat and one extra in
are the swords most often used in current martial case the user is disarmed. Every edge and blunt point
arts practice. The pop culture surrounding them has on the sai can be used as an effective weapon. The
Chapter Five: The Warehouse

given rise to their use in the Brotherhood, including hilt is a useful bludgeon in close combat and each of
Ichabod who leads Chapter Alpha One. the three points are used in thrusting, slashing and
Naginata: The naginata is a traditional Japanese blocking.
polearm used originally by samurai. In modern Japan, Shinai: Used primarily in kendo, the shinai is a
women primarily use the weapon. It has become practice sword made of multiple canes tied together
a favorite of Brotherhood martial arts instructors. to simulate a sword. The light-weight, wooden blade
A large, curved blade at the end of a wooden shaft gives opportunity for students to study the use of
lends resemblance to the European glaive, but the the blade without injuring an unsuspecting sparring
naginata acts much more like a sword than a pure partner. The shinai is rarely used as an offensive
polearm. In addition to the added length provided weapon outside of professional wrestling.
by the pole, leverage and a redistributed weight Tessen: The iron fan is a favorite weapon
gives much more power to each thrust and slash. of martial artists for its beauty, grace, and deadly
In the hands of a skilled martial artist, the naginata accuracy. In skilled hands it can kill as quickly as the
can clear sections of a battlefield and keep several hands can move. The tessen can be used as a hand-
adversaries at bay at the same time. Various other to-hand weapon or a thrown weapon depending on
bladed polearms appear in most cultures around the circumstances.
world. Many lack the flexibility of the naginata, but Tonfa: The basis for modern police batons,
thick hardwood shafts make the European halberd an tonfa are hand-held wooden cylinders used for direct
effective, anti-charging, demon weapon. melee combat. They are mainly held parallel to the
Nunchaku: These classic weapons serve as forearm by specially designed handles but various
close-range blunt objects. A strong chain connects positions are used for different attack and defense
two cylinders of hardwood or metal. The nunchaku techniques. Skilled tonfa users switch effortlessly
extend the user’s reach, allowing close combat between grips. They attack with the main shaft, twirl
strength while standing just out of reach. Even one by the handle, block an attack, hook an opponent’s
not directly skilled in their use can cause quite a bit of weapon, or any of the many unique uses for this
damage with the spinning cylinders. Of course, some versatile weapon.
of that damage may be to the user. Yumi: The yumi is an exceptionally long bow
Sai: The simplicity of the sai hides the defensive made of bamboo and leather. Its design originated
and offensive capabilities of the handheld tridents. in early Japan as an offshoot of other Asian bows.
A skilled weapons master can disarm opponents, Unlike its European counterpart, the yumi has an
deflect hand-held and ranged attacks and successfully asymmetrical design, leaving the archer to grip

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Table 5.10: Kits
Kit Availability (Chapter Minimum)
Mad Scientist’s MiniLab W (Σ)
Medic Kit W (Σ)
Necromancer’s Kit W (Σ)

much closer to the bottom of the bow, rather than

the center. Trained archers generally treat yumis Holy Relics
with great respect. Legend considers each yumi to Holy Relics are objects blessed with divine
contain the characteristics of its maker. Touching powers. The most widely distributed form of Holy
another person’s yumi without permission is Relic are bits of fabric touched to a Saint’s body.
considered equivalent to adultery. These Minor Relics are usually sold to tourists and
have the mystical ability to seperate them from their
K its
Well-equipped Demon Hunters are aware of
the substantial benefit of narrow-focus, kit-based
money. They occasionally will cause a small miracle,
but most likely will simply sit, unused, on a bookshelf
or in a drawer. Major Relics come in many shapes
equipment packages. The following items, while very and sizes. From weaponry to odd objects to actual
specific, are crucial in the War On Horror. bones, Relics give heavy benefits to those who know

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

Mad Scientist’s MiniLab: Every Mad Scientist how to use them. Supreme Relics are in short supply,
worth his salt carries a MiniLab. In the rectangular only a handful exist in the world. The Brotherhood
box, every device, instrument, and chemical needed collects and secures any it finds to keep them away
in a pinch can be found. Modifications to the Lab from the Order of the Infernal Scepter, which would
are expected from scientists and many have come like nothing more than to turn such a powerful
up with unique and interesting mods that the objects against the powers of good.
Brotherhood routinely makes standard. The latest
modification comes in the form of an inflatable M ajor R elics
sterile room. A quick push of a button and a A number of Major Relics are in active use
10-by-10 room of plastic explodes from the bottom throughout the Brotherhood. Some are objects, that
of the Lab, giving a clean room for surgery in the hail directly from saints or gods themselves. Others
field. are smaller objects implanted into larger reliquaries
Medic Kit: To prevent the Necromancers or even weaponry. A few of the more well-known
from needing to use their kits, a Medic Kit should Major Relics are:
accompany any jaunt into dangerous grounds. The Sword of St. George: Used first in the
Actually, knowing most teams, a Medic Kit should Brotherhood’s battle against the last dragon, the
accompany them when they go grocery shopping. Sword is imbued with the blood of both the beast
More accidents happen that way. These field medical and its slayer, the beloved George of Beta Two.
kits contain everything save a full-blown surgery In the presence of True Evil the blade glows red
package. Trained professionals can treat even serious and in the presence of True Good it shines with a
wounds with this kit. Any untrained users will be white-blue color. Both can be useful, but are quite
hard pressed to find exactly what they need. noticeable in the dark.
Necromancer’s Kit: Much like the Mad The Pinkie Finger of St. Michael of Alsace:
Scientists, Necromancers need their equipment St. Michael of Alsace is the patron saint of surrender.
on the go. Rarely is a resurrection done in the lab. After his death at age 97, he was quickly canonized
Demon Hunters just can’t seem to die in convenient under a large white flag. Relic thieves stole his
places. Until they begin to die with a Necromancer’s pinkie finger in the 19th Century after reported
needs in mind, they’ll just have to carry the Kit. miracles associated with Napoleon’s victories.
Brotherhood Demon Hunters recovered it shortly
before Waterloo. It has since been implanted in the
stock of a sawed-off shotgun owned by retired Beta

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Two Chapter leader Kelvin Cordarius. The gun was would stand guard by it. Three Knights Templar from
made by the Brotherhood’s mad scientists for use the Crusades still stand watch over it today. Only a
in defending the western territories of the United handful of people know where it actually rests, but
States. It gives the bearer the uncanny ability to rumors persist. The Nazis did try and capture the
negotiate with any enemy. Grail at one point but were stopped by a mysterious
The Cross of the Archangels: The origins Demon Hunter in a leather fedora with a whip. Oh,
of the Cross of the Archangels is unknown. For don’t bother looking under the Louvre. It’s not there.
centuries, it has been wielded by the leader of That guy was way off.
Chapter Alpha One. Recently, however, the chain of
succession was broken. Gabriel, disgraced former U se of R elics
leader of Alpha One and current leader of Omega Team members may use relics as a way to
Fifteen claims to have misplaced the Cross. He channel divine energy. Some have extremely specific
promises to look around for it as soon as he gets a uses; others may be used in a variety of situations.
chance. The only power exhibited by the Cross in New relics are being cataloged by the Brotherhood

132 front of impartial observers is its power to raise the

recently dead. It is unknown how far reaching its
effects are or how often it may be used.
each year and most are put into immediate use.
Teams must be of classification Sigma or higher to
rate use of Relics provided by the Brotherhood.
Chapters discovering relics in the field may return
S upreme R elics them to the Brotherhood for more study or attempt
Chapter Five: The Warehouse

The Brotherhood keeps the existence of these to discover the inherent powers on their own. It is
items as close to a complete secret as possible. Few strictly forbidden to sell relics, other than the touristy
Chapters ever get to see one, let alone use one in ones, to anyone, at any time.
combat. Teams of Gamma level or lower are not
even supposed to be aware of their existence. The Upgrading Your Equipment
only record of modern use of a Supreme Relic was So, you think you deserve a better gun?
in thwarting an attack by the Order on the Vatican There are a few ways to go about upgrading your
two Council. Teams Gamma Two and Three used the equipment. You could approach the Supervisor
Crypt of St. Peter to hold off an invasion of demons about it and request a formal upgrade. If you don’t
brought on by the Order of the Infernal Scepter. The have the time, patience, or clearance for that kind
only known Supreme Relics are: of firepower, the Boss is happy to oblige at the
The Crypt of St. Peter: Buried under the Black Market for the right price. Barring that, you
Vatican for centuries, the Crypt of St. Peter is a holy could always try upgrading your gear yourself. It’s
object of no small significance. St. Peter himself dangerous, difficult and dangerous. That hasn’t
activated the Crypt’s powers to defeat the armies of stopped you before, though, has it?
Hell. No mortal may open or activate the Crypt for
fear of its immense power. The Order would love to S elf –U pgr ading
get its hands on the Crypt, but entry into or under Provided you have the necessary skills, you
the Vatican is impossible for creatures of darkness. can attempt to improve any bit of gear you or your
The Ark of the Covenant: Holder of the Chapter carry. A bit of clever engineering and some
Ten Commandments, gilded reliquary of Solomon’s duct tape can do wonders for body armor and
Temple, destroyer of Nazis. The Ark of the Covenant weaponry alike. You can attempt to create a new
has not been seen in many centuries since it was lost item or hybrid item by making a Skill roll appropriate
following the Crusades. If the Brotherhood is aware to the Difficulty of what you are trying to make.
of its location it gives away no hint. It is rumored that Turning a knife into a spear is not that difficult.
the Ark can lead armies to great victories with the Combining a Water Soaker with a grenade launcher
power of the divine, but no one knows how. may take some effort. It is at the Game Master’s
The Holy Grail: A simple cup made by a discretion whether the item functions as desired or is
carpenter’s son, the Grail is the ultimate healing even possible to create.
device. It has no limitations on healing those who
drink from it and grants immortality to those who
  The Sacred Snowglobe of Amun-Ra
  And the results are wildly disappointing.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

M agi T ech you want done. How does magic improve the
Since the Industrial Revolution, the move to technology? What use does the tech serve for the
integrate technology and magic has fueled a booming mystical addition?
marketplace for new equipment. Rather than argue MagiTech is remarkable in its unreliability.
for unending years about which provides better While you may find that mystical weapons can
offense or defense, the practical Demon Hunter overbalance a game, remember that nothing is ever
will notice that both very effectively make the bad 100 percent effective and some things just never
guys dead. Therefore, mix them together and the seem to work properly. A Game Master may decide
bad guys will be more dead. Deader. Blown to little that a particular MagiTech item does not fit into his
pieces. vision of the Demon Hunter world and disallow it.
Rather than list every item available in the You should not count on MagiTech being available or
Warehouse or on the Black Market, the sections entirely reliable when trying to reach a specific goal.
below list average stats and offer a few suggestions
for making extra special MagiTech gear. If a Demon A dding C apital L et ters
Hunter wants a bit of mad scientist know-how
added to his trusty six-shooter or a Brotherhood
computer terminal that does a bit more than log
Do you know what the difference is between
Silent Jim’s trench coat and Silent Jim’s Trench
Coat? One hangs in his closet for rainy days and the
on and check e-mail, the Warehouse can provide other is a badass bottomless pit of coolness. After
it. Unless, of course, the Chapter’s getting a bit big a Demon Hunter has gained a bit of notoriety, he

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

for their britches. Then they might need to search can upgrade a piece of equipment to near sidekick
elsewhere. status through the cunning use of Title Case. This
Mad Science is notoriously iffy. Most things item becomes instantly recognizable among Demon
blow up well before they reach usable status. Hunters and the Damned alike, striking fear into the
Brotherhood mad scientists—as well as those hearts of men and making women shake their heads.
working for less reputable establishments—have Silent Jim’s Bottomless Trench Coat:
worked on many items for years before they This coat transcends normal trench coats. It is a
become workable. Finding these items on the Black heavy-duty black coat with innumerable pockets.
Market can get quite expensive. The costs break Each pocket reaches into Jim’s personal pocket
down into twice the cost, four times the cost, and dimension, allowing him to bring out any item he
10 times the normal cost of the item. desires. While no one has ever seen him actually
Don’t use the following lists as the end all and be refill the coat, Jim can only pull out what has been
all of MagiTech. New items, technologies and magics put in. This makes the occasional battle with the
are being discovered all the time. Much as the old forces of darkness awkward when Jim discovers
saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. If he has forgotten to replenish his ready supply of
you have a specific need, there is likely a wild-haired ammunition. Quite the social faux pas.
madman working on that problem. The more unique Gabriel’s Leather Jacket: The most
the item, however, the higher Chapter required or distinguishing feature about Gabriel’s Leather
the more a Hunter will have to pay to get it. Jacket is the bit of duct tape strategically placed on
the lower back of the coat. If Gabe has divulged
M agi T ech D esign the reason or need for this improvement, no one
When developing a bit of MagiTech, first find is talking. More subtle, however, are the armor
a normal, mundane object that could use a bit of improvements including a Kevlar lining and titanium
oomph. If you only have a basic idea of what you zippers.
want, work out details with your Game Master. Gabriel’s Do-Rag: Over the years since the
Make sure that the effects you want really Vancouver Incident, Gabe’s choice of headgear
need MagiTech to accomplish them. If you are has evolved. Once opting for the purple bandanna
looking for a gun that shoots fireballs, well a normal look in homage to the greatest Demon Hunter
flamethrower may do just fine. Find a good reason of them all, Gabe’s position at the bottom of the
that magic or technology alone cannot do the job Brotherhood has led him to opt for a plain black Do-

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Rag. Much like his jacket, this head covering is lined out to normal folks via an anointing or laying on of
with micromesh armor and holds two paper-thin hands. A minor blessing adds d4 to the Difficulty of
daggers Gabe can use in a pinch. any mystical attack turned upon you.
Ichabod’s Belt Buckle: When one says “Beer Blessing, Major: In rituals not used for the
Me!” one does not expect the beer cap to be opened general public, members of the clergy may bless
on another man’s belt. This, however, is exactly what a person, giving him a bit of divine help on his
Ichabod wants. He wants you uncomfortable and not journey. The rite is complicated and time-consuming,
quite sure of his intentions. The fact that the bottle using a great deal of effort and power from the
opener buckle is a mere facade holding a powerful one doing the blessing. In dire circumstances, the
relic passed down from generation to generation benefits greatly outweigh the costs and most high-
through his family is not public knowledge. A few level Demon Hunters never leave home without
Hunters have seen him use its powers to help subdue it. A major blessing adds d8 to the Difficulty of any
members of the Order, but all refuse to discuss it mystical attack directed at you, and d4 to anybody in
with the Brotherhood. physical contact with you when the attack is made.

134 Angel’s Utility Belt: Designed by Milan’s most

renowned fashionista, Angel’s Utility Belt is a specially
crafted, one-of-a-kind piece of equipment. Normal
Blessing, Specific: While other blessings
simply aid in keeping magic from tearing a new hole
in a Hunter’s chest, there are a few very specific
utility belts are bulky and difficult to manage. Angel blessings performed by members of the clergy. These
worked on the concept herself, creating a belt that requests are made to protect a Hunter against a
Chapter Five: The Warehouse

functioned exactly as she needed. To the untrained specific enemy, a type of attack, or even falling down
eye the single pocket and holster could not possibly the stairs. That one isn’t used so much. The more
carry everything a Hunter like her needs, but Angel powerful the blessing needs to be, the more energy
has a few surprises in store for anyone who thinks and time it takes to grant. While most refuse to even
she is unprepared. attempt to bestow these blessings, rogue clergy do
Herr Doktor’s Mad Scientist Lab Coat: exist and will try anything for the right price. Specific
Herr Doktor is notorious in the Brotherhood for blessings usually add anywhere from d2 to d8 to
his almost paranoid obsession with secrecy. Despite the Difficulty of specific attacks directed against the
many attempts, Brotherhood scientists have never blessed individual.
been allowed to examine his lab coat. It is assumed to
have armor implants considering Herr Doktor’s total C urses
disregard for combat situations. While he has never Curses are the opposite of blessings. You’re not
drawn a weapon in public, many believe rumors that likely to shop for one yourself, if you know what we
he carries his most experimental munitions with him. mean.
It is known that his entire MiniLab—and perhaps Curse, Minor: While men and women of the
much more—seems to fit within the jacket. Whether cloth bestow blessings on their own, curses are
the coat is patterned after Jim’s is unknown at this a way for those not involved in the line of fire to
time. influence the battle. Minor Curses simply make the
target more vulnerable to attacks, either mystical
Services or physical. The forces of good in general do not
use curses lightly, but Minor Curses are the most
B lessings frequently seen. The forces of evil, however, are not
Blessings provide protection from occult injury as discriminating and often place curses on their foes.
and misfortune. A minor curse reduces armor by 1W or, occasionally,
Blessing, Minor: A quick prayer, a wave of the –1 Skill step to any dodge actions of the subject.
the hands, and you’re just a little bit safer out in the Curse, Major: Devoid of caring for all mankind,
world against the forces of evil. Usually performed by the forces of evil will gladly sacrifice what is necessary
a member of the clergy, the minor blessing provides to drop a Major Curse on the heads of their enemies.
a bit of protection against mystical attacks. Minor Major curses weaken a person’s Vitality by –1 step,
blessings are easily given and are regularly doled

  Check ID before allowing a “laying on of hands”.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

lowering the amount of punishment a person can substances. With all the crazy things a Demon
take. No member of the Brotherhood has—to Hunter sees over his career, it is a wonder why most
anyone’s knowledge—used a Major Curse on an avoid the lure of illicit substances. For those who
enemy, but a few select Hunters do know how it is need help, the Brotherhood Detox Clinic is there.
done. Temptation is a dreadful thing. Medical Care: Need attention paid to that
Curse, Specific: Blood is the key ingredient to slightly severed limb? The Brotherhood employs
a Specific Curse. The caster must sacrifice a bit of some of the best doctors that college health
himself to lay the horrible onus on another human departments can spare. Virtually assured not to
being. After the blood is spilled, nearly anything can diagnose you as having pink eye while you lie on the
be placed upon the target. These curses can weaken hospice floor bleeding, these docs live to serve you,
a person’s Willpower by –1 step, render them the Demon Hunter. Assuming you’ve filled out the
vulnerable to mystical attacks, or simply give the proper forms and can stand waiting in crushing pain
target an undesired quirk (such as a Complication of for three hours.
d4 to d6 rating). These curses are difficult to remove Healing: A bit different than normal medical
without the caster present and may be permanent if
time passes.
care and a bit less reliable, mystical healing is
available for Demon Hunters with enough pull to
get it. Some of the healers contracted can even cure
S urger y and M undane C are death given the right circumstances and motivation.
Surgery, Minor: The Brotherhood provides Of course, it doesn’t always work and some healers

Chapter Five: The Warehouse

skilled physicians and surgeons to take care of their are better than others. While normal medical care is
Demon Hunters in the field. For wounds and injuries consistent, mystical healing has its ups and downs.
that require a bit more than a band-aid, out patient
surgery is the answer. While the recovery time for V ehicle R epair
surgery is longer than that of mystical healing, the Not every Chapter is lucky enough to have a
procedure itself is quite reliable. mechanic on its roster. For those times when kicking
Surgery, Major: Occasionally, missions in the the tires is ineffective at fixing the problem, tow your
field do not go as planned and people get hurt. Okay, car, truck, or mini bus to your local Brotherhood
more than occasionally. You see, death is a necessary mechanic. With the benefit of having holy guidance
part of the Demon Hunter’s job. When severe on his side, he will diagnose the problem and rarely
injuries occur, the Brotherhood brings a Demon overcharge you for the work. If you’re lucky, he
Hunter in for major surgery in the hopes of mending might even give you the loaner car, assuming your
the wounds and setting him on the long road to mission is of the utmost importance. Don’t worry
recovery. Chances of success in major surgery about the quilts covering the back seat. Sometimes it
depend on the severity of the injuries and the skill of is better to not ask questions.
the doctors involved.
Antibiotic Course: When demons are unable T he H oly P ost
to take down a Hunter, the common cold sometimes How better to get news from place to place
succeeds. Brotherhood physicians can prescribe a than the Holy Post? Simply call on your friendly
standard antibiotic course to deal with the normal Purgatorial delivery spirit and it will whisk away your
bacterial infections and diseases that run wild letter to its intended recipient. A quick phone call
throughout the world. From the ‘flu to malaria, a and the price of a stamp brings the messenger to
steady treatment can clean up the illness and get the your location and discreet delivery is assured. Faster
Hunter back onto his feet. than e-mail and safer than a phone call, the Holy Post
Detox: Detoxification treatment—the haven of gets it there on time, guaranteed.
celebrities everywhere—is available for any Hunter
who finds himself addicted to one or more chemical

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
Chapter seven:

Playing God
elax,” cautioned Bledsoe, patting his partners leather-jacketed arm. “I don’t want a repeat of
“Ohio or Spain?” Greg asked, foot tapping nervously on the floor.
Bledsoe thought. “Ehh, Spain. We’re still allowed in Ohio.”
The clock ticked on. Greg checked it against his own watch. “The rite is complete at …”
“… at 12:35, yes, I know.” Bledsoe walked to the secretary again. “Excuse me, miss?” The pretty
young woman at the desk looked up from the envelope she was slitting with an ornate silver letter-opener,
smiling regretfully.
“As I told you, Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Pruitt …”

Chapter Seven: Playing God

“Yes, I’m sorry,” he interrupted. “I know you can’t make his conference call go faster, but perhaps you
can help us make sure we have the right office. Have you ever seen Mr. Pruitt … ah, how shall I put this?
… performing strange rituals?”
The smile left her face. “Well, why didn’t you say you were one of those Brotherhood people?” she
demanded, her voice turning to a harsh rasp. “We could have saved a world of trouble, especially if we’d
killed you in the parking garage.”
Bledsoe started to apologize but couldn’t take his eyes off her expanding chest. The blouse tore in
two across her broad, furry breast, and her nails extended three inches as they peeled away the finish on
her desk, spilling stationery everywhere.
As the Hunter went to his belt for a weapon, the letter-opener reappeared, buried in the wolf-
woman’s forehead. Greg looked smug, but only for a moment as he saw the stern disapproval on Bledsoe’s
face. “What? I saved you. You weren’t really thinking we could …”
“Question her? I would have liked to try. You know how they spew their plans. But no, it’s London all
over again, isn’t it?” He threw his hands in the air as he stepped forward and cracked the double doors to
the inner office with a well-placed kick. A sharply dressed, blond man on the phone looked up.
“I have to go,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Mr. Pruitt, I’m going to have to ask you to come with us,” Bledsoe thundered, but the skin of the thin
man before him was already rippling. As the Hunters approached, he grasped each man by the throat,
lifting them both from the floor. A powerful kick sent his desk through the plate-glass window, and wind
whipped all about the well-appointed space. Bledsoe scrabbled at the hairy arm and looked to see if Greg
had retrieved the silver letter-opener, but no go. The older agent drew a steel cord.
The werewolf marched his victims to the window like a pair of slaughtered rabbits, but as they were
both ejected into the air thirty stories above Madison Avenue, Bledsoe whipped the cord around Pruitt’s
hirsute thigh. Greg clung to his partner’s belt, and they swayed gently in the Manhattan breeze, bumping
the building tenderly.
A roar of anger drifted down from above. Greg’s fearful, watery eyes met Bledsoe’s stare; his eyes
were lidded with anger.
“Just like St. Louis,” he grumbled.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

So you’re ready to take on the biggest challenge and fists start flying. You have to play the supporting
in tabletop combat simulations: that of the Game characters smart—or at least as intelligently as the
Master. Good for you. It’s a tough job, but until character sheet requires. You have to balance this
someone agrees to do it you’re not going to get against knowing things your demons and cultists
much done. This chapter focuses on what the wouldn’t know. If the Brotherhood is up against a
Game Master does, and then offers advice on how shape-shifter, that creature won’t be aware of the
to do it well. It’s important to be able to make it all Chapter leader’s deathly fear of fire unless it secreted
work within the framework of the world of Demon itself into their ranks and uncovered this data.
Hunters; if you’ve played other games before, even Once aware of it, though, the smart move for your
other horror-themed simulations, there are still supporting character is to use such a disadvantage
elements of this world that need attention if you against the Demon Hunter. If the outcome feels
want to capture that special Brotherhood feeling. 
satisfying, the Chapter was probably the equal of the
Don’t worry if you’ve never run a game before. obstacles you set up for them.
It’s work, but it’s enjoyable. Even when You have to be the eyes and ears of

138 you’ve finished reading this section, the

best advice anyone can give you is to have
fun. So long as everyone at the table is
the players within the training simulation,
conveying what their Demon Hunters see
and hear (at a minimum). To paint a full word
smiling, laughing, cringing at picture, you should tell the
botches, getting into character,
P urple N inja say: “Did anyone else players when their alter egos
and coming back next week for smell the must of the grave,
Chapter Seven: Playing God

notice there was no Chapter Six?”

more, you’re doing just fine. or feel the slickness of a blood
Throwing sharp implements at pool, or taste the acrid tang of
you or promises of death to your family? Not so fine. gunpowder on the air (there may even be occasional
One last thing. You know this role playing game pleasant sensations, but given a Demon Hunter’s job
terminology is just here to throw in a little light- description … ).
heartedness in an ongoing War on Horror, right? Sooner or later the rules are going to fall a bit
Right? Good. Don’t lose your steel just because we’re short, and you have to judge what happens. There’s
talking about games, buddy. no hard and fast benchmark for this except fairness.
You must make a decision, right now. You’ll listen to

Role of the Game Master

As Game Master, you have a lot of hats to wear,
the players’ input, then call it like you see it. Further
discussion can occur after the game, but for now the
group has a rule to go by.
figuratively speaking. You’re a referee, a director, an Regardless of the source of an argument, as
actor, and a diplomat, among other things. You have Game Master you have to keep the peace. If a debate
to make sure everyone has a good time. arises in play, great: Character interaction is the
Outside the game, you’re an organizer. A player heart of these training simulations, so let Chapter
might take this role, but usually if you’re the one who members talk out how to safely retrieve a victim’s
wants to run it, you secure a location, establish a soul. Heatedly if they like, just like a buddy-cop film.
time, contact the players, and so on (but the snacks But if the game is delayed too long, or ill will spills
burden shouldn’t be entirely on your shoulders ). 
into the group’s real-world dealings, that’s not good.
You have to be a storyteller, constructing You should be ready to reel tempers in. You may do
tales that challenge the Demon Hunters without this with a firm, “Okay, folks, let’s break for dinner,”
overwhelming them. You’re not the enemy; you or you can use an in-game tool like having the
only play the part. As Game Master, you set horrible Chapter’s noisy altercation overheard by cops—or
events in motion, find some way to rope the the Chapter’s enemies.
Hunters in, and adjudicate the action when bullets This isn’t all you do in the course of an evening,
and in fact there’s no way to predict where the
job will lead, but it’s a fair overview. You, as Game
  Recommended tools for capturing that Special
Brotherhood Feeling: Net Launcher, Stun Baton,
Elephant Tranquilizers.
  Does not apply to Sherpas.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)


Chapter Seven: Playing God

Master, are the glue that holds the game group from the toy aisle can set the tone. You might even
together, and as long as everyone has a good time encourage players to add their own flair to suggest
you’ve done your work well. their in-game persona when they show up to play.
Get chat out of the way. Talk out sports scores
Running a Game and last night’s exciting episode of The Secret Lives
So what’s involved in this job? Some of it’s kind of Vampires so they’re less likely to come up during
of mundane but it serves your game well. Are you play. Shut off cell phones and get comfortable.
ordering food during the game, or should everyone Now for practical advice about the game itself.
arrive having eaten or carrying a sack lunch? Who’s As a Game Master, you should be organized.
bringing the snacks and drinks? The pressure You don’t have to be obsessive about it, but make
shouldn’t all be on the Game Master to provide the effort. A separate sheet for each character, or
this stuff, but he should make sure everyone knows index cards, or at least put everyone where you can
who’s expected to bring what. find them … say, all the little supporting characters
Get a good spot for your game. A confined on one sheet, and bigger fish get more space on the
space is good for keeping everyone’s attention next page. Have paper and pencil handy, and take
focused, but nothing so cramped everyone has to notes. Did you call the sewer worker Hal? Write it
squeeze around everyone else. Enough flat space for down so he remains “Hal.” A multi-subject notebook
everyone to lay down a character sheet and roll the is good, as are your own dice, and anything else you
dice is important; don’t forget room in the middle can think of (calculator, graph paper, printouts, etc.).
for props or maps. Try to anticipate the needs of your players.
Props? Sure. Don’t go overboard, but costume This doesn’t excuse them from showing up with
pieces or other gimmicks can put the players in their own supplies, but having extra Demon Hunter
the mood. It’s best if they have some practical sheets and the like on hand smoothes out the rough
purpose—a real map made to look like the one
imagined in the game, perhaps, or a scrawled note
with a code on it—but even a “ceremonial dagger”

  We recommend the “Baby’s First Chthonian Dagger

of Czernobog” from Mattel.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

spots. The longer you run a game, the more obvious The following section goes into further detail
the possible pitfalls become, and the better you can about this kind of thing. If in doubt, go with your gut
prepare for each session. instinct. It’s why you have a gut, after all.

