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Farm Management, Production &

Resources Economics
✓ Cost is the monetary value of goods and services.

✓ Itis the necessary expenditures that must be made in order to

run any business.
Types of Cost
 Fixed Cost (FC)
 Variable Costs (VC)
 Total Costs (TC)
 Marginal Costs
 Opportunity Cost
 Economic Cost
 Sunk Cost
 Avoidable Costs
 Explicit costs
 Implicit costs
Fixed Cost
 The costs which don’t vary with changing output is called fixed

 Even if your output changes or you don’t produce anything, your

fixed costs stay the same.

 Examples
➢ Rent of factory

➢ Insurance and legal bills

➢ Monthly payroll
Variable Cost
 The costs which vary with changing output is called variable

 Examples
➢ Shipping charge

➢ Sales commissions

➢ Advertisements
Marginal Costs
 Marginal cost is the cost of producing an extra unit.

 If the total cost of 3 units is 1550, and the total cost of 4 units is
1900. The marginal cost of the 4th unit is 350.
Opportunity Cost
 It means the value of the next-highest-valued alternative use of a
Economic Cost
 Economic cost includes both the actual direct costs plus the
opportunity cost.

 For example, if you take time off work to a training scheme.

 You may lose a weeks pay of £350, plus also have to pay the
direct cost of £200.

 Thus the total economic cost = £550.

Sunk Cost
 These are costs that have been incurred and cannot be recouped.

 If you left the industry, you could not reclaim sunk costs.

 Example
Avoidable or Escapable Cost
 These Costs can be avoided.
Explicit costs
 These are costs that a firm directly pays for and can be seen on the
accounting sheet.

 Explicit costs can be variable or fixed, just a clear amount.

 Examples
➢ Electricity bill
➢ Advertising in newspaper
➢ Employee wages
➢ Rent
➢ Insurance
Implicit costs
 These are costs that a firm indirectly pays for and can not be seen
on the accounting sheet.

 Examples
➢ Wages of self labor
➢ Rent for self owned premises
 ATC (Average Total Cost) = Total Cost / quantity
 AVC (Average Variable Cost) = Variable cost / quantity
 MC = Marginal cost.
 AFC (Average Fixed Cost) = Fixed cost / quantity
Average cost curve

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