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Gillian Myers

STEM 8th grade interviews

March 27, 2020

STEM Interviews

I was chosen to participate as a judge in the STEM interviews for the upcoming 9th

graders. This experience was exciting because I was able to see potential STEM students talk

about their passions and goals in life and how STEM could help them achieve their goal. Most of

the kids were interested in the biomedical track, but a few were interested in advanced healthcare

which was exciting. The best question that was asked was our STEM motto, #FailforSuccess.

There was one answer that really stood out to me, as the girl talked about personal growth and

outside the box thinking. Their responses were well put together and coherent. The only

questions they asked were “Can we sit wherever we want at lunch?” and “What time is lunch?”,

which was expected. These students are some of the smartest and diligent 8th graders I have ever

met, and I am looking forward to seeing them my senior year.

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