Portraying the World

What you convey to your players, and how you
convey it, is important, because your game world is
Campaign Styles
Although this book is set in the Demon Hunters
like one of your own characters. You’re establishing world and is based on storylines created by Dead
an atmosphere that best transmits how you want the Gentlemen Productions (they’re responsible for a lot
setting to feel, but a lot of things go into maintaining of the training material … you know, those guys in
it. The supporting characters act a certain way, the black bowling shirts), it doesn’t necessarily follow
events play out with the same level of pessimism, and that it’s going to feel the same. You may not be able
the villains want similar things from humanity even if to capture that atmosphere, or you may not want
they compete to get them. to. That’s fine. The important thing is that you make

140 Demon Hunter the world consistently your own so that when your
players sit down at the table each week, they have
some idea what to expect. Adapting to the things

Conventions & Themes

What makes this role playing game—sorry,
they want to see is good Game Mastering, but drift
too far from your normal methods and they may
question what they’re doing there.
Chapter Seven: Playing God

combat simulation—different from all others is You can have any style of play you like and you
its intentional mixing of genres. Demon Hunters is can vary it a bit from one adventure to the next, but
equal parts horror, action, and comedy. That blend the trick is not to deviate too far from a baseline or
offers amazing potential for interactive storytelling the players may feel they no longer know how you
and character development. You should think of want their characters to react.
the adventures you design as movies or episodes
in an ongoing TV series. And like in movies and TV, Serious
characters grow, change … and die. And in Demon The hidden world of the Brotherhood and
Hunters, they die often. the Order may seem funny at times, sure, but
Finish them! Remember, a horror film where underneath it all is a pretty serious topic: delivering
everyone survives isn’t much of a horror—we call us from evil. If you don’t think you’re up to the same
that suspense or thriller. Which, if you’re jonesing wry humor presented in the training material, drop
for, you can do in a pinch. Let your players know in it. Humor creeps in whether you mean it to or not,
advance that character mortality is not only possible, so feel free to concentrate on the real business of
but in many cases likely. But also let them know that whacking demons and allow comical moments to
like in a comic book or soap opera, nobody’s ever come as they may.
really completely dead. There are ways for favorite In a serious game you should play up the dire
characters to cheat death and return to the mortal aspects of the fight. Demons are real, and they come
coil. Death isn’t the hindrance it is in most games, and from Hell for a reason: They’re evil. Anything that
shouldn’t be shied away from. Consider handing out furthers their agenda is fair game. They hurt people,
Plot Points as rewards to players who embrace that usually the ones most beloved. They aren’t just
and take their fate head-on. forces of nature, wreaking havoc until someone puts
One final note on the genres: Horror is about them down like a mad dog. These things are smart,
loss of control, while action is about taking control. savvy, and manipulative. They don’t cause damage
And humor is about a normal situation with at just because they can, they do it because it suits a
least one thing waaaaay out of whack. Keep a good purpose, and the fact that the word “purpose” gets
mix going in your game, and you’ll have a hugely used should give a Hunter a cold chill. Demons are
entertaining ambience that players will look forward not above playing it subtle if it gets them what they
to every week. want. Ingratiating themselves with humans makes it
all the worse when some long-standing plot reaches

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

fruition. There may be mindless soldiers in this fight, without filling out paperwork, while the villains
but behind every one of them is something moving snootily refuse to fight with the heroes because
toward humanity’s downfall. “That’s a different prophecy.” On the other hand,
The rest of the world is just as hard. Police maybe it’s the Demon Hunters who are played
aren’t fools, and they have no truck with crazy talk. for laughs, and their superiors would fire them in a
Landing in their drunk tank is usually the best result heartbeat was it not for their stunning track record,
with them. Death is a real possibility. The demise of falling backward into success against the demons.
loved ones is inevitable if you stay in the fight long The action is probably fast and furious, with
enough. The streets are darker, the losses more characters trapped in embarrassing positions
lasting, and the circumstances less forgiving. (they have to fight from their convertible because
A word of caution, though: “Serious” doesn’t someone’s seatbelt is stuck) and the infernal
mean the world can’t hold joy; if it doesn’t, the unable to deal the killing blow because they can’t
Hunters will wonder what they’re fighting for (unless remember the soul-sucking sword’s magic pass-
your players are okay with a pervading sense of phrase. Explaining the occult to the authorities takes
nihilism). Make the Chapter work for their successes
so they cherish the good times. Happiness is a
payoff they must earn, but they should be aware the
a backseat to trying to convince them there was
a good reason the hotel’s spa was ablaze, and the
only time the secret gets out is when someone uses
consequences of failure are, literally, Hell on Earth. the “secret agent in the war of good versus evil” to
score a date.
Dead Gentlemen Style

Chapter Seven: Playing God

Irony abounds. The Hunters are canny enough
to keep their heads above water, but the story
unfolds with wry wit. Postmodern references
There’s no limit to the tasks you can set your
punctuate every fight, and everyone is rather self- Hunters on, but a lot fall into one or more of these
possessed. They know how absurd their work is categories:
in this day and age, but it’s no easier because their Ø Enemy Action: A demon has poked its
enemies know how to use the system to their head above ground and the heroes have
advantage. Their foes are impressive demons called to smack it back down.
Alex (because “All the cool names were taken”). Ø Rescue: The Chapter has to save
Demons still broker deals with the innocent, but someone, usually a teammate or other
they do so first as corporate lawyers or Homeland hostage, from the forces of evil (or pull
Security officials, which gives our heroes another them from a disaster area).
layer of perfidy to pierce. Ø Investigation: One can’t act against
one’s enemies without knowing their
Goofy plans. This may mean reconnaissance of
In this kind of campaign, you let it all hang out. their base or delving into ancient texts,
Events play out like a Keystone Cops story. The depending on how long their plans have
slipshod heroes can’t field a decent offense against been fermenting.
their otherworldly counterparts, but that’s okay Ø Protection: Some item or person could
because the demons only succeed by accident spell the difference between success
anyway. and failure against the demons, and the
You may decide to give one side the benefit Hunters have to see no harm comes.
over the other, depending on how your tastes Some missions may combine these, and the
run. It’s possible the Demon Hunters are the only Game Master may come up with something that
capable people in the game world, and they’d have surprises his players. So long as the various elements
evil wrapped up in a week if not for the comical work together and you don’t overplay your hand
incompetence of everyone else they deal with. (or bury the characters in too many events), you
Their bosses may not allow them to save the world maintain the element of surprise.

  Now THAT’S a cavity search!   “Swordfish”

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Mixing It Up
protection job. If the train makes a stop at a small
town along the way, having the residents ask for help
against ghouls may be laying it on a bit thick.
Saving the world is satisfying stuff, but any campaign
that focuses on a single way of doing things can
wear thin after a while. Even if your players One mission typically leads into another before
are enjoying themselves, they might like it if a single story arc is done. Hunters come across bad
you throw them a curveball every so often.
news, leading them to fight some monster, only to
You don’t even have to do it to correct some
perceived shortcoming in your game, just keep uncover a deeper plot that must be looked into.
people on their toes. Any Hunter that gets Another assignment follows that one. Read the
complacent about his tactics is headed for a fall. paper or watch a few spy movies and you can find
Don’t let every adventure be another iteration of plenty of sample missions, switching “Nazis” with
the Hunters versus the demon of the week. So
“demonspawn” (or using demon-spawned neo-Nazis
much more goes into uncovering infernal plots
than simply crossing swords with them. Set … it’s all good).
the team against the Byzantine red tape that

142 has ensnarled the artifact they’re importing,

for example. Unable to get the item they need
to defeat their foes, the team may have to do
a little old-fashioned breaking and entering at
Designing Adventures
This is the most daunting task to most Game
the customs warehouse before they can go any Masters, but it’s also one of the most entertaining
further. They may spend the entire night facing (and most important) and, done right, provides the
nothing but innocent human opposition.
most reward when players experience it.
Chapter Seven: Playing God

Make sure the team is up for what you’re

Don’t feel limited by what you may have seen in
proposing. If they’re unwilling or unable to solve
mysteries, don’t force your heroes to spend a the Demon Hunters training materials. They’re just
session trying to puzzle out your very clever the jumping-off point, and the imagination provides
mystic runes riddle, but if they’re open to it it’s a much bigger budget. Adventures in this venue
definitely a break from butt-kicking.
require certain elements (all discussed below), but
Speaking of action, it comes in many forms.
boiled down to the basic components it’s an age-old
Confrontation provides plenty of drama, but
that doesn’t mean weapons must be drawn. story: the fight between good and evil.
Suppose the police have reason to believe Just about anything can be the springboard that
there’s trouble, but the Chapter knows action gets your game going. The news is a good place
by the authorities only spells a bigger body
count. Perhaps a SWAT intervention threatens
to start: Take a story on the TV or in the morning
to destroy a valuable temple, or a victim is paper and simply ask yourself how the Brotherhood
possessed and not responsible for the horrors might be involved. Is it part of one of their missions,
“he” is perpetrating. Then the evening’s or perhaps just the fallout from a failed enemy
suspense comes from whether the Hunters can
actually prevent action from being taken, which action? You can pull the same information out of
may mean having to keep the peace completely, your favorite books or comics. Maybe the setting or
at least until they can maneuver their foes to genre isn’t the same, but that’s okay. A feudal king
where they want them.
oppressing his people could become a modern-day
Keeping the game fresh requires thinking outside politician with similar powers, plans, and demonic
the box. Comedic circumstances, unusual
enemies, mundane obstacles, and even actions backing, or you might just bring the Demon Hunters
that occur outside the normal venues (say, while to some small crevice of the world where such
the protagonists are visiting a team member an empire, or elements of it, still exist in some
hospitalized for an appendectomy) demand form. Now the heroes have to make their modern
more from the players at the table than just
higher-caliber equipment. sensibilities conform to something slightly outside
their experience.

For example, the Chapter is traveling on a train

through the Rocky Mountains, watching over an
  And find a more recent newspaper for God’s sake.
expert in ancient languages whose job is to translate
That one is over 60 years old!
demonic texts as they travel. This means there   Avoid the cable news networks. You can only play so
are bits of investigation working in tandem with a many adventures about attractive white women going

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

her latest novel, which outlines how
Adventure Concepts vampires could live below the radar in any
Whether as one-off events or the start of a long, major city without being detected.
arduous story arc, here are 13 ideas to help kick- Ø A bunch of emo goth kids SUMMON A
start your adventure: DEMON to help them wallow in the
Ø An OUTBREAK OF ZOMBIES erupts crushing ennui of upper middle class
in the worst place possible—on the adolescence. The Hunters have to find
Hollywood set of zombie movie. Once and banish the demon before the emo
the Hunters get on the lot, they have to kids annoy him to the point that he goes
figure out which zombies are real and berserk and kills everyone.
which are just extras. And there’s also all Ø A BANSHEE makes it to the final 12
those cameras to avoid. contestants on “American Idol.” The
Ø A senior Chapter gets LOST IN THE Hunters must infiltrate the show and kill
WAREHOUSE, and the Hunters are her before she unleashes the banshee wail
dispatched to find them. When they
arrive, the power is off in the Warehouse
and the exits are not working. A group
on live TV, killing millions of viewers.
There’s a reason there have been so
many Elvis sightings recently—ELVIS IS A
of strangely intelligent rats watch them VAMPIRE. And he’s planning a comeback
everywhere they go. tour that will sweep the nation. Long live
Ø The Chapter’s CIPHER GETS A the king!

Chapter Seven: Playing God

COMPUTER VIRUS and goes haywire. It Ø The Chapter is assigned to BABYSIT A
downloads every combat program from BABY GODLING while his parents are on
the Brotherhood Database and starts vacation. Of course, with the parents out
kicking some serious Demon Hunter ass. of town, it’s the best time for the godling’s
Turns out the Cipher’s been possessed by rivals to try to kill him.
a demon—a demon that’s now got the Ø In the middle of suburbia, MISSY JOINS
Cipher’s near indestructibility as well as THE GIRL SCOUTS and sells tainted
his own powers. cookies that put people under the Order’s
Ø In the middle of logging country, an control. The Hunters must take down the
ANGRY FOREST animates. Animated girl scouts and avoid the neighborhood
trees and dire animals attack an industrial watch in a Mayberry from Hell.
chemical plant. The Brotherhood can only Ø Doom descends on a gaming convention
calm the forest if they discover the creek in the form of A SUCCUBUS WHO
where the factory’s been dumping its EATS MALE VIRGINS. The Brotherhood
waste. must track her down and terminate her
Ø A cabal of MAD SCIENTISTS uses before she eats away too much of the
their Mad Skillz to divert a ley line. The clientele. Of course she’s not one of those
ley line runs directly into the path of an gals wearing a succubus costume, either.
abandoned nuclear power plant the mads Maybe that cute girl-next-door at the info
have restarted, creating a nexus of atomic booth? Who knows?
fel energies to power their experiments.
Ø An army of CIVIL WAR GHOST Adventure Structure
SOLDIERS who died during the Battle of They say there are only a few plots in the
the Wilderness finds its way out of the world, and that all stories fit into one or more of
Wilderness and continues its mission—to these; everything else is just bells and whistles. Well,
surround and destroy Atlanta. they’re your bells and whistles, and you need them
Ø The Hunters must persuade a NEW to stand out from the pack.
based in New Orleans to stop releasing

  I knew it! And everyone called me crazy!

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

D esire eternal or otherwise. Even if the plot is as obvious
Everybody wants something, and that provides as “evil for evil’s sake,” the motivations and desires
a character with his motivation. He may be a Demon of your principals on both sides make every story
Hunter who has lost his family to the demons, in different from any others.
which case he may want a little payback. It could The Hunter out for revenge against the demon
be a librarian whose entire facility was burned to who took his family wants foremost to find that
the ground, and she wants to reconstruct what was being. He’ll probably settle for a boot up the keister
lost. The players have to come up with these kinds of any hellspawn he happens across, but he may
of background traits for their in-game personas, also try to wheedle or torture information about
otherwise the Game Master hasn’t got anything upon his target from any of that demon’s “friends” before
which to hang a story for those Demon Hunters. dispatching him back to the netherworld. The
Of course, deciding what the Hunters want is their librarian whose collection was lost may discover she
problem—so long as they don’t choose things that had more esoteric manuals on hand than she knew,
are completely inappropriate for a hero or something and regaining the annals leads her deeper into the

144 that won’t fit in with the sorts of plots the Game
Master wants to throw at them, he can concentrate
on what the bad guys want.
infernal world. It may also make her a target. Now
you throw in your gate demon and it’s a raucous
party of motivations, all butting heads with one other.
And yes, it’s not always hard to figure out the Make the elements work for you. Maybe these
sorts of things a demon wants. They live to cause three have nothing whatsoever in common, but that’s
suffering, they want to create chaos, and they dull. If you like you can have the demon target the
Chapter Seven: Playing God

struggle to gain a foothold here on Earth. But even former site of the library—a tastier choice before,
so, providing subtle shades of meaning to their with all those tomes of horrors, but still pregnant
actions isn’t out of the question. A demon doesn’t with power after the fire, and this demon doesn’t
necessarily barrel forward, simply hoping his schemes want to wait longer than he has to. Who set the fire?
aren’t uncovered. Why does your demon A rival demon, sabotaging a fellow’s success? Or
want to open a gate to Earth? Why maybe he knows he’d be one of those sent to
not simply whisper terrible things into Earth, and he’s the one the Hunter is after.
an accepting ear? Perhaps he thinks a Even if you don’t mix the characters
gate that would allow many together so conveniently,
demons to thunder through confrontations as either the focus
is worth the quick, brute- P urple N inja say: “Seriously? or backdrop make players feel
force time and effort, and Did anyone notice that?” there’s something to gain by
subtlety is simply a chance following your leads. Maybe the
for his enemies to ruin his connections with these faceless
plots. This further suggests he thinks enough of the nobodies are thin and don’t lead to a big showdown
Hunters or their ilk to fear their interference (not yet—but down the road this little dustup leads to
that he’ll admit it to anyone). the bigger plots and masterminds, and the Hunters
Perhaps your demon answers to someone, and now feel obligated. Expanding these ideas, arguments
that fiend has his own purview for infernal power with (or among) one’s superiors, deceits by rogue
(that of gates, in this case). It could be the result agents, and seemingly mundane tensions with civilian
of a wager or the outcome of the politics of Hell contingents can implicate or drive the Demon
(they have them, you know). Setting your demons Hunters without true evil ever entering the equation.
or cultists at odds with the Chapter shouldn’t be The results are still dangerous and exciting.
something you hand-wave out of your way. It should
be intrinsic to the villain’s master plan. R ising A ction
At the beginning of the session, the Chapter goes
C onflict about its daily routine (relatively speaking). As things
This, too, probably seems overly simple. The progress, the action starts to rise, and keeps rising
villains want to engulf the world in eternal darkness
and the heroes want not to be engulfed in darkness,
  Yet another abandoned campaign slogan.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

until it reaches a crescendo—the Game Master’s the most heart-stopping threats, though going
finale—at which point the story is resolved and over the top is always welcome in the Demon
someone buys a round of drinks. Hunters universe. A simple human cult leader
To break this down a bit more, the action with a redoubtable intelligence who seems able to
should not continue up an unbroken slope. The anticipate the Chapter’s every move is annoying,
Demon Hunters wouldn’t have a chance to catch and if he acts smug and self-possessed about it as
their breath and the players would become mentally he deflects attempts on his life, his defeat is going
exhausted. Instead, make sure each scene elevates to be so satisfying. Make him clever, lucky, incisive,
the excitement for its duration, then let the pace vicious, even viscous … each villain should be a little
drop … just not back to where it started. For different, but he should always provide a challenge.
example, say the Chapter is doing some menial task Every confrontation should be unique, forcing
like shopping for coffee for the break room. This players to evolve their tactics.
is interrupted by news that a troll has been raiding The mastermind shouldn’t be the only obstacle.
homeless shelters for whatever it can find. The cops For one thing, he has thugs and henchmen. You
think it’s bunk and ignore the “petty thefts of street
people,” so the heroes step up.
Once the troll is dealt with, however, the
can overwhelm the Hunters with numbers, but not
only is that not terribly creative, it’s going to draw
combat out all night. If your group wants a bloodbath
Hunters don’t simply pick up where they left off with you can still give it to them, but chances are as long
the coffee. They should be wondering about a troll as they have their hands full, enough is as good as a
deep in the city. Was it lost? Working for someone? feast. A minion with special powers is one way to

Chapter Seven: Playing God

Abandoned by a warder? What was it doing before? go. Maybe the protagonists are facing a shadow wolf
The action has slipped, but it’s no longer an ordinary with the ability to trade places with its enemies, and
day. If they can uncover who let it loose, they can the team can’t draw a bead as it appears in different
loosen his lips10. That means another confrontation spots again and again. Hostages also slow the good
followed by another lapse, but though the action guys down, though the targets can be civilians’ lives
falls once more, the tension doesn’t let up. The team or even a vial with the cure to a demonic disease.
shouldn’t feel relaxed about their plight until they’ve Another important factor is the location. For
finished the adventure (at which point you should let one thing, the villain almost always chooses it. The
them know it’s over—but see Resolution, below). Hunters may set a trap to draw their foes into the
The staggered activity goes up a lot and down a open, but usually they track down their quarry to his
little until the story reaches your suitably impressive lair where he’s ready for them and has all his best
climax and the frazzled co-workers start asking tricks close by. You could set the scene in a cave or
about the damned coffee. a warehouse, but that’s clichéd and works better
for earlier encounters with the minions and thugs.
C lim ax Up the stakes by using an old castle in Scotland or
You’re going to want a memorable ending to a mountain chalet in the Rockies. Let the heroes
your adventure, so pull out all the stops. Ideally it’s play around on a famous monument, or parallel the
the sort of thing the players talk about long after the Minotaur’s labyrinth in the twisting tunnels under
session has ended. A number of things can go into Grand Central Station or the Pentagon. If you must
the ending, so give thought to the following when use a cave, cover it with ice. This is the mastermind’s
designing it. base, after all, so there may be other unusual
Your villain is the key. There’s more about features like a gate leading to who-knows-where or
designing good characters later in this chapter, trap doors.
but here you’re concerned with how he fits into Throw everything into the mix. The bad guys
events and interacts with the heroes in their finest had a scheme, right? If they stole the parts to make
hour. Make him memorable. That’s not the same a hellfire cannon, what better way to test it than on
as making him invincible or having him deliver the Chapter? The Hunters will try to commandeer
it during the fight if they’re worth their paycheck.
Events are playing out at this point. The floor shakes
10  Thereby sinking ships, killing hundreds of sailors. Way as the Fiend from the Eleventh Pit crawls out of its
to go, Brotherhood!

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

hole. The SWAT team followed the Chapter here just to put the point home. Have someone higher
and now they need rescuing, too. It doesn’t all have up congratulate or berate the heroes as necessary,
to be combat—there could be puzzles to solve—but outlining what they know of the results, then cut
whatever happens, keep the pressure up, maintain the crew loose: “Good job on the Hades Club
that sense of urgency, and don’t let the players investigation. Jablon is imprisoned back inside the
breathe. Rock of Ages, and Dolores has regained her sight.
Don’t get too locked into your own idea of how Overall we’re pleased, and we’re sure the rec center
events “should” play out. It’s a truism in role playing can be rebuilt. Take a week off, you’ve earned it.”
that whatever you plan to have happen, the thing you If the players didn’t do well, or if you wish to draw
really need to have work, is exactly what the players their attention to some outstanding points that could
won’t do. Be prepared to let things go differently. resurrect their ongoing fight against the Dark, alter
The more thought you give to the elements discussed the spiel.
above, the more flexibility you’ll have when not all of Your players need to know where one adventure
them come into use. ends and where the next might begin while you

146 R esolution
This part of your adventure depends a bit
keep open as many plotlines as you feel comfortable
juggling at once.

on what you’re expecting to do with your overall Scenes

campaign. You’ve seen how the overall adventure is put
If you ran your game as a one-shot, something together; now think about individual moments in
Chapter Seven: Playing God

you intended to do just this once for your friends the game. Keep in mind how fickle players are, and
over a weekend, you’ll want to wrap up most of know that they’re not going to follow everything
the plotlines and give a sense of closure to the according to your plan. Be prepared to toss ideas
characters. Make sure the group feels satisfied by into the circular file in favor of keeping the adventure
what happened and their participation in it. That on track.
said, you can always keep a couple of avenues open Think about how you’d like each scene to go in
in case they loved the experience and want more at a perfect world (which this is not). If it’s important
some point: Just make sure not to leave something the Hunters meet with an occultist to get information
unaddressed that’s going to bother the players. about their target demon, consider the most
Maybe some minor demon, especially one that entertaining way of making that happen. Would he
served as comic relief, eluded them and is trying to phone them, contacting them through the payphone
make a go of it by himself in a stolen R.V. closest to where they’re standing? (He’s psychic,
If it’s a longer game or full campaign, “resolution” after all.) Would he invite them to his shop? Could
only means a temporary cessation of hostilities. The a fight break out there, and are there cool things to
Chapter may have beaten this adventure’s villain, have happen there? Maybe he has an imp imprisoned
or at least routed his forces, but the threat remains. in a lava lamp on the desk and he doesn’t want it
There may be obvious clues to follow up to get to getting out and complicating things. If he’s paranoid,
another adventure, or you may want to think on it let them meet in a parking garage. Now you have
between sessions and offer a completely new angle a whole deck full of fuel-filled, explosive deadly
to start off the next leg (it may all be linked together, weapons if things get dull. Sure enough, the team
but you may want to concentrate on some other bit blithely leaves town before this planned encounter
of the operation). goes through, so be prepared for that … the occultist
Even if the story is only in the holding pattern may follow, or have the foresight to put a tape in
that naturally sits between exploits, you still want their car’s tape deck.
the players to feel as though they accomplished Who does the Chapter meet during the
something and can celebrate with a beer and a adventure? Are there visits between old friends:
movie11. You can work this into the actual game, Perhaps a coy give-and-take between Hunters and
their snitch: Or does an old rivalry over forgotten
grudges resurface when meeting with an ex-partner?
11  Might we suggest “The Gamers,” available now on Where does this take place? Cemeteries are good

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Subtext And Themes
Your stories need not be works of art if everyone is happy hammering the horrific back into its hole, but it
resonates better with an underlying theme. You may take the lead from players, their characters’ concepts,
or from the story you intend to tell.
Maybe this is the team’s first full foray into the supernatural and the table talk sounds bleak. No one expects
their characters to survive, so you want to tell a story about courage. The subtext you provide determines
whether it’s subtle or obvious (and even if it’s understated, an insightful player might find it noticeable).
Perhaps their briefing agent is terribly scarred from years of combat with demons, yet here he stands.
Maybe they discover one of their contacts is fighting for his life from a different threat, like cancer, but
doesn’t let it stand in the way of the business at hand. You can subsume their character concepts into the
story, too: If the hero’s background includes a childhood encounter with a demon, maybe he goes to save a
little girl and find she’s ready with a frying pan to fight the thing that’s come to take her mother. The theme
need not color every single facet of your adventure, but if it’s used often enough it shines through.
And it comes in a variety of flavors. You could tell a story about death, but how death is used determines what

you want to say. Are you warning the Hunters against becoming blasé about it? Then several people in
your story have seen too much death and are like walking corpses themselves. Is the concept supposed to
be the existence of the afterlife? The heroes may encounter zombies, or find an old woman who, instead
of being terrified by the supernatural, is quite content for her life to end if it means making a difference. Is
death just a part of life? Meetings take place in graveyards, and those killed during the narrative leave the
heroes something temporal in their will.
It’s really all incidental, but when everyone reflects on the adventure later, they’ll start to draw these

Chapter Seven: Playing God

connections themselves. They’ll be impressed with the effort you put into it, and players will talk up the
stories you craft.

choices, but a demon in this setting might prefer E vents

an Internet cafe (“I see dead people in Hell all the A good way to craft an adventure is to start
time during work hours. I can do without the astral with a focus, a point around which everything else
moaning.”). revolves. This may be something mundane like an
Most important is: Why? Why is this scene election of city officials, or something momentous
a key in the current mystery? A fight scene atop every demon has waited a millennium for, like a gate
the Chrysler Building is cool, but it should have alignment between Earth and some hellish plane of
context. The opponent should be there—or lure his existence. From there you can build outward. In the
opponents there—for a reason, and there should case of an election, for example, you might decide
be much to gain from the confrontation other than it’s going to happen a week from now, and some
bragging rights. Does it remind him of the rocky psychic has warned the Chapter that evil shall ascend
spire he occupied in Hell? Are there ancient runes that evening. Now the Hunters have seven days to
worked into the architecture? Is he trapped there by track down forces that might try to interfere. Does
a pentagram? Unless you simply need the players to a demon subvert the election results, or possess
blow off some steam in a scene, map out why you the lead candidate, or just use the cover of all those
need things to go the way you planned … and again, people on their lunch breaks to throw the city into
be ready for when they don’t. chaos? Alternately, today may be the election, and
that makes the problem more pressing. Maybe the
Events, Adventures, and candidate has made a deal with dark forces and is
Campaigns already lost, and ruining his election-day success
These are the building blocks of a game. You is just the first step to showing his evil owners the
may never get to some of the more involved ones team is onto them.
if you have no wish to play Demon Hunters on a In the case of a mystic event, the concentration
regular basis, but at least look the guidelines over. is doubtless going to be stopping it from happening,
You can still learn something from the ideas about or at least stopping enemies from making good use
continuing campaigns, and who knows? You may of it. Closing the gate may be possible, or it may
decide to go whole hog. be that the portal opens regardless and no one

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

can stop the dimensions from spinning, so the best C ampaigns
the Hunters can do is kill anything that shows what Campaigns are about stability. Things should
passes for a face. enjoy a sense of continuity. With occasional play you
You can mine characters for good ideas as don’t have to mind the store so closely, but if events
well. If a Demon Hunter is a gun nut, he might be are ongoing the details mean more. Mr. Mahon still
intrigued by a gun show passing through town, mans his newsstand, the demon Akkadius depends
while his partner, the one with skills in astronomy, on human tears for sustenance, and the Red Angel
might invite everyone to witness an eclipse at the gang is in control of everything north of 10th Street.
local observatory. If one of the heroes is divorced, If the secret base is under the subway station one
that opens up all kinds of drama. These all enjoy the week, it better be there the next.
triple benefits of centering the action on For it to be truly satisfying, though, a
something, involving the team directly, campaign’s continuity must contribute to the
and being odd or unusual ways to get group’s entertainment. If someone’s character
something rolling. The right event with has no life outside a single adventure, flipping

148 good staging solves half your

adventure-planning problems
for you in one go.
P urple N inja say:
channels on the TV could just
as easily divert him (and have
“What is up with the same level of investment).
that? Purple Ninja must find Chapter Six!”
Events in the game should be
A dventures like a running commentary on
We’ve gone over adventures extensively already, the Demon Hunters’ lives. If an old villain reappears
Chapter Seven: Playing God

but the most important thing to remember about seeking revenge, the players know enough to be
them is to mix them up. Just as you wouldn’t want frightened and intrigued at the same time. A victim
to string three events together that were more or saved in one adventure could become a champion in
less the same, you don’t want to have the Demon his own right, or he might just repay the heroes by
Hunters head off on three missions that are only using his talents on their behalf (A Demon Hunter
superficially different. could do worse than to save the life of a good
Some of your adventures can tie into the overall attorney.). Nothing says you’re doing something
themes and plotlines of your campaign. The others meaningful more than having it make you life easier
should break up that routine, with some missions that later on.
have nothing at all to do with the demonic influence Keep in mind games don’t happen in a vacuum.
of your Big Bad Guy and his minions. Build on earlier The Demon Hunters are the stars, but if you want
missions, with subplots coming out to the fore for an your world to have an organic feel, it has to have a
adventure or two. Bring back supporting characters life outside the heroes. Wars start and stop, notable
the players loved (or hated). Kill somebody off and public figures die, buildings are erected, and kids are
make the Demon Hunters think the world’s about to born. Don’t overload your players with little details,
come crashing down … and then make it right in the especially since that gives the mistaken sense that
next scene, only to get the ball rolling again next time there must be something sinister about the chili
they’re assigned a job. cook-off you casually mentioned,12 but let them
Choosing which adventure to run and in which know the world they keep saving is doing something
order should be motivated as much by your players worthwhile with all those reprieves.
as by your campaign, but don’t forget that you’re As a rule of thumb, you can safely bring up
not doing this as a charity. If you aren’t enjoying outside events to show the effect Hunters have had
the adventures either, you need to prepare some on their world. A groundbreaking ceremony after the
missions that include supporting characters and Chapter quietly consecrates that tract of land renews
events that interest you. You might be surprised at everyone’s sense of hope; if the event is mentioned
how much the players will buy into that, too. before the Chapter has done anything, they pull
out the guns and spend the session waiting for giant
worms to break the surface.

12  Spooooooooky chili!

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

B reaking the M old Tell stories from other characters’ perspectives.
Game Masters have a lot of options on how to Have everyone play one of their loved ones for an
tell a story, and taking chances with the narrative evening, debating about what their mysterious kin do
can pay off big. You could tell it in reverse, showing in the middle of the night. Place everyone in a role
the players a scene from their heroes’ future as in a past life, or a previous age. Have their minds
they prepare to set off on an investigation. The switched with those of condemned demons, putting
demon holds a priest by the neck, dangling him evil supporting characters in their home base and the
over a precipice as feral hellhounds with glowing Chapter on the run. Anything you can do to present
eyes advance on the Chapter. The demon cries out, a new challenge or a different way of looking at the
“I cannot thank you enough for bringing me this game, kicks the group out of its complacency—and
sacrifice … I could not have done it without you.” keeps them coming back next week to find out what
And the hellhounds charge. else can happen.
Then you tell the players, “Let’s back up to 48
hours ago.” Yes, you’ve given away a lot of your Playing the Parts
story, but that’s not how the group sees it. Now
when they meet the priest for the first time, they
draw a sharp breath. How does he come to be
While the players play their Demon Hunters,
you as Game Master must play the part of every
other person or creature in the entire game world
victimized? Are the demon’s words to be taken and any associated hells.
literally, or did just knowing the investigators doom But hey, no pressure.
Father Whosis? They can try to protect him, but if This is part of what makes the job so daunting,

Chapter Seven: Playing God

the Game Master has him go looking for trouble, but keep in mind you don’t have to play all these
there’s not much the Hunters can do to prevent him people at once, or even concern yourself with what
from finding his destiny. Any poor mutt they meet the majority of them are doing. What you do need to
along the way is the object of suspicion—and that’s be mindful of is the players depend on you for their
just the way you want it. And what’s so important to interactions with the people they meet, the demons
draw everyone out to this sheer drop in the woods?
Heck, where is this precipice?

Unusual Scenes—Flashbacks and Dreams

Although it’s not the track you want to take with a group of fresh-faced players, you can plumb your game
for a deeper level of play with judicious use of flashbacks and dreamscapes. This kind of thing requires the
players and the Game Master to enjoy some degree of trust and to employ a certain maturity of style.
In a flashback, you convey to the players some background or context for their current or upcoming
investigations by setting for them a scene that has already taken place. This may be a static moment,
wherein the Hunters are spectators to a descriptive bit of flavor text, or they may be asked to play their
characters or even supporting characters familiar to them. For example, you might describe an incident
aboard a train, showing the crew’s final moments as the pounding on the door allows it to burst inward
under the weight of several yellow-eyed creatures; screams and tearing fill the engine, followed by a
horrific screech as the transport goes off the rails. The flashback need not be recent—a peek into some
ancient rite that’s coming back to haunt the modern age is also effective.
Someone in a Demon Hunter’s shoes is no stranger to, well, something strange, so dreams can reveal data
in a creative way as well. They might be prophetic—for a full week a man has dreamt about a woman
beckoning him to enter the woods, a woods he finally encounters in the waking world—or they could just
offer clues about things to be on the lookout for. If all his dreams involve clocks, the Hunter will find his
focus keeps falling on time. Either way, a Hunter won’t ignore such visions, and puzzling out their meaning
whets the appetite.
Note that neither of these techniques actually reveals things that spoil the action for the team (not if they’re
done right, anyway). Although you might narrate a moment in which bloody sacrifices are made to some
dark god in the old Hermes Mines, it doesn’t spill the beans as to who the cultists in dark robes are; it
doesn’t identify the evil force; and frankly the Hunters knew the mines were bad news the moment they
entered and found the inscrutable symbols carved on the walls. The timeline between the flashback and
the current investigation is still a big question mark, and all manner of things may yet slither out.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

they face, and the citizens they save (we hope). The Don’t spend a lot of time on the faces in the
more realistic your supporting characters are, the crowd; if they seem like nobodies, the Demon
more real your world seems to the group. Hunters look a little cooler. Then when a supporting
This doesn’t demand that you be a great actor character is highlighted, it draws the proper
(though that helps). It means you have to make the attention. The innocent are more important from the
extras in your play come to life in some way. Allowing storytelling perspective. When the couple from out
each persona a “hook” gives the Chapter something of town and their small daughter find they’ve taken
memorable upon which to hang their perceptions. a bad turn down a dark alley, it reminds the heroes
Sometimes it’s as simple as a peculiar accent or way why they’re in this line of work.
of speaking, and other times it could be as involved
as the selection of books in the library. It depends I mpor tant C har acters
on who they are and how important they are to the The ones you want your players to concentrate
story. on are the important characters, the “named” people
in your story. These may be stock characters placed

150 “S tock ” C har acters

Most of the people a Hunter comes across
during his investigations are just window dressing.
in the spotlight when you decide they’ve got a role to
play, but usually they’re more well-rounded people
you’ve inserted while designing the plot so your
Taking a cab means someone has to be driving the adventure has someone to hinge on.
taxi, but if all he does is get Demon Hunters across You need not feel obligated to fully develop a
town you don’t need a complete character sheet or supporting character if his participation is limited.
Chapter Seven: Playing God

even a full paragraph about him. Simply tell players, If the Chapter has to rescue a little boy from a
“The cab pulls to the curb in a noxious cloud, and sorcerer’s predations, you should know more about
the disheveled man behind the wheel lowers his cell the kid. How fast he can run, at the very least. If he’s
phone long enough to grunt and nod when you tell really the gateway to a greater mystery, more details
him your destination.” If he later becomes more can be added. Why did the mage want this particular
important—perhaps he takes the Chapter to a child? Does the kid have a connection to other
cultist-infested warehouse and is taken prisoner with involved supporting characters? If the Chapter is just
the rest of the Chapter—you can worry about his going to drop the urchin off at mom and dad’s house,
name or statistics. The same goes for the fast-food nothing more has to be said.
employee they rescue, the receptionist, the lovers in At the other end of the scale are the Really
the park, and the hapless janitor. Important People, and these should all have a good
Other stock characters are a little more broadly description available. Again, it may not be vital that
useful, though again you may not need to know you create a whole character sheet for him, but he
anything substantial about them. For example, in needs to seem like a living, breathing person. He
his lifetime a Demon Hunter meets a lot of cultists. may not go on combat missions with them, but the
Chances are, not coincidentally, he also kills a lot Hunters still ought to know (or be able to learn) a
of them. You don’t need details about the dozen lot about their immediate superior. If you have his
robed and chanting figures surrounding the pool at statistics at the ready, he can fill roles that come up.
the YWCA beyond their combat numbers. Here’s a If the base is assaulted by troglodytes he can defend
trick: Last session, these guys could have been the it. Also, if you develop a whole sheet for him it gives
mobster’s henchmen. Change their Guns d6/Pistols you insight into his makeup. You’ll find yourself giving
d8 to Melee Weapons d6/Knives d8, take away him skills that fit elements from his background
their pistols, give them wicked sacrificial knives, (and vice versa), and now everything has context.
and presto—instant cultist. The rest is just window One good rule of thumb is this—if the supporting
dressing. You could use the same sheet for the character has a name, then he deserves at least some
average police officer by tweaking gear and adding statistical representation beyond an attack roll and
or subtracting a few Traits, or for that poor cabbie Life Points.
by moving his Skill dice around (or at least as much Unlike stock characters, these details are no
as you need to—you might decide his job entails longer inconsequential. If the coffee-shop girl doesn’t
brawling with a lot of drunks). ring true, that’s disappointing. But the mysterious

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

stranger in the ascot with the funny accent, the only in the session. Maybe the hero hasn’t any family,
one to survive the explosion? He’s going to figure and the cast of characters in the diner tugs his
into the current mystery; he can’t be haughty and heartstrings early in the session. Then something
aloof one moment and disarmingly forthcoming the threatens to level the diner, and the trucker who
next without good reason. He needs to behave in was good enough to lend you his cell phone, and the
a consistent manner, and you need to be able to waitress’ little girl, and …
portray him somewhat predictably. You wouldn’t tell
players their car was green in one scene and then Game Mechanics and
yellow the next; why would you give less attention Storytelling
to the personalities of your major supporting Fun is Rule One, and to that end you can ignore
characters? this entire book. Technically.
From a more practical standpoint, the rules are
A ntagonists the framework provided to give structure to your
These are going to be the most important game. Not everyone follows the system precisely,
characters you play, so make them good. They’re
the Big Bad Evil Guys and Frustratingly Competent
Rivals of your campaign. Take to heart the previous
and there are times when it’s best to simply
disregard it altogether. Most often this involves
social interaction, when all the Hunters are doing is
advice about consistency, but so much more goes talking to someone: a contact, a suspected cultist, a
into your opposition. receptionist. When it comes to combat, on the other
Note that an antagonist isn’t necessarily a villain, hand, the situation is more fluid and order must be

Chapter Seven: Playing God

but he serves much the same purpose. He hinders brought to chaos with fairly inarguable tools—hence,
the heroes in some way, so he could just as easily be rules and dice.
an officious government figure who doesn’t believe As long as your players are okay with it, and
all this nonsense about haunted veterans’ hospitals. everyone is comfortable with the game and each
Opposition like a fundamentalist mother or a prickly other, you should try forgoing all the page flipping
museum curator could be an obstacle far more and rule checking. If a player is at ease in his
irritating than the demons; they’re ostensibly on the Demon Hunter’s skin and doing a good job of role
right side, but their attitudes broker no interference. playing the character, don’t break the moment by
Make sure they’re in a position to cause serious demanding he roll to see if his really good lie had the
trouble to the Hunters. The smugger they are about desired effect. Just give it to him. (After all, if your
it, the better. Don’t forget to give the Chapter the major demon is at the threshold of victory, he’s not
satisfaction of these thorns finally seeing it’s all true going to simply give up evil just because the hero
by the end of the story. makes a great roll to convince him to do so, no
But your real antagonist is going to be something matter what the rules say.)
horrible (or someone who wants to see something Players do like their dice, though, and everyone
horrible). Not only does he deserve a full write-up enjoys the thrill when the outcome rests on a
of his powers and statistics, he needs character, single result, so there will be occasions when you’ll
hooks, style, substance—whatever you can give him want them to pick up the bones. Make sure these
to make the opposition live in the players’ minds. A are important moments, and the consequences
fallen priest who wants to bring about the end of the meaningful (though perhaps not critical). For
world is interesting, but one who does so because example, no matter how much success you credit
he’s so afraid of dying from AIDS is something else. him with during an interview with a supporting
Suppose a demon doesn’t try to kill you, but rather character, you could ask the player to make a
recruit you? What if he’s charming and enticing? single Alertness + Influence roll at the end just to
The enemy isn’t human (and those that are act gauge what sort of impression he left. It gives you
like anything but), and that should be brought to something to go by should some later event depend
bear in disturbing ways. The creature may seem to on that scene.
know things about the Hunter no one else should
know, and it’s apologetic about bringing the subject
up. Play upon things that have shown up earlier

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Miniatures in Play
Some players love ‘em and some hate ‘em. You still have to make the call, but since this is Demon Hunters…
Find out what your players want. You may want a dimly lit, atmospheric den in which to play, but if you whip out
the erasable maps and miniatures it’s going to kill some of the mood. If the group sees this as just a toy to
play with, it won’t convey the right feel. If everyone wants a lot of tactics and planning in their combats, using
this setup is probably worth losing a little in other areas.
At the very least players can bring a figurine that represents their character as they see it. Even if it never moves
from the space in front of them, everyone is going to glance about at them during play and recall that your
Hunter routinely carries paired-up sawed-off shotguns. As for making the addition of the maps a more
palatable choice, there are a few options.
Ø One is to use something other than an erasable map. Sure, those are great for drawing and redrawing
things quickly, but since it amounts to a few lines on a pretty plain surface you’re probably losing more
than you’re gaining anyway. Try one of the many textured products on the market. These are designed
to actually look—and feel—like the interior of a starship or dungeon, with surfaces that suggest stone

152 and such. These are only good for a limited number of settings, however, and they could be cost-
Ø Several companies have their own line of customizable cardboard corridor and room pieces, or full
sheets that show the interior of a bar, hotel, lab, etc. You’ve more variety from which to pick here, and
the cost is less, but some players may be put off by the simplicity.
Ø Finally, you can print out PDF dungeons and adventure tiles from numerous sources, and if you don’t
want to go to that expense you can create your own using dark construction paper. These, too, may
Chapter Seven: Playing God

seem simple, but if they’re black enough you convey more of an atmosphere of menace as they absorb
a lot of the light. Make sure you can still measure how far someone can move. And you only need
the miniatures for the big scenes, like the finale. Don’t make your players suffer through you fiddling
with equipment (especially if it’s in the dark) just to depict their movement through the hotel lobby. If
possible, set up the scene before the game (magnetic sets or felt cutouts work well for this), then pull it
out, ready to go, when your climax is activated.

S kill R olls vines are a good makeshift, but they still fall short.
If a task seems beneath a Hunter, don’t bother Marvin is now barely clinging to a rocky outcropping
making him roll. The gun-lover shouldn’t have to opposite … what do you do?”
make a roll to make sure his weapons are in proper
working order; it’s the sort of thing that comes C ombat
naturally to him. A scout, trained to be stealthy, It’s harder to pull this off convincingly without
should roll against the elite guards at the compound, dice, but not impossible. Certainly if the opposition
not when he’s sneaking past drunken sailors onto a is beneath contempt, you can let the players express
fishing vessel. If you think it could prove interesting themselves by describing how they win the bar
go ahead, but a high skill, especially if it’s one that brawl. Throw them a curve or two, and see how
helps define a character, should indicate a Demon they handle these new factors. Demand a simple
Hunter who has moved past the easy tasks. The action roll if you think it adds drama (Alertness +
Chapter comprises heroes; don’t make them sweat Unarmed Combat? Intelligence + Melee Weapons?)
the small stuff. Frankly, that’s boring. or if you believe the Chapter has offered predictable
Make it an exchange with ups and downs. If or boring tactics, but otherwise make small
the Chapter wants to cross a ravine, especially one skirmishes like these a chance for storytelling, not an
that blocks them completely from their enemy, they all-night combat confrontation.
should be able to cross it (otherwise the adventure But if it’s a big fight, important in some way, you
ends here). But if no one thought to bring 50 feet can still run it without the dice. If someone describes
of rope, ask for a good explanation of the solution his action creatively, interpret it with flair and let it
they come up with. If it’s only passable, increase the pay off for him. Make sure complications arise, and
Difficulty and demand more thinking: “Okay, the wait to see how he absorbs that into the narration
of his actions. And don’t let the Big Bad Guy go

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

down with one colorful blurb; make sure everyone’s important factor in every adventure, not his fancy
description plays into the outcome. Not only gadgetry, so he should be just as engaging describing
should the Hunters be able to dictate their deeds its use as he is at fast-talking the night watchman at
dramatically, they should meld what they say with the graveyard.
what others have said and done. Teamwork isn’t just And even you may want to see the heroes rake
a theoretical construct; it’s part of this process. If the a demon with a copter-mounted chain gun once in a
players can’t say it convincingly, they can’t do it, dice while.
rolls or no.
M agic
Technology and Magic “Fight fire with fire.” Sounds good, but try
Since the default Demon Hunters campaign putting it into practice. Hunters walk a thin line, with
is set in our modern world, you’re going to have mystically inclined evil on one side and desperate
to balance these two powerful tools in the eternal humanity on the other, so of course the temptation
struggle, and they’re a pair of double-edged swords. is to make use of any tool no matter how laden it
Like any instrument humanity puts to use, they
can be used for good or evil … or used by good or
evil. The Demon Hunters may not have unlimited
is with pitfalls. Like technology, the Brotherhood
should get to play with the cool toys some of the
time, but beware opening Pandora’s Box.
resources at their disposal, but they can count on Magic—and by that we mean the mystic
certain benefits being made available to them, and arts, since “magic” is what practitioners in the
they’re going to run them into the ground until Demon Hunters universe call sleight of hand and

Chapter Seven: Playing God

someone (probably you) tells them to stop. prestidigitation—differs from technology in one
major regard, and that is the cost to the inept user.
S cience It’s one thing to shoot oneself in the foot, quite
You’d think that humanity, being the savvy, another to banish oneself to the Fifth Circle of Hell.
intelligent, modern folks that they are, would have One part of the effect of the mystic arts is going to
the distinct advantage in this arena. Yeah, you’d think be your outlook on it. Do you see them as a tool, or
that. a honey trap? The players most likely want to muck
Demons are not ignorant of technology. They’ve about with it at least a little, but that doesn’t mean
been around for millennia, and they’ve seen people both sides can’t have what they want.
develop ever-better medicines, vehicles, and The heroes need to show they can use the
methods of destroying each other. They’re even mystic arts responsibly. If they view them as the
responsible for some of it. Technology represents solution to all their problems, they should be rudely
an advantage for Hunters insofar as A) the demons awakened. Their foes are almost always better at the
haven’t had as much experience with it as they arts than they are, and who knows how a rite might
have with magic (faint hope indeed), and B) neither be turned back on the enchanter? Creative exercise
demons nor people know entirely what effect of the power is rewarded (in that the rituals work),
modern science has on mystical creatures. Humans while dull blasts of fire are yawn-worthy efforts at
are just so creative at playing “I wonder what this best and punishable by a reversal of fortune at worst.
button does?” that it’s hard to anticipate the results. Another issue is how much should be used.
As the threats they face get better, so ought Mystic forces aren’t the default contrivance of choice
the Hunters’ repertoire of high-tech gadgets. in Demon Hunters, so it may make sense for its use
Demons shouldn’t be immune to these things to be hampered by reasonable constraints. Maybe
just so the heroes have a hard time of things, but mind-reading is possible using a spell, but if there’s
successes against the Dark by the good guys should a component cost—say, human blood—the heroes
be bought at a price. Can a demon be sedated? Do shouldn’t be dabbling with it unless they’re fortunate
bullets penetrate their skin? What if they are armor enough to have justifiably eliminated an enemy with
piercing? Can magic be captured on camera? The a sword thrust during the very scene in which they
most entertaining answer is probably yes, but the need the hex. Being able to use the whammy for
supernatural, fickle force that it is, may not always more than spoon-bending takes practice. Ask the
work the same way twice. The Hunter is the players how much effort their Demon Hunters are

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

willing to put into learning the dark arts. Would they If getting too mired in the Big Questions isn’t
travel to a guru in Tibet? Slay the right demon? What your group’s cup of tea, satisfy yourselves by
if that’s just the gateway to learning … would they assuming demons come from Hell (or even hell) and
let a mystical education occupy a major piece of the get sent back there when they fail a mission. There
campaign? they are punished until the evil tries once again with
Another option is to dole out the mystic arts to another agent for a foothold in our dimension. But
the heroes a little at a time, and better still, to place even the thinnest veneer of pseudo-philosophical,
the power in some kind of vessel. This is a fancy way overly romanticized morality can make the whole
of saying “magic sword.” An item or device they arrangement seem more dramatic from the narrative
could get a special benefit from lets them feel like point of view. Horror should have a set of internal
kids on Christmas morning without empowering rules that must be obeyed or can be exploited
them unduly; a character with a demon-slaying sword depending on the circumstances, but you don’t have
isn’t likely to cast spells with it or use it to kill casually. to enforce a system of religiosity. A cross or Star of
It’s something the Game Master could take away David is enough to ward off vampires and maybe

154 with little fuss (it gets destroyed when it kills its 10th
demon), and he could always bump up its usefulness
in special circumstances: “They say the Gate to
some demons, blessed or holy weapons have power
over otherwise redoubtably evil fiends, and the rest
you can simply handwave (or the Hunters can debate
Elysium opens only when that which has tasted foul about at the bar afterward).
ichors is placed against it.”
Game Mastering Tips
Chapter Seven: Playing God

T he I nfernal and D ivine Becoming a good Game Master is mostly

In a game dealing with demons, it’s a matter of practice. Few are just born with
only a question of time before this issue the skill, and even the best can use a little
comes up. polishing. Know from the
Hopefully the players outset that you’re going to
are mature enough that P urple Ninja say: “The demon charges screw up, and badly, and that
they can come to some you and impales you with sharp things. Rest it’s all part of the learning
understandings about the of your team find pieces of your corpse process. Make a note of the
cosmic issues of Good and scattered over three acres. You die.” things you do wrong, and in
Evil (as spelled with capital between sessions decide how
letters). If there’s some you might do that better next
doubt, talk it out with players beforehand. That said, time it comes up. Players might not even know you
much like the mystic arts, a lot of what holds true in blew it, but you know there were things that would
the game depends on how you see matters celestial, have looked better to the group had you done them
tempered by what the players would like to see. differently. Ask players for their review of your
The assumption is the two sides get painted with performance after a game and see if they have any
fairly broad strokes in Demon Hunters. There’s good useful tips (or at least suggestions on how they would
and there’s evil. Bad people are punished, perhaps rather things went). One of the nice things about
by being cast into someplace unpleasant, while good Game Mastering is that even your mistakes can be
people fight the endless fight with faith and trust. It the stuff of table talk for years to come, and it’s all in
may be that there’s no real otherworldly significance good fun.
to the battles waged in the earthly domain, but that Despite all of that, here are a few tips to help
lacks some sense of meaning as it reduces demons you avoid some of the pitfalls others have made
to evil beings that have no beginning or end. Some before you.
mythology gives the war context, and if there are
“mechanics” to how the whole thing works it lays P acing
out some vague rules for people to obey (“Murder At least from the classical perspective, the
is wrong, but killing demons is good,” that kind of pattern to stories is that of rising and falling action
thing.). (see Adventure Structure, on page 143). A normal
day suddenly sees a spike in the action—a friend’s

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

apartment is firebombed—and when the criminals out early on, but if everyone enjoyed the source
are caught, the action falls, but not all the way (you material you already have common ground. See
have to find who ordered the attack). It goes up a Comedy, on page 158.
lot and down a little until someone evil and in charge Dice Rolls: How often? Will every doubtful
gets his butt handed to him; then things return to moment depend on dice rolls? It may be worth
normal (whatever that means to a Demon Hunter). skipping an Influence Skill roll against the parking
You have to decide on the rhythm. Breaking attendant—after all, the heroes kill demons for a
the action up not only makes it a better story, it living. A good rule of thumb: If it doesn’t advance
keeps the players from becoming bored, confused, the plot or change the course of events meaningfully,
or overwhelmed. They should feel their characters skip the dice and simply state what happens.
are being challenged, not used like punching bags. To To Fudge or not to Fudge? If you deliberately
this end, try not to put two similar scenes back-to- misread your dice or fake a result for someone
back. If they just finished a fight, the next act should else’s roll, make sure no one sees you do it. Players
feature some other kind of action; otherwise not don’t like to know they’re being railroaded or
only does the adventure seem homogenized, the
Chapter hasn’t had time to rest, reequip, and heal.
The same goes for puzzles—the Hunters want to
mollycoddled, or the tension is lost. But if they miss
the critical shot to close the gate to Hades or the
villain can’t generate hellfire sufficient to incinerate
see a return on their problem-solving ability, not a traitorous underling, it kills the drama (unless
a second helping of homework. Don’t forget to you want to play it up for laughs). And if you really
add moments of discussion, too, which may not have no idea how to cover up your tracks, toss the

Chapter Seven: Playing God

sound interesting but getting all one’s knowledge players a Plot Point for their troubles.
from making rolls in the library isn’t riveting either. Dramatic or realistic action? Jumping off a
If the source they’re talking to is a truly disturbing ramp in your car to elude pursuit, getting thrown
individual, or the information he’s passing along is through a plate of glass, leaping from explosions …
of a troubling and eye-opening nature, seeing it all all the stuff of cinema (surviving it, anyway). It’s also
laid plain isn’t going to sound dull. Simple debates a lot of fun. If you plan to use real physics, let the
on strategy within the Chapter can become lively as players know so they can talk you out of it. If they
plans evolve. have to spend a Plot Point to do so, that’s fine too.
These guidelines change slightly the closer you As the game proceeds, you’ll find other things.
get to the end; the bad guys aren’t going to play fair, The group needs to know this stuff so everyone’s
so get ready for several fights in a row as you near comfortable with your style and they have a
the demon’s observatory. Even then, pacing means reasonable idea of how you’ll react in any given
hitting them with a curve now and then. Maybe they situation.
need to figure out a quick riddle to open the door
to the next room, but now the herd of salamanders L earn F rom Y our P layers , B ut R un
racing down the great hall puts a rush on things. Y our G ame
Having events stack up behind each other gives Even if you sat down with your group to discuss
the sense of urgency your finale needs. Until then, the campaign before you ever started rolling dice,
staggering the types of story elements keeps the you’ll change things along the way as circumstances
players guessing and puts them on the defensive. dictate. That’s fine as long as everyone’s having fun.
Just make sure you don’t sacrifice the game you
D evelop Y our O wn S t y le meant to run or the narrative suffers. Remember the
A lot of little things go into your Game old saw that a problem should be met with “Yes, and
Mastering style; it’s defined by more than we can list. …” not “No, but …”
But some items you’ll have to consider: If there’s not enough combat, add some.
Humor: How much, what kind? Emulate the There’s always another cultist who thinks he’s the
movies or bring your own sense of comedic timing equal of a seasoned Demon Hunter, so throw him
to the group. It’s something that should be worked and his buddies in there. But what if this adventure
involves ferrying little children to safety? You may
have wanted to see what the Chapter was capable of

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

if they couldn’t subject their charges to such brutality. Omitting that the tatters are from a loose work
The setting allows for this—imagine a scene where shirt that has seen better days and the pole is simply
some of the Demon Hunters are loading the kids on his shovel may seem unfair, but in the half-light that
the bus, cooing sweetly to them, while the others may be all the Chapter sees (the smell is the chicken
are trying to keep the motel room fight from spilling his wife packed for dinner). They’ll find out more if
into that parking lot. Done right, that’s part of the sly they approach, but they might also be seized with
humor inherent in Demon Hunters. caution and that’s good. It means they’re drawing
Your players aren’t going to enjoy the game if their own conclusions, just as a real person would in
you don’t give them some of what they want, but if uncertain circumstances (“I swear I thought he had
you agree to everything it’s just as bad. They want a scythe”). The misunderstanding simply reinforces
more puzzles and mysteries? No problem. It may that this is a setting in which things aren’t always what
have been a standup fight you were planning, and they seem, and shadows are never your friend.
maybe their foes aren’t subtle people, but perhaps The technique has other applications. Consider
the Chapter has to decipher a few clues about where the harried diner waitress. You can just say, “Your

156 to find them. It doesn’t have to be a vast conspiracy,

just something that requires some thought.
Don’t be afraid to make the players work for
server looks like she’s had a long day,” or you can try:

“The woman in the rumpled uniform stalks from

the things they ask for. If they want to fight a major the trucker’s table and marches toward your Chapter,
demon and you were hoping to kick things off with snatching a pencil from her unkempt hair. Glaring at
lower-powered problems, make it clear to the you, she seems on the verge of barking. Instead she
Chapter Seven: Playing God

players they have to “earn” the right to battle the bites her lip and her features soften. Very quietly, she
heavyweights. Every small-time thug they come introduces herself as Norma and asks for your order.”
across is a small cog in the major demon’s big plan;
when they do damage enough to command attention, People don’t come with a list of traits tattooed
send competent shock troops against the Chapter. to their forehead in real life, and they should be just
They’ll feel like they’re getting their money’s worth as inscrutable in the game. You should give them
before they ever catch sight of the big cheese. Giving enough to work with, but compliment your players
players what they want without sacrificing elements by allowing them to pull relevant bits of information
of your schemes is an art, but one easily mastered from their surroundings through clues. Don’t draw
with the right attitude. them a picture or your game feels like what it is: lists
and explanations. Suggestive narration makes the
A ct V ersus T ell participants an involved segment of the storytelling
The best stories are the ones that simply unfold experience. When they must think for themselves,
before their audience. While you are the only insight they are drawn further into your fiction.
your players have into your game, that doesn’t mean Players should be encouraged to reciprocate
you have to give a dry recitation of every element with such methods as well. “I try to stab him with my
in a scene. It’s okay not to spell everything out. For sword” is dull, but “Malcolm drops from the rock,
example, if the Demon Hunters are standing in a sword pointed downward, onto the wolf’s neck” is
cemetery, you could run down the gravedigger’s cool, and his intention is no less clear.
sheet and tell your group what he’s wearing, how
dirty he is, what smells come from the grave, and D isrup tive P layers
what’s notable about him. Or … What do you do if one of your players is
unsettling the flow of play? The easy answer is to
“A figure stands over an open grave. In the kick him to the curb, but look first for an underlying
moonlight, you still notice dirt clings to his limbs. problem.
Dressed in tatters, he wields a long pole-like Off-topic conversation happens a lot in role
instrument as the scents of meat and soil permeate playing—people stuck in a room for four hours are
the air.” going to joke or quote movies or something no
matter how much fun the game is. This usually means
it’s time for a break. For the player who won’t stop,

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

simply pull them aside (during the downtime—don’t succinct. When each player has had his say, lay down
argue with him at the table) and tell him how his the law, and let the others know you’re willing to
behavior looks from your viewpoint. He may not discuss it at length after the session is over.
realize what he’s doing. Maybe he’s having a bad If the players seem to be of one mind on
week, in which case, depending on how close a a potential change for the game, you’d do well
friend he is, you can talk to him or call the game for to consider it. There’s nothing in this book that
the evening or just let that one player go home early demands you do it as printed. Your opinion is as valid
with an invitation to return next week. as the next player’s, so don’t sabotage your own fun
It could be an issue with the game itself: He by changing something just to please others, but if
wants something the current game doesn’t offer the group seems to prefer an alternative it may be
(like more combat scenes), or his character and worth implementing. Make sure they know how you
goals don’t jibe with everyone else’s (his Hunter is feel about it first.
the diplomatic type and everyone else wants to play It’s possible yours is just one of those groups
“avenging angels”). Hopefully most such questions that likes picking apart a system to see how it
were answered before the campaign began; even
so, maybe the player feels what he’s getting isn’t
what was promised. If he’s the only one who feels
holds up under the strain. In that case, extended
arguments might not be a bad thing. You know your
group best. But never let an argument keep the
that way, see if you can throw a little more of what game from progressing. Someone has to make a
he likes his direction without disenfranchising the call, and that may mean playing the bad guy in a real
others, mixing the elements together; if he demands sense from time to time,13 but it’s part of a Game

Chapter Seven: Playing God

more and more attention, that’s a warning sign. Master’s job. Make sure your decisions are fair; base
Sadly, sometimes a player simply doesn’t work them on the best information you have; and solicit
out. He has issues, or he doesn’t keep problems player input lest you alienate someone. Fun is rule
in and out of the game in separate boxes. If this number one, and that one isn’t open to debate.
happens and you can’t make peace among the
members, suggest the offending person take a H ow to L ive with D eath
sabbatical from the game and try again in a few If you’re playing soldiers in the war of Good
months. Even in the worst-case scenario, where verses Evil, someone is going to die, and it’s
things go completely off the rails, be diplomatic and not likely to happen from old age. Players are
remember that no one is necessarily “right.” It may understandably upset when they lose a favored
simply be that this person and the group can’t work Demon Hunter—they put a lot of work into it,
well together, and parting ways is the best way to and though it’s a fictional person they play games
solve that (especially if no one burns any bridges). as an escape from real life. You can help soften
the blow by ensuring that, when it does happen, it
R ules , D ebates , and A rguments resulted from lousy decision-making or dramatic
No matter how well you get along with friends, circumstances. No one wants to die simply because
everyone has an argument now and then. In a role they went left instead of right or a gremlin got lucky
playing game, the clash of personalities can be pretty on its attack roll.
heated. The thing to keep in mind is that it’s only a A deceased Hunter may no longer take part, but
game. you can make his sacrifice more real and meaningful
The rules can’t cover every eventuality, so by giving the Demon Hunter’s actions effects that
you’re going to have to make some judgment extend beyond his demise. When the Chapter
calls. If the printed rules don’t satisfy everyone’s (including the dead guy’s replacement) revisits the
expectations, you can imagine something you offer scene, the victims who survived the conflagration
off-the-cuff isn’t going to receive unanimous approval will make mention of the man who saved their lives.
either. Fun is the watchword and keeping the game The Chapter can tell the freshman Hunter about
moving is the best bet to make that happen, but if the guy he’s replacing, and some of the things he
you make a controversial call don’t assume those
who disagree with you are wrong. If you have
time, let them state their case, but ask that they be 13  Try tying argumentative players to the railroad tracks,
then laugh while stroking your curly mustache.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

ought to improve play or ease things for someone
genuinely upset at the loss, but ultimately it’s only a
game and it can continue with new blood.
And if you don’t mind the cheesy cliché, maybe
the guy had a twin brother.

C omedy
In case it wasn’t obvious, Demon Hunters isn’t
exactly heart-stopping horror. There are moments
when it is, or should be, terribly funny. The problem
is incorporating humor effectively.
You and the players might not have much trouble
cracking jokes during a session, but that’s not the
best kind of laughter to have at the table. The laughs

158 should be, like everything else in a Hunter’s life,

bought at a cost. The jokes are usually dry, and may
result from observations or situations. But make
the players laugh at the right moments for the right
There’s no quick way to teach humorous
Chapter Seven: Playing God

writing, but if you allow the absurdity of the moment

to wash over you, something usually suggests
itself. Being pinned down behind a rock by a herd
of charging, half-sized redcaps; depending on a
does may even remind the Chapter of their departed ridiculous getaway vehicle to save your life; and
comrade. A memorial may reside where he gave his misinterpreting a complicated and obtuse prophecy
life, or there may be a street or holiday named after all lend themselves to comedic possibilities. You
him. You could delve into the person’s life to pull out should not deliberately (or at least maliciously)
something that could reappear at a time when the embarrass your players, but you can trap them in
Chapter needs it … an old weapon left in the vault, laughable events.
or a useful piece of research whose value has not Too much table talk is the culprit for most
been exhausted. serious moments gone wrong. Remember that the
And since this is a world steeped in supernatural players are following your lead. If you use a hushed
mystery, it’s always possible someone doesn’t exactly tone, participants feel self-conscious about breaking
stay dead. Overuse cheapens both the character and the church-like silence.
the genre, so don’t give a pass to everyone gored by When your group does joke around, listen for
a demon horn, but don’t neglect traditional elements when and about what. If it’s about in-game elements
of the genre either. Spells, magic, and weird powers and it’s during a tense scene, don’t be too mad.
could all call up the Hunter as a spirit guide. A rift It’s possible they’re just nervous, and making light
in time might allow him one last adventure with his of things to break the silence. It’s the equivalent
old mates, while a misguided demonic pact might of whistling past the graveyard, but here that’s a
resurrect him in less-than-top form. phrase that holds a special and disturbing resonance.
None of this is to say every dead ally has to Giddiness often accompanies the genuine fear one is
reappear. A well-played Demon Hunter makes his about to lose a beloved character.
presence known without gimmicks. These methods

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter eight:
Demons, Angels, and
Innocent Bystanders
he bullet ricocheted off the fender of the truck, inches above Gabriel’s head. This was turning out
to be a bit more complicated than the standard zombie run-and-gun they’d been expecting.
“Dammit, Sister! Stop shooting at us, we’re on the same side!”

Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

Across the parking garage, Sister Mary Dillinger, Mother Superior of the Sisters of Divine Retribution
chambered another round. “The same side? You would dare to associate our holy quest with abominations
like that creature beside you?”

and Innocent Bystanders

Silent Jim stood up, waving. “Hi Mary!” Gabriel pulled him back to the ground as a second shot took
off Jim’s hat.
Gabriel rubbed his temples, fighting off the growing headache, and turned to his team. “All right guys,
let’s talk options.”
“Well, the way I see it, we’re pretty much boned.” Wolf flicked the butt of his cigar over their
makeshift barricade. A car exploded. “We’ve got a mall full of brain-eaters surrounding us, we’re low on
ammo, I’m running out of stuff to throw, and apparently the God Squad is keeping us pinned down, which
can mean only one thing.”
Albrecht raised his lip in a growl and pointed over Wolf’s shoulder. “Nunjas!” The elevator doors
behind them opened, revealing a trio of wimple-clad warriors who wasted no time in cutting a swath
through the ranks of the undead. A Latinate battle cry echoed through the cavernous space as a fistful of
shuriken embedded themselves harmlessly in the back of the Cipher’s head.
Gabriel turned to the dark figure on his left. “R.M., think you can handle the nuns?”
A zombie chose this moment to pop his head over the barricade, and Rigor Mortis absently tore it
off. Her voice came muffled beneath the layers of her Battle Burqa. “No can do, boss, those ladies are all
kinds of holy! Just looking at them is making my skin itch.”
Gabriel’s shoulders slumped in resignation. “Well guys, it’s been an honor to fight with you all. But it
looks like we’re done for. Unless—“
In a swirling cloud of smoke, a figure appeared, standing proudly astride the smoldering wreckage of
an SUV. He crouched into a battle position, his fists forming streaks of reddish-blue as he performed an
elaborate and deadly kata. “Hut-hut-hut-huh-hut-hut-hut-hut!”
“The Purple Ninja!”

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

This chapter needs no introduction. pay sucks, but we figure an eternity in Paradise
. . .sorry, what? Oh, it does need an makes up for it. Congratulations, you chose the
introduction? Fine. This is the part of the book right side. Meet your teammates.
where all of the statistics and backgrounds and
pre-generated supporting characters have been Anti-Tank Sally
stowed away, the part of the book that you flip to Classification Godling
immediately to find out the Strength of Anti-Tank Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch
Sally, or what Complications Sam Hell has. If that’s Agi d6 Str d12 Vit d10 Ale d8 Int d10
what you’re doing, get a hold of yourself! You need Wil d8; LP 22; Init d6+d8
to read the rules first! Come back when you’ve Traits Mad Skillz d4 (Heavy Weapons),
done that, you idiot. Marked By The Divine d12 (includes Blessed d6,
Assuming you’ve read the rules, you’ll find that Brawler d12, Mystic Vortex d6, Old-Timer d6,
this Chapter includes critical information for the Rival d6), Memorable d8, Out For Blood d4, Tough
generic and not-so-generic supporting characters Sunnava … d4

160 you’re going to want to drop into your Demon

Hunters tabletop combat simulations. Need a High
School Witch or Syphilitic Ninja Vampire? How
Skills Covert d4, Discipline d6/Resistance d10,
Drive d6, Guns d6, Influence d6, Mad Heavy
Weapons d6/Rocket Launchers d12/Vehicle
about an average recruit from the Order of the Mounted d12, Mechanic d6, Perception d6/Tactics
Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

Infernal Scepter? They’re all here. You can thank d10, Pilot d4, Unarmed Combat d4
me later. Description Crazy strong and quick-
tempered, the God-blood runs hot in Sally’s veins.

Brotherhood of the
and Innocent Bystanders

A descendant of the thunder god Thor, Sally is

quite a bit older than she appears, and she can

Celestial Torch
This is us. The Good Guys. Warriors of the
soak up damage like you wouldn’t believe. Having
worked as a mercenary for most of her life, Sally
earned her nickname during the Six-Day War
Light, fighting in the eternal battle of Good versus when she punched a hole through a Syrian tank.
Evil. The work is hard, the hours are long, and the She was introduced to the Brotherhood by Wolf in

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

the early ‘80s after she impressed him by kicking
his ass in a bar fight in Managua. Sally was there Cipher (Standard)
to fight the Contras, Wolf was there because he’d Classification Android
heard chupacabras were good eatin’. Sally’s ditzy Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch
appearance and destructive clumsiness belie a Agi d6 Str d4 Vit d8 Ale d6 Int d10
brilliant strategic mind. She rose quickly through Wil d8; LP 16; Init d6+d6
the ranks of the Brotherhood, and was soon given Traits Can’t Ever Hide the Bodies d6,
command of her own Chapter, Gamma Three. Cipher d10, Toe the Line d4
Skills Covert d6/Disable Device d10/
Brotherhood Recruit Sabotage d8, Discipline d4, Knowledge d6/
Classification Human Culture d8/History d10/Religion d10, Mechanic
Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch d4, Perception d6, Science d6/Math d10, Tech
Agi d6 Str d8 Vit d8 Ale d6 Int d6 Wil d8; d6/Hacking d10
LP 16; Init d6+d6 Description He lives to serve. He doesn’t
Traits Can Run Can Hide d4, Duty d8, Quick
Learner d4
Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d10, Covert d6,
actually have a choice in the matter. His base
programming is hardcoded into the neural net
of his positronic brain. Above all else, follow any
Drive d4, Guns d6/Shotguns d10, Influence d4, direct order from a superior officer. Unless that

Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

Melee Weapons d6/Knives d8, Perception d6, order would put the life of another superior
Survival d6, Unarmed Combat d6/Brawling d8 officer at risk. Unless the officer being put at
Description The kiosk in the mall advertised risk has defied a direct order from his superior

and Innocent Bystanders

a life of adventure and excitement, and a chance officer. Unless—well, it’s a complicated program.
to see the world. To a small town kid from the But it all comes down to the same basic rule: he
Midwest, it sounded like a dream come true. lives to serve. Whether it’s hacking into the city
Sure, the guy with the sword didn’t seem too power grid to shut down enemy fortifications,
enthusiastic about his sales pitch, and the tall, accessing the Brotherhood’s NecroMoniComSat
quiet guy was a little off-putting, but if he passed system to scan the area for evidence of dark
up this chance, he’d probably end up working at magic, or consulting the Brotherhood Database
the Gas-N-Go for the rest of his life. He signed his to determine the best method for defeating
X on the line and headed home to pack. Turns out a Gorgon, the Cipher is the go-to-guy for all
packing wasn’t necessary, since they broke into matters technological. He’s also pretty damn
his room that night, blindfolded him, and knocked bulletproof.
him out. He woke up in a dormitory with 20
other groggy, confused recruits. Training passed in Cipher (Glitchy)
a blur, with crash courses in close combat, world Classification Android
religions, firearms training, folklore, and protective Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch
relics. He’s not sure he followed everything they Agi d6 Str d4 Vit d8 Ale d4 Int d10
were saying, but they kept telling him it didn’t Wil d10; LP 18; Init d6+d4
matter since he’d probably be dead soon anyway. Traits Cipher d6, Wimpitude d6
He doesn’t care much for their motivational Skills Artistry d4, Athletics d4, Covert d6/
techniques. In any case, apparently monsters are Disable Device d10/Sabotage d8, Knowledge d6/
real, and he gets to keep the world safe from Culture d10/History d10/Religion d10, Mechanic d4,
them. Yeah, this is way better than the Gas-N-Go. Perception d6, Science d6/Math d10/Physics d10
Description He lives to serve, too. But
sometimes, he gets these overwhelming urges to
act differently. Maybe it’s corrosion in his wiring.
Maybe he hasn’t been upgraded to the latest
service pack. Maybe, just maybe, it’s the “Hecho
en Mexico” stamped on his chassis. Whatever
the cause, something’s different about this guy.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Usually, the glitches aren’t anything dangerous,
but even the smallest problem could jeopardize Grizzled Veteran
a mission. Recently a team of hunters cleaning Classification Human
out a vampire nest was compromised when their Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch
Cipher decided it wanted to listen to some Barry Agi d8 Str d8 Vit d8 Ale d10 Int d6 Wil d8;
White. Mr. White‘s dulcet baritone proved a LP 18; Init d8+d10+d8
discordant companion to the screams of bleeding Traits Duty (Brotherhood) d8, Get-Out-of-
Hunters. Should your Cipher exhibit any aberrant Death-Free-Pass d6, Lightning Reflexes d8, Tough
behavior, it should be returned to the Cipherwerks Sunnava … d4
immediately for a full diagnostic. Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d8, Covert d4,
Discipline d4, Drive d4, Guns d6/Rifles d10,
C ipher (H uman ) Heavy Weapons d4, Influence d6/Intimidation d8,
Classification Human Knowledge d4, Medicine d4, Perception d4, Ranged
Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch Weapons d6, Survival d4, Unarmed Combat d4

162 Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d8 Int d8 Wil d8;

LP 14; Init d6+d8
Traits Human Cipher d6, Obscure Body Odor d2,
Description He was killing monsters before
you were even born. His body is a roadmap of
battle scars. The semicircle on his throat was a
Wise-Ass d4 vamp attack. The lines on his right shoulder were
Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d8/Run d8, the claws of a werecougar. The big hole
Covert d4, Knowledge d6/Culture d10/ in front, you know, where his eye used
History d10/Religion d10, Perception d4, to be, that was a Drop Bear. Cuddly little
and Innocent Bystanders

Pilot d4, Science d6/Life Science d12/ bastard tore it right out of the socket and
Environment d12, Unarmed swallowed it whole. Every
Combat d4 P urple N inja say: “Remember. scar tells a story, and from
Description There’s a Like so. Ho ho, ho-ha, hu ho ho. Now, the look of things, he’s got
reason they use robots for you try. No, that completely wrong. plenty of stories to tell.
this. The human brain just isn’t Again. Ho ho, ho-ha, hu ho ho.” And he wouldn’t trade a
built to process the immense single one. He believes in
volume of information that the Cipher Goggles the mission. Believes that one man can make a
pump out, and the Human Ciphers of yesteryear difference. And he likes to think that he has.
found that out the hard way. As if the constant
migraines and nosebleeds weren’t bad enough, K incaid
most of those poor bastards ended up either Classification Human
crazy or comatose, with the occasional exploding Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch
head. He tries not to think too hard about that last Agi d8 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d8 Int d10
part as he stares at the puddle of molten slag that Wil d10; LP 16; Init d8+d8
used to be his team’s Cipher. They need to get Traits Duty d8, Initiate of the Mystic Arts d2,
a message back to the Brotherhood, and he just Intuitive Leaps d4, Mad Skillz (Knowledge) d4,
drew the short straw. As he slips the goggles over Rebellious d4, Reputation d6
his head, he just barely has time to register the Skills Covert d4, Mad Knowledge d6/
small “BioHost Detected” message flashing in his History d10/Religion d12, Melee Weapons d4,
peripheral vision. Then he starts screaming as the Mystic Arts d6/Detection d10/Offensive d10/
cortical interface cables burrow through his skull Summoning d10, Perception d4, Science d4,
and deep into his brain. Unarmed Combat d4
Description Retirement. It almost never
happens. It’s not like the Brotherhood tries to
hide the fact that demon hunting is dangerous,
but still, there aren’t that many Hunters who
wind up spending their pensions. Those who do
survive 35 years of Brotherhood service often find

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

themselves stared at in wonder, and occasionally
suspicion, as if they did something wrong not to Saint Peter
have been killed along the way. Kincaid McHarg Classification Saint
couldn’t stand it. The Brotherhood doesn’t need Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch
him anymore? Him? The warlock who retrieved Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d10 Ale d10 Int d10
the Seven Mirrors of Tezcatlipoca and out- Wil d12; LP 22; Init d6+d10
riddled the Sphinx of Karnak? The wizard who Traits Duty (Brotherhood) d12, Friends in
organized the Loch Ness breeding program and “High” Places d6, Got Religion d10, Idealist d6,
successfully instituted supernatural recruitment in Memorable d2, Mystic Vortex d6, Old Timer d12,
the Brotherhood? The spellcaster who’s trained Spooky Mystique d6
more Chapter Heads than anyone since Miyamoto Skills Animal Handling d4, Covert d4, Craft d4,
Musashi? Bullshit, you’re going to retire me, you Discipline d6/Morale d12, Influence d6/Leadership d10/
wee nancy bastards! And so Kincaid bullied his Bureaucracy d10, Knowledge d6/Law d12/Religion d12,
way back on semi-active duty as a Brotherhood Perception d4, Survival d6/Fishing d10, Watercraft d4
Tribune. And he’ll likely bully his way into other
Chapters’ affairs if they can’t get their shit in order,
which means perfect, which is impossible, so
Description Ever been a gatekeeper?
Sweet Lord is it ever boring work. You’re on the
list, come on in. You’re on the list, come on in.
count on Kincaid showing up at regular intervals. Sorry sir, you’re not on the list, go to Hell. Over

Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

and over, day in and day out. So when Peter
Purple Ninja was offered command of the Brotherhood, he
Classification Human chucked the Keys at his replacement and never

and Innocent Bystanders

Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch looked back. As Brotherhood Director, Peter
Agi d12 Str d8 Vit d8 Ale d10 Int d6 has implemented some sweeping changes. He
Wil d10; LP 18; Init d12+d10 established an Advisory Board, with members
Traits Brawler d6, Mad Skillz (Covert,
Unarmed Combat) d8, Mystic Vortex d6,
Shadow d10, So Damn Macho d10
Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d10, Discipline d6,
Knowledge d6/Philosophy d8, Mad Covert d6/
Stealth d12, Mad Unarmed Combat d6/Ninjitsu d12,
Melee Weapons d6/Ninja Weapons d10,
Perception d6, Ranged Weapons d6/Ninja
Weapons d10
Description The Purple Ninja is a mystery,
wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in a purple
robe. He is the greatest Demon Hunter of all
time, yet no one in the Brotherhood knows
his true identity. Many claim to have witnessed
his death, yet he never fails to appear when
called upon. Still, there are whispers. Talk of a
secret dojo, hidden deep in the forests of Japan,
where dozens of students spend their entire
lives in training, learning the seven essential
forms of martial arts: The Crane, The Monkey,
The Django Django Django, The Chopper, The
Sweeper, The Dicer, and Tai Shu. Each hoping
that they will be the next to be called to don
the purple gi, and head into battle as the Purple
Ninja. Still, these are just rumors.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

drawn from the most respected Chapter leaders
in the Brotherhood. Under their guidance he Order of the Infernal
established the Brotherhood’s current policies of
acceptance, allowing supernatural agents to serve
in the Brotherhood for the first time. This decision
The Brotherhood’s polar opposite. Everything
was met with resistance, but has gradually come we work to protect, they strive to destroy. Chaos
to be accepted throughout the Brotherhood. and corruption are their only goals, and unlike us,
As Director, Peter’s a pretty laid back guy, and they aren’t limited by standards of morality. The
he’s big on forgiveness. An agent would have to Order accepts anyone and anything into their
try pretty damn hard to get thrown out of the ranks. They prey on the mean and the stupid
Brotherhood. in the mortal world, promising them a position
of authority in Hell. Supernats play a large role
Tree in the Order, finding easier acceptance in their
Classification Tree ethical vacuum than under the strict rules of

164 Alliance Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch

Agi d10 Str d12+d4 Vit d8 Ale d10 Int d8
Wil d8; LP 28; Init d10+d10
the Brotherhood. They will use any tool at their
disposal, no matter how vile, to spread their evil
on Earth. We’re here to make sure they don’t
Traits Animate d12, Attuned to Nature d6, succeed.
Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

Dull Sense (Touch/Taste) d6, Memorable d2,

Unintentionally Erotic d6 The Amazing Velma
Skills Artistry d6, Covert d6/Disguise d10/ Classification Human
and Innocent Bystanders

Stealth d10, Discipline d4, Guns d6/Pistols d10, Alliance Order of the Infernal Scepter
Influence d6/Seduction d10, Perception d6/ Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d10 Int d8
Investigation d10, Survival d6/Tracking d10/ Wil d12; LP 18; Init d6+d10
Woodcraft d10 Traits Friends in “Low” Places d6, Glory
Description The Oregon Vortex is the largest Hound d6, Greedy d4, Initiate of the Mystic Arts d2,
and most active energy nexus in the entire North Mad Skillz (Mystic Arts) d4, Reputation d6, Too Mean
American continent. It’s no surprise that it would for Hell d4
occasionally spit out something fantastic. Like, Skills Animal Handling d6/Training d8, Covert d6/
say, a sentient, ambulatory tree. During a routine Sleight of Hand d10, Knowledge d6/Culture d8, Mad
Brotherhood recon mission to investigate the Mystic Arts d6/Alteration d10/Obscuring d10/
Vortex’s most recent outburst of dark energy, Offensive d12, Perception d6/Intuition d8,
the team came across Tree wandering around Performance d6/Stage Magic d10, Science d4
the forest. After determining that he wasn’t a Description Vegas can be a tough town for a
threat, the team tied him to the roof of their magician. If you want to get noticed, the illusions
van and drove him back to Regional HQ. The have to be big, expensive, and totally mystifying.
Brotherhood’s top scientists weren’t able to make And frankly, Velma wasn’t very good, but she was
heads or tails of him. As far as they could tell, he willing to do whatever it took to claw her way to
was a normal Douglas Fir in every way, despite the top. So when the stranger at the bar offered
his mobile nature. Since the Brotherhood didn’t her a chance to become the greatest magician
know what else to do with him, they put Tree in town, she jumped at it. There was a ton of
to work. Hostility towards supernaturals in the paperwork involved, lots of stuff in confusing
Brotherhood at the time was quite high, and Tree legalese, some Latin, even a couple pages of what
was no exception. Rather than join a Chapter, looked like Klingon, but she signed every dotted
Tree was accepted into Internal Affairs. There line, eager to reap the rewards. She really should
he has been able to use his impressive skills in have read the fine print. Sure, now she puts on the
espionage and infiltration to flush out traitors in best show on the strip, but she’s also consigned
the Brotherhood. Tree is a master of disguise and her immortal soul to burn for eternity in the fires
camouflage, and can disappear in practically any of Hell. But hey, at least with that pesky soul out of
environment. the way, the little stuff like that doesn’t bother her.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Plus, this isn’t any piddly smoke and mirrors crap,
this is the real thing. Floating and disappearing and Sam Hell
transmogrification, the full package. If anything, Classification Human
the Vegas show bores her, since she has to rein in Alliance Order of the Infernal Scepter
her powers to keep things believable. She’s happy Agi d8 Str d12 Vit d10 Ale d8 Int d6
to help when the Order needs to lay down some Wil d10; LP 20; Init d8+d8+d4
serious magical hurt. It feels good to really stretch Traits Brawler d6, Fades Out d12, Friends in
out and use her powers to their full potential. “Low” Places d6, Lightning Reflexes d4, Out for
Blood d8, Too Mean for Hell d12
Demon of the Order Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d10, Covert d6/
Classification Demon Sabotage d12/Stealth d12, Drive d4, Guns d4, Heavy
Alliance Order of the Infernal Scepter Weapons d4, Influence d6/Intimidation d12,
Agi d8 Str d10+d8 Vit d10+d8 Ale d6 Survival d6/Tracking d10, Unarmed Combat d6/
Int d4 Wil d8; LP 26; Init d8+d6 Grappling d12
Traits Branded by the Infernal d10, So Damn
Macho d10
Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d10, Influence d6/
Description A giant of a man, Sam is Chaos
personified. Yet you’d never spot him in a crowd.
He’s the stranger in town no one remembers.
Intimidation d10, Melee Weapons d6, Perception d6/ The homeless man you avoid eye contact with.

Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

Search d10, Survival d6/Outdoor Life d8, Unarmed You could look him in the eye, and forget him the
Combat d6/Brawling d10/Clawing d10/Grappling d10 minute you turn away. This is his gift. Even before
Description If you know what’s good for he joined the Order, Sam showed promise. He

and Innocent Bystanders

you, you’ll run. Just turn around, start running, was well on his way to becoming the most prolific
and don’t look back, because all you’ll see is the serial killer in history. He lived only to hear the
demon tearing apart whoever was slower than last, choking gasp of his victims as he squeezed
you. Of course, if you knew what was good for the life from them. Several agents of the Order
you, you wouldn’t be a Demon Hunter in the learned this firsthand when they attempted
first place, so you may as well know what you’re to recruit him to their cause. As their leading
up against. These denizens of the Pit are the Special Ops agent, Sam is a master of infiltration
meanest, strongest, toughest bastards you’re and subterfuge. Thanks to his infernally granted
likely to come across. They’re fireproof, they’re powers, there is no facility, no matter how heavily
quick healing, and holy crap are they ever fast! guarded, he can not gain access to. He disappears
You’d have to be crazy to summon a demon to in shadow, and moves without making a sound.
earth, and unfortunately there’s no shortage of You’d never even know he was there until you felt
crazy in the world. If you’re lucky, the demon his hand close around your throat. And then, it
will be bound in some way; to a talisman, a would be too late.
person, a place, anything that will limit the scope
of his wrath. An unfettered demon is far more Missy
dangerous than one under a mortal’s control. Classification Changeling
Mortal beings just don’t have the imagination for Alliance Order of the Infernal Scepter
devastation that a demon does. Now, don’t get Agi d8 Str d10 Vit d8 Ale d6 Int d6
us wrong. It’s not all hopeless. Your best chance Wil d10; LP 18; Init d8+d6
of taking down a demon is an object of faith. Traits Allergy (Cold Iron) d4, Damsel in
Whether it’s a sanctified sword, a blessed gun, Distress d4, Friends in “Low” Places d4, Second
or a sacred rocket-propelled grenade launcher, Sight d4, Shorty d2, Stubborn SOB d4, Shadow d6,
holy weaponry will take a chunk out of even Too Mean For Hell d12
the strongest demon. And when it comes to Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d10/Gymnastics d10,
consecrated arsenals, the Brotherhood can’t be Covert d6/Stealth d8, Guns d4, Heavy Weapons
beat. So chin-up buddy! Fighting demons is only d4, Influence d6/Persuasion d12, Knowledge d4,
mostly hopeless! Performance d6/Acting d10, Tech d4, Unarmed
Combat d6/Grappling d8

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Description Missy never did seem right. her difficult to keep captive. The most successful
Her parents first noticed it when she was a baby. capture involved binding her with chains of cold
She’d never cry. She would just lay in her crib iron, but even then she managed to escape from
and stare out at the world with a cold, calculating the custody of Chapter Alpha One during a routine
intelligence that seemed alien on the face of such prisoner transport. She remains at large, and
a small child. As she grew, it became apparent that should be considered extremely dangerous.
Missy was no ordinary child. She started speaking
at 12 weeks, and could bend apart the bars of her Order Recruit
crib by the time she was six months old. No, she Classification Human
was no ordinary child. In fact, she isn’t a child at Alliance Order of the Infernal Scepter
all. Missy is a Changeling, a child of the fae, left Agi d8 Str d8 Vit d6 Ale d8 Int d6 Wil d6;
as a replacement for the couple’s stolen infant. LP 14; Init d8+d8
Missy’s parents, being devout Catholics, thought Traits Brawler d4, Fast On Your Feet d2,
their daughter had been possessed by a demon, Formidable Presence d2, Friends In “Low” Places

166 and called in a priest to perform an exorcism.

The priest, however, was secretly an agent of the
Order, and he stole away with the child in the
d4, Out For Blood d4, Too Mean For Hell d12,
Tough Sunnava … d4
Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d8/Running d8/Weight
night. Missy has been raised by the Order ever Lifting d8, Covert d6/Sabotage d8, Discipline d6,
Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

since, and trained in the arts of subterfuge and Drive d6, Guns d6/Assault Rifles d10/Machine
misdirection. No one ever suspects the little girl, Guns d8/Pistols d8/Shotguns d8, Influence d4,
and Missy plays that to her advantage. Her cute Mechanic d4, Melee Weapons d6, Unarmed
and Innocent Bystanders

face and innocent demeanor have granted her Combat d6

access to otherwise impenetrable areas. On rare Description He used to burn ants with a
occasions she has been caught by Brotherhood magnifying glass. He thought it was funny—the
operatives, but it seems her fairy nature makes way they’d run around with the flames leaping up
from their backs. That got boring pretty quickly
though, and soon he was running over frogs
with the lawnmower and tying firecrackers to
the tails of stray cats. It was really only a matter
of time before the little psychopath murdered
someone. The Order got to him first. Offered
him an outlet for all of that destructive energy. It
was the first time anyone showed an interest in
his hobbies, and he found that he liked it. They
didn’t just teach him how to fight, they taught
him how to fight dirty. Showed him the most
vulnerable parts of an enemy’s body. Ran him
through countless attack drills. These days he
could find an opponent’s eye socket in his sleep.
Weapon’s training was next. The most lethal
firearms, loaded with the most deadly ammo.
Hollow points, poison tips, white phosphorous.
He’s used them all. He hurts things for a living
now. And he loves it.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

proven difficult to track effectively. While most
Johnny “The Demon” Ossesso vampire clans leave a trail of bodies in their wake,
Classification Demon the ninja vampires of the Clan of the Golden Fang
Alliance Order of the Infernal Scepter never kill while feeding. In fact, victims of the ninja
Agi d8 Str d10+d6 Vit d10+d6 Ale d8 vampires are rarely aware that they have been
Int d6 Wil d6; LP 22; Init d8+d8+d4 attacked at all, experiencing only a slight feeling
Traits Branded by the Infernal d6, Infamy d4, of light-headedness and mild anemia. They are as
Lightning Reflexes d4, Out for Blood d4, Stubborn swift and silent in feeding as they are in killing.
S.O.B. d6, Too Mean for Hell d4
Skills Athletics d6, Covert d4, Discipline d6/ Master Wu
Interrogation d12, Drive d6, Guns d6/Submachine Classification Vampire
Guns d10, Influence d6/Intimidation d12, Melee Alliance Clan of the Golden Fang
Weapons d4, Perception d4, Unarmed Combat d6/ Agi d12+d6 Str d8+d6 Vit d8 Ale d10
Boxing d10 Int d6 Wil d10; LP 18; Init d12+d10+d6
Description Johnny was a mean kid, with the
muscles to back it up. By the time he hit junior
high, he’d been running his own protection racket
Traits Anger Issues d4, For the Cause! d6,
Movie Villain Tendencies d6, Natural Leader d10,
Paranoid d4, Vampire d6
for years, so moving up to the big leagues was a Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d10, Covert d6/

Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

no-brainer. He started out working as muscle for Stealth d12, Craft d4, Discipline d6/Leadership d10,
Capone’s Chicago outfit, and made a name for Influence d6, Knowledge d6/Philosophy d10,
himself pretty quickly for the degree of violence Melee Weapons d4, Perception d4, Unarmed

and Innocent Bystanders

he employed against Capone’s enemies. When Combat d6/Ninjitsu d12
Gronthar the Devourer took possession of his Description Lenny Wutarski’s business was
body in 1928, no one even noticed the difference. in trouble. For years, the Golden Wing Dojo had
It was about five years before people even started been the hottest place in town for students of
to talk about how Johnny didn’t seem to be aging. the martial arts to study the ancient ways of the
How they’d seen him take a bullet to the chest Orient. Judo, Kendo, Ninjutsu, Lenny taught a
and not even wince. The scent of brimstone little bit of everything. Business was booming,
seemed to surround Johnny in a cloud. They called until a “Dave’s Heavenly Cheesecake Delicatessen
him “The Demon,” and as the years passed the and Celestial Kenjutsu School” franchise opened
name seemed to fit even better. Johnny’s attacks up right across the boardwalk. There was no
became more vicious. Simple collection jobs way he could compete with “Dave’s” low, low
became major cleanup jobs for the city coroner. prices and delicious New York Style Cheesecake
The Mob couldn’t risk being associated with such Samplers. The solution to his problem struck
high-visibility crimes. Eventually, Johnny stopped him as he stumbled home from a casino one
getting assignments. That’s when the Order came night. Well, it didn’t so much strike him as pull
calling. Since then, Johnny’s made a nice home him into an alleyway and sink its fangs into his
for himself with the Order, where no amount of neck. Lenny Wutarski died that night, but Master
violence is considered too excessive. Wu was born. And he was born with a purpose:
to raise a vast army of the night, trained in the

Clan of the Golden Fang

A recent entry to the supernat scene, the
ancient ways of the ninja. He will sire them, train
them, and together they will march on “Dave’s”
World Headquarters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The
Clan of the Golden Fang has rapidly distinguished vengeance of Master Wu will be swift, silent, and
itself as a singular threat to the Mortal World. bloody.
While they hold no particular animosity toward
the Brotherhood, instead seeming bizarrely
focused on a Midwestern dessert company,
any creature preying upon the living will not
be tolerated. The Clan of the Golden Fang has

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Ninja Vampire
Classification Vampire
Alliance Clan of the Golden Fang
Agi d8+d6 Str d8+d6 Vit d8 Ale d8
Int d4 Wil d6; LP 14; Init d8+d8+d6
Traits Amorous d6, Duty (Golden Fang) d8,
Fades Out d6, For the Cause! d6, Glory Hound
d4, Vampire d6
Skills Athletics d6/Climbing d10/Dodge d10,
Covert d6/Stealth d10, Influence d6, Knowledge d6,
Melee Weapons d6, Perception d6, Ranged
Combat d4, Unarmed Combat d6/Ninjitsu d10
Description Master Wu has trained them

168 well. They live in darkness, stalking the night

with an inhuman grace to feast on the blood of
the living. They are ghosts, silent as the wind,
and no sign remains of their passing. They strike
Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

from the shadows and disappear in a flash of

smoke, leaving only chaos and confusion in their
wake. Attacking with fang, fist, and feet, the
and Innocent Bystanders

Ninja Vampire is the perfect killing machine.

Or at least they would be if they could just shut
up about themselves long enough to attack
someone. Arrogant Eurotrash.

Syphilitic Ninja Vampire

Classification Vampire
Alliance Clan of the Golden Fang
The Pound
Anarcho-primitivistic eco-terrorist
Agi d8+d6 Str d10+d6 Vit d10 Ale d8 werewolves. That’s the Pound in a nutshell—A
Int d6 Wil d6; LP 16; Init d8+d8+d6 highly organized global network of regional cells,
Traits Amorous d6, Duty (Golden Fang) d8, or “Dens”, carrying out acts of corporate and
Fades Out d6, Fast On Your Feet d2, For the industrial sabotage in an attempt to bring about the
Cause! d6, Obscure Body Odor d2, Vampire d6 complete destruction of human civilization. These
Skills Athletics d6/Climbing d10/Dodge d10, bastards are crazy. From the greenest Runts to the
Covert d6/Stealth d10, Influence d6/Persuasion most experienced alphas, every member of the
d8/Seduction d10, Knowledge d6, Melee Weapons d6, Pound is willing to die for the cause. Of course,
Perception d6, Ranged Combat d4, Unarmed with the strength, speed, and regenerative abilities
Combat d6/Ninjitsu d10 of a lycanthrope, dying isn’t a big risk.
Description Just as deadly and obnoxious
as the standard Ninja Vampires of the Clan Pound Agent
of the Golden Fang, Syphilitic Ninja Vampires Classification Lycanthrope (Stage Two)
merit an additional caution. Do not, under any Alliance The Pound
circumstances, have sex with a Syphilitic Ninja Agi d8 Str d10 Vit d10 Ale d6 Int d4
Vampire. Alternately, if sex is unavoidable, use Wil d4; LP 14; Init d8+d6
protection. Remember, when used properly Traits Attuned to Nature d4, Duty d8,
condoms can dramatically reduce the risk of Lycanthropy d8, Toe the Line d4
sexually transmitted infection when having sex
with a vampire ninja, so play safe.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Skills Animals d4, Athletics d6/Dodge d8, Covert
d6, Discipline d4, Drive d2, Influence d6/Intimidation Sister Mary Dillinger
d8, Knowledge d4, Medicine d4, Perception d6, Classification Human
Survival d4, Unarmed Combat d6/Clawing d8 Alliance Sisters of Divine Retribution
Description If it hadn’t been for The Pound, Agi d10 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d12 Int d10
she’d be dead by now. It was almost a year ago Wil d8; LP 14; Init d10+d12
that she was infected. She thought it was just a Traits Duty (Sisterhood) d8, Focused Hunter
mugging, until the attacker sank his teeth into her (witch/warlock) d2, Formidable Presence d6,
arm. By the next day the bite marks were gone, Natural Leader d8, Got Religion d4
but the damage was just beginning. Her head Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d2, Covert d6/
ached from the smallest sound, and everything Stealth d8, Discipline d6/Leadership d8,
around her smelled so strongly, she was sure she Drive d4, Guns d6/Pistol d8/Sniper Rifle d12,
was having a stroke. She collapsed outside of the Heavy Weapons d4, Knowledge d6/Religion d10,
Emergency Room from the overpowering wail of Melee Weapons d4, Perception d6/Tactics d8,
an ambulance siren. If Patches hadn’t sniffed her
out, she’d probably be a goner. He helped her
up and took her to a Pound safehouse. Helped
Unarmed Combat d6
Description “Thou shalt not suffer a witch
to live.” It doesn’t get much plainer than that.
her through the transition and taught her about Yet somehow the Brotherhood has strayed from

Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

the virus. The changes it was making to her body. the path. The Director openly employs psychics,
She was stronger now, faster, and damn near warlocks, and other abominations. Offering
invulnerable. And then, he showed her the vision. refuge and sanctuary to the very creatures they

and Innocent Bystanders

A green earth, cleansed of mankind’s poisoned were tasked by God with destroying. The Sisters
touch. Running the streets of the world’s cities, show no mercy for these creatures. Under the
packs of werecreatures hunting herds of deer. leadership of Sister Mary Dillinger, the Sisterhood
Mankind and werekind living in harmony with has cleansed the earth of thousands of unholy
nature. And he showed her the plan. Lots of mistakes. Though the Sister’s hold various pacts of
people were going to die, but it was the right way. nonaggression with the Brotherhood, and will, on
The only way. occasion, even fight alongside them, the Mother
Superior is not above ordering the targeting of

Sisters of Divine supernatural Brotherhood agents. She isn’t afraid

to get her hands dirty either. She can frequently

These ladies are serious about their hunting.
be found with the Sisters in the field, picking
off long-range targets as the Sisterhood’s top
The Brotherhood’s mission is to protect the
world from Evil. That wasn’t good enough for the Nun with a Gun
Sisters. They broke away from the Brotherhood, Classification Human
denouncing St. Peter’s calls for supernat tolerance Alliance Sisters of Divine Retribution
as heretical and calling our supernatural agents Agi d8 Str d6 Vit d8 Ale d8 Int d6 Wil d6;
“abominations.” They claim to be called to LP 14; Init d8+d8
destroy all that is unnatural in the eyes of the Traits Duty (Sisterhood) d2, Got Religion d2,
Lord. These are some extreme nuns. The Idealist (The Lord Shall Provide) d2, Reputation d2
Brotherhood has worked joint missions with them Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d8, Discipline d6,
on occasion, but the Sisters aren’t above taking Drive d4, Guns d6/Machine Guns d8/Pistol d8/
shots at supernatural agents when they think no Rifle d8, Influence d4, Heavy Weapons d4,
one’s looking. Be on your guard. Knowledge d6/Religion d8, Melee Weapons d4,
Perception d4, Unarmed Combat d6/Nunjitsu d8
Description The footsoldiers of the
Sisterhood. Modern Amazons, battling evil
through prayer, ministry, and raw firepower. Their

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

motto: “If it’s not in the Good Book, it’s Bad.” Skills Artistry d4, Athletics d6, Craft d4, Drive d4,
Countless creatures of the night have fallen under Mechanic d4, Watercraft d4
the barrage of their blessed bullets. Vampires fear Description All he wanted to do was hang
the Sisterhood above all other foes, as they burn out at the lake and get drunk. Maybe he’d finally
bright with a holy righteousness unmatched by get to second base with Stacy. That’s pretty much
anything in the Brotherhood. out of the question now, since the last he saw of
Stacy was her legs sliding down the gullet of some
Revout kind of lake monster. And now these guys with
Classification Human guns showed up in a big bus with some weird
Alliance Sisters of Divine Retribution kind of flaming sword symbol on the side of it and
Agi d10 Str d8 Vit d8 Ale d8 Int d6 Wil d8; started shooting at the creature. He’s tired, and
LP 16; Init d10+d8 he’s drunk, and he’s scared, and the explosions are
Traits Duty (Sisterhood) d4, Got Religion d4, too loud, and he just wants to go home and change
Mad Skillz d8, Out for Blood d4, Reputation d4, his pants. This is the worst prom night ever!

170 Toe the Line d4

Skills Mad Athletics d6/Dodge d10/
Gymnastics d10, Discipline d6, Drive d4,
High School Witch
Classification Human
Guns d6/Pistol d8/Rifle d8, Heavy Weapons d4, Alliance None
Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

Knowledge d6/Religion d8, Melee Weapons d6, Agi d6 Str d4 Vit d4 Ale d6 Int d6 Wil d6;
Perception d4, Mad Unarmed Combat d6/Nunjitsu LP 10; Init d6+d6
d12 Traits Initiate of the Mystic Arts d2, Klutz d6,
and Innocent Bystanders

Description The elite forces of the Loose Grasp on Reality d4

Sisterhood. Trained in the seven essential forms of Skills Artistry d4, Craft d4, Influence d4,
martial arts and armed to the teeth, they are holy Knowledge d4, Mystic Arts d4, Performance d4,
vengeance personified. None who have evoked Tech d4
their wrath have lived to tell of it. Feared by the Description She thanks the Goddess for that
Order and the Brotherhood alike, the Revout, or bitch Sarah. If Sarah hadn’t totally been making out
“Nunjas”, are an unstoppable force in the field of with Amber’s boyfriend in the quad, then Amber
battle; reverent warriors without compare. wouldn’t have dropped her backpack into the
mud to go kick Sarah’s skanky ass, and the mud

Foolish Mortals
People like to think they live at the top of the
wouldn’t have splashed all over her favorite striped
socks and totally ruined them, which means she
wouldn’t have had to go to Hot Topic to get a new
food chain. It’s our job to keep them deluded. If pair for, like, way more than she paid for the first
they had any idea what was actually going bump in pair, and so she never would have passed by that
the night, how many monsters actually lived under creepy used book-store at the end of the mall
their bed, their little lizard brains would take over, where all the losers from the football team hang
setting off a world-wide panic like nothing that’s around the Orange Julius. So thanks to slut-bag
ever been seen before. Humanity isn’t ready to Sarah, she found the most wicked looking old
know how the world really works. It’s up to us to book. It’s bound in this old leather that the guy
keep them in the dark. behind the counter tried to tell her was flayed
human skin except it totally isn’t because eww,
Frightened Teenager and there’s a pentacle carved into the front of
Classification Human it and this awesome sounding title: “De Vermis
Alliance None Mysteriis.” Man, the other girls in the coven are
Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d4 Int d6 Wil d4; totally going to flip when they see this thing! She
LP 10; Init d6+d4 can’t wait to try out a spell!
Traits Coward d4, Friends in Strange Places d4

  For all that is Holy, never let them hear you call them that.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

matter their modus operandi, all Mad Scientists
Local Sheriff have three things in common: an assortment of
Classification Human technologically advanced weaponry, a snazzy
Alliance None laboratory full of blinking lights and Jacob’s
Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d6 Int d6 Wil d6; Ladders, and a scheme for world domination
LP 12; Init d6+d6 that’s so crazy that it just … might … work!
Traits Addiction (caffeine) d2, Reputation d2
Skills Athletics d4, Drive d4, Guns d4, Overzealous Hunter
Influence d4, Knowledge d4, Perception d4, Classification Human
Unarmed Combat d4 Alliance None
Description Looks like it’s going to be one Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d6 Ale d6 Int d4 Wil d4;
of those nights. The Sheriff just picked up a bunch LP 12; Init d6+d6+d4
of crazy druggies out at McClinty’s farm. Damn Traits Comfort Object (gun) d4, Crude d4,
fool kids were firing their fancy guns into the corn Lightning Reflexes d4, Tough Sunnava. . . d4
field and ranting some sorta crazy nonsense about
a scarecrow wearing the clothes of a hanged
man. Said they have to burn the clothes before
Skills Animals d6, Craft d4, Guns d6, Melee
Weapons d4, Perception d4, Survival d6, Unarmed
Combat d4
it kills again. A shot into the air from the Sheriff’s Description He was all set to spend the

Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

double-barrel put an end to that nonsense real weekend getting drunk, taking wild shots at
quick. He’ll just confiscate their guns and make passing deer, and coming home empty-handed
them sleep it off in the drunk tank. By morning on Sunday night. That all changed when that

and Innocent Bystanders

they should sober up and they can get that big-old flash of brown passed through the scope of his
hippie bus of theirs back on the road. Probably rifle and he pulled the trigger. It wasn’t a deer,
some sort of rock band, what with all the leather that was for sure. At first he thought he’d killed
clothes and that weird sword picture on the bus. another hunter, but this thing was bigger than
Dang kids and their rock music! any man he’d ever met. Seven feet tall easy,
naked, and covered in matted, dark brown hair.
Mad Scientist Holy crap, he’d bagged a Sasquatch! It was all so
Classification Human exciting in the daylight. Now that night has fallen,
Alliance None things aren’t looking so good. Something’s out
Agi d4 Str d4 Vit d6 Ale d6 Int d8 Wil d4; there. Deep guttural grunts are coming from the
LP 10; Init d4+d6 treeline around the camp. Strange shapes are
Traits Mad Skillz (Science) d4, Paranoid d4 moving around just at the edge of the firelight.
Skills Discipline d4, Influence d4, Mad The grunting is getting louder, and pinecones are
Science d6/(choose one specialty) d10, Tech d4 raining down on the roof of the tent. He bagged
Description They all laughed at him. Called a Sasquatch, and now he’s pretty sure it had a
his theories the work of a madman. Well could family.
a madman have raised an unstoppable army
of Atomic Supergeese? Or crossbred Bacillus Tabloid Reporter
anthracis and Lactobacillus to create the world’s Classification Human
deadliest cup of yogurt? Or grafted a live octopus Alliance None
to the back of a squirrel? Okay, maybe a madman Agi d6 Str d4 Vit d6 Ale d8 Int d6 Wil d4;
could do those things, but it would have to be a LP 10; Init d6+d8
pretty smart madman! Fortunately, Mad Science Traits Greedy d4, Sharp Sense (sight) d4
attracts some of the smartest madmen in the Skills Covert d6, Discipline d6, Influence d4,
world, from every scientific field imaginable! Perception d4, Tech d4
Mad Physicists trying to split the Earth in two Description Rumor has it that the Old
via harmonic resonance! Mad Geneticists Johnson Place is haunted. They say Old Man
breeding mutant Überbeasts of every kind! Mad Johnson went crazy one night and ran Mrs.
Astronomers looking for crazy new planets! No Johnson through the meat grinder in the kitchen.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Well this intrepid reporter just found out the truth. on this tiny screen, but it looks like they’re
Mrs. Johnson wasn’t the Old Man’s only victim. stabbing it with swords. Is this still Arizona?
Looks like there were at least five more, since Because it seems more like the Twilight Zone.
she’s currently watching six limbless ghosts parade
down the hallway while she snaps pictures like Tweedy Academic
crazy. Chances are pretty good that nothing will Classification Human
show up on the developed film, but if even one Alliance None
picture turns out, she’s looking at a front page Agi d4 Str d4 Vit d4 Ale d6 Int d8
spread. That kind of exposure gets noticed. Like, Wil d8; LP 12; Init d4+d6
maybe noticed by a team of holy warriors who can Traits Damned d4, Wealthy d4
help to put those tortured souls to rest. Or not, Skills Covert d4, Discipline d4, Knowledge d6/
who cares, she’s getting paid! History d10, Science d6
Description “May all who violate the tomb
Tourist with a Camera of the great Pharaoh Khafra suffer his wrath.”

172 Classification Human

Alliance None
Agi d6 Str d4 Vit d6 Ale d6 Int d6
That was the hieroglyphic inscription over the
door of the tomb. Only the great Pharaoh Khafra
isn’t in his tomb anymore. His sarcophagus is
Wil d4; LP 10; Init d6+d6 currently in the back of a truck, en route to
Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

Traits Attuned to Technology d2, the Museum of Ancient History, where one of
Damsel in Distress d4, Lightweight d2, the country’s leading Egyptologists is making
Lazy d4 the necessary preparations to study it in detail.
and Innocent Bystanders

Skills Artistry d4, Covert d4, Of course, when he opens the back of the
Craft d4, truck, the sarcophagus will be empty,
Drive d4, Perception d4, and Khafra will be pissed. That’s just
Science d4, Tech d4 the way these stories work.
Description He
cycles through his photos Chris Weiner
for the hundredth time. Classification Human
There’s no way he saw Alliance None
what he thinks he just Agi d6 Str d4 Vit d6 Ale d6
saw. And yet, there it is Int d6 Wil d4; LP 10; Init d6+d6
again. Right there on the Traits Coward d4, Fast On
LCD screen. It looks like Your Feet d2, Good-Natured d4,
a giant earthworm, easily Inconsequential d4, Quick Leaner d6,
200 feet long and at Wimpitude d4
least six feet across. It Skills Animals d4, Athletics d4,
just stuck its head right Covert d4, Craft d4, Drive d4,
out through a hole in the Influence d4, Knowledge d6/
canyon wall and crawled down Accounting d8, Perception d4,
to the river. But believe it or Performance d6, Science d4, Survival d4,
not, that wasn’t the amazing Tech d4, Unarmed Combat d4,
part. The thing he can’t wrap Watercraft d4
his head around, the reason he Description Chris has a five year plan.
keeps rewinding the tape, is the Graduate with his degree in accounting from
five figures clinging to the outside Pacific Northwest University; get a nice, safe
of the giant worm. It’s hard to tell cubicle job somewhere, crunching numbers;
maybe even marry his college sweetheart,
Katie. You know, if she tells him that that’s the
plan. Yep, Chris knows exactly where he’s
headed—a nice, boring, and dependable

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

life of average normalcy. There’s no chance that burns them real good. Since all Brotherhood
he’s about to stumble headlong into a violent and weaponry is blessed by St. Peter himself, you
bloody world of living nightmares. I mean, he can’t should be all set.
even stand the sight of blood. It makes him all
woozy. Vampire
Classification Vampire

Random Supernats
Though it might seem like it sometimes, not
Alliance None
Agi d6+d6 Str d4+d6 Vit d6 Ale d6
Int d6 Wil d4; LP 10; Init d6+d6+d6
every supernatural creature is part of a cult, clan, Traits Amorous d6, Vampire d6
or clique, fiendishly plotting your demise. Most Skills Athletics d4, Influence d6/Seduction d8,
supernats are free agents, just living by instinct and Knowledge d4, Performance d4, Unarmed
trying to survive. They’re not necessarily good, Combat d4
and they aren’t naturally evil either. But once they Description Vampirism is a disease, and
start attacking humans, it’s our job to clean up the
mess. And there’s usually plenty of mess to clean
unfortunately there is no cure. A vampire’s fangs
are hollow, much like those of a rattlesnake. Most
of the time, when a vampire feeds from a human,
nothing will happen. Either the human will recover

Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

Half-Demon feeling slightly lightheaded, with symptoms of
Classification Demon anemia, or, if blood loss is sufficient, he will die.
Alliance None On occasion however, if the vampire so desires, it

and Innocent Bystanders

Agi d4 Str d6+d4 Vit d6 Ale d6 Int d4 will inject a serum into the human’s bloodstream
Wil d6; LP 12; Init d4+d6 via his fangs. Once in the human’s system, the
Traits Anger Issues d4, Branded by the virus contained in the serum goes to work. The
Infernal (includes Allergy [Holiness] d2, Eerie human’s body changes, developing the classic
Presence d4, Immune [Fire] d8, Memorable d4, symptoms of vampirism. Sensitivities to sunlight,
add Trait die to Strength) d4 garlic, and spiritual belief. Super strength, speed,
Skills Athletics d4, Covert d4, Discipline d4, and agility. Rapid healing. And the Thirst. Were
Guns d4, Influence d4, Perception d4, Unarmed it not for the Thirst, vampires would make ideal
Combat d4 Demon Hunters. For many years this obstacle
Description Half-demons aren’t as common seemed insurmountable. All vampires, even those
as they used to be, but they’re not exactly an who had never injured a human being, nor shown
endangered species. Chances are good that any desire to, had to be killed. There was no way
someone you know has some demon blood in of providing sustenance to a hemovore without
them. The chiseled Adonis hitting on chicks at the injuring a human. Only in the past half-century
gym who never seems to work out? Half-Demon. have advances been made that allow vampiric
The 110-pound soccer mom who lifts a van off agents to survive without human blood. Vitamin
her kid? Half-Demon. Vin Diesel? You’ve got the V, a Brotherhood invention, is an artificial blood
hang of it. Back in the day, you could spot a half- substitute that provides all the nutritional benefits
demon coming from a mile away. Eight, maybe of human blood, in an entirely artificial format.
nine feet tall, solid muscle, an imposing spectacle Now, vampires are assigned to many Brotherhood
to say the least. These days though, it’s rare to Chapters, and have proven to be of inestimable
find one much bigger than your average human. value in the field.
The infernal gene pool must be drying out. Half-
demons are abnormally strong, but most of the
time you’ll be pretty evenly matched. Just your
average fight against a guy with fire-resistant skin,
horn buds, and an anger-management problem.
They’re in no way invulnerable, and holy stuff

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

useless. However, Final Stage lycanthropes have
Werewolf full control over their transformation, and are able
Classification Lycanthrope (Stage Two) to change from human, to animal form, and any
Alliance None stage in between with ease.
Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d8 Ale d6 Int d4 Wil d4;
LP 12; Init d6+d6 Z ombie
Traits Lycanthrope d8, On the Run d4, Too Classification Undead
Mean for Hell d4 Alliance None
Skills Athletics d4, Drive d4, Guns d4, Agi d4 Str d6+d8 Vit d8 Ale d4 Int d4
Medicine d4, Perception d4, Survival d4, Unarmed Wil d6; LP 22; Init d4+d4
Combat d4 Traits Addiction (brains) d6, Animate d8,
Description The werewolf, despite being Obscure Body Odor d2
the most common form of lycanthrope, is widely Skills Athletics d4, Survival d4, Unarmed
misunderstood. Many legends exist Combat d4

174 surrounding these creatures, few of

them true. For instance, a werewolf’s
transformation has nothing
Description Be they of the Science or
Voodoo variety, zombies are pretty much
good for nothing. I mean sure,
to do with the phases of they put up a hell of a fight.
Chapter Eight: Demons, Angels,

the moon. Transformation P urple N inja say: “The demon Nigh invulnerable, a zombie
occurs in three distinct stages, disarms you and makes happy ending can only be stopped by
determined entirely by the with your insidey parts. You die.” destroying its brain. But really,
and Innocent Bystanders

spread of the werevirus. how fearsome can an army of

Stage One Lycanthropes are the shambling undead be with
distinguished by thick growth of hair on the face a top speed of around four miles an hour? Should
and hands, and experience heightened olfactory one of these nasty little brain-gummers somehow
and auditory abilities. The ability to regenerate get its hands on you, for the love of god, stay away
damaged tissue presents itself in this stage. from the teeth. Zombification is the end result
Using the Brotherhood’s vaccine, 100 percent of of a cocktail of toxins, bacteria, and necromantic
infections can be halted at this stage. Stage Two energy that Brotherhood scientists haven’t even
Lycanthropes experience rapid hair growth over begun to unravel. So if a zombie bites you, you’re
the entire surface of the body. The canine teeth screwed. Sorry, nice knowing you. If you’d be so
elongate and the nose begins to protrude and kind as to use your last bullet on yourself, we’d be
darken in color. At this point in the transformation much obliged. So, being a completely unnatural
the victim can become quite violent, especially in walking corpse with zero capability for higher
the presence of fresh blood. Almost 80 percent brain function or rehabilitation, not to mention
of infections can be stopped at this point by the fact that it carries a disease that is both highly
the vaccine. Final Stage lycanthropes undergo contagious and incurable, is it any wonder that
complete transformation into the animal form. zombies are the only creature on the planet to
Radical restructuring of the skeletal and muscular warrant an official “shoot to kill” policy in the
systems take place over a very short period of Brotherhood?
time. The resulting creature possesses the full
mental capabilities of a man, but the raw animal
power of a beast. At this point, the vaccine is

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
Harkadian Chapter Leader
Agility: d6 Skills &
Strength: d6 Specialties
Vitality: Athletics: d4
d6 Covert: d2
Alertness: d6 Discipline: d6
Intelligence: Concentration: d8
d8 Leadership: d8
Willpower: d10 Drive: d2
Guns: d4
Influence: d6
Life Points: 16 Knowledge: d6
Initiative: d6+d6 Culture: d8
Religion: d8
Endurance: d6+d10 Medicine: d4
Resistance: Melee Weapons: d4
d6+d6 Mystic Arts: d6
Necromancy: d8
Summary Offensive: d8
It struck Harkadian hard when his sister Jillian died. They had become close as children after their Perception: d6
parents had been killed, and though Granny had taken care of them as best she could in her old age,
Harkadian and Jillian had looked after each other.
Harkadian refused to accept his sister’s death, and began a seven-year tour of the world. He went Assets &
to Egypt to study the Book of the Dead. In Tibet, he deciphered the Bardo Thodol and learned to recite Complications
it. He studied the ways of the Bokor in Haiti, learning to serve the loa with both hands. In Ouro Preto,
he became a pupil of Quimbanda, and acquired knowledge of offerings to Exu. Focused Hunter
When Harkadian returned, he was a new person. Though never rambunctious, he was now (Animates): d4
focused. He was not rude, by any means. In fact, having been exposed to so many cultures, he made it a
point to always observe the finest details of etiquette. He got a job as a mortician and began to work his
Duty: d8
plan. Eerie Presence: d4
Harkadian used the bodies in the mortuary for experimentation. After months, he finally Initate of the
synthesized a ritual that would bring his sister back. Though Granny was horrified when Harkadian told Mystic Arts: d2
her of his work, she was eager to have Jillian back. They went to the graveyard, and Harkadian worked
his necromancy. And it succeeded! His sister rose from the grave ... along with seventy-four other Steady Calm: d6
nearby corpses. Though they were raised, none had a strong enough will to maintain their personality,
and each became a mindless zombie.
This set off alarms at the Brotherhood, who sent a chapter to investigate. They found Harkadian battling the hordes of zombies by himself,
desperately trying to protect Granny. As the Brotherhood joined Harkadian in battle, Harkadian tried to stop his sister without injuring her, hoping
he could refine the ritual. She threw him aside, and mauled their Granny. In a fit of rage, Harkadian struck and felled Jillian. Through refusing to
sacrifice his sister, he had cost both Jillian and Granny their lives. By refusing to choose one or the other, he had lost both.
The Brotherhood offered him rehabilitation. Harkadian had always been a great student. He was now, however, highly detached and icily calm.
Always polite, and precise, Harkadian is now ready to make sacrifices. No matter how hard the outcome of the decision, he will make the choice,
even if it requires sacrificing himself or a teammate. The choice will be made, and the job will get done.

Harkadian carries a small 9mm pistol, a Jericho 941FB (d6 damage; range increment 12 yards*). He also carries a portable taxidermy kit
for repairing Ned, the tools, charms, and amulets of the necromantic arts, and a locket with pictures of his sister and grandmother—a constant
reminder of the importance of keeping a rational mind in battle.

Chapter Sigma Thirteen

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
Harkadian has extensively studied all forms of death magic (at least, those he could get his hands on). As a result, he has a vast
collection of rituals available to him. They are all cast in similar ways—they operate as complex actions (see Chapter Four: We Ride, in the
Demon Hunters Role Playing Game book), but each has their own “flair.” Here are two example rituals; for rules on how to create more, see
the rulebook.

S ense of M or talit y
Roll: Alertness + Mystic Arts
Difficulty: Easy (15)
Time per roll: 30 seconds
To cast this ritual, Harkadian must stand within a closed circle. Anything will do, but he carries some chalk to make this easier. The circle
made, crouching or sitting, he holds out in front of him a string from which hangs a small piece of bone. The ritual drains a portion of his life
force as he begins it; he loses 1 Life Point. As he concentrates on the ritual, the bone begins swaying back and forth in an unfelt wind. When
it is complete, Harkadian gains the ability to sense nearby necromantic phenomenon for up to an hour, as long as he keeps the string and
bone hanging from his hand. He can instantly sense if something cat-sized or larger dies within thirty yards and determine what species it was.
He can instantly sense if anything has died in the area in the past hour as well as what species it was and the quantity. He can also sense the
presence, direction, and distance of undead creatures within 50 yards. He cannot determine the exact number or type of creatures.

R epair N ed
Roll: Intelligence + Mystic Arts
Difficulty: Formidable (75)
Time per roll: 10 minutes
To cast this ritual, Harkadian requires several things: as much of Ned’s remains as he can find, enough other body parts to make up the
rest, a needle and thread, an electrical current strong enough to run a toaster, and a small jar with a dozen live fruit-flies in it—the kind that
only live for one day. With these components, and enough uninterrupted time to do his work, Harkadian can bring Ned back to un-life, good
as new and at full health. While working, he essentially performs the mortician’s task of piecing a body back together for viewing, combined
with the bonus of being allowed to use other bodies as well. While most rituals of this Difficulty require a much greater sacrifice than a dozen
fruit-flies, Harkadian believes it somehow uses Ned’s recent death as a sacrifice to fuel itself. Or maybe that’s why he always dies again so

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter Sigma Thirteen
NedDamage Sponge
Agility: d4 Skills &
Strength: d4 Specialties
Vitality: d6 Artistry: d6
Model Building: d8
Alertness: d6 Athletics: d6
Intelligence: d12 Craft: d6
Discipline: d6
Willpower: d10 Resistance: d8
Influence: d2
Life Points: Knowledge: d6
24 Accounting: d12
Initiative: d4+d6 Geek Culture: d12
Law: d8
Endurance: d6+d10 Perception: d2
Resistance: d6+d6 Science: d6
Physics: d8
Unarmed Combat: d2
Ned has always been the best. Through high school he was the Math Society president,
elected Archwizard of the DnD Guild, and was Valedictorian. He was no slouch at athletics either,
Assets &
winning the state championship in chess. After scoring a 1600 on his SATs, he attended Yale, Complications
graduating Magni cum Sancti Sterci, with an advanced Accounting degree in only two years. He
didn’t have a single date, or go to a single party. Animate: d8 (doesn’t add to str)
Upon graduation, he was offered a very large sum of money to do the books for “a large Bureaucratic Mind: d6
project.” The secrecy and scale intrigued Ned. Soon, he found himself keeping the books for the Damned: d4
Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch, a multi-dimensional organization with millions of employees.
And the things he saw in the files! Danger and demons and forces of evil! Ned was a great
Klutz: d8
accountant, but after five years in the Brotherhood accounting department, he was done with Obscure Body Odor: d2
that. He knew he had always been meant for something more. He was meant to be a Demon
Some tried to dissuade Ned, but he knew he could make it. He had keen tactical skills, thanks to chess and Risk. He had the endurance
of a god, able to go almost eleven minutes on the treadmill. Most importantly, he was almost untouchable in battle, having done Tae Bo for years,
and studied countless Jackie Chan movies, developing his own Spotted-Eagle Style.
As Ned expected, his intimate knowledge of the Brotherhood’s inner workings paid off. His application was accepted, and he was entered
into field agent training. However, his Spotted Eagle Style was not all he thought it would be. Ned was actually an unbelievably awful combatant,
and was the first recorded death of an agent during basic training in over 200 years.
Ned did have one thing though: a will to succeed. Noticed by chapter leader Harkadian who needed a subject with an incredibly strong will,
Ned was re-animated using an advanced necromantic ritual, and Sparky’s techno-gadgets, making him the first fully functional zombie in recorded
history, with full mental and physical control. He became Un-Ned. His knowledge of the Brotherhood system keeps his team well equipped, and
as long as spare arms and torsos are available, Un-Ned will continue to give his life for the Brotherhood.

The rest of the team is terrified by the notion of Ned using weapons, and on top of that Harkadian has forbidden Ned to use bladed weapons
at all. But that’s fine, because Ned is a master of unarmed combat, knows no fear, and feels no pain. (At least now that he’s a zombie.) That said,
Ned is also a master of improvisation, ready to grab whatever is handy to get the job done.

Chapter Sigma Thirteen

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
Ben “Gator” Bailey Survivalist
Agility: d8
Skills &
Specialties Strength: d12
Animals: d6 Vitality: d8
Animal Training: d8
Alertness: d6
Athletics: d6
Dodge: d8 Intelligence: d4
Swim: d8
Willpower: d4
Influence: d4
Melee Weapons: d4
Perception: d6 Life Points: 14
Survival: d6
Forage: d8 Initiative: d8+d6
Swamp: d10 Endurance:
Track: d8
Unarmed Combat: d6 Resistance: d8+d8
Brawling: d10
Grappling: d10
Watercraft: d2 Summary
Now most people don’t think of an alligator farm as a good place to raise a family, but five
generations of the Bailey clan have grown up surrounded by gators, and each generation has
Assets & been stronger and faster that the last. Ben Bailey’s the strongest, fastest yet. The youngest child
Complications in his family, he stands heads and shoulders above the rest of them. Tipping the scales at almost
300 pounds, and not an ounce of it fat, Ben is a mountain of a man. Ever since he was a little
Brawler: d6 kid, he’s been the main attraction at the farm, jumping in the water and wrestling the alligators,
sometimes two or three at a time. Ben’s fighting skills aren’t limited to reptiles either. His friends
Dead Broke: call him Gator, and with good reason. He may look fat and gentle, but provoke him and you’ll be
Good-Natured: d2 faced with a swift-moving, hard-hitting behemoth that you’ve got no chance of stopping. More
Heavy Tolerance: d4 than a few drunken tourists learned that lesson the hard way. It’s not that he’s a mean guy or
anything—the boy just loves to get in a scrap.
Memorable: d6 About a year back someone broke into the Bailey’s alligator farm. Gator was on his way
Tough Sunnava … : d4 out to feed the pond when he noticed that a section of fence had been torn down and some
of the gators were missing. Gator wasted no time in picking up the trail, and he gassed up his
family’s fan boat and followed it into the swamp. Now some might think that tracking a thief
through the Everglades in the middle of the night is impossible, but this sort of thing was second nature to Gator. He’d lived in these swamps all
his life, and the trail those gator thieves had left was clear as day to him. The trail was leading him to a small island in the swamp, and he killed
the motor to try to sneak up on them. Not that it would have made a difference though, since it sounded like World War III had just started over
Turns out the alligator thieves had been acolytes of Sobek, an ancient Egyptian crocodile god. Sobek had a reputation as a real vicious bastard,
and the acolytes learned about it real quick. After sacrificing the Bailey’s gators to resurrect their god, there wasn’t much left of them apart from
a few stains on the ground. The real noise was coming from the Brotherhood Agents who had tried to stop the resurrection, and were now stuck
fighting for their lives against the biggest goddamn crocodile that Gator had ever seen, thirty feet long if it was an inch.
There’s a trick to gator wrestling, and Gator Bailey learned it early in life. Don’t get bit. You master that, and there’s not a gator, croc, or
caiman you can’t handle. It also helps to have balls of steel, and Gator’s got those in spades. That boy grabbed some supplies out of his boat, ran
up on shore, and before those soldier boys knew what happened, Gator had that nasty croc trussed up real nice, tied nose to tail with a healthy
length of duct tape wrapped around its jaws. Needless to say, the agents were impressed. They told him about the Brotherhood, and their fight
against the forces of evil, but none of that mattered to Gator. He just smiled and asked when he’d get to fight against something as big as that croc

He’s a simple man, with simple needs. He doesn’t tend to weigh himself down with unnecessary objects. He just prefers to get up close
and personal when he’s fighting. Nine times out of ten, Gator just bare-knuckles his way through the bad guys. If he’s up against a particularly
nasty fellow, he might tuck a couple rolls of quarters in his fists, or even slip on some brass knuckles (uses normal rolls for unarmed combat,
but adds d2 damage). The only other weapon he usually carries is a big-ass machete (d4 damage), handy for chopping his way through swamps,
underbrush, and armies of the undead. Otherwise, he’ll improvise with whatever might be handy. Chairs, tables, bottles, other enemies, other
teammates—any one of them is a weapon in Gator’s hands.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter Sigma Thirteen
Trisha “Sparky” Carnacki
Agility: d8 Skills &
Strength: d4 Specialties
Vitality: d6 Athletics: d2
Drive: d4
Alertness: d8 Influence: d4
Intelligence: d8 Knowledge: d6
Mechanic: d6
Willpower: d8 Create Mechanical Device d10
Mechanical Repairs d8
Life Points: Perception: d6
14 Science: d6
Initiative: d8+d8 Physics d10
Mad Tech: d6
Endurance: d6+d8 Create Technical Devices d10
Resistance: d6+d6 Jury-Rigging d10
Repair d10

Assets &
Summary Complications
Technology speaks to her. Not in any sort of new-agey, hippy, metaphysical sort of way; she just
has an innate understanding of how things work. There isn’t an electrical device she can’t build, repair, Allure: d4
or improve, given the right equipment. For as long as she can remember, she’s been called Sparky. Attuned to Technology: d6
Apparently the nickname comes from one of her earliest experiments, involving the inner workings of a
TV remote and an electrical outlet, but she unsurprisingly has no memory of the event. Duty (Brotherhood): d4
She has no memory of her dad either. He walked out on her mom when Sparky was a baby. All Mad Skillz: d4
she ever got from his side of the family was brown eyes and a last name. So it came as somewhat of a Memorable: d8
shock when she found out on her eighteenth birthday that she had a great-grandfather over in London,
and an even bigger shock when she learned that she was the sole heir of his estate. Mystic Vortex: d6
Grandpa Thomas had done pretty well for himself over the years. He left her a sizeable trust fund, Walking Armory: d4
a gorgeous old building in Chelsea, and a small fleet of vintage cars. The most exciting find was in a
secret room, hidden behind a bookshelf in her grandfather’s study. There, Sparky found case after case
of vintage electrical equipment, all gleaming brass and vacuum tubes. Bizarre gadgets with names like “Electric Pentacle” and “Spectrum Defense” with
functions that Sparky couldn’t begin to guess, but couldn’t wait to figure it out. At the center of the room stood a small podium, holding a single, leather
bound book. A set of flaming swords graced the cover, and inside was a brief inscription from her great-grandfather: “Sparky, Your talents are great, and
your spirit is strong. The Brotherhood needs you. Thomas Carnacki.”
Sparky read the book cover to cover. The title page proclaimed that it was the “Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch Guidebook for Field Agents
of the British Empire for the Year of Our Lord 1911.” There were charms and wards against evil; histories of paranormal activity in the British colonies;
detailed descriptions of vampires, werewolves, faeries, and other creatures, along with the best methods of killing them. All of it wholly improbable, yet
entirely fascinating. What Sparky found most interesting was an appendix in the back of the book titled “Contacting the Brotherhood.” There was no
text, only an elaborate drawing of a circumscribed pentagram, made up of a series of tiny, interconnected lines. It was labeled “Summoning Circle,” but
it felt intensely familiar to Sparky. It soon dawned on her that the drawing was essentially a circuit diagram. She grabbed her soldering iron and a spare
breadboard, and set to work. Ten minutes later, she was done, having wired an ethernet connector to the circuit’s termination point as an afterthought.
She plugged it in and crossed her fingers. A golden ball of light appeared over the circuit board, and a cloud of mist enveloped her as a synthesized voice
rang out from her speakers: “Aura Identified. Agent Thomas Carnacki, Retired. Welcome to the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch. She is the only civilian
ever to hack into the Brotherhood Database. It was almost four hours before her intrusion was detected and a team was sent to bring her in. Thomas was
right, the Brotherhood does need her.

Sparky carries her trusty Necrometer —used to measure ectoplasmic or necromantic energies in the area. (Detects undead, most of the time,
for up to 50 yards.) She also carrries a minaturized version of her great-grandfather’s Electric Pentacle. It’s a spherical metal gadget with 4 laser diodes
spaced evenly around the middle, and a focusing lens at the top. When activated the EP’s lasers draw a 5-foot circle around the device and the power
focused through the lens to form a protective dome. Used to bind ghosts, or to form protective circles against spirits and infernal creatures. (Undead
creatures cannot pass through the barrier—including Ned.) The batteries last only 10 minutes before needing replacement. Her only weapon is a
homemade taser built using flash capacitors from disposable cameras. (Range 20 feet, any living target struck must make HARD Vitality + Endurance roll
or fall unconscious for d8 turns.) She also carries a portable electronics tool kit.

Chapter Sigma Thirteen

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
Agility: d8
Skills &
Specialties Strength: d8
Athletics: d6 Vitality: d8
Dodge d8
Alertness: d6
Jump d8
Run d8 Intelligence: d6
Cover: d4
Willpower: d6
Discipline: d6
Intimidation d8
Drive: d2 Life Points: 22
Guns: d6
Pistols d12 Initiative: d8+d6
SMG d12 Endurance:
Heavy Weapons d6
Melee Weapons: d6 Resistance: d8+d8
Perception: d6

Assets & Summary

Complications Don’t mention the War. It’s not generally something the Brotherhood likes to talk about.
The inevitable final confrontation between the forces of good and evil, where only one side
Addiction (oxypills): d8 will survive—it’s a real conversation killer. Not good for morale. Still, there are factions within
the Brotherhood devoted to thinking only about the War, and devising ways to make sure
Dead Inside: d6 that Heaven comes out on top. Project Armageddon was one of those ways. At least, it was
Duty (Brotherhood): d12 supposed to be.
Natural Athlete: d6 Supersoldiers. Perfect killing machines. Strong, fast, agile, designed to fight effectively in
any environment against any species of foe. The ideal soldier cloned thousands upon thousands
Second Sight: d8 of time. Entire battalions of men, each one identical to the last molecule. Trained in every form
Tough Sunnava … : d12 of armed and unarmed combat known to the Brotherhood, they would rise up against the
forces of Hell and overwhelm them with skill and numbers. The prototype phase of Project
Armageddon was wildly successful, and the first batch of 5,000 soldiers were rushed through
production. The bodies were decanted from their quick-growth chambers and placed in stasis in a laboratory deep within the Warehouse to await
the End of Days. Everything would have gone perfectly, if a lab tech hadn’t hit the wrong switch on his way out the door as he was leaving for the
Supersoldiers. 5,000 of them. Each one programmed to fight without mercy against the forces of evil. Each one finding himself faced with
4,999 identical versions of himself. Apparently there was a small oversight in the soldiers’ programming. They didn’t know they were clones. So
they compensated by identifying each other in the only way they knew how.
The fighting was fierce, wild, and unchecked. Bones shattered, blood sprayed, and limbs were ripped from their sockets, as 5,000 of
the deadliest fighters in existence battled one another for dominance. By the time the morning shift arrived to open the lab, one lone soldier
remained, curled up exhausted in a massive puddle of gore. Needless to say, the project was canceled. The surviving soldier was given the
moniker “Armageddon” and was placed into basic training. He still bears the scars of his battle.
As for the War, the scientists are still thinking about it. Still coming up with new plans, new projects. They’ll be ready.

Armageddon wears a combat jacket (ignores 2 points of damage from each attack) carries a custom-modified MP5AS submachine gun
(d6 damage single-shot; d8 burst; d12+d2 for autofire but uses up half the ammunition; range increment 40 yards*). His sidearm is a Ruger P95
9mm pistol (d6 damage; range increment 15 yards*). A combat knife (d2 damage) is always tucked in his boot. He wanted to bring grenades,
but the Chapter Leader said “no grenades.” If anything could make Armageddon sad, that would have been it. He also carries four doses of his
respiratory medicine.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Chapter Sigma Thirteen
The Cipher
Database Liason
Agility: d6 Skills &
Strength: d6 Specialties
Vitality: d10 Covert: d6
Disable Device d10
Alertness: d6 Drive: d6
Intelligence: d10 Knowledge: d6
Culture d12
Willpower: d6 History d12
Religion d12
Life Points: Mechanic: d4
16 Perception: d6
Initiative: d6+d6 Science: d6
Math d12
Endurance: d10+d6
Resistance: d10+d10 Assets &
Summary Cipher: d6
He lives to serve—as long as there isn’t any danger involved. His base programming is Coward: d8
hardcoded into the neural net of his positronic brain. Above all else, follow any direct order from a Fast On Your Feet: d2
superior officer… unless there is risk of damage.
The Cipher is of standard construction, but has demonstrated a few unusual personality quirks.
Intended for use with the Brotherhood recruitment and training program, lines of code were added so the Cipher would
avoid combat and danger. This manifests in his personality matrix as abject and unapologetic cowardice. This particular
Cipher lives in a constant state of paranoia and fear. He is loyal and helpful, but ready to leap out of harm’s way, hide in a dark
corner, and cry for his motherboard, at the first sign of danger.
He is a whiz at research, with much knowledge stored in his goggles and nearly everything else in this universe (and
several others) available through the laptop and a link to the Brotherhood Database. The Cipher is eager to prove his worth,
and will even promise to be brave, if asked. He insists he’s not a coward—he’s just programmed that way.

No way the Cipher is going to carry any weapons — that’s just asking for trouble, thank you. The only piece of
equipment he carries, other than the power cord that normally stays tucked in his pants, is his laptop. Though it looks like a
piece of junk from the 90s, it’s actually state-of-the-art equipment featuring cutting edge software that would make a Seattle
software mogul blush. Assuming the signal isn’t blocked, the Cipher may use it to access the Brotherhood database from
almost anywhere for the purposes of research.

Chapter Sigma Thirteen

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
A Walk in the Park by the Brotherhood is IMPOSSIBLE to detect. If
things go haywire, Jim is ready to step in and assist,
but the noobs should not count on any help. At the
Some people are ready for anything. They train moment indicated in the adventure, Jim leaves the
day in and day out for an event that always seems Chapter on their own. After all, if they can’t handle
just around the corner. Weekend warriors who this, they don’t have what it takes to be successful
exercise and prepare to fight for a cause they have Demon Hunters.
yet to choose. In the Brotherhood, things are a bit
clearer. There is an enemy around every corner: The
Order of the Infernal Scepter. They are evil, they are Setting the Scene
cruel, and they would love to kill anyone who fights This adventure is laid out in several scenes
for right and good in this world. Every day, new covering the events planned for our intrepid heroes.
recruits leave the Brotherhood’s protective embrace The scenes are in the order that makes the most
to venture in the world. Some make their mark, sense for the story and cover some basic learning
others just make a smear.
Your first day in the field. Everything you have
been taught is fresh in your mind and the world is
activities for the new Demon Hunters. The story
should unfold as the players progress and learn how
to use their new-found skills and abilities.

still shiny and new. Stepping into the night armed All scenes are laid out in the following manner:
with the finest weapons available and good itself at
your side, you see a flash of the glory that awaits The Setup
you, your Chapter, your family. At least, until Ned The first part of each scene sets up the

Adventure: “Training Day”

gets his face smashed in by a vampire with a venereal adventure. It usually begins with a bit of flavor text
disease. That puts a damper on the whole day. that you can read to your players to get them in the
right mindset. You are also free to use it as a guide
for your own version of things.
What is this?
This is an introductory adventure for the Demon Problems
Hunters Role Playing Game. This adventure occurs There are always problems. If there weren’t,
immediately after the end of the Orientation DVD there wouldn’t be a reason for a Demon Hunting
using the Demon Hunters introduced therein. You, Chapter to be there. This is where any encounters—
the Game Master, should familiarize yourself with good or bad—arise. Creatures of the dark, damsels
the adventure and you’ll be ready to lead a new in distress, and general pains in the tuckus will show
Chapter of Hunters into the world. You can also up in this section. While killing everything in sight
steal ideas from this adventure and use them in one is certainly an option, it is not always the best one.
of your own tabletop combat simulations. Thousands Make sure you have everyone’s stats in front of you
of uses! just in case the players get trigger happy.

Now What?
Your Story and Your Chapter After the players resolve the conflict and
This Chapter is the greenest of the green. The hide the bodies, something has been altered for
first actual action they saw ended in near disaster better or for worse. Even if they haven’t all made
with the death of Ned. The story, however, is how it through, this is where the Chapter examines the
you see it. Every new chapter takes a test like consequences for their actions.
this and every one does differently. Since this is an Note Words in all capitals are either Task
introductory adventure, you should use the pre- Difficulty Levels (like EASY, HARD, FORMIDABLE)
generated Demon Hunters provided. All of these or Skills (like, Agility, Melee Weapons, or Kick in the
characters appear in the Orientation DVD. Even if Junk –fine, that last one is unofficial, but don’t let
the chapter thinks they are on their own, Silent Jim that stop you). Thus, when you read a phrase like,
and the Brotherhood closely monitor them. The “Fighters find killing Duamerthrax IMPOSSIBLE … ”
miniature video camera implanted in Ned’s left eye this means that the Difficulty for the desired action

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

is indeed Impossible and requires a die roll of 31 or “Listen, Al, lay off the kids. You’re only here
higher to succeed. In this way, you’ll know how hard because your last Chapter quit. Look, this is easy.
things are without flipping pages. You’re headed about three hours north into Canada.
Jim’s taking you to a guy we use when Chapters

Scene 1: Reorientation don’t seem to grasp the finer points of how not to
get killed. Professor Sneed is a bit of an eccentric,
but he’s the best. Head up into Riding Mountain
and find his cabin. He’ll guide you through the rest
The converted SUV rumbles along the dark of your training.”
road. The night seems more frightening than ever Jim stares at the hologram through his ever-
before. It oppresses the senses and closes in from present sunglasses. Gabriel looks up at his friend
all sides. An occasional town, one streetlight, and and winces.
perhaps a gas station, punctuate the long drive “No, Jim, you didn’t do a bad job. This is
in the North Dakota flats. The instructions the standard procedure when a noob bites it. You know

 Brotherhood gave Jim mean no stops, though. Not

even for Ned to take a pee break—even undead
accountants drink coffee, it seems.
that. Hell, we’re lucky only one of them kicked it! I
mean, usually … ”
Gabriel stops suddenly and looks around at
Buttons line the dashboard console, most with you. He swallows hard and stutters a bit.
arcane symbols never seen inside an American- “Um, well, yeah. Usually the whole Chapter
made car. All assuredly do something really cool, makes it out safely and lives full, productive lives.
but no one dares cross Jim and push one at random. That’s what happens. Nope. No chance that you
Adventure: “Training Day”

Only Aloysius, the new Chapter Leader put in place all might die in a blazing inferno of death and
by the Brotherhood, is allowed to ride shotgun. destruction.”
Sparky and Ned sit in the far back with their hands Again, he stares uncomfortably.
tied. Jim insisted on these arrangements because “Look, be careful and listen to Sneed. He’ll
Sparky would most likely want to rewire the car show you what to do. Alpha … Omega Fifteen out.”
while it drove and Ned is a bit of a moron. A signal
flashes on the dash and Jim reaches over to press a
button hidden amongst the many outlined by dim
LEDs across its surface. A holographic projection of
Gabriel, Chapter Leader of Chapter Omega Fifteen,
“Well, you really screwed that one up. Ned
died and the Syphilitic Ninja Vampire escaped.
You are obviously not ready to complete training
yet. The Brotherhood is giving you one last chance
before you are permanently assigned to ride the
desk in some backwater hole like they did to—
never mind. Aloysius has been assigned to you as
Chapter Leader to help keep you in line.”
With a quick head turn, the new Chapter
Leader looks at each of you and points a finger
accusingly. Through clenched teeth he says,
“If you noobs don’t get your shit together, I’ll
kill you myself.” Looking at Ned he continues,
The hologram of Gabriel looks up at Aloysius
and shakes his head.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

The hologram winks out of existence leaving days. A Brotherhood-standard sedan with Ontario
you in complete darkness, save for the headlights plates sits out front and a lit fireplace shines
on the road. Jim simply turns back to the through the front window. Jim speaks without even
lonesome road. looking at you.
“Something is not right here. Sneed should
have greeted us. Be careful. Get out of the car and
How it is [Setup] secure the cabin.”
Aloysius has been appointed the new Chapter A quick flick of his finger and the child locks
Leader. He will answer any questions they ask disengage, allowing you to leave.
as best he can, but cannot give any more details
as to what they might find and will be a real dick
about it. If anyone asks, “Is this a test?” Jim replies, How it is [Setup]
“Everything is a test.” The Chapter can search the grounds and the
cabin. It is HARD to turn up any evidence while
Now What?
As soon as everyone is satisfied with the
answers they get, move on to Scene 2.
searching around the cabin (using Alertness +
Perception). What little there is cannot be accurately
identified. The Chapter might find smudged

footprints under a window or scratches on the door,

Scene 2: Arrival AND but nothing that indicates a struggle or forced entry.


Adventure: “Training Day”

Sneed’s defenses on the perimeter of the
cabin are still active. The accompanying sidebar
(Cabin Defenses) gives the location and type of
Off the beaten path doesn’t even begin to each trap as well as the Difficulty to disarm and the
describe this place. Besides being in the middle of damage caused if it’s set off. Fortunately, spotting
Nowhere, Canada, the park has seen better days. the defenses without tripping them is automatic for
The paved road beyond the entrance looks too Demon Hunters trying to enter cautiously or looking
worn for its age. Potholes and weeds pockmark its around even a little. Allow players to exercise
surface with disdain for the encroachment of man. creativity in their attempts to disarm the traps. They
Jim stops at the border of the park. He turns and could try smashing them with something (Strength
looks at each of you. You can feel his hidden eyes + Melee Weapons), picking them apart (Alertness
burn into your very being. + Mechanic), shorting out the supernatural
“This is not a safe place,” he intones. “No components on the Rune or the Circle (Willpower
matter what you see or hear, do not leave the car + Mystic Arts), or even walking through them and
until I tell you. Do not leave the protective circle suffering the consequences (Ned).
around the cabin. If you do, I will not come and Assuming they get inside and the Chapter
get you. You will die here and your soul will not searches the house, go on to Scene 2-1.
Without waiting for questions, he throws the
SUV into drive and heads into the darkness. The
Cabin Defenses
headlights dim momentarily, but the car moves Front Door Rune of Warding; HARD; d6
along on the rugged road. A few miles in, Jim turns explosion damage, 5-foot radius
Front Steps Trip Wire Flamethrower; EASY; d6
off the paved road all together, running along a Fire damage
packed dirt road surrounded by trees that have Windows and Front Door Super-Guard Alarm
seen more horrible things than a human could ever System; AVERAGE; alarm sounds at 100
decibels for 30 sec, 1d2 Stun, 150-foot radius
imagine. Finally, after what seems like hours, a
Surrounding the Cabin 75-foot radius; Circle
rusted, chain-link fence appears, blocking the path. of Protection; FORMIDABLE; allows forest
Jim flashes his lights and the gate opens. Inside creatures and other bump-in-the-nighters in
the fence lies a log cabin that has also seen better if broken

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Current Whereabouts A clan of Minions is
Scene 2-1: [Interior Cabin] currently under study by Brotherhood agent Sneed
in Ontario.
The interior of the cabin reveals the spartan No further information available.
existence of Professor Sneed. Not that he goes
around kicking people into pits—he just lives simply. The only understandable bit of information left
At first glance, the main room of the cabin is largely on the desk is on a torn scrap of paper that reads:
undisturbed. A plain couch and easy chair sit a
comfortable distance from the roaring fireplace in the Daily Report: October 15–October 21,
main area. A desktop computer with the Brotherhood 2007
logo screensaver adorns an antique wooden desk.
Various cabin standards hang on the walls along with Monday More scratching from below. The
awards and commendations from various agencies, Minions seem more restless than usual. New
indecipherable to anyone who isn’t already a member. password for the week: snuggle

 Two doors leave the room: The one on the left stands
ajar and leads to the kitchen, while the other remains
Tuesday Minions seem louder than usual.
Better call in a Chapter to perform standard
Wednesday Strange sounds from below.
If the Chapter searches the desk, read the There’s a new voice leading the Minions. It sounds
following: organized and has a strange lisp. More scratching,
but not at the door this time.
Adventure: “Training Day”

On the desk, you find the Professor’s notes. One Thursday Put in call to Brotherhood. Asked
is a day-by-day account of what appear to be minor for Gabriel and his Chapter. Hope they’re as
supernatural occurrences from a pit somewhere; one reliable as they used to be.
details the anatomy of what the Professor called a Friday
“Demonic Minion;” and yet another reveals intimate Saturday
details of Sneed’s last shopping trip. It seems the Sunday
good Professor has a penchant for Snacky Cakes and
Cobbler’s Crystals. The picture on the anatomy page Any attempt to use the computer is met with a
is an unusual one. The creature appears humanoid, standard “Username:/Password:” screen. Entering
roughly five feet tall with dark red skin. Nothing else “Sneed” and “snuggle” does nothing to the computer,
is written on the page. but does open a hidden panel on the wall underneath
the awards.
The Professor left no information on
the Minions, but the Chapter can search the When you press the enter key, a small door
Brotherhood database through their Cipher and find slides open in the wall. A sickly green glow comes
the following: from the small, dark tunnel beyond. It seems Sneed
has more secrets hidden away in his cabin.
Demonic Minion The hidden room is unlike anything you have
Type Half-Demon seen before. Even Jim seems surprised. Well, he’s
Danger Level 3 of 10 pretty much just standing there as usual, but you
Description Demonic Minions are the imagine he’s surprised. A large tube filled with
result of a thousand years of inbreeding and abuse a viscous green fluid dominates the back wall. A
by various evil masters. Clans of Minions live creature covered in tubes and wires floats in the
underground and serve whoever comes around liquid. Working at a large console is a hunched
offering the shiniest bits. Minions are generally figure barely capable of being called a man. He
unreliable and are considered cannon fodder by stands barely five feet tall and his face is deformed,
many. They are not true demons in any sense of pock marked, and hard. He turns as you enter and
the word. Minions exist on the material plane
independent of any summoning or evil intent.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

hisses, “What’s the point of having a secret lab if Aloysius will play this one by the book and
everyone and their hideously deformed mother can want to send him back to HQ immediately. He
find the place? Who the hell are you people?” won’t allow (much) violence to come to Chip, but
will insist on calling in a more experienced Chapter.
It will be HARD, but he can be talked out of it if
How It Is [Setup]: the Demon Hunters are persuasive (Willpower +
If the Chapter has already researched the Influence).
Demonic Minions, they recognize the creature in the Chip gives the Chapter a vague map of the
jar as one. tunnels, claiming to have never traversed them.
The hunchback is Sneed’s assistant Chip. He is He warns them about the SNV and a handful of
sarcastic, callous, and really doesn’t like anybody. If Minions in small, unorganized groups. Chip begs to
asked, he will claim that Sneed left without warning be left to his work and swears to never, ever betray
and he’s not been seen in three days. A MODERATE a Brotherhood operative again. Jim simply watches
visual examination of Chip (Alertness + Perception) how the Chapter works in this situation. He offers
suggests that he’s lying. An Extraordinary Success
reveals beads of sweat and a slight nervous twitch
above his left eye. He won’t tell the truth unless
no advice.

threatened by actual violence. Scene 2-2: [Interior Kitchen]
Chip knows he technically betrayed the
Brotherhood, but he really, really couldn’t stand The kitchen is largely undisturbed. Pots, plates,
Sneed. He claims that Sneed has taken credit for his and glasses stack in the sink, indicating that—

Adventure: “Training Day”

research and keeps him hidden to save face. Chip let indeed—a single man lives in this cabin. Despite
the Syphilitic Ninja Vampire (SNV) into the tunnels Sneed’s reputed intelligence, it seems his decorating
below and reattached the trap door after the SNV style is set firmly in the early crap period of the
stupidly and impatiently broke the lock. He throws 1970s. The appliances and table may have survived
himself on the Chapter’s mercy and begs them not the Vietnam era, but the veneer is now scuffed and
to turn him in. marked from years of misuse. The giant throw rug

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

on the hideous tile floor is the only redeeming item Notes Not having any defensive Skill (Athletics),
in the room, but looking at its twisting patterns gives the Minions will simply attack every turn. However,
you a bit of a headache. if a player thinks to attempt to intimidate them into
surrendering, the roll is Willpower + Discipline
MODERATE searching reveals that the rug against Willpower + Discipline (one roll counts for
is bunched up at the far corner of the room as if all of them, and this can only be tried once); if the
someone has moved it recently. Minions lose, they flee down the tunnel and vanish
from sight.
Hidden under the rug is a wooden trap door. From this point, heading down into the trap
While the rest of the house seems thrown together, door leads to Scene 3.
this door is heavy and purposeful.

MODERATE examination reveals that the hinges Scene 2-3: [Interior Bedroom]
are slightly bent and the lock has been torn from its

 housing and reattached in a hasty attempt to hide it.

The lock on the trap door is simple enough to

Opening the door leads you to the scene you
hoped not to find—violence most definitely ensued.
The bedroom is in shambles. Lamps and pictures
open, even without the key. As you examine the lie in broken pieces around overturned dressers and
door, Aloysius begins arguing with Jim. Well, Jim’s furniture. Drawers are scattered and picked through,
mostly standing there looking intimidating and Al’s as if the culprit were looking for something. Barely
doing most of the talking. anything in the room or adjoining bathroom is left
Adventure: “Training Day”

“Someone needs to stay here and wait for the intact.

cavalry while these noobs distract whatever’s down
there. I don’t trust any of them to do it and I’m not It’s HARD to see, but an Alertness + Perception
letting you screw up another mission. I don’t care roll lets the Chapter find drops of blood under the
how intimidating you think you are!. You keep your mattress.
big, creepy ass up here and I’ll make sure nothing
gets screwed up down there. Got me?”
Jim simply stares at your Chapter Leader for Scene 3: Separation
just long enough to make all of you want to crawl
out of your skins. He nods once and simply says, Anxiety
“Fine.” He leans up against the kitchen counter
and strikes a match to light his cigar. Where he The hole leading under the kitchen is dimly lit
suddenly got a match and cigar, you have no idea. from below. A flicker in the light and a puff of smoke
Your Chapter Leader glares at you and pulls from the depths suggest torches or, if life really sucks,
open the trap door swiftly. With his focus on Jim, the smoldering corpse of Sneed placed there to lure
the source of his annoyance, Aloysius does not his would-be rescuers to their doom. You climb down
notice the crossbow bolt that slams into his throat the rickety stairs into a cramped tunnel no more than
from the dark opening. With a gush of blood, 10 feet wide and seven feet tall. Torches light the way
he falls onto the tile floor. Jim looks at him and down the long corridor bending beyond your line of
incredulously exclaims, “Damn!” The distraction is sight.
enough to give the three creatures rushing up the
stairs the element of surprise. It is EASY to see signs of a struggle at the foot
of the stairs. A torn bit of flannel still clings to the
bottom step. Tracks in the dirt on the floor indicate
G uar d M inions someone being dragged down the tunnel. After the
Agi d4 Str d8 Vit d6 Ale d2 Int d4 Wil d4; Init Chapter begins to head down the tunnel themselves,
d4+d2; LP 10 they find the following scrawled on the wall:
Skills Discipline d2, Perception d4, Unarmed

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

It is EASY to see the raised bumps in the floor Now What?
ahead. They continue on for about 20 feet at odd The bar across the gate is quite heavy and is
intervals. Also EASY to spot are the giant boulders HARD to lift far enough to remove. Beyond, the
hanging 15 feet above the tunnel. Chapter finds a dimly lit hall winding as it appears
The trap is, as before, EASY to detect and avoid; on their map. A door is on the immediate left as
the spaces between the bumps are quite safe. If any the Chapter enters the hallway. The door on the
boulders fall, a MODERATE Dodge roll will let the left is outlined in Scene 4–1 and the right door is in
unlucky bastard who tripped the trap avoid certain Scene 4–2.
squishiness. The fallen boulders are IMPOSSIBLE to
move, but can easily be skirted to continue on the
path. Scene 4-1: Oh, Junk.
Scene 4: In Which The heavy metal door is rusted around its

Our Heroes Do Great hinges. A small opening with ancient bars reveals a
horrible sight within. Two Minions stand on either 
Battle side of a darkly clad figure. His robes resemble
those of a Shao Lin Monk, but they are covered in
scrawled anarchist markings. He stands silent and
The tunnel snakes on for at least a mile before foreboding, arms folded, and hood drawn. On the
coming to an open area. The passage beyond is other side of the room a man dressed in a purple gi

Adventure: “Training Day”

closed off by a bolted wooden gate and guarded by is chained. A mask covers his face, but blood from
four Demonic Minions. They stand silently and do not various wounds flows openly. This man, the legend
seem to have noticed you. known only as the Purple Ninja, rolls his head
towards his captor and speaks softly. The mask
moves with his lips, but you could swear the words
did not match the timing.
How it is [Setup] “You can do as you wish to me, fiend. Neither
Thus begins the battle sequence. These guards your cruel henchmen nor your foul stench can
aren’t the brightest or most coordinated Minions and make me talk. I will be silent like the whispering
should pose little issue for the Chapter. wind. My voice will not be heard by the most
sensitive of ears. The quiet I send forth will be as
Problem deadly as the mosquito is green. Ho ho, ha ha ho.”
There is no way to continue forward without The black-clad man laughs. It is a cruel,
passing the guards. hollow sound. He tips his head, tossing off his
hood. Randomly spiked hair, black with a dyed
G uar d M inions white stripe in the middle, tops a face only a blind
Agi d4 Str d8 Vit d6 Ale d2 Int d4 Wil d4; Init mother with no sense of smell could love. Metal
d4+d2; LP 10 spikes and plugs adorn much of the man’s pale
Skills Discipline d2, Perception d4, Unarmed face. He sneers at his captive.
Combat d6. “You are not meant to talk, Purple Ninja. You
Notes Not having any defensive Skill (Athletics), are meant to suffer and die.” Suddenly, the pierced
the Minions will simply attack every turn. However, man moves to an attack position. “You are meant
if a player thinks to attempt to intimidate them into for pain at the hands of I, Skunk, the Dark Punk
surrendering, the roll is Willpower + Discipline Junk Monk.”
against Willpower + Discipline (one roll counts for With a snap, Skunk’s leg finds its way deep
all of them, and this can only be tried once); if the into the groin of the Purple Ninja. The cry of pain is
Minions lose, they flee down the tunnel, smashing like nothing you have ever heard. It is the sound of
the door as they go, and vanish from sight. ultimate suffering.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

G uar d M inions all attempts to heal him. He believes himself too far
Agi d4 Str d8 Vit d6 Ale d2 Int d4 Wil d4; Init gone. If the Purple Ninja was killed before or during
d4+d2; LP 10 the fight, skip the next paragraph:
Skills Discipline d2, Perception d4, Unarmed
Combat d6. The Purple Ninja looks at you through swollen
Notes Not having any defensive Skill (Athletics), eyes. His lips begin to move a split second before
the Minions will simply attack every turn. Unlike the you hear “Thank you, Demon Hunters. You are quite
previous Minions, these ones are little braver, and worthy allies. Consider my streak … broken.” With
cannot simply be cowed—not while Skunk is around, this, the Purple Ninja dies.

S kunk
Agi d10, Str d8, Vit d8, Ale d6, Int d6, Wil d8, Scene 4-2: The Enemy

Init d10+d6, LP 16
Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d8, Unarmed Combat of My Enemy
d6/Junk-Kicking d8, Perception d4.
Notes These are fairly minimalist stats for The thick wooden door shows signs of age, but it
Skunk. He possesses the special Recurring Villain appears quite solid. The rusted hinges and bands are
(d8) Asset: He usually flees successfully at the last supplemented by a complex, bizarre mechanical lock
moment, and even when he appears to be killed, his inscribed with glowing runes. Though it is muffled, you
body is never found! can hear a groaning sound through the door. It sounds
Adventure: “Training Day”

almost human.
How it is [Setup]
The Purple Ninja is a folk hero in Demon Hunter
circles. His tales are legendary and his winning streak How it is [Setup]
is unmatched. Seeing him here, the Chapter is almost The door is magically sealed; Demon Hunters
compelled to help him. can either try to beat down the door with a HEROIC
feat of Strength + Athletics, or disable the lock. Of
Problem course, it isn’t really a lock—Covert won’t help.
As old as the door is, it is HARD to break down. The task requires Mystic Arts or Mad Tech (or any
Any non-subtle attempt to open it alerts Skunk and other appropriate Mad Skillz) to deal with the arcane
the Minions who will immediately kill the Purple amalgam, and is a complex action. Fortunately,
Ninja. (Note to Game Master: Don’t worry. The the Difficulty is AVERAGE (35), and each roll of
Purple Ninja is supposed to die.) The lock on the Intelligence + Mystic Arts (or alternate) takes only
door is an AVERAGE design and can be picked with five minutes. Remember, complex actions add the
an Agility + Covert roll. Picking the lock gives the result of each roll together, so that 35 isn’t all that
Chapter the element of surprise and a +1 Attribute bad!
step to each Demon Hunter’s Initiative roll for the Should they manage to get through the door:
combat. During the fight, one of the Minions will try
and kill the Purple Ninja. This room appears to be a small, 10-by-10
cell. Chained to the far wall is a pitiful creature. Its
Now What? bulbous eyes sit atop a head that would look out of
When it becomes obvious that the fight is place anywhere but a cheap carnival. It dangles above
going the Demon Hunter’s way, Skunk will throw the ground from stunted arms chafed and raw from
a smoke bomb and run out the door. The smoke the manacles. It looks at you and whimpers, trying to
makes Skunk FORMIDABLE to see, using Alertness pull away as if afraid for its life.
+ Perception, on his way out. If anyone tries to
follow, he disappears from sight and there’s no sign The creature is Chip’s hideously deformed
of him outside the room. The Purple Ninja refuses mother. If the Chapter hasn’t found Chip, she will tell
them how to reach his lab upstairs. Either way, once

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

free she’ll babble about what a complete prick her they have no way of knowing where it leads, but it
son turned out to be, locking his own mother up in seems safer to anyone who asks the Game Master
the dark with nothing but bugs and rats to keep her what their Demon Hunter thinks. If they insist upon
company, etc, etc. Honestly, she never stops talking. moving forward, the Game Master can let them run
If the Chapter actually tries to get information out into a slaughter, but should remind them to trust
of her, she will mention “that skinny fellow with the Armageddon’s feelings about these things.
saber and a terrible cough” but not much else of
any use to the party. When the Chapter lets her go Now What?
she heads immediately to the cabin to give her son a If the Hunters follow the main tunnel, they
good talking to. are torn apart and devoured by teeming masses of
The only way to go, once both rooms have Minions. Hooray for Total Party Kill endings! If they
been explored, is to continue on down the tunnel to take the branch through the crevice, go on to Scene
Scene 5. 7.

Scene 5: Don’t Try This at

Home … or Anywhere Else
Scene 6: The Balcony Scene 
You step out of the crevice onto a balcony
overlooking a horrific scene. Below, a moat of
Rounding the tight curve, you hear noises bubbling lava surrounds tiers of stone adorned with
ahead. Here the tunnel branches: To the right is a arcane symbols. In the center of the bottom tier

Adventure: “Training Day”

small crevice, barely large enough for an average is a pentagram within a circle of flame and stone.
person to scramble through into the darkness. Around the circle, eight Demonic Minions bow and
Straight ahead is a well-lit passage. From that chant in their guttural speech. The upper level
direction, a voice calls above the din. holds four figures, all appearing human.
“They will arrive soon! At last, we of Three stand over an ancient altar upon which
the undercaves will taste the blood of Demon a man in torn flannel lies. You guess that this is
Hunters!” the missing Professor Sneed. The central standing
A guttural cheer rises from the tunnel. figure wears robes with strange gold markings and
It sounds like Death scraping his scythe on a holds a vicious dagger. To his left is a familiar face;
chalkboard. The thumping of innumerable spears even from this height you can see the white stripe
against shields fills the caverns. of hair marking Skunk, the Dark Punk Junk Monk.
On the right is a man in dark robes with only one
If Armageddon (or any other soldier-type identifying mark: the mark of the Order of the
Demon Hunter) is alive, read the following as well: Infernal Scepter. The Order Agent and Skunk have
their hands raised over Professor Sneed. With a
Armageddon’s spine tingles at the sound, but pause to scratch his crotch, the center man chants
not with fear—just with the gut feeling that following in a strangely accented and lisped Latin.
the main tunnel into an obvious deathtrap is unsound A hissing sound comes from your right.
tactics. Hanging from the wall is a gruesome figure. You
imagine that it was once human, but is now no
more than a collection of bones held together
How it is [Setup] by bits of skin and wishful thinking. On the floor
The Demonic Minions have gathered all of their beneath it lie a cutlass, single shot pistol and
forces to kill the Chapter. a jaunty pirate’s hat. A groan comes from the
body on the wall. Its head slowly lifts with bones
Problem cracking into place along its spine. It stares at you
These are just stupid odds. As a straight-up with hollow, dead eyes.
fight, the Hunters will never win against the rush
of Minions. The side tunnel is not on the map and

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

“Well, (hack, cough) are ye goin’ to help an Problem
old pirate or leave me hangin’ in this hell hole? The Chapter is too late to interrupt the ritual,
Get to movin’ ye (cough, cough) scalliwags and let but they can still save Sneed. Five turns after combat
me down. I assume ye be here (hack) fer the old starts, the demon will appear, and 10 more after that
man. His captor be my sworn (cough) sworn (hack) Sneed will bleed out. The descent from the balcony is
enemy and I be willin’ to help ye in exchange fer AVERAGE and will take five turns. The first failure by
lettin me down.” any Chapter member does nothing, save cause them
The creature coughs rack his withered frame. to knock loose small chunks of rock. The second
He looks at you, quite impatiently. failure by any Chapter member alerts the Minions
to the Chapter’s presence. A third failure causes the
Hunter to fall. Making it down without alerting the
Problem Minions gives the Chapter the element of surprise.
Would you trust a zombie pirate? When the Chapter gets on the upper dais, the
major foes join the fight. Cap’n and the SNV go at

10 Now What?
Cap’n will help the Chapter, participating in
fights, but doing nothing spectacular. He hangs back
each other immediately. Skunk aims for the junk
of the first person to step near him and the Order
Agent acts defensively only, backing away from the
and lets the Chapter fight much of the battle unless main fighting.
his help is truly needed. He is not very interested On the fifth turn, the demon appears. Read the
about the growth of the young Hunters. He merely following:
wants to save his energy for the fight with the SNV.
Adventure: “Training Day”

A cracking groan sounds from beneath the

C ap ’ n pentacle. All fighting stops as the summoned
Agi d6 Str d8 Vit d10 Ale d6 Int d6 Wil d8; demon rises into the room. Great red horns sprout
Init d6+d6; LP 18 from his brow and a row of sharp yellow teeth
Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d8, Discipline d6/ adorn his mouth. He stands over seven feet tall and
Intimidation d8, Perception d6, Melee Weapons d6. must weigh half of a ton. He is also wearing high
Weapon Cutlass (d6 W). water pants, a pocket protector, and thick glasses.
Notes If destroyed, he collapses into a pile of The demon looks around at you and the other
bones with a final cry of, “Yarrr!” combatants and shrieks loudly, cowering into a fetal
Once Cap’n is free, continue. position. The Order Agent looks at the SNV with
Cap’n looks at the figure centered on the dais “I knew the Order shouldn’t have trusted you!
and snarls: That thing isn’t Sessnerilax the Life Stealer! That
“There he (cough) be. The creat- (hack) stupid lisp of yours screwed up the ritual. You’re on
creat- (cough) creature I been searching fer and your own, dumbass.”
who locked me in that damned closet. He be a With a wave of his hand over a device strapped
member of the Clan of the Golden Fang. If ye want to his belt, he teleports, leaving only a bit of smoke
to save yer (cough) friend we must move now.” behind. With the distraction complete, the fighting
begins anew. The demon seems less than interested
in doing anything but … cower.
How it is [Setup]
The middle figure is the SNV the Chapter faced
in the training video. The Order Agent is unidentified G uar d M inions
and even a close look at his face will not reveal any Agi d4 Str d8 Vit d6 Ale d2 Int d4 Wil d4; Init
information in the Brotherhood Database. d4+d2; LP 10
Skills Discipline d2, Perception d4, Unarmed
Combat d6.

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

Notes Not having any defensive Skill (Athletics),
the Minions will simply attack every turn. Unlike
the previous Minions, these ones are little braver,
and cannot simply be cowed—not while Skunk is
around, anyway. Unfortunately for the bad guys,
after the Order Agent flees (fifth turn of combat,
when the demon appears), all living Minions take this
as a bad sign and give the place the laugh—they cut
and run, jumping into the lava and swimming away

S kunk
Agi d10 Str d8 Vit d8 Ale d6 Int d6 Wil d8;
Init d10+d6; LP 16
Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d8, Unarmed Combat
d6/Junk-Kicking d8, Perception d4.
Notes These are fairly minimalist stats for
Skunk. He possesses the special Recurring Villain
(d8) Asset: He usually flees successfully at the last
moment, and even when he appears to be killed, his
body is never found!

Adventure: “Training Day”

S y philitic N inja V ampire
Agi d8+d6 Str d10+d6 Vit d10 Ale d8 Int d6
Wil d6; LP 16; Init d8+d8+d6 Notes Mostly tries to stay out of the way; he’s
Traits Amorous d6, Duty (Golden Fang) d8, not interested in fighting Demon Hunters, even
Fades Out d6, Fast On Your Feet d2, For the Cause! untrained lackwits! Like Skunk, he is a Recurring
d6, Obscure Body Odor d2, Vampire d6 Villain.
Skills Athletics d6/Climbing d10/Dodge d10,
Covert d6/Stealth d10, Influence d6/Persuasion Now What?
d8/Seduction d10, Knowledge d6, Melee Weapons The battle ends when all enemies are defeated,
d6, Perception d6, Ranged Combat d4, Unarmed whether they died or fled. As he is about to be
Combat d6/Ninjitsu d10 defeated, Skunk pulls out another smoke bomb
Weapons Ceremonial Knife (d4 W). and escapes through the exit, vowing revenge.
Notes In combat, the SNV is supremely The Chapter cannot reach the demon through the
overconfident. The Game Master may consider protective circle, which crackles into a magical,
giving a bonus to any Demon Hunter who picks up greenish dome whenever anyone tries to pass
on this and plays to it—if they try to draw him out to through it. When the battle is over, read the
find an opening, their attack adds a bonus d6 to the following:
roll! When reduced to 0 LP, he bursts into a cloud of
dust and ash. Cap’n stares at the dust on the ground where
his mortal enemy once stood. He turns to you
O r der A gent slowly with a mad gleam in his eye socket. “Ye
Agi d6 Str d6 Vit d8 Ale d8 Int d10 Wil d6; fools. Ye thrice damned (cough) fools! Ye cannot
Init 14; LP 14 kill the (hack) SNV with mere earthly weapons
Skills Athletics d6/Dodge d10/Run d8, and feeble tricks! He will (cough) just be reborn
Discipline d2, Melee Weapons d4. elsewhere without the (cough, cough) proper
Weapons Shock Baton (d2 Damage Die, stuns remedy! Now I must begin me search (cough) over
target on successful hit; the next time the target can again. Ye have cost me (hack) my revenge and
act, he cannot perform offensive actions).

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

promise. Now that the demon is no longer boosting
it with his own power to keep out the fight, they
known by the demon must simply scuff the line in the dirt to set him free.
The Order Agent is a mid-level operative named
If the Chapter decides to let the demon free,
Eric Mason. This summoning was organized he thanks them and pops himself back to the safety
by some higher ups in the Order to take out of Hell. If they do not, he finds a bit of courage and
Sneed. threatens them with a variety of horrible tortures and
The intended demon was Sessnerilax the Life
Stealer. The plan was to loose the demon and pain, most of which sound physically impossible and
send him after Brotherhood HQ. involve a yak.
Mason is based in Ontario. The Chapter finds Jim waiting for them outside
The SNV cannot be killed truly by normal means,
the cave exit, calmly reading a copy of the New York
he must be killed with an artifact known as the
Penicillin Stake. The Zombie Pirate would have End Times. Without a word he points them back to
mentioned this before the fight, but...well, his the SUV and drives back to base. If the Chapter has
brain is a bit on the soggy side. saved Sneed, Jim brings him back to HQ with the

12 The Zombie Pirate will head back to his ship

moored at a mysterious island in the Lake
of the Woods on the border of Ontario and

Skunk isn’t a member of the Order or an Agent

of Hell.
Scene 7: The Aftermath
Gabriel stands at the front of the debriefing
gained yerselves an enemy. I spare ye today fer yer room. He looks over you, making eye contact with
Adventure: “Training Day”

assistance, but the next (cough) next (cough) next each one. Though he scowls, you can see an odd
time we meet, I’ll be feastin on yer brains.” sense of pride in his eyes.
With this ominous prediction, Cap’n kicks the “Well,” he says, “you made it. You killed your
dust and limps out of the cavern. Professor Sneed first vampire and even got rid of a zombie pirate to
lies on the makeshift altar and the demon still boot. I’m sure this will get you promoted right past
whimpers within the protective circle, sucking his Jim and me. Everything seems to.”
thumb. He sighs and shakes his head. Silent Jim just
Sneed is in bad shape. If the Chapter reached “Anyway, congratulations to all of you. You’re
him in time to at least stop the bleeding, he will a real Chapter and you’ve proven yourselves as
survive, but is unconscious and cannot answer Demon Hunters. You’ve got a bright future
questions. A long stay in the care of a beautiful nurse ahead … ”
is in store for him. Gabriel is interrupted by Albrecht, another
When the Chapter confronts the demon: member of Omega Fifteen.
“Gabe,” he pants. “We gotta go. There’s
The demon is a sight that you can almost pity. something going on at home base.”
He crawls to the far edge of the circle as far away Gabriel looks at Albrecht then back at you. He
from you as he can get. He stares at you with wide smiles wryly. “One last thing before I go. Let’s see
eyes. ‘em.”

The demon’s name is Thethnerilackth (Theth-

ner-i-lackth). He is a demon working in the Infernal Now What?
Technology department of Hell. He will answer any Gabe’s looking for the tattoo sequence. Have
questions the Chapter has with little provocation (see each player flash where his tattoo would be, then
the sidebar Information Known by the Demon). read the following:
He only asks that they break the circle when they
are finished to allow him to return to Hell. It is up Gabriel nods, slides on his sunglasses, and simply
to the Chapter whether they follow through on the says, “We ride.”

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

N a me:

C h a p ter:

T at too Locat ion:

C o ncep t: P l ay e r N a m e :
Sk i lls an d s pe c ia lt i e s
At t ributes Animals Mechanic*
[ Wound ]


Vitality: Artistry Medicine*

Athletics Melee Weapons

Derive d At t ributes

Life Points (Vit+Wil):
Covert Perception
Initiative (Agi+Ale):
Endurance (Vit+Wil):

Resistance (Vit+Vit):
Craft Performance

Act ion Difficult y

Action Diff / Extraordinary Discipline Pilot*
Easy 3 / 10
Average 7 / 14
> Hard 11 / 18

Drive Ranged Weapons
Formidable 15 / 22
Heroic 19 / 26
Incredible 23 / 30
Guns Science*
Ridiculous 27 / 34
Impossible 31 / 38

Heavy Weapons Survival
Ad vancement Cost

Type Cost
Attribute 8
Influence Tech*
Trait 7
Skill 3

Knowledge Unarmed Combat
Plot Points

[ Stun ]


Kevin swift (Order #18054340)
* Skilled only
V itals

Age: Sex: Hair Color:

Eye Color: Height: Weight:

compl i cat i o n s As s e ts
E quipment

Ar mor Weaponr y
Type: Armor Rating: Type: DMG:
Covers: Penalty: Range: Ammo:

Type: Armor Rating: Type: DMG:

Covers: Penalty: Range: Ammo:

Type: Armor Rating: Type: DMG:

Covers: Penalty: Range: Ammo:

d i e ste ps an d plot points

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
D2 D4 D6 D8 D10 D12 D12+D2 D12+D4 D12+D6 D12+D8 D12+D10 D12+D12

Kevin swift (Order #18054340)

